
does anyone have the colored version of that one artwork by jeetdoh where nessa and bea are force feeding the viewer cake?
(147 KB, 827x992, dcad6c43ffa12e2745887dea8fe41d90ec03ee9ac19dfa02c643e0c15f139d99.jpg) (50 KB, 627x680, 174f109d2bc8c0f636485760f8b714d002eb2bca5ff8449703a4659efad26a87.jpg) (1.4 MB, 3600x3200, ade765dabb66686b2437df981e896d74d6f360cfe65c61b4e0c370a846678d2b.png) (1.1 MB, 2953x2713, 870bc377f588aa48cb34658655999235890cf72b0d1025b4485651bb8ae60ffb.png) (1.5 MB, 3862x2481, 1d789648a5b10b8997f18971eb97ed447dbb82632adfde8db2d4b87432a1f7da.png) (3.0 MB, 2793x2669, 73445d6d4799ff6b18d02f7db06506088e298c2eefa7115a4003c0377ec3b2e4.png)
(212 KB, 800x1067, 1fd367deec127979e998baf6abd15a4f76ec381b4d231bba7d224b1e6cccc373.jpg) (428 KB, 2048x1536, 7ded132b5e303fcd6ddb3cb0b4d2f64a80dd1d56dd05eff9156e5f032221f0d5.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2625x2696, c1c12b3bdfec432485c5a7c971b33b503b225707f71e17d4469a4cc76eac4e43.jpg) (306 KB, 1650x1275, 6e8f40e4504ab1f898f7378514f2f12aed33b59f9a3fbd024c84a15642845fe0.jpg) (1.8 MB, 2448x1956, 2f7c5d563267e0f145df7d3a9d92a087881c127805f54a6a246a65facfa02fd3.jpg) (505 KB, 1650x2550, 4985218b9dcff15c926a4a5a20dd76ecc20f3138a3e0e77d52a9582c972164f1.png)
who made the naked edit of bea?
>>141712 Who made the rosa one?
(416 KB, 1280x905, 1c7231aa9b03af4574a5b319ff8e173d24b8aa2a728fda0aba0a7ee9b2b1b533.png) (288 KB, 1280x905, 72dcb0db9fd05bdc2c8ee0d09c3260b27abb580276a51333da34929eb7a86dea.png) (262 KB, 1280x905, a3dca385ee74cb6fc394e26aba65fff7e5e5045a18aa067104d62f5f52ea81e2.png) (381 KB, 1280x905, c13d15d544bb492a0093e4df4105ca9f3afeb15767a5d42b0d0ad05ea5476148.png) (237 KB, 1280x905, 13f493b8de1555bf7f8eadea4c76e9654a295ee76f253e3b03818b6c3a7200bc.png) (302 KB, 1280x905, e701bff828b00c3ac242f56a40cce69605c39e8515ab0e56365d44c7ed229b6c.png)
(1.3 MB, 2480x3508, 1.png) (1.6 MB, 2480x3508, 2.png) (1.8 MB, 2480x3508, 3.png) (2.0 MB, 2480x3508, 4.png) (2.7 MB, 2153x3083, 2.png) (3.4 MB, 2552x3594, 3.png)
Thanks for her name
Kukuru100 from Pixiv Fanbox. As a warning they sometimes do males and futa.
(126 KB, 270x805, marnie-neochampion.png)
I wonder if well get fatart of the master sex neo champion marnie
Man I gotta commission a jeet for a version of this with melony
>>142937 Is it worth it at this point, anon? We see what Jeet does now.
>>142944 Wtf does Taiwanese kick-boxing have to do with anything?
>>142945 nigga think he Bruce Lee
>>142947 Oh. Jeet is a person? Okay.

I thought you were ralking about Jeet kun do, which is based on Wing chun, in turn based on or a variation of Kung fu. Jeet kun do is primarily practiced as its succesor the Taiwanese kick boxing.

Taiwanese kick boxing is also known as Taekwon do. Not to be confused with the Japanese Karate, or the Brazilian Jujiitsu that is popular on video games and tv such as UFC.
>>142947 Maybee... you were talking about the actor Jet Lee? Who is Jackie Chan?
Does anyon have the images of elesa and marnie?
it depicts both/either of them being fat in various combinations after elesa “inspired” marnie or something like that
I don't take kindly to locking art behind paywalls
does anyone here know a picture of anime hex maniac holding up her rope showing her big boobs and belly?
Please draw some bbw scat porn. I will comish many many dollars for the right peace of fecestial art
i hope a beautiful woman shits in your mouth and you immediately become disillusioned

You're so straight. Have even smelled a girl's shit before, virgin? Probably not. The type of girls that know good sex don't hang out with losers, they party hard. Lot's of prescription pills and cocaine mixed with alcohol. If you aren't having sex with these types of girls then I feel sorry for you and you'll see why later on.
i'm not taking jabs at my sex life from somebody who gets hard when they drive past a cow pasture
Tf is wrong with you? Go eat youre shit alone in the corner

You should.


