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Last thread hit limit
Thanks. It sux
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To sum up the previous thread:
one anon described Tessa as 'gravid', which was very impressive and another anon wants a repeat of the attached page.

I actually like when kip re-creates scenes from earlier in the comics - it gives a good side by side for how much the characters have changed
Then fuck off and beat your shit to something else, faggot.
>Using faggot as an insult
Don't be queer
she looks pregnant more than anything else but maybe thats just how she gains. I have friends that look 7mnths gone and its all food. that said, lets see how this goes. we already know there are witnesses and reality has just slapped tessa right in her face. how will she react to the fall out from this?
>she looks pregnant more than anything else but maybe thats just how she gains.
It's called being stuffed, dumbass. It's not true weight gain.
why do I feel like you're the same dude who just comes in and posts insults? people have already stated tessa looks pregnant and this aint just when she's stuffed.
Probably cause you're a stupid. Old. nutter. Don't run from destiny
Yeah right? In all the threads there are opportunist who thinks that's better than the others just for insulting the most
>why do I feel like you're the same dude who just comes in and posts insults?
Your feeling is wrong. I get plenty of insults flung my way on other threads.

I'm not part of that dog piling crowd.
that makes no sense.
I don't get it. I mean, I get being annoyed that people are insulting kips precious comic but my gosh. people keep hurling "faggot" around, I guess no one can read a dictionary any more? what would a gay person be doing on a bbw thread commenting on a huge pregnant looking woman? and btw, thats offensive to actual gay people but who cares about offending people right?
>Your feeling is wrong. I get plenty of insults flung my way on other threads.
right so insult everyone else. that makes no sense whatsoever. you can get your point across without insulting.
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>>126592 (Cross-thread)
Linking to the old post for "posterity"
And celebrating kip's old work in the meantime
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Whoops i accidentally put spoilers on all the pictures, here's some more

Kip's old work was fucking weird at times, but some of it was great.

What was it that first got you into kip?
Kip's linework has improved greatly, but his older work feels more energetic and vibrant. Reminds me of the ol' sketch Vs finished conundrum.

>What was it that first got you into kip?
I discovered bws way back in school. I stumbled upon Storpotaten's art and it aroused me more than anything else I had seen before. I searched "belly stuffing anime comic" and found kip. There were only a few pages out back then, but it was exactly what I was looking for.

The other thing I found was bellystuffed.com I don't think it's even online anymore; hol up, I'll check
> but his older work feels more energetic and vibrant
i reckon its because he distributed the fat around more.
>what would a gay person be doing on a bbw thread commenting on a huge pregnant looking woman?

You're either autistic or new here.
"precious comic" lmao can you get any more cringe?
Kip’s old work was more energetic and vibrant. His new stuff feels too sterile. Something about the way OSC is drawn makes it both look both professional while still seeming amateur as hell, and I can’t quite put my finger on why.
>Something about the way OSC is drawn makes it both look both professional while still seeming amateur as hell, and I can’t quite put my finger on why.
Kip improved his linework and shading a lot but never learned how to draw backgrounds to match. As a result his comics look like a series of pin up drawings instead of something dynamic
it's amazing how good kip used to be. i just don't know what happened to him. the linework is a lot cleaner now, but the proportions and style have fallen off hard
(502 KB, 480x270, IMG_20221230_162017_560.mp4)
Found a swede
True, now his works feel more sterile and plain.
Oh, hello me?
I remember describing his and bws works like that couple threads ago. Fun to see this did stick.
But I'd say that he still is unprofessional in his attitude towards work. I mean, he puts out too little as compared to other artists. I mean, it's just a comic and NO any edits to the pinups, no sketches and nothing else. Boring stuff.
Your experience is similar to mine. I remember finding it my senior year of high school when I realized I had a fetish for stuffing and weight gain. I was stuffing a friend of mine who hit 235 lbs at the time and the comic felt perfect for what was going on then. God, that was 9 years ago this upcoming December. Where does time go?
Not incest, that's for sure.
Damn, you're quick with it. I saw the page the minute it was posted, and it's already here.
It would be a cool twist if people mistook it for a challenge and started emulating her in public.

Not really realistic but it's not like it would "break immersion" irreparably.
now you know some of her gut is going to be in that pic. she's straight up busted.
it popped up in my watched artists tab the second it was posted lol
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I discovered kip during the "meal with sister" series, though I don't recall when specifically. I do remember this panel really activating my neurons with how heavy and stuffed she looked, which is kind of quaint looking back.
While Kip's newer art is cleaner and technically better I preferred how much more loose and organic his older artwork was, things didn't feel as stiff as they are now and the posing was far sexier, at least imo. Also I could complain about story pacing stuff but all that has been covered numerous times.
The rigidity of the sharper lines of the new style sort of works against the idea of the characters being soft and plush with fat.
I'm going to be really disappointed if Tessa doesn't have a body inspection scene or some kind of clothing malfunction to highlight her weight gain after this stuffing. I know kip doesn't like bigger girls but he could always have her gain mostly in her boobs and butt so she doesn't become a blob.
What can save the comic is that it starts a fattening fashion
That's what I thought dinner with sister would be about back in the day
>>138488 Which sister? Isn't there more than 1?
Dinner is the third one. I thought that Grace gaining weight would start a trend at the school
>>138510 I don't know a Grace. Bud dum tish
Does anyone have tifa lockheart
I cannot look at this image without seeing her hips shifted to her right incredibly awkwardly
Kip’s anatomy is garbage
Nope no lewd version if there's any other of their works that yall want just throw it out there tho
If you don't like it why are you here? just don't look at the thread leave us in peace
true but not just with the softness but even how they are posed, at times it looks like different parts of the body just stacked on to one another than a smooth cohesive curve.

case in point being>>138710 and you can even see it from this anon's >>138727 comment. Old Kip drawing while "technically" "worse" didn't have such rigidity issues that is plagued with his newer stuff. Also to add to that one could also harp on his unwillingness to draw truly larger sizes anymore but meh.

Its a time honored tradition to complain about Kip. Either way i've said my piece I usually just come back to kip threads every few months to see what has actually happened of worth in his comic
This looks so hilariously bad.
It's really funny, so much negativity and criticism leveled against this artist. Reminds me of exact same thing happening to Axel-Rosered years ago. He's still going, but no bitching these days. Guess people think they're cool spewing this shit about whoever is the most prominent/prolific fat artist of the moment.
What are you talking about? People still absolutely bitch about Axel. It's just not as prevalent because at this point there isn't much left to bitch about. He's gonna keep drawing weird shit that no one asked for until the heat death of the universe
That is because people like axel and metal have always been shit. It is the same reason people hate new reboots of old franchises (ie Velma) Kip WAS great. There has been such a drop in quality and "soul" that it is offputting to long time viewers.
tldr- Go back to DA you simp
You're right, her hips look weird as fuck. That display of anatomy is why I don't like anything that only makes the belly bigger and nothing else.
I don’t get why people even complain about this it’s an old art that Kip made (also sorry because I ask if anyone had the tifa lockheart)

You've both put into words what I could never explain, this is absolutely it. Kips older stuff felt better and I could never tell why I was disappointing when kip improved...it is definitely technically better, but it lost a lot of the charm
Tessa obviously hates her life at the moment. Looking forward to Saiya being told off by Tessa and going back to coveting over the other dumb bitch.

God this is annoying lmao
think so? theres one serious problem with this and thats that kip doesn't follow through. if tessa does tell saiya off it'll last for a few comics at most then they'll be back to acting like nothing happened. we still have yet to address aika forcing herself on tessa.
Honestly just hope this comic progresses with Tessa slowly falling out of love with Saiya, or some shit. Maybe a random plot twist where Aika and Tessa get together giving Saiya an L. Has it been established Tessa even likes getting fat? I mean she likes being fed, but it doesn’t seem like she enjoys getting big.
“Other dumb bitch” love how this kinda implies they’re all dumb bitches which isn’t wrong.
Tessa liking when Aika’s skirt first exploded from being too fat, never brought up or even referenced again.
Aika getting on Tessa, likely Kip just doing a 1-time “character acts wacky when drunk” cliche.
Tessa apparently being this big streamer celebrity who has to keep the fact she’s fat a secret or it’ll ruin her career. Nobody but Saiya and Stacy react to her being fat, and when they do it’s just a “omg Tessa fat” for like one or two pages then forgotten.
I think Tessa is gonna stick around because as much as Kip wants to write a story that focuses on the narrative first and the fetish second, he couldn’t help but make the fetish what drives the entire plot forward. There will never be repercussions for the fetish or Kip’s characters acting in a way that would typically be frowned upon, but he finds hot. I’m personally not gonna complain because the narrative apart from the fetish has been the weakest point of the comic. At least with the fetish being what drives the plot, we get what we all follow Kip for.
>Tessa apparently being this big streamer celebrity who has to keep the fact she’s fat a secret or it’ll ruin her career. Nobody but Saiya and Stacy react to her being fat, and when they do it’s just a “omg Tessa fat” for like one or two pages then forgotten.
he kinda keeps referencing that but doesn't. like the waitress begging for a selfie with her as she's sitting in that chair stuffed so large that she can't breathe. the women in the corner are like "oh my gosh, what happened to tessakitz" but the waitress is oblivious.
kip keeps the fan service because the narrative is weak. lets be honest here, would any of us be reading this story without the chance of and the occasional fan service? I doubt it. the narrative keeps getting good then somehow jumping back to what it was before as if nothing ever happened. whenever it gets good its almost as if he purposely drops the plot point or acts like nothing happened just so things could go back to how they were but that isn't how stories work, especially a love story. the characters need to grow and change and kip refuses to allow that to happen.
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That one time Kip indirectly helped live out my fantasy.
>be me
>2018-2019 and living in a college dorm
>made a few friends, met a cute girl in the meantime
>we hit it off pretty early, but I never had any sexual desires, she was cool with it
>she always saw me as a bit weird, surprised she still loved me anyway
>begins to notice she had a bit of an binge eating disorder, but I never pressed her for answers
>halfway through first semester, start to loosen up a bit
>gets drunk at a college party
>decides to go back to bed, tired of the party at that point
>lays down and decides to jerk it to Kip
>need to pee afterward, too much to drink I suppose
>gf decided to visit me, saw what was on my phone cuz I forgot to turn it off like a dumbass
>sees pic related
>asks me if this is what I crank it to
>embarrassingly admits it, and she leaves after saying "alright anon. . ."
>few weeks pass, she doesn't say a thing about it, nor does she break up with me
>nervous as fuck that she might tell everyone how weird I am
>Thanksgiving break rolls around, she goes to her family an me to mine
>starts to not think about it for a while
>gets a sudden text from gf on Thanksgiving
> tells me "got a surprise for you anon"
>gets curious, asks for what it is
>sends a pic of her moderately stuffed gut, not much but it's noticable enough
> absolutely astonished that she sent it, almost couldn't respond out of shock, but eventually told it looked pretty hot or something like that
> next couple of months is her just eating as much as she wants, and just teasing me with it
>eventually got to rub it for a while
>was in absolute heaven for those few months she did that
>remembers to this day the words, "I wanna enact any sexual fantasy you want anon"
>remembers this relationship to this day
Tldr: past gf caught me walking it to Kip and got curious enough to try it out.

I still think about her sometimes. Maybe I should talk to her again.
um cool story bro but what happened then? I trust you married her?

my own, personal ex, knew of my love for bellies, has an issue with eating, has grown steadily in the past three years and continues to grow but banned me from touching her belly during sex or even mentioning it because she hated it. before you ask, yes it was torture watching the woman you love blow up in front of you, not being able to touch any of it, getting cursed out when you did and still being expected to have sex and get her off. I was never able to get hard with her because of that reason and that is why we aren't together. she's bigger than ever before now and still stuffing herself.
Kip is such a masterclass writer. I hope it writes a book for me to buy.
And then everyone clapped.
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After a little over a year of us dating and doing the whole stuffing thing, she started talking to her shitty ex (he legit looks like a discount version of me) and dumped me for him when I said I wasn't ok with a polyamorous relationship ( I really hated him, mind you).

