
Bws, shut up and go out from our board, you’re looser
You don't even know good grammar if it hit you on the head.
pure white "humor" cringe
Wojakposters try not to ruin threads immediately challenge (impossible)
Are you serious? I just set up this thread, and I come back to see anti-artist faggotry and racism? You guys are seriously mentally challenged, even coming from an autistic person like myself.
(5.6 MB, 2304x2770, Catching Her Breath.png)
Just ignore them and post relevant BWS posts and get ready for tomorrows page
Bws, shut up and go to the stable. I’m going replace you with using AI. And very soon you will go bankrupt
First off, I'm not BWS.
Secondly, we've mentioned this a billion times that AI artwork will never be the true replacement for art. In fact, a computer is completely blind to what art look like until you give it a billion prompts and existing artwork all made by real artists btw
> all made by real artists
You’re wrong, artist never can’t create nothing and only AI can make those ugly arts from autists better
> AI artwork will never be the true replacement for art
Artist, you’re wrong again. AI will replace your degenerative “art” and we can have new society without retrograde silly idiots who spent our time and money on themselves
Tomorrow's page Courtney is going to want more
And they start and she starts making out with Shannon
>adding to the real artists category.
Would it be fair to assume you give an AI images generated by another AI, as reference to how it should be drawn? Because if you do that, it'll look like a cobbled up mess.
>still saying that "AI will replace real art"
You do yourself, but if artists never existed, AI art would never have existed either.
And someone can say that this shit better than arts from >>137349 (Cross-thread). If you aren’t bots than you should understand that this is lie
>You do yourself, but if artists never existed, AI art would never have existed either.
Not, you’re wrong. AI can generate arts without artists. They never needed our society
> Would it be fair to assume you give an AI images generated by another AI, as reference to how it should be drawn? Because if you do that, it'll look like a cobbled up mess.
It’s better than all degenerate arts from real artists
True, AI art is impressive, but that's all it is. Artists put time and effort into perfecting tiny image details, even adding in references of their own. But as far as AI goes, all it cares about is:
>receive prompt
>receive negative prompt
>use reference images
>attempt fulfilling said prompts
(6.3 MB, 2028x2280, MaiChugAnimation.mp4)
also here's mai with a bit more polish since i was half asleep when i first posted it
Glad to see they’re relationship is getting as big as they’re waistlines
imagine their neighbors seeing them both walk outside and in every single day for all that time and slowly seeing them both become so big they cannot fit through the door anymore.
Then I would wanna be the neighbor
Does anyone have an archive of all of salts work?
aren't you the guy from /co/
Who has the comic page?!
A lot of the posts come out on patreon at 8pm EST so very soon.
Ok, good to know
life will be meaningless two weeks from now
I dont feel like he could wrap things up in two pages,i think this comic can go a few pages more
love how big and round courtneys face is

so good
this is either gonna lead to a make out session or a argument.... I'm being optimistic today so hopefully a make out session
My prediction for the rest of the comic is that there'll be a makeout session with no more weight gain. Very high chance that these will be their peak sizes.
that would be sad, im rooting for blob ending
He will probably skip a few years and they'll be blob sized.
I very much doubt it’ll be an argument, if anything I’m sure brunette would be eager to get her partner as big as her
>blobfags eagerly trying to ruin yet another comic
Like pottery
(69 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg)
don't start
When did what you call "blobfags" ruin a comic before? Most comics no matter who made it don't reach that size.
Please tell me Salt doesn't fuck the ending 😭
This is so good bless your soul mister
I love this comic and salts work, not criticism but what makes it better than like belts work, or other. Artists, I've seen a few who create illustrations and comics that are great, but salt is always on top.
(6.0 MB, 2277x2183, Crushing Technique.png) (3.0 MB, 2630x1540, Raw Pork Belly.png)
Fuck the blob haters. If they become blobs fine, if they don't then fine. It will probably be another time skip like usual of their biggest size at the end.
Considering how 'realistic' the gaining has been, with it taking 2 years to get to this point, I doubt they'll reach blob status. Maybe huge, but not blob
There's been a big push for realistic gains over the last several months. BWS fans have been the most aggressive about it while also slamming immobile/blob sizes. BWS has also gone on record to say that he doesn't like doing immobile/blobs often because he feels they're too limiting for his creativity, and that he won't do them for continuation polls for the same reason.
All of these are why I think those two are at their peak sizes right now, and won't get any bigger.
I mean yeah, he doesn't do blobs often, but at least they don't go from thin to OVER 9000! percent, unlike a certain other artist we know...
>but at least they don't go from thin to OVER 9000
That's a criticism I agree with. The one I don't understand and hear the most during a sequence is when someone goes from thin to lighter bbw while skipping being chubby. The range of being considered chubby is the most narrow of all overweight sizes.
(426 KB, 1329x1329, 7B5EB913-A61F-43E1-98E9-4DE832CC3C8C.png)
You blobfags already get plenty. Salt is excellent at drawing medium sizes so it’s a darn shame that the collective brain rot always pushes him to draw bigger and bigger
Can y’all just, not argue? Please?
(3.4 MB, 2936x1689, Just Out of Reach.png)
There's more talk against immobiles then there are in support of it. You using the term "blobfags" makes it clear what side you're on.
We need another war.
Arguing is half the fun of online discourse most of the time i don't even care about the subject just the arguing itself.

Imagine at their largest they get wedged in the door

Not bad, maybe make the shuffling a bit slower also if possible can sweat be added to this stuff (i think i've seen it done before but could just be me misremembering).