I do, and I will. Thanks for nothing, FBI.
does anyone have the art of a bbw hilda pinned to the tree by another bbw girl? i saw it awhile ago but i lost it
(3.7 MB, 1280x720, YouCut_20230307_150042712.mp4)
And responding to the commetns, chaining clothes and hairstyles to ages is such a shit thick skulled mindset that says way more about you then the people you criticize and makes no sense when you go outside and notice adults can do whatever the hell they want and wear whatever they wish. Get fucked and get off your high horse age-up cartoon character garbage. People like you is the reason this fetish is going to shit. (Vid related)
We need a fat Gardevoir getting totally railed by a Chad Garchomp. Yam daddy
Ignore my skizo rant, I'm just genuinly worried about this. And people will eat up this kind of shit. Even his even worse redesign of Marnie.
Dead Rising was a good game man!
Yeah, she's totally "aged up" Wink wink.

This is dangerous levels of cope.

The amount of hurdles people are jumping over fictional characters is hilarious.
yeah its fucking stupid
its not like dook is like ridiculous cake where they had pedo behavior before where they had to cover there tracks (unless theres something i dont know about dook)
honestly if i get better at art i would consider doing fat lolis A : cause i know it isnt a big of deal like twitter says it is like its a fucking drawing calm down (except ai shit cause real cp could be used in that) and B: out of pure spite
(674 KB, 512x768, 00026-3768764749-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat swedish ssbbw woman, )), (((side angle))).png) (626 KB, 512x768, 00002-3768764725-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat korean ssbbw woman, )), (((front view))),.png) (621 KB, 512x768, 00024-3768764691-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat swedish ssbbw woman, )), (((back view))),.png) (694 KB, 512x768, 00014-1742492717-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat french ssbbw woman, )), (((side angle))),.png) (676 KB, 512x768, 00001-1742492660-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat chinese ssbbw woman, )), (((side angle))).png) (631 KB, 512x768, 00003-1742492706-masterpiece, best quality, beautiful detailed realistic painting of a ((beautiful fat vietnamese ssbbw woman, )), (((side angle.png)
Let me know what you guys think. Made with Stable Diffusion.

Also more on IG over at bbwworld.ai
get that shit out of the pokemon channel smh

"Incredible" can be "boring".
Artist, just shut up and accept future
(733 KB, 726x927, nutbars.png)
To all those people in the comments, if you're genuinly concerned about these Pokégirls' mostly nonexistent "ages", you may as well draw their moms (literally the female trainers but older) in their outfits at this point. The amount of hurdles these people jump over is just sad.
Hah, little artist. Can you imagine your life or create arts? No, you can’t, you can’t do anything
Why are you so red, mister artist?
Hah, artist. You can’t stop our future, you must response for your crimes against mankind
tu madre es una puta y tu padre un burro
Why are you so shizo? Go to the stables, little artist
(1.9 MB, 3973x2146, rocket_eating_contest__raging_on_by_girlexpansionlover_df68bwq.png) (923 KB, 3428x2620, big_ol_hilda_sketch_by_girlexpansionlover_desuncf.png)
GirlExpansionLover moved accounts a couple of months ago and never reuploaded their fat trainer patch for Crystal, but the download link still works in case anyone wants it. It replaces the sprites for Kris, Clair, Jasmine, Whitney and Karen with fatter versions.

There are screenshots of it in action here; for some reason they didn't go down with the account.
I havent seen anyone outside of tdookus’s simp who said these were good
So youre drawing child porn.
(661 KB, 3200x4000, FpWU1niWIAIiHIb.jpeg)
didn't dook draw fat fetish art of Acerola back in his early Twitter catalog? He has 0 moral ground to stand on. Drawing Rosa is way more normal than than her
(104 KB, 1172x1485, 87cd5333f518d5db358d4b65a8ab10987b064d37d04f862666dda3f16b0cda2d.jpg) (58 KB, 1042x1025, eaec26b5ebf77c287da81b5b2684c161752428156bb2534b158709408fd80cf8.jpg)
>>147729 (Cross-thread)

