
That's really good, like the best I've seen her draw. Is that new?
Yeah it’s one of the new art she made on Patreon. Kemono had it.
Anyone have from diva to donuts new page

Iris is still really hot, man.


So the new blonde waitress is Liz's feeder at this point. I like that!
(1.6 MB, 3300x5100, p55.jpg)
better quality
Meh It's okay
I genuinely thought the comics were one big story of girls gaining weight here and there.
I'm excited, I want to see Liz get massive.i hope it's not just a tease.
can't wait for the next chapter
I love the size difference here! Liz looks so shy about all this and I can't wait to see her get massive.
This is all extra stuff that wasn't on her schedule wasn't it? Alice is putting out way more than usual and the quality is getting a lot better. I hope this keeps up.

Looks like we're not going to get fat Elizabeth. That's kind of dissapointing
There's still a chance that this can still happen, maybe Christina will get fat too
(10.0 MB, 3300x5100, p58.jpg)
(8.2 MB, 3300x5100, p03.jpg)
(10.2 MB, 3300x5100, p04.jpg)
(9.1 MB, 3300x5100, p59.jpg)
oof! Alex is a mountain of blubber now!
(9.7 MB, 3300x5100, p05.jpg)
Thank you for all the uploads
(8.4 MB, 3300x5100, p06.jpg)
This is already better then all of the comic it is based on.
That's the thing about fan art of Kip's characters. They're always better in the hands of someone other then Kip.

That whole Iris and Maya part has been fucking fantastic so far
(9.4 MB, 3300x5100, p07.jpg)
Anyone have the explicit version of ann?
Anyone foto DTD?
how am i just now finding this artist??? these are the best feedism comics ive ever seen. like wtf this is way better than the other stuff ive been following. this is genuinely amazing work, idk how this person isn't super popular, like bruh
New page up !
Could someone upload the new page, please?
Could someone post the new page please?

why was her hair open and then braided all of a sudden?

different character. different series
bro you cant me this dumb
Pleaaaase someone ?
(6.7 MB, 3300x5100, p08.jpg)
>Just remember. There are Never Enough Bites (2023, Directed by SweetDreamCoffee)
It’s called a title drop you dumb queer.
thats what he was pointing out dumbass
(7.6 MB, 3300x5100, p09.jpg)
>>145078 So that's what that trope is called.
They keep saying the things. Also she looks nice with alittle meat on
I hope she gets really fat soon...
New from Diva to donuts page anyone
Anyone have page 63 of from diva to donuts
New page of never enough bites
(5.7 MB, 3300x5100, p10.jpg)
damn it another week of filler chapter for bites this is so sad
New page of never enough bites
(4.9 MB, 3300x5100, p11.jpg)
New page of from Diva to donuts is out
(6.5 MB, 3300x5100, p64.jpg)
New page of never enough bites is out
I eagerly await Liz to start waddling and huffing with each step.
New page is out for never enough bites
New Page?
(6.7 MB, 3300x5100, p13.jpg)
Damn I love alex, She's such a fat, greedy bitch, I love it.
New page from diva to donuts is out
Anyone have from diva to donuts new page?
(5.0 MB, 3300x5100, p65.jpg)
(5.2 MB, 3300x5100, p14.jpg)
I forget who the assistant is, how small did she use to be?
It looks so bad, i can't understand you. Really, it's very bad
I’m more surprised her maid didn’t get porked up sooner if she was on the table
New part of growing struggles is out
Hello Taste of Temptation
what the actual hell is going on in this thread i feel like im going insane
(6.9 MB, 3300x5100, atot7.jpg)
I'll get things back on track
(7.4 MB, 3300x5100, atot6.jpg)
I notice page 6 was never uploaded either
Stop begging for the godamn pages, they will get posted when they get posted. If you want them faster then pay for them you cheapass
From Diva to donuts new page
(5.7 MB, 3300x5100, p66.jpg)
If possible could someone make a character ai for mana and Alex?
>AI art

