
Maybe no one suggested her?
Hope the redhead gets even fatter than her girlfriend
This page is a damn work of art.
That second one... there's something wrong with the perspective, maybe the ceiling's too low? It looks like some of them are eight feet tall.
But at the end of the day is it canonical? Bws has mentioned that it is? Or is it just an assumption based on some drawings?
(109 KB, 170x296, 1539465476187.png) (232 KB, 1600x1027, what_s_20_more_when_you_ve_already_had_100__by_better_with_salt_degbu3e-fullview.jpg)
It's probably the perspective
A basic kitchen counter is about 3 feet tall
Rebecca and Nino are supposed to be like 5'3
Niku's about on the same plane as Nino and judging by Nino's height and using the counter to measure, she's about 5'10
Though even with that the ceiling seem WAY to close making everyone look taller than they should be

Though when I look at >>133007 Salt seems like he makes her grow in height for some reason the fatter she gets, even with her being more in the foreground
I argue this show's even in some other art when she's at larges sizes liking to compensate for making them bigger
as far as I know there's been no mention of height for any of Salt's characters or the OC's of friends he draw's
More into short girls but your OCs I guess
based bbw-minigts enjoyer
amen; more mini-gts / tall (fat) girl content when
Man I wish salt did more berry content.
Him or someone made a berry alt of the Tifa and Aerith sketch that was choice. Berry is pretty good especially for the feeder/feedee, dom/submissive kind of dynamic.
Welrodguy you must be Scooby-Doo, because I swear everything just leads back to you
what is stopping you from using a blue filter over every post
A good berry girl and a well drawn anatomically correct Bbw or even ssbbw don’t have the same weight distribution. BWS has proven to be adept at both designs, but he rarely does Berry girls outside the occasional commission.

There are some alt takes on Berry girls who experience rapid weight gain first, before finishing the berry transformation but that’s more hybrid of two fetishes than the usual berry girl transformation. You could theoretically use blue filters on Bws’s larger ssbbws if you like that direction
height growth with weight gain is weird
It’s weird but its hot, honestly i’d be both scared and really aroused if a massive 8’5 lady was next to me😭
(27 KB, 640x359, 567da4c0ddd0d6eeb70f5d10e1f59ea07445127eb836a45f60b7fe0d8f06469a_1.jpg)
>Gaining 3 extra feet when you gain weight isn't weird
Look, I know it's your fetish but I find it weird.
In fact some people associate it with poor anatomy/proportions.
I'm not trying to shit on it, especially since I've wacked it to some squarewave stuff or that one fucking doujin, so i'm clearly not one to judge this case, but i do hope you understand some people do find it weird.
>that one fucking doujin

Lemme guess, 177013?
There are much weirder things people fetishize than growth / size difference. If this is enough to weird you out, then you clearly haven't spent much time on the internet lol. Compared to other, less popular fat fetish artists I've seen over the years. bws' anatomy is stellar. He straddles the bamboe-ale or toroboro-esque line of realistic 'blob' rendering without ever fully committing to it, which more easily retains the element of fantasy with this fetish.
>There are much weirder things people fetishize than growth / size difference.
Yeah, anyone here has probably been on /d/.
I'm saying it can be weird in the spectrum of this fetish to some poeple.
It's not like inflating knees or TF into a toilet
Loads of artists automatically make characters at least two heads taller when they get fat and in a lot of cases I don't think it's even deliberate. It's annoying because short fatties are hot too and no one gets them right.
I do have a thing for tall women but find weight gain combos best with short stature as it emphasizes the weight in the most dramatic fashion.
(1.3 MB, 3812x2602, Private 11-22.png)
Anyone has the colored version of these?
>>133169 The Raven you can find on dA, and I believe I've seen the Hana Uzaki colored once.
yo dude, got any other nikume and serena commissions from other artists that we can enjoy?
(68 KB, 1280x720, joker phone.jpg)
"hello artist? Id like to commission a stuffing, but she grows TALLER instead of WIDER"
Jokes on you that’s what I wanted
I'll just be here. Waiting for the next fully colored immobile, in however many months that'll be cause getting the chance to work with Salt is impossible unless you're close to him, which I'm not.
Will it have immobility that's not from stuckage?
This makes me wanna comm Salt to do Giant Ojou -Sama if he ever opens them
Someone have the yor sequence?
It is but making the character your drawing taller as they gain is easier to draw so that's why people do it
Well taking a closer look at the image the quality is dick but if you want a clearer image check the kemono
wait is salt gonna actually post tonight or is he just doing the year in thing...it's fine if he doesn't i don't care
guys salt posted an hour early
...I have a feeling chloe is gonna be blob size by the end of 2023
>>133336 hell yeah more of the OCs
That's not going to happen.
(2.8 MB, 5469x2100, betterwithblobs.png)
Chloe trying to terrorise the rest of the girls when she can't even lift her own ass off the coach would be my "thank you, I'm die forever moment."
Or maybe a sequel to that squashing pic when she can fit all three under her tooshie.
Don't be a negative nancy. This Anon >>133387 makes a good point.
Believe me, immobile Chloe is something I'd want to see from Salt, and she's the most likely OC of his that it would happen to. But his track record shows that he's still too afraid to commit.

