
(7.0 MB, 2339x3328, MegaBitch comic 1.png)
MegaBitch is a dark & funny scifi adventure comic for fans of Rick and Morty, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and other irreverent adult swim series. MegaBitch features a fat female protagonist named Megan who naturally gets fatter over the course of the series (and she’s not actually a bitch lol). While MegaBitch isn’t an erotica comic, it does feature fat women/aliens and feederism vibes throughout the series and is written by someone who likes fat women. In Arc 3 (issue 9+) Megan will be about 50lbs heavier. How big will she be by the end of the series…? Stay tuned to find out :p
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Since this is a sharing site, you can read the first issue here for free: W2h0dHBzOi8vdGlueXVybC5jb20vTWVnYUJpdGNoSXNzdWUxXQ==

If you like the series and want to see more, please consider helping our Kick starter (only 2 days left!):

MegaBitch is a passion project, and the more support we have - the more quickly we can create. If you’ve ever wanted to see a serious continuous comic series with lots of sexy fat babes in it - MegaBitch is the one for you!
fuck off and post ur ads somewhere else
comic was actually pretty funny but id like to see her a lot bigger lol dont mind the edgelord
This is the best art there has ever been. Your Megan OC is who I'vd fantasized as my girlfriend for 10 whole years.
I expected it to be cringe, but that was genuinely pretty damn good. Lots of potential here. Please post more pics when you got em>>145101 (OP)
>>145101 (OP)
came for the belly, stayed for the smoking dog lmao good shit bro
How do I use those codes?
Why do I get the feeling some of these replies are self-endorsements?
Weight gain comics taking a dark/edgy approach has always been cringe.
Fuck off with this cringe edgy shit
This comic is still crap
>>145101 (OP)
Pretty based even though I myself am broke, but good luck.
improve in faces and a cleaner lines and people here will open their wallets.
Nah, it's the frickin' subject matters. The dude's art style plays a part in it, but it's not the only thing
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Thanks those of you who have been positive and receptive. The illustrator has actually already improved a LOT (he's penciling issue 3 -- attached are a sneak peak of a new character) -- he's not into fat women, so I have been teaching him how to draw them better and better.

Regarding subject matter, this is not a "weight gain comic," and it seems some of you have mistaken the tied-up photo for this being some sort of edgy sadist work (literally judging a book by its cover lol).

MegaBitch is a *regular indie comic* in the vein of adult swim -- it just happens to feature a fat female protagonist because that is what I like and want to represent, since I don't really see that in regular comics -- only pure fetish comics. Growing up, I always thought it was weird I never saw the women I like (chubby to supersized) in regular comics -- they were always thin/muscular with big breasts. So I created a character more akin to some of the women I've liked/dated/been in relationships with -- a realistically thick woman, who gets fatter over time.

Megan *does* gain weight -- and there are and will be some fetishy scenes from time to time since I do like that -- but I wanted to portray it more realistically over the course of her life, relate her weight gain to her origin (growing up poor and with unreliable food access -- food and weight as a form of comfort and security, etc) as compared to many fetish comics which show a sort of caricature sped-up version of weight gain (which is cool too).
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The first issue starts after the team's journey to earth to get Sparkles (the dog) some earthgrown cigarettes -- Megan wakes up to find her ship has been stolen -- but the real problem is: she's still on it. Thus begins a hellish adventure to escape earth.

I'll gladly continue to upload art and the PDF issues here for free. After all, I grew up on sharing. That being said, it costs us about $1000/issue for colors and letters, so having fan support accelerates the rate at which we can produce -- cause otherwise I'm paying for that on my own. But we'll continue producing either way because this is a passion project -- we love comics, and I love fat women.

Here's two rough concept arts I drew for Megan in her 30s. I'm alright at drawing, so this is mostly reference for the illustrator and practice for me. Would love to see a DTIYS from any of the artists in here.
(8.4 MB, 2999x4000, Megan 31.png)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
This sounds pretty tight! A whole series like this would be super cool.
She's sexy! I like her!
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hmm... is the first issue the thinnest we'll see her? and on that note, is there going to be any significant stuffing/feeding scenes?
pic mostly unrelated.
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Thanks! Glad you like her.

>>145101 (OP)
These are the thinnest she'll be.

This would probably be Arc 4 or 5 (Issues 15+)

Ok here is a *deep dive* on Megan’s weight gain as well as a *bunch of fat-related scenes*! Remember too that the scenes will be more in-depth and visual in the actual comic.