The guy draws a variety of sizes usually ends up finishing sequences at SSBBW sizes not "blob" sizes, that being said while I would like a comic that ends in immobile sizes it doesn't seem likely for this current comic.
>>140822 I wasn’t reporting I swear
hey guys salt just dropped a naked chloe pic
In heavy exercises Chloe weighed 418lb, currently she must be 450 or more and i love it. I love the idea that she weighs 100lb+ more than Nat
I would like to see tipping the scales, if anyone has it
Okay, why this guy?
Seriously, why him?
Quit posting shit like this.
(3.8 MB, 3661x2693, 1655611997771.png)
>Insensitive bitch fatshames her roommate just to gain access to her stash
I guarantee she's a secret degenerate like the rest of us and wanted out of the gym bunny lifestyle.
Sammy really has a nice figure. The pounds really settled well on her
Who is sam I am?
Apples aren’t too common but the way BWS does it is quite nice.
Just in time for valentines day!
That first image with the red background is I think peak BWS, like one of his absolute best. I think he'd do a bit more of that realistic style and size rather than more of his slightly more cartoonish balloon-y designs as of late. I feel like you can see his style slightly change throughout the sequence.
Nah man the most recent one is peak
Question, has anyone ever dated a woman that was at the size of the dark haired one in the final panel? Or are you currently dating one? What was/is it like?
>Shy at first
>She's now all yours the next valentine's, so on and forward
How would next her valentine's be?
That's just a very big highlight, but have to admit he could make it smaller lol
Could be frosting on her nose
Salt Health Update
Hi everyone, this is Salt's assistant. I'm here to give you a little update on things, as Salt is currently not feeling well enough to write this up.

Unfortunately, Salt has come down with something over the last few days. He's doing okay but is in no state to be working. Because of this, there are going to be some changes to the post schedule over the next week or two.

I'll start by talking about pieces - the good news is we have enough ready that we will still be posting three pieces each week.

Unfortunately, Couple Stuff is going to have to be delayed by a week again. Both Salt and I are really sorry about this as we wanted to have it all finished and posted by the end of this month.

We will also be doing our best to make sure the Continuation poll winner and second Explicit Edit for this month come out on time, so they will be the priority when Salt is ready to work again.

As for streams - With regards to the private $10 sketch streams, Salt and I think he should still be able to do those on time. We'll let you know in case anything changes on that front.

When it comes to regular sketch streams on the other hand, we'll be trying to reschedule them towards the end of the month. If you are a sketch patron I will be reaching out to you shortly either through Patreon DMs or over Discord to discuss how you want to handle this month's pledge.

Thank you all for your understanding. (And if you could, please leave some get well soon messages for Salt in the comments below. I think he'd really appreciate that... Just don't tell him I asked you to, okay?)

Hope you all have a good rest of your February, and enjoy the art we have in store!

wow I hope the best for him, hope nothing serious
Is it because the train accident on Ohio?
>>141307 That would be unlikely.
I hope salt gets well soon
I do hope Salt gets well soon. Until then, no couple stuff this week, which is understandable.
also, >>141307
That was inexcusable, Anon
What up Salt! I know being sick sucks so I hope you get well soon bro! :>
Take care Goated with Salt, your the best
can you control your autism from flaring up. please?
Could you make an animation of these?
It won't send but it was the two Ann Takamaki pictures
Salt isn't the same as Undertaker33 right?
Not necessarily, What Have I Done and the other bed ridden immobile one with the skinny blonde holding up her belly are some of my favorite he's done, particularly the latter. I think it comes down to his approach to each specific piece, some are more cartoony and some lean a bit more into realism (for textures, faces, etc not sizes obv lol)
True, there is some variance in Salt’s style. I think it mostly comes down to whatever he’s vibing with at the time
Nope, but Undertaker is a regular commissioner
Undertaker does WG stories and Salt mostly does artwork, but they do collab frequently.
To all the retards replying to this, it was posted on his patreon, neither salt nor his “assistant” (lol) is reading this thread so you’re all wasting your time kissing ass
Oh shut up, we wanted to know the answer why the comic's taking longer to finish, and we got the answer. Illness is no joke.
Hope you get better soon salt
a lot of this sites users are incredibly stupid
This looks great BWS, hope you feel better soon
Thanks for posting and get well soon! ^^
>twice as much
>twice the size
Rookie numbers!!
Most of it is just “getting it out” there you know? Good vibes, in the ether.
why the fuck would salt post paywalled content for free? you guys are genuine retards
You must be new here. That's the point of BBWchan.
No, I'm saying why would salt post his own paywalled content
Some artists do visit their threads in bbwchan. I think bws had been here before but i don't remember it very well
I’m shocked that people thought it was either Salt or his assistant that posted that here. The dude is bedridden. He didn’t pull up bbwchan and paste his “assistant’s” Patreon post just to satisfy you dorks. He isn’t here reading your get well wishes. Go post on his actual Patreon if you want him to see your messages. “Thank you so much for the fat rope I shot across my lap today Salt. I hope you feel better soon!” Who even are you people?
>The dude is bedridden.
And? He said that these pieces he's sharing now we're completed earlier
Thanks, and please take it easy, man! Focous on getting better
(1.3 MB, 2659x2440, Accessing Hidden Files.jpg)
>people still believing it's Salt sharing his own picture, which are explicit and a week or 2 earlier from release
Has the coom drained people's brains that much? It's anons who pay for it or find on kemono. I posted the beach pic.
Anon I can’t tell if you’re genuinely retarded or “le merely pretending” but I’m gonna call you a faggot regardless
Hot damn that’s one of his best yet!!
We're the real fans. He appreciates our honest feedback more than the sycophant on patreon.
Anon confirmed braindead and lacking basic reading comprehension
salts back to the grind homies!
Seriously, they just pay him for the art and it's all in one place, Were the real fans, we gather it up and present it to people so everyone can see. We do more to get salt out there then his paying "Fans" I doubt salt even wants all the paypigs flocking to him.
(995 KB, 1200x1350, A15D2C2C-ED6C-4BC4-B12A-7F33BA0F70E7.jpeg)
Tbh, it’s 50/50. Sure it’s because of these threads that provide useful feedback along with admiring/spreading all the hard work that he has done throughout the years. However, I feel that it’s also thanks to these patrons that we get banger commission pieces, poll results, comics, etc. In fact, if Salt reaches his $10k monthly milestone, he has a special project planned out for his fans, the “paypigs”. At the end of the day, anyone who supports his work (whether they’re paying or not) are the real fans.

