
I remember a pic of p3 protagonist having sex with mitsuru but I can’t find it
No she was overweight laying down

someone has the whole mirai nikki sequence?
(337 KB, 1600x1447, _commission__sussi_wg_progression_08__finale__by_berserker1133-d987bcw.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1024x1024, com___carol_and_wilbur_post_by_magicstraw-d947nov.png) (639 KB, 993x709, commission_chronostudio_by_eguana-dam4c90.jpg) (285 KB, 1024x1325, creature_comforts_ii___and_the_beauty_by_kawaiidebu-d91ew3q.png) (359 KB, 1024x1325, creature_comforts_iii___growing_closer_by_kawaiidebu-d91ew6m.png) (350 KB, 1024x1325, creature_comforts_iv___domestic_monsters_by_kawaiidebu-d91ew91.png)
I think (hetero) mutual gain art is supposed be on a thread in /alt/ I say thince the guy looks like he got a bit chubby in the last one
Yeah, this is supposed to be a thread for straight couples where only the woman gains weight.
Best thread.
>Dicks in multiple images
This is why this thread should've been in /bbwalt/ and not here.
None of the males in those pic are fat or gained weight themselves
>Wahh there's hentai on my hentai board

Go be autistic somewhere else
Maybe they're a salty guy from the lesbian thread
It's still explicit/extreme content, which should be in either the /bbwalt/ or /ee/ boards. Outright sex is only allowed here if under spoilers. Read the /bbwdraw/ board rules.
Hentai involving dicks in what's supposed to be a female only board. Know your place.
>Outright sex is only allowed here if under spoilers
>Read the /bbwdraw/ board rules
You should read the rules yourself; there's noting about sex needing to be hidden.
(25 KB, 720x96, Screenshot_20230107-171604~2.png)
I'm 90% sure that sex falls into the category of alternative/extreme content. You seem to have missed the little "etc." there in the rules.
Rule literally includes examples all of which are extreme fetishes.

>Wahh that includes sex

No it doesn't. Just because you're sex repulsed doesn't make basic vanilla sex against the rules.
this might be the funniest fucking outcome of that lesbian thread existing, bravo
(3 KB, 166x83, chrome_l6n3aFOOLI.png)
don't waste your breath this thread was made out of spite of the yuri thread, and niggas been hiding behind the "TeChIcALlY" rule that seem to just be slapped on by the mods for a while now. Just hide or ignore the thread.
It doesn't outright say sex, but the "etc.", means it could be part of it. What part of your mind tells you that sex isn't extreme?
Who's the anti-yuri retard??
The sane part. Since when has regular sex ever been considered extreme by any normal definition.
>Since when has regular sex ever been considered extreme by any normal definition.
Since the decision was made for sex to be restricted to rated R movies and television's equivalent of the same rating.
Not spite, just the other straight thread was dead and thoguht I might as well revive it
(1.3 MB, 1500x1620, d489818c1ff05c150df99311fcd307989ba25f6484479488c585ce95ebe3035c.jpg) (740 KB, 4096x2662, 657f1f743c047920725b7a5de63ca3019d76ee6d7e1d3080608d5c8706e31d50.jpg) (7.4 MB, 3108x2481, 63f3529ea9b2867181686f0831b16e9d0791590df6be2106468c8106d612f28b.png) (269 KB, 1944x2048, EfQGBhDWAAE-VEa.jpeg) (542 KB, 1535x2172, 32e60f31ce1e0e8751218a31768ab13d07457c5059eb451866f1f9bbb0d76fd4.jpg) (105 KB, 1280x613, 1db98a028d3ab83f949242dadb96b3279d0196061ca29a3f647c806d2e5569ed.jpg)
Idk, found it on the dbz thread
I looked it up, it was by N0NAMI on DA, but they closed their account
Who's the artist on the fifth pic?
I don't know, I tried google search, yandex and sauceNao to no avail
I think it's a standalone pic
There was a sketch of the girl stuffing herself just to impress her crush.
(227 KB, 1280x1829, 31.jpg) (285 KB, 1280x1805, 30.jpg)
I think that was Attack on Ettin/Titan fanart the artist made
Yeah but I don’t remember the artist
In the bottom left corner
(7.9 MB, 5472x4000, _cm__ice_cream_late_at_night_by_kitkatoi_dejjb7d.png) (412 KB, 1600x1698, _comm__celes_weight_gain__9__by_cvetkanille_degymeg.jpg) (171 KB, 1280x1002, 040_just_a_craving_by_nautilustastes_deb9rx2.jpg) (52 KB, 780x913, 1469412_Sakura_Matou_01_23ce5d6d_6c92_42fa_af46_15a1f3c3bb7e.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1200x1646, super_princess_carry_by_roundersofter_dfmji2c.jpg) (654 KB, 1458x1596, tum_smother_by_theenglishgent_dcnypmd.png)
I want to get commissions of this subject matter but two characters + coloring gets expensive quickly.
Lately I've been getting into drinking beer from a funnel through my anus. I did some research and found out that I probably like it because it absorbs alcohol faster than the stomach and because many ancient cultures around the world have been doing it for centuries.
The Smile Precure pic isn't a relationship, he's just torturing her with unorthodox means.
Who drew the WG drive image with Kaede?
>4th image
Man I wish there was a version with the male protag and Rika

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