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with elden ring being the most popular thing in the world still, figures a thread of this type should get its time in the spotlight
post em asap, or at least rot wife
I don't have them on me right now. I'm still waiting for Saxxon to give me the ones he said I would have gotten over 2.5 weeks ago.

Do you guys not have patience?
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>>139322 (OP)
>elden ring being the most popular thing in the world
Come on, it's been what, 2 years since its launch? It's pretty much an afterthought now; Hogwarts is top dog now and it ain't even released yet.

>you don't know the joke
Since when did joking allow males?

> I'm still waiting for Saxxon to give me the ones he said I would have gotten over 2.5 weeks ago.
Slap about two more years onto that, Bulo.
I'll never understand how people can blow money on that garbage artist, and I ain't talkin' bout his inability to finish commissions in a timely matter.
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1. Elden Ring came out February of 2022 you dumb shithead.

2. If you don't undersstand why Gwyndolin being on here is completely good, you aren't a soulsborne fan

3. He has delivered a shit ton of drawings to me before, it's just taking longer than usual.

Holy shit you dumb fucking asswipe.
>Hogwarts is Top dog

My brother the last game they released was cars 3
Trolling aside, just because a game studio only made one type of game earlier, it doesn't mean they can't make anything on a grander scale later. Look at No Man's Sky and the Scott Pilgrim beat em up. They're ambitious compared to what the studios did previously but it's not out of reach completely.
Nice nice thats great to hear. Is there a chance that you will commision odme of the lesser known ladies like Nepheli or Loretta?
Thats a shame, byt it was worth it to ask at least.
doesn't matter if they're important honestly, the more fats there are the merrier
>>139322 (OP)
Mildred is heavily underrated. Also it’s incredibly based how from always has a big woman who eats people in every game. I hope they shoehorn her specifically into armored core somehow.
Saxxon art should be spoiler'd considering every image of his is a horribly-drawn disgusting blob
Defending saxxon, one of the objectively worst artist around
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Wrong guy, Bulo; don't you know how to read an ID number?

One year or two, I don't care, interest dies within the first 3 months of a video games launch.

That defense never even worked for Bridget, why would it work here?

>it's just taking longer than usual
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help; maybe then you'll cut down on commissions to afford people with actual skill and a timely output.

>interest dies within the first 3 months of a video games launch

I know what you're trying to say, and although I agree with what you're trying to get at, and although good games can be played for months upward to a year until completion, the real problem is that literally every new game sucks. I've seen a handful of games worth looking into in the past on things like steam or services geared towards real gamers, and I've passed them up because they ended up looking like garbage in my opinion. I haven't played a single video game since I bought the PS4 and for this reason I used it only for watching blurays.

The reason that I stubbornly refuse to play any of these games is because it doesn't have to be this way. These games shouldn't all suck. I shouldn't be forced to play this garbage. It's not right and it doesn't have to be this way. What is the excuse for literally every 1 of these games sucking? I don't want to hear it. I have seen free games that were better than all of this garbage.

That is why the 3 months estimate of recent years. The games suck. Incompetent artists. I can design a video game by myself in 2 to 3 weeks time. These knuckleheads, are a disaster

By now, I just want to make the girl happy give me a girlfriend please

My life

Just end it
My guy, are you a fucking retard? Did you not see that that good games have longevity and bad games don't?

People like you need to be shoved in a locker because you are so terminally online that you actually think a bad 7th gen designed wizard game from a franchise that only has 2 good books and 4 shit books is going to topple a video game made by a company that constantly blows up the game industry 80% of the time a game of theirs comes out.

Also saxxon gave me 8 more drawings about eleven days ago.
I don't know what you are talking about, I'm drowning in games that are good. You just have to look.

Paradise Killer finally got ported to other consoles and I platinum'd that game. Neon White came out and I'm going to try that too. Don't buy into the brain damage that is the bad 7th gen designed Wizard game.

What about those new games that get advertised on Youtube? Do you think those are good games too in you opinion? What about ganes from Japan? Do you like those? What are you "gaming" on on the new xbox or other consoles? I would like to understand your mind's tastes.

Sorry dude, I just now went ahead and read your post and I have to say that "Neon White" is the stupidest title for a video game possibly ever.
Dude, you can just go on different years of games that recently came out on things like wikipedia or go online to look around the store (like I do with my playstation) and you will find things both in lower budget western indie titles and Japanese games both in Triple A and indie.

