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Discuss your concerns and gripes surrounding the fats community, be it with artists, commenters, or trends etc. You don't gotta be polite, but don't be a schizo.
>>140936 (OP)
I hate the double standards and ‘moral superiority’ some fuckers think they have.

You hate people drawing minor characters and you don’t yourself? Fine! Good for you, i’m glad you have an opinion you stand by.

What I particularly fucking hate by those people is that they don’t block the artists who do drew minor characters and move on, they decide to preach and go on long fucking rants when it could be avoided if they just FUCKING ignored the art.

The artists who just don’t give a shit about it and do what they want are great
I know! I get it, I like to see the main characters as much as everyone else, but if I want a character drawn the amount of screen time shouldn't matter! Minor characters can be amazing to and really fill out most shows!
>>140936 (OP)
I don't despise Cozynakovich, I despise the fucking "moral outrage" around him going through tough shit then deciding ultimately it doesn't matter and continuing to post normally.

Maybe I just have sympathy for him as a fellow Eastern Euroid in a community largely dominated by liberal west euroid and burger faggots, maybe I genuinely understand where he was coming from. Regardless he isn't the bad guy, the mob that defamed him is.
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If we're on the subject, out of these sanctimonious types the ones who infuriate me the most are the hypocritical clowns like SongOfSwelling, who can't even properly hide their hypocrisy (pic related).
I deeply wish that there was a place for subtle, realistic art of this kink. Not realistic like photorealism, I mean slow and accurate gains. The kind of details you notice in real life. Clothing slightly tighter, a softness to the jaw. At best, almost every progression has the second picture 100 pounds heavy. A toned, petite woman with a massive gut and love handles in the second panel. I want it to be slow, accurate. People just skip the lightly chubby, the best part.
A comment under one of his posts after Cozy's meltdown called him "fatphobic" for simply acknowledging that being extremely overweight is unhealthy, which should tell you everything you need to know about the types of people dogpiling on him.
>>140936 (OP)
If an artist does a poll about characters dedicated to one franchise I wish they'd stop including the "go to" girl.
For example a One Piece poll with Nami/Robin, Final Fantasy with Tifa/Aertith or a Shantae poll with Shantae herself.
These are the kinds of obvious choices that artists draw when they feel like it and makes the polls seem redundant.

I agree I want to see characters like Vampirella, Lady Death, Ivy Valentine, and various women from Fairy Tail that aren't Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Brandish Mu, and Risley Law as well as various female characters from Eden's Zero.

I blame that not all artists are knowledgeable of certain franchises or feel that the most popular characters get fan art whereas lesser known characters barely get anything.
>>140936 (OP)
Something from the community recently that I hate is all the Better With Salt dick sucking people are doing. The guy is a talented artist, but the hive mind surrounding him and his art is insane, to the point that his commenters are beginning to be snobbish towards other people's art and setting him as the standard that artists must reach in order to be viewed as good. It's ridiculous.
I remember when that happened with Jeetdoh, even on this website he was pretty much considered the Gold Standard of the community.
Yeah, it'll change eventually.
in a tgread i've seen some ppl talking about how they got thos kind of tastes and other full and interesting conversations, does anyone remember how the thread was called?
Salt is great, and over all pretty consistently puts out good work, but is there something specific that sets him aside? I love Belt's art just as much but people only seem to care about Salt
as a reason why some might care more about Salt art than belt, is that Salt's stuff is generally more horny and to the point.

Belt on his comic, focuses more on storytelling and the characters.

and in the fat space, its way more common to see people wanting to jerk it out, so Salt's to the point made content is generally what people looks for. Even if Belt's stuff is very good.
That makes a lot of sense, I like the comics for both reasons so I love them both. I'm happy to see others thoughts on it! Thanks for the reply.
Speaking of Jeetdoh, it's bizarre that ever since he did his tirade against underaged characters, BWS was never a target of people's ire for drawing them when other popular artists at the time were. I'm not one of those people who's hardcore against underage art unless it's someone who's very young like Anya, but the fact that he's gotten away with drawing nudes like May from Pokemon on his Patreon without getting in trouble is a big double standard by the people who likely gave other artists shit for the same thing.