Not to sound weird but I still have the photos and crank it to em occasionally but I always feel bad afterwards. Funny part was she said she really felt accepted when I would literally worship her body, and started working out a few months after we broke up. Believe me if I was a bit more ready I would've married her and made her the most loved woman to ever exist.

Sorry for the depressed rambling.
>if I was a bit more ready I would've married her
Dodged a bullet.
From the sound of things, she want to be "the hot one" of the relationship
Fair enough, but she actually would go on and on about how hot she thought I was. (I never really saw it, being a bland, 6'1" white guy)

The only way I considered it a Dodger bullet was because she was super into Sanrio shit.
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use a gradient map to turn the grays into white, then make a new layer with multiply to paint over the black lines, easy

I literally used photo editor on my phone & colored it in by hand.
That’s awesome. Is the pic she saw the one you shared?
Yeah that was the one she saw. Never knew if she checked NLB out after that. Suppose I never will.
I don't even know who this is, but they are definitely too fat
damn, that's admirable haha
she's getting off pretty good so far. kinda wondering why no one is saying anything but that last caption about "just get her home and everything should be fine" has got to be a precursor that its all about to hit the fan.

wouldn't it be a shame if stacey and aika just so happened to walk by? thats an interruption I don't think people would mind. and the way tessa is feeling that might push her to curse out saiya as well.

wait, is that kips goal? if something like that happened right now that could push tessa from saiya and moreso towards aika. mind you aika isn't interested but that would definitely end tessa x saiya and who else does she have?
If they drop out of Tessa x Saiya and go back to Saiya going for Aika, it'd be the stupidest fucking thing. There's no reason for Saiya, or any competent reader, to want Aika to be the main attraction. She exists purely for Kip to use for secondary tummy stuff, she's nothing more. She has no redeeming qualities.
(1.6 MB, 1729x2047, tessa3shin.png)
Meant to post when I commented above dhhdhshd
did this one for fun a while ago

I also did the blonde girl I forget her name
Wdym by “go back”? Saiya is still going for Aika lol, just in the stupidest way possible.

Tho, I personally wouldn’t mind just watching Aika eat the entire comic. She’s been getting the biggest, and it’s all been offscreen (which is bs imo.) but it is what it is.
at this point its debatable where else kip could take this. I think tessas about had it with stuffing and saiya. she teased saiya one too many times, got what she wanted and she is not happy with the results. I don't know that shell go back to teasing saiya again knowing this is what will come of it.

remember she's trying to lose weight though. she may come back bigger than ever before but she's actively trying to lose weight.
Yeah you did dodge a bullet, you feel like posting those pic you got?
I mean I don't really know if the thread would like me posting somewhat irrelevant images.
You shouldn't post them, it's not a nice thing to do
Yeah I didn't really want to anyway, they'd lose the value they have to me.
My man was so surprised from seeing belly that he switched clothes with the other sushi guy
Recycling ideas aren't we Kip?
Could we see what she looks like from the back ;)))
What's the @ for I can't find u on Twitter?
Oh this, I like this. We need more of this
This man has single handedly out done kip in 2 days with content and I'm not surprised

If possible can I ask for some old characters or maybe crossovers, like Kat and grace from dinner with sister or Cindy meeting syndey!
Oh also do you have discord, I can send you audio files for the voicings of the girls!
Mine is 𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘#5546
Homie needs to draw non-repulsive faces if he is to, in any way, outdo Kip. I’m all for gassing up new artists but let’s remain realistic here anon 💀
Wtf do you mean non repulsive faces?
I reckon the mouth was too expressive for his tastes
its not gassing anon up. the faces need work and anon is working on it. lets give anon some credit for coming in here and dropping some art. lets find a better word besides "repulsive". anon is once again single handedly carrying this thread because we all know the comic aint very good so lets try to be a bit nicer.
thanks anon. much appreciated.
maybe its my love for pregnancy but hear me out. if tessa met cindy shed already be ridiculously stuffed. I think one reason why kip hasn't done that story is that he's avoiding fan service. connor and cindy will be nothing but fan service with her being carried out of wherever they go. so if anon does a cindy x tessa we already know cindy is going to be ridiculously large. personally id love to see a stuffing match between the two of them but we have just learned tessa hates this so that'll never happen.
>spontaneously almost doubles in size
>after 269 pages it's literally just No Lunch: Take Out but with less stuffing, nothing lewd, and vapid paper-thin characters
Ya know with the way this is drawn, it looks like Tessa wouldn’t have been able to fit in the Taxi even before the weight gain. She looks like a behemoth next to that taxi. The floor of the taxi is raised to the edge of the seat.
Also, she straight up looks twice as big like this anon said >>139558
Tessa is a big girl even when she's slender, but we don't know her exact height, only that she towers over average women that are in the low 5 foot range. Still, a taxi should have a large back seat that can fit 6 foot tall adults no problem. Maybe things are different in kipland and they use subcompact cars as taxis though.
Anyone else noticing the feathers falling out?
>>139568 What is no lunch break? Did you hear about Mochii Baby?
wow saiya, way to show how much you care about her. she just threw her in there, stuffed her in and slammed the door. saiya is showing herself to be the real villain here and tessa would be a fool to even talk to her after this.
thats kips bad art but ill ease up on him because I'm sure drawing a cab is hard work. I feel like every artist has a weakness. kips is cars.
what does that mean in the kipverse? she's unhappy?
If anybody still thinks Kip has any passion about what they're producing, I really encourage you to take a close look at this page. The art quality here is so bad. Look at her hands in the third and fourth panel, and tell me Kip gives a single shit anymore.
Compared to any of Kip’s earlier work, this is strictly a paycheck piece. He doesn’t give a shit about putting anything good out.
If I recall correctly, the feathers are correlated with the characters social standing. The higher their social standing the larger their head wings are. Hence why Tessa's wings are so much bigger than Saiya's. When they fall in social standing they start to lose feathers.
How exactly has her social standing dropped tho?? Nobody has called her out for her new look all she's doing is getting in the Taxi
Do yall think saiya will get in the cab?
As far as dialog goes, it's not looking to promising; but imo it'd be the best thing to do.

I'd have her help Tessa home & get to bed, possibly then leaving or crashing out on the couch. Maybe some legend could make a spin off parallel universe series where that's the case...

If she just turns around & goes home it'll be a travesty.
Sadly tho, Wednesdays page will probably be the cab leaving & saita going home. Then Friday's page will probably jump time to the next school day where either Tessa shows up looking large & in charge (to Stacy's disgust) or shell skip out & saiya would maybe go check on her.

I doubt she'll start messing with aika for a few pages due to how she reacted to the sushi bill. Spontaneous stuffings will have to wait till after payday lol

Say the time jump happens & Tessa doesn't show up & saiya goes to check on her.
What if she found Tessa, in an emotionally wrecked state (from being huge) just sobbing & snacking. Like a snowball effect where she' "sad because she eats & eats because she's sad"?

That'd be some deep shit
There's been 0 indication that Tessa is a stress eater like that. I know Kip's inconsistent so anything is possible, but honestly I think the odds of your prediction coming true are near zero.
>>139604 Someone's going to die but I hope it's you.
>>139605 Btw can you guess what my new manga is about? It's almost finished.

That's a good thing!

Say if she did stress eat then saiya would have a moral dilemma. Would she then continue to be entranced by the belly, or would she help Tessa recoup & get back to normal?

Well I say that, she's too infatuated with dumbshit aika to care what happens to the gal that really seems to care for her. So scratch all that lolol

What the stupidest fucking thing. I mean shes def not a gainer but not everyone whos comfortable with a blob who can barely get around would then continue to be entranced when kip re-creates scenes from earlier in the comics. Well I say that that's can be a good thing too.
Shoving someone in a cab and and sending them home alone after using them as your public fetish object is extremely low
Which means Saiya will probably do it, she's been on a downward spiral of sorts
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Tried to keep as close to kips official color scheme, coloring in the hair was quite an exceptional bitch; and wasn't sure what the official legging color is & winged it.

Damn I forgot to color the cheek blush back in lolol
If it doesn’t go that way, then perhaps they will both go in the cab together. At Tessa’s place, shit will end up hitting the fan (arguing, “I did this cuz of you” etc) and Tessa and Saiya end up explaining their feelings and hopefully leading to some uninterrupted intimacy at last.

I’ll probably be entirely wrong but whatevs.

For that matter, watch next page or two cut back to Aika for another 10-20 pages.
I think that kip is actually trying here. he has no idea how to write a story but he's trying. this is the story he wants to tell the way he wants to tell it and he doesn't care what anyone thinks.
thank you for that information.
maybe she thinks it has? give it some time. shell have to deal with the repercussions from this stuffing even if its only for a page or so.
I'm pretty sure saiya is stuffing her in the cab and sending her home alone. I don't know that kip is doing this on purpose but he's making all of his characters unlikable. I think he's ended all fan service here because tessa is disgusted and aika is trying to lose weight. its now all plot from here on out.
why would saiya check up on her? all she cares about is bellies. she doesn't like tessa. she likes tessas belly. she doesn't like aika. she likes aikas belly.
kip has made saiya into a horrible character overall.
what feelings? saiya doesn't like her like that. saiya likes her body. tessa cares about her but it isn't reciprocated.
This looks identical to the one BWS spinoff where Sydney was pushed into a taxi...
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>what if someone's might not be fitting into the cab?
>just call for a larger car from theri carpark
I swear, the finnish always find some troubles to peddle with.
Anyway, this comic dragged for so long that I am no longer able to get a boner. Other shorter comics? No problem.
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But anon don't you love when you get fan service every century? Women get big what's the problem? It's not like the comic is gonna end like the rest of them (generic anime girl chubby or hyper stuffed/preg women figure).
Or maybe we're just not big brained enough to get the amazing story about woman eventually getting big.
You know, when you put it all that way, a part of me wonders if Kip is trying to a deconstruction of weight game comics? This whole comic feels outright antagonistic towards people into the fetish, in a sort of "this is how you really are, caring about people's bodies instead of who they really are!" way. It's horribly misplaced if that's what it is, but it would explain a lot.

Or it's kip trying to do a character study in the trappings of a weight gain comic? Honestly it being a deconstruction feels more in line with what we've read but who knows at this point. Maybe he actually thinks all of this is sexy.
maybe. but the problem is kip isn't very good at telling a story. if he truly follows through with this then you might be right but so far he has thrown up multiple plot points, all out dropped them or referenced them in a comic or two then dropped them. this, for example, tessakitz should not have been able to get out of that sushi restaurant. those other girls recognized her, the cashier would've taken multiple photos, told friends, live streamed it, risked her job acting a fool to let everyone know tessakitz was there eating. kip keeps trying to portray just how ridiculously popular she is, drops her to a regular person then wait, she's popular. all that time and the waitress waits until after dinner to get a selfie of her in the chair? its not realistic. and if she did shed probably be standing so that huge belly would be in view.
now the rest? I don't understand why people are in denial about saiya. she was never portrayed as a good person. she doesn't care about anyone and kip has done a terrible job showing aika as a love interest. the best we got was that "montage" of them hanging out and aika licking ice cream off of her face when it splashed on her. all we have seen saiya care about is bellies. she swears she loves aika but we see her love of bellies. tessa genuinely cares about her so she kinda leaned into this. I think she originally liked it as it seemed she did after she did that first stuffing then streamed afterwards. that second one was curbed by stacey. now we had the third where both of them got what they wanted. saiya has no idea what to do with herself now. tessa is disgusted with herself and maybe with saiya for doing this to her. in a good story this would be when wed have them seriously sit down and think about their actions. they got what they want but it isn't what they want at all. this is kip. I'm expecting this plot point to be dropped within a couple of comics. cut to stacey and aika, then school tomorrow, tessa may be a little bigger but its doubtful, life goes on.
Great effort! I like the pink stockings because they make her look even more like a massive hog.
i see the jannies deleted it, but there was a comment here about how this is actually a 'deconstruction' of WG comics, and this makes me think that anon was on to something...
Nice to actually see some empathy from Saiya, but I would've preferred if she went with Tessa and expressed her guilt to her instead of keeping it to herself for another 50 pages or whatever
Saiya's internal monologue number 961
Yeah, like why didn't Saiya hop in the cab with Tessa and see her home? Just sit up in the front if there was no room in the back. It's a pretty odd take.
I'm gonna be guessing that Kip noticed how that is exactly the ending for No Lunch Takeout, and tried to innovate in all the wrong ways.
I genuinely don't know why my post was deleted, I thought it was a pretty reasonable and wasn't inflammatory really. Glad that someone agrees.
Perhaps it's not a "deconstruction of a wg comic", but rather one where weight gain is only a sub-plot to the main story.? Ya know maybe kip wanted to try to dabble into Greek tragedy-esque elements?
I honestly couldn't tell ya lolol

Like as we've seen, Tessa wants saiya to like her, saiya likes lage bellies, thus Tessa uses that in an attempt to get saiya. Sure it went at a snails pace for the longest & the aika obstruction to build some inner conflict & add dynamics? Idk

Now saiya seems to be nearing her moral dilemma & she'll be forced to choose between the two girls & the two relationship dynamics.
I have no idea, just thinking out loud lol

I do think we're nearing the plot climax & about to see some serious & possibly emotional events for the 3 gals altogether.
How it turns out? Can only guess.
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The second panel makes it look like a tire popped, but I’m pretty sure it’s just supposed to be the bumper dragging.
If a tire DID pop, watching Saiya just turn and walk the opposite direction while monologuing to herself so unintentionally hilarious.
remember tessa is on the passenger side. its saying tessa is so fat that she's making the car tilt to the side and scrape against the ground.

saiya is straight trash for sending her home like that.
(2.9 MB, 2355x3372, PalutenaXL(1).jpg)
Which kip art really bothers you?