Look, I don't care about dick riding or not, we should be glad Salt's back.
Glad to have you back ;)
It's now BWS himself, you goddamn simps
Salt drawing immobiles? Splendid
Is there an Art work of Bbw girl Masturbating that BWS did?
Salt should honestly do more One Piece girls, a Nico Robin one would make people go feral.
And I mean this in terms of an actual, fully rendered drawing, not as a flat color.
Close..: I think it’s the one who is on the computer.
if salt's a bbw in the bws-verse does that mean we're also bbws inside said universe
We need more like this.
Asking the real questions here
Does anyone have the sketch of miko Iino in color that I drew bws a long time ago?
Is this new update permanent because it looks like it's trying to imitate 4chan?
It's basically because the janitors are poor as fuck and can't afford to keep the website up
Anyone knows who won march's polls?
Voting still going, it'll be done in 8hrs
I actually like this flat color style a lot
Ahoy, chaps! Are we to expect the next instalment of "couple stuff" on the morrow?

Kind regards, an anonymous degenerative
>>142521 LewdWok seems very promising artwise
Auto update isn't doing its job
Any new couples stuff pages
It’s coming in like 30 minutes, luckily I got my computer connected to my tv so I get a better view of it
Damn Salt with the hard hitters
Don't you mean heavy hitters?

I dare you to say something else.
Only one page left. You think it'll be a cooldown page with their current sizes, or one last timeskip?
I'm expecting a one-panel page with the two of them overstuffed and sleeping, bird's eye view.
Who won the sketch update poll?
My bet is that it’s one last time skip (since there’s the little white boxes on the bottom right) it’ll show the girls even bigger, maybe 3 year anniversary and it’ll be something like one of them finds the old WG comic that got them into the gaining in the first place.
Who won the explicit poll?
>>142793 Are you with me, Doctor Wu?
Can someone upload all the couple stuff pages so far?
Either post-stuffing full page or time skip to wedding
hey guys, salt dropped the 10$ private sketches
calling it now, comic ends on the two of them breaking the bed
No one have the sketches in color?
Anyone coloring some of these in?
Why is all of this so god Tier. Like no one else can even come close to Salt. I'm glad we have so many artists now, but just no one can even come close to competing.
Man, his arts looks like AI, ordinary poses, standard colors without experiments, boring stories. Seriously, even Bamboo, if we forget about his behaviour and shizo, can make more interesting content in his early years. And belt can only continue work. His fat doesn’t look like real and jiggly fat
This is why you don't drink while pregnant people, you get retards like this.

Stfu before I say something else to make modern western civilization and gay Jews look stupid. I'm asking you nicely this time, btw
where did you find this naked Nora i havnt seen it anywhere
It's really easy to throw out criticisms without backing them up. Ordinary poses/standard colors? Salt does more with posing and colors than the others you mentioned, easily.

If it's so easy then what prohibits them from not being so incompetent? Trick question, btw. I know the answer because I know more than youn you see?
Oh please, you people would shit talk others even if they did back up their criticisms.
You really are an arrogant asshole, even worse than Gecko
mothufucka is this the rail grinding thread?
Did Salt published a new page of the comic after that last one? Someone have it?
he posted that everywhere. I guess he just wanted gnarly street cred among the chubby fucker crowd.
>>143060 hey anon what the fuck
Anon why can't you accept simple things of life? Some kind people even share the art directly without us to wait to become free for all, and we should thank them. Besides that, maybe every artist, every drawing you will see will have some mistakes or things you don't like, but that dosn't mean we have to judge it wrong, take a moment to apprecciste it instead.
(286 KB, 676x1200, EBFFAD5B-FE33-4BA7-94D1-DCE2514FF0C6.jpeg) (109 KB, 736x727, 47D55A30-9A3B-4C50-ADDA-8AB12E5BD69D.jpeg) (43 KB, 477x429, 09CB52D1-A9E0-4FCA-88A9-E2634FC3AB9E.jpeg) (60 KB, 784x1280, 25E25609-0148-42D9-9B8A-44698FCD19AE.jpeg)
>standard colors
Yes, just see new style anime arts and compare with Belt. His colors looks ordinary, without emotions and mood from them. You can say, that presi draws it, but not, he also can’t understand anatomy and colours in arts
>ordinary poses
Yes and using same poses for many characters. He just copy other character’s face and wow. IT complete

>Yes, just see new style anime arts and compare with Belt. His colors looks ordinary, without emotions and mood from them. You can say, that presi draws it, but not, he also can’t understand anatomy and colours in arts
I agree. It'snot goodart.

