
(568 KB, 547x383, Screenshot_20230113-181950.png)
Fuck it
Pyjamasuit's art is shoddy
Xmasterdavid for many obvious reasons
Lightningbob the cancer of ruby art, go back to writing instead of causing more cancer to the community
Axel rosered, his old stuff was fine until he started going into diapers and weird ass kinks
Are there some artist you believe that there commission prices are a joke and that there art isn't worth a lot

All complete faggots
He’s a piece of shit that can’t get by without tracing. His hate is very deserved
I get y'all wanted to shit on these artists, but you should at least put some actual fucking effort into grammar. This whole thread is like reading kids' messages
SkalesStash for being a pedophile
Robot001 for having godawful art
Bamboo, Roxas, Lightningbob, Gecko, etc for being annoyingly obnoxious spergs
That slimy art nigga weird

Wait, SkalesStash is a pedo? What did he do?
They have some of my favorite art, but Saxxon. They’ll take money for commissions and take years to complete. I have met multiple people are still waiting for the art they paid for years later.
crazy how he was one of, if not *the,* most well-known fat fetish artist in the early 2010's. and then he dug his own hole into irrelevancy.

TheAmericanDream opened for commissions momentarily in May 2019, www.deviantart.com/theamericandream/art/TAD-Commission-Pricing-Spring-2019-Guide-790285245 and is still slowly chipping away at them. I've given up on thinking he'll finish mine, hopefully that's the last time I get ripped off
Was sexting teens as young as 15 in their almost mid 20s
The fact Mistystuffer is still active

Damn, what a shame. Some of his art is pretty good...
How can you give cancer, cancer?

>annoyingly obnoxious sperg
Fuck you, Roxas is so much better than those guys; I don't think I've ever seen a more insufferable retard in my life.

Saxxon never had any reason to be known at all from all the trash he puts out.

>hopefully that's the last time I get ripped off
You threw money at current year TAD, so it's only a matter of time.
Nah they ain't a pedo, the teens they were sexting lied about their age and were 100% into it. They just got a hate boner for them years later and got twitter involved.
did you miss the screencap where the youngest teenager explicitly told him their age or are you just one of his weird tranny simps
Axel can't draw fat. All his bellyes just looks like they are bloated and not fat. The very shape is like a pregnant or at least inflated one. Feels like he is not into bbw at all but can't wait to draw some inflated girl in diapers.

Axel did draw some decent fat pics in the beginning, with the characters actually looking nice and plump instead of stomach bloating. It just seems he's into the more "pliant", shapely types that actually exist in real life, because, you know, fat isn't really liquid and doesn't always sag to the floor.
Didn't know I was considered an artist.

Keep our eyes closed and continue to swing off the cocks of people because they draw your non-porn.

>rant thread shut down, so you try again under new
The cries of the beater can never be quelled.
Pedos are scum. Those Hollywood pedos and the Popes have got to go!!! Boycott Hollywood because Netflix sucks! BBC is ugly and covered in warts!
I tweeted about being horrified that Mistystuffer was still active (hadn't seen his work in like 4 years and it was Hilda BE).

He liked said tweet.

Had to delete it immediately after.
Lmao, I wonder if they're regularly searching for their own name.
>>135646 That would be the ultimate stupidest thing any perdon could ever fo on the internet. Unless you want to be stalked by criminal gangs DO NOT DO THAT. It is not a joke.
I hate Belt-Buster's lighting and shading. It ruins their drawings by making fat girl bodies look unattractive.
Why Pixiveo? He literally has done nothing wrong.
L take for including Jeetdoh and Pixiveo
They are the same thing happened to me when I made a tweet shitting on him
>>135497 (OP)
Uhm, yikes, don't you know we don't do this anymore?

Unless you're being facetious, do you really think incessant cock-sucking and ciclejerking without dissent will make this board a better place?
You know I think it'simportant to not judge others and if this poor homosexual wants to suck cock then as long as it isn't my cock then I would be doing the wrong thing by getting in his way, I guarantee it would make whatever problem he has worse if there even is a problembecause maybe he's just gay. If that's what he chooses then only he has the power to unchoose it. That's whst I think, Pikachu.
>>135727 That artist sounds like a girl. Is he a homosexual?
Strangermoist / Strongmoist

They are incredably toxic and just come off as a complete asshole. I don't know how he's mutuals with other artists on twitter,
while he acts like that and constantly floods his media tab with reaction pic memes instead of art.

I like his art but he's such a douche I don't fucking trust him with my money.
He seems like the type of guy to one day say "FUCK EVERYTHING AND FUCK YOU!" <Deletes Account> and have anyone
with a pending commission not get thier money back.
How to be an attention seeking whore 101.
but why. for what purpose
>>135730 For the very few times I'd see his art on his account, his account was filled with nothing but schizo posts and blaming everyone but himself for it. So I agree with you 100%. His art is pretty good, but holy fucking shit, it's not worth trying to look for more art unless it's under an archive.
This has literally turned into the ranting thread. I'm waiting for those niggas shitting on Jeetdoh all the time, any moment now...
That weirdo draws mostly BHM, so it's not our problem
I like artists who is not a part of this made up "community".
(218 KB, 500x281, Jiren GOD.png)
>Shit art
Post slop/sketchy style americandream
They never were
Better with salt
>Shit posts
Bambooale (Whiny twit)
Hornymustardsauce (Will stop drawing for literal months to rant sbout political shit)
PIEmon (Uwu)
The thing that sets Jiren apart from all other antagonists is you CANNOT beat him no matter what you do. In a competition of pure strength, you are FUCKED, because this man has strength surpassing the GoDs. You are NOT going to overpower him. So what, you rely on your martial arts prowess to close the gap? NOPE. He'll just up the ante and outspeed you, completely nullifying every technique you have and matching--surpassing you--blow for blow. Okay, fuck it, it's not all about technique and raw power, right? You can just channel all your energy into an attack that far surpasses what you'd be able to do with physical blows. Oh, but look, he TANKED it. GLARED at it, stopped it in its tracks, and took NO damage. Okay, this is getting FUCKING ridiculous, so let's just go for a gimmick power that we've crafted for just such an occasion, something that defies conventional limitations of pure power output. He can't do anything if he's frozen in time, right? Well, yes, but remember the INCREDIBLE strength I mentioned earlier? Yeah, he's so fucking strong he can CRUSH TIME ITSELF just by gripping hard enough, so FUCK your pitiful gimmicks. That's it. Fuck this. It's time to call upon MC powers and pull out not one, but TWO asspull transformations that are stated to be able to defeat ANYONE. Yeah, it's a little underhanded and cheap, but now victory is assured! Except NO it's FUCKING NOT, and Jiren just OVERPOWERS the transformation by simply WILLING HIMSELF TO BECOME STRONGER.

That's it. DONE. There is NOTHING you can do. You better PRAY that if you ever come face to face with Jiren on the battlefield, it's during some stupid minigame that has ring-out rules, because otherwise you are FUCKED
>>135821 Ah shit, here we go again. Jiren guy is back.

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