
>>131794 (OP)
Is this the antithesis of the manbaby thread?
Fine, I'll bite.

I hope you get to pet a dog/cat today.
Yes it's the sister thread to it.
I love the artists that take time to sort of put their own spin on the characters they draw.
I just love a lot of the artists in this community for their art styles, J8867bbw has an immaculate artstyle that still hasn't gotten bland for me when though I've been following him for such a long time now. I wish some smaller artists got more recognition though. Theres a bunch of real gold once you sort of get past the layer of anime artists that a lot of the people on this site complain about.
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Am a big fan of Nikutsuki's work, mainly due to how big and fat they draw their waifus. However, I'm not a fan of how protective they are with their pieces as it is always a gamble posting what they already posted on Twitter (that's where they're all from) without risking a complete takedown of this thread.
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Also, I guess this could replace "The Mona Lisa of Fatty Wank" thread...
I love it when they're the size of a fridge, like can you imagine them IRL? They wouldn't fit in an ordinary door frame, how many times did they draw One Piece? That Boa definitely wakes me up.
I'd say a lot, my favorite OP drawings are the ones where Nico Robin is a massive USSBBW Sumo.
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It's so wonderful to see all of the quirky creative software these people develop. It makes me feel optimistic.
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genuinely have not been able to stop thinking about this one since i saw it the other day. actual all timer
Who is the artist, pls I need it
You must not be looking very hard, there's at least four right at the top of his deviantart gallery
Well, whats the issue? Is it trap art?
Not anymore per Word of God.

That's right because trap art is shit? Right?
No, because the character is female.
Bridget is trans trash. Trans characters are supposed to go to /ee/.
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Are we talking godlike fatart? Because if so I've got one.
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Kreatlikecrete came back recently, and although he doesn't do much colours, he always had really great stuff and is just a chill as fuck guy all around.

Always excited to see his stuff personally.

Also great thread idea, this place revels in way too much negativity sometimes.
Who are some artist you generally appreciate or just generally like the most?
Jeet and Salt for their skill and consistency, Ekusupanshon for his work ethic. Delivers quality commissions promptly and without bullshit. No wonder his slots sell out in hours.
And Magicstraw, wherever he is these days.
(3.1 MB, 1083x1650, oct_sketch_mia_winters_by_chunkerchunks_dfei4io.png) (2.2 MB, 1100x1100, chu_chu_trouble__part_3_by_chunkerchunks_df6zvy8.png) (5.1 MB, 1485x2295, fire_emblem__fats___2_by_chunkerchunks_dey45rf.png)
ChunkerChunks is relatively new to the scene and has quickly become one of my favorites. He's really great at a variety of sizes, but is especially good at sequences. The comics in particular have well-done paneling, detail, and angles that elevate them above the typical "four poses in a row on a blank background" format of a wg sequence.
Appreciation thread my ass.
RIP rant thread, it was fun while it lasted but got too schizophrenic.
I suspect he is from Thailand, but I can't help but think of him in any other way than a citizen of New-Delhi.
Jiren poster and philosopher schizo did some funni.
They'll probably be back
Until then we can just appreciate stuff.
What about Underrated artist in the community?
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Those guys were unfunny manchildren and I won't miss them.
I've said it before on a different thread, but Dranthule is one of few artists that I genuinely like as a person. He never goes on spergy political rants, keeps his mouth shut about shit like AI/loli art, doesn't antagonize his fans: he's just an all-around good dude who's very easy to talk to.
I sure as hell won't miss it, that shit single handedly brought down the quality of the board by orders of magnitude. Once those threads gained traction tons of autists and schizos came out of the woodwork. Giving them a place to roost was a huge mistake.
I'm sorry people were criticizing your favorite artist. You should be happy now that the jannies have put a soft ban on criticism.
I think it was deleted because of how much it derailed from what it was supposed to be. They also deleted the Nintendo Girls 3 Thread for some reason, but I made a new one.
Yeah, pretty much nobody was talking about artists in the last thread. Shit had run it's course and derailed into /bbwpol/ schizoposting and roleplaying. I'm glad somebody on top recognised what a sad joke it became because if it was just criticism it'd still be there.
Hopefully the asshats that lived that thread don't spread.
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That pic in the middle is chicken scratch incarnate
And now there's not any movement around to speak of.
I suppose that happened because we've run out things to talk of. After all, it's a relatively small pond and we have manged to wash everyone's bones dozen times or more.
It would have been more funny to provoke and antagonize those on twitter for the sake of it.
And what now?
Asslicking ad infinitum? If so, go to the Kipteitei thread on which the janny keeps a watchful eye.
Chaos is necessary to balance out the immovable inert state of others.
I don't know if it's been posted anywhere else, but StrangerMoist is closing their twitter.
I think it's rather cyclic process.
Toroboro saga can't prove it otherwise.