That's what I'm wanting to know, because I think BWS is overrated.
>I blame that not all artists are knowledgeable of certain franchises
That's probably it but I feel like if you're going to make a franchise poll it might as well be about something you're into, y'know?
Similarly lesser known characters with less art had a chance to shine and actually get art.
It could also be like if someone asked you to draw a character of a franchise you aren't a fan of? This artists may know of certain characters only due to fan chatter. Like you hear a lot from one piece about Nami, Robin and maybe Hancock. The other women you wouldn't know of unless you're a fan of the franchise.

I think overall it's that certain artists aren't fans of certain franchises and may not know of characters from franchises they aren't knowledgeable of. Perhaps we should commission more pieces of characters that are lesser known to remedy the problem beyond just hoping artists decide to do more variety with the characters they draw.
I have had brief conversations on patreon with various artists and they admit to not being fans of certain franchises.

Maybe we should just commission artists to do lesser known characters.
You guys don't wabt to know what I think. That's why I don't care. However, a new site is needed This site's users is a clash of real artists, part-time "hobby" artists trying to create wealth for themselves, and world star hiphop users. A new site that isn't an imageboard that could be guarded from bad actors would also attract unwanted attention from idea thieves, and idea thieves being the #1 problem facing the world today (including art industries) I don't see how we could ever see any improvement from that regard.
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>in the mood for a quick fap
>scroll down twitter feed
>see Jeetdoh's icon peeking up from the bottom since someone retweeted him
>"Oh hey, is he finally back to drawing fat women?"
>scroll down
>it's Jeetdoh crossdressing again
>now he's wearing a skimpy bunny girl outfit
>commenters keep egging him on
I already accepted Jeet was a lost cause when 95% of his output became Transformers and maleshit, but it's still infuriating. Guy's suffering from literal brainrot, and his fans keep egging him on.
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I'm indifferent towards cozy's vodka fueled rants, but him running away with commissioner money, nuking his internet presence and then coming back under a different alias pretending like nothing happened absolutely makes him deserving of spite. Being a slav isn't an excuse to be a thief
I still don't get why there's always that one person who seems to be heavily right-wing in the favour of AI artwork, and is convinced that it will take over. Not to mention calling many artists (namely BWS) as schizophrenic. I fail to see how their points apply to anything, besides being a pain in the backside for many of us. I understand that AI is drastically improving over time, and it shows just how powerful hardware and software have become over time, however, I do not stand by the fallacy that it'll ever be superior. For one, it will need artwork, created by existing artists to produce decent results. Without them, none of the AI stuff would've appeared. And to note, the person was so convinced that AI will "take over", that he immediately brushes off any reminder of human work being used for the algorithm's training.
Just mute/block him already and you won't have to see his shit anymore.

100% betting he's a jilted commissioner who's been black listed by every artist for being a spaz and is now jumping on the AI train because that's the only way they can get art for themselves.

It would be even funnier if it was Gecko.
Wait a minute...this is just Manbaby/Community Salt/Insane Ranting Thread V21 in disguise...
>>141148 And by God, it's finally back, baby!

It's either this or literal war in the streets. What would a pussy like you prefer?
I hate how other artist fucking interfere with other prices or art style, there was a artist in Twitter who was going to open commission in March and there prices were 20$ for a sketch which sounds great, but then here comes this stupid artist saying "oh you know what I was expecting it to be higher or maybe you should make it a bit higher" like bitch it's there decision what they want to do, if they want to raise their prices higher in the future sure that's fine but don't fuckin interfere ok, and there community it's fuckin toxic like really you're over here bullying small content creators who have decent art while you're own little gang of artist are trash and there prices for there artwork is delusional
>>141155 I've seen some stuff like that, but are there any specific artists you saw doing that lately? I refuse to make a Twitter account just to see specific content.

Ever heard "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? It's a saying that means that it's not possible to view God's creation as not beautiful. Technically speaking, everything is beautiful.
Yes I believe everyone has there own perception of what is beauty and perfect i get that but like if I'm going to pay $150 for 3 character in sketch outline and flat color at least try putting effort into expression or don't make the body semi inflatable when clearly I asked for bottom heavy

Effort can be good. Effort is a personal choice, and paradoxical as it can't ever be measured. Only the artist knows the amount of "effort" he puts into an artpiece. I say it in quotations because effort is a complex idea that in the context of art becomes mostly what we regard as "style", and art's style and artist's being a major part of an artpiece, I'd say it's more accurate to call an artpiece "bad art" as opposed to "low effort art" for these many reasons. Bad art can be low effort art, but it can also be beautiful, and it can also be fairly complex all at the same time. There is no real way to asses the effort in an artpiece, only the artist's worksmanship.