the design is absolutely uninspired but because dook is "popular" they're gassing him up like jeet back in the day for free brownie points including the virtue signal incarnate sugarroll. it effectively just takes the transform tool, stretches rosa up, removes the visor and puts her in a denim jacket (lazy if you ask me, look at someone like @jsketch12 and their selene if you want aged up protags done right), and yet despite all that laziness it's still better than his ugly as sin marnie. also some sort of irony where while he's jumping through all these hoops to justify drawing a fat gen 5 protag you have chillday with >>144188 going screw it, hilda as is to nearly no pushback (love it when the community's double standards suddenly go silent when a popular name does it). but hey, we be the vocal minority so all we can do is complain here until someone comes to this thread, uses the snipping tool, posts it to twitter to say, lol stay mad like it means anything.
I don’t give a shit about trannydookus or frankly any of those retards
They’ll all get outed as nonces anyways, it’s almost always the case when people get spastic over meaningless “canon” ages of fictional characters
How hard is it to not post child porn here?
(19 KB, 586x107, Screenshot 2023-03-10 8.00.57 AM.png)
Also, wtf is this cope, Acerola is very clearly younger than Rosa, but he justifies it because the age range trial captains have, even though Kiawe, Mallow, and Mina definitely look older than Acerola
was that reply meant for me or am i misreading this because i didn't mention anything about acerola and agree with your point, just that dook is just jumping through hoops over something absolutely stupid which given the pyra edit incident seems pretty par for the course with him.
Your post about Jeet and Dookus doing mental gymnastics and going on moral highgrounds despite past comments they made reminded me how Dook made comments about Acerola, or when Jeet started going on a moral highground despite drawing Marnie and Penny Parker in the past.
fair enough, read the first sentence in the initial reply and thought it was directed at me and not the attached tweet, what running on little sleep does i guess. the mental gymnastics going on are ridiculous, the "aged up" design is lazy, and there are other, let alone better mons girls out there. not like the franchise is starved of adult females after all.
Didn't someone make an animated version of that Kris sprite? I vaguely remember that. Does anyone happen to have it on hand or can maybe link to a previous thread that had it? I feel like I remember seeing it here too
why are fatfags so spergy over pokemon girl ages? I barely seen musclesfags get so uppity about it
(25 KB, 400x400, 1596165571986.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2101x2701, de9et9w-82186c0b-eea7-41cc-8f68-a50d21d2ffd1.png)
I think it might be matter of exposure since fat seems to be a more common fetish so Twitter gets more opportunities to get upset about it.
Kinda just wish artists/commissioners took this as an opportunity to go for less represented characters.
ikr like it doesent matter cause
when i get better as a artist you can know
i aint taking shit from these twitards i rather follow eishiban's lead and (seemingly) not give a shit about them
i still blame cake and mistysuffer for why this shit is happening they gave us a bad rep that stuck
exectly thats why i didnt even bother to respond to him and these type of people say shit like"your watering down pedophilia" even though thats there own fault for going after artists and ignoring real instances
not helping them is most of them are doing it for some high ground or as a distraction cause there attracted to a minor and want to "look good" online
It’s all about the clicks and views. So go with the waifus that will get the most clicks since you can rebuild that bridgr or else your “friends” will leave you

Its also why charactes like Melony, Nessa and Sonia keep getting made. It’s not that have any loyalty to them like say, Misty lovers. They just use them for views. And why each game they are dumped
Melony is top tier milf, hope more of her gets made.
(307 KB, 1955x2720, FpglytcXgAYwWJz.jpg) (289 KB, 584x840, FlmfthSXkAMqhTO.png)
I can kinda see there being a flavor of the month issue but I think Melony and Nessa at least have proven actual lasting popularity, though IMO its part of Gen 9 not delivering that many good new designs with only a few good ones.
(243 KB, 1920x1208, melony_vs__gingerbread__2_2_by_p1antgems_dfribuy-fullview.jpg) (434 KB, 4096x3240, dffma6d-7c21c61e-4434-42fe-bcb4-c32c56b3fef7.jpg)
It's great how popular Melony and Nessa are for fats. Melony is one of the only canonically chubby female characters in Pokemon who looks even better when made fatter, while Nessa is one of the only black characters to get any attention in the field of fat art, plus her design makes her inviting to make huge.

>though IMO its part of Gen 9 not delivering that many good new designs with only a few good ones.
IMO, Gen 9 didn't deliver at all. Some designs are harmless like Nemona and the upcoming Carmine, but others like Penny and Iona are terrible. Didn't like Rika either even though I don't think she's terrible, she needed some curves or other features to better show that she's female.
SugarRoll try not to virtue signal challange (impossible)
(264 KB, 2004x1421, FlRmQakWIAEcody.jpg)
I love her
I kinda have a thing for flat skinny chicks too but that also makes her even better for the contrast in fat art
(198 KB, 1280x1565, worth_a_try_by_butty_butter_dfq4ht0-fullview.jpg)
To me she's just Sun & Moon Anabel without the feminine features. Anabel still had her womanly curves and a feminine face while rocking the Agent suit. Rika meanwhile has that stereotypical rectangular male body that many bash male character design for and a face that's androgynous but leans more towards the male side, even wearing suspenders which is more associated with males. I believe Rika only became popular because of trans culture and from people wanting some kind of Gen 9 representation despite how bad Gen 9 was overall for waifu potential.
(493 KB, 2622x2500, 1659712478617953.jpg)
I feel like the only one who gets more of a scene chick vibe from her, just that she wears businesswear instead of something from Hot Topic.
She just has a cool design and an actual fun personality. Its a really neat take on a tomboy.
Characters like her have long been around before all the trans stuff started gaining traction.
>Its a really neat take on a tomboy. Characters like her have long been around before all the trans stuff started gaining traction.
Anime Misty did the tomboy look many years earlier without giving up the feminine qualities of her design like what happened with Rika. While I wasn't a fan of Misty's personality, it at least matched her design.
God i forgot how ass metalforever’s style is
Literal circle tool neanderthal
Style is the look of a picture that tells you who made it, Skill is what a person being deficit in would make you think it's circle tool shit.
Metal's art is not bad, it's better than many artists. He is just... boring. All his bodies are same-ish, not even taking into account how much of a factory he seems, churning out drawings like a madman
>Kurocaze does May
Is that twitter handle spelled right?
(78 KB, 1071x810, 20230321_185622.jpg)
PlunpKnight just posted the full pic on his P*n. Is there anyone that can get the full file?
Who made the first one?
(207 KB, 2257x2130, Thicke Wicke.jfif)
MysteryDad draws some of the hottest fat art on the internet.
Did he spelt masters ex as master sex
trannie difussion kikes gtfo of this thread
>made content worse than all AI’s creators can do
Always down for Rika but I feel like she should have small boobs even when fat
Was talked about earlier in the thread, but I think Rika should have some other womanly features to compensate so she looks more female. Or have there be more art of Sun & Moon Anabel instead of Rika.
That's what im talking about, he finally made something good after a while
That's how Dookus works. Doesn't make great work often, but when he does, it's great.
Imo dook is consistently good. Maybe it’s just me but his style is different enough to scratch an itch other artists don’t. Plus he mainly does pokegirls so that’s good
Nah I like that in her.
Really wouldn't mind more of S/M Anabel though to go alongside her.
(153 KB, 1280x2155, heavyweight_champion_by_karaage53ko_df42hdz-fullview.jpg)
Dook is one of the best artists in the game right now, and I say that as someone who isn't into half the stuff he puts out. He's objectively great at rendering detailed folds and providing a sense of depth. The fact that anyone considers him middling or mediocre just goes to show how spoiled for choice we are in terms of quality art, a few years ago you'd be crucified for saying something like that.

