
LMAO so all you need to do to get threads deleted is post a couple gore pics and go schizomode?

good to know for the future...
Wait, did you spam that thread?
Says a lot about this site's moderation that one inbred retard spams gore on a thread, and what's gone at the end of the day is the thread, and not the retard.

Gets infinitely worse when the fucker comes around again just to brag, and not only are the other mods completely fucking clueless, but he still doesn't get the boot.
Perhaps if someone spams a bunch of gore threads the mods will delete the whole board, freeing us from this eternal nightmare.
Or the mod could do their job without going overboard. How bad was the spam that would make him nuke the thread?
when will they upload another Myu log page?
Honestly I don't think they know a new thread is up, so we might not be getting any more new pages for a while
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Anyone have the new pages?
>>136137 (OP)
Does anyone use pixivea arts for using in AI? And how good arts we can get?

True. This is page 327. Page 326 is missing.
>zina’s mom kicked her out
well that’s just sad
>well that’s just sad
I can think of a few things sadder if you'd like?
Zina'a mom was the one who likely pushed Zina i to becoming an athlete since childhood and gave her the idea that her entire worth was revolved around how good she was at it. When Zina could no longer be an athlete her mom thought of her as a failure either Zina unable to lose weight just reconfirmed her thoughts on her
(64 KB, 406x315, 328.png)
confirmed, tails grow out of the left ass cheek
What's her mom's name and when will she get a full body appearance?
Kinda dissapoited, wanted to see her horse belly as well
Tail should extend from the coccyx, wtf is that garbage? Pixiveo needs anatomy lessons.
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They do, you're just seeing the thumbnails.
Mind lending a hand then? My usual method of getting the higher quality images didn't work with these.
Have you tried downloading them as a link instead?
What's this? A development? Quickly, make the bottle vanish so we can drag this out for another 100 pages!
Someone please upload page 330 of Log Myu
(375 KB, 900x600, 330.png)
So is Rena's body permanently fucked up because of that mystery bottle or was thr effect only temporary in terms of altering her body that way?
Can someone please upload Page 331?
Looks like Myu still wants to be fat. Even after hearing what the doc said earlier.
it doesn't apply that she wants to still be fat, although even if she did it's best for myu to not become immobile.
What would you guys do if you lived in ancient times and you were forced by your parents to marry your little sister?

That is what my new manga is about.
But the comic must not get dragged further. We are almost to 335 pages. And this should have a happy ending and over by now.
This comic already peaked with the feeding chamber sequence. Nothing is going to top that.
But nobody understands! Quantity is already over quality! You also don't know what the comic suffered!
when will page 333 go up? that page came out yesterday
page 334 already published
(417 KB, 900x600, 334.png)
Deus ex weight gain, yeah this comic is on its last legs
"this isn't what people usually way about big butts"
"I'm pretty sure to know what you drank"

Does he really have no one to take 30 seconds and proofread his comic for him?
(408 KB, 900x600, 335.png)
Page 335
Not that I've read any of it so please enlighten me if I'm wrong, but surely the writing has to be phenomenal if people still give a shit about this comic, 333 pages and she's still no more than chubby??
do you know what sunk cost is?
I'd argue its worse with the fact this chubbiness was A: instant and B: is fucking recent
the page 337 is out
Myu's weight is shown to be 142 lbs on pg. 139, not gaining any more even after entering her linker on page 168. Myu is with her linker until pg. 296, with only two glimpses of her real body shown along the way. She's shown to be bigger once perspective switches back to her real body on pg. 297, and we finally get an update on Myu's weight (164 lbs) on pg. 312.

So Myu goes 158 pages without her actually gaining anything (though her linker does), and when she does she's even bigger than expected due to her loss of muscle mass. Her body looks like it'd actually be ~200 lbs since we can't visually tell she's lost muscle.

In a slow burn comic where Myu had previously been slowing growing, jumping so much so quickly after all of the linker nonsense is disappointing. I like slow gains and wish I could've seen a "proper" 142-200 lb gain, but even then...

