
(33 KB, 240x240, 805BB62E-9F51-4192-BFD3-DF2F818A7897.jpeg)
Audio AI has been released that is like the image AI.

You can make fetish audio with any voice.


This is revolutionary. You can voice anything. There is all potential. Imagine giving voices to comics, fanfics, art, asmr, pov, etc. You can do any fetish audio of your favourite character. You can make anything and now give it a perfect voice.

Here’s an example of Patrick Bateman from a 4chan thread.
(178 KB, 500x492, Well Shit.png)
Correction: You'll be able to have fun for a day and a half before (((investors))) force the devs to lobotomize it like they've done with literally every other fun AI project out there.
>>138791 (OP)
This thread has nothing to do with fat women. Go to either the /gen/ or /ee/ boards with this.
>>138791 (OP)
Well, just looked it up, they already caved in to making the voice generator behind a paid subscriptions because of a few people whining
>>138791 (OP)
Still has that 'ai voice' feel no matter what I do. I could get better sounding stuff by just pitching up my own voice.
(259 KB, 962x1283, 4442C660-805B-4938-B5D0-3B29F03B258C.jpeg) (218 KB, 962x1712, 09BE94C9-BA99-4093-AD5E-F351F75EBB45.jpeg) (641 KB, 1125x1478, 47A0BC8A-B174-431C-9A6C-9B7017334A33.jpeg) (201 KB, 962x1712, 8A85A4AF-A275-41B5-839B-78713A37606E.jpeg)
Wtf is wrong with you?

Obviously this is for feederism audio

So hackers will liberate it

This innovation is priceless

Some 4channers have figured out how to perfect it. Check out the threads
You do realize this is a weight gain art board before anything else, right? You were the first person to post any weight gain art here. And get your IRL fats out of here, they have their own board.
We also don't need threads for AI here. It's getting to be a big enough thing where it should have it's own board and not take up space in boards that's actual art.

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