AI art is trash. Thank God it got its own board, now the rest of us don't have to look at it anymore.
there entering there mediocrity stage
which unfortunately happens to every artist one day

its basically like pornstars
you live your career
you get old
newbies sprout to eventually take your spot

its that simple
ai art doesnt do anything to this but rise the entry bar nothing more
>The fact that anyone considers him middling or mediocre just goes to show how spoiled for choice we are in terms of quality art
I wouldn't blame those people for how he can post something rough at times. That Irida he did recently was his best work in a long time.
i never said i was with ai retard(or like it ,it steals art)
what i said was the level of entry of art has gone up because of it which i consider good because people that draw lazy circle belly's wont make it anymore
(good riddance)
>>147863 may i add there bending to twitter
yeah that's a net negative
for them
cause you know what happens when a artist bends to twitter
stagnation then death(of there career)
Buddy doesn’t even know the difference between “their”, “there”, and “they’re” what a retard
not my fault hes a tra-
you know what nvm forget it
this is the 2nd time we went off topic just to talk about this person
could we just get back on topic
just someone post a image after this post
maybe dawn or whoever we're moving on from this
That happens whether they're chugging down gallons of kool-aid or they're a Jap who hasn't been touched by western bullshit. It's only ever greed, attention seeking, or oblivious to their lost passion.
Dook's not even trans you fucking retard
>>147915 wait he aint
bruh i just realized who i mixed him up with
(not relevant here)ok that ones on me but my other points stand
*he already hit his peak
*a new era is starting
*hes sucking up to the twitard crowd which is a net negative to him (fr why do artists do this it clearly has never worked out)

and look im not saying hes a dead artist yet not even close more like reaching the end of his prime (or should i say something like "shadow artist" , you know still here but isnt growing anymore)
i fucking hate you underages so fucking much
>sees art with an obviously mature bodied character that has an adult's figure
> hURR DurR PedOPHIle!!

What if somebody said >300lbs Reiinapop was 3 years old, would you still find her attractive? If you faggots saw actual loli you would implode.
If I had a nickle for everytime someone here claimed Dook is trans, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
>actual loli
What the nigger did he mean by this
least likely bbw chan user to be a registered sex offender
im assuming that pedo
that kept posting cp links in this board
(1.7 MB, 2284x2628, f489af9cd19150ea1fb097199e348cb42475a3a83442880f9a01d5e9a8ce5cbc.png) (82 KB, 995x616, fennekin_no_by_headless_whimsicott_d9039rh.jpg) (46 KB, 800x625, gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg_by_headless_whimsicott_db9t9jk.jpg) (88 KB, 975x1205, i_m_gay_by_festive_pajams_dcxa9xk.jpg) (104 KB, 800x1010, power_of_chrimmus_by_headless_whimsicott_dbzuext.jpg) (62 KB, 640x741, yummy_by_headless_whimsicott_d8yaggg.jpg)
I see this being said about Acerola but why not Lana? Almost all the characters outside of Hilda/Hilbert who are 16, are 10. They're fictional so I don't see the argument besides conflict of interest on the artist part.

Sauce for the May?
Wrong board, there's a Gardevoir thread on /bbfurries/ you're supposed to be using.
>Almost all the characters outside of Hilda/Hilbert who are 16, are 10
That's a lie in itself. Almost NONE of the characters have given ages. Wish that goddamn misconception would DIE.
And as for Hilbert/Hilda, I don't trust anything that isn't said in the game itself, but I trust Masuda even less.
Aren't the protagonists older in the Manga as time passes there?
Which model and prompt?
Nintendo/Gamefreak can't even get their own lore right so honestly who cares, just draw em fat if you want to. Sega has the same issue w/ its characters and when it tried to give em ages before backpeddaling after controversy and removed the ages/bios.
The protagonists in the manga and the protagonists in the games are completely seperate characters
sauce, I like these tummy shapes?
Who are the artist on the second and third pic?