>Yes and using same poses for many characters. He just copy other character’s face and wow. IT complete
Peopleare greedy and lazy. Artists areneither.
>that dosn't mean we have to judge it wrong, take a moment to apprecciste it instead
Man, we live in capitalism, process doesn’t matter. All people want good results and they don’t think about your problems. And this is normal

>Man, we live in capitalism, process doesn’t matter. All people want good results and they don’t think about your problems. And this is normal
Stupid. What even is this comment? We buy products, and sometimes we purposely buy inferior products because they are cheaper
>Peopleare greedy and lazy. Artists areneither.
And because of this we shouldn’t criticise Belt, should we?
> It'snot goodart.
Belt’s arts worse

>Real Artists are neither greedy or lazy.

Belt's "art" is.......not terrible. If anything he caters to those who enjoy repetative sameness that is not great art but it's appealing and shiny and new
Communist, can you realise my post and previous post? And yes. Even cheap things have all their constructions, they aren’t bad, as belt’s rubber. And only after years you can throw away it
>appealing and shiny and new
> who enjoy repetative sameness
He’s artists for autists, isn’t he?
>Real Artists are neither greedy or lazy.
Yes, they make make arts always, as machine, as new Man, Posthuman

I will throw your comment away as soon as I post this reply, I assure you. Thanx, but don't worry about me. You are free to purchase what you like. I produce quality, but I enjoy ass. It is the way I am. I would love great breasts everyday, but hey, they are nowhere to be found. What am I supposed to do? I want the best. Because I enjoy a beautiful butt or even a huge jurassic ass does not mean that I would willingly desire to produce garbage. I enjoy McDonalds and Burger King or Wendy's more than most 5 star restaurants that I have eaten in. But none of that compares to a home cooked meal that is why I'd rather get married as soon as possible, but sometimes in life you are forced to wait when certain things are out of your control. I will eat whatever I have to eat if I have to go hunting or eat grub. I am not afraid of Jaws. I have swam in crocodile infested waters. Was I concerned? Yes, but I was in a situation that was out of my hands and I had God with me. I am not what I eat. I eat it all and shit out what I don't need, and 1 day I will shit you out.
We know she can't communicate, but Komi's thighs don't lie!
Can someone tell who the third character on the top row is she looks familiar but I can't pin it
The second and the third characters are OCs from another artist, but i don't remember who.
Ok thanks they remind of a character from steins gat
excellent pic, is there a version without the dialogue?
Would've taken a 4th part of this sequence to see May get even fatter instead of a remake, but whatever. It's a remake of one of his first really good artworks.
>>143372 I kinda wanna see a remake/continuation of Rosa making a comment about eating way too much ice cream with a broken bike.
Anyone excited for tomorrow night? That’s when the last page of Couple’s Stuff comes out!
Its probably going to be another timeskip
Very cool, thank you for sharing
Why would it not be? Seeing such slow weight gain is boring, and it'd be great to have the two girls even bigger
todays the day fellas
can't wait to see what salt's cookin'
The only reason would be if BWS's own preference made him not do it. There's nothing else that would stop him.
(1.1 MB, 300x218, twist-m-night-shamalan.gif)
it should end with the redhead waking up from a dream and realizing they're still slim
the brunette is then revealed to be waking up bed bound from a diabetic coma she’s slipped into 3-4 years years ago, with the redhead dead and slightly decomposing from a stroke/heart attack she succumbed to 2-3 days before, the IV drip of drugs keeping the former alive if unfed, and even waking her up without her typical additional routine with the read head dying and unable to administer it.
She does however wake up HUNGRY and in the brain damaged fog of her return to the land of the living, she eat the redheads corpse like a very large house cat eating it’s single elderly owner.
He ends it with Slob. What terrible finish.
Maybe the real couple's stuff was the friends we made along the way?
great ending, I was hoping for another timeskip but slob plus nudity is good too
No. Slob is not popular.
CUTE. Hope they get featured as background characters some time, especially to provide early inspo and or C O N T R A S T
Don't why'd you think that. One last timeskip would've been great, but he had to go and do one of his terrible decisions again. Worst part is that his fans are going to eat this shit up because they're a goddamn hive mind would would die for him.
somehow is worse than Lossing control...
Guess that's a question. Which is worse, an underwhelming ending like what Losing Control had, or a bad ending that has an unpopular fetish like slob, which Couples Stuff did?
True but they’re pretty clean besides food and food wrappers, it’s pretty cute.
no cursed /ee/ scat piles or green crayon either.
[spoiler]They should hire Mr Clean himself as a house keeper btw in the XXX reboot
I thought slob was popular in general, am I just out of the loop? (o_O}?
(2.0 MB, 2029x2625, Overfilled Cups.png)
This is barely slob. You always do this anytime a comic is ending and compare it to Losing Control. You can criticize BWs but to constantly complain and compare stupid shit is pointless.
He would never do Scat, that's bottom of the barrel for fetishes.

There's a lot of artists who won't do Slob. It's not as unpopular as say Males, Bursting, Scat, Gore, or major health issues, but it's still not favoured.