For me it's Palutena because I hate how her face looks here and how massive her forehead is.
(422 KB, 811x1179, 727C5503-7C80-49BF-8021-1F1932E092E4.jpeg)
Pretty much all of them outside some of the older ones like pic related. Kip’s distribution of fat is my biggest gripe with his artwork, but I feel like he’s genuinely been trying to do distribution elsewhere like with Aika. It’s a pleasant surprise.
I think kip has a serious preggo kink that he doesn't want to discuss. a lot of his pics look like pregnant women. tessa is a perfect example. I know some women do gain like that. I have a friend that looks ready to drop right now and she's just overweight. but I would think that kip would switch it up with the different types of bellies in his stories.
(353 KB, 1079x836, JpxDzdU.jpg)
kips gotta redo this image
The tifa pic here >>138710 where her hips are offset in a completely unrealistic way for seemingly no reason
What veganism does to a mf
Who the fuck cares. Tall hot girl got fat. Please, I'm begging you moralfags at this point, just shut the fuck up. Stop looking into the philosophical implications of a fuck weight gain comic.
It's not about being a moralfag, you fucking dipshit. It's the fact that Kip is sacrificing the amount of kink for story, and the story is dogshit. If Kip is trying to sell this as an engaging narrative and it sucks balls, what's the problem with saying so?
bro, look. stop stanning and look. kip is trying to tell a story. never mind the story sucking. from a story standpoint how is tessa supposed to get back with saiya after she did her this dirty?

Anything is fair in love and war. True love lasts a lifetime.

Never say never whatever you do.
are we reading the same story? who loves who here? are you saying tessa loves saiya? because its clear saiya doesn't love tessa or she wouldn't have done her this dirty.
Then I'll tell you what I tell everyone else. Fuck off if you think it's bad and just jack off to the parts you think are hot like the rest of us. You just can't help tuning in every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday to winge about the story and the ethical decisions of the characters in a fat woman anime weight gain comic. It's all you do. If a page is narrative-focused, it's shitty story; if a page is fetish-focused, the proportions are off or the way the fetish is implemented is wrong; if a page has good narrative elements, it's filler with no weight gain to little weight gain; if a page has good fetish material, it's just fan service and doesn't actually mean anything. There's no fucking winning with you faggots, and you have to let everyone know it three times a week. You flock to this thread to just shit on every single page no matter what happens and if anybody calls you out, they're just a fanboy with no standards. You're obnoxious cunts, the lot of you, and you add nothing to these threads.

I'm looking all right. I'm looking at the porn, and treating it like porn. I'm here to jerk off like the overwhelming majority of people while you're here to piss and moan after every single page that your fatty wank isn't a literary triumph worth recognition in the annals of history. If you want a good story, pick up an actual book and get off a chan image board for degenerate fetish fuel. You people hate this comic no matter what it tries to do, so just call it a failure and quit looking at it. What reasonable person is regularly angered by something or finds a way to find issue with something enough that they have enough to complain about three times a week every week for months on end and chooses to continue engaging with that content? Not fucking you, for one.
>>140290 I agree, but we are outside observers unable to say whether the love they share is true or not. We can only make educated speculations and we don't know about what goes on in anyone else's heart. Everybody makes mistakes aswell, and more important than that, love is a fickle thing, and malnourished in this case. It's possible that they're not right for eachother. It's possible that their love wasn't ever true. It's possible that they're not supposed to be together. There's no way of knowing. We just don't know. The only way is to know, and in order to know we must first love. All we know's a kiss and a taste.
Yeah dude, all those things you said can be true at the same time. It's possible for something to be bad in everything it tries to be.
>>140305 What in the BBC are you talking about? Did you even read the post?
(1.3 MB, 1124x1574, Untitled2.jpg)
Tried coloring whole page this time.
Turned out fairly decent imo.
Love is like a fart.
If ya have to force it, it's probably gonna be shit...

-Abraham Lincoln
>>140326 How do you "force" love? What are you talking about, gay butt sex?
>>140326 Or are you trying to say that you can't make love to an old granny no matter how hard you try? Is that what you mean? Yeah, I feel that way about many ethnicities of women. I'm like, nah...

Nah lol, was referring to earlier post above.
Missed the chance to tag it.
>>140326 And I'm not even talking about the ugly girls, I'm talking about cultural differences. In western societies most adults are too stupid to not allow cultural differences to become a big deal, and they blow everything out of proportion unnecessarily due to growing up in a culture that values money and wealth over everything and as a means to manipulate others and other social groups. They're stupid.
>>140329 I wuldn't have any problem fucking a granny as long as she was white and either had a huge butt or huge breasts. That is my honest answer to you.
Some people happen to care about the words and characters in a comic that's been going for hundreds of pages by now. Go figure.
I am going to nuke Finland
>>140412 Look how they massacred my Aika
I’m gonna keep it a buck fifty, chief… I still think Stacey has always been the hottest character in this comic.
Honestly she just has a really nice butt, im surprised kip can draw that well lol
kips specialty, as a fat artist, is drawing thin girls
Nope. Stacy is gonna replace Tessa with Aika now that Tessas been exposed online.
im glad that the jannies deleted everything this time around. they didn't just delete the commentary they also deleted the yelling and screaming from everyone else.

regarding this comic, I just noticed how starved aika is looking. I'm curious to see just how saiya takes this. will she go off and take aika on some sort of stuffing binge? theres no doubt stacey is about to go to tessas. how huge will tessa be when she goes to see her? will saiya take that opportunity to stuff aika? is kip about to turn around and make stacey, the bad guy in this story, the good guy to stop saiya from stuffing everyone in the school?
The shills are really afraid of any sort of deviation from their false narrative of a perfect, almost infalliable coomies dealer, huh? I know your cowardly ass will get this post removed as well, but just know that no matter how many hissy fits you throw in the face of objective criticism, the reality of the situation is that the comic is chock full of flaws, like nonsensical characters and awful pacing. By stifling any sort of dissent you're making this website and the comic worse for everyone in the long run via depriving Kip of any sort of feedback or reality check. Ultimately, there will be no improvement, the comic's popularity will eventually dwindle as more and more people will begin to realize just how bloated and stagnant this whole thing has become, while you happily consume your grey, formless slop. But go ahead, report this post so that the nanny jannies can rescue you from this bad, scary opinion:D
Good for you, sweetcheeks:D Mark my words though - you will remember all the posts similar to mine when the comic becomes so shitty even you won't be able to deny it any longer. Peace!

Sweetcheeks? Wtf is going on in this thread? Don't tell me it's Pedos again?
serious question. and maybe >>140480 can answer this. can we branch off into a kip thread here in bbwdraw where we just discuss the comic? maybe call it 'kip discussion thread'? would that be okay? so we can discuss it in peace and you can enjoy it in peace? everyone would be happy then right? I've considered doing this but I'm not taking the time to make the thread to have it deleted a minute later.
its already there. that one anon posted the flowchart a couple of times already. people have noticed this comic is trash. and it isn't bashing either. I've posted many ways in which this can be fixed. I've posted entire outlines of scenes. they just keep on getting deleted.
Sounds like a reasonable solution, but don't expect the shills to be reasonable.They've already shown that they don't want any criticism of the comics like OSC or BWS's on this image board, even if it's a separate thread.
One Serving Choice: the terribly written soap opera of fetish comics.

Never thought I'd say this, but... at least No Lunch Break had more stuffing/fondling scenes and simpler, less frustrating characters. Worst part of that was Sandy's entire schtick (which even then led to good fetish stuff) and the ending with the bullshit friendship lesson, the rest of the characters were more dumb than cruel. Also, Sidney was at least enthusiastic about and into being fat / stuffing herself, and she and Tina are a much MUCH better couple by far. Plus, led to No Lunch Take-Out, which may be my fave outta the newer Kip comics.

Wow, I just said good things plural bout NLB. Wasn't expecting that.
I do wish kip stopped the bloat on the comics. this should be concluding by now but it still feels 50+ pages away from some sort of resolution
>>140487 It would be beneficial to some to consider the purpose of a particular discussion. We are all entitled to our opinion, but if I am a guest in somebody's home, or attending a church, I wouldn't blurt out obscene profanity as somebody may do while in a party or a park. It is at the disgression of my peers whether to allow my tourette's syndrome to bother them, but it is out of love that I choose to do the right thing and abstain from violent behavior or language as a courtesy. Whatever they do against their fellow man or neighbor isn't fair, and when is it not vengeful? That is why leaders and authorities are deserving of their punishment, because their logic dictates an eye for an eye, but their punishment will come from God.
> can we branch off into a kip thread here in bbwdraw where we just discuss the comic?

I tried that a few weeks ago and mods deleted it. they delete any criticism or any mention that they're deleting criticism. We can move discussion to the ranting thread, but that means dealing with all the crazy shit in those threads
I'm trying to see your point but the criticism is never hurling obscene profanity. its the fans that are doing that. if were using your example this is someone going to a church and asking a legitimate question about God, the pastor cursing them out, calling them names and throwing them out. thats what I never understood about this whole thing. whats up with the cursing and name calling? why is every comment deleted? there have been many good discussions posted here that have gotten stopped in their tracks because they got deleted. people have come back posting about prior comments that got deleted, even insults referencing posts that got deleted. its just a bunch of needless mess going on and I have no idea why they're doing all of that to themselves and the jannies.

tbh if I were a janny id just ignore any and all posts, complaints and even reports about kip threads.
right and they don't want this in there either. the original solution was a thread in /gen but that thread died because literally no one went there at any point in time. it would make more sense to have the thread here in the /bbwdrawn forum so I'm not sure how this is supposed to work besides people just plain shutting up.

im also not sure what the fans expect. legitimate conversation on the comic is shut down. I get criticism but comments like "hey, staceys looking pretty pissed in this comic. think shell go to tessas and chew her out" are also deleted. what is the point here? do the fans just want the comic posted and thats it? then why is it on a forum? just go to his deviant art and look at that. didn't they have a problem with the fan art as well? it seems like any post other than a new kip comic or art is deleted and I don't understand it. thankfully they started allowing art but they gotta insult the anons too. I wouldn't be surprised if thats why we have yet to see the anon comic that they're working on. they aren't trying to be insulted again. I don't understand the constant need to insult any and everyone who posts here nor why its allowed by the jannies.
What the actual fuck? I hope this is some set-up where Aika loses control eventually and eats everything cus bros dying.
The mods are on something, this is common info. But for some reason it keeps getting worse, like they’re deleting simple jokes or guesses to what happens next now.
fyi I've screenshotted every comment before it was removed, so feel free to create another thread where the discussion can continue unhindered.
gonna try to air what i tried to before the maintenance:

a. stacey has a nice fat ass
b. hope aika gets “refilled”
c. hope there’s a positive twist for tessa’s recent binge
Aika's stomach looks kinda small, guess this means her "possibly painful" diet is working.
I tried to start a thread. not sure if it'll stay up or not. I did ask if I could do such a thing before comments were deleted but then all comments got deleted.
I mean maybe, but you can barely see it in the frames, and remember kip is bad at consistency.