They sure do have that ugly shortstack blob artstyle of one.
Do trans people live rent free in your mind or something? Get your head out of your ass.
(75 KB, 873x1188, 8752d55ab4f992d20cd777c6267fb8aa735c46e8a4d30b125e181abc6a793a30.jpg) (301 KB, 1569x2283, b5a8d89529ff5fa8d0ff37a056777013e3ba8f8faf5d5d8dc1f444fe77e198ee.jpg) (139 KB, 1428x1178, e4d787c57fcb6592abd2a0bb8a9cad5989195c72ae7b4df9145a2fee10b0485d.jpg) (5.5 MB, 3750x3200, dca3e76da7c8aa9ef9e3933ee56c4d749a0c82538d80484ad272dac2664aadcb.png) (127 KB, 1280x960, b3b554c19aec06413f1fb154584f19b438f17aa08781d2297ebf958675b21980.jpg) (154 KB, 1280x1625, a328fced42536c397f72dcde984208a9c49b3d936a0449bdb6244f10f291c97d.jpg)
Second one isn't Skyla though
Anyone got any good art of any of the player character's moms? Looking for gen 7 specially but I'll take anything
Does anyone have the pic of lillie done by lewdsona?
Full image of this? I recognize it's kawaiidebu but I couldn't find the source
Anything on the new protag Like?
(370 KB, 4096x1940, FpHSibgXEAAirB1.jpg)
i like rika because she's a bifauxnen

and for those complaining that she lacks feminine curves, that's what's weight gain is for (image as case in point)
Sprite weight gain is super hot and should be done more often. God bless that artist.
Do they have any more pixel arts? Thats really good.
He's got the worth ethic, I'll give him that. I just wish he experimented more and did more varied and unique body types and characters instead of the same characters or flavor of the month/trending characters.
Imagine using a term like "bifauxmen" unironically...I swear god, anon
I wonder if these sprites can be added to one of the GBA games
Fat pokemon rom hack? That'd be pretty based seeing all the fat sprites and your mc running and biking with all that flab.
(266 KB, 1643x2048, FihFLgdX0AEB5_F.jpg)
I like any fat Rika.
Curves are a nice bonus but I also like Jeet's take on her which was posted near the top of the thread
Pretty sure if you manipulate the characters' sizes that would make the rom crash and unplayable, you'd have to start from scratch.
>>150945 Manipulate isn't the right word I'd use there, but yes, you would have to fork the project.
Holy shit that's hot
Source for the Sonia pic?
absolutely retarded post
(551 KB, 2048x2732, media_FvBZo97akAAOgCD.jpg)
Technically the spats are still there, you just have to fatten her up enough to burst the shorts off that's covering most of them and the bandana was tied into a bow. I do agree though that the design is absolute trash just like most of the rest of the remake. I honestly can't think of anything they didn't do worse than Emerald besides putting Anabel in a suit.
How about you fucking retards stop fighting over a character's design and resume posting WG art? I swear god some of you are really stupid...
I need the sauce for that Serena, also can we get more Lillie and Lusamine in here?
Would you stop fucking around already?!
(1.1 MB, 2125x2000, chrk.png)
What's up with the first image? Lol.
First one is funny and all, but that second one. Is that Sui/Tsuchinocoin? I don't remember that piece, did they come back?
(248 KB, 1146x860, 1680909018710996.png)
Understandable, here's something that might make it better

Also semi-related: The artist who made that makes wholesome vtuber artwork now.
Not into vore, but that Jasmine is cute.
Kukuru100 on pixiv fanbox. They do males and futa sometimes, so be careful.
Get that dogshit circle tool fat art out of here
Reminder that it's behind a paywall
Sorry for asking but is there any good fat iris art?
god is not dead yet and dookus is proof
that marine one got ill received, could of done better on that one but the rest is nice.
Tbh that Marnie had an ugly haircut.
Not only that, but her expression looks like she got done with doing a fuck ton of drugs. Not flattering at all.

You're faggy alright, bud.
as much as i agree with you with saying fuck you to the twitards this is like the 3rd time this thread we talked about dook and this aged up shit (honestly ether draw the character or dont its that fucking simple, people only look worse trying to go though hoops to draw them. like just dont bother in that case )
so could we not
>>156659 I mean, she got that Junko in the Trunko
Cannot blame him, the Ace trainer from B&W is along with the one from ORAS one of the hottest mob trainers of Pokemon.
Nah but she is top tier.

Most protags have had bad designs; it's only really been the current gen where the trainer classes have not only fell to the same level but went so far as to become complete puke.
(655 KB, 2000x1286, dfyqtxf-b20a908f-ec35-4db2-8633-800d616c32b4.png) (98 KB, 1080x1080, dfpnimh-d3a30eb4-536c-4af8-b6b1-6627af37fa7f.jpg) (1.3 MB, 3000x3000, dfyfqw5-13dc1665-9951-4eb5-a382-3e00a196165c.jpg) (179 KB, 1280x791, gloria_and_marnie_3_by_roxas617_deppr2g-fullview.jpg) (68 KB, 1024x778, commission_219_2_by_kurocaze_s_dcnjqjf-fullview.jpg)
Shut your damn mouth, the protags are the one thing that they've missed on, even SV they're at least cute, if painfully bland
(158 KB, 1024x768, fat_pokemon_girls_by_kurocaze.jpg)
Scarlet and Violet was a fucking mockery that failed at everything that helped it become a juggernaut.