learn to draw faggot
Find it yourself faggot, I'm sick of scrolling through this page to see your whiny ass begging for the next pages
Stop begging for the pages, Its annoying as fuck. They will get posted when they get posted.
New page of never enough bites
(8.4 MB, 3300x5100, p65.jpg)
it was on kemono
i hope she will be inmobile soon
I want to see focus on the other girls. Alex is big enough. I don't see the appeal in immobile as then we just like get less of her doing stuff and none of the struggles.
Agreed, Alex has plateaued nicely to where she is enormous, and has both a massive appetite and capacity. She doesn't need to get bigger in my book. She is fun to dip into just because she is such a snarky fat cow and to see how much she can put away (and then some).
Disagree personally. Alex being a tub of lard is what makes this comic. We need more of it.
I agree with you. Alex should reach immobility to back up how gluttonous she's become throughout the comic.
We're on the same page there. Like I said, Alex is a fun character. It's great to see her being too much for the blond chick to handle and chumping her and her challenges. For me, it's more about her being at her pinnacle and stomping about the place than just her growing ever larger to immobility.

>I don't see the appeal in immobile as then we just get less of her doing stuff and none of the struggles.

As much as I see where you are coming from, I definitely disagree. I love seeing a fat girl go from just fat to immobile. It really feels like a conclusion. Especially after teasing other SSBBWs every leg of the way only to end up way bigger and way less capable than them. The realization setting in, the final bastion of cognitive dissonance lost. There's nothing more they can do or say to lie to themselves- that barrier has been chipped away at this whole time and now? there's nothing left. They are IMMOBILE. It's over. No delusion about losing the weight or still "being healthy" can survive. It's the final milestone, the last possible monument of their useless obesitude

Plus a lot of the fun can come from others trying to care for them. I'm a huge sucker for size difference.

I'm all for moving onto other characters now, but at least give her the final crowning achievement for closure.
Bump for new NEB page
>I love seeing a fat girl go from just fat to immobile. It really feels like a conclusion. Especially after teasing other SSBBWs every leg of the way only to end up way bigger and way less capable than them. The realization setting in, the final bastion of cognitive dissonance lost. There's nothing more they can do or say to lie to themselves- that barrier has been chipped away at this whole time and now? there's nothing left. They are IMMOBILE. It's over. No delusion about losing the weight or still "being healthy" can survive. It's the final milestone, the last possible monument of their useless obesitude
>Plus a lot of the fun can come from others trying to care for them. I'm a huge sucker for size difference.
>I'm all for moving onto other characters now, but at least give her the final crowning achievement for closure.
I agree with all of this. She deserves the closure, and her reaching immobility would cap off her journey and give a true sense of completion.
(8.4 MB, 3300x5100, neb.png)
Less autism more fetish comics.
buckle up boys, we're about to have another Alex sequence.
What makes you think that?
By the end of this comic Liz will probably ended up Alex's current size
I may be retarded, but why have there been no dtd lately?
(8.2 MB, 3300x5100, p68.jpg)
Get with the Time Liz now it's 'Never Enough Bites'™
Livin' in the past
New NEB page is up
(4.4 MB, 3300x5100, p20.jpg)
(7.3 MB, 3300x5100, p69.jpg)
New fdtd
New NEB is up
(379 KB, 1280x1978, p21.jpg)

I like Christina's tiny chub. Did she have it from the get go, or did she gain it during the comic?
(6.5 MB, 3300x5100, p22.jpg)
oh hell yeah
Even with the corset, it’s still so fucking small and tight on her. She’s fat even with it on! Seeing all that hefty pudge spill out is so satisfying, and I especially love the two pointing out each other’s weight gain
New page NEB is up
ill never understand the people who legit go "hey, new post is up" and dont post it here, like, bruh
You can see patreon posts have been made and their title without having a sub...
Trying to get page 71 of dtd uploaded but having issues getting it under 10MB at a reasonable size.
Trying to get pg 71 of DtD uploaded but can't get it to under 10MB at a reasonable resolution.
Then use a transfer link.
(10.0 MB, 3300x5100, 02.jpg)
How is there still nobody here subscribed to the Patreon? you wouldn't expect it to take so long to drop considering how diamonds the last page was but