158 pages in that linker was longer than the entire story up until that point, would've been nice to do more with real Myu.
(365 KB, 900x600, 337.png)

Slowly* growing, jeez. Here's pg. 337.
Rena, unless you're asking Miyu to eat with her instead of you, you're asking the wrong person. Plus, you'd probably be dragged into anyway, especially if Illya joins you three.
Fuck man, I miss old TrinityFate... Idk why he purged so much of his shit. It wouldn't kill him to draw non furries every once in a while
Same bro
honestly i could maaaybe live with the furry shit trinityfate does now if he just drew things that weren't asses every once in a while
Not just the lack of furries, but he doesn’t really draw fatties anymore either. All his character use the same hourglass build now. Whatever makes him happy I guess tho, I don’t see him ever doing humans/humanoids ever again
*not lack of furries, only furries is what my dumbass meant to say
I can stomach furry art but it's not as enjoyable in my eyes... If he just did fat art every once in a while I'd love that.

Honestly my favorite Trinity work is when he did the weight gain comics with all his furry characters. They looked so good. I'll imagine Umi ended up like this.
>>142205 it's not furry it's something called kemonomimi which is catgirls and shit
Y'all got the lucoa sequence, the three part one?

looks like we're finally getting somewhere
Watch as they'll find another bullshit reason an detour away from them trying to gain. I would keep my hopes low.
Which model and promp did you use?
when will they upload page 344?
Never lol
Why? I’ve just asked, which model you used. Are you idiot? Or not?
Yeah I know the model. It's called a pair of human hands. This isn't an AI thread, that's why you're in the wrong place
>I know the model. It's called a pair of human hands
And AI also uses human hands, human brain (which you don't have). So again. Which model did you use to make second pic? This can't be human, it's made by AI and it's official
or. or, and just hear me out, the first image is a remake of the second
Not, second pic is AI and I need to know which prompt you used
>This can't be human
Wow you are so far up your own ass, aren't you? You are completely beyond saving. Yes, it's made by a human, it's Pix's fucking job as an artist. No, it's not an AI. Say what you want about Pix, but an AI can't make art half as good as he can, or really any human artist. Now fuck off to the AI thread you tech-worshiping simpleton
Page 344 is out, someone please upload it!
Hot damn. Imagine hittin that from the back
new page out
Then, someone please upload it.
Well thank you for uploading them!
>>145507 thats why you´re the best
Damn how’s this myu bitch still skinny it’s been like two years
because pixiveo hates fan service and would rather focus on world building and character progression

Not fanservice that is hated, but low quality. It's the fact that most fanservice is low quality that is the problem, not the other way around. On top of that there are the obvious pressures to appease to stock members, members of parliament, and other individuals that have nothing to do with art and are enjoying art solely as a moral debate as opposed to actually being lifelong lovers of art.
i'll give pix this, his story is more well put together than kip's. bout the same level of boredom though
I believe there can be a middle ground between story and fanservice, but this ain't it, this is just dragging out the story for no reason, at least in Ayano's Diary they made the MC progressively fatter, while trying to tell the story with Ayano's other friends.
Page 347 is out, someone please upload it here!
(386 KB, 900x600, 347.png)
Character doughvelopment
What type of personality would Zina have does anyone know?
She probably would just stop bothering with her weight, but still be self concious about it.
Either Myu is dreaming or Zina has learned *quite a bit about herself* in the intervening months
So what happened to Myu's linker after she woke up?
nnnnnnnew page
I wanna fuck Zina so bad bros
Heh, pixiveo doesn't need anymore
it looks like an AI drawing
Yes, this art was created by AI and so pixiveo doesn't need anymore. We must forget his degeneracy and shitty whinings about AI
Oh, shut up already. Let artists draw their weight gain art
maybe you would be a threat if you had proper grammar or did ai write your comment as well
No kidding. It feels like the site has been invaded by either ai bots or russian trolls. I fr can only understand half of the shit they write in broken ass english.
Not, artists must be replaced, it's their future
>russian trolls
What do you think against russians? And how can you connect russians and AI art? Are you idiot?
Maybe not you specifically, but just look at the dumbass above you lol. Not too long there was someone spamming this thread asking what "prompts" Pix used to make his art. And it's a site wide issue.
man, i'm starting to get tired of all these AI bitches appearing out of nowhere, like, if you love robots so much why don't you just go suck wall-e's cock or smth
Man, so much obese girls appeared only because technologies. So if you like big girls you must like AI, robots and technologies
It's just the one guy.