>painfully bland
That's why they're shit; you can't have your player character being unmemorable in comparison to the NPCs who you'd be hard pressed to find a decent one.
Females protags have always look good, but after Serena the designs started to become kinda bland. SV fem MC literally looks like Gloria with a braid.
>>156747 Yeah. How sheltered are you that you still don't know about the pseudo intellectuals positioned in your schools and gathering personal information on all children in the country since elementary then later gathering this information along with information gathered online or bought from hackers and selling the information in the black market to studios that later broadcast the information of civilians within their published cartoons, tv shows, netflix and other specifically low budget titles.
>>156747 That's nit why the art sucks though. The art sucks because they're not real artists. They're stupid and sometimes psychopathic "thinkers" and "analyzers" from an "enlightened" era. Oh, also, they swear that they're better peoole than your grandparents.
Who wants to tell him?
(67 KB, 423x271, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EVJyPBOU4AAdF5Y.png) (1.2 MB, 1400x1330, taste_testing__serena__pokemon__by_miramiraclerun_dactlm5.png)
>Females protags
Well now you're just playing dirty.
Even before Serena, you've had Blue and Crystal looking like they just threw whatever on, Hilda looked like she worked in a biker bar while Rosa looked like she got shanghaied from the 80s, and Serena didn't look like she should be traveling on foot and the clothing options sucked so much ass, and whenever they tried to remake the designs, they always failed miserably at keeping what originally drew people to the character. The thing about the female protags is that they're always only cute though they at least had a twist of coolness to them in the early days, so if people want a beautiful, completely cool, something darker (Channelers), or nerdy, they're fucked.

Last of Gamefreak before they left after G5 really did cheat with Hildas ball throwing animation.

It's only gonna get worse with the next entry.
Kynes occasionally posts on this site and draws males sometimes, so I think they knew Grusha is a guy. Fuck 'em.
>It's only gonna get worse with the next entry.
It was already really bad in SV. Rika having a very androgynous design, Penny being the textbook definition of garbage character design, and the protagonists having similar designs to the point that the only major difference is which way their hair is parted, not to mention that they're incredibly bland like some people here were saying. The only way for them to make it worse is to remove genders entirely.

>the clothing options sucked so much ass
I think Serena and Gloria had good clothing options, although I agree that Serena's base design doesn't look fit to travel. At least she also had the anime to cover anything the games didn't. I do also agree that Selena and what's-her-name from SV had bad clothing options.
There's no bottom in current year, what you think as the worst it can get is nothing in comparison to what has already been shown possible. Just imagine them cutting Rika's hair down and giving it a dye job as shit as Penny, imagine them deciding to fully pander to the worst part of the west and no let some good looking characters slip through. What if when they actually put in a choice of fat bodytype but it's only that garbage apeish butch look that makes the protag look mannish even with long hair if they even allow it anymore. And then there's somehow making the story even worse than it has gotten after G5.

>I think Serena and Gloria had good clothing options
In G6 everything was just palette swaps, and there was barely any good mix and match combinations, which left it as 2 or 3 good outfits.

>At least she also had the anime
I fucking despise anime Serena.
>I fucking despise anime Serena.
Explain, because I was talking about designs. Not to mention that the Serena you shared before was an outfit from the anime.
I really don't care if the designs aren't practical as long as they are memorable. Serena may not have the best look to travel, but her design stands out thanks to being the only blonde female protagonist and her combination of red and black clothes makes her recognizable. Compare her to the SV protag who could perfectly be a NPC from an early route. That's my main grip.
(121 KB, 774x1033, lisia_and_may_by_kurocaze.jpg)
I honestly can't remember; I think part of it was her constant thirst for Ash.

>her design stands out thanks to being the only blonde female protagonist and her combination of red and black clothes makes her recognizable
And yet you don't really see much of any art for her anymore like every other protag in new school Pokemon. They have their big start before fizzling out but in Serena's case, she also has her having came from one of the worst entries in all of Pokemon, working against her.

>Compare her to the SV protag who could perfectly be a NPC from an early route
Comparing her to the school kid trainer class isn't really doing her any honors. Best bet would be to compare her to Lyra where everyone called her Mario and forgot about her.
>And yet you don't really see much of any art for her anymore like every other protag in new school Pokemon. They have their big start before fizzling out
The protagonists that came after Serena all got less art then her with the exception of Gloria, although that was a good thing considering how trash Selene and the SV protags were. I haven't seen anyone do the Let's Go protagonist.
The only protagonists I see anymore are May, Hilda, and sometimes Rosa. Think it's safe to say Dawn fell off.
I think she not getting a redesign for the Diamon/Pearl remakes hurt her.
(116 KB, 1024x1238, 1580477591144.jpg) (75 KB, 1001x798, pokemon_trainer_of_the_swimsuit2_by_kurocaze_s_d9zcoer-pre.jpg) (166 KB, 1280x1600, veteran_trainer_by_ffanumber5_delz21r-fullview.jpg) (538 KB, 1045x1249, 1584901461471.png) (2.6 MB, 2269x2471, 1679781092306341.png)
As a proud lover of Pokemon NPCs, background characters have always been the secret best part of the series.
Wish I never stopped trying to draw, I had really wanted to give a lot of those ladies the attention they deserved.
Chicken-Chan and the Brit had memes backing them up in their early days but what surprises me most is that Lillie ended stealing the protags thunder.