>Has handprints over their bellies, and many crumbs over their faces. Doesn't see it as Slob.
Absolute brainlet.
No one's gonna complain because this shit isn't slob content at all. No sweat or smell stuff, barely any garbage (room still looks tidy up), they aren't even burping come the fuck on.
>because this shit isn't slob content at all. barely any garbage
My brain is turning numb from how idiotic you're being right now. When the fuck is messy handprints not considered slob?
What a buzzkill
You can't post that here, those pics are one handprint away from being nasty, hardcore slob!
You must have spazz outs when a character in fat art burps and has Cheeto dust on their fingers and face
I would normally scroll past Slob without paying any mind, but this was a comic months in the making by the one who's widely viewed as the most popular artist in the fats community. The fact that it was specifically he who made it, and after all the build up over the months, this ending was garbage. The potential for this being among his best works was as high as it could possibly be, but he wasted it.
Y'all think THIS is slob?.....Seriously? For real?! Doesn't even have smears, sweat, burping, farting, food all over their bodies, nothing to scream about really. And if these easy to clean off hand prints and crumbs really bother you, just edit them out and enjoy the piece! This is probably the easiest "slob" art piece to edit the "slob" part out in years, so go on and edit it out if it's too much for you guys.
Oh, c'mon. You retards consider literally everything to be slob. Even when a character burps and there's some food crumbs on their mouth, you think it's disgusting. Grow the fuck up already
>You retards consider literally everything to be slob.
Bull fucking shit.
Grow up, you act like a child
Oh yeah? I wanna see proof of that, kiddo
Insanely based and hot ending.

Anyone who says this is slob is out of left field. Well worth the wait, but would be hyped if it got an epilogue piece later down the line.
Mf got mindbroken by a WG comic.
Imagine being this entitled over a weight gain comic you didn't even pay for
(177 KB, 625x505, 1483321161645.jpg)
Gonna need an edit without the hand prints

Fuck off. Who do you think you are?
Prove that how, wise guy? Even if somehow I did, it's not like you'd believe me anyway.

Hive mind. Bzzz. That's what you're doing.

At this point the hive mind fucks here who're saying that the ending was good, or that it's not slob are worse.
what if I say please and thank you? :)

You're going to need to say a lot less than what you have thus far. Because you're full of shit. And you still have no idea who you're dealing with. Pussy. You talk way too much for somebody who loves to hide in the shadows.
(99 KB, 1056x757, __wide_size_reagan_ridley_part_2___by_vhite9_df7fx03-pre.jpg) (181 KB, 1024x764, susette_08_by_extrabaggageclaim_dff8cn2-fullview.jpg) (73 KB, 964x829, sweaty_melia_by_seatbelt_da_df6s7cg-pre.jpg) (179 KB, 1339x597, kate_bishop_too_big_to_suit_up_by_aloysiuseroticart_dfbj1ea-pre.jpg) (76 KB, 1215x657, anonymous_slob_comm_by_sadapplex_dfhvdw6-pre.jpg) (99 KB, 1088x735, horny_aladdin__not_my_work__by_fartfartfart22_ddw1gc5-pre.jpg)
Ya'll still talking? how about a comparison then. Here are a few REAL slob fat arts to shut your mouths.
>If you don’t have the exact same opinion of this page as I do, you’re a part of the hivemind
You’re a fucking joke. Just shut the fuck up already.

Hey! Watch your dirty stinking joker mouth, nutter.
What a dumbass. Assuming me and aecc2b are the same person, cause we're not.

Page 20 has more Slob then the 1st, 3rd, and 6th images you posted.
Who is driving the truck and how many passengers? What is the load?
What a great way to end off a comic!
(although, I hope there would be a clean edit)

Unbelievably based. God-tier
Is everything OK at home, buddy?
For some reason this doesn't seem to want to play. Weird and unfortunate since, if they're anything like that Lucy animation, I gotta see'em.
average nylonwave/ecchipanda commissioner
It’s not even that bad, doesn’t really need a clean edit
...Hey if you want, you can talk to me about any problems you have
Try downloading the video. It's in an MP4 format, so it should be easy to play.
clean edits are for virgins
(9.5 MB, 2376x1896, MisakiCowAnimation.mp4)
since the site got fixed, here's my newest animation edit
(9.5 MB, 2376x1896, MisakiCowAnimation.mp4)
since the site got fixed, here's my newest animation edit
Can you do one of just the heavy breathing, without the rumble wobble effect?
You’re doing gods work anon. There aren’t enough animations with rippling bellies.
That's super cool man, what'd you use to make it? After effects?
Brilliant work!
What else are you able to do?
there's gotta be a way to add sweat and steam to these
What do I need to do this myself?
This is so awesome. Amazing work. Could you do a version without the vibration effect?
Is that Rias Gremory?
I think it’s Mrs. Lagann but idk where her big gun is
Heavy breathing and voice acting would make this complete
How will she get out of there?
Nah, an explicit alt would make this complete
Anyone got the story that goes with this?
I think she's a phy ed coach being made fun of by her student
Am I the only one who finds these stories weird as fuck?
So what? People can't even express their own opinions anymore? Shit, it's not like they were particularly negative or anything. Stop acting like an entitled prick
>So what? People can't even express their own opinions anymore?
After how much I got blasted here for sharing mine? Double standard of the century right there.

>Shit, it's not like they were particularly negative or anything.
You're effectively saying that they're only allowed if they're not negative.
Just deal with it at this point.
I'm not siding with that other guy, but I suggest you don't talk about them. Salt wanted feedback, and I'm sure it's appreciated. If they find it too unrealistic, let them be. Nobody needs to show off to prove anything.
What's wrong with these comments?
is this the first time salt drew Mai?
thats it my whole decades been made
>>144633 Originally started as a sketch sheet, and I seriously believe there was an Erufuda within said sheet.
Nah I’m with anon on this one I’m not here for some gripping story just give me a set up good art/sequence and be done with it. With only a few exceptions every time one of these artists try’s making a deeper story it just ends up being ass. I don’t need another kip-esque story full of melodrama that drags for like 3 years. As for how fat they got by the end of it I thought the comic hit the sweet spot honestly

I hope you get ahlzeimer's and that it doesn't kill you.
>I’m not here for some gripping story just give me a set up good art/sequence and be done with it. With only a few exceptions every time one of these artists try’s making a deeper story it just ends up being ass. I don’t need another kip-esque story full of melodrama that drags for like 3 years.
This why I had an issue with those comments, to answer >>144597's question. If people want drama, they can go watch the news. Keep that shit out of fetish comics, and keep things short, to the point, and fun. Realism bogs down the pacing and the overall mood too much.

