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Here are some of my favorite drawings from Midjourney. Share your masterpieces too.
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Just look at this shit, it's hilarious.
Like the first one in this row bwahahahahah. Fuck.
>a thread died for a bunch of neural net lardtubs
Artist, you’re looser. Stop be retrograde and finally use this or continue be shizo, who’re against progress and AI
I would love to see what kind of prompts you used to create such beautiful women!!
My my, looks like this site is now being moderated with an iron fist, lads.

Haha. You are terrible. As always, creation's perfect by default. It is art by humans that's difficult. This? This is unliteral shit. Shit is useful. This is a recyclable shit.

(By definition) do you know what would happen if instead of feeding AI actual art you fed the AI art created by other AI? Can you take a wild guess? This mathematical process is categorized as what they call "deconstructive" as opposed to constructive. What this means is that the quality depends on the data. It also means that the art that comes out is by definition limited, unlike real art. Lastly, it means that if you continue to feed AI only art made by other AI, and you do so continously, the art will decrease in quality over time, because "deconstruction" is a lossy process. You can try to introduce external factors within the program to try to mitigate it's degenerative effects, but if you only use AI art's data, eventually what you would be left with would literally be mostly "abstraction", and not very much art. It would be incomprehesible, numerical, jumbled randomness. This is why true artificial intelligence can't technically ever be possible. The only thing that can be done is manufacture more powerful hardware, and make software that is better at cleverly mimicing real intelligence. These days what's all the rage is "self learning AI", which in my opinion is a huge waste of time, mainly because of the reasons I listed above.

Oh, btw, AI art was an idea stolen from me, possibly by witches, but there's no way for me to be certain.
Considering most artists refuse to leave their echochamber, ghost anyone who made a deposit or just straight out being incompetent and have mental breakdowns every 5 fucking seconds, like Tom Preston, I say time to frankstein their shit. Art is not rocket science.
There is already an AI Thread.

>Art is not Rocket Science.
Correct. Art isn't Rocket Science. Computers can science to an extent, and they can math pretty good, but they can't art. Art is a work of expression, and the medium is supported by the natural realities of our dimension, not limited by them. Rocket Science is an idea.

Trust me when I tell you that you don't want to argue with me on this. There's bad artists and bad art, and there's more bad art than good art. You're not talking about any of that. You're talking about your experiences purchasing art products as a consumer and the economics that the process entails. None of that has to do with art. I'm neither an artist or a nerd, so I can't help you there, but I can assure you that with sufficent funding a brighter future for the quality of art can be made possible, it just would not be a smart business investment. That's probably the bulk of the problem. Most consumers don't care for quality, and everybody knows it. It has become the focus point of world economics and has affected every industry negatively. There is no clear solution on the horizon.

She is the most beautiful girl at the dance, but would you ever try to talk to her? Young, kind, not a thing wrong with her, but it's known that not everyone will have his chance. The chosen few... it's a tale of supply and demand.
shouldve got a witch-proof patent, dude

What would you do if you fell asleep 1 night and when you woke up you realized that you've completely soiled your pants and bed with a huge shit?

That's what I feel like once a week when I vome to this site and read your posts.
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The magic word “medieval” makes the output that gorgeous. Another good one is “ancient roman”. I have also tried with ancient Greece, Egypt and without specifying the historical time - the output was also not bad, but didn't look as good as these ones. No idea why. Here are a couple of example of ancient roman girl.

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