>Side note
I find it extremely ironic that whenever I try to be hopeful for an immobile on this thread, I get called a blobfag, but when I try to keep my hopes down despite my desires, I get called a negative nancy. I am one unlucky bastard.
I'd like to see it too but I concur that it's probably not happening. Salt is the kind of guy who likes to tell stories with his characters and someone who can't move isn't going to do a lot of interesting stuff.
(21 KB, 168x152, 168167173616.jpg)
How many joules of kinetic energy may this lard tub hold?
I think it's an altocumulus cloud, let's say with an altitude of 6000 m.

The formula for kinetic energy is KE = 0.5 m v^2
The velocity at the time of impact can be calculated using V=√2gh, where g is the gravitational acceleration and h is the altitude from which the person falls (in this case, 6000 meters).

g = 9.81 m/s^2
h = 6000 meters
V = √(29.816000)
V = 414.323 m/s

KE = 0.5 600kg (414.323 m/s)^2
KE = 104,039,817 joules
To convert 104,039,817 joules of impact energy to tons of TNT, divide the energy by 4.184x10^9 joules/ton:
104,039,817 / (4.184x10^9) = 0.0250 tons of TNT

Its a rather humble weapon, albeit quite nasty.
Uh... Okay. And you're sharing this scientific information (and a Nicocado Avocado pic) because...?
(3.5 MB, 3861x2560, Too Much Skin!.png)
The 600kg mass estimate is incredibly generous and this doesn't appropriately factor in terminal velocity due to air resistance, which is about 53m/s for a normal person and I don't imagine it would be much faster for someone that size. Also please never post anything ever again, thanks.
>someone who can't move isn't going to do a lot of interesting stuff.
Which is why you save it for the very end of the story.
I had no other ideas anyway so on it
It is. Those calculations should be adjusted. Albeit the center of mass and other such parameters would be crucial if we think that might be a good choice of weapons to make.

Interplanetary warfare will typically rely on a combination of kinetic weapons (missiles, directed energy weapons, etc.) and non-kinetic strategies such as orbital placement of satellites & other assets for surveillance, communication disruption and cutoff of vital resources. During war, the goal is to dominate space both within the reachable limits of resources around each planet and its moons by placing as many military assets as possible at strategic locations with an effective means of manufacturing, defensive and offensive capability. 

Many novel weapon designs can develop over time to meet the growing threats posed between competing planetary governments. Transorbital bio-machines can leverage living organisms as weapons, which can be released into orbit or launched towards a target to affect the strategic plans of population growth, infrastructure damage or psychological warfare. Living gene-constructed relativistic weapons can also be used to dramatically change the frames of attack or communication delays that can give one side or planet a tactical advantage during conflicts. 

Due to population growth on Earth, it has become increasingly important to understand that extractable biomass could be converted into usable energy either directly through deployed harvesting equipment stored aboard the harvesting units, or through synthetically engineered systems that focus on modifying collected biomass into usable material forms.

So it will be, orbital biomachines, swarms of decentralized combat humanforms, humans as a source of resources.
hey can someone post the newsletter?
(238 KB, 764x1280, 1.webp) (476 KB, 820x566, 2.webp) (60 KB, 820x552, 3.webp) (637 KB, 820x817, 4.webp) (455 KB, 820x736, 5.webp)
Melony won the Sequence
D.Va prequel
Nora Sketch Upgrade
Fat and Beautiful/Ochako revised Explicit winners
>and someone who can't move isn't going to do a lot of interesting stuff.
Not if you center the action around the immobile blob herself. Expand your mind, lad.
Again, it's why you save immobiles for the very end or close to it. Are my comments invisible to people?
idk im not into blobs but it seems like at that point there aint much room for character outside of how they cope with being bedridden. imo all blobs are the same character with different wigs, would love to be wrong tho
Excited for all of it zamn
tonight's salt posting, who's excited?
Patreon is being shit right now
image fucking salt remaking the whole calendar artwork
I'd buy a better with salt calendar
Curvy-fat is underrated.
I remember in the past someone did colorized version of BWS's sketches, does anyone still have them?
Yay, another skinny bitch...
Yay, another whiner.