>I haven't seen anyone do the Let's Go protagonist
People have fattened her up but I don't think anyone cares about Lets Go because from what I've heard it was them taking series they made it easy enough a dumb fuck can beat it and ground it down so that even a vegetable can coast by easily.

I've seen Dawn far more than I've seen Rosa.

>she not getting a redesign
Thank fuck for that, if only they didn't go for the playschool toys aesthetic instead.
>I've seen Dawn far more than I've seen Rosa.
I've seen a lot more Rosa then Dawn over the last 2 years. Sure Dawn had a lot more the her at one point, but that gap has closed.
(186 KB, 1280x1507, dawn__sketch_request__by_mrnobody69420_ddv4mqe-fullview.jpg) (168 KB, 1280x1135, have_a_fat_dawn_by_sharkfatvault_deyxk23-fullview.jpg) (1.3 MB, 5300x3500, defu2b2-df5a0f78-3fc1-460d-acf1-f6a5eb7db25c.png) (213 KB, 1280x1406, heavy_akari_by_igfu_dezd7dc-fullview.jpg) (430 KB, 1407x837, df28da9-20a76c02-91fc-4541-9ed5-21ebd7776315.png)
Dawn gets her share, Pokemon art distribution is weird, some get the lion's share, others barely get anything, and others somewhere in the middle. At least Dawn occaionally gets the odd bone, poor Kris is lucky to get anything, and Leaf could use somre more too

Eh, techincally Akari counts as a redesign for Dawn, and also her own seperate character because time travel and they couldn't make it easy.
(1.3 MB, 3000x3000, EX3.png) (1.3 MB, 3000x3000, Marnie 1.png) (2.3 MB, 3000x3000, Marnie 2.png)

That was my fuck up. I did know he was a dude when I drew him, and I didn't remember when I uploaded from my archive.

Sorry for making you look at boy ass.
(79 KB, 857x933, larger_lillie_by_jeetdoh.jpg)
I guess Rosa does have dominion over tits but I don't really see her grasp on much else.

>poor Kris is lucky to get anything, and Leaf could use somre more too
Neither had any presence within their respective games and Smash Bros had everyone distracted with Fiaaemburem.

>her own seperate character because time travel and they couldn't make it easy
>couldn't make it easy
The time travel or figuring out how the time travel works?

What do you think is the best way to go about fattening up a group or the world in Pokemon?
(306 KB, 1280x1406, asskari_by_igfu_dezd7on-fullview.jpg)
The existence of time travel really. Or rather having what should've been a simple "Akari is Dawn's ancestor" to "Actually Akari IS Dawn but only if you play as her"
They've had time travel since G2 when they introduced Celebi, you have Dialga within the Sinnoh region, and you have shit like retooling how Anabel fell into the alternate universe Gamefreak says the games are now in.
You're missing the point, it's more that it made things more complicated than it needed to be.
(407 KB, 636x900, media_FFCSWJFaQAEECKO.png)
They wanted the isekai audience. That being said, which entry within 3D Pokemon doesn't have some part of it being majorly impractical? It started off with a bunch of kooks dressed in red wanting to kill off humanity until their select few was left which if I'm remembering right was supposed to be the most beautiful, and now it's at them having killed off the Professors before you even meet them and replacing them with crazed bots constantly yanking shit from history until someone beats it in a Pokemon battle to turn them off.

Gamefreak doesn't have to worry about pushing people away with their lame choices because they have enough addicts; G5 was their last major attempt at creating a cohesive story and one where they weren't just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.
Oh, yeah, Akari is a thing. Compeltely forgot about her.
>>157023 A pokemon fangame where it's just most of the npcs being obese with or without any context would be insanely great
Does this exist already ?
(10 KB, 160x80, 164new.png) (9 KB, 160x80, 154new.png) (7 KB, 160x80, 34new.png) (7 KB, 160x80, 14new.png) (8 KB, 160x80, 26new.png) (10 KB, 160x80, 140new.png)
I don't know of any other ones out there, but I've been trying to fatten pretty much every female npc in pokemon black and pearl but progress is slow due to some difficult poses to work with and my lack of experience with romhacking.
If I ever finish it all and figure out how to get around some errors, I might post a download link for the rom, or if anyone else knows about something like this, I would absolutely want to see it as well.

