
(4.2 MB, 3508x4961, 01.jpg)
This post will focus on annonnxyz
anyone got the latest pages of Revenge? It may be a while before Kemono gets updated again...
(2.4 MB, 2539x3685, 150.png)
This is the last page I got they don't have the last 3
Does anyone have the newest pages after 150
I like how you can tell she's put on more weight just from her chunky face. She'll almost certainly be too fat for something at school, like a bench.
Nothing in this post seriously somebody have the four page of Annonnxyz?
Seriously how is no one updating his Kemono.party page? Major fail by BBWchan
Why the hell doesn't kemono update
That comic has been having male weight gain, so fuck off.
Literally two pages, talk about fragile
This is "/BBWdraw/", not "/BHMdraw/". Know your place, cause this ain't it.
Only in the memories of Cass's mother was there that, now in the new pages it seems the girls are going to make the cheerleaders fat
So please somebody update the annonnxyz kemono page
Use Patreon. Sometimes you have to pay to get what you always wanted. P.S no hate.
thanks king, you the best!
Hey, you don't know when annonnxyz will upload revenge pages again
Does anyone have new revenge pages?
NOOOOOO, CONFRONT YOUR STATEMENT! Our two lovebirds are almost fully together!
I stopped paying attention to this comic/guys work when it turned into (yet another) yuri comic, like almost everything else having to do with this fetish. I also found it really off about the "deliberately trying to ruin your life then wanting to be with you" thing with the "romance interest", it made it feel like some really fucked up grooming shit, am I the only one?
Probably overthinking it, this is just a fetish comic after all, but I don't know, I just can't find that turnaround hot.
>am I the only one?
I'm sure there's some people that agree it's just they don't care, found something else to read, or don't say anything because there's no point in starting a shitstorm over a bias complaint. I didn't like the mother's flashback but I didn't throw a tantrum like >>132387 because it was just a few pages.
Welp, looks like I'm posting it again:

"I find it kind of rich that Lex is being portrayed as the main villain when Morticia Adams over here is the one who spiked Cas's drink with magic weight gain pills in the first place.

I guess the moral of the story is that drugging people is fine as long as it makes them sexier: now pass me Cosby's Special Sauce™, I wanna get freaky tonight. 😎"
I never comment on this stuff, but this guys art is incredible, and the way the blonde is fattening up - her figure - is perfect
There's also the fact that it's a fantasy, not real life. After all I'm sure there's BDSM porn where people discover they enjoy being spanked and being someone's sexual property. I doubt this means that everyone who likes it would do such a thing or advocate that everyone do it. The messed up stuff in porn is oftentimes a fantasy, not something everyone would do. Plus the karmic transformation is often done so the suffering the person goes through is all the more justified than if it was someone who was innocent. I'm sure even vanilla porn would have messed up elements if you think about it. I wouldn't advocate for any stuff that occurs in weight gain comics. I don't think everyone would like it, and I don't think that the path to world peace could be found in fattening ourselves up.
It does not have the next part
I can't tell if this post is some sort of meta-humor; or if you actually think it's fine to slip drugs in someone's drink because they bullied you.

On a funny side note, I managed to get everyone's name wrong in my initial post so that's cool. Cassidy, slipped drugs into Alexandra's drink.

"Yeah, it's fucked up but I like it anyways." Is a good take; "this character's unhinged, sociopathic behavior was completely justified" is a bad take.

The duality of man, I suppose...
you must live a sad life to trying to moralize the actions of fiction characters.
no one gives a shit.

>no one gives a shit
About fictional characters or about proper morals? That latter sounds like a wdstern civilization thing. Proper morals are generally belueved to be important.

Learn to separate fiction from reality you absolute schizos.
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common sense died years ago,
they have the personality of a robot that takes everything too literally.
speaking of which "OMG GUYZ KIDNAPPING!!! How can you monsters morally think this is ok?!?!"
>>134998 And you need to learn how to shut the fuck up BEFORE getting smacked up. Fucking pussy
Ngl i dont read these fucking stories. I see girl get fatter i take wank, simple as.
>>q35024 Nobody cares about you, ugly nutter.
Don't fight, just upload this story and that's it
It's not important to fight for a comic, you just have to upload new pages and that's it.
Leaving this discussion aside, they do not have page 156 of revenge
Thanks for your words of wisdom, stranger who speaks English, the language of the laughable western civilizations and cultures.
Also for the story, Cass did feel sorry for Lexi and apologized to her after seeing how she ruined her life. She would have continued to give Lexi food as a prank but decides to be nicer to her.
Anon, you committed the vile act of thinking critically about a fetish story. You can't go around and do that sort of stuff. You'll make people like >>134996 upset! Before posting please be more considerate of others.
In what world?
ok you fuckers win, I made the fatal error of reacting to stubborn retards.
Also sorry you have sourgrapes over losing the manbaby thread. I know not being able to talk in circles about the same 5 topics or how an artist shat in your cereal once over and over must really suck.
I'm posting artist related stuff after this can't wait for the local janny to inevitably clean shitstorm #9999.
>posting art relateds shit
*If I can
made a zip with all the pages plus the colored ones from what I could gather I even made folders without the mother's flashback.
Who the fuck cares you wannabe psych 101 nerd. Go complain about something legit like social media rotting kids minds and mental health.
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Oh wow, I didn't know there were people in here actually siding with Goth Cosby. That's hilarious.