Anyway she's gonna rebound because starving yourself is not a really good diet.
>the maintenance
Yeah, I've noticed they've been deleting positive/constructive posts as well lately.
I suppose that does technically belong on gen
not exactly. the idea was making something like a man baby thread except sticking with kip as the subject. I never understood why such a thread could not exist in /bbwdrawn. the original thread was put in /gen and it died. it got about three posts and died. I asked if I could make a thread here and the question was deleted. I made a thread and it was deleted. it wasn't moved to /gen it was deleted. I don't get what exactly is going on here. I appreciate it when the jannies actually stepped in once and commented on how they were sick of the reports in the kip threads but this was an attempt to stop that so I'm not sure what people are supposed to do, what is allowed to be posted or anything.
Crash diet is fastest way to wreck your metabolism.

Could be good setup for becoming the flabbier counterpart to Tessa
Bumping for the next page :)
Welp there goes the diet
stacy has become ed edd and eddy
I think Kip is getting better at consistently drawing good butts. One of his better panels in this comic by far tbh.
Aika ass pages are definitely some of the best pages in this comic so far imho. He’s definitely getting better at it.
Well, what i said about aika's stomach was all for nothing now.
(1.5 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled6.jpg)
Got this one done too.

The background gave some difficulty. Tbh though I'm doing on a phone app so....
It'll be ok 👍
why does kip think terrible people make appealing characters?
Good work coloring with these
This honestly was one of the best pages of the comic.
(1.5 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled8 (1).jpg)
Uno mas.
Hot off the press 🤪

Slowly getting it figured out
(1.3 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled9.jpg)
Dos mas.
Cheers 🍻

That one went quick lol
Thinking of possibly doing the whole series now... idk
Aika continues to be the one-note annoying bitch she always has been, filling in the gaps between the actual content with Tessa
I don't care if they say that Aika is the worst character and things like that this is what makes her my favorite character that all that moves him is his complete gluttony and his way of enjoying it
How is she being annoying here? She's doing what most have been wanting Tessa to do, so why the double standard?
saiya is about to die of arousal.

sorry tessa. her true lust is back.
Don't act like I'm the one with double standards,
Tessa had a characterization turn around because of Saiya. We're in this deep and Aika is the same as she's been at the start; repetitive, dumb, and the tummy content until Tessa is back in the plot. Only difference is we know Aika is a dense bitch
Yall think Aika getting as big as Tessa after this
(1.4 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled11.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled12.jpg)
I hope the story has a happy ending.
I.e. Tessa & saiya. 😂😂

I mean, they've shared more intimate moments than aika could hope for.
Sure aika kissed Tessa, but saiya had the mall make out session 🤌🥳

That's a 10 of 10 in my book lol

Aika is OK & all, but we know who's the prime candidate... 😏
Aika is fatter.
Rest my case.
As someone who's original favorite was the absolute unit Kip Tei, I must concur.
Agreed, Tessa is a way more appealing character to me. Also keep up the good work on those colors, anon. You've really struck gold with the red top imo, would not complain if you just gave her a red top from now on. As for the pants, black or pink would be the two most obvious choices but I'd be interested to see how yellow would look, I've always liked it paired with red. Although she'd kind of look like Winnie the Pooh with yellow bottoms lol.
Also that ass. Tessa just ain’t never been shit to me tbh.
Thanks, I attempted a silk like sheen effect with the red. Something different than her kip official colors.

Black or pink would look alright I suppose, but there's already so much of them it's insane.
Kept the basic white (uncolored) to give it a sorta silver look ya know.
I'll just have to keep practicing & piddling with different stuff.

Glad y'all seem to like it.
I'll try out the yellow for ya
(1.2 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled13.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1125x1575, Untitled15.jpg)

Alrighty, there's the "silver" / uncolored vs yellow / gold-ish pants ya suggested.

I see what ya mean by Winnie the pooh lolol
it's more like McDonald's about to bust in here & monetize it
Either that or she's about to head out to a Earth, Wind, & Fire concert 🥳🕺
The silver looks so much better, that other anon is insane.
other anon here and gotta say I agree lol. I guess this is why I'm not the one doing kino coloring.
Anon I have a major request, will you start coloring the kat panels from dinner with sister?
Also I can help with adding voiceovers to the panels if u need?
Sounds good 👍

All I can do is try it lol

Do ya know if kip has an "official" color scheme? Like a page he's personally done, so I could copy the appropriate color?
The grace pages are colored when she's in the shower as for Kat, I'd say just light skin and blue or dark red/brown hair, also you on discord I can help:D

My @ is 𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘#5546
Kip can't help but make Aika the dumbest fucking retard ever, can he? She's such a shit character... but people will still say she's the best because she's fat and people are horny... fucking christ...
Why do I keep checking every time a new page comes out? I just get disappointed and confused at why characters are acting as they do
mfw the fat fetish artist doesn't write the characters with the complexity of fuckin Anton Chigur
yeah that's why most fat fetish artists have the good decency to not create a long form comic where the nonsensical shitty plot drives the actions of the characters
Yeah, because that's my problem... it's not that she literally just bit off the sleeve of a girl's shirt like some deranged retarded animal.
Aika eats frisk undertale’s shirt

All the characters are shit. I’m just sticking with Aika since she’s the only character I moderately liked since the beginning of the comic.
This looks as if she's being starved to death by her trainer.

And has no better control of herself too, if only there was some way to help her with her eating habits not for the diet she's in but to help her not go mad when she's starved.

Sadly, this looks like it's setting up Seiya to act up & start increasing the chances of you know what.
Stacy is chasing two rabbits here and is gonna lose both.
This page genuinely feels made for the vore enthusiasts.
I was thinking thinking that too.
But it feels too softcore imo. Although I'm not exactly a vore enthusiast, so what do I know.
>heres the vore y'all wanted
the only vore scenario I want to see with these characters is Tessa eating someone, preferably a smaller girl like Saiya or Stacy
Aika being a gluttonous retard does nothing for me
hasn't this only been like two days though? I mean she just started this diet a day or so ago.

saiya doesn't have to do a thing. she can and should just stand there and let aika be aika.
Anon I don’t know if it does anything for anybody. Watching Aika stuff herself silly? Sure. Watching Aika eat bones and someone’s sleeve? Weird. Very weird.
Get the feeling Tessa's streaming, hence Stacy's speedy exit.
Saiya literally just said "I wish that was me"
>I don’t know if it does anything for anybody.
It does. Object eating, vore and stuffing tend to overlap.
Also, Pica is considered an autistic trait; so that's further evidence that Aika is on the spectrum
For me I only like vore when it results in weight gain, kinda pointless to eat an entire person and there be no after effect
I was really hoping shed get a bit bigger before we stopped this scene but it makes sense. aika is out of control. she's got her regular belly size back so no real gain.

I have no idea if saiya is even thinking at this point.

that would be nice but that doesn't make sense. tessa was about to pass out. she probably just got home. is she really trying to stream half out of it and belching? with saiya not watching?
>>this scene takes place the next day
It's the next day dude... I think it's safe to say she's been home for a long time...
That wasn't pica dumbass. She didn't search out and eat a sleeve she grabbed it by mistake.
Honestly, it's not that she ate the sleeve, it's that she was so hungry and gluttonous she ate the sleeve. Kinda hot
Ah, c'mon; It's pica adjacent. Eating the bones from the chicken also seems pica-esque but I also do that, so I didn't want to draw attention to it.
I kinda hope this unlocks something and she eats the clothing of all the other girls, would be hot if she ate all their clothing and they had to go nude. I love this direction.
No way, This is the best part of the comic yet, Kips cooking! I just subbed on his patreon because of this.
If its been a day then Tessa is gonna be a LOT bigger now that she let everything settle
This is just blatant object vore/actual vore bait, wish he'd stop pissing around and just embrace it if that's what he wants
No u

Gimme enf and unhinged gluttony, kip!
The yellow looks better because Tessa getting fat and stuck like Winnie the Pooh would be pure kink kino. Thanks.
My guess is that yesterday's onlookers posted footage of the sushi carnage. What's interesting to me is that if Saiya is also caught on camera feeding Tessa, in which case Stacy can rightfully blow up at Saiya for sabotaging Tessa's diet regimen and, in Stacy's eyes, her entire streaming career.
Theory time: Stacy's gonna confront Saiya with murder in her eyes and Saiya's gonna squeak by out of getting her ass handed to her by showing the comments on the video to an enraged Stacy; it turn out the comments are fairky positive - some even find it kinda hot.
This defuses the situation once Stacy realises Saiya hasn't fucked everything up for them. Might even get the wheels turning in Stacy's head as to how best to capitalise on this discovery...

It's just a hee hoo gag for the sake of the comic, I wouln't read into it too much.
Might be just me but this looks really good😅

Holy shit dude stop spoonfeeding Kip his next plot points at least make him churn the gears a bit.

Also I'm now realizing it's kinda weird we have all these McNormal names like Sally and Stacy alongside these Finnish freakshows.
Can anyone find threads 8-9 for this? I literally can't find anything.
Oh absolutely. That's why it pains me that these pages have gotten below average likes. Means we're probably going to move on back to Tessa and Girl.
>>My guess is that yesterday's onlookers posted footage of the sushi carnage.

That would be too obvious and boring, I'm going to bet on something streaming related.
>That would be too obvious and boring
That's what kip will do
Random thought but Ive been re-reading NLB and I gotta say Chase and Fiina relationship felt like the predecessor of what Connor and Cindy ended up turning into.
Need more content with both of those couples
why is saiya watching aika annoyed? shouldn't she have hearts in her eyes?

I have yet to see kip use any ideas that have been posted here.

well, maybe tessa is huge. one can hope.

that would require stuffing and kip has made it clear he doesn't want to do that. thats why I doubt tessa is that much larger and aika has barely grown. I understand this is a "fetish comic" but the creator says that it isn't. the creator is trying to tell a story here and he only wants the ladies to get but so big. I don't expect them to get much larger before this story ends.
She's despondent because of her unrequited feelings for Aika. Hence why she's doing the whole "bad girl" schtick.
To break down the two triangles, the first:
>Saiya wants Aika -> Aika wants Tessa -> Tessa wants Saiya.
The dumb, reverse triangle of shitty communication where no one is happy:
> Saiya lusts after Tessa over the course of wanting to be more like her -> Tessa in an attempt to goad Saiya falsely claims that she's interested in Aika -> Aika attempts to lose weight in an attermpt to win back Saiya's friendship.
Aika keeping up the object vore is the only way to keep me invested in her otherwise dumb and unremarkable ass
>dudebros think Tessa pigging out is just photoshop
(960 KB, 640x480, krusty-milk.gif)
Agreed. She's the first kip character to just be an idiot glutton.
I'm hoping for something like pic related to happen.
>She's the first kip character to just be an idiot glutton.
>forgetting comic kip
(97 KB, 460x647, DinnerWithSister98.jpg)
Just because artist Kip has forgotten, we never will.
Anyone else find it ironic KipTeiTei kept his name but NEVER draws Kip Tei anymore.
Remember what he took from you:
Kip had a kink, and wasn't a complete moron.
kips entire thing was being a fat bimbo
But she has a stuffing/weight gain fetish too. Aika is just oblivious, she doesn't seem to be turned on by getting fat at all. The closest thing we've seen to that so far was fiina in nlb, but she was depressed.
Aika and Kip are similar on paper but Kip didn't do nearly as much slapstick wholesome chungus shit as Aika. Watching her eat a whole lobster in the eating contest with her sister was way hotter than anything that blonde retard has done.
Fr. Drop that eating contest page for research.
(913 KB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_277_by_kipteitei_dfq5rir.jpg)
kip loves keeping people in suspense with whatever happened to tessa.