>art's style and artist's technique being
True but at least when trying to start up commission know your limits you know,like if you forget to mention "can't do bbw or immobile" and if a commissioner says they want a semi immobile tifa or the latest anime character, at least say "Im sorry I forgot to mention what I can't do" but instead they lie and don't send a progress sketch of the work and at the end they give you something you didn't ask or expect and you can't do much because they already accepted your money and you can't ask for a change because they begin to feel all mighty and be rude to your opinion

I think that art being a work that is done for the self first makes "effort" more relative to "fun" than actual work. Whether you are a hobbyist or a world renown artist when you perform the work of making art you are enjoying, not efforting. It is more personal, and spiritual than other forms of work, and those who love art or love making art do so because it is fun. It's a lot like having sex.

Sex, the art of love, is a simple matter of giving and taking.

The act of sex is a two way lane where lovers can either give or get pleasure.
The artist is hehegross on Twitter, who's putting out the commission while the bitch who responded is in the comment
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This is unfortunately something I've noticed a lot of lately. It's only natural that the majority of artists would be into weight gain IRL, and even though I myself am not into it, it's none of my business to ridicule other people for being into it. What is aggravating, however, is just how intertwined and muddled things have been lately and just how little people are able to seperate fiction from reality.
I myself have way too many fetishes to count, anywhere from expansion, slob, Loli and more, but that only extends to conceptual fantasies at best. IRL, I'm actually boringly vanilla and find 250lbs or more to be a little too much for me, and I really don't like IRL porn anymore tbh. Because in my mind, I've created a separation.
The Cozynakovich situation is a great example of showcasing just how little people in the community actually have this separation. Granted, Cozy has a massive tendency to go absolutely full on Schizo (See him getting mad at Softon because his mini Mako sequence wasn't some deep and insightful peace of literary fiction...because it's fucking Mako from Kill la Kill, like, what did expect bro?), but even still, I can't help but feel for the guy.
The mass migration to Twitter has also allowed a most of the artists to reveal their true selves rather than just delivering art. And surprise surprise, it has revealed that a lot of these people just can't seem to contain themselves, with some particular peoples even for some reason treating their fetish art twitters as some sort of main account for spewing their random political opinions.
This comes in all shapes and sizes. From CakeCatBoyCakeMechHoarderMechCatBoyShotaconCatPixelCakeHoarder genuinely convincing herself that glorifying morbid obesity by telling her fans that being as fat as her drawings IRL is perfectly fine, or all those artists and writers that use the "it's just fiction" to defend their works before publicly simping for their 500lbs egirls and saying "Goals" to pictures of legitimately dying obese patients in hospital. What hurts the most is the writers that I used to like now just becoming "wannabe feedees" and become full on autogynephiles from their overexposure to their own content and instead of putting in the effort to create another meaninful work, they instead settle for lame "horny posts", low quality pics of their clearly male ever so slightly chubby bellies that no one wants to see and pathetic attempts at being the e-girl streamers that they'll never be.
Basically what I'm saying is Twitter has enabled the degenerates that we are to not contain our true natures and to just overall be bigger losers than we already are, and a lot of the times it just makes our """community""" out to be the real morally incorrect ones. I've gotten into writing lately, but I have hesitation on actually dipping my toes into reaching out to fellow writers lest I discover that they're insane too. At this point, my best bet is to just keep my mouth shut lest I disrupt anything, and just quietly work away.
Truly, I have the utmost respect those in the """community""" that have learned to be quiet and not be obnoxious. Same goes for the JP artists.
And remember, if you think that I'm the biggest schizo here, just know that you are absolutely correct.
>3325 characters
And if it wasn't evident enough that I'm a fucking moron, I tagged the wrong person
BWS has absolutely been targeted by those people, he just doesn't make a scene about it. In fact, some time ago someone made a twitter account which was pretty much a glorified way to harass WG artists for drawing underage characters.
This is why I really respect the artists that just don't do much with characters they aren't familiar with. It always sucks to see someone drawing one of your favourite obscure characters, only for them to get completely mischaracterised. Though to be fair, I see this happen way more often in the general NSFW art space, particularly the whole "big ass cartoon girls twerking" thing.
Anyway, I think the best thing for these types of thread is if theres a break between threads. That way, we aren't left with nothing to talk about and then proceed to go full on political rambling that have nothing to do with WG like previous times.
>>141186 Wasn't that person who gave Salt shit assumed to be SugarRollArt?
I believe so?
I will admit that I'm not super knowledgeable on the situation myself, neither do I know much about this Sugarroll person, but people have talked about that being the case, take what you will from that.
>What is aggravating, however, is just how intertwined and muddled things have been lately and just how little people are able to seperate fiction from reality.
It is aggravating, and it's mainly from the people who constantly trash talk blob/immobile, or those like >>140948 who ask for the light chubby size which is extremely specific. The latter makes me wonder why they're even here when that size is no different then how skinny most women canonically are.
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>It always sucks to see someone drawing one of your favourite obscure characters, only for them to get completely mischaracterised.
Reminds me of that time Anas called Yor a spy, lmao
To play devils advocate, in a show called "Spy Family", it's easy to forget that it's not really a full family of spies. I'm sure a bunch of other people who are only tangentially aware of the show think she's a Spy as well. Still, I suppose it does leave a sour taste in the mouth.
My only concern is lolicon