Stop acting like there is nothing to play and look around yourself.

Also, basing your opinion on a game purely on a title is a trash take.

I adked you for a games title for that same reason, but I specifically said I was also interested in the man who is making suggedtion's taste in video games because I assume that you are likely a good example of normie tastes.
>Good example of normie taste
>Literally gave you examples of titles that aren't major games

Are you retarded? Or are you so terminally online that you can't imagine anybody actually going out to look for games?

Perhaps you didn't mistake that I meant games for me to be interested in and since you sounded knowledged I wanted to hear you continue your suggestions.
same, i love reading drama in my fatty wank threads, just brings it together so much more
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I'm going to give you 10 so you will stop being dumb about video games

Paradise Killer
>physical copy just got announced

Neon White
>(released a couple of months ago

>(delicious last course was released a bit ago)

Psychonauts 2
>if you have played the original, the sequel is worth it

No More Heroes 3
>got released out of Switch jail

AI the Somnium Files and it' sequel Nirvana Initiative

Neo The World End With You
>still worth it

Now I'm going to list three Triple A games to give a bit more mainstream appeal into it

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade
>has the original remake and an entire storyline with Yuffie in it

Shin Megami Tensei 5
>Yeah forgot about this one, did you?

>Not the best choice, but it's an original title with the budget of a triple A game

If you are unironically unimpressed with this lineup for you to play, you would have to be up your own ass at that point and completely helpless.

Thanks but the pic you posted sufficed. I now have an understanding of who you are. I will say that I know about cup head, but the other few games that I recognized there are absolutely the type of thing I would not like. I am not a gamer in the sense that I play everything and anything, although I could be that type very easily. I chose long ago to have personal tastes, but what I care about most is the overall quality of the product, so if it's fun for me then I will not complain. I am the Murther Luther King of video games and I asses a persons content or heart, rather than focus on gimmicks or cheaply obtained graphics.

So the artistry of the game is most definitely what matters the most to me. Games that stand the test of time are normally called classics, and they tend to be the best games that money can buy simply because the content is so good that they have replayability where you can go back to them again and again. Like a good art piece or a good porno that keep's you cumming, every so often you cum again.
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>hanks but the pic you posted sufficed. I now have an understanding of who you are.

So I see you are just being pretentious, got it

>I am the Murther Luther King of video games and I asses a persons content or heart, rather than focus on gimmicks or cheaply obtained graphics.

HOLY SHIT, THE FUCKING NARCISM ON YOU. How the hell do you actually type this unironically and not think people aren't going to point and laugh at you.

>So the artistry of the game is most definitely what matters the most to me. Games that stand the test of time are normally called classics, and they tend to be the best games that money can buy simply because the content is so good that they have replayability where you can go back to them again and again

I literally gave you that. it's obvious you have to be a fucking troll at this point because no way in hell someone looks at a list like this and goes "most of these are disposable products".

You are a fucking loser

fucking loser? No.

If I gave you a list of my top 5 favorite video games you would soil yourself but I won't do that because it will only ruin it
LMAO, you fucking coward.

You got called out for being a pretentious loser and now you can't even make a good counter argument. Stay mad you loser

Okay. All of yourvideo games are garbage, and your tastes are dull and boring.
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Shouldn't comment but I disagree with a lot of the logic here and it's getting the better of me.

>>139322 (OP)
>with elden ring being the most popular thing in the world still
>It's pretty much an afterthought now; Hogwarts is top dog now and it ain't even released yet.

Genuinely despise the use of the word "popular" in gamer spaces. People always seem to use it to put other people down - whatever media outlets shill is the new popular game, and not becoming invested in said game means you're not as much of a real gamer dude as the people who actively follow new releases and purchase every semi-notable triple A title. It seems especially ridiculous to call an unreleased game "popular" because it has a lot of negative discourse surrounding it online, which is particularly disingenuous in the case of Hogwarts Legacy, where half of the talk I saw was typical J.K. Rowling shit with no actual relation to the game itself. Now that the game is actually out, it might be fair to call it popular if people generally like it, but there's no objective way to quantify popularity, so comparing Hogwarts Legacy to Elden Ring to whatever the hell else on a subjective "popularity" scale really serves no purpose outside of shaming others for not being as big of a consumer as yourself.

>One year or two, I don't care, interest dies within the first 3 months of a video games launch.

