
ah shit, here we go again
>>136864 (OP)
I don't get the point of this thread. Her output is very slow, there's already been two points where there was a week long gap of something getting posted here. Feels like a waste.
Anyone got the newest Mega Milk pics?
Has there been any fan art of their work?
does anyone have a complete archive of instant-girl's stuff?
Does anyone have the bunny envy pic

Because people never fucking learn! They see a gap in the threads and think "who hasn't anyone done IG" when the answer really should be "why hasn't an IG thread survived"
This thread is only alive right now because people keep bumping and necroposting the thread when they're supposed to be sharing art. I don't share anything here because I already know her output is so slow to the point that this thread isn't worth keeping. There hasn't been anything new in over a month.

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