Arc 1 & 2 (Issues 1-6 & 7-8) Megan is about 150~160lbs. This is the thinnest she will be except for the origin stories where she is a kid or teen, where she is kinda tiny. I wanted to start the series off with her being just a little plump/chubby to make it clear from the getgo this isn't some mainstream comic -- and also to provide contrast for when she reaches 200lbs, 250lbs, 300lbs... +? :P
You may notice in the first few pages of issue 1 she isn't fat at all, so I kept telling the illustrator to make her fatter lol which is noticeable in the subsequent pages in issue 1 and 2+. Issue 1 is both of our first legit comic, so it’s still good but rough around the edges – we both got better and better with each issue. Keep in mind that the illustrator had no prior experience drawing fat women, so after sending him a billion reference images (shoutout to bbwreal & bbwdraw lol) he has gotten better and better. I also help redraw Megan and send it back like "make her belly look more like this" etc to help make her look more realistic and attractive to FAs.

Arc 3 takes place 6 months after Arc 2. Megan and Sparkles have been on vacation, and Megan has pretty much just been eating, doing yoga, and doing art all day the whole time. Her favorite food, zhor cakes, are super calorie heavy, so she now weighs about 200-220lbs at the start of this arc. I'm *really* excited about that arc. It's some of my best writing, and there's some great scenes -- including fat-related scenes that I’ll elaborate on below.

Megan will get fatter with each arc (unless the arc is immediately after the previous arc, like 1 -> 2, in which case it would sort of break the suspension of belief – I know it’s scifi/fiction, but I have OCD so I’m obsessed with making sure things work scientifically or can at least be explained within the context of the universe). I really enjoy portraying the weight gain more realistically and gradually, since that same growth can be seen with a real life girlfriend, for instance, and additionally - it'll be fun to see that change and explore with over the course of the series.

There will be some feeding scenes and occasional stuffing scenes, though I try to have scenes fit into the story/character development – which can make it hard to justify having stuffing scenes often or regularly – remember that this isn’t a pure fetish comic; it’s a comic with occasional fetishy moments, and we get to see cool/insane stories unfold with a badass fat woman as the main character. Remember that media can have a profound effect on culture – imagine if a comic like this had widespread reach and more adult women felt comfortable and confident showing their bellies? Not saying it’s a guarantee or even likely, but it definitely isn’t impossible. Especially 10-20 years from now when an animated series or live action short/film is possible. I want this series to inspire and empower fat women – to show that they too can be badass and cool. Fat women really aren’t shown that way in media, or if they are it tends to be more PC shows and stuff. Several women friends I showed this comic to said they felt validated and heard by Megan being fat. That made me happy to hear.
Here are some fat-related scenes/concepts that I have planned. I’m going to leave out the non-fat stuff, so have faith that the actual story kicks way more ass than my vague descriptions.

Arc 2 takes place at a Diner. Opens with Megan and team eating a bunch of pancakes. I imagine Megan being stuffed to the point she can hardly move (you know how it feels when you eat 1 too many pancakes lol) – then shit goes down. Cue too tight space suit and crazy shit. I generally keep my projects super secret, so I won’t elaborate on the non-fat stuff. Not even the illustrator knows everything yet lol.

Arc 3 opens with Megan in a bikini, way fatter than Arc 1, on a beach resort. She and Sparkles get involved in a dispute and run off with Megan carrying a slug-like alien, trying to save the alien from the other slug-like attackers. The scene is comedic/ironic because Megan is slowed/struggling/out of breath and the attackers are these slow, slug-like beings.

When Megan gets back to her [room], she puts on her armor – this skintight jelly-like substance that functions sort of like kevlar but also faraday shielding. The armor is inspired by kombucha SCOBYs, meaning that is grown to fit Megan exactly – but since she has gained 50-60lbs+ since last wearing it, her belly and muffin top hang out of the armor, and she has to get it resized, but the necessary ingredient to regrow the suit is hard to find due to it being used in a war. So Megan is stuck with her too-small armor for x amount of issues.

There is another chase scene where Megan tries to save someone who is abducted, but she can’t keep up because she is too fat. Njal cheers her up by eating a bunch with her back at their room.

There’s a bisexual sex scene in this arc (and Megan has sex with a guy in another arc, perhaps an alien later on) (there’s also a sex scene for the guy Argon– if I’m gonna show naked women, I’ll also show naked men) – I liked the idea of multi-sexuality, basically liking men, women, and certain alien species – I suppose pansexual or whatever. I am not at all politically correct, but I would imagine that fucking aliens would be a good time for everyone.