He's fucking everywhere with his barely coherent posts. He's probably some jilted retard commissioner who's managed to black list himself from all the good artists, so now he's "Sticking it to them" with AI.
Imagine if it was Gecko LMFAO
Yeah, I've been noticing that lately.
Page 353 is out.
(371 KB, 900x600, 353.png)
This one on me
Will we see Nadette in her fat glory?
I sure hope so...
How many people will be pissed if she lost ALL of the weight plus extra
Dude holy shit, are they STILL just sitting in a room talking? Idk what on earth Pix is thinking with this comic
7-8 years ago this comic would’ve been a longer one at like 40 pages and gotten all the fetish contend and story in without needless shit, now we got this shit going on and on and being dragged out longer than the og dbz seasons
new page of myu out
If you know a new page is out, post it instead of just telling people and expecting someone else to do it
You can see when a patreon post is made even if you don't have a sub. Just because they can see the post is there doesn't mean they can see the content of it.
We don't give a shit, poorfags
Piracy site, black as shit niggoboi
Oh damn shes actually fat and stayed fat
anyone got the Fauna and the nude alt?
Yo, new page up. Anyone willing to share?
if nadette lost weight and became skinny instead of being a mega blob i'm going to go to pixiveo's house and beat the shit out of him (I DO NOT MEAN IN MINECRAFT I MEAN FOR REAL)
>>151442 They're dumber than they look.
I wonder if anyone has made any chat bots for pixiveo stuff

and so the scales are balanced lmao
Someone’s going to die tonight…
Hope she’s skinny and they enter the fox(?) in her place
Idk I lost the plot
Page 364 is out. Someone please upload it.
Oh shit full circle its a linker
Oh yeah. I don't suppose Nadette suffered the same fate as Myu. But we won't know for sure until the next page comes out.
A linker? Why?
Maybe she got too big to move so she is using the linked to keep going?
Or is it because she was too big to walk therefore causing her to lose so much weight?
Considering the fact that the last time we saw her thin she had a whole bunch of loose skin from the weight loss (meaning that pixiveo cares about that sort of detail) and she doesn't have that loose skin right now, I think the chance that this is a linker is pretty high.
So, both nadette, and my used the linker,
As well? Well, next page might be coming, so hang tight.
Page 365 is out! Someone please upload it!
Fairly certain it was always intended to be canon, just as an origin story.
Heres your savior
No shit, it's literally written in that comic panel
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I'm still confused about the link thing. Is her body in the other room and is she using some sort of other body to get around?
(304 KB, 900x600, 294.png) (304 KB, 900x600, 295.png) (486 KB, 900x600, 296.png) (345 KB, 900x600, 297.png)
We will never have anything like this for awhile.
Her real body is the other room. A linker is just a fancy android robot thing that you can control remotely with your brain at long distance.
So, her real body is just growing fatter. And is myu ever gonna get it IRL?
So...Avatar, but with a fat bod instead of a blue person?
I just want some continuation of the Kitsushi story, man
Holy shit, her loose skin reinflating with fat is so fucking hot.
I think I got a new fetish.
Nadette's real body is much bigger than the peak of Myu's linker, I assume.

And speaking of that, what happened to Myu's linker after she woke at the hospital?
Good god, why did this motherfucker think it was a good idea to make a fetish comic so complex and drawn out.... this shit should have ended a year ago max.....
I'm sorry you're so retarded that you can't follow a fairly simple story.
How does she bathe and poop?
Simple? Don't make me laugh. I pretty much stop carring after page 120 because of how it just lore, lore and more lore instead of what most people came to read in the first place.
Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's good. I wanna gawk at tummies not learn the ins and outs of a boring ocs life
I wish bro would just speed it up...
And who used the small linker?
And wil Myul use Nadette's linker?