I'm going to guess she's ridiculously large. I'm also going to guess thats where stacey went. I have no idea why saiya didn't immediately realize that but saiya doesn't pay much attention.

also, remember that women in this story arent going to get very big. look at how "big" aika is after that "massive" stuffing.
Idgaf about Tessa, more focused on how rushed and trash Aika’s stuffing was, cmon Kip.

>I'm going to guess she's ridiculously large.
In Kips terms, so probably the same size she left in. Or a bit smaller. Also,
>remember that women in this story arent going to get very big. look at how "big" aika is after that "massive" stuffing.
I think with however big Tessa is right now is the max, Aika might grow a bit bigger, but she’s likely reaching her max too.

Also speaking of Kip, I hope Kip pulls a Kip on the OSC characters and forgets about them after comic.
Waiting for more Connor & Cindy content when/if it finally happens.
Would be hot.

If all this wasn't incest focused.
I would love more Connor and Cindy content but I feel like if Kip goes back to em they are gonna ruin them. Again would love it but u never know with Kip.
>Idgaf about Tessa, more focused on how rushed and trash Aika’s stuffing was, cmon Kip.
remember, this isn't about stuffing. its much easier to deal with this when you realize he is doing everything he can to avoid the fan service.

>In Kips terms, so probably the same size she left in. Or a bit smaller.
which has me confused. if tessa is the same size or just a smidge bigger whats all the craze around her? if she was gigantic id get it but we know she isn't.

>I think with however big Tessa is right now is the max, Aika might grow a bit bigger, but she’s likely reaching her max too.
thats what I think. we've seen how big theyre going to get by now.

>Waiting for more Connor & Cindy content when/if it finally happens.
>I would love more Connor and Cindy content but I feel like if Kip goes back to em they are gonna ruin them. Again would love it but u never know with Kip.
>Also speaking of Kip, I hope Kip pulls a Kip on the OSC characters and forgets about them after comic.
thats about right. he isn't going to ruin cindy. he's never going back to them. cindy requires stuffing and getting massive. that was the entire relationship. sure cindy was interesting but the whole relationship is going to be based on how big connor can get her. kip is avoiding that so there will be no return to cindy and connor.
Incest is cringe, brotherr
>its much easier to deal with this when you realize he is doing everything he can to avoid the fan service.
Which is weird because I feel like he keeps putting Tessa fan-service(boob scenes.), and is fully aware of it. Drc tho since I’m more into the extremely glutton bunny girl.

>which has me confused. if tessa is the same size or just a smidge bigger whats all the craze around her? if she was gigantic id get it but we know she isn't.
Idfk, suspense to keep people interested? I was originally thinking Kip was trying to do some elaborate plan on making an illusion of Tessa getting bigger but I don’t think he cares that much to put that kind of effort in it.

> thats about right. he isn't going to ruin cindy. he's never going back to them. cindy requires stuffing and getting massive. that was the entire relationship. sure cindy was interesting but the whole relationship is going to be based on how big connor can get her. kip is avoiding that so there will be no return to cindy and connor.
I’m 100% okay if he doesn’t get back to Cindy and Conner if it means he doesn’t ruin them, we got fan artists. I wanted Kip to commit Kip on the OSC characters simply because they suck and I wanna move on, almost 300 pages guys.

Brother in Christ, actually no you’re into that.
Random anon in Christ.
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>not being into patrician wincest
Didn't realize this board was filled with plebeian normalfags. Then again, that does explain all the shit-tier taste on display lately.
>t. has never had siblings
its literally a drawing of two girls why are you people so autistic about this
Sorry I don't agree with any fetishization/sexualization of two girls who find out they are actually sisters and still lust for each other.
"You're retarded for thinking family members being finding each other hot isn't hot"
Doesn't explain the popularity of mother-son incest.
Yeah, that always creeped me out
Damn, Tessa can wait.

I always just assumed it was because of dudes with mommy issues.

Also this is the first time I’ve ever seen anybody argue about incest wtf is going on this this thread?
Idk I have siblings and no mommy issues (that I know of) and while I don't specifically seek out incest content, it definitely isn't a turn off for me.
Wtaf is goin on in this thread rn!? We can't just talkin abou how bigt Aika and Tessa or smthin
I wanna lick the chicken grease off aika's gut
Thats a lot better then wutever tf everyone else is talkin abt
It helps if you don’t have a great relationship with your own mother.
Please tell me Tessa is going this route.
Oof no new page today
I know the comments keep getting deleted but no. she is not going this way. she will never get that bi except in fan art. kip refuses to let his characters get that big again. we can assume that what we have right now is as big as they're getting.

it was probably about aika and saiya drooling over her anyway.
As the other anon said, it definitely ain’t gonna happen. Even if it did Kip would probably just reset her to a smaller size after a day(in the comic) or whatever

To be fair I also want to drool over Aika
Anyone know if we're getting a page tomorrow? Or two pages?
Def not two pages knowing Kip
Did kip even say he wwasn't posting
Has there been any update regarding today's page on patreon?
Yeah like idk whats going on. Was Kip just talkin about Weds page or all of this weeks pages???
>Was Kip just talkin about Weds page or all of this weeks pages?
Typical Kip, knows everyone fucking hates Aika so now he's pulling the guilty card.

Also, not a two page upload? Cringe
Speak for yourself bro I’m in love with this bitch

Holy shit guys, I know it’s a crazy thought but.. maybe ignoring your best friend/crush and never saying why isn’t a good idea, again I know it’s a insane idea.
Lowkey tho if Aika was real I would go after her. She's a fat idiot with no self control, why wouldn't I want that?
>both Aika and Tessa just want a genuine relationship with Saiya
>All Saiya can think about is UGGH BIG BELLY SO HORNY UNGHH
worst protagonist
>Holy shit guys, I know it’s a crazy thought but.. maybe ignoring your best friend/crush and never saying why isn’t a good idea, again I know it’s a insane idea.
thats common sense but I'm expecting saiya to say something extremely rude and push aika even further away from her. somehow she thinks thats the right way to act and I have no idea why.

>worst protagonist
aika wants a friend. saiya wants to cuddle that belly.
tessa wants a relationship. saiya wants... what does saiya want? I mean she kissed her, she stuffed her, what are they even doing right now? but wait, she's in love with aika so what does it matter?

the sad thing is she hasn't realized aika has no interest in her like that. becoming like tessa won't change that because the tessa aika knows isn't even a real person. saiya knows the real tessa and chances are she's about to throw aika to the wind to run to tessas side, "UGGH BIG BELLY SO HORNY UNGHH" all over again and watch as stacey literally destroys tessas confidence once again.

This' America, dude. Don't you know that every married man secretly wishes and desires that they could murder their wife and child just to get away with it. Plus, Jews don't exist.
>All Saiya can think about is UGGH BIG BELLY SO HORNY UNGHH
Kinda relatable, ngl
Private: Friends? that stands for "i don't wanna see you anymore"
Kowaski: Rico, i think she's breaking up with you

Did you just call me what I think you called me?
It's so crazy to be referencing "since the party," a scene that ended a literal year ago
In universe I think it's been like a week
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So you want to manipulate her? And every time she has doubts about her weight you'll go "It's okay to let go" and she'll do it.
It bothers me her arms neck and face look exactly the same. They're humans not fucking emus
1. She's a cartoon character.
2. They're not human, the have fucking wings sprouting from both sides of their skulls.
no page again today?

I can't understand why kip doesn't have a back log of pages already done so if something comes up he can just drop it and not fall behind.
I assume that kip is a master procrastinator like myself. I've been doing this kind of shit all my life and I hate it
So apparently he moves into a different house
Ah they deleted the pig warning thing I wanted that
Wow, it’s been so long I forgot she looked like that.
Looking at the recent moments in the comic (showing the displeasure and disgust of Tessa in the stuffing, the recent "bitchy" approach of Saiya shotting herself in the feet, etc), makes me think about that other guy saying that this comic seems to become a deconstruction of common tropes and cliches of weight gain stories, showing how sow of them are toxic or stupid in some cases(cough cough the whole romance drama bullshit cough cough)
And I got an unerving feeling that one of the next tropes that will be deconstructed is the corset bursting cliche
Mark therefore my words: the corset will for sure appear the next time we see Tessa AND burst or else it won't appear evermore in this whole comic
you're assuming that tessa isnt sick of stuffing herself. I'm pretty sure she's done with that life but well see.
This is a fake-out, I just know it. We got 300 more pages till they actually make up/out.
and 300 more pages until they actually gain some weight and they are just not "bloated".
She could have just said. We are still friends, but instead she is being a retard yet again. I am really baffled by this comic. It doesnt make sense fetishwise or just from a normal persons perspective
i was gonna quote Star Butterfly on this but these characters are university students so their adults not teens.
>Mark therefore my words: the corset will for sure appear the next time we see Tessa AND burst or else it won't appear evermore in this whole comic
the only way it would appear is if tessa is trying to cover up her weight gain. its obvious that she's already bloated so why would it be there? I'm expecting her to be a huge bloated mess, crying and all, stacey screaming at her and saiya is just walking to walk in and stare awkwardly.

I knew it. I knew she was going to do something stupid and brush her off. she has to for kip to keep this going.

no ones gaining any weight.

she could have. but then kip would have to end the story. were at the point that he could end it whenever he wants. if tessa enjoyed the stuffing we could end it with saiya and tessa happy. if saiya spoke to aika they could make up and confront Stacy together. but kip wants to keep this mess going so he's going to keep doing things like this and dragging it out even longer. the real question is just how much longer is he going to get away with it?

Actually nothing unique about it at all if you know about architecture around the world. Get educated swine.

It's nice to see Kip putting the focus in the important places - 1% Weight Gain, 99% Random Bullshit Architecture, 0% Pace
>non-Euclidean porch
Your university didn't have impossible geometry? No Escherian architecture?
>Gain self awareness
>With new profound self awareness continue being a dumbass.

You motherfuckers already know she’s gonna fuck up with Tessa and Stacy next as well.
Watch Tessa x Aika happen and dumbass Saiya ends up alone lol
It would really serve her right
Tbh that would be fair. She try's to cuck everyone so her not getting anyone would be deserved. Then shed get fat

If you want to read the content without the commentary, do it on Reddit. r/kipteitei.

A discussion thread is for discussion you fucking idiot
Saiya being a hot mess of a character once again. Even Kazuya from Rent-A-Girlfriend has better development than whatever the fuck this is.
Your pushing it. Saiya is bad but Kazuya and her are not even comparable. Kazuya's character is dog shit saiya is bad but not Kazuya bad
New page.
I'm guessing the next page will be Saiya approaching Tessa's door, and we'll see Tessa again on sunday
Nah I agree, they're both baffling stupid. It's not even a mystery how dumb they are, it's a mystery how anyone can stand to be around them. Like why do both Tessa and Akia have any sort of relationship with her? She's a two dimensional character, and one of those dimensions is dumbass.
Draw a character with a consistent size for two panels in a row challenge (legendary)
I struggle with this too. I actually have to resort to making new reference turnarounds every other page
Maan Aika is by far the hottest character in this. Plz dont wrk out screw ur dumb friend
Aika or Tessa should just eat Stacy or Saiya. Problems solved.
is that aikas stomach growling? kip teasing everyone yet again with the threat of more stuffing or more working out? what does that last panel even mean?

see what I was saying before? he has to keep this stuff going like this to keep the story going. its a constant circle. if anything is resolved then he has nothing to go back to.

you're right. shell be right at her door on sun and well see audible screaming. we may see tessa next wed. kip has to keep milking this.
>is that aikas stomach growling?
I think it's supposed to be digestion noises, considering she just ate chicken bones and fabric.