-> happyhentai.net

>sour taste in the mouth
Fucking Pedo.
No, Anas is like that with everything. Sometimes labeling commissions as "That bitch from that dumb show". He has zero respect for his commissioners.

I believe that when you are having fun while making art it can have a desirable effect on the art itself. Again I repeat myself, because these words are loaded with meaning that when applied to topics like art the words can feel out of place, but "fun" does not necessarily mean that the artist is overjoyed with a smile on his face during the moments of his work in the wee hours of the night sometimes due to insomnia and not being able to sleep because he is stressed about something painful in his life. Fun in this sense of enjoyment had, much like sex, can be pleasure felt in a multitude of ways, much like tears of joy from an emotional female human during an intense plight of sexual intercourse.
I've noticed a lot of these artists that scream and cry about underaged characters all day (Sugarrollart, Stongmoist, Veryfilthything, etc) will suddenly get real quiet, turn a blind eye, and go "erm uh akshully" when their friend, VikingSkirts, gets outed as sexting teenagers. Is it just cuz they're buddies? Or is it deeper than that? Who knows, all I know is it really gets on my nerves
Iirc it was assumed to be SugarRoll because for whatever reason, they said nothing about people defending artists who draw underage characters, which is something they CONSTANTLY threaten to block people for. Most people who’ve seen their Twitter rants and bitch fits about the topic found it suspicious that they seemed to keep quiet

>all I know is it really gets on my nerves
Who's a good little whore
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>True but at least when trying to start up commission know your limits you know,like if you forget to mention "can't do bbw or immobile"
I get where you're coming from but it's simply much easier for the client to ask for something that's likely to appeal to the artist based on their portfolio, or what kinks they've stated to enjoy drawing in their commission sheet.

Listing every kink that you wouldn't want draw as an artist is essentially impossible, due to the sheer amount of degenerate fetishes that exist. Even shadman had his limits.

When I opened commissions for the first time, my first client asked me to draw Steven Universe characters as hypermuscular futas pissing on eachother, despite my portfolio being nothing but BBW/WG. The second one asked me to draw a skinny redhead lady pregnant with an alien that's about to burst out.
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>What hurts the most is the writers that I used to like now just becoming "wannabe feedees" and become full on autogynephiles from their overexposure to their own content and instead of putting in the effort to create another meaninful work, they instead settle for lame "horny posts", low quality pics of their clearly male ever so slightly chubby bellies that no one wants to see and pathetic attempts at being the e-girl streamers that they'll never be.
I completely understand the frustration of scrolling down your twitter feed looking for something to coom to and getting an eyeful of Jeetdoh in a maid drag

But at the same time, shaming creative types for ending up this way has the same energy as shaming coal miners for getting lung issues or nuclear power plant workers for developing ass cancer