Do you ever make sense ever in your fucking life? Sorry, you didn't like my joke. Don't tell anybody to grow up when you're an invasive species on our soil. Ever heard of cancer, asshole? You need some.
Hmm yes quite the rational response indeed. You’re pretty goofy bubba
>4:00 AM Shit Just Got Real!
Fuck...I feel like...I'm gonna cum...
Thank you very much for sharing ☺️
Wait, is he not going to do one of those profile pics for Halie?
This dude really hates cum
the kinda shit that puts you on your knees
(2.5 MB, 2586x1676, Couch Potato.png) (4.7 MB, 2481x2088, Sophia_Rose.png) (2.4 MB, 2260x1780, No Cookies For Santa.png)
Salt Health Update... Again
Hey everyone, Salt's assistant Pepper here to keep you all in the loop.

So over the weekend Salt managed to scratch his eye. He's doing good but right now is unable to do art as it heals.

Just as when he caught covid last month, this won't impact posts. there will still be three pieces going out this week. However, streams are going to be put on hold until next week.

For those on the sketch tier, this won't delay your sketches for this month. We'll make sure to get all our commitments done as soon as Salt's back in working shape again.

Thank you all for your understanding. I'll be doing my damndest to make sure Salt doesn't get hit by a meteor or something next month.

Hope you all have a good month and enjoy the art we have to share with you all!


Dude needs to be restrained so he doesn't hurt himself.
goddamn, salt can't catch a break...
>Dude needs to be restrained so he doesn't hurt himself
Bit rude for his assistant to say that
who drew those, they look great!
Remramwaluigi on twitter. Their shits pretty damn sweet
>>145242 His fat exercise coach OC is pretty good ngl
Still acting like a retard, huh?
It's amazing how well he's done just taking pictures of pencil drawing. I wonder sometimes if i really need a drawing tablet and all this software shit.
Pretty much the only things you'd need are some A4 paper, a pencil, a fine line pen and an eraser. As well as that, it's best you use an all-in-one printer, or a dedicated scanner. Afterwards, you can use Gimp and make a new top layer to apply some color, and export when you're done.
>>145301 Aren't you that anon who was saying that fans of BWS were dickriders when the first health update was announced?
for some reason when I see Nikume and Serena, I become super fucking happy and I don't know why?
>>145425 I kinda wanna see the Halie bio card to finish the OC quartet.
Anyone got the sketch at the end of the second timeline?
>When they were thin
>They were still huge as shit
Wolf whistle
Can someone color the bottom left one where the two are on the scales?
Can somebody get a compilation of everything salts done on Lucy like the last few threads please
good idea, I'll grant it needed an update
Jesus Christ, why do people insist on voting for her in polls still?
BWS patreons are just fucking repetitive people which is probably why he's been actively doing drawings that weren't commissioned or voted on, he's getting bored
Maybe if he cycled patrons at the top slot, but of course there’s going to be the faggots in those slots saying “well he might lose money, so why give up that security” like there isn’t 50 people waiting in line to take those slots that haven’t changed hands in like 5 fucking years
There's been some Lucy art he's done too that were unprompted, like some holiday pics and upgrades. BWS is also part of the problem.
>BWS is also part of the problem
Dude is drawing what he wants to draw and you motherfuckers are acting like there's some "problem" with that lmfao
That's why commission slots being patreon exclusive is a horrible idea, especially when there's still a chance of not getting chosen. There was one person here who said they weren't picked for commissions, yet we saw the usual people still getting new commission, even multiple of them There's definitely bias going on that's been fucking over new people from getting a chance.

Here comes the Salt Defense Squad.
>There was one person here who said they weren't picked for commissions
Ever consider that their suggestion might have been something Salt didn't want to do?