>Plz dont wrk out
Nah, she should "work out". Do like 5 sit-ups then either reward herself or take protein shakes. I wish she would "carbo-load" before hand too.
I was wondering where al the other anon art went. did they ever post a comic?
>Tessa gets so hungry and horny she accidentally eats Saiya during one of their groping sessions
>digests her and gains a ton of weight
>feels guilty about it but part of her enjoys that cute little Saiya is all hers now
>And Saiya did really love her fat belly, maybe it's not so bad that she got added to it
>Stacy completely blows a gasket when she sees how big Tessa is now
>Tessa realizes she doesn't have to put up with the rich bitch any longer
>Decides to eat her too
>Tessa is forced to drop out of college to hide her huge weight gain
>Down playing her gut and focusing on her now even more massive tits and ass is enough to keep her stream going
>Investigation into Saiya and Stacy's disappearance is eventually dropped due to lack of evidence
>Now free from Stacy, Tessa is much happier with her life
>The streamer lifestyle also gives her plenty of opportunity to indulge her new "hobby"
>Whether it's nomming annoying stalkers and simps, or eliminating rival streamers
>Without Saiya's academic help, Aika struggles in college and eventually drops out to return home
>Makes a decent life for herself working on the family business, the drama she experienced in college just funny memory
Not only would it warm by black, shrivelled vorefag heart to see this, but it would be a better narrative than what Kip is giving us
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Does anyone have the drawfriend fanart pic from a thread or two back where Tessa is stuffed with sushi, and she's saying something like "it feels like I have a whole ocean packed in here" while Saiya lists facts about pufferfish? I'd go to the archive for it but like >>142250 said, nobody archived those threads.
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Got the image you need. Don't really know what you guys see in my art but I guess I'm flattered. Also, sauce for the image you posted?
Fuck I’d read this if there’s a spin-off story *wink wink* or if anyone makes more fan-art. Make Saiya one with that gut she lusts so much over.
If someone did want to write an alternative ending to OSC (vore or otherwise), what page would be the best to fork off the new storyline?
Many options. Right now could work if Tessa is fed up with Saiya. It could go down in a “getting rid of the problem” sort of way if she’s angry. Or if they get their horny asses alone and their fat guts all over each other, maybe Tessa gets a bit too greedy/hungry/horny, and Saiya flies a bit too close to the sun if you catch my drift. As I said, lots of options. I’m with the other anons, if there’s a writer here by all means make it happen.
damn, kip really nailed the shading on the belly
Damn anon, your art is quite good. Might be my new favorite from you
Ay yes a nothing page. At least next page we see Tessa.....right?
wow. I can't believe I called that. kip really did do a page with a bunch of yelling and refuse to show tessa.

I also can't believe saiya was dumb enough to take some food to her. hasn't she done enough damage already?
Literally everyone is stupid except stacy. Stacy is just unlikeable. I just want a the end so this is over
Bro chill are we not allowed to voice our complaints -_-
you must be new here. technically no, we are not. the mods will probably delete the majority of these comments any moment now. sometimes they slip and a good convo starts up only to be deleted, people ignore the thread, some more trash gets posted, someone comments and the cycle repeats itself. this is almost a weekly thing now.
Ah I see then continue
I think what bugs me the most is that tessa aint even that big. aika is probably bigger. id love to be wrong but kip has stated that he doesn't want his characters but so big. were not going to see some jumbo tessa bursting out of whatever clothing she has. shell probably be just a smidge larger than before. I don't know what saiya thinks she's doing because, first off, she's the problem to begin with in that she stuffed tessa and everyone knows it and second, she isn't helping with food in her hand. stacey is fixing to curse her out and rightfully so. saiya isn't the kind of character to fight back so were just going to have stacey yelling at everyone and I'm just wondering whats the point here. stacey is supposed to be the bad guy but here she's kinda right. saiya is the bad guy. she doesn't care about any of these women. all she cares about what belly she can stuff and who she can fondle. even that is a dead end because kip won't let her go all the way. she just stuffs the woman and stares? what is that? thats why I cannot understand the defenders, the ones posting on here for people to shut up, the ones reporting the comments. can they at least explain what is so good about this dreck? I mean kip is literally going in circles because anybody doing anything would force him to move the plot which he refuses to do. at this point I'm just sitting back and wondering how many times people are going to let him do this before they get sick of it but both reddit and deviant art are all "oooh protect aika at all costs". kip truly has the right fanbase for this.
The problem is that Kips newer comics have been so bloated (heh). Literally 300 pages for a 100-150 pound weight gain and a very mediocre story. The character designs are good yeah but it doesn’t matter when the whole comic is just dragging itself forward with a ball and chain.
Saiya honestly just pisses me of. It’s not even the food, I just can’t stand her character anymore. Have Tessa and Aika fuck and date so we can get this shit over with.
Can YOU shut the fuck up? Anytime there’s a comment that isn’t sucking Kip’s dick you dumb fuckers get pissy.
>are all "oooh protect aika at all costs".
As someone who preferred Aika since the beginning I find this fucking hilarious. People were talking about “fuck Aika” and hating her so much a few pages ago then they switched so quick. Kip’s fanbase is schizophrenic or some shit.
FNN supremacy. Even though the payoff isn’t as long as I’d hoped, it’s still a good sequence.
I think we got 20lbs at most. no one really gained. kip made sure of that.
>Saiya honestly just pisses me of. It’s not even the food, I just can’t stand her character anymore. Have Tessa and Aika fuck and date so we can get this shit over with.
thats the whole thing here. the story is bad enough but the man made an mc that people literally hate. I don't even like aika like that but id gladly read her attempting to date tessa. aika stuffing her face, tessa being curious as to why she takes so much pleasure from it and joining her. that would be interesting but that would require stuffing and bigger bellies which, again, kip refuses to do.
>As someone who preferred Aika since the beginning I find this fucking hilarious. People were talking about “fuck Aika” and hating her so much a few pages ago then they switched so quick. Kip’s fanbase is schizophrenic or some shit.
they're literally hyped for the next comic. its crazy to see because all they do is repeat the same things and somehow get hyped. are we reading the same comic here?
why are the jannies so autistic about this thread? every time I come check it more posts have disappeared
It’s like they don’t even moderate any of the other threads, they just spend all their time pruning this one
No one is even talking about this? Guess I'll start. Whatever is going on she still thinks Tesa will want food, I can't imagine what it is unless she like embraced it or something.

No, there was a convo, but it got purged by the mods.
I mean..its not that stupid train of thought. She doesnt know if she has any food at home. And thought Tessa probably wont go outside of her house. So she brought a little bit of food over. Its not like shes bringing a feast over to her. Shes just worried
No clue why the other thing got tagged aswell. So sorry I guess
its ridiculously stupid because she knows stacey is going there to curse her out for overeating the day before. the last thing tessa needs right now is food. saiya set herself up to get yelled at but it doesn't matter because all she's going to do is stand there and look stupid anyway.
Can't wait for the stair climbing page today
It's a well-intentioned idea - Saiya is ultimately attempting to think about Tessa's wellbeing - but it doesn't make it a good one. It's horribly misguided when you consider the context and Saiya would have to be incredibly dense to overlook this fact. Besides, she could have just ordered in if Saiya felt such concerns.
This feels like a heavyhanded attempt to force a confrontation between Stacy and Saiya by sacrificing Saiya's brain cells in order to achieve it. I'm not saying Saiya can't screw up or be a bonehad at times (we know this already) but this feels like a stretch.
All the conversation about the food, and yes
that’s perfectly valid, that’s stupid as fuck for her to be bringing Tessa food… but personally I’m more bothered by the exposition brain. I fucking HATE when characters think/talk about things that they already know for the sake of the audience. It’s a commonly known writing sin that is meant to always be avoided. “I brought food for her” why the fuck would you think that Saiya? Are you so retarded you need to keep reminding yourself that’s why you’re holding that bag?
> “I brought food for her”
Maybe something like "why did I think bringing this would be a good idea?" Would be more natural.
It's a little pulpy, but like the good ol' fashioned narration panel for things like this. "As Saiya approaches Tessa with edible reparations in hand, she overhears a scandalous scolding!"
Kinda wish you hadn't mentioned that observation as that's gonna bother me too now, haha.
Maybe it was Kip thinking her explaining why she brought food would make it make more sense or something.
Still dumb as fuck. Tessa is ruining her career for this dumbass and is getting yelled at for her overeating. Idfk, maybe this will be a wake up call for Tessa. Now Aika needs a wake up call.
Then last panel has Saiya with a “:O” face as she reaches the bedroom door.

Anon, I like your art and your comic from the last few threads is based. Could you post a link to a gallery/art account of yours if you have one, or at least all the pages of the comic you've made so far?
Cut to aika and new girl wondering what shirt they should buy said new girl with aika wondering DOES SAIYA HATES ME DXX
I feel like I am writing a rian johnson film
If we do see Tessa this page her wings might be screwed up cause of the backlash the video might have done to her rep
Honestly if Kip gonna pull this “filler pages to hype up Tessa who’s definitely going to be the same size or smaller!” I wouldn’t mind switching back to the girl who actually eats. She needs an actual stuffing scene anyway, the chicken did jackshit.
Kip doesn’t seem like he wants to commit to Tessa’s career actually being effected. The only people who ever really react to Tessa being fat is Stacy and Saiya. Like she showed up to school fat, belly showing and everything, and nobody said anything.
Wait so how did those two dudes not know she was fat? They were there, tf Kip?
Really good page tbh, love the pose on Tessa and her sleppy messy look
yeah, it’s pretty hot
Don't forget the fact that this comic is still pretty shit
Wow, she actually looks like she put on a good amount of weight from that stuffing. Of course, could just be inconsistency. Hope it sticks tho
Huh. With the immediate tension deflated, this could now pivot in any sort of direction. We're not out of the woods yet since Stacy could still level her crosshairs at Saiya (especially if she spots the food bag) and we can have a full-on ding dong, but with Tessa not actually engaged in any argument it means there's an opportunity to get out of this situation.
>Tessa rolls off the bed and sneaks off downstairs with Saiya, shutting the door behind her on Stacy still raving away.
> "Ooh, treats! Gimme." *nom*
The bottom panel with Stacy reminds me of the gif of the soyjack jumping up and down angrily.
What would be a cool power move on Tessa's part if she smoothly told Stacy to simply fuck off. What's Stacy gonna do? It's her railing at Tessa in her own house after all. This might be where we catch a glimpse of Stacy's fear of just how little power she has over Tessa if push were to come to shove.
That might also spark a new vendetta between her and Saiya who represents the source of her weakening influence.
If Stacy only knew of how big mukbangs were, this would be a different story.
But doesnt Tessa need Stacy?? If not for Stacy, Tess wouldnt have a career.
not bad kip. im impressed. ignoring stacey standing there like speed racers father screaming and saiya being obtuse, tessa looks hot. now watch him switch it up and her get thin immediately.

thats what bugs me about kip and this comic. whenever it gets good he screws it up big time. we can easily flip it around right now. have stacey and saiya come to an agreement that shell work out. lets see tessa get that yoga ball into her work out clothing. that gut easily puts aika to shame. lets see her struggle to get up, get into her clothes, walking and holding that belly because you know its still stuffed and heavy. some moaning, groaning, complaining, really drag it out.

nope. watch. this scene won't last very long, well cut to aika again, who has just been told to lose weight, and then well go to tomorrow where tessa is magically thin.
oh kip is going to remind people real quick. give him a page or two.

this is probably exactly how hell do it. it won't stick, shell be thin, back to normal and everyone has forgotten about this in a few pages.

>Honestly if Kip gonna pull this “filler pages to hype up Tessa who’s definitely going to be the same size or smaller!” I wouldn’t mind switching back to the girl who actually eats. She needs an actual stuffing scene anyway, the chicken did jackshit.
aika wont be eating though. she ate that womans shirt and she just chastised her for being fat. watch aika be working out again.

>Kip doesn’t seem like he wants to commit to Tessa’s career actually being effected. The only people who ever really react to Tessa being fat is Stacy and Saiya. Like she showed up to school fat, belly showing and everything, and nobody said anything.
I said something about that back then but it got deleted. woman really walked into school looking 9mnths pregnant, gut out and jiggling everywhere, saiya didn't even say anything either because she was too busy drooling at aika. at the very least saiya should've noticed and had a conflict of interest.