What do you mean? I don't get it.
Myu's linker?! It's a hospital linker that's for everyone! However, said linker is broken, and she is now a proud owner of it.
That's because it's a different model and a private linker!
Can someone post the new stuff? There's a couple of pics we haven't gotten
Why does Zina want a linker too? And what does Myu mean by "Aren't you a bit on the small side"?
Myu still remembers her linker's enormous growth, so it kinda biased her.
And myu owns the linker now. You break it, you buy it, sister!
Ok, so you don’t touch yourself while using a linker, good to know.
Ok, if I'm getting this right, if a linker touches their host controlling them, they go out-of-bounds, thus disconnecting and shutting down.
I think it’s like sleep and that she woke herself up. Like jadebot from Homestuck.
Seems like a neural overload. Like imagine the overload your brain would have from touching your body with another whole body they are also controlling
>>153309 Yeah imagine the neutrons. Lets see what we can imagine next.
Who are the eyes of Nadette's linker still open while she's returned to her real body?
(379 KB, 900x600, 368.png)
Wait wait wait...
>"Not Again."?
I think this implies that Nadette got her linker to touch her real body once before this point.
she said something about feeding herself. so probably that's when it happened
It one of the ways to log out of a linker. Myu failed to do it with hers when she got in it.
Myu was in a prototype linker which, of course, would have some glitches and failures.
Do you guys think she would, someday, face the major issue that causes her sickness every time when she tries overeating, in order to gain as much weight as she desires without being sick?
Does anyone have the new art?
Well, I don't know. But she will get over it.
You see her in the hallway at 3am, what do you do?
>>153640 "I get it in my beard sometimes."-funny man Julian
I mean we do like our women biting. added height doesn't bother me.
Biiiig* Dam spell check
Does anyone here have that Paya artwork? Sorry for requesting.
That's like me irl lol
Myu was in the linker, and her main body has been in that state for a while.
stuck in door, oh please give us stuck in door...
How about you just be patient and shut the hell up?
Sounds like some ones already stuck in a door.
And zina apologizing to nadette, too.
And zina apologizing to nadette, too.
I've been on and off this comic for the past year now. It looks good.. but it also looks like a ridiculous long burn. It's been what, 300 pages later and the main only just recently got into chubby territory? What do you think anons, should I read? How long will it take the read from first page to last one posted?
I just wish there was an easier way to read. Deviantart sucks ass when it comes to comics, you have to dig through profiles just to get the next page
My god it's actually almost 400 pages now. I get its also the side characters but.. christ it'll be the next election before she gets real fat.

It's almost 400 pages now

Prob an hour or two, pages are kinda short so you'll burn through 'em quick
It might be 400 "pages" but really each page is a half-page of a regular full comic, so it's more like 200 pages. And it you think about it in terms of manga where the average chapter is ~18 pages, it's really only like an 11 chapter manga, insanely enough
(293 KB, 900x600, 373.png)
It looks like she has a brown turd stuck on her ass which unfortunately is fairly common with people her size in real life
When will Zina (properly) apologize to Nadette for her dilemma?

Also, I call a wager that when she succeeds in getting through the door, she will become hungry.
Yep. That tail is small and round. That's why.
I like the original version more. Red bellies from stuffing makes it look like they'd be in pain.

>>155171 (Cross-thread)
That's good.

>>155164 (Cross-thread)
Says the one resorting to name calling. We're all here for the same reason, but we each still have our own things that we like more then others. Sorry to be that someone who doesn't happen to like what you like.
(428 KB, 352x967, Liane_Cartman0.png)
For some reason there is a surprising shortage of Liane r34 let alone any fetishes. If you find a good quality Liane fat image, let me know.
When will zina properly apologize to naddete despite being told not to apologize in >>154618?
Why would she say sorry? She already did
New page is out
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(246 KB, 900x600, 378.png)
Did Zina's leg give out?
Willing to bet that now she’s going to gain a shit ton more weight now that she’s injured again
Didn't realise these girls had preternatural strength
They are essentially doing a leg press, but at the same time this kind of push is more about overcoming friction than it is about moving the weight. A 1 ton object could be easily pushed around on a frictionless surface by one person. And once a heavy object starts moving it becomes easier to keep it moving due to momentum, so the main obstacle for Myu and Zina in this scenario would have always been the door frame, as that would have always provided the most resistance. Not only that but Nadette is also trying to move forward at the same time so it becomes a bit easier for Myu and Zina to push her as the force vector they are exerting is acting in the same direction that the force vector generated by nadette attempting to move forward.

The things that made this possible is the fact that Nadette's body was able to build up a large amount of momentum before she got stuck, which helped get her partial through before getting stuck, at which point Myu and Zina just need to overcome the resistive force generated by the door frame and Nadette's body, since Nadette isn't a purely stationary object and is contributing to their pushing efforts by continuing her attempts to walk forwards.