>Salt Defense Squad
Say stupid shit, get called out for it. Simple as.
>Ever consider that their suggestion might have been something Salt didn't want to do?
And if it were something that was within Salt's rules? If they were declined while staying within Salt's preferences, then that's still bias on Salt's part.
Can you post that image if Lucy and Juvia on the beach?
Lol, another downgrade from a prior idea. Pyra was better.
Right? Salt has been on a disappointing streak.
this is why bws is the GOAT. now all i need is the third blue greenish girl and im set for life
I think Mythra looks insanely gorgeous too, imagine an uncensored version with that pose squashing her giant boobs 🥵🤤
I think Mythra looks insanely gorgeous too, imagine an explicit version with that pose squishing her giant boobs 🥵🤤
Dude just finished his most popular comic by a mile, but yeah sure, he's been a disappointment
Man, his arts worse than generic AI arts. Stop be idiot and neo Luddite
Now the Mythra piece needs a sequel!
(593 KB, 1329x1329, 70859f51dbbc5d1bb562e9bc6538e49b74d85b8be76de58fcd78cc757cc544a8.png) (475 KB, 1329x1329, 3e7b1ef32ca32c31cd18b380fbd4f5eae8d642fcd7d811bcfdd287a3a01660ef.png) (474 KB, 1329x1329, 9c95514b1e0e890a645bd3c69cf5cb669d717227cd1e65a7af83c18c115202ea.png) (552 KB, 1329x1329, 2e4fc1e3413e7d47a69279eb9743068e2c239fdd2201870d7c840bf127e4dec5.png) (530 KB, 1329x1329, 03f87396eb2bec686802c2186a608a5386fdd24998dbf8621aad350731455ab3.png) (517 KB, 1329x1329, 460238461a2dd513ee4675093fcbddc1aea358d093bfd1e8b5d9fca3bd0fc626.png)
my best guess is he's gonna do Nicole the chef, then Courtney and Shannon, then the blue haired girl from beach bod, then black haired bitch from TTS then finally Nikume and Serena
>>146585 Good lord, I thought I had a big family sibling-wise.
>Nikume and Serena
They don't belong to Salt, though that's something their owner could commission from Salt.
hes gonna add lucy afterwards, hopefully
Ah yes, my favorite better with salt oc, Lucy fairytail
I was thinking of posting an updated version this weekend but it looks like this thread is almost at it's end so I was thinking on posting it on a new thread everyone cool with that?
Fuck I forgot his two holiday girls Valentine girl (Olivia Sparks) and Halloween Witch (Wendy Berkson) (these aren’t their real names I just thought these up on the fly)
Idk, there's still a few slots left, but you can do it if you like.
Make it like a BWS Thread 9 or something
Threads bumplock after 400 posts, and we're approaching 300. No point in making a new one right now, wait until this thread hits 400.
When we make another BWS thread, can we call it “Better-With-Salt 9: Salt Harder”?
Can you just shut up and jerk off or something?
Dude, this isn't the place to ask for guys to jerk off for you. Go be gay somewhere else.
bro shut the fuck up you corny ass nigga
Ever since CharacterAI has popped off, has anyone here ever thought about making bots of Salt’s OCs?
god i wish that were me
Holy fucking shit this is pure gold
bros back gonna break from carrying this dog ass community by himself. god tier
I certainly like the idea, I don't know how you make bots on there personally but if anyone here does that would be great
I've got some experience with CHAI, even if it's become utter dogshit it can still be a decent roleplay experience. I'll start making the OCs one by one
I honestly wish everyone else would just stop drawing, bunch of useless losers, salt for life I agree.
Salt's overrated, and people like you two are proof of that.
Oh look, the retarded hater has come out of their shell
More proof of Salt being overrated.
AI the better draw the fat gif Salt I say!

I SAY!!!
He's literally the only artist at his level that delivers full color drawings through the week on schedule. Even if you think his art could be better that's more than enough to put him on the top (plus completely drama-free ).
>He's literally the only artist at his level that delivers full color drawings through the week on schedule.
He does art full time unlike many other artists who still have another job or something else in their lives that would prevent them from doing the same.
He's really not, no one else can put out nearly the level of content he does and in color. It's not possible and until I see someone else do it my statement stands, Get on his level or get out.
Anyone knows how are the polls doing?
>no one else can put out nearly the level of content he does and in color.
Did you not read my previous comment? It's because he's full time, unlike many other artists.

>Get on his level or get out.
I'm curious how you people would react if he started doing males. Would you still be sucking his dick, or would you turn on him?
Depends on if he shows dick or not, I can jack to to any fatty really. She's a girl if I say she's a girl so long as there isn't a cock attached.
(231 KB, 820x941, Upgrade.webp) (908 KB, 820x912, Explicit.webp) (652 KB, 820x747, Redo.webp)
In order
Sketch upgrade is between 1 and 16, 268 - 260. Next closest is 8 at 223

Explicit is 5 and then 2 at 147 and 121 (this one is top 2), next closest is 22 at 113

Redo poll is 12 by a country mile with 430, next is 18 at 224
Yes, he also has an assistant too. So? Why should I care about any of that if his output is good and consistent?
Well, the cool thing is that he hasn't done any of that yet. Unlike most retarded artists he actually knows his audience.
>Unlike most retarded artists he actually knows his audience.
Feels like he knows he could get away with anything because his following never speaks against him on what he does. It's very possible for him to make the same mistake that Jeetdoh did, if he decides to branch out more.
>Why should I care about any of that if his output is good and consistent?
Because you're selling other artists of a similar level of quality short for not being able to do the same, both because of time and not having as big of a following to make enough money to make it possible.
I'm sick of blobshit, patreon was a mistake
They do well on his polls because Better With Salt never does them without some sort of obligation. Every single blob or immobile he's ever done was either because of a commission, a patreon sketch reward, or one being poll winner.
And how did he get to the point of being able to do it full time and being able to hire an assistant? He was doing everything alone for years, while having another job before he made enough money to function the way he does now. You're selling him just as short as some are selling other artists short.
He has a sizeable following of people who likes his immobiles and blobs, but he doesn't respect them enough to want to do them on his own.
What has he done that's bad enough that implies he feels he could "get away with anything"?
What the fuck are you even talking about, he produces them so who the fuck cares whether they're through polls or not?
Thanks man, really hope 1 wins the sketch upgrade
Here's some nudes he's done of fictional pixels on a screen. FTFY. Go back.
You forgot to attach the pics!
He aged up fictional characters! Oh my god, the horror!!!!
Grow the fuck up.
Okay, what are you taking to be concerned about fictional characters?
Yeah, he totally "aged them up"

Wink wink.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Did it ever occur to you that they're not real people?
Yes, that's why I'm making fun of him.

