
(2 KB, 308x430, linetteimgonnacoom.PNG)
Linette is an OC i recently found that's just a line, I think she's very cute and her personality is a perfect fit for feederism
>>141356 (OP)

These fucking nutters. I can't wait for the war.
Stay off the weed, kids. Your emberassing America. Or Canada. Whatever.
Holy shit... that's hot

Are you sure it's not emberassing? Are you sure? Why do I feel like you're trying to confuse me instead of helping me?
Yo, get Saxxon on the phone.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he immediately agreed, though.
this has to be the most autistic thing I've ever seen
It's minimalist art by nutter Canadians/Americaz who don't like fucking pussy and they'd rather smoke weed than fuck beautiful hoes.
>>141356 (OP)
The sheer stupidity of this thread has left me at a loss for words. Reported.

You misunderstood OP as I too did. Linette is a character. No dissimilar to a letter. Linette is being used as a logo or a font art and in this way linette is in fact an OC.
OP is still gay though. Gay and stupid. I'm sure he knows it by now though
I reckon I've know for most of my life

Yes, well. and knowing is half the battle, isn't it? You have to love God, because he is fair.
If he's so fair why did he allow this thread to exist. Now if you excuse me i'm going to look at linette porn.
Ok jokes aside God may be fair but that's still not stopping me.
The thread exists because you're a fucking retard.

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