You can't really avoid continuous overexposure to NSFW as a kink artist without heavy compromises to your output, it's a mental job hazard that comes with the territory. You can take some steps to mitigate the effects on your psyche, but not do away with them completely. Some people just have personality matrixes that makes them both more vulnerable and more likely to express their hypersexualization. Removing twitter might make this less visible, but most of the usual suspects would simply continue their behaviour on some other platform. Kipteitei was sharing cosplay selfies on DA before social media was a thing.
>anon thinks sexting 15 year olds in your mid 20s is cool and good
I have been really enjoying Belt's comic. First time I've gotten a patreon just so I can get a head start on something like this. It baffles me how this comic exist and people will continue to support and praise Kip's work. OSC has been an absolute shit experience.
This, I support Salt, Belt, and Sweet Dream Coffee, and between them I get all the comic content I could ever want as all 3 of their output is insane. The stories are actually related to the weight gain and girls get more than a belly, they all get huge. No thousands of pages to see someone get chubby.
Who knew that a bunch of fucking fat fetishists are capable of such enlightening discussions. Not against it, just pleasantly surprised by how in-depth some of these talks are lmao.
I dont think >>140948 is complaining about far art I think just the lack of sequences that show the steps in between skinny and land whale
I do agree with how people can't separate fantasy from reality. I think that's why feedism gets a bad rap. Most people aren't into it. They assume that all feeders fatten up their love interests constantly until they end up so big they can't leave their house and how it's all plan to satisfy the feeders sick desires. All documentaries with feedism always show feeders fattening up their love interest. Just always giving them junk food and weight gain shakes and doing funnel feeding and the interests are happy that they gained more weight perhaps with a goal of 300-400 lbs. . There are never feeders that go for the fat/fit approach or who indulge in junk food feed sessions as a sometimes thing in these documentaries. I think that these documentaries need sensationalism and you don't get that if the people practicing a kink do so in a safe, sane and consensual manner. The people who practice it 24/7 and as a lifestyle are more interesting than those who do it as a sometimes thing.

I think the difference between fantasy and reality is a major thing to point out with kinks. I'm sure there's people who are into BDSM that fantasize about owning sex slaves or being a sex slave but I doubt they would want to do such things in the real world. Just like feedism, a lot of artists may draw art of women eating themselves to immobility, but I doubt the people who drew it or look at it would wish to do that in the real world.

I think one YouTuber said how they quit twitter as it makes you argumentative and can bring out the worse in people.
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I fucking hate how many people goon over irl gainers who are literally at the point of health issues. One person I can NOT fucking stand is Rain, that fat cunt always posts about enabling others and wanting others to be fat and then posts the most disgusting calorific foods possible captioned with “Just a little snack^^” and at this point, as fucked as it sounds, I hope she has a heart attack or something to make her stop and realise the consequences of her very fucking silly actions

This isn’t just her too, idk maybe its my whole ick with irl gainers who gain weigh more than they should. The likes of satanpanties666? She’s fine, she’s not overdoing it. But the morbidly obese shapeless piles of fat that want to get bigger who’s bellies are literally slapping their knees? That’s vile as hell, dude

oh yeah aside from my distate for gainers, TDookus fell off fucking hard and his art is shit now along with such infrequent posting. Lots of artists fell off honestly, one person i’m glad to see go is strangermoist who I have no doubt is looking in here right now
Damn I said a lot, sorry lole
Here's a question for everyone. For a sequence that has a woman go from thin to immobile/blob, how many parts should there be so everyone can see the stage of the weight gain they'd want to see? I ask because artists usually limit how many parts of a sequence they do to avoid either being overworked or staying on it for too long.
yeah those people are going be crushed to death by their own weight. No matter what the activist say to much weight is bad
I like seeing 3 to 4 on most as I would usually rather see more characters then a lot of the same character at different sizes.

Also not as good looking as a drawing of a bbw
I've stopped paying attention to anything most artist say after seeing Ray Norr and some others try to grandstand and promote HAES bullshit. Why is it so difficult for people to admit this is just a fetish and that being fat can cause health ussues?
Why does every sequence need to go until blob?
I'm not saying they NEED to. My question is in the context of if it the sequence HAD to end with it, because there's been complaints about certain sizes getting skipped.
My question is me trying to figure out how many parts would be good in a sequence so there can be both mild chubby and blob sizes.
To the best of my knowledge the original callout post was written poorly enough and censored nearly everything the victims said or posted (but didn't cover up ANYTHING Viking did including the nudes) that Viking's friends were just able to cover it up as someone trying to frame them.

I think it's why tone is important when making those big-ass Google Doc posts because even by my standards the whole thing was outrageously preachy and patronizing about "justice" and shit. Shit was borderline schizo-tier and if it weren't for the few non-censored bits of evidence there would have been very little to go off on. It was extremely sloppy.