Since when is Zelda underage?
Who won the March explicit poll?
Serena and Nikume scissoring scene pls
I remember "Mounting The Meat Mountain" being a SeiNiku Scissoring piece (is that what people use as their shipping name?)
must be a massive fupa then. not even a slit is visable
With a fupa that big im sure it hasn't been touched in a long while
(15 KB, 370x288, D1pPJI_XcAActOD.jpg)
This place rarely makes me laugh, but man I need more humor like this on this board
The cheese is under the sauce.
So... When do you plan on doing it?
Polls are over btw
For explicit and Redo polls what was leading won, so 5 and 2 are getting explicit versions and 12 is getting redone

For the sketch upgrade 1 and 16 are tied at exactly 296

Last time this happened was with the continuation poll a year and a half ago, and he posted one of them one month and one the next, so we'll see if thats the case. Very funny thou
looked like AI from afar...
why the fuck would retarded ai "art" be in the bws thread
They're just saying that the style that BWS used in that pic resembles the typical 'style' ai stuff has. Which it does, that sort of highly airbrushed shading look.
Man this bait is getting old
12 getting redone feels like a waste tbh? Like, it hasn't been that long since he made that one right?
Tomorrow will be 3 years since he posted that image in DeviantArt, so no. Plenty of time has passed.
>For the sketch upgrade 1 and 16 are tied at exactly 296
>Last time this happened was with the continuation poll a year and a half ago, and he posted one of them one month and one the next, so we'll see if thats the case. Very funny thou
He said on the post that there will be a revote with those two options. If they tie again, then he will decide which one gets the upgrade.
>everything except explicit poll is literally always just the biggest girl winning
Blob singularity has been achieved
>>147855 More Elf-san girls, nice.
Hatsune Miku letsgooooo
Holy fuck I feel old. In my mind that came out like a year go
Hell yeah, Oga. Very nice to see
Is the bottom left Cana Alberona?
I've been waiting for him to draw this character since she was first revealed

you love to see it
I thought Salt was safe from the Hatsune snoozefest
He's more of a pussy if he doesn't do fat Halie
id dig it, if only cause contrast art is kinda my thing
Speak for yourself, nigga
eyo some color in that Celestia Ludenberg one ASAP ROCKY!!!
that one in the top left with the reeeeally thin lacy straps. Holy shit...
>3rd one middle row
Holy shit, someone remembered Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh.
Does anyone knows who she is?
I meant in the sketch page the bottom right one
>People don't even know who Lucy is on the BWS thread
/bbwdraw/ has fallen, billions must die
(4.2 MB, 5475x3894, Mai.jpg)
It's gotta be one of the best month sketches imo. I went ahead and colored it.
One of the few good things about Zoomers is that they'll never bother with or care about Fairy Tail.
Can you do the celestia ludenberg one aswell?
I haven’t seen these ones before, where they from anon? Exclusive in Lucy guys stories?
This is actually pretty great, hope we see more of the couple stuff girls in the future
if this what i think it means for halie...
Did you forget what today is?
Wait… is she… ooooohhhhh
(376 KB, 1326x1413, Celestia.jpg)
I tried to make her outfit kinda match her normal attire (Color-wise).
Nat's gonna dwarf her, isn't she?

This is a folder I am making that has a shit load of BWS sketches. Some of them are colored, a majority of them are not. If you have a color request that isn’t currently in the folder, I’d be happy to fulfill.

(I don’t know some of the characters, so I just made up color schemes)

If you want me to color a specific sketch, even if it’s one I’ve already colored, just ask and provide a reference for correct coloring.
(380 KB, 1217x1047, Näyttökuva 2023-04-03 222744.png) (214 KB, 1339x1339, Caren_C_Hortensia_Sprite_1.webp) (501 KB, 512x724, S239_Stage2.webp) (194 KB, 600x600, a306744a337e3cc691ede7a588036e65.png)
Could you do this one? I saw that there was already a colored version of it in the folder, but the colors used for that one were just... weird.
Also, I have a small additional request, which you're completely free to ignore, but could you just... put the text properly inside the box? Like, I know it bothers me extra hard because of my ocd, but why the hell would Salt post it like that to begin with?
Yeah, Imma be real, I had no clue what the actual colors were, so I thought “fantasy=bright” lol.
>>148419 that Cana Alberona and Wii Fit Trainer look incredible
(745 KB, 1554x1391, Banner True.jpg)
Here ya go! Hopefully, it's to your liking! I tried to replicate the rainbow max revive thing to the best of my ability.
Do you think you could clean up the lady D pics (more shading, redness on the 2nd pics belly, make her blush in the 2nd pic and make the bits around her mouth as shes belching red) and post them here? and im sorry if im asking for to much. >>148415
Yeah, I can do that. Can’t promise it’ll be done tonight tho.
Thanks. Looks great. Keep up the good work.
>>140367 (OP)
She lost her arm from diabeetisb ;-; :(

1 like = 1 prayer = 1 cri
Yo, thanks for doing my monthly! Was extra happy with how salt got this one to turn out
Does anyone have links to all Salt’s previous threads? I can only find 1,2,3, and this one from a basic search.
(482 KB, 1401x1278, Dimitrescu 2 (Shaded).jpg) (738 KB, 1259x1253, Dimitrescu 1 (Shaded).jpg)
Here ya go! I'm kinda new to actual shading (not cell/solid shading), so if ya don't like the work, I can go back and cell shade them. I'm always down to work on my editing/coloring "skills"!

Also... I attempted the redness on the belly, believe me, but I just couldn't get it down. Sorry about that.
(1.5 MB, 498x316, oh-chris-pratt.gif)
Bro, this is amazing, like holy shit dude keep up the great work and thank you for this man. >>148625
Why this thread dead

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