Dudeski, you don't understand! It's only acceptable to give your political opinions if they fall under social democracy and/or pure communism, anything else cHuD nOtZi hAtE sPEEcH!!!11

In other news, I had a ton of fun going through TheSongOfSwelling's gallery, realizing how much of a brain-dead, sanctimonious hypocrite he actually is.
Better archive his gallery before it's too late then!
it's a shame because the twitter spergs will keep being spergs, we unfortunately got our own autism problem as it turns out

him drawing dudes was never my problem with him, it was him throwing the entire subsect of the fetish under the bus and trying to be a wannabe trigger artist afterwards... only to go back to drawing fatties a month or two later

chunks is awesome, love their shading and lines
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I have it archived, but it's taking an age to upload to WeTransfer. I'll post a link tomorrow
>>131794 (OP)
This a spite theard against criticism. Sage
You gotta admit that it impressif how it manage to get 20 threads. I don't think I've seen any other thread get that much in such a short time
A bit late to the party, eh? DEAL WITH IT
Good. He was an unfunny, obnoxious, genuinely toxic piece of shit. Glad his art's been saved though
There were some real autists in those threads (Gecko, Jirenspammer, the idiot who got caught taking pictures of government buildings, and Kisame for some ungodly reason) which definitely sped things along. With that being said, I also get the sense that there are a ton of genuine, unaired grievances that people really wanted to get out there. I for one am glad to see that other people were as frustrated with Jeetdoh's fall from grace as I was, and it was funny seeing people expose two BBW catfishing accounts (that anti-loli grandstanders were lusting over despite the girls being obviously underaged lol) in real time.
Never been a fan, but I respect the fact that he's made some serious improvements over the years.
Who are some up-and-coming artists that you all would like to give attention to? Those that you feel are just a shy bit away from something grand.
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Don't know if any of them lurk bbwchan, but I appreciate all the garyc fat artists
I'll miss seeing people arguing about random shit and politics. I looked forward to each thread and how much more crazy it would get. Some memorable shit happened there. Shame.
I appreciate the artists who don't throw hissy fits over fictional character ages and just draw what they want to draw.
>frustrated with Jeetdoh's fall from grace
You don't like Jeet because of him drawing robots and males.

I don't like him because he's directly responsible for the "underage bad" circlejerk.

We are not the same.
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Found another underrated Japanese BBW artist called Laziness (電気とガスの消費に気を付け、節約してる) on Twitter. Makes great BBWs, but not a big fan of their state change pics. Posting it on here so the world can see it more easily.
He's not leaving Twitter altogether, just moving to his StrongMoist account.

>I don't like him because he's directly responsible for the "underage bad" circlejerk.
He wasn't responsible for that at all though? He enabled it, sure, but if you want to point fingers on who started it that blame lies squarely on RidiculousCake.
>>134880 Underage bad? What kind of queen shit is that? Where does he live, Africa?
>if you want to point fingers on who started it that blame lies squarely on RidiculousCake
No it doesn't, it lies squarely on that one female artist that got everyone together. The thing to hate about Jeet is that he's a spineless hypocrite who'll throw his fans under the bus at the smallest sign of trouble, and to make matters even worse, starts right back up on the shit he spat in his fans faces over.
FFAnumber5 is a spineless prick who let the fame got thru her head, and then everything exploted in her face when people found out she was abusing her bf for not wanting to be fatter.
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Not sure if this is place to ask this, but what happened to the Insane Ranting threads exactly? Did they get deleted? Was there a reason stating why they had to go?
I'm kind of glad their gone now because over time the genuine grievances with artists that people were getting off their chests were drowned out by literal schizophrenic /pol government conspiracy theory drivel.
Anyway, just to be on topic, I think what may be my personal favourite WG artist of all time is Miramiraclerun. The shape, the softness, the colours and shading and above all else, the cuteness! The fact that he can be so on-model with what the characters in the source material look like in it's original art style is also quite impressive. It's fat anime art done right.
Honestly my only big criticism with him is that the way he does his patreon schedule lately means that most of the stuff he's posting to his deviantart recently are old news to a lot of people who already found the art through pirated reposts on deviantart a year and a half ago.
Either way, Mira is pretty nifty.
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>Did they get deleted?
Woah, it's really hard to guess, isn't it?
>Was there a reason stating why they had to go?
Nanny janny can't handle things like that too well.
>government conspiracy
Big daddy gubbment dindu nuffin
>Honestly my only big criticism
It's /bootlicking/ thread, take your criticism elsewhere.
Mods deleted the threads where people actually aired some of their problems. (Albeit. With a lot of political shit mixed in.) I don't want to hear anything when people start going to different threads and rant on them.
>Implying that didn't happen anyway
Containment threads only work when everyone agrees they are containment threads. The threads were deleted when the discussion became about wider political issues outside of the artists themselves. "Twitter is a cesspool" is only a fresh take the first time you hear it, not the 500th.
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You won't hear anything, because they're deleting it in those threads too. The deal was we had a manbaby thread because we [as a group] voted to stop dumping on Kip in the Kipteitei thread. Now manbaby threads are banned and discussion of Kip in Kip thread is still banned.

They still have to play janitor in the Kip thread and everywhere else now, why not just play janitor in the manbaby thread and remove the schizo posting?

