
yeah you’re right, too bad I can’t change it lol
Also Ik there’s a lot of good Bridget bbw art, but please don’t post it here, if anyone posts it here, people are just going to keep arguing like other threads it was posted in.
Not sure why these are all under spoilers. Any size is fine as long as they're fat, and force feeding is good too. May by herself is fine to not spoiler.

Agreed. No one should post any Bridget here.
True and I’m glad someone final made a guilty gear thread so thanks
That's the point, people don't give a shit. They just want to post trans WG art and see others argue over this BS
(411 KB, 1830x2048, FfnQvHyXoAANoeE.jpeg) (1.8 MB, 1197x1220, dd9f1a03cfa3ed3c21a1141281ee238e0ad21d9f178cf493a6b60fde8fad492d.png) (266 KB, 1280x1359, dbe9eea779039a0f136d79080a7147ea4771fd0b95880c1133104005771345ac.jpg) (339 KB, 1280x1679, its_just_her_sweatshirt___by_dr__worm_df1l8he-fullview.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2166x2374, df5zgb1-02bd9b35-016a-4c24-98a3-a2c73e4e07f1.png) (391 KB, 2166x2374, 49d893bcfaa1bc40f926b65a8e6db3e51a46770adc12de8ed86100bd15ed7a0f.jpg)
(328 KB, 2048x1965, FGLZyu-XIAYykxi.jpeg)
There is a severe lack of fat A.B.A art and that needs to change
Yell at the transphobes who argue about how Bridget stuff is "gay" and then post child porn saying it's "just a drawing". Post Bridget porn, she's just as much of a girl as anybody else,
agreed but talking about it is just gonna send the thread to shit. better to just leave it
factual statement, go ahead lol I ain’t going to stop you, just letting you know someone might start throwing hands
you will never be a woman tranny.
You will never be a decent human
I'm a cis dude but whatever
>saying shit like cis unironically
if you're not a troon, why do you use their language?
You can't just laugh at someone for saying cis and then say a slur like that my dude. I can say cis to describe myself all I want
>>144822 Stop complaining. If you don't like the truth, then leave the website.
Where can I find Bridget art then if I wanted it?

Where can I find Bridget art if I just wanted (Sparate from this thread and from a different board)
You can find art of him by browsing on /bhm/ or /ee/

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