>Wait so how did those two dudes not know she was fat? They were there, tf Kip?
they should have noticed at the very least.

>Wow, she actually looks like she put on a good amount of weight from that stuffing. Of course, could just be inconsistency. Hope it sticks tho
we can dream but I'm expecting her to be thin next page.

>What would be a cool power move on Tessa's part if she smoothly told Stacy to simply fuck off.
tessa aint happy either though. I doubt kip would go there but think about this for a second. tessa did that for saiya right? she was kinda into the stuffing but it was for saiya. saiya literally stuffed her into a taxi and sent her home. tessa really needs to turn on saiya right now.
>What's Stacy gonna do? It's her railing at Tessa in her own house after all. This might be where we catch a glimpse of Stacy's fear of just how little power she has over Tessa if push were to come to shove.
stacey is supposed to be the villain, I get it. but kip messed up and made saiya the villain. stacey is only trying to make sure tessa doesn't mess up her only source of income.

>That might also spark a new vendetta between her and Saiya who represents the source of her weakening influence.
that would be terrible because if she had any sense shed realize saiya doesn't care and wants the real one she's messing with, aika.

>If Stacy only knew of how big mukbangs were, this would be a different story.
not really. tessa isn't into it and she wouldn't stuff on cam.

that was then. this is now. tessa doesn't need stacey to log online and be thin.
I'm confused by the complete dropping of the tension. It turned Stacy being bad into a joke, and Tessa is talking to Saiya very casually. Is Tessa frustrated about what Saiya did to her? Doesn't seem like it. The conflict seemed to be heading towards Saiya having to face repercussions for her stupid actions, but I'm not convinced it's going that way anymore.
Mad, not bad. God dammit.
I think the tension turned into a joke. stacey is just so incredibly angry that she's yelling, screaming and cursing at whatever and people are able to just tune her out.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said. I'm expressing that I'm confused why that was the choice rather than having a real confrontation here that could move the plot.
Sick coloring, thank you anon
you should know better. if theres anything that could happen that would move the plot kip avoids it. thats why I said before. watch. aika is going to be working out again. tessa is going to be thin again. this is going to happen within a matter of pages. kip refuses to move the plot. this comic is a circle and thats why its frustrating.
That’s one gluttonous Jabba the MF hutt pose Tessa has going on there.
I'm hoping Stacy levels her gaze on Saiya and decides to get payback on her with the food she brought for Tessa and whatever else Tessa has laying around a la NLB Sandy x Sydney. It's about time Saiya packs on some more pounds and I love force feeding.
>Stacy being abusive and controlling towards Tessa is reduced to a gag
bravo, Kip
I honestly would’ve preferred the stair walking page. Turned something that could’ve been serious into a joke. Like this could’ve turned relationships south kind of serious. Also she looks the same idk what you guys mean, but sleepy Tessa look >>> normal Tessa
I refuse to believe Kip used to draw fat gals like that. What happened?
Tessa looks like what she was before stacy made her skinny, wonder if she's reverting back to who she used to be appearance wise.
Stacy may well have made "Tessakitz" but let's just say that Tessa has... outgrown her. :\/
Just kick her in the balls, mate.

Hot take

He'll be here all week
>I honestly would’ve preferred the stair walking page. Turned something that could’ve been serious into a joke. Like this could’ve turned relationships south kind of serious.
if kip kept along that route he'd have had to progress the plot.
Love it
Almost hate to say it but Saiya is looking kinda cute there. I know there’s a .000001% chance of her redeeming herself in this comic but shoot let’s see what ridiculousness the next few months bring.

When I look at this art it fills me with inspiration. I am emphatically with such a desire for BBC right now
JESUS!! Tessa looks like a beached Whale
Yes, but I want her around the size Sydney got to in NLB, if not a little bigger.
Kinda curious but what is everyone's top 8 Kipverse characters? Doesn't have to be in any particular order just curious where everyone's got each character.

My favs generally speaking would probably be:
1. Tessa, as you can see from the bits I've attempted to color.
2. Sydney
3. Cindy
4. Kip
5. Grace
6. Tina
7. Stacy, for the memes & hilariously getting crushed twice now.
8. Sean, npc / background character; but earlier osc when they do the economics presentation & he starts talking about lions & his buddy is like GODDAMNIT SEAN!! cracks me up every time lol

If we rank them solely based on stuffing it'd be 1-4, Sydney
4-8, kip

Yeah this current series can be a drag, but I gotta be honest, I like it thus far.
1. Cindy. No competition.
2. Conner. I hate to admit it but his anti-social teen awkwardness is relatable
3. Aika.
4 & 5. Sean and Shawn.
6. Stacy.. bro she is lowkey kinda funny tho.
7. Sandy. She should’ve won.
8. I actually don’t have an 8th one, maybe Kip.
But girls don't have those
I'm sorry but I fail to understand people when they say they think Stacy and the two dumb simps are funny. At least for me, Kip's comics have only ever had like 2 decent jokes.

Guess I’ll do one too

1. Cindy (One of the best girls created in the community—no further explanation needed lol)
2. Tina (cute chubby punk girl who likes chub)
3. Connor (as anon said, relatable & kinda funny)
4. Tessa (Giant seductive lardass who’s personality we’re *slowly* getting to see more of)
5. Sydney (Iconic cute glutton)
6. Kat (Her in DWS with her gut sticking out from that dress did things to me, her embarrassment her enjoyment of it is hot)
7. Fiina (We fr need Chase to stuff her with pizza sometime)
8. Kip (a certified hood classic)
Honestly by “funny” I don’t mean like I’m dying on the floor laughing, maybe a smirk or huff at most.
Sean being like “wtf” or “k” most scenes and Shawn being a top notch Tessa simp(tho that removes some points from him for me since I don’t like Tessa, but how he simps is goofy lol)
And Stacy living out my wildest dreams being crushed by Aika, along her funky temper and facial expressions. Maybe that clears some things up?
Why thank you fellow Cindy enjoyer!
About to be controversial

1. Kat (Scratches all of itches)
2. Sydney (Early Sydney was the best)
3. Saiya (She needs to get fat)
4. Sandy (Something about her was cute)
5. Grace (Loved that she got put in her place)
6. Tina (Nice tomboy)
7. Tessa (Like how fat she's getting)
8. Kip (Glutton)
1. Kip
2. Tina
3. Sidney
4. Tessa
5. Kat
6. Grace
7. The shopkeeper from DWS
8. Aika
(1.1 MB, 2400x1900, kekbeachedsydney.png)
1. Sydney (really liked her in Take out)
2. Cindy (lasagna scene was the top kip comic moment)
3. Kip (her belly was superb)
4. Tessa (tall lady, what more can one ask for?)
5. Tina (got a love that enabling)
6. Fiina (just loved her personality)
7. Connor (literally me)
8. Aika ( I like them a bit ditzy)
You don't like. You make like.
I never really liked her. I won't deny the whole lasagna sequence is top tier Kip though, few things come close to that
Oh god, Sydney in Take Out is your favorite? After she was flanderized into nothing more than a hungry idiot for Tina to stuff?

ok... to each their own I suppose...
I mean the stuffing stuff. Didn't really like Sydney's attitude in it. I just enjoyed watching Sydney get stuffed enough to feed a family of ten.

Man, Sydney's transformation was wild. Granted I only discovered kip's work about half way thru NLB, still though she takes the cake when stuffing is involved. Tessa is still my fav (thus far), but Sydney? DAYUM BOI SHE THICC 🤣
Can't deny or debate...
Tough ask, but I'll give it a go. Top spots reserved for best feedees, lowest spots for the feeders.

1. Sydney (Got the biggest, multiple top-tier forced stuffing scenes)
2. Kip (Close second, into it, seduces others to the fat side)
3. Grace (Conventionally attractive, Type-A personality rich girl reduced to a fat slave to her own appetite in WS)
4. Tessa (Popular girl with awesome bod masquerade destroyed, revealing her as a submissive cow)
5. Tie between Cindy and Aika (Both around the same size, hot, but accidental/negligent gains aren't my thing)
6. Sandy (Never gained, but pushed all the right buttons every scene and masterminded the greatest force feeding sequence of all time)
7. Kat (Forceful, gained a considerable amount herself, cute when flustered about own weight)
8. Tina (Got big herself and has really taken over Sydney's waistline, excellent at fondling, intriguing potential have her turned into Grace's personal sow, forcing her to relinquish her tough girl attitude and submit)
I’m a big fan of Grace, Early Sydney, and Cindy
I’m a fan of Grace, early Sydney, and Cindy
1. Kip Tei (His fattest girl and I'm a sucker for green haired girls. Great burps too.)
2. Cindy (Really great scenes like the lasagna stuffing, very cute, and fantastic burp scenes.)
3. Aika (The new fat girl in the latest story and just adorable.)
4. Tessa (I like her transformation from thin streamer to pink haired piggy. Great boobs too.)
5. Stacy (I love girls with glasses. He weight loss then regaining was a nice touch.)
6. Grace (The girl who turned Kip into a huge fatass deserves credit just for that.)
7. Fiina (When she let herself go she became so cute and chubby.)
8. Kat (She's alright and had her moments. Made a smaller contribution to Kip's colossal waistline which cannot be underestimated.)
I don't get why people here like Sydney so much. Even her earlier appearances is bland and not that exciting. She becomes intolerable as the story goes on and is a genuinely terrible person. Her arms neck and face still remain unnaturally thin too.
Good, it's gross and never part of Kip's appeal

Thought about this a little more and led to envisioning an overstuffed Tessa gorging herself wearing Leia’s bikini. There’s an idea for any of the artist anons on here if they like the idea enough. I could certainly see her and Saiya doing cosplays during their antics if they do end up together.
I never liked how Sydney body looked at heavier sizes. She looked too disproportionate for my taste
(449 KB, 762x1090, ddhqjpl-18b8e7a0-1ccc-41ef-8bc8-4a4afdeeacaa.jpg)
It's because Kip is one of those artists who makes weight gain look more like they're stuffed instead of all around fat. Fat belly with some slight ass, but everything else stays thin. Looks jank.
Damn, I forgot how big she really was.
Too bad it's all belly and nothing else.
you niggers keep fucking crying about this and it's so fucking annoying
have you never heard of visceral fat before
go google it, you might get a little enlightenment
I'm not saying it's a thing that doesn't exist, I'm saying it's not appealing to look at. Don't be an assuming asshole.

But overstuffing is hot af. Kip’s proportions hit way different kinks for me. I don’t read his shit for realistically fat chicks. I come for big bellies
You poor thing, how can you live with the thousands of actual fat artists when this particular one who has always focused on just stuffed belly shapes continues to just do stuffed belly shapes
tbh I think thats kinda hot. thats why I loved lalia on craving control. I loved that only her belly got bigger until the point where she almost crushed the bed with it in that final comic. I wish kip would do something like that here but we all know better.
I seriously doubt that. it would be nice for a surprise for all of us but I doubt kip would do that. now what would be really hot is doing that with cindy. that would even fit into the plot too. connor goofing off on halloween or something, having her dress as leia and stuffing her senseless.

man some fan anons really need to just bring connor and cindy back. they had all the potential.
Some of us are *belly* fetishists rather than *fat* fetishists. Sydney's porportions are EXACTLY what I'm into, and there is not enough of it out there. If you like fat all over you have literally every other thread.
Ok I’m all for Cindy & Connor in that situation too, good call
I agree, us preg lovers don't get enough content. Kip gives me exactly what I want.
You have an entire Pregnancy board, the Alt board, and the Metalforever thread too which posts pregnancy regularly.