>on a serious note:
That girl isn't even skinny.

Next time you'll start whining about how oppressed the SSBBWfags and blobfuckers are and how humble they're compared to chubbyfags, I'll just send you the screenshot of your post.
That's quite the assumption to make.
(381 KB, 1450x1137, Peach Cake.png)
weirdo with hyper-niche taste discovers his taste is hyper-niche and isnt represented 101% of the time
>blobfag literally wanting BWS to draw bigger than what he’s ever done before throws a bitchfit every time it isn’t blobs
Color me surprised
>>134209 I don't have the picture on me but I'd love to see his very first dA image with the girl looking back with a big shelf.

That split timeline picture is getting even bigger now holy shit
This is really good. Was this a commission, because there hasn't been any announcements for a long while now.
ngl this dude’s art looks AI generated
This guy's funny, let's talk to him instead.
I'm like 50/50 sure it's either just a comm or Welrodguy gets art of his OC's for free when ever Salt just feels like it since he likes them
The tag for it on Patreon says it was a commission, was there not long ago. Hasn't been any notifications about commissions being open in a long time.
I'm now convinced that it's impossible to commission him unless you're very close to him since he sticks to the same handful of people.
ive heard salt has close ties to many elite and global politicians, including the presidents. truly his circle is tightly knit and high paying
(115 KB, 384x384, unnamed.png)
Last time I saw the Comm sheet, it was on their Patreon only, and back in like March of '22.
Since then they've done like about 20 with this new one.
Arguably he either has a lot of slots to take allowing his friends to take more than one slot (don't see a "only one slot per person" message)
or Fills those slots, with his friends getting pretty much a free slot then after they get filled allows his friends to get one after if he's in the mood.

There's also the $25 tier on his patreon that pretty much guarantees a free sketch as well as a roll over if they don't use it for one month.
if BWS had a battlepass would yall get it
So what you're saying is Welrod guy is Biden and Lucyguy is Obama
How would an art battlepass work?
Would he just draw specific characters from the battle pass?
Would the people paying for it get to choose a character he could draw at least once per that battlepass duration?
(1.7 MB, 2359x3061, Bustin Out.png)
like youd get stuff for doing challenges, except the stuff would be art that gets better and better as it goes, maybe a progression with voted on chars
biden could never appreciate fatties, nor could he handle them, even if he wanted to. trump is secretly lucy guy and welrod is probably some high ranking military commander
>like youd get stuff for doing challenges, except the stuff would be art that gets better and better as it goes, maybe a progression with voted on chars
That honestly sounds like a nightmare to manage on Salts side
(2.5 MB, 1683x2709, Cassie_Bday.png)
the only challenge would be giving him money lol. if he wanted to do something more community level, i bet he could but it just doesnt seem in character, and yeah a logistical nightmare.

i bet people would clear their calendars if salt ever announced a date/time for open, free for all comms
Someone on one of the older BWS threads said they tried to commission him, but was turned down from being "not selected". Despite that, some people are still able to get multiple commission slots. It's both sketchy and disrespectful to his other patrons who would be grateful to work with him even once.
And where's Nora? Wasn't the last stream he did supposed to be when he finished her?
No. Fuck off with putting an abhorrent game mechanic that preys on even more of your fomo to get you to spend more money. The whole idea of making fat art through patreon is already has enough of that lol
Sorry if I'm being derivative but does anyone know when the next page of the comic releases?
Late January most likely the last week of the month
My guy that doesent even come close to saxxon sizes
Comparing them both, I'd say Saxxon makes girls gain too large too quickly for comfort. Besides, his stuff is mainly nothing but text, text, some drawings, and, you guessed it, more text.
BWS on the other hand, though just as obsessed with Lucy, is more sensible about sizes and gain.
>Unintentionally brought up a deep lore
Any chance to upload the sketches separately? Didn't know that was them.

