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Your little everyday talk about all things fat and not.

What did happen to the Jaykuma?
I have noticed that he started drawing tumblrina alcoholic honkers, and overall starts mimicking this semirealism style. He even named one of his patreon posts Assorted, just like the bamboo does. I wonder if the bamboo cabal is real.
You already have a designated board for these types of threads wojakfaggot, /gen/ exists.
I lot of people don't know that exists, if you really want to hurt someone or drive them so suicide this is the way to go about it, now crawl back in your "Mancave" in your mommies basement and wack it to poke porn or whatever you moral fags do with your time.
Do as he(>>143159) says, momma's boy. This thread's not welcome here anyways.

It's only "not welcome" because of the cowardly faggots like you. Besides, I have no idea where your mythical /gen/ is.
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>can you leave because uhhh ummm, you just need to, okay?
Anyway, OP, you're correct with your observations. Bambooclub has been a thing for quite a bit of time. I don't even mention that he is a shitfaced virtue signaling cunt who spooks unsuspecting patrons with immobile women.
Torusbro, or Torah-Borat is also a peculiar specimen. I mean, they all kinda are, from the carboymechratboykek to the mind-boggling insanity of shysho crapyard.
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>civil discussion general
>roceeds to screech and flail in the autistic rage
Show me on the doll where the 'jaks touched you, mommy boy.
go invest in dogeCEO, retard

>go invest in dogeCEO, retard
Yeah let's all take advice from anon now
We're on BBW Drawn, I was talking about this part specifically, not the main part of the board. Forcing others to leave to a separate part of the website just because your fee-fees are hurt is a display of narcissism that's very typical for people like you. Stay soft.
How about you go do that yourself, pea-brain?
It's not about "feefees", way to miss the point retard.
It's because this is a board for drawn BBW art. This is not drawn BBW art, this is shit-flinging autist central. This is the equivalent of a bunch of morons hooting and hollering to eachother in a cinema when everyone else is trying to watch the movie.

Plus, if you're too much of a mouthbreather to figure out where another board is on this site, I highly doubt you have anything intelligent to contribute to a discussion anyway.

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