
(25 KB, 474x474, OIP (3) (1).jpeg)
Send in some requests for anything to be dubbed. Female voice actors and sound effects welcome!
Hold your horses. Do you have any examples to show us?
(248 KB, 1280x1832, DNS56XL.jpg) (207 KB, 1280x1832, DNS55XL.jpg)
If someone would voice this that would be great!
>>138172 (OP) does anyone have the previously recorded voice videos?
So wait, is there even a confirmed voice actress here or are we just hoping that one will just stumble upon this thread and humour us?
I'm assuming the OP was a desperate enough faggot to actually go with the latter.
Is that a stock burp sound effect or did the person who recorded this actually burp because if so that's really hot
Can confirm, real yummy burps
Based take, we absolutely need this
(8.9 MB, 480x720, cma.mp4)
fucked around with the ai using this short saxxon comic. a lil rough but definitely better than other ais
seconding this, even though dubbing the whole thing would be a helluva task, its iconic enough to be worth it.
seconding this too.
Who made these? Whoever they are, they did Lily much better then Pocharimochi herself does anymore.
really good even if it missed a few lines.
also haven't seen Saxxon's art in a long time and am seeing this for the first time.
very hot lol.
I’m so fat
fellas, op himself said he's not a VA. stop posting at him asking him for requests cuz he is literally incapable of doing it. you guys are talking to a brick wall
Tutorial on how to make it?
Is there a sauce for this? Pretty good voice acting.
(5.8 MB, 956x660, severa.mp4)
Spent way too much time on this.

Character is Severa/Luna from Fire Emblem, artist is Gnibbles, slob version will be spoiled in the next post.
Loved this so much. I need more. Would you ever do more slob and gas stuff in the future.
Also how do I find more of your amazing work. I love it so much.
Shit, the voiceline in that was AI generated?
I'd definitely like to do more, but getting the AI to work as well as it did there is pretty situational. I think it relies a lot on having clean voice rips with no background noise? I tried getting it to do Asuka's voice from the original Evangelion dub but didn't have any luck.

If I end up making any more I'll post it here, or make a Blogspot and drop a link here or something. That's all I've done so far though.

Yeah. I fed the AI her My Room lines from Fates and a bunch of her lines from that game and Awakening, and it still took a couple of tries, but it came out really clean.
is there any chance we'll EVER see a proper dub of this sound effects and everything?
What AI are people using that can seemingly clone voices?
(8 KB, 153x329, download.png)
aye fr cuh this shiii do be sexy on my mama doe this some hood shiiiet nigguh
does anyone have any of Yummysinpie's comic dub videos? I could've sworn she had more.
may i ask where do you get sound effects from
from belt snapping to creaking,bwomps ect.
i already have a few gurgles i just need stress sound effects to play around
Where did u get the gurgles and do they have burps? Is this using eleven labs?
What voice settings did you use for asuka?
not the voice the sound effects
also i got it from some set i dont remember where though
I still have some word count left for AI voices, so I could try to make one later

so could anyone say, post a g-nibbles art they want voiced?
just remember, the more "generic" the characters voice, the better, as the AI doesnt like accents
a few gnibbles pics suggestions
a few gnibbles pics suggestions
Alas, the poor side effect of having a broken auto refresh
oh im very sorry about the spam i guess there was a error i don't know what happened
That's my request
Nope, that artist's stuff is pure shit
I remember the thread that had that VA, awful accent.
any updates?
(715 KB, 2000x1600, Cursed Fat Clothes 1.jpg)
>>149306 This is a repost of the first picture that didn't go through on the first one due to bad connection here.
(270 KB, 720x730, IMG_9695.mp4)
I simple ask for sound effects added
>>149303 Are there any updates for these? If not, I understand why.
Is anyone going to update this thread at all? I'm just wondering because it's starting to look a little dead if you ask me.
Is this thread going to be updated at all any time soon? I'm just wondering because it's starting to look dead to me. No offense.
Any chance that someone remembers the artist who made this?

It was one of his OC's from his old deviantart days.

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