
>>134210 (OP)

Sorry to ask, but does anyone know the artist of whoever drew the Aerith image?
I want to see the art of Linaly Klauser, Ai Hayakawa, Mary Hayakawa, Lisa Pacifist and Ursula from Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, please.
Just wondering but how do you seem them all filling out?

Not enough Belts, with My Chemical Romance playing in the background?
Okay then. I will do these arts myself.
(68 KB, 974x821, celes_eating_sandwhiches_at_the_park_by_feyzer_db1412y-pre.jpg) (119 KB, 1024x779, bbw_celes_by_jamesmantheregenold_by_feyzer_da0ov3y-fullview.jpg) (64 KB, 800x1000, celes_cheren_by_feyzer_df1csgn-pre.jpg) (98 KB, 1024x647, bbgts_celes_calming_bbgts_rinoa_by_feyzer_daqfndb-fullview.jpg) (79 KB, 942x848, celes_leaning__com__by_feyzer_ddm46du-pre.jpg)
Celes is a pretty underrated FF girl for fat-art, especially in the leotard...
(248 KB, 260x260, 1665788811557342.webm)
>Decide to watch Final Fantasy Legend of the Crystals because of this post
>Notice they made Linaly a thick thighed loli
>Constantly gets panty shots after they leave town
>literally ends up with her booty possessed by a magic crystal that makes it glow when a special event is about to happen
Why's final fantasy always ending up with anime and movies that have absolutely no connection and feel like it's for a different RPG (Wild Arms, Skies of Arcadia, or Breath of Fire for this movie) or it's completely connected to one of the games but the only redeeming quality it has is its fight scenes?

It's so weird when it's the Japanese aiming a character towards a more pear shaped weight gain. Rouge needs some fat art too.
Of course, Final Fantasy anime and movies are bad, but girls in these anime and movies, that's different, they are fantastic, I love them.
I wonder if pedophilia is forbidden in BBWDRAW. If yes, then I am sorry for requesting Linaly Klauser, Ai Hayakawa, Lisa Pacifst and Ursula.
Source for the first image?
(864 KB, 981x739, Linaly.png) (102 KB, 796x907, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_ESDY4mEWoAAaQFv.jpg)
>it was a failure
No wonder someone has had the sub and dubbed videos on youtube since 2012.

>that ova stinks
Shit was comedy gold. Sucks they didn't go with a series so they could put actual work into fleshing out a story; I also would've loved to see Linaly fight more than beating the ever loving tar out of Prettz.

Pedophilic content is banned but lolis are allowed, and I don't get how no one can figure this shit out when I know everyone can at least see the Pokemon thread.

You just can't make loli generals on Draw.

Lisa and Ursula aren't even lolis. Lisa is 22 and Ursula is 17, which is not pedophilia.
No. Okay. You bet. Pedophilia is bad. I just wanted to know if requesting for fat versions of Linaly and Ai Hayakawa is considered pedophilia, or it's just a loli fetish?
You tell me, pedo. You would know.
Do you think the name Ham is a good name for a girl? I want her to get married, you see? Not to end up old and childless all because of some silly name!
what are you even saying, loli is loli, nothing to do with pedo
>>139205 Being physically attracted to representations of little girls sounds like the exact definition of pedo.
>>139236 Not only are you technically incorrect all while making an imaginary association, but also you are using not just the word representation incorrectly, you are also trying to imply that a "representation" is somehow more real than an actual girl.

If such is the case then let's make sex robots that are designed with a lab inside of their stomachs for getting pregnant so we can have tube babies (for appearantly no reason at all) and that way get rid of the need for women altogether. I'm sure the world will be a much more peaceful place then because we can agree to fight wars only with robots and then the wealthiest nations could always win in survival of the fittest NWO. Good shit. You're welcome.

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