
delete this pls, i posted in the wrong thread
anyone have the last thread?
Eeeeey its my drawings! Nice.
Hey Snaps! How's it hanging!
Kill la cringe
Can't believe Trigger Studios stole LowTierGod's genius title idea.
I'm sorry, what are you saying???
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Ragyo and Satsuki decides that their bodies are weapons. Ragyo tells Satsuki. "Your body can be bigger and more beautiful, now let me shove this food into your sexy skinny body. Satsuki says say's "Yes mother." They feed each other for 10 months. Satsuki is proud with her body then she started to get sexually attracted to herself. "I'm a fat greedy pig with no self control." Satsuki continues eating with no end. Satsuki and Ragyo become very full from eating. Ragyo says "Satsuki, my belly feels like it's going to explode to oblivion. Satsuki says " I know how you feel mother like you said before. Our bodies are our weapons. We have to keep for our growing stomachs. Ragyo says"Then allow me to purify you." Satsuki feel like she's in heaven discovering meaning of life. she felt a sexual release from her vagina and Satsuki feel so relieved with her body and she would want more of it. Ragyo says "You are now purified and now let's get dressed cover our naked breasts with god's creation: clothing." In the end, Satsuki uses her pride to bring glory to Honnoji Academy and Ragyo continue bringing dominion towards humanity.
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"Hey, I joined the nudist lifestyle and gained 200 lbs. I love being fat, and I always let Mako touch my belly. That's only because I'm married to her. Yep I married Mako and she too gained weight. One day we're going to have kids together. But don't I'll adopt. I don't want me and Mako to go through childbirth. But it's my choice anyway." Ryuko went to the food stand and devoured a mountain of meat. "This is my fucking life and I love it."
I promise you that this art can not possibly get any better than it already is, or any more original. 10/10 thread.
The original’s by ThePervertWithin, definitely looks like their other sketch pics
Could You pass the link
>Has male shit
>Not really fat, just balls
>Absolon of all people doing the "They're TOTALLY 18+" thing.

You could not have more of his cock shoved down your throat.

fucking christ absolon and kreet are both fucking failures "oH wE'Re dOnE wiTh fAt arT" and they come crawling back to us like the fucking niggers they are. fuck them and there shitty fucking webcomics
>This just in, artist who moves on with his life is no longer allowed to ever be horny again because anon can’t comprehend wanting to step away from his porn addiction, more news at 11

Seriously, it’s faggots like you who feel “oh so betrayed and insulted” when drawfags decide to move on with life that give the rest of us anons a bad rep.
Iirc abso and kreat didn’t even actively shit on the kink as a whole before they left (unlike a certain Russian), they just made fun of stupid motherfuckers like you who had a constant raging hate-boner for them.
Get a life and quit being a damn tsundere coomer or some shit for these guys. Either you like it or you don’t man the fuck up and decide, retard.
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Like I said, the dude is allowed to come back, I just can’t comprehend still seething about him wanting to leave and focus on other things at all, let alone literal YEARS after the fact.

Also you might wanna spoiler that for maleshit anon, last guy who posted that had it deleted, probably for that reason
Pointless slurs, getting needlessly angry over wank material, you are a fucking treasure, my guy.
Would have been okay if he was like "I don't wanna do fat stuff anymore, will focus on other shit" but instead he was all smug and "did it to troll the chans"
When you had multiple tards like the anon up there foaming at the mouth for leaving even though they constantly shat on their “lack of skill”, can you really blame him?
Shits funny as fuck and really highlighted who had an unhealthy porn addiction at the time, not to mention insane ranting threads 1-50 or whatever.
I think he showed up in one or two of those to post wips and shoot the shit. Hope the wg comic he's working on is good.

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