
Anyone have the fat chibi's that appear in the game? cant remeber who drew them
Ah those wernt the ones I was looking for, the ones I'm thinking of, there is olny one per character and there not sitting down. Monika is pear shaped, yui looks uncomfortable... the game I was referring to was the visual novel sorry.
Oh hot dam when I load that stuffing game there they are, quality sucks I'll try to get a decent screen capture.
Does anyone have or know of a way to extract the Natsuki sprites from the Special Day game? Purrine hasn't uploaded them, to my knowledge.
I feel like I recognize the artist, but the name escapes me. Who made this?

It's rtil, he only does fats for commissions and that's probably only undertaker33 doing that.

Seriously, he puts none of his WG pieces on any of his pages.
(406 KB, 702x615, 9082092383.png) (410 KB, 702x615, 9082092384.png)

It wasn't easy, but I just took a screenshot of the game screen at it's native resolution (for the best sprite quality possible) and trimmed away all of the background manually in my art program, so basically I extracted Natsuki's sprites the hard way. It's not perfect, but I did my best to trim around the sprite outlines to preserve the quality of the sprites.
Better job than I coulda done. Thanks.
(410 KB, 702x615, 9082092388.png) (411 KB, 702x615, 9082092385.png) (411 KB, 702x615, 9082092386.png) (410 KB, 702x615, 9082092387.png)

Here's a few extra versions of the sprite with different facial expressions. You can switch the facial expressions between the two separate sprites using a semi-transparent layer to help line up the faces into the correct position.
(164 KB, 346x348, 818.png)
I am... now not at all sure why I thought that was Yuri.
I don't know what the story to this picture is, but I like it a lot. Like she's being turned into a character from Portrait of Markov, or it's just a demonic book, it has a pretty interesting implication to it.

Hypothetically and with luck, you could post that in the edit thread to have it look like Yuri
It's RidiculousCake.
Fatsuki source?
It's by Plumpknight, it's on yiff,party, if you go there
Source? Style looks familiar but I can't place it
That first one belongs in bbwalt.
Thank you ever cool
I put these through a image upscaler and posted these in the edit thread so we can get transparent images. Sorry this is the best I can do, hopefully we can find the original pics. Images not included because it is not uploading. Refer to my post in the edit thread to see pics.
Who did the third image
CutiePopBlue on deviantart
This is my favorite story
what's the source on the third picture, in black and white
SolitaryScribbles, but good luck finding them. His dA's been gone for awhile now.
Beltbuster on DA

Chet Rippo but only on Patreon
>>12812 who made this art?
Has someone played the game of Kipteitei? The visual novel of DDLC Monika’s special day
Does anyone have the full resolution Fat Monika WG sequence pic here? I went to plumpchus post of it but the Hi-res link was defunct.
where is monika?
You got the other interactions
There isn’t any other interactions, they all say the same things no matter the combination
(229 KB, 750x750, m1.png) (383 KB, 750x750, m2.png) (462 KB, 750x750, m3.png) (445 KB, 750x750, m4.png)
@negative_din on Twitter
What do you mean? The game continue
(75 KB, 955x837, 0AD5CBAA-519B-46A8-8062-D4E5E7C00D22.jpeg)
Anyone have the Monika animation done by Anastimafilia saved? It was for the Monika’s Special Day VN project, I only remember that it was a sketch/lineart thing and it was her jiggling her belly
(Also added in an old comm so there’s content too)
There are more of this?
Anybody have that one of Sayori with the rope around her neck giving a piece sign and saying “sewerslide is badass!” referencing the line from IASIP?
>>74536 sauce for the third pic?
Drawn by newgainsplus, posted by trmtum on twitter
Anyone have the nude version from his Patreon?
just curious is there anyone out there who has made proper fat versions of the character sprites?
lmao, really scraping the bottom of the barrel, posting stupid junk I put on tumblr, huh?
(1.0 MB, 1058x715, monikamenu.png) (24 KB, 300x200, thumb_monika_1.jpg)
>>80982 Thanks for dumping all the files anon, it lead to answering a question I had after all this time from playing. This is the last art I'm missing in any gallery and I was curious what I was missing.

Anyone know how to unlock it?
(294 KB, 2800x1800, natsuki.png) (329 KB, 2800x1800, yuri.png) (259 KB, 2800x1800, immobile sayori.png) (403 KB, 2800x1800, monika.png)
Got some requests from joekie3wl on patreon to make all of the girls from ddlc immobile. Spoilers are applied for that reason.
Good lord that Monika is GOOD. god tier shit
Could you do the same thing with that special day please? I'd appreciate it :>
dat's Sayori tho
Does anyone have a better version of this pic
Anyone have this comic complete?
No, because the artist hasn't finished it
She is the tallest out of them all.

Something I've noticed with all this ddlc fats art.
Monika has well rounded fat distro but mostly in her thighs (Monika's thighs joke). Sayori's is always in her butt or bottom heavy pear. Yuri's is of course in her chest top heavy. Natsuki's is always in her belly only, ironic given her situation in-game due to starving.

Personally like Natsuki's builds here.