Statements like these are exactly why I think the concept of game popularity is harmful in gamer circles; the popular gamer keeps themselves tuned in to the largest video game developers and biggest advertisers, purchases everything with a significant early following online (or, in some cases, doesn't buy the game and talks about it as if they have for social credit), and drops the game once the next shiny new title is announced. There's nothing inherently wrong with staying up-to-date on video game releases if you love the medium as a whole, but so many people do it to maintain some sort of social standing and whip out statements such as these to shame more dedicated playerbases. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.

>the real problem is that literally every new game sucks. I've seen a handful of games worth looking into in the past on things like steam or services geared towards real gamers, and I've passed them up because they ended up looking like garbage in my opinion. I haven't played a single video game since I bought the PS4

"I haven't played any new games but they all SUCK I'm sure of it"

This is the opposite extreme of the mentality illustrated above. There's no shame in not keeping up to date with current games; you should absolutely play what you like to play. But there's also no reason to shit on people who do keep up with trendy games and genuinely find fun with them. If there's truly nothing for you in this era, that's fine (although I think anon should either give newer games more of a chance or find another hobby in this situation), but if a game is successful, there's clearly some some of quality aspect that has attracted an audience. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.

Not quoting anything specific here because the entire post reeks of elitism and acts as a perfect antithesis to everything I have written so far.

There is no united gamer community. There are communities for people who play particular games, and there are communities for people who keep up with releases from certain game developers, but there is no single unified community under a single unified definition of "gamer." People like different things about different games, people spend different amounts of time on different games in different ways, people are generally different. Classics are subjective, replayability is subjective, our interpretations of other human beings are subjective, and this kind of logic applies to everything in life! We're on fucking bbwchan. Even though we all supposedly like fat women, that manifests in so many different ways; slob shit, blob motherfuckers, the normies into just kinda chubby women, the people here literally just for the art and not real women, so on and so forth. Between every group, every possible descriptor, here's a lot of shaming that happens for no good reason outside of pumping egos. So much of it gets turned on artists, too - take Saxxon in this thread, for example. I'm absolutely not into the crazy planet-busting shit he draws, but I think his writing is kinda fun and he undeniably has an audience that enjoys his work. There's no reason to get at each other's throats and bite the hand that feeds; just let people enjoy what they enjoy.

That's all. Fully expecting the mods to delete this but I had get it off my chest.

>Shouldn't comment but I disagree with a lot of the logic here and it's getting the better of me.

I doubt anything on this Earth has ever gotten the "best" of you, but I wanted to let you know that neither I nor anybody else will read past this of your post, only bots scraping data hoarding for AI programs.

Don't feed the bots unless you're doing it unironically, you're doing something important that is bigger than yourself, or something. These data hoarding all they do is use your words and your works of art as material for their Hollywood movie scripts and it is only part of a plot to hide in plain sight while broadcasting messages. It is the illuminati and they do this to manipulate the government and our country's laws.

The answer to these problems are within you and in your hands, but yeah probably all of these games are garbage. I don't like garbage. Hollywood is AI garbage, and so is netflix. Even if it wasn't AI derived scripts by evil organizations purposely trying to manipulate our laws guess what the movies it would still be garbage. Doesn't matter. It's garbage. Let it go. It's not good. You're stupid.
Idk about all the autism goin on but Ranni's pretty hot. No pics but you know, it's on topic at least.
tbh i would want melania to sit on me more than ranni
lmao, loser who can't make a good counterargument. stay mad and die mad
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awful just terrible on all accounts
> If you don't undersstand why Gwyndolin being on here is completely good, you aren't a soulsborne fan
Stfu fag
looks more preg than fat, fine enough addition though
(1.2 MB, 3375x2925, hrld.png)
She's so cute bros.
Is AC fat art even possible?

AC6 is one of the only games in the series to even show a human, but the only women are faceless back sketches of Carla and Maeterlinck. I suppose you could do Ayre or ALLMIND, but they're an alien consciousness without corporeal form and a computer respectively.
Ayre and ALLMIND already have fanart of humanized versions.

Hell, even 621 has a girl form.
Anyone have the old Dancer flash?
May the cake guide thee
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This is what we got out of them watering down Armored Core; titpits.

There's also shit like 9Ball Cirno.
Need more human Rya fats, she’s so cute.
Where did you get this one? Does Whumpty have another account?
Did you rename the pic after downloading it?

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