A Saborina reference might happen? I mean they'll end up demolishing their home with their own massive bodies.
(483 KB, 1539x1530, 5c05598b0987457fe93555ee56ff51d8a98288c2679f64bfce3c9a4c963ce6fb.png) (992 KB, 1658x2481, 2b808c8db09076012901248da15acaf01fdca94d5be7d6ad90c06165332f23bc.png) (85 KB, 768x1041, aqua_but_with_extra_sea_salt_by_1011zap_ddx13vo-pre.jpg) (83 KB, 675x1183, all_that_and_a_bag_of_chips_by_better_with_salt_dfegjt6-pre.jpg) (641 KB, 1698x1696, 0fbee4db4d1b445709b3948de8b2fc8231e8ed66ad3db82b8ee860569c0cf3d2.png) (4.9 MB, 3357x2029, Relaxed_Sei.png)
I honestly just wonder how she can afford all of that
Any news on the Nora upgrade? Was supposed to be done last stream, but the stream for tonight is for other sketches.
>>134871 That one's getting an upgrade?
Yeah, it won the most recent sketch upgrade poll.
Boy I wish I could make cool art but I'm an idiot millenial nerd. I wish there was someway I could make art without even moving a finger. If I had money it could be different. My PC's board came with an on board GPU but I don't have $160 for an entry level graphics card.
>>134883 Nice. That image is probably one of my favorites from him.
Speaking of lucy, did bws partially give up on the redraws or is he just to busy with the comic and other stuff?
The redraw series were commissions.
(1.4 MB, 2905x3152, Chloe.png)

That's some good shit. Hoping there's profiles for the other girls soon.
I can’t wait to see the rest
Was about to post that myself. Only asked in the first place because BWS was so slow with it when he said that he would finish the upgrade last week.
He did finish it last week. He did it in his stream last Thursday. I watched him do it
Wonder why he was so slow to post Nora then? He's done other posts where he would post them as soon as they're completed.
Not really. I've never seen him post anything he worked on in stream right after. From my experience, there's normally a week or two before those pieces post
Huh, could've swore he did that with some sketches last month. Maybe my memory is off point?

You're prolly thinking of the $25 patron sketches. Since they're usually the last post of the month, they tend to come out right after the final stream.
That could be it, although these last few streams including tonight's has focused on the sketches. The Melony sequence and the D.va prequel will probably be last this month.
Fat girls getting off on humiliation really gets the blood pumping into my penis.
I couldn't give less of a shit about him, Lucy is just cute
Yeah honestly, we had a lucy dryspell for a minute there. Fr as long as it isn't the same body shape, same angle, same shit over and over again with Lucy, he can keep rolling the spergbucks in.That's where Axel failed, he kept doing the same shit until everyone was sick of it.
>we had a lucy dryspell for a minute there.
Except that was a good thing.

>That's where Axel failed, he kept doing the same shit until everyone was sick of it.
Except that's what Lucyguy does as a commissioner. The Pyra continuation was the only exception, and that only happened because he knows how much Lucy/Rebecca he gets already and how people are too braindead to think for themselves to vote for something different.

