
(23 KB, 344x512, nanny janny.jpg)
>thy shalt work for free
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If you have these bland janitors running around, thinking they can force their way and pretending like they're important, don't waste any time on them.
It's obvious they don't really know what they're doing — if they did, then wouldn't it be in their best interest to actually do their job properly, receiving their rightful pay?
Instead, they're only pathetically tripping over their own power.
So why bother trying to impress someone who's essentially a hero of zero?
Don't give them any attention or energy; just ignore them completely.
Jeez I wonder why these kind of threads stopped being tolerated by the mods...

Two words: Truth Hurts.
No let's not work for free because poor people are the most evil people and everybody knows that don't go to the pawn shop on that side of town were the poor people live by the hood because... why? Because poor people are the greediest and filled with most evil. They lie, kill, and steal. Don't trust them I would rather live with the rich people in Los Angeles than with the poor people. Right?

Yeah, how dare we call out the mods for doing an objectively shitty job? They're always right, and if you critisize them, then you must be either dumb or evil... Right?
this is a schizo post if I've ever seen one
the mods let you guys have the bitch threads for over a year until the last one had to be outright deleted when I can still access some of the older ones. Have you considered maybe you guys did something wrong?

Wtf are you talking about? Are you saying that you are poor and greedy, or are you saying that you are rich but greedy?

Btw, I see you criticising others for doing a shitty job and I want yo say that I have seen enough in my time to know full well that the odds of you doing a better job are slim to none. Technically you are a fuck up and would most likely do a worse job. So spare me your excuses or whatever it is that this thread is about. Let the mods do their shitty job. It's not your job to tell them hiw to do their job. God will take care of them if they fuck up just as he will take care of you.

It doesn't take a genius to remove the threads that blatantly violate the rules and leave the active ones related to the board's theme alone. And yes, I would have done a better job, because at least I wouldn't have removed a 300+ wardrobe malfunction thread that was still very much active in an attempt to compensate for thei complete lack of moderation for over a week.
>>134679 I agree. You are all fuck-ups. Some more than others though.
what happened with the last one I missed it.
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Because they have a temper of a toddler and an attention span of a hot pocket.
My hair is a bird, your argument is invalid.
And not only that, but leave slob, bestiality and a metric shitton of other trash by.

As for the obvious news, Gecko has no taste as always, BWS becomes saxxon the second, Kipteitei tugs a cat by his balls as usual, what else?
Ah yes, posting art on twitter will sooner or later make you either a faggot or a tranny, that is the same thing.
This but unironically. The biggest assholes I've ever met have been poorfags.
>>134684 The truth is all around us. Only liars speak in times when they should shut up. Rich people know how to do their evil in secrecy without bothering the pedestrians or disturbing the peace, poor people will not mind bringing trouble right to your front door, and they don't care about innocent lives being hurt. They love looking for trouble. Obviously I would rather live in a rich neighborhood instead of smelling weed evetytime I go out of the door.

There's evil everywhere but at least rich people are stupid in a way that doesn't become a stone for me to stumble on.
yeah this will prove the jannies wrong
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>BWS becomes saxxon the second
And that ladies and gentlemen is a good thing.

>giving a fuck what jannies think
It's not their place to get to decide what you post, it's their job to keep the place clean for the people who post there. If you think that moderation teams need to be pandered to or have their cocks sucked you're welcome to go back your Discord daddy.
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I want to see fat chicks, not literal who drama. Your e-celeb thread is in /gen/ you dumb faggots.

Your an idiot and a liar. There's a special place in hell for people like you, not that you believe any of that. I'm surprised you speak English, immigrant. Keep fucking up. Everytime you fuck up I become stronger.
I can feel it growing
Face it, your thread, it's finished from the moment it started. And that's the truth...
I get why these threads exist but why does it always go into schizoposting every time lately
remember when we complained about fat artists lol, those were the days.
I imagine it's to deliberately have the very threads they're schizo posting in deleted by causing a scene.
So apparently Toonami aired far fetish art. And the submitter was an art thief and the OP is Japanese and had a mental breakdown.
At least it’s an 18+ TV block. In theory.

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