
(1.9 MB, 1500x1941, 1fbb7a0a-97d1-4d44-847f-ef5f08214815.png)
This is an edit version of page 19 of The freshman diaries. This one has nudes. Edits are allowed in this thread and please no offensive language and slurs.
Please use this thread!!
Does anyone have the page 20 sketches?
Does anyone have page 20?
Man, you really are fucking desperate, aren't you...?
That was Hana and Gretel.
(1.9 MB, 1500x1941, eea372c218f2bb2068f5f1daf180764d5ce086c7984a17ca9b4ec33e9c857f19.png) (1.9 MB, 1500x1941, 1c189018dfa449be73617ded3bccaa0292129ab1bed1951b8fae483593484a17.png) (1.4 MB, 1500x1941, 7e453352ba193e21c7f1e3cc08d977e8f98ca50863c5f6413b7331189a5a0a1a.png) (2.2 MB, 1500x1941, bbe2323ffa3bbe4642491db6c86ec8e32c3754cd1cece69d0609351a25be2e68.png) (1.7 MB, 1500x1941, 25f4045cd032c1aa9b0ad9b6009981f1d0e52f820152cc7882b3381d9952fe15.png)
The Freshman Diaries pg 15 - 19
Anyone mine updating the Kemono?
I think kemono is updated for a while because other creators haven't updated yet.
If that's how big Rachel got, Sophie is gonna be h u g e
Aw man, it's coming to a close now anytime soon, innit? Author did say they were 2/3 of the way finished back when this was still at page 14.
I think they said 2 more pages back when they posts page 22, so next page is the last.

They better make it good.
Anyone got page 24 that was posted recently
Bump for page 24
Just a heads up, don't expect anything new from him for a bit. On his Kemono, there was a post saying that something shitty happened to him and he had to move out of his house. Hope he gets things sorted out soon
I get kagey doesn't like drawing boobs but how is Hope gonna have kinky fat sex without letting her boobs out
10 out of 10 thank you definitely a lot better
(122 KB, 468x495, Picsart_23-05-05_10-47-05-204.jpg)
Sophie and Amber decided to have sex with each other by Amber licking and kissing every bit of Sophie's body. While Sophie was feeling satisfied with every single touch of her body including her most sensitive parts. All of a sudden Sophie broke the bed.

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