
I meant 宛名に文字.
as in Magmaman and Koudelka
Anyone got a link for TonBelly's Feed my affection game? The megalink doesn't work on kemono.

Anyone wanna update Sunny's DLsite this with a couple more of their packs?

I don't expect all of them given how much that would all cost, but even a few would be acceptable.
To whoever recently updated drblackjack's kemono page. U forgot to add page 89 of kayobi no kancolle.
>>139820 (OP)
Can someone update samumu1129 thread or make a kemono for samumu1129?
Even so, I'd still appreciate an update if you have the stuff.
(4.4 MB, 640x428, monkey-phone-call.gif)
Can anyone share a download link of d.i.e.t 0.10 game of coastalbunny?
Any hero could update themagmaman or TheLustlord?
Thx to the hero who update them, ty<3
Me, too.

Tell us why anyone aren’t updating Kemono badly?

Thank you! Are Volga014 and LWB also already on Kemono, just under different names?
sunsleptOS is already in kemono the name of his account is cosmocat
kingocrsh and snowchanda need updating
Could somebody update 5tarex?
Can someone update bamboo ale

It's been a while since Takayama got an update
Can EightXL's stuff be found on some other place that i don't know of?
Seems like nobody is asking for his patreon to be uploaded to kemono.
has anyone ever figured if there was a seperate person running these pages on kemono?
Nothing Shydude does is considered weight gain.

It's all inflation.
Can someone add berserker1133 to kemono?
Apparently the faggy ass auto ban keeps triggering just for requesting certain artists. Expect a totally unrelated outage in a few days:)
Already there the under the name CosmoCat. 3rd time saying this, but no one reads anything helpful here.
A genuine thank you to whoever uploaded StrongMoist and SquishComplex to Kemono, your generocity didn't go unnoticed!

Now if only coolviki and RamenWarwok could receive the same treatment...
I think takamoom is on an hiatus
Kemono down for anyone else?
Kemono is down for me too
Someone update sweetdreamcoffee kemono party
my bad didnt mean to post twice, didnt look like it went through
Would anyone be able to upload SteelyBird and or RamenWarwok?
Someone can share food for thought page 24-25-26 by coastalbunny
Anyone could pls update thelustlord?
Infeel like thisbhas been asked a bunch, but is there a hero that can update Kahuurinzan?
Can someone add food for thought pages by coastal bunny pls
Can someone update littlepieceofcacke on kemono please
Someone update Worthlesschub on Kemono please
Can someone update thelustlord on kemono pls
Can someone update thelustlord on kemono please
could anybody update worthless chub pls i think its been almost a month since last update
could we get amycomics update please?
Is saladtaste even added to kemono
Anyone coul update thelustlord or an_chang?
Can someone update thelustlord on kemono please
Anyone update Kahuurinzan?
Can someone update thelustlord on kemono please
Fuck you it takes one to know one!
Man, are you a fucking schizo or what? Calm down or I'll deal with you personally
Ujanskiy Tail, pls
Hello, can Simeone update toro's kemono? Thanks in Advance people👍
I wonder why this thread exists?
All requests are ignored.
Yes, and people react aggressively to the request.
If this topic makes sense and requests are not being ignored here, then update Kahuurinzan and Wolfie

Wolfie 23 day
Kahuurinzan 98 day
What the fuck do you think? Of course requests are ignored. At the end of the day, people will pay and update whatever artists they want without listening to others
Tell me, why does this topic exist?
Force others to buy content?
I have every right, as well as others, to place a request.
Once again, I'm just posting request like everyone else, I'm not forcing anyone to buy on demand.

I didn't break any rules.
I don't give a fuck about your claims .

Of course, I see that in general this topic is useless. However, I can leave requests. Or do you want me to start spamming requests to piss you off?
Tell me, why does this topic exist?
Force others to buy content?
I have every right, as well as others, to place a request.
Once again, I'm just posting request like everyone else, I'm not forcing anyone to buy on demand.

I didn't break any rules.
I don't give a fuck about your claims .

Of course, I see that in general this topic is useless. However, I can leave requests. Or do you want me to start spamming requests to piss you off?
Wolfie 24 day
Kahuurinzan 99 day
You ask twice a day now, you fucking moron?
Why are you provoking conflict?
The rules weren't broken. We have the right to ask, that's why we created this topic. We do not go beyond what is permitted.

If you keep acting like this, I'll spam the fucking thread. As you can see, the IP ban didn't stop me. I don't want to break the rules, why are you forcing me? Why go straight to insults?
Hey moderator. Now I do not force anyone and I do not force to buy content. I have written this several times already.
I just leave a request in the profile topic, I do not spam.
Does this break the rules? Why are you trying to block me? Or is this forum only for VIP PERSONS?
Why should I tolerate those who insult me for leaving a request? Why does everyone who doesn't like my posts want to humiliate me?

I am not going to break the rules , spam or anything like that .
And you, in turn, take action.

Unblock me, spot spam from me, block access to the site completely, without pretensions. Of course, read the posts first before jumping to conclusions.
Please , let 's resolve the conflict peacefully , without insults .
Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English well.
Just don't violate my rights to use the forum. And I won't break the rules. I have every right to post a request in this thread. No more than twice a day.
I do not force anyone to buy content, I just leave a request like others in this thread, this does not violate the rules.

If I see an insult or an attempt to humiliate me, I will spam the topic with requests, 30 messages a day will be enough for now.

Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English well.
The moderator also began to insult me, by the way, I did not violate the rules now.
So you don't have free communication here?
Why are you trying to block me? I have the right to post requests in the thread in the same way as others.
Hey moderator. Let's peacefully end the conflict?
Why should I endure insults?
Just unblock me.