The fact that you think this is preternatural is more about you not understanding how physics works in this type of situation.
Nadette is fully already fully stuck before that, so any force enacted on the doorframe due to the change in momentum has already been applied.
From that point onwards, the force enacted on the doorframe is just derived from the girls pushing nadette, which shouldnt be enough to break a doorframe.
I have just now noticed subtle cracks in the page before as nadette collides with the doorframe. I concede that it is arguable that the initial collision weakened the structural integrity of the frame, allowing zina + myu to finish it off
This feels like that guy who uses trigonometry to calculate anime girl's boobs. Man, I love the internet
As a physics major, reading this makes my blood boil
Yeah I just ignored all the shit that made no sense/was completely irrelevant, just focused on the incorrect momentum stuff
Well, are you in school or not?
Does anyone have the new pages?
Well, is myu gonna tag along?
So Zina didn't bust her knee again
(327 KB, 900x600, 382.png)
Ngl I’ve been very patient with Myu’s weight gain, but I hope the fact that this panel just skipped to lunch means she’s gonna pack on the pounds faster
Aw wholesome page, I like these
The end? Of course not.
Anyone have the new post?
(1.4 MB, 2000x1400, 625.png)
Now all we're missing is a page
its a noncanon au image, not part of log myu
Someone please upload pages 383 & 384
Give them a few days, they might not know the site is back

Sooop.... will they start the gaining arc ooooorrrr...
We're behind by 2 posts, missing widowmaker sketch and the upgrade one
could anyone update kemono
New page out
Yeah, anyone could, no account required.
>>159203 that's literally the first thing it asks you, you need a account
Na I'm good, I don't need one.
You still need a patreon account.
No thanks you can keep it, I don't need it. Thanks for the offer.
Anyone have the new stuff?
I don't even know who these characters are, I can't follow this comic at all.
The first one is from a videogame, bitch
It's from Bitch? Never heard of it so I guess thats why I didn't know.
genshit fan is mad anon doesnt know who ganyu is
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Page 390
Page 391 is out. Someone please upload it.
is she only 291? She looks bigger than that. I remember juicy jackie at her size and she was around 400lbs
2 new pages are up, anyone want to be a hero?
>>161324 I've neverbeen much for stereotypes
Not just a hero, but a king
Aww, what loving parents, who gave her daughter some weird virus, that makes her physically unable to pack on weight.
(I know it was probably mainly the Mother who did that, but still, her dad most likely didn't do shit about it.)
PUH-LEASE tell me this foreshadows her mom getting fat
Still new Myu page from Friday
How is it foreshadowing? They literally said she was getting fat lol
He said she could, not that she already has. She's in the process of preventing weight gain, this teases that she has a chance to fail.
Thank you! 😊
New page of Log Myu is out now
So... this entire mental block stopping her from gaining weight, the thing she thought her parents were responsible for... was all because Maia was clingy with her and she didn't like that? THAT'S what caused her to drop so much weight, not wanting to be hugged?

I get that she was a kid, but yeesh, a mental condition that makes her sick stemming from THAT.
Is this comic page implying Maia'a parents are 2 gay dudes? Also I find it funny I never likes Maia from the start and she must be such a terrible person in universe to make a fat obsessed person like Myu so traumatized being in her presence that she's willing to get thin just to rid of Maia from her life.
But then you get her parents side of the story and it's like Myu asked for it williny for a stupid reason no less (but then again, she was a stupid fuckin kid without a forsight to speak of).
Tho also, it's kinda dumb on the parents side, for allowing that to happen. Like, do a life altering decision at a young age, see how that will work out for ya later
Yeah, cursed herself to never become fat. Quite a big deal if you think about it.
New log Myu page up today
Any one have the new sequence
Currently just behind 2 pages and a sequence
>trying to make sense of this shit
(356 KB, 900x600, 396.png) (376 KB, 900x600, 397.png)
New pages
New Friday Log Myu page out now
Bloody hell where is the elma sequence
Dude calm down and stop begging
Unfreeze when she starts gaining
New Log Myu page up
(2.1 MB, 480x362, bad parenting.gif)
>Kid Myu throws a fit over being fat
>Bad parents give up and oblige to Kid Myu's tantrums of getting skinny
>Kid Myu sees success after sussy treatments finally pay off
>Fails to see the consequences in their actions when Kid Maya still goes UwU for her

Imagine how all this could have been prevented if the parents had a backbone and knew how to put the kid on a proper diet
So you're saying we could have saved a whole bunch of pages, if Myu's parents treated her better?
So is this a confirmation Maia is the main antagonist of log myu?
Lebians were a source of all evil in this world.
New log Myu page is up

Free my girl Maya, she ain't done nuthin'
Man, that's kinda heavy. Can't wait to jerk off to her being fat later.

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