>Fr as long as it isn't the same body shape, same angle, same shit over and over again with Lucy
We've seen >>135836's size and shape of Lucy many times by BWS, and Lucyguy never has her go above that. Hell, the Christmas Lucy from last month had her LOSE weight from the previous year so she could stay in the same weight range. Angles are the only things he does differently with her.
Figures I'd miss one that was sketched, but even then, that's one out of how many? Was it suggested by Lucyguy?
It's from the edit thread, it got rid of lucyguy tickling her
So he did suggest it then. Even at Lucy's biggest, he had to add himself to ruin the fun.
I'm suprised this sequence doesn't involve LucyGuy trying to Samara himself into Fairy Tail
That's because the original comic does not star his OC.
i still maintain BWS could probably change her hairstyle and color and sell it as the Character of the month or whatever. He'd still make bank.
(13 KB, 640x384, greaah.webp)
Don't say I didn't warn you when the janitors clean your comments up. It's 2023, we should be over the whole Lucyguy debate.
Would the janitors beg to differ?
The boobs ain't even drawing right rather than being on the front there on the inner side
Can you please tell me why it's not drawn right, as you stated?
I take it you have nothing to say, let alone say biased nonsense. Don't blame me when the janitors come here.
welrod guy, if you see this...I wanna chat with you on DA, my account name there is xxxQUICKSCOPEGODxxx
so is this the final page, or is there gonna be more?
Welrod guy, if you see this…kill yourself, now!
Late January there will be more
that's some good shit right there
(591 KB, 2805x3137, bws melony.jpg)
Edited out her eyebags, because my autistic ass was bothered by it. Sharing just cause.
makes her look significantly younger lmao
I like Salt, but idk this one felt kinda….boring?
I mean considering what he was working with, I'm surprised it even looks this good. Melony's whole personality is "Ice Gym Leader" and "Mom"
Naw Melony is great fat milf, her gigamax version should have had her considerably fatter and less dressed imo
makes me hope Salt does a nude alt
>her gigamax version should have had her considerably fatter
Agreed, but Salt is too much of a coward to do bigger sizes when it's appropriate.
I'm thinking he should do a shota bellyfucking alt but hey, that's just me.
>/ss/ makes you a pedophile now
God I fucking hate you twitter "puritans." Go back to glorifying trannies or whatever on your own site.
I hate to break this to you, but outside your bubble shotafags and lolifags are seen as weird by wider society. Don't have to be a tranny licker to see a duck as a duck.
hating pedophiles = i love trannies!!! retarded mother fucker kill yourself you pedo freak
You're all stupid and homosexual. I'm capable of marrying a little girl, but I would never let any of you nutters near any of my daughters no matter how old they were they could be like 40.
I just found out BWS is against the "she's a child/stop drawing underage characters" bullshit. Fuckin based
Hasn’t BWS drawn underage characters in the past though? The only one I can think off the top of my head is Ann from Persona 5.
I said he's AGAINST people who complain about underage characters.
Any news on couple stuff
He's said he plans to restart it at the end of the month. He has at least two confirmed things left this month, the ochako nude alt and the DVA prequel and there are at least 4 days of posting before the end of January. So likely this week or the week after that
Think they meant resume it.
/ss/ makes you a retard with garbage taste that was never loved as a child
Also ironic coming from the fact that a lot of trannies are pedos
There's a New Nat art
Bruh… Asserting someone not doing something they don’t want to do makes them a coward is logical fallacy.
Too rich for my blood. I'm already paying $5
Bruh, being a dumb cowardly zoomer means your opinion is worthless.
don't worry guys, someone will swoop in and give it to us.. we just to wait...
ight now we need is Nicole's Hayley's Sammy's Nikume & Serena's all the MFs from FFTE's OC sheets and we golden
McDowell is a Scottish last name she's a red head shes pale so chances are she's probably Scottish too
Can we just forget about bws and his autistic behavior and replace him AI?
What's wrong with autism?! I'm autistic! We're just trying to live our lives. Sorry if being obsessed about my passions is annoying. That I think deeply about the things I enjoy. That I do my best to learn as much about it as I possibly can.
Ignore him man, people being passionate about their hobbies is what makes life interesting. It's always more fun to talk to someone passionate than someone who doesn't care.
Ignore him. The idiot has been posting his inane half coherent rambling in every thread for weeks now. He's probably some one who got banned by an artist and is super salty, or Gecko being a retard again.
Ignore him, he is a black (AKA a nigger) and the blacks are the most unintelligent race besides Australian Aboriginals.
I still miss the predominantly pear-shaped design for Nat…
Idk man, looks pretty pear-shaped to me...
She’s still a pear but not nearly as much of one. She’s got a lot more belly now - good on its own, but it doesn’t feel like BWS made her thighs bigger to compensate.

Then again, maybe I’m just retarded.
Seek rope frog poster
Racist! There's tons of black people who are intelligent. Various ethnicities have people who are quite intelligent.
>older sister
Salt's been holding out on us.
Belly is better anyway.
New page
Page 15's DeviantArt post says the next page isn't happening for a few more days according to Salt. Learn to be patient.
Good fucking thing I’m not a paying Patron. Imagine him taking so long the free release has caught up.
(582 KB, 3008x1686, Stuffed Turkeys.jpg)
At least I'm getting good stuff like this for waiting. I don't mind if the pages are delayed.
That line of thinking only works if he hasn't been producing anything of worth in the meantime. Which is bullshit.
That's right. He said he wanted to catch up on all his December commitments since they fell behind from the holidays, then he's been busy with January's sketches, which he hasn't released yet. Also been doing those reference sheets of his OCs.
He also said that last 5 pages will be weekly releases on Patreon once it continues, with DeviantArt getting them a month later.
It’s no eligible apparently
It's on the continuation poll this month and is currently winning.
>>137561 I honestly don't mind I just wanna see more of his four OCs
I like the prequel more
Hopefully he does an explicit of both
>>137778 All those detailed backgrounds had to go some. Is nice.
I have gaslit myself into thinking that is high quality AI art… I know salt took basically a long time to perfect the more hand drawn style but still…there’s something about that feels uncanny valley to me
Salt drawing in a reqlisrice style is so goddamn uncqnny
*realistic style, goddamn sausage fingers
the lower half of the face looks very realistic and then the top half looks very cartoony
And after this anyone can say, that bws’s arts are good. No, they uglier than AI arts. And he must be replaced
This isn't 'realistic' y'all need to step outside.
It looks like Pixar concept art to me
Artist shizo, be easy
Well it still looks uncanny (to me)
Beat it. There's no way you could convince anyone that AI is superior in any serious way.
When I see the current (more polished) state of AI art it reminds me of illustrations from back in the mid 2000s when good artists were becoming hard to find and budgets for freelance art were low.
Probably because fat art usually isn't rendered this well