You meant Sara for No. 5.
>I don't get why people here like Sydney so much. Even her earlier appearances is bland and not that exciting. She becomes intolerable as the story goes on and is a genuinely terrible person.
I wonder if this is one of the things Kip was bitching about before in regards to "only liking a character because they're the fattest and for no other reason."
Oh boo hoo, one fat artist doesn’t do the same bland style of fat you like that every other fat artist does
Why the fuck are you even here, go jack off in the BWS thread and stop complaining about an artist not doing what you want that will clearly never do that, and go enjoy one that does
the most frustrating thing about kip is that its almost as if he caters to the preg fetish but refuses. most of his stuffed characters look pregnant. look at aika. look at tessa. those are pregnant bellies. now tessa looks overweight but before she mostly looked pregnant.

give kip some time shell look thin and well be back to square one.

oh the board that has zero content. got it.
>They're the fattest and for no other reason.
Sometimes that's all it takes
>I wonder if this is one of the things Kip was bitching about before in regards to "only liking a character because they're the fattest and for no other reason."
Did Kip say this? If so, when?
I see posts are getting deleted again. if anyone wanted to know this post was referring to connor and cindy roleplaying with cindy as slave leia and connor stuffing her.
Iconic content if Kip or anyone ever made that
I think it was a patreon post or something. I remember seeing a screenshot of it somewhere here on bbwchan.
He was bitching about why he stopped using Kip, and people wanting her to get fatter. Bro even went on like an villain speech about how he spite and upset the people who wanted Kip bigger by never using her again.
I don’t have the full thing nor remember it, maybe someone here does
Mods, you forgot to purge this one too
It has art attached so he probably didn't read it. He has said as much himself before. You'll see posters always attach images to their shitposts in the BWS thread for this exact reason.
Except it's a valid criticism and not a shitpost. What's with the false reporting?
>spending multiple years crying in threads you don't like about free comics on the internet no one is forcing you to read is ""valid criticism""
Nah, you and the rest of them need to fuck off. I'm just not the one who spam reports.
My list
1. Tessa: most interesting and sympathetic character he's written and also one of the hottest, sadly the longer OSC goes on the more she feels wasted
2. Cindy: only kipverse girl I'd actually want to hang out with and her appearance/design is second only to Tessa
3. Kip: Cute and naive, but also hungry and horny, without becoming a goofy parody like Aika
4. Grace: While being the mastermind behind Kip's gain she still manages to be sympathetic because of her history
5. Kat: Her rivalry with Kip in DWS was actually chuckle worthy unlike the comic relief characters in the more recent comics
6. Bella (the stepmom from DWS): She seemed like a genuinely nice lady and had both cute and hot interactions with the girls
7. Tina: Has always been my favorite of the NLB cast, even better now that she's gained a bit herself
8. Sydney: Kind of annoying as a protagonist but it was hot seeing her become a huge glutton

Writing this just made me realize how much more I enjoyed dinner with sister and full night nanny compared with no lunch break and one serving choice
I forgot Sydney. Honestly she's tied with Tessa. I like scenes with her but she's kind of the character that sent Kip to the Shadow Realm.
(314 KB, 1381x1953, Cerberus.jpg)
>"Valid criticism"
"How dare the guy who made his style and reputation known with stuffed gut type shapes continues to do stuffed gut type shapes!!!"
No lunch break keeps getting worse for me each time I revisit it
You took the words right from my mouth
(4.5 MB, 2954x5238, Android21XL.jpg)
Any and all Kip praise of storytelling is thrown out the window when you come to terms with the fact he got popular because of incest
It's fucking hilarious how everyone was shitting on this mid-at-best comic and now y'all praising it like the second coming of Christ. Did Kip brainwash you or something?
The thought policing will do that I'm sure, I'm sure it's more that people are both leaving this thread and/or this site in general.
which comic? you know whats really sad? go back and read kips old comics. they're all trash. seriously. even fnn, and I say that as a fan. kip takes forever to get to the point. we had about fifty pages with nothing, I mean for crying out loud we had pages focusing on the little sister doing stupid mess. then after fifty pages they made out for what, six pages? end comic. all that set up and for what? see, after all that set up he could have, and should have, followed it up with more stories about connor and cindy. he knew people loved cindy. what did he do? one serving choice which has got to be one of the very worst comics I have ever read. just when you think he can't get any worse he proves you wrong.
Sure projecting a lot on to one anon posting incredibly light criticism.
Fucking based, need more of it
I don’t see that as an issue, Tessa
Finally Tessa actually looks larger in size
ill say this much. I'm glad that we see an actual growth here. I doubt it'll last but I'm glad we can see it. I'm also glad that kip stuck to saiya losing her mind around a big belly. the question I have is how long is kip going to keep this going? if this were just saiya and tessa we could have a make out session. instead we have stacey in the back about to go super saiyan out of straight up rage. nothing can be done until stacey leaves. when will stacey leave? why would stacey leave? stacey is whats messing this entire scene up.

lets just enjoy tessa struggling to get up. maybe shell moan and groan as she stands up. maybe her belly will drop like some sort of torpedo and reach halfway to her knees. who knows?
God she looks so much better without her stupid hair ears
>Chiki nuggies
For fucks sake, Kip can't help themselves but make the worst "jokes" ever. Saiya is anxious and terrified but she's well enough to talk like a dumb baby I guess.

Also, Tessa was facing the other direction last page and is constantly flipping between sitting and leaning with her legs up in this one. Kip has been doing this for a decade and still doesn't understand anything.
Thought it was just me but yeah those just look weird
I don't think that is Saiya talking like a baby. A few pages ago the bag said "Chiki Nuggi" on it.
>Chiki nuggies
Kip is the most unfunny motherfucker. Saiya, nervous and scared, uses fucking dumb baby speak to talk to Tessa. I genuinely wonder how he thought this was funny.
Tons of people call them that
Damn, jannies are really patrolling hard today, huh?
Oh, I'm fucking sick of this mod deleting the messages because people report them. We can't even complain anymore...he should just go touch grass
I don't get it really. I know I keep repeating this but I'm confused. who in the world is reporting all of this? who has time like that? I get that its frustrating to the mods but seriously, what is the point of this thread? just post art and thats it? no comments allowed?

speaking of art, any anons got any good art? I almost wish I knew how to do ai art. id whip up something with cindy or tessa stuffed. ai seems to be the wave these days for some odd reason.
I don’t remember who said it but someone mentioned Stacy snapping and having Saiya stuffed as punishment for sabotaging Tessa. Would be nice to see Saiya get fatter too and her and Tessa become two gluttonous lovers together.
this is a terrible idea because tessa doesn't really like stuffing. we still have to see if she really enjoyed the prior night.
I think Stacy and the life she’s used to is holding her back from enjoying the whole experience and her new form but I could be wrong and she outright rejects Saiya and the whole situation in the end. Alas one can hope that she ends up enjoying that giant marshmallow of a gut she’s gained, even if she doesn’t quite yet. Like you said time will tell.
Rip no Tessa fupa growth…. but, I do like the little line on the bottom of Tessa’s belly that kip drew in panel 3
New page waiting room :)
>>145885 She's still there besides that was kinda funny
she was literally still screaming to the side of tessa in the prior comic. the word bubbles with all the symbols were her cursing. her yelling so much she can't talk is slightly amusing but this really isnt the comic or time for that.

whats frustrating is kip doesnt have it in him to have it really hit the fan. stacey should curse saiya out, sure. she's a bad influence. but will saiya stand up for herself? no. tessa? no. and somehow saiya will run away monologuing on some more stupidity for another ten pages. tessa will lose the weight and well be right back to where we were 200 pages ago.
Maybe more likely that Tessa scarfs down the nuggies and gets frustrated by how hungry she still feels
Holy shit never expected Milky to get some Kip Art. This isbgreat
>we just couldn't stay focused on tessa for very long could we?
After she was the whole point of both the fitting room and sushi stuffing scenes at the Mall? Get the fuck outta here.
Finally. I was wondering when we'd see this showdown between Stacy and Saiya. That the food was well-received by Tessa, having not eaten today, will be good to rebuff Stacy's attack there. It might also mean Tessa could stand up for Saiya or against Stacy in solidarity, especially if she's made peace with being bigger.
I think the key will be in seeing whatever memes or online comments that had initially fuelled Stacy's ire. Maybe they aren't as bad as Stacy's initial reaction warrants? This will be crucial in seeing which direction Stacy and Tessa decide to take their stream partnership, with Saiya as a potential wildcard in the discussion. Stacy's probably worn down from her earlier ranting so it might be the perfect time to fight back and call the shots!
Worst page of the comic. And the level was fucking low.
Looks like we'll be seeing 3-5 pages of plot now
>>146196 Kip just posted cringe. Fr I thought that was an edit at first
thats it? this is why she's so mad? memes would be good for tessa though. those kinds of things make people even more popular.

and those memes weren't even funny.
Grow. The fuck. Up. You Misanthro Ponies. Kip is telling a story here.
>Why wouldn't a titty streamer who's main appeal is being conventionally thin and attractive want memes that mock the fact she's gained significant weight?
She's a vtuber, stylized as a space cow.
>memes would be good for tessa though
What is wrong with you people, jesus christ lmao

I'm so glad I stopped reading this. Kip really shouldn't write, or at least try to tell a coherent short story.
Don't get me wrong, the universe it's "okay", but the way it keeps the characters interacting is plain dumb and forced.
The art though, it's great, good style.
we truly do live in a society

>we truly do live in a society

Left out the "civilized" part out this time, did you? Nothing civilized about this stuff
At this point I could give two fucks about Tessa and Aika I just want to see the script get flipped on Stacey and see her gain.
I was hoping he'd actually show the memes instead of just referencing them
That's not a selfie so it probably wasn't the waitress who took it, must have been a different bystander
Wouldn't it be the two girls sitting at the table across from where Tessa and Saiya were at?
Eats spicy goodness
Like a boss
I got this same vide too.
You know, Tessa IRL is a gamer girl named Simply Sakura
Maybe, but definitely an iPlayer exclusive

Wait, I thought Tessa was from some old Final Fantasy game that nobody has ever played?
it had to be them. I'm surprised they didn't take a video. thats what they should have done actually. that'd have made this far more interesting.
Next page prediction:
"I, uhh.... Uhhh... Gotta go, bye!"
Saiya runs away and has more internal monologue
Stacy seems more concerned about who posted the memes than the fact that Tessa stuffed herself in public. When is someone going to point out that they have no idea who made those?
I think the better question is, why does Stacy assume it was one of them in the first place? The photo was very obviously taken by someone else, considering both girls are IN the picture.

Where the fk is this even going
we came too close to moving the plot along. stacey yelling about that "fat pet cow" could've been a turning point for saiyas relationship with her but nope. we can't do that. we have to switch to something else immediately.

lets hope we get some struggling into clothing and work out scenes before this is over. at least now that would be worth seeing.
Maybe I’m not a retard or something but I would’ve folded Stacy for calling my best friend a “fat pet cow”.
not just best friend, "woman I'm in love with". remember, all of the changes, including "goth saiya", are because she wanted aika to notice her like she noticed tessa.

I'm still trying to figure out how she got saiya in that chokehold to begin with. I get gripping her by the shirt and slamming her against the wall but it looks like she's legit choking her.
I know I'm super late to this realisation but God damn everyone in this story is so unlikable
Tessa's looking more and more like her old self from the old photo
Everyone apart from Sean, strangely enough
New art is out. Its from rent a mid
I take back what I said
Oh my fuck I can only get so erect
Just going to be Aika or one of the dudes who wanna bone Tessa

Cant wait for 20 more pages of them tracking down whoever took a fucking picture with absolutely no payoff whatsoever
>Just going to be Aika or one of the dudes who wanna bone Tessa
Or the gym girl, whatever she was called
Tbh I think its the gym girl as well. Back when she was helpin Tessa exercise she acted a little weird in that one panel. Plush she is one of the only ppl who know her situation seriously.
let me ask a serious question here everyone. who cares? tessa is huge, right? this is like if someone saw amouranth in the streets with a huge stuffed belly. random people whom recognized her and took pics. that wouldn't make them stalkers. that would make them just random people that happened to take a pic. who is to say that this wasn't some random person or fan that just snapped a pic? the pic could have gone viral and then someone else did this to it.

btw, can't help but notice how stacey completely forgot how huge tessa is to begin with. if saiya didn't take her out and stuff her senseless there'd be no huge belly to take pics of.
Fucking, why Kip? Why start a wild goose chase on the most useless shit ever? Some random dude took a pic of Tessa being fat? Who the fuck cares?
Man, 20 pages of walking/inner monologue simulator.
Kip probably ran out of ideas, so that's some filler for the time being.
New thread time

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