Very little to go off of for what? What are you confused about?
I have a question, how are the discord community of some of the artist who open there discord, is the community a bunch of followers who agree with whatever the artist say or draws, are there some community where there so much toxicity you see the artist at a different light when they reveal there true self.
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>I have a question, how are the discord community of some of the artist who open there discord, is the community a bunch of followers who agree with whatever the artist say or draws, are there some community where there so much toxicity you see the artist at a different light when they reveal there true self.
i am in a artist discord they are textbook uwu trans soft baby and everyone sucks eachothers dicks with stupid in jokes. i am only in there for the art really and the admin has even stopped drawing fat art
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Wishing death upon someone is not something I can get behind, but yeah, the absolute legion of simps for Rain who get legitimately brainwashed into encouraging unhealthy lifestyles is just painful to watch.
As for Tdookus, it feels like somehow overnight his art-style completely changed for the worse. I will admit, in very recent times, he's gone up a fair bit in quality with his shading. I find it a bit bizarre how he supposedly doesn't like half the fetishes or sizes he used to do, being comparatively more vanilla now, and yet he has an alt twitter that can best be described as "Pokephilia". I'm not kink shaming or anything, but I find it funny how his main account used to be massively degenerate with extreme sizes and other fetishes, only for him to discard the majority of his old fetishes except the most degenerate one.
Also, I'm certain I'm going to sound like a broken record when I say this, but the fact that all the good drives he's ever done eventually get cancelled before the final part is not a good look.
I'm insufferably allergic to Discord, so my experiences may be biased, but literally the only benefit to fat art discords I can getting some art you normally wouldn't. I snuck my way into PrinceCoffeeCakes discord once looking for an archive of his stuff, and ended up finding a gift art of his OCs from Meat Peadle...Yeah, that was the only thing of use in that entire Discord.
Anyway, daily reminder that Herumonlulu is an absolute "GOAT" as the cool kids say.

>Wishing death upon someone
Do you scared of death, anon? What are you like 75?
No need in wishing death upon her, her life style that she’s so proud of and want to promote and encourage others to do will take take of that in the next years
I'm in a couple of discord community, some are chill and tamed,others are just insufferable like there's one where there's like 15 channels which is annoying since people tend to post a lot of stuff everyday, another thing I don't like is them sharing art and making comments within the group since there cowards to share there comments in public, another thing is that the owner keeps adding more shit to there oc which is annoying "look guys I made my oc wear links gerudo outfit, I'm so original" like at this point just post characters character or post less of your oc because giving them a different outfit is just a cough out for attention.
So, why we discussing real girls in the art side? I don't like real BBW's as actual fat girls are disgusting so I stick to drawn for this reason. I don't know this girl and don't want to. Can we keep this to artists?
As an artist I tried a few BBW art discords (was invited to them) and they are was some endless sausige party trannyfest so I leave them all. It was disgusting. Then I find a closed BBW discord just about art and without "me uwu soft boiigirl".
I miss how internet was in 2006, current one is a shitshow.
And I never understand what hard about to finish commission. I try to do them as fast as possible, how any artist can wait a year to finish. For the most parts you need around 1-7 hours to finish even a complex one character art (with a realistic coloring, not even a cartoony one).
>>140936 (OP)

Hehehe… a clever disguise.

Anyways, the best fat artists are the ones that don’t take their shit seriously. Salt, Scribs, Saxx and Straw come to mind. Love it when kink artists kink-shame themselves. Appreciate their work, but MAN I swear most of their fans are 12 year olds that just discovered that one episode of Totally Spies for the first time.
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redditors and tumblrite transgenders ruined this community, I'll elaborate in a later post
It was only a matter of time.

Trans hating schizo is here too.

Goodbye thread.
Who wants to bet they'll say nothing that hasn't already been sperged about in earlier posts and threads?
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Man, look in the mirror.
I say:
Fuck trannies, fuck berryfags, fuck the fags, fuck the slobfags, fuck the monobuttniggers, fuck them all.
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>all must participate in my autogynephyilia fetish, or else I'll kill myself!
The words cannot express how much I despise this twat-discotroon cabal.
They groom the artists, they are vapid pedophiles, they keep pushing the new artists out by raiding them until they are compliant with their insane beliefs. Fuck them.