My main takeaway from AI art has been how bad some people's 'eye for art' is, DA is flooded with generations that aren't even good. If you're generating 50 images, only share the best one, not all of them - I call it 'photographer strats'
Realized what bothers me with this picture so much.
Her eyes are too big
I think it's also a step too far outside his usual anime inspired style, so the combination of realistic laugh lines around her mouth and cartoonish eyes makes it look kind of weird. Can't say I fault him for wanting to experiment with his style though.
Personally I think he should make some more western inspired, cartoony fat art, just with a little more practice.
>Melissa mcCarthy
Now here's a really good drawing, I for one think he did a great job mixing stylized anime and pinup art
Fucking hell anon, you didn't need to go for the jugular.
>>137971 Low blow. There's a few fat women I will not get hard to, she's one of them. That ghoulish bitch Amy Schumer is another one.
>Personally I think he should make some more western inspired, cartoony fat art, just with a little more practice.
Western stuff makes up less than 10% of what's posted on this board and for good reason. Anime art was the best thing to ever happen to fats.
Wasn't the page supposed to come out today?
gotta be honest with you anon, he never did couple stuff it was just a fever dream
(620 KB, 657x752, Cont 3.PNG)
Get in there and vote 4
Vote 3
Vote 5
Vote 2
I want 1 to win. If he drew her facesitting that would be sick
I'm surprised there's anyone at all saying anything from Better With Salt is too big. Not sure if this true, but I heard he turns down bigger suggestions as he doesn't want to do immobiles for continuations. If it is true, then it would explain why immobiles win the sketch upgrade polls so much.
(191 KB, 1280x1068, automeal_mechanic_by_better_with_salt_ddygqaq-fullview.jpg) (161 KB, 1280x921, automeal_mechanic__blubberhood_by_better_with_salt_dea614o-fullview.jpg)
wouldnt surprise me, since immobiles only really have one pose, one body type and one personality. imo the type gets boring just looking, and even more so if i ever had to draw them back to back.

on a separate note I wish bws did more slimthick or just regular art. their style is nice and would be nice to see
I just realized these threads aren't rant threads. They are threads for an artist named Salt. That explains some
>brunette timeskipped to be double in size
Welp there goes my interest in this comic. I feel like the size brainrot has gotten way worse with salt recently after their patreon revenue went up, I suppose the blob singularity is close
How many more pages of this comic do we have left before the end?
>>138123 Blames the jannies and schizos
I think 4 more after this... hopefully the ending is good and not a all in "Le head" story.
or a mean spirited ending....
I'm glad you understood that reference
Would post more examples, but they belong to different artists and this thread is supposed to be about Better with Salt.
90% of Japanese artists have absolutely no clue what makes good BBW art and westerners beat them out consistently.
(7.0 MB, 2952x2160, ee1c1dc093e21413ace3ab20abf916fe7c90dc2913b9313da5f2aca7be917fd7.png)
Immobiles don't do much so I agree with you that they're generally not interesting by themselves, at least the way most people do them, but you can do a lot of stuff with them in terms of personality. Not everyone copes equally well with being stuck in the same bed every day of their life. Just takes a good writer to make the most of it.

>90% of Japanese artists have absolutely no clue
I agree. In my opinion they are more skilled and less evil/lazy than western "artists", but at least they are artists! Western culture as a whole sucks and modern western art is a joke (Even to online prostitutes). It's not the worst of the worst though and a handful of "western" artists' work is enough to outshine anything from the Asians (Even though most of it is stolen ideas and styles, and most of the artists usually aren't "white Americans".)

I'd say everybody's art pretty much sucks these days and most artists are probably homosexual men. I haven't looked at the statistics though. I think things will get better once anime dies and the internet stops being a "scientific" data harvesting monopoly. In the time being you'll have to put up with the internet data harvested and AI derivative shitty Netflix "Originals" and other Hollywood drivel.
They miss the sbb in ssbbw and are normally just relatively thin
That or they're depicted being ugly.
(3.3 MB, 1948x3044, Does My Fat Make Me Look Fat.png)
Does this retarded discussion need to be brought up after every time he does a page of some weight gain comic?

Do you experience fear when you imagine yourself touching some grass?
>>138162 I don't know what you mean by this. I've experienced many things, many of them I'm sure would be to the interest of psychologists, or lazy artists. I'm not a whore, but I can share with you a small quantity if I feel it is sufficiently important to somebody's wellbeing. What is it that you would like to know? I don't understand your question.

I experience bodily aches, pains, and sensations when I dream, and sometimes the sensations alter my dreams. Sometimes the sensations confuse me in my dream, and other times I might feel a stomach cramp as a pleasurable sensation instead of painful within my dream, later upon waking up realizing that my stomach is burning and need Tylenol.