Also here are a few more images (spoilered one for some minor slob)
>>157025 Possibly, but what you said was much too vague to know for sure. Perhaps you are neither an artist or developer, I assume. Try asking again in a different way, using different wording. That said, while there's been plenty of free games uploaded to the internet you may want to look into making the game yourself. There's been a lot of decent stuff made available though. In fact, in my truthful and honest opinion the best free online games that I've played are bafflelingly better than any commercial game I've bought on Steam or Android as these platforms are a joke and a money-grubber's paradise.
I'm still hoping for a weight gain hack compatible with any of the Gen 3 games. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green and whatever else there is
>>157037 That wouldn't be possible. Making a spin off though would be a piece of cake.
A spin-off...? I think fangames are kinda harder to make
>>157055 Not a simple gb game. I mean will take time but not difficult
There's some guy on DA who made a romhack of Firered where he swaps Moemon in with a handful of them fattened and a chunk of NPCs but anyone with more than a little detail got skipped (like Erika). I really enjoyed his fat Persian and Twins (one of the lolis was still skinny so it made her look like a feeder).
About a decade ago someone was making a weight gian romhack but he stupidly blurted it out before he got anywhere close to finished and got bitch slapped by Nintendo.

Wouldn't that just be harvesting the resources from the games and rearranging them; I'd think getting a weight gain mechanic crammed into Gamefreaks mess of a code would be the actual hard part.
(106 KB, 270x400, 1588502775943.jpg)
>Half circle boobs tacked on
>Belly looks like a bag of strawberry frosting that shes' carrying instead of an actual part of her
>Belly button off center
>Boneless T-Rex arm is a limp noodle against her body
>Head and shoulders is positioned for something closer to standing straight up than leaning/laying back
>Lower body looks like it's missing the ass and hips of her anatomy and keeps making me think she's hiding dolljoints under those biker shorts
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's because it's a gold plated turd that when you lean in for a closer look, the stench hits you like a wall.
Anon really used a fucking Puyo Puyo picture
(100 KB, 1024x1092, hilda_by_seatbelt_da.jpg)
What, that faux worship crap that people do makes me want to pick at them, whether they mean it or are joking around.
>>157138 I agree. I detest fake Christians. There's Christians that say they're Christians but in secret they're part of a secret "scientific" cult that communicates with eachother internationally through cheaply made art and are in communion with demonic things of the supernatural. They're in the government and that's why even though everybody knows they exist nothing has ever been done about these individuals that are everywhere and in every organization in the US. They watch your children since elementary school. They have their members in corrupt police platoons and in criminal gang members. They have a chokehold on the internet and use it to gather enough information about internet users in irder to find your location and stalk you in large numbers. They follow everyone everywhere thet go because they communicate using smartphones now. They're (almost) everywhere, and they're demonic possesed.
Why the fuck are you spewing this crap all the time? I dunno if you're a religious dude or not, but in case you are a shitty Spaniard you couldn't have made it clearer
>>157176 It's called a personality, and having a personality's useful when you love pussy. You shouldn't be so ungrateful about somebody trying to help you to protect yourself and your children from an imminent threat to society, dummy. If you don't care about the information provided in the post then don't read the post instead of assuming it's some schizo lying again and closing your eyes and putting your hands over your ears saying lalalala I haven't any ears.
dude were in a fat fetish site
Who drew the second one? The art style's really cute.
No, OCs don't work with this thread.
@fyuujin on twitter. Pretty much only does vtuber fat art, but took requests once on the bbw thread on /d/
And THAT one goes straight into my collection.

You're a saint and an artist.
>>158848 Thanks! I've been looking it for years!
It's a meme, man. Deal with it.
(329 KB, 2048x1829, Zinnia bbw 02.jpg)
I've used hydrus in the past, the problems I have with it is that a) it doesn't integrate into the filesystem directly, and b) it basically copies all my images (unless I explicitly move them to the new hashed location), thus doubling the size of my collection.

I just wish we had a filesystem (on Linux since that's what I use) that supported tags at the filesystem level rather than dropping in a user program that does it for you.
(220 KB, 1729x1665, b994e54cfa3d558c4d228f9c0c0fc815e24c4f105644d26e32c7a3da81c7e9c0.jpg)
I don't know how about then, but now you can solve both the problems. For a) you can add the tags when uploading them all at once from a folder. So, if you have a file structure like "pokemon -> body expansion" you can add al files from that folder at once and give them tags "pokemon" and "body expansion" . For b) you check the box to delete the files after uploading them to hydrus and then you empty the trashcan and you have only one copy of each file.
my dumbass commented on the wrong post. Source for this?
(8 KB, 256x128, 013new.png) (13 KB, 256x128, 038new.png) (9 KB, 256x128, 028new.png)
Love these.
I actually haven't posted mine anywhere but here, still trying to work on this romhack and update sprites as I go
Gotta love some Bianca-donk!
(91 KB, 1024x559, elesabad_roll_model_by_thedookus_dcymtwk-fullview.jpg) (726 KB, 3285x2500, FzB0MZ2aIAArvys.jpeg) (2.6 MB, 1750x1200, 4e37186c606e303bf3e4a6174f71a61b0b4551d7bcf189497609f23801b3fce7.png) (2.3 MB, 2800x1850, 03a93f2e1b7967f4a33dc4ccf5ed7c8089bbc62933e9f4cde8ca8a748fba8eaf.png) (3.2 MB, 3000x1700, 9858e07bf507dd232e430945d86fea12dcbcfcb1f9cbfcf4371439c8be3c0efe.png) (3.8 MB, 2300x1500, fd071245cdf9ca24538138b34909d31041aad07ce3701ff8aa300aabc82c36f1.png)

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