Love and sex are not a belief, they are a feeling. You can choose to believe that certain feelings are the same as others even when they are not. You can believe you love a tree just the same as you love your mom, even when it's not true. You can choose to not demonstrate love even when you feel it in your heart. You can choose to deprive yourself of doing things right, and instead choose to do something else. You can not choose what love is or is not.
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Get down to the point, bub.
Is this that you did want to say?
>you must idolize the he-ma'ams
>you must participate in our degenerate fantasies
>you mut suport the pedo cabal
The hell does this even mean? Your Mom must be a tree because your nuts!
Somebody loved the biology classes, but for all that is it did not help him to know what a woman is.
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>Your mum is a tree because... uhm, she just is, okay?
I think I shared a dorm room with the dude in that pick, he was like scary into Metalica and liked to shoot things in the woods. Got arrested for beating up someones dog.
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Maybe they are all that salty sucking BetterWithSalt dick.
He draws his women like a michelin mascot.
Also, Kipteitei is a bloody cunt for dragging things so long.
oh god the Michelin man cunt is back...
So it's safe to say the Manbaby Thread is back now, right?
just need the jiren poster then it's a party
No one is taking it down this time my brothers! It's here to stay!
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Well...it was fun while it lasted

That good news is that maybe this'll keep Jirenposter out of the Loli threads. Though, ideally, in a best case scenario, he'd just shut up in general
>>141488 out of the what thread
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I’m not looking her to die but I just want her to you know like, shut the fuck up and never speak again. There’s one twitter account… Felicia or something? That was complained about in the health issues thread for going too far with the health issue talk on twitter.

The fucking health issues thread. Those types of mfs are extremely worrying with how blurred the line between reality and fantasy is.

Also YEP, ever since his pokemon account his stuff had been majorly shit, his most recent art isn’t even fat for one, it’s pudgy at best. He also draws weird bad shapes like that rosaline pic, the only real good shit I’d say he’s posted recently was that blue one piece gym leader girl, gwen or smth

blah blah yadda yadda he isnt the first artist to be like this blah blah a lot of artists have noticeably became more shit, I just want to have a nice wank dude not look at grotesque shapes or people being fucking weirdos online
It's quite unfortunate. I used to think the whole drawn health issues thing was just a thing about indulging degenerate kinks making use of the fact that it's fictional, but then these people try to condone this type of thing in real life and you start to realise just how far gone some of these people are.
When in doubt, blame Tumblr. Those MFs will get told "You'll die by 30!!!" and they'll respond with "That's the plan ~ 💅"

Would you rather die by 30, or live to 200 years old without having children and possibly without ever having sex or experiencing love/marriagehood? If you had to pick? Be honest. Some things are not as simple as black and white, and individuals must decide for themselves through time and as the opportunities arise. You think you are in control, but you're not. You can only control yourself. It is an illusion that has left you morally bankrupt and the nation with nothing of real value.
And here comes the nutjob, I would assume Russian, to the thread with their nonsensical rants.

This really is a magnet for all the batshit insane.

I'm not insane, I'm inhumane, because I dare to love.
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I read ages ago weeblord trooned out. Is there acutal proof?
>Out of NOWHERE!
Jiren WARPED your mind, causing you to BETRAY your better judgment and TRAP yourself within these SULLIED HALLS.
GODren could kill the wench in one blow in base with weighted clothing on under 400G in the center of the Hyperbolic TRAPPED Chamer after 7 days and nights of a constant fast with no shoes on and his underwear on backwards.
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I've been having trouble finding people to commission - a lot of high-profile artists have their slots filled immediately, and others only are available through Patreon or something dumb like that.

Are there any good, small-time artists you guys may know of that have commissions open?
>the best fat artists are the ones that don't take their shit seriously
Nah, fuck that shit. There's nothing more irritating than the irony-poisoned mindset of "Lol I make fetish art and want people to like and pay me for it but I'm also super cringe XDDDDDDDD". SolitaryScribbles is really insufferable in that regard, fucker makes me think about that old Orson Welles interview where he talks about Woody Allen.
>"I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. He has the Chaplin Disease; that particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. Like all people with timid personalities his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he loves himself; a very tense situation. It's people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it's the most embarrassing thing in the world - a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Every thing he does on the screen is therapeutic."
Is he wrong, may I ask.
The kinda look uniform with their body shapes.
Midnitemorty or whoever also has this issue.
SolitaryScribbles? He who draws the monobutts. Oh fuck, him and the virus-20 have been a disaster.
Just about everyone here is "tranny hating schizos" who just want to fap to real fat chicks without seeing dudes' disgusting self-insert fantasies.
Leave me and my fat bitches the fuck alone.
is there a chance it was takamoom's server? I left it a long time ago
It's funny how you come to that conclusion about him when he's the one dude who's had confidence and guilt issues over the years that could come close to Fapolantern's and has tried to quit at least 3 times so far but always crawls back.
Dude seems as timid as he makes himself out to be.
>Better With Salt
>Uniform body shapes
ok dude whatever
I hate the dude posting just as much as everyone else.