Subscribe yourself then. Or does your jobless ass actually not have five dolalrs?
Yeah faggot why aren't you subscribed?
(375 KB, 620x958, FDTD 2.jpg)
Not even the most recent post lmao here's the one before
How is this still hot!
I will enjoy Liz getting humbled.
Liz can kidnap me and fatten me up anyday... This is legit goals ^_^
…WTF?! This sucks!!! Where’s the page that goes before this? There’s no reason this page exists because nothing is set up right. Either sweetdreamcoffee messed up or the person who sent these images messed up. Either way, this is just absolute garbage pacing wise and ruins the whole kinky experience.
(6.5 MB, 3300x5100, p22.jpg) (375 KB, 620x958, FDTD 2.jpg) (6.6 MB, 3300x5100, FDTD.jpg)
someone posted stuff all out of order. It's actually this way. I like where it's going but hope that Christina actually does something. I do like seeing Liz take charge to.
(6.1 MB, 3300x5100, p25.jpg)
I guess she hypnotized her lol/subliminal messaging or some shit
>>154728 That's what he calls that. I know it as "whispering". They're basicly references to personal things that nobody's supposed to know. When they find a target they use sites such as forums and also public areas to "whisper" bits of information into your ear to let you know that they have your information or hacked your PC or phone. Things like that. It could be references to files, for example or names of women you cheated on your wife with. They do this to let you know that they have your information and it's a nation-wide thing. athey don't stalk specific people. They're watching literally everybody since elementary school.
I believe page 72 is out already for fdtd I
Don't have it could someone upload it please
The subliminal message is that they use art to communicate internationally. Art, movies, and cartoons seem to be their favorite. They're messaging information inside the art.
Who is "They" is this part of the comic??? I don't remember stuff like that.
could anyone update their kemono
(477 KB, 1280x1978, p72.jpg) (450 KB, 1280x1978, p73.jpg)
>>155288 (Cross-thread)
>If you don't get good grades the government charges back your housing and tuition
what is this socialist crap
(369 KB, 1600x1716, leia.jpeg)
is there a higher res version of the second pic?
(391 KB, 1280x1978, p26.jpg)
Kemono update?
It's not updated
(8.1 MB, 3300x5100, p27.jpg)
New page nevera enough bites
Watch it be something like hypnosis lol
If only this worked irl
I wanted to root for the brown hair girl, but she is being a hipocrtte and now she is stuck in the spell with her. For what? More weight gain? Being forced to eat because of hypnosis is like being kicked on the ground and punched in the face if you try to get up. That's not fun, that's plain torture for the sake of torture. This is not hot anymore for me. If the corset is not used again, i'm outta here and fuck you all.
I agree submissive messaging makes it let hot them losing control because of gluttony is better now this seems fake like weight gain pill and I did love the corset
Can someone upload from diva to donuts new page