These guys had this entire [mostly] constructive discussion going on in the Kip thread and I watched it get nuked. That dudes whole essay of story idea and whatever, poof it's worth nothing here- goodbye! If someone writing Kip fanfic doesn't belong in the Kip thread, what does?
sorry dont have images handy but takamoom is amazing and i hate that its taboo to post them here
>its taboo to post them here
Since when?
I'm still of the opinion that the shitposting in the ranting thread was done deliberately to lead to having said ranting threads removed in the first place, seeing as how easy it is to silence dissent on this site,case in point;

>Kiptrashtrash drama
What else is new, should've just banned the whole dumpster fire his comics are from the site for being 5% related to the fetish and 95% boring generic anime stereotypical tripe.
Because femboys and trans.
That's it? You guys take needing to put tranny in /ee/ and male in /bhm/ as an artist being completely taboo? You guys really gonna put Taka on the same level as Mistystuffer?
>You guys really gonna put Taka on the same level as Mistystuffer?
I never said that, and even if I did, isn't Mistystuffer considered taboo for a different reason?
Taboo is taboo, and Mistystuffer is the only actual taboo around here; everyone else that is met with negativity is still able to post their garbage here, though if you're putting out art with garbage skill or posting content in the wrong board, you're very likely to be ran off or thrown over where you're supposed to be.
Mistystuffer stuff is probably fine in /bbwalt/, it's just that no one there WANTS to post his stuff because even that board has standards, as low as they are.
>What else is new, should've just banned the whole dumpster fire his comics are from the site for being 5% related to the fetish and 95% boring generic anime stereotypical tripe.

As if Kip fans would let their sacred cow thread be deleted.
Everyone actively attacks anyone who posts any of his pictures on sight and he's also someone no one will even try to defend, that is including lolicons. That being said, with the Zoomers starting to fill the ranks, it seems like Mistystuffers stigma has started to become lost to time since people have started one of his pictures every couple of months and it gets greeted with less torches and pitchforks.

>as low as they are
A lot of the garbage that gets posted there, belongs here.
> However, I'm not a fan of how protective they are with their pieces
What's sad is that the "Toonami Situation" is probably going to make this worse. The dude has threatened to leave over a lot less, so I wouldn't even be surprised if he quits from this
It looks like it was drawn by a 13yo at the back of the classroom.
Takacuck goes full rage mode when someone dares to repost his >masterpiece, nevermind he is a faggot.
>implying mistysharter should be posted
I'd gratefully help him leave
I dont think ive seen takacuck publicly rage over reposted art. It sounds hilarious do you have examples
Is that why they closed their patreon?
everybody posting their tranny cheese oc was fucking annoying a dark age of fat art for sure
>a dark age of fat art
Annoying as it was, it only lasted like a day or so. Stop being dramatic.
I think i am just mad they closed their patreon because of reposters when they get so much free art i still like their regular posts tho
Reposters? Then who the fuck are we, you goddamn retard? This place was made to leak Patreon and Fanbox exclusive art, don't speak as if you belong to a special elite
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Why is it so hard to get along and learn to tolerate others even if you disagree with them?
I am agreeing with you retard its stupid they closed their patreon cuz reposters
>>131794 (OP)
All artists are created equal, sure, but it's how they develop over time that matters— that's what sets them apart.
Mental Illness is rampant.

No one's created equal; some have an easier time developing their skills while others have a hard time

>No one's created equal; some have an easier time developing their skills while others have a hard time
Wtf are you talking about? We're all equal. You just better at sucking dick than me, but we are both men. We both were born. We both will be unborn.
Let me put it to you a different way into you. I came out of my dad's balls. I'm nothing like my dad. I have 3 brothers and all of them are more like my father than I am. All 4 of us couldn't be more different. We grew up in the same household but we chose different lives. You remind me a lot of my brothers because you are all stupid.
Your mother is gay btw.
And I appreciate that they, two lesbian moms found each other in these troubled times friends!
In your opinion, who is the most underrated BBW artist?
Wow Bamboo, you're so funny and quirky 😝
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Can someone upload kawaiidebu's recent drawings? I've been out of the loop wether be:
And a certain piece of Failed Gym gf putting on lipstick that got me intrigued.
>>139047 (Cross-thread)
Bruh, someone went and made a new appreciation thread while this one is still active.
Just in case if the original gets deleted. 🤓👍

Shilling is like a drug - you'll need more and more to achieve the same effect.
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I really don't get why biroooon jr gets so much hate, I think he draws quite good fat women especially among japanese artists, I get the humiliation shit he sometimes does in his comics isn't everyone's cup of tea( it isn't mine either) but u can always ignore it and only focus on weight gain objective of it cause the way he draws fat is really good.
>the way he draws fat is really good.
The example you shows has no rolls, and his fatter faces are terrible.
I second this. There's a rather flat quality to this illustration.

Not every fatty has rolls, but I definitely agree on the faces, especially the bottom one.
A shame he didn't continue doing those art. They're the best.
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debu's cowgirl sequence makes me diamonds every time i see it

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