I experience love in my dreams when I dream with Milena Velba and we are out on a date walking down an old street in Greece holding hands, I experience love. Like Peter Pan and Wendy, I beg her to not go, but she always leaves.
It takes someone who does them more regularly to make the most out of them, as well as imagination. If you think about it realistically, then of course you won't like immobility.
Immobiles are just objectively purely for purely gluttonous results. Just one who has taken obesity to another place, usually also as a purely fetishistic thing.

but damn if it doesn't make me go goblin mode for girls who are drawn like that, outside of drawn art irl just feels wrong
Now that we have a prequel, it's time to ask for a sequel
I get the feeling it's gonna be feedee becomes feeder and vice versa type of ending. Should've been obvious from the last few pages, but hey I could be wrong.
i think we will get a feeding sequence and the redhead will say she wants to be the fatter one, and last page will be another timeskip
Does anyone remember their names? I can’t recall for the life of me, but they’re still cute as fuck and if they do funnel feeding stuff my heart would explode
Bigger girl's name is Courtney.
>same butterfly shirt
Fun way to emphasize their changing sizes, how the "smaller" girl is now heavier than the bigger one used to be
this story has been a complete mess but damn the progression is A+

This rocks. Am I crazy or is he using present Adeline as the reference for Courtney?
How has it been a mess?
It hasn't, they're just the people looking for anything to complain about BWS because reasons.
Exactly some people can’t just be happy with what they have
god damn those titties and belly look wonderful!
My guy there have been like 2 plot points in the entire story thus far. There isn't even enough story to get messed up in the first place.
No but, see, they've gotten fat so far, but what if in the future...they get fat? Bet you didn't think about that. It takes a very specific and careful sequence of events to get fat.
>>138467 Maybe you're just too smart for your own good. Ever thought about that? Do more thinking then, and less talking, because you sound like a retard and if you persist then perhaps someday somebody will have no choice but to humiliate you and your culture publicly
It's supposed to be a generic wg plot for wank material. It's not supposed to be that deep.
>>138486 Stop saying same thing over and over It's not that deep.
Why are you replying to me dude.
it was just a joke m8 relax
This. That Mai is too good to be stuck in sketch purgatory.
I wonder if anyone could isolate each pic

Doesn't take a Phd to do it yourself.
Damn this is real good stuff
Does anybody have an update on that one anon from like 2-3 BWS threads ago who somehow landed a gf because he said his favorite artist was Salt?
>>138664 I agree. Salt is best artist in the western hemisphere.
Holy fuck that Ochako. That's a scenario that needs to be drawn more. Fat chick's breaking the floor beneath them is so God damn hot
>>138665 Fat artist, yeah. But for me with Western, Frazetta and his nephew Ken Kelly. If you like metal, you've probably seen some of their art on album covers.
Does anyone have that animation of any deciding what food she wants to eat? It was on Vimeo but I can’t find it
Does anyone have anything Lucy just asking
To whoever colored this in: you’re a good man, thank you.
Though I still hope it gets an official upgrade so that it can be on explicit polls
Yeah I would but it’s seems that the fairy tale thread is almost at it’s limit
But I could try and see but thank you
What's to stop you from creating another one?
(4.9 MB, 2470x1582, lucyedit.png)
Just in case, here's an edit I collected from the edit thread.
Is anyone else saving their loads for the next couple stuff page? i'm just curious
Yes, yes we are

Lucy would probably frustrate me like she does other people in the thread if she were just a normal OC but the fact that she comes from something and is so different than when she started just kind of works for me.
Well, mark your calendars
Damn he’s milking this for all he can
Not like this is what he lives from
Never would have thought that someone would use the term “milking” to describe Salt when he’s clearly the most hard working artist in the fatty art community. Great things take time to accomplish.
shouldn't the page be already out?
Would it be rude to ask for a nude edit?
What I mean is that salt went from this being a 15 page story being posted 1-2 times a week to a 20 page story being posted once a week after a delay of 1-2 months. Not saying there’s anything inherently wrong with that but it’s clear that the process shifted after seeing how people were eating this comic up
Or maybe he just wanted to do more with these two two girls
I love the simple colors in this, feels kinda pastel and not overdone, glad to seemore.
a feeding sequence in a weight gain comic?! you're a psychic
you can predict the future like I did a couple times! holy shit!
I wanna try!

