
>>136370 (OP)
We never had one to begin with and for good reason. There's so few women in Star Wars. Use your head.
WTF are you talking about dude we had like three, but to the point yeah those threads aren't very popular since there's not that many fan arts
They weren't very popular because Disney murdered the franchise instead of doubling down on what was done and using it to make new shows and movies. It was everything else that wasn't the movies that the potential waifus were.
Disney's "franchises" were traditionally adaptations of other works that didn't come with licensing fees attached. The work that Disney wanted or intended to be his original baby was something about an "Ice Queen" which didn't make it to production, its cause I don't recall why, but most probably because he was disatisfied with the result I woukd imagine. After his death I guess somebody there thought it was a good idea to make an adaptation of his original idea (which they subsiquently butchered from what I heard).

Disney was of course the brain behind that company and as with every other company before or since after he becoming deceased then things will begin to unravel at the seams as is natural without a "suitable heir" to take the throne. I would imagine that especially so when you are in the business of buying franchuses rather than making your own because making adaptations that don't suck is probably the most difficult thing to do.
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>They weren't very popular because Disney murdered the franchise

Like how the Prequel Trilogy murdered the franchise. Here we go again with the bad takes of "insert new thing killed the franchise this time for real!"

you ever heard of the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf? You go through this same song and dance every time and then it winds up getting disproven every time.
Dude, the toys don't sell, their shows aren't getting any traction anymore, and nobody talks about Star Wars anymore. They've already missed locking in one generation and it's looking like they're gonna continue down this road where they've also have been doing their damnedest to forget or destroy the original characters, universe, and fans. Good luck trying to bolster viewership when you've put out so much crap that no one gives a fuck and you've spurned the fans of the older stuff so you can't try to force a reset and have them drag people into the theaters.

Also, say what you want about the prequel trilogy but it still had memorable moments, good games, and good cartoons while the sequel trilogy only has a series set in distant timelines that has no real connection to it.

Same shit's been happening in every science fiction IP that has been popular and they've got their sites set on Stargate next.
(469 KB, 1024x792, image_2023-01-20_172711228.png) (1.0 MB, 1876x1490, image_2023-01-20_172746990.png)
I respectfully agree to disagree on this take. Although the main sequel trilogy has been quite divisive on the fans, the money made from these movies clearly tell Star Wars is still alive. Not to mention the number of Disney+ shows that are generally enjoyed by the public like "The Mandalorian", "Andor", "Obi-Wan Kenobi", putting Disney as the world's most in-demand service at the time. How could we forget about the games and merch? A sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order is about come soon, Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga's doing really great, KOTR remake's on the way, and of course, the toys. Black Series, baby yoda merch, the list goes on. You may dislike the choices the mainline movies has done, and trust me, so did I, but you cannot just flat out and say, that this franchise is "dead". It's not what it's used to be for better and for worse, but it is far from dead.
Does anyone have F from star wars visions?
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the funniest thing is that these people never know about how George Lucas's actions of denying the thrawn trilogy the respect it deserved led to the thought process that >>136466 has.

Really shows how the fucked the entire fanbase is to not being able to comprehend this. you can't murder this franchise if the first time it was ruined in 1999-2005 it kept chugging along. An entire trilogy like the PT would have killed any other franchise due to not only failing to live up to the OT's quality but creating a massive divide between three factions (OT purists, EU fans, PT fanatics)
What's the sauce on the first three
Yeah but there’s a single depiction/representative of females from most species
>t kaminoan architect
No we did have a star wars thread before tho
(328 KB, 1546x1080, Screenshot_20230323_172546.jpg)
I was thinking that my two last edits weren't technically drawings, so. Where's an edited drawing
20, sir. Yes, im not good at drawing but i do these type of things for fun. And also maybe my english is a bit broken >>146898
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4 Ahsokas and two twi'leks
Bumping this because some dummy created a new star wars thread so this one isn't lost

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