
>>132441 (OP)
You're reaching for ideas if you think this is good. Well it's not. This has to be one of the dumbest ideas in a while.
Sauce on the second one?
It was colored via the colorization thread.
There's a discord with around 15 fat artists in it and their close followers, who intentionally make dumb useless threads to bump off good topics. So lesser known artists fall off the catalog quicker along with links to their paywalled content.

Bamboo is the ringleader but not the server owner. I forget who the owner is because its been a while since I heard from the guy who's in it.
I'm not aware of that before. I just wanted to make a thread for drawings with stomach noises.
>brap on the third image
Yeah... No. Sorry
>Doesn't acknowledge that there's also a male on the 3rd image too
They do that shit on purpose. Reporting their fucking ass.
Is that really why there's been so many trash threads over the last few months?
No it's not, shut up.
No it's not. This shit belongs in /alt/.
, and I quit with this thread.
>about the male on the third image
I might have overlooked that detail. Sorry.
Don't answer in my place. Their apology is accepted.

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