We're actually missing a couple pages of that comic since whoever uploaded to kemono stopped, so if we could catch up here it would he cool. Thanks.
I actually like the hypnosis/sabotage element, it makes it hotter imo
it's also likely setting up another love couple too
got way too deep into this and it made me extremely depressed that it wasn't real, good job but also fuck you
A rare masterpiece of genius
However, there seems to be no information about Alex's surroundings, for example, lizzy or gina.
>>156606 I think she lacks information, both about herself and about her environment, I also think that her introductory phrase could be done better, on the little things, it's a pity that she is not public and the opportunity to see her characteristics is blocked, in short , this is clearly better than the Alex bot that is in the public domain, but there is a lot to add, good luck in finalizing it if you decide to do it.
New page NEB anyone have it
I’ll try and look into it, also do you have any ideas as to how I can get the perfect things for it?
These chat bots are cool, but my main problem with them is that they have really bad memory.
For example I was using one of better with salt's OC Natalie. She got super confident in her body and surprised me by inviting me over to her apartment and she was wearing lingerie the whole time and was showing off her body. Then later on she forgot she was fat, got angry when I called her fat and that's when I stopped. I'm also not a fan of how this bot site won't let the bots write NSFW stuff. They get stuck in a loop because they can't write what they want.
I realize this is a problem with the site and the technology, not the people creating characters. I'm sure the technology will improve over time
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(5.5 MB, 3300x5100, 04.jpg)
Can anyone please post the new Mona sequence from their patreon? Please and thank you in advance.
Anyone have the new page?
New page is up NEB
where are the latest from divas to donuts pages?
Anybody got any of the NSFW sequence alts they have on their patreon?
New page is out for from diva to donuts
Could you let us see the character details?
(8.1 MB, 3300x5100, p76.jpg)
Anyone got the new NEB page?
New cheerleader page is out
Anyone have a high quality version of the new NEB page
Can someone upload the new cheerleader comic page please
all of these have been posted here already, quit spamming the thread
he said new, not old. learn to read
Anyone have dtd new page
Anyone got the Mona NSFW?
In better quality then whatever the fuck this is
What’s up with all the screenshots lately?
(5.1 MB, 3300x5100, 06.jpg)
could anyone update kemono
Does anyone have a higher quality version of the last NEB page please?
The latest page for NEB is on kemono
Anyone got the new cheerleader page
Could anyone please post the new growing struggles: A heavy reversal of power piece it’s the one with Alex in it from the patreon please? Thank you
Only the WIP though.
Anyone got the new neb pague?
Thanks you very much man
>>160136 Gina was a cutie even when skinny :)
(722 KB, 849x869, just1.png) (1.3 MB, 1781x659, just2.png)
Just a before/after, i will try do more picture like this later this week
New cheerleader page please and fdtd pages
Damn, she's really improving. Imagine in a couple of years if it keeps up like this.
Page 8 is out for the cheerleader comic
Anyone have the New fdtd page
Anyone have growing struggles part 2 as well
Anyone have the new NEB page
NEB new page is out
Just curious what are you guy’s favorite shots if Alex or any girl for that matter
Cheerleader comic new page is out
Anyone have the new cheerleader comic page please
I do, good page. Cheerleader is a glutton already
Someone please post the new cheerleader page and fdtd page when it comes out
Can some post the new NEB page
New cheerleader page someone please post it
Can someone post fdtd new page please
New NEB can someone post it please
(8.2 MB, 2793x4996, byleth.jpg)
Is anyone else able to post the other parts of the Byleth Sequence? The file sizes for parts 2 and 3 are too big to post here, so all I can give is part 1.
Could you update kemono?
New cheerleader page is out can someone post it please
New cheerleader page please
Shut the fuck up beggar
Hey the comic is really interesting you can't blame me for begging
yes we can
shut the fuck up already
better yet, someone should update kemono
(8.9 MB, 3300x5100, 11.jpeg)
Ftdtd new page can someone please post it
Can someone update the kemonoparty? If it's not too much trouble, of course.
(4.2 MB, 3900x3541, alex.jpg) (664 KB, 1460x5100, p1.jpg)
jesus fucking christ
wonder how much time she's got till she's immobile

also new page of NEB
She's literally drawn Alex as immobile last month...
wouldn't really call that immobile. she had to get on top of her, which implies she's still mobile.
Well, what the fuck do you expect from her? I don't think she's drawn a character that big before, and it won't happen again for a long time
New cheerleader page please
Out of all the trips, I think I hate you the most
(646 KB, 754x478, The Absolute Nerve.PNG)
Get banned already, dumbass. Your level of clawing at their patience may as well encourage them to NOT post. All it does is annoy them when they decide to look here, making them think 'oh great, this guy...'

So shut your text hole; you're not speeding anything up with your badgering.
New Cheerleader comic page please
Calm down retard.

Anyways, Alex is peak. Hope the comic swings back to her sooner rather than later.
Who's the retard here? Alex might be peak, but you need to give the other kino characters a chance too
Was there no way to post these in better quality?
Can you post the next page please
Yeah, but that's where >>164264 got them. They likely couldn't do the higher quality versions because the files sizes for them are too big to post here.
nigga what are you talking about
the high quality versions are on kemono lmao
Alternate take: You and >>164264 don't even know how to download them properly. By the looks of it, he just presses 'save image' on just the thumbnail and goes "Yep, that looks good."