But I don't make "Ew tranny reee" my entire personality like some people here.
That's my gripe with these people to the point that I prefer trans people over them - they are so fucking insufferable because that's all they can obsess about. The subject of the thread doesn't matter to them, the critiques of the artists aren't there, it's just "FUCKING TRANNIES" and the same tired memes.
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What are some things you hate in certain fat at styles? I'm not talking about the content(ie mischaracterization), but rather the art itself.

I for one hate it when an artist draws fat wrinkles with these long, tight lines like in picrel Makes them look less plump and more like a crumpled plastic bag.
I find Twitter just insufferable, decided to jump on to Twitter since there were some new artist but found it annoying with artist doing stupid trends and Q&A or what outfit should I draw my oc in, It's just annoying opening my Twitter feed and seeing a thread that's connected to each other artist about something stupid like "what does my oc do in her spare time"
Yeah, Twitter is weird, it would be better if there was a social media type site for people and artist to connect and talk about that stuff, one that is less image galley focused and lets them express their personality's and be social with their fans and their artists. That way people who like that shit can see it and follow the people and artists they want to see this from.
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It's kind of ming boggling how people in the community have devolved over the years.
It wasn't that long ago where artists would get frustrated with weirdos in Deviantart comment sections going "This makes me soooo horny 🥵". But now they've become the very thing they hate with this full on moaning and literally typing out "Hnnnnnnnng" or "The pants are off!!!" like they're having full on e-sex in their friends twitter comment sections and posting the whole "Which artwork of mine have you CUM to?!?!?!?!?!!? 🥰"
They've literally became a parody of their own comment sections.
That literally IS just Twitter though... you people are expecting artists to use Twitter as a gallery site and never be social on there, but that's much more what Twitter is about. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
You say "they" like it's all artists. It's only a few. Plenty are still perfectly reasonable
I don't know, I think twitter is more for people to cum to stuff. I doubt it was ever intended as a social platform. It's really more a fetish gallery site so I think it's cringe that people use it to make friends and discuss things they like.
Fucking NPCs. With the right (or wrong) mod, this board would be deader than dead. I don't understand because it's not like there aren't more popular imageboards where these immatures can talk about their pokemon card collections all day. Bbw art and these models deserve a better audience of admirers. An group of admirers of a higher quality. That is my honest opinion. Better husbands. Better sons.

Using the internet to make friends is possibly the cringiest thing to do with the internet. I don't even want friends in real life. The "adults'" social groups were I live are literal psychopaths that have formed secret terrorism/surveillance organizations with neighbors and the excuse that they didn't know it was wrong for them to do it. Believe it or not, there are even some whites in these secret organizations. Guess what they used. The internet and smartphones. nutters.

If you use the internet for anything other than vagina you need psychological help.
Finally someone who speaks some logic on this site! This thread is great.

Are you the anon who was dick sucking Xmasterdavid on criticism?
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>artist posts a lot and is pretty open about their thoughts
>artist keeps to themselves, posts a thought occasionally but mostly post art
This thread is a microcosm of how this board is filled with worthless assholes with nothing of value to say. When this thread inevitably gets nuked I genuinely hope it stays gone.
I mean, as much as we’re all fucking degenerates, atleast we can pride ourselves in not being attracted to fucking children.

>I mean, as much as we’re all fucking degenerates, atleast we can pride ourselves in not being attracted to fucking children.
That'll be your highest achievement this time around, I'm afraid. Haha. Such a proudful moment for you. You are the best, not the worst! Congratulations to you literal fuck ups. Is there anything else you would like to add for the record? I am eager to hear it.
>>141701 Stop trying to act all high and mighty on a porn site.

I'm not acting. You misunderstood because you don't understand that I am talking to terrorists that stalk citizens online and offline. Easy mistake. All is forgiven.

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