
(5.2 MB, 2000x1500, modernjordanhomesleektest2didlike3500iterations.png)

People say DeviantArt is dying, where should I post instead? (A site that allows nudity would be nice. I'd also like a decent gallery feature, and ideally a place where I might draw comments that help me learn what to do not do etc.)
I'm a n00b, just started recently, as such I'm using daz3d, which I know many people hate, I have no idea what I'm doing with poses/lights/faces/poses/any of it, so I'd like feedback on that.
(2.5 MB, 1350x2400, zarajayviewpointtestingbiggirlstretchmarkcelluliteultimatemoisture1102023needsmirroredduetobra.1.png)
I tried to name the files and file descriptions on dA with the assets used and new technique I was trying to learn in each one. I'm not happy with any of them yet. They take eons on my 970gtx and I can't render full scenes with only 4gb vram.
But I figure in 2023 I'll be able to find an affordable 4000 series gpu, the 3000 series being out of stock for 2 years sucked.
>>135205 (OP)
Nice art. Although I am a blender user, daz3d makes character modeling look easy, anyways.
Twitter is the only other place that has a fair standing only nudity and the alike ( I came across an account that legit posts porn on there so anything goes on that site for now). There is also instagram which can be helpful for building an audience for a niche subject as this, but, nudity is a no no. Patreon seems to be ok but as most of us or all know that it is behind a paywall. Aside from that I've read that patreon is pretty iffy when it comes to content creators doing niche feitsh stuff. As to the deviantart platform, in my opinion, I don't think its dead or dying but rather stagnant and declining as many big artists moved out to more professional sites like artstation. What remains on deviantart seems to be furry, anime, or other fetish content that is completely horrible to look at or have a fair following ex. metalforever, kipteitei, etc.

Tldr: twitter seems to be the only pony in town that fits your needs of growing your page.

As for feedback about your work and pretty much for anyone that gets started with stuff like this just watch yt tutorials.
Really digging the first one you posted.
Good luck anon

I am struggling to learn why the first one is everyone's favorite as I spent no time on it. Maybe the more time I spend customizing a figure's appearance the more uncanny they become because the stock models are made by people more skilled than me :)

I do watch youtube tutorials but they're all about how the various features of the menus work. Like how to use x/y/z feature of daz. There aren't really any yt tutorials on how to "fat" well. Although I've found another artist more experienced than me to provide me those tips.

I'm learning the features/buttons/hotkeys/menus of daz at a pretty solid/strong rate, but if I ever learn to "art" will be another story :)
holy shit this one's pretty hot!

Also gave you a follow on deviantart.

I think it's everyone favorite as the model does look like a majority of the ones you 'd see on the real board.

Hope to see more from you anon
It was only everyone's favorite until
Which is now like triple ahead of any of my others. I'm not sure what it is, she's prettier? the fact I did a series? (jokes on you I didn't I just worked really hard on image 3, then slapped together image1/2 so there'd be a series.) There's no way random people checking out fat porn on deviantart are impressed by my unique deformation of a shirt to make a shirt appear to be outgrown in a mildly different fashion than the 1000s of other times someone has done it.

In summation; what do people what? More pretty blondes? More bellies? Or more backporting of fat models to show their thin version so people can use their imagination on the difference? Despite the fact that image1 of the series is literally just turning off all the fat customization I did and leaving her vanilla.
(869 KB, 2700x4800, focusshouldbegoodbutjenhairstillhasbadlingincentersoleonyponyinthisone.png.webp) (912 KB, 2700x4800, renderedthiswithoutsavingthescenesotherenderdidntsavewhoops.png.webp) (1.2 MB, 2250x4000, basicchelseaDTDtestfixedsomestuffsidecameraangletest4k.1.5.1.png.webp) (2.3 MB, 2700x4800, basicchelseaDTDdinertest1fulldonutportrait.png.webp) (3.6 MB, 4500x8000, basicchelseaDTDdinerscenetestswappedhairtried of grey8k.test1.4.png.webp)
the order is all messed up by bbwchan but the filenames go from 100 to 111 (the bit at the very end) so you can follow the order that way.
(1.4 MB, 1800x3200, chelseabreakfastDTDtablecloserboobsouttest10buggedinrenderqueue08.png.webp) (1.6 MB, 1800x3200, chelseabreakfastDTDtablecloserboobsouttest10buggedinrenderqueue05.png.webp) (1.4 MB, 1800x3200, chelseabreakfastDTDtablecloserboobsouttest10buggedinrenderqueue10.png.webp) (1.3 MB, 1800x3200, chelseabreakfastDTDtablecloserboobsouttest10buggedinrenderqueue11.png.webp) (1.4 MB, 1800x3200, chelseabreakfastDTDtablecloserboobsouttest10buggedinrenderqueue09.png.webp)

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