#1 Natsuki on this really does it for me.
RemRamWaluigi on Twitter
Anyone got the other 2 girls drawn this way? The originals have been deleted from the artists DA.
source of first?
Ima need the sauce friend! Noice tummysuki.
Sauce for this? Pls
I got it from a /v/ drawthread
(99 KB, 1280x947, tumblr_1b3d4aa31ce36eb463e81fc31ef47e0e_6b1851c6_1280.jpg) (87 KB, 1115x717, tumblr_1ea554fd8ac40662d092b933f4c9b64f_e8fbaacd_1280.jpg) (120 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_2f45fb9140414d3beadc875fa35d2b6e_d8861a0e_1280.jpg) (86 KB, 1032x774, tumblr_7d0455d4d72fbf813cfe90f08a5d969b_472e9513_1280.jpg) (65 KB, 1280x747, tumblr_8c762102bdd0426a8c7ce0b7f24ff1fe_e0f1750c_1280.jpg)
She is tallest girl, might as well be as wide as you are tall.
Woah hey someone put my art here that's pretty neat.
Fifth one isn't Monika, that's Tohka from Date A Live.
(7.3 MB, 4760x6491, 119.png)
Money well spent
Wrong audio file sorry.
Put this in the dragon ball thread
I didn't mean to use that file.
user3345 on deviantart
Source of that audio file
NameTaken0 on deviantart
(8 KB, 256x256, ROBOTS.png)
ITS LEARNING! How long before we commission robots to draw what we want.
Fucking Russian/China/Africab American alliance trying to destroy art with science and AI ! Leave it to the gay autistic mathematicians to always fuck everything up with their gayness.

I wish Disney were here so he could fucking kick all of yous asses
now now
theres more we could do with it
have you tried drawing/editing over it?
pretty much meeting the AI halfway

Why in the fuck would I want to do that? What you are describing is a tool for lazy artists or those who lack talent in the arts. Perhaps even something that could be employed by greedy and cheap studios in order to maximize their profits by decreasing their spending, the result of which will always mean an inferior product.

I can see why authoritarian or totalitarian governments such as the aforementioned China, or Russia would be thrilled to have such technology at its disposal because they are garbage and they are not governments that are by the people and for the people.

None of those things are relevant to my interests.
>>98629 i know your gonna hate me saying this but many artists do start by tracing
to learn ,however i do see your point in where people refuse to move on to the next step
,theres also the point of using this as a reference instead if you like the shape and want to make something similar
i see your downsides but there are upsides to this as well
God damn that Monika

Anyone know what happened with Negative_Din btw? He set his twitter to private

I disagree with you and not only can I assure you that most artists would disagree with you but most non-artists aswell would disagree with you.

"Artists" don't start learning art by tracing. 2 year olds start learning art by tracing. I ptomise uou that you do not want in engage in a debate eith me, especially about art.

You are looking for excuses to give me for something that you do not need an excuse to do to begin with. Artists can be lazy if they want to be lazy, and on that note using a crutch is better than thievery which is what the lazy artists of the music industry and such has resorted to up til now.

Your tool that can be used in multiple ways. Some of those ways are more practical than others, but none of them are relevant to my interests nor should they be of interest to any real human who takes part in a society made by the people and for the people. What interests me is excellence and human achievement. Humans over-coming their struggles, helping one another to be part of a brighter tomorrow.

Anything that is not relevant to my interests is simply put evil. Any greed from the focus on spenditure as I mentioned, any careless oversight, and anything that does not put love first and foremost, that is what my humanitarian interests are opposed to.

Any business or service or tool or government agency for that matter that is not centered around the rights of the individual is absolute garbage to me and I will not accept it. We all know right from wrong. This tool sucks. Try your luck in China though they might love it. Other than that your endeavour to enrich yourself bores me. Time could be better spent trying to actually make some art that is good instead of the garbage I am so used to seeing everywhere. But whatever dude. I can promise you AI will make everything worse and I don't need to be a psychic to tell you that. What you need in your art is not a tool. The solution is quality; not more AI, but more human. More heart, more soul, and a lot more brain.
why are you bringing politics into this
you know what ,salt thread
because you took this way out of proportion
i was only talking about editing a ai generated image to fix its wonkyness FOR FUN
,yet you walk in here talking about china and anti-ai bs like ctfo dude , fuck off with that
im here to enjoy myself not get into a political debate ill argue back there if i have enough mental sanity do so not here
(to everyone else i didnt expect this bozo to respond like that ,so i'll make a quick sketch of content for the troubles)
You're on a fetish board Aristotle

Yes haha I am glad that you enjoyed it, friend. I aimed to please. It wasn't so much philosophy or politics as you say it is because that is what you are accustomed to. I hope you become the next Disney and whoop everybody's ass.
Isn't disney already replacing VA's and Movie/Body Actor with DeepFace and AI anyways? How long until traditional animation and art is used to train an AI to animate and draw by strings and scenario types out?
CoolViki on deviantart
You should more often, these are great! Got a twitter or DA to follow?
(253 KB, 3000x2400, EuDrLn2XIAMcNfQ.jpg)
Last thread was from 2020, that's a goddamn testament

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