I see... People bitching about the comic they don't pay for
I asked salt about if he’s gonna do a piece of art for April fools where his OCs meet themselves from an alternate universe, what do you guys think of that idea?
>>139433 As in like the main 4 OCs weight swapped around, kinda like that Pewbutt picture?
Maybe that or the girls are boys in a AU or Sammy is a cyborg in a AU or something kinda more than “Le Chloe but skinny!?!?!!!?”
>>139422 Have you ever had strange nightmares of things that had not yet happened or seen? Have you ever had nightmares of evil alien-like faces staring at you?
This would honestly be hilarious in the context of the Serena/Nikume alternate realities that have unfolded
I am not the same guy but let me tell you that you're really good, also thanks for doing this
I hope like someday we get an oc reference for these two like Chloe and nat
It sure would be good to at least know the redhead's name.
May i ask for a nude edit if possible?
Thank you! These are top notch!

>all your criticism is invalid and useless, unless you paid for something

This is your brain on shilling, ladies and gents.
(284 KB, 820x609, 1.webp) (59 KB, 820x513, 2.webp) (332 KB, 820x575, 3.webp) (287 KB, 820x472, 4.webp)
Continuation Poll Winner
Sketch Upgrade Winner
And the Two Explicit Poll winners
Any work in progress artwork?
can someone update his kemono page?
(893 KB, 1018x719, joker's trick.png)
"hello, BWS? i'd like to commission a sequence of Sammy overcoming her weight problems and becoming a tennis star again"
(42 KB, 400x500, the bat.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2481x3508, 21.png) (1.6 MB, 2481x3508, 24.png) (3.3 MB, 2481x3508, 30.png)
"Hello, BWS? This is the commissioner. I'd like a sequence of Sammy overcoming her weight problems and becoming a tennis star again, WITHOUT losing weight"
Unironically I'd like to see a sequence or comic of Sammy getting a BF but he's a feeder trying to sabotage her weight loss
(197 KB, 1062x1518, 31.jpg) (310 KB, 1062x1518, 36.jpg) (459 KB, 1062x1518, 37.jpg)
Oh god, all sweaty, stomach and other digits bouncing constantly, form fitting sports wear. Oh my wallet, oh it hurts. Makes me think of this old KKR comic
Holy shit, we need more animations like this
Noice. Maybe I'll add some stomach sound effects in afterwards.
It's been a while since the last time I saw these, It's such a pity nobody ever translated them, even after all thse years :(
Hey that’s pretty damn good! I would suggest making the ripple effect more pronounced.
I just added the sound in, the original video is here: >>140039
(6.3 MB, 2028x2280, MaiChug.mp4)
here fellas have another
>adding to >>140054
What I'm saying is, I would like to have a sort of animation which transitions from this: >>140054
To this: >>139783
Don’t care which drawing/sequence or how it’s done, best girl Nikume deserves an animation too
If anyone’s got the new couple stuff page you’ll make my day
Never mind I’m blind apparently
This has a lot of potential. Motion graphics that can convey depth and volume were made for these big girls. I'd pay to see more.
Did Sammy always have slight bags under her eyes? They seem new.
>>140251 Caffeine can have negative effects and make you tired if you're not careful.
I know that the changes feel new though

Caffein mostly affects the nervous system, and its effects are immidiate. Its effects are similar to what you experience from sugar and fat energy, except unlike sugar and fat it doesn't provide any actual energy. What this means is that if you have no energy already stored or if you lack sleep caffein will not do much good. There are other roots and beans that would be better in those occasions, but most people drink coffee with food and sugar.

Warm coffee warms up your stomach and thus your body. The warmth generated from the outside or the inside of the body increases blood flow and breath rate. Increased oxygen to the brain also plays a part in "waking you up". The acid in coffee can cause what they call a chemical reaction in your stomach that can further warm your body. This acidity can cause heartburn and inflammation, and coffee can act as a mild laxative on your stomach and intestines, probably from metabolism I would guess.

Everyone's body reacts differently to coffee and caffeine because it's a food and not a drug. If you notice any changes in the body you are supposed to stop drinking or eating to see if the body gets back to normal. This is to diagnose if it's coffee causing the changes.
>>140262 For me, every day before I go to work, it's get coffee ready, jump in the shower, drink coffee and maybe grab a banana or something to help it go down, and that usually lasts me the entire day (I do furniture-based carpentry). If I need it, I'll grab an energy drink. However, it doesn't really matter sometimes how much caffeine I have in me, if I'm travelling or helping with a delivery (mostly by car lately) my body seems to want to fall asleep very quickly.
>more cyborg shit
I hope welrodguy gets run over
It’s not even cyborg shit, she just has a metal arm prosthetic. Are you mentally challenged or what?
New thread here: >>140367 (Cross-thread)

Also, idk how, but I made a numbering mistake on my other thread, and managed to bait the AI-fag.
Ok, new comic page tomorrow, thoughts?
bit anxious if role reversal happens

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