
(1.8 MB, 2268x3154, 30627998-a64c-4f7c-b5f5-64f892eafeea.jpg)
I'd hate to see a good thread go, so let me just ask a question about Cup-chans' work:

Do you think there will be further episodes from Musume Kodama-chan? Part 5 was excellent, but it somewhat felt like an ending. Would love her to delve deeper into her female psyche and perhaps even see her pregnant one day. What do you guys think - what would you like to see?
Oh God yes, seeing a pregnant Kodama would be a dream come true.
Fuck yeah, chubby pregnant Kodama!!
Do you think we're not even allowed to fucking TALK about pregnancy if it's not on the designated board for it?
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Looks like the pages have gotten fixed. I never used gofile.io so I don't know if it fixed itself or if it was the uploader who did it.
We might see more stuff regarding Kodama, but it might be a different series. Hell, he even did a full ssbbw Kodama doujin, so we might see more of that in the future.
>even see her pregnant one day
One can hope.
>what would you like to see?
Maybe a proper WG sequence of Kodama instead of seeing a before/after pic.
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>full ssbbw Kodama doujin
My mistake, it's only 9 pages long. It's so short I can upload the whole thing in just two posts, so I think I will.
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I hope Cup-chan makes a full ssbbw doujin one of these days.
Same. Hope it’s broken up into two timelines run concurrently: college cups-Chan and Highschool Cups Chan.
The parallels he’s already going out of his way to draw are extremely hot and the right idea, her sitting on the bus, in her uniform etc.
This guys amazing. He really gets it!
any way to get 4 and 5 reposted
I'm also looking for a repost of 5
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The train one
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train again
4 and 5

Can anyone reupload part4 & 5 please?
Part 4 & 5 Translation Re-up please???
Somebody please update cup-chan' kemono, its empyting since last year
Can someone please upload part 4/5 translations again

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