You're supposed to use the 'open link in new tab' button to get the full quality, fool.
I hope we get to see the other bios for the other girls
I've just given it a try, and...I dunno, I have mixed feelings about this stuff. I tend to roleplay with chatbots for a few minutes before giving up, they're always so fucking disappointing in my opinion. Your Alex bot isn't bad, but I find annoying the fact that it is also being influenced by other people. It probably lost some of the character's edge in translation
Fdtd new page please
Is there other ai like this and for other characters
Can you make more for the his other girls?
>>164515 why does it keep using you and your when talking about Alex I'm not Alex in the roleplay the AI is.
It’s just something the ai does regardless of what it’s told to do
We need an Iris chat bot frfr
(9.2 MB, 3300x5100, 13.jpeg)
That Futaba is perfect.
I got a feeling SDC doesn’t actually know how to progress the story and is just stalling with this backstory bs
Yeah, giving info that we could either infer or already knew is kinda off putting. But, the Gina backstory was a nice touch.
I have a feeling there's going to be more backstory from the blonde about the phrase never enough bites
Yeah, you’re prolly not wrong, but maybe we’ll see another character that hasn’t been seen before fatten up. But I get what you’re saying, progress the main story.
She did a poll on her discord on if people wanted the blonde backstory next or have it later. Progressing the main story won so we're going to see that. The Gina part was also because people asked for more Gina back story.
(8.6 MB, 3300x5100, 14.jpeg)
Somethin’ tells me that page is gonna be reused a couple pages from now
(353 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20230825-213253.jpg)
Someone as the comic the Weight of experience. I don't found it.
Bro that male weight gain this only a bbw thread bro
You >>166480
That's not allowed here at all bro stop trying to start shit
Excuse me >>166480, This the bbw board, were it's all female related content, what you're looking for is the bhm board, there's also a SweetDreamCoffee thread there.

Please make your request there and remember to stay in board and follow the rules.
Why are you posting this here, you need to get over the fact that she moved on from shitty male content

How is the male content shitty when it's exactly the same as the female lmao
(1.1 MB, 1438x810, gohan-you-retard.png)
See, the thing is that you posted a question you already know the obvious answer to, and you're expecting someone to fall for it and argue with you. I'm just going to call you a black as shit nigger.

You black as shit NIGGEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!
Lmao, what's going on here? Is this a shitpost thread? I'm talking about those two, they're talking like shitpost memes😭😂
>>166535 Someone made a request here, I pressume, by accident, were they wanted the Weight of Experience comic, and I also pressume they didn't know about the board rules, or/nor didn't know there was a bhm thread of SweetDreamCoffee, but not here
Can someone post the new page for diva to donuts
(8.8 MB, 3300x5100, 15.jpeg)
Fuck we're in Flashback Piece
She said this is the last flash back page for a bit so probably not, but I wanted to see when the blonde was fat before.
A page with Alex WG in it for the first time in a long while. Blessed.

Also she's really looking bigger than Gina now by quite a bit.
>Six Months
>And the fatties aren't immobile blobs that need mobility platforms
I call shenanigans
>Also she's really looking bigger than Gina now by quite a bit.
its a miracle she can still move atp
It's been heavily implied through dialogue that she's barely mobile
New Cheerleader page
(173 KB, 1068x972, C1.png)
Yeah, what he said. "Kumoko."
Diva and donuts new page
Alex needs more double chin :) I like how round her face has gotten
>still trucking ahead and biting back
What a legend
I bet when she braps the whole mansion shakes.
Can't wait to see how big Liz is now compared to Alex they haven't been together since just one more bite
Cheerleader comic
(7.4 MB, 3300x5100, 17.jpeg)
could you post 16 too? dont think anyone ever posted it
Diva and donuts
(8.3 MB, 3300x5100, p42.jpg)
Hey could you make this bot public? I can’t seem to find it when I log in.

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