
Mods can't do anything, this is going to keep coming back haha. Maybe they will learn and leave this one up!
Ok, so basically
So, are we going to talk about fat art and fat artists this time?
All hentai artist are groomers, anime in general is a degenerate hobby and those who create porn of cartoons that are made for kids and just grooming. The troons, the homo's none of them even compare to how bad artist are..
Well that didn't last long.

You are 100% retarded and a waste of air. Please find the nearest highway and walk into traffic.
Stop projecting, if you want to eat metal and bleed out go for it. Maybe that would affirm your gender a bit more.
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>Complaining aboit degenerates on a porn site
All hentai artists are "Moe babble"
Your Skin color? Same color as my poop.
Your Favorite character? Bejita.
Your Favorite movie? Stranger things
Jiren? Jiren.
Jiren, don't make me laugh. I am a Saiyan Elite, the prince of all Saiyans! You? Your just alien fodder.

A peasant like you could never understand the power that royalty brings. The wall that you will never pass.

I was born great and powerful, I didn't hide my my greatness like the weakling you are.

Your an average hentai enjoyer which is why your stuck in the worst arc of Super as a one shot. I will go on to greater things.

Now take my Final Flash and hit the road, I have no time for weaklings!
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>Soyin "elite"
That's right. The angelic power Jiren easily sported in the ToP was unbearable to this goat.
The whiny, simpering little goat then proceeded to run the FUCK away à la Zamasu and became an un-fightable entity. Yup, this little bitch just became one with the planet so he was able to "bear" the power of an Angel. Yup yup, he could only fight at ToP-tier Jiren level for a few minutes before succumbing to this unimaginable power Jiren already had surpassed at this point.
Just so you little tourists can understand it. Moro 73 + Angel powers and UI + magic = UI/Jiren. WOW, am I right?
Now, that petty goat is effectively unable to fight anymore and just became a fucking rock, the fight is over. Bejita will split him and the filler arc will be over with yet another year of Jiren being unsurpassed.
Of course Jiren would have saved the situation at any moment, had they called him for help. Even now, he could blow up the planet and contain the galaxy-level supernova with a shield of his own.
The ululating little detractors like to fruitlessly vociferate about this instance of UI being magically stronger than the previous one; to no avail, of course, since there isn't any evidence to back this up.
Even after the fan manga retconned its headcanon and made UI be a fully fledged power up, breaking Moro's hand as it struck Goku's chest, this was also happening in the ToP, where Omen took a direct hit to the chest and didn't die as a result to it.

As a denouement, we can conclude that Jiren is not only the strongest antagonist up to date, but also one of the best and most iconic representation of DB there are. Not to mention a milestone in fiction as a whole. Inspiring countless people to better themselves physically an mentally.
His legacy, the betterment of oneself and the pursuit of inner strength.
His war cry, a loud BOOOOOOOOM BITCH.
>STILL can't refute my points
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never before have I seen such spergery
We're not 20 posts in and this is already the best thread on this site.
>>141973 You say that, and yet you probably rubbed one out on here. Don't act all high and mighty.

God damn it, Jiren guy's back with a word salad.
You don't even know where you are
Bumpu! This thread is epic desu!
I love how any time there's even a slight indication of trolling in the thread, like the last one, it gets nuked almost immediately. No, not the troll posts, but the whole thing.
Loli fans are pedophiles, anyone who denies this is delusional and rape fetishists are less morally reprehensible than any variation of pedophile.
Anyone here ever raped anybody? How was it? To me, it sounds like an unbeatable thrill. One day, when I have nothing left to lose, I'll probably break into some chick's house and rape her.
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I wish World War Three would just hurry up and start already. I want to kill,maim and destroy. I want to make a break from my troop and sneak into some bombed out village and rape a woman at gunpoint. I want to blow her husband's head clean off while she watches and feed the chunks to their children. Most of all I want to worship Jiren Guy and carry his children.
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This awful world should go to hell. All of you human maggots who stop me from raping and killing should be trampled underfoot with an iron boot. You should have your belongings seized, and your houses torched, and your family members stripped and beaten as you watch.

This stultifying world order you've created with all your worthless morals will never last. Humans are animals and animals have no morals. Moral impositions are an affront to human nature. If people do things that are considered 'good' it is because their animal drives tell them to. If they do something that is considered 'bad' it is because their animal drives tell them to. What good is it to allow certain human drives and place sanctions against others? No wonder the world is in such a neurotic mess.The strain of holding it all together is killing us...

Jiren Guy will surely lead us to salvation, and I will be there by his right side.
Time to nuke this one too, mods.

The mega schizo's are here.
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Anyway, enough about that. What girls do you wish got more love? I think it would be great if an artist fattened up the girls from Bakuman, like Kaya Miyoshi.

I can imagine a girl would get pretty fat sitting around drawing manga.
Oooh, very forceful tone. I love it. Are you into rape too?
Goddamnit, Jiren! Come back, save us from this shitshow!
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ITT: People who have pickled their brains in imageboard dumbfuckery and desperately need to go outside and have a conversation with a regular human being.
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(So...Was the previous thread ever archived...? It's been 2 days and I'm already nostalgic for it after seeing how this one is quite literally designed to be terrible)
Sup Jiren buddy. (Not) Good to see you back after your rejection from the Loli thread.
Tis a shame. Jiren is pretty badass, isn't he?
My non schizo comrade, you are walking a lonely road by being here. There's nothing for our kind here. You will not get any meaningful response by keeping here.

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