As you can see, blocking won't stop me.

I won't spam. I won't break the rules.

Let's end things peacefully, shall we? Please .
Please , let 's resolve the conflict peacefully , without insults .
Okay, let's not rush.
I'll give you a chance to think.
Maybe it is easier for you to resolve the conflict peacefully?

Just unblock me.
Please , let 's resolve the conflict peacefully , without insults .
Would anyone update SXDeluxe’s Kemono?
Can someone update thelustlord on kemono please
why does no one put murdelious on kemono?
Does gami1130 have a kemono page? I could've sworn they did but Japanese artosts are difficult to search for
Can someone please update worthlesschub?
Moderator . Can you unban me? I already promised not to break the rules. Why don't you want to resolve the issue peacefully?

Can I really spam the topic with requests again? 30 pieces is enough to start. I can do more.

Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English well.
What rules have I broken specifically now?
Ban evasion and spam, for starters.
1 Where did you see spam? Before this incident, the last time I wrote something was a few months ago.
2 How should I answer then? Ignoring blocking is not difficult for me.
Just fucking stop already, you idiot. Wolfie is a pretty shitty artist anyway
Can someone put blobygon on kemono?
Could someone make a kemono page for the soulstream expansive discord please?
Could someone please update worthlesschub
>samefagging responses
>in a site with IDs
Be gone, Underage.
1 Same answers ? And how then to me to explain an essence of a problem? I'm being ignored.
2 It's funny. The site itself is not protected. And basically everything goes anonymously. Why do I have to put up with this kind of treatment?

Minor? Pathetic?

Why are you so cheeky?
Can I really then spam this topic? Or maybe it's better to put the whole forum?
I don't have endless patience.

Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English well.
Shut the god damn fuck up
(41 KB, 404x316, HAPPYren the ECSTATIC.jpg)
>He's still going
Jiren, master of all knowledge, whatever may be spoken, whatever is unspeakable, whatever omen of earth and sky reveal, the plague is among us, and from that plague, Great Prophet, protect us and save us. Do you therefore neglect neither the voice of birds, nor any other sort of wisdom, but rescue yourself, rescue the State, rescue me, rescue all that are defiled by the deed. For we are in your hands, and what greater task falls to a man than to help other men with all he knows and has?
I did ask.
1 No affront
2 Let's resolve the conflict peacefully. Without your arrogance.
I only spammed the thread because I'm getting insulted, not allowed to post requests WITHOUT VIOLATION like others.
Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English well.
>GokuGokuGoku! Out of fucking NOWHERE!
>Moeshitting touristic RAT can't into chan banter
You fucking IDIOT. Not everyone needs minutiae jammed down their FUCKING throat like they're toddlers in school. Jiren's characterization is SUBTLE, the way all true paragons of literary excellence are. He was crafted for those keen of mind and heightened of intellect--scholars like ME, in other words. You have to pay attention to his body language, his speech patterns, his actions in relation to his stated goals and motivations, to begin TRULY unraveling the many complex and nuanced layers stirring 'twixt the enigma that is JIREN.
Take, for example, Jiren's attack on the U7 audience. On the surface, this simply appears to be a mean-spirited attack, a tantrum of sorts. Yet, those with the mind of a SCHOLAR immediately ascertained that this scene was written as an allegory for Jiren's counterattack against the assault on his ideals and core philosophy that SHITjita had been assailing him with since the beginning of the tournament.
I can see you now, writhing and squirming, muttering "How the FUCK did he know that???" as you think of some "clever" retort, like "J-Jiren lost". We are NOT the same, you and I. You will NEVER be on the level of even the dullest Jirenscholar. Now shut the FUCK up and TRUDGE the FUCK BACK to your catalog kennel, VERMIN.
Sorry if I hurt anyone.
I offered to resolve the conflict peacefully.
No one was forced to buy content.
Didn't insult anyone.
(8 KB, 300x200, Huurin will never update.jpg)

>"Let's resolve the conflict peacefully"
>Spammed thread with begging posts
>"My feelings were hurt no one updated Huurin kemono after I spammed for days ;( Least I didn't insult anyone lol"

Get off the internet and get a job to get your own sub for Huurin's paycontent. Maybe look into finding a doctor and getting some needed meds
(67 KB, 1000x563, 1592497741114.jpg)
>The creature admits defeat
Enney renny roo! Kekkle doodly doo dooo dooo!
Good pup! I won! RENNEY REE! I won! JIDDLY DIDDLY DEE!
Just wasted time.
I already realized that there are no normal people here and I wasted my time on.
I didn't force anyone to buy anything.
I didn't force anyone.

Nobody even reads my messages.

If I write with errors, I'm sorry, I don't know English very well.
Looks like I just wasted my time.
No one even read my messages. There was no begging.
I repeat. There was no begging.
And it was a response to insults.
Read my posts before.
I started spamming after I got insulted.
I asked several times to stop.
Moderator without understanding even banned me.
You don't know English yet you call others idiot. Suure, buddy. You aren't the fucking beggar here
Congratulations, you idiots just bump-locked a thread
And thanks in advance if you do ^^*
Hey does anyone know what thread you would request a story writter account to be updated on kemono? Songbird hasnt been updated in a while
Can someone add the first page of plumpknights Lucoa patreon?

They’re already on there, as ILB
Someone can share food for thought by coastalbunny
Plumpknight recently made a rosalina comic. On his patreon I'm sorry to beg but could someone update it?
Thank you in advance

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