There’s a scene where Megan is invited to dinner and before dinner is given an appetizer. She eats the entire plate then learns that she was meant to just take one piece off the plate, and that the plate was for everyone. Then they’re all staring at her, fat and stuffed, and she’s embarrassed. They all eat dinner and the food is poisoned. Several people die, but Megan survives because she is fat – fat can store toxins (think of how fatter people *often need more weed or alcohol) – this was inspired by a comedian who survived an insane drug overdose because of how fat he was.

A few concepts I have for later arcs:

Megan and team are contracted by a mainstream agency that creates super teams, sort of like superheroes for a TV program, but this company wants them to all look “perfect and marketable” So they examine Argon and talk about his baldness affecting his marketability, then look at and examine Megan for being too fat etc, want to give her weight loss surgery, but she of course resists. I like having elements of satire. That arc might be too satirical, so we’ll see if I do it.

I liked the idea of an arc where Megan gets stranded on a planet with a few others, and they all starve – Megan is the only survivor because her body consumes her fat to save her. Based on a true story of an obese guy who survived like a whole year only eating vitamins. Then of course she has to regain all the weight, I suppose by a stuffing/feeding montage? Lol.

I liked the idea of a villain capturing Megan and force-feeding her over a period of time.

Idea of Megan getting a new friend/girlfriend/fan/sidekick who wants to feed her/play with her belly.

*ideas subject to change

If you have any specific ideas or scenes you guys have always wanted to see, let me know and I’ll try to fit it in. I basically just think of stuff I like and find ways to fit it into the plot. That’s the key – making it still be part of the story.

Attached is a picture from issue 3. Remember that because this is a traditional comic, some panels are smaller and have less detail. I try to have covers and full/half page views show more detailed images of Megan. Once we have more regular support, I can also commission some thicc covers and pinups – but for now we’re funding this ourselves, so the priority is getting the issues made at all and building a fanbase. Fan art would also slay \m/

I appreciate your interest and enthusiasm, and will continue to deliver the best quality that I can.
>>145101 (OP)
ngl this has some serious potential and I really look forward to you developing the series! I'm afraid I'm not in a position to contribute financially right now but hope to pay for issues 2+ when its officially released. Do you have a schedule of when you plan to release issues?
Thanks for your kind words! The positive feedback from y'all as well as non-FA comic fans has really inspired us. I've had lots of people messaging me on insta saying they missed the Kickstarter and want to buy the variants. Ideally we'll run a Kickstarter for issues 1-3 by October 2023 then issues 1-6 hopefully by June 2024.
For now we've been doing limited edition runs because it's a cool way to give something super rare to early supporters (imagine owning 1st ed. variants of Invincible #1 or The Boys #1 etc), and the higher price helps us fund the colors and letters. As much as I wish we could sell $4-6 physical comics like Marvel/DC do (cheap cause they print 10,000-100,000+), that's simply not feasible until we're with a big publisher, and selling cheap issues would dilute funding to the point we may not meet our Kickstarter goal -- not to mention inflation making $4 basically useless these days lol. I mean a goddamn GT kombucha costs nearly $5 now where I get groceries lmao Artistic integrity is #1 to me -- some of my ideas are pretty foul, gruesome, NSFW etc and a mainstream publisher would likely censor things, which is another reason we prefer to stay independent. Also, each issue's page count is determined by the story needs; issue 2 is estimated to be 36 pages, whereas industry standard is a fixed 22 pages -- issue 2 is damn near a double comic, which means I'm personally paying $609 for those extra 14 pages ($30/page for colors & $13.50/page for letters). Alas, artistic integrity is #1. I'd do this for free (I mean, we are so far haha or at a loss even lol) because I love it and I want it to exist.

The illustrator and I both work soul-sucking normal jobs that slow us down a bit, and I'm also making a top secret live action feature film that eats up a lot of money too (it has a hot fat woman in it, with her big belly hanging out -- you all will like that aspect of it). But nonetheless we're trying to "go pro" with our habits and efficiency. The illustrator wants to finish 1-6 by the end of the year, but I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. He pencils and inks by hand on 11x17 paper which takes anywhere from 8-16 hours per page. So I take thirty seconds to add one page to the script that says "Spamlet falls through the air," and it adds two+ days of work for the illustrator. Am I a sadist or visionary? Perhaps both lmao

Issue 2 should be finished within a couple months and I'll share it here. Making fans is #1, so I don't mind people spreading the PDFs around for free.
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For those of you who are excited about MegaBitch but can't support us financially (I get it, I'm on a tight budget too), ways that you could really help us:
*sharing the early issue PDFs and art with friends/communities who are into comics, adult swim, or fat babes
*liking and sharing our instagram posts
*making fan art (we're actually gonna be featuring some fan art in the issues!) Check out this beauty by @denissedraws
I swear to fucking god, how could a thread like this have survived on BBW-chan? It's mindboggling...

I liked the idea of a villain capturing Megan and force-feeding her over a period of time.

Idea of Megan getting a new friend/girlfriend/fan/sidekick who wants to feed her/play with her belly.

^^ These sound like awesome scenes I would love to read in the series
In the vein of the armor, maybe have some sort of biotech armor/weapon or battle stimulant or something that has huge benefits in action, but with the side effect of increased appetite to replenish your energy after use or just straight up weight gain as it pumps the user's body full of chemicals for the increased performance or slows their metabolism since it taps into the user's biological processes. This could open the door to some weight gain in other characters, a little more rapid weight gain, or an excuse to keep fattening up a character as characters respectively start to use the tech/stim normally, overuse them in emergencies or dire situations or become addicted to using them for the benefits, or have them malfunction and get stuck to the user or have a bad batch of the stim cause increased side effects.

Sorry for length, and if this doesn't fit. Just a suggestion based off the vague sci-fi descriptions; I haven't read the comic yet and don't know if this would mesh properly with the established universe.
Dope, I'll do them then! I was already excited about them, so your encouragement further inspires me. I already have a few scenes roughly written. Sidekick will probably be Arc 5 or 6 and villain will probably be later in the series. For villain, perhaps the idea of a body-prison, feeding her to immobility as a death sentence. "Oh, you like food, mm? *I can tell.* (pokes her belly). I'll give you more, a lot more. You're never going to leave this ship. Hell, you won't fit out the door. Maybe you'll be my couch, mm? Your belly button can hold my drink... Human water bed is almost as good as a zero gravity bed."
With traditional comics just takes us a while to get to those arcs since all hand-drawn.
I imagine the sidekick scene being like her and Megan watching some kind of documentary. The sidekick starts playing with Megan's belly, which at first Megan is sort of surprised by. Then sidekick looking at Megan with excited but nervous cute eyes "...can I feed you?" Then Argon frustrated by the new team dynamics, not wanting another person on board.
Thanks for your positive feedback!

Super sick ideas! I can find a way to write that in. For the more elaborate explanations like that, I normally do them in the lore section (every issue has lore at the end where I feature my friends' art and write exposition/jokes/background info). Maybe I'll do like an advertisement for the suit that explains the side effects. Perhaps another character having an allergic reaction to the suit etc. Argon trying on Megan's suit and having it fit like loose baggy clothes lol. I appreciate your creative thinking. You sound like a true writer!

Cause people clearly like it and want more lol it's hilarious to me that trolls keep coming back just to comment their hate lmao thanks for the bump. I have gotten plenty of people following and hitting me up on insta (I know they're from here cause they also follow the fat babes of insta :P ).

>>Dope, I'll do them then! I was already excited about them, so your encouragement further inspires me. I already have a few scenes roughly written. Sidekick will probably be Arc 5 or 6 and villain will probably be later in the series. For villain, perhaps the idea of a body-prison, feeding her to immobility as a death sentence. "Oh, you like food, mm? *I can tell.* (pokes her belly). I'll give you more, a lot more. You're never going to leave this ship. Hell, you won't fit out the door. Maybe you'll be my couch, mm? Your belly button can hold my drink... Human water bed is almost as good as a zero gravity bed."
With traditional comics just takes us a while to get to those arcs since all hand-drawn.
I imagine the sidekick scene being like her and Megan watching some kind of documentary. The sidekick starts playing with Megan's belly, which at first Megan is sort of surprised by. Then sidekick looking at Megan with excited but nervous cute eyes "...can I feed you?" Then Argon frustrated by the new team dynamics, not wanting another person on board.
Thanks for your positive feedback!

oh this is awesome hell I'd commission just the force feeding scene your talking about
>If you have any specific ideas or scenes you guys have always wanted to see, let me know and I’ll try to fit it in. I basically just think of stuff I like and find ways to fit it into the plot. That’s the key – making it still be part of the story.
I mean, not sure if this would fit but I really like the idea of a character eating an entire fairytale style gingerbread house. maybe she ends up on a candy planet, course she'd probably be immobile after that but up to interpretation.
maybe get captured by Aliens who would view her as a delicacy, try to fatten her up as part of a ritual, and her sidekick deliberately waits by the sideline for a while longer than they should because they want Megan to get a bit larger.
> "Oh, you like food, mm? *I can tell.* (pokes her belly). I'll give you more, a lot more. You're never going to leave this ship. Hell, you won't fit out the door. Maybe you'll be my couch, mm? Your belly button can hold my drink... Human water bed is almost as good as a zero gravity bed."

This might just by my shitty opinion, but while I do like the sound of this, it feels like it's leaning a tiny bit too far into fetishy territory, but I don't know where you draw the line.

Maybe the sidekick character could end up turning evil and being the villain who force feeds her? Probably clashes with something you've already planned out though.
Literally the same fuckin guy talking to himself this whole thread. This one and the hiseno-x or whatever the fuck thread need to get booted
Finally, someone who uses their fucking brain for once. I thought I was going crazy every time I read this shithole of a thread
>>145101 (OP)
Gonna be completely honest, this fucking sucked and wasn't fun to read. I might come back and write a whole comprehensive review about why I think that along with constructive criticisms because despite my original thoughts, i really want to see you guys improve. Because the idea of a scifi title with a fat girl that gains weight as lead is way too interesting of an idea to give up on. But I'll be honest, I'll probably not have time to write said review or just straight up forget lol.

But i do want to see you guys succeed because this would never exist otherwise, so don't give up.
I liked the part when this retard had to turn off his router for 5 minutes in order to get a new Id for the fake replies; not realizing he would get a new Id in the process.

I agree, pacing was pretty shit, felt like something I could've written when I was 13 honestly, and it is a shame, the idea of having these fetish elements while not strictly being fetish content has always appealed to me.

But who needs to spend time improving when you can spend time promoting your shit on bbwchan and creating fake replies supporting you?
OP is a faggot
Yeah, the writer sounds like an edgy teenager girl trying to appear cool
Thanks for your positive feedback! We aren't doing any commissions for full scenes at this time because the comic alone takes forever to create. The illustrator sometimes does commission covers/pinups and the Kickstarter commissions. I appreciate your enthusiasm nonetheless!

I do like the gingerbread idea, though it might be hard to fit into a scifi world. Perhaps in a fantasy story? I'll keep it in mind, though this is the only comic I'm focused on right now. The aliens fattening her up idea sounds fun. I can imagine an alien obsessing over eating her.

I don't know what Brawl Stars is, but this image definitely inspired me to write a character that looks like that. An obese princess, perhaps. In a scifi setting, I could write scientific explanations justifying how a 1,000lb-10,000lb person could feasibly exist with certain medical procedures, supplements, etc.

Yea, it could end up being too fetishy lol. It's a fine balance, but that scene is so far off in the future that by the time I get there I'll have a better idea for how to handle it. Keeping the comic more realistic is my goal, but that scene sort of reminded me of the movie Se7en with the feeding scene at the beginning, which is why I liked it.

Lol the level of paranoia in here is insane. The porn guardians lol. I'm starting to think it's one dude with a VPN coming up with different mean comments. I come here once or twice a week to answer questions and respond to actual ideas/feedback. Surprised how toxic some of you are towards someone creating fat content. At least we're trying to do something different.

Feel free to give us any constructive feedback. I'll admit the pacing in the first issue is a little rough. First issue was both of our first actual comic issue (written in 2020). Pacing is much better issues 2-6. With a comic, pacing is a challenge because you only have so much space and so many pages. I could slow the first scenes down, but then the comic would end with the ship crashing, and I didn't want the focus to be on that -- the focus is that Megan ends up in a shitty situation and now has to escape (issues 2-6). Showing every part of every movement works better in a film than a comic, or else you end up risking being boring. In a comic, showing every movement favors flow, but slows down the overall pacing.
Most young artist comic series start off a little rough then get into the flow progressively (Berserk, for instance).

Well, I'll upload issue 2 once it is done and you can let us know if the pacing improved. Remember that I'm into the same stuff you guys are into. You can tear us down or hope that we will improve our skills and better align with your own interests over time. I mean, imagine if we improve, the series gets a following of both mainstream people and FA people, and fifteen years later there's a live action or animated show or movie? Would be sick.

I'll remember to turn the VPN off next time I create a page so the ID nazis don't lose their shit lol.

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