Why include text if I'm just supposed to ignore it?

I disagree with the way this fictional character's actions were depicted in this fictional story. One minute she's drugging someone, the next minute they're best friends because she's just so cool, apparently.

Fiction or not, that is mad corny.

Bondage is hot, food tampering is not.
It's that simple.
Jesus Christ then move along you dumb fuck some people come here to look at pictures and Jack off if you don’t enjoy it then fuck off nobody gives a shit about your problems
Cass didn't even want Lexi to gain weight so she would find her attractive. Originally she just wanted her to suffer. She felt sorry for Lex and actually apologized. She decided to be nicer to her and fell for her because she was no longer the bullying cheerleader, but someone who could use someone to show her compassion. Cass did apologize to Lexi, their relationship became what it is over time, wasn't instant. Again this is all a fantasy, it's not like many of us would advocate weight gain as something we should all do to find happiness. Standard porn too has issues or even certain BDSM porn. Like women finding out they enjoy men forcing themselves on them, or enjoy being sex slaves/property, or women forcing themselves on men and the men discovering they like it. All porn will have problematic elements, and questionable consent. The thing is, is that it's all a fantasy. I also doubt most creators would advocate whatever they write about as the path for universal happiness. As hot as weight gain is, it's not something that will lead to world peace.
I also question how it's sociopathic to put something in the foodstuff of someone who bullied you. Not saying a sociopath wouldn't do it, just that it seems like something any bully victim would do to their bully in order to get revenge.
Get laid virgin. Fucking your mum right now
Holy fucking shit who literally cares about any of this its literally just fatty porn.

Obviously the original intention wasnt to have them end up together but that ended up how the story took shape. Its not that fucking deep.
I was on board with the guy saying that didn't like the food altering, but this clip describes it so well...
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Funny thing is, I shared this opinion a couple times on the dude's deviantart several months ago and none of the replies I got were nearly this defensive. I guess all the pro-roofie people were exclusively using imageboards the whole time.

>she apologized
When you're older you'll understand that apologies don't mean anything: actions do.

>How is it sociopathic to intentionally and permanently damage someone's body by slipping something into their drink?

Ask your mom.

>who cares
Apparently you do because you're still downplaying her actions to run defence for her like she's your girlfriend or something.

Nobody watches a Wile E Coyote cartoon and feels the need to vehemently defend his use of dynamite on the internet. Plus the narrative doesn't actively reward Mr. Coyote for his tomfoolery; instead he gets repeatedly bodied for it every episode and that's why it works.

A more apt analogy would be Breaking Bad fans who like Heisenberg a little too much and fucking haaaaaate Skyler.

I can fuck her better.
When cass did so, it was just revenge and something done in the heat of anger. She just wanted to get revenge on Lex. She wasn't trying to roofie her, she was cursing her so she would know what it's like to be fat. It's a standard curse story, is it roofying someone if you want them to learn a lesson for their jerk behavior? Cass wasn't trying to force her to have sex. Her initial goals were to make Lexi fat so she could learn what it's like to be mocked for being fat. She doesn't develop feelings until Lexi becomes nicer and she starts to face mistreatment due to her weight. This isn't the same as a roofy. I would count something as a roofy if your intentions are sexul. If the intentions aren't then I wouldn't count anything as a roofy.

She doesn't just apologize, she shows kindness to Lexi and gives her confidence. She shares kindness when others treat her badly due to her weight. If she was truly sociopathic, she would continue to see Lexi suffer instead of giving her confidence and making her comfortable in her own skin.

ALso again, this is a fantasy. A lot of fantasies are morally problematic but I don't point that out. I keep my trap shut as you should.The Wile E. Coyote parody clip was supposed to be how we enjoy stuff with problematic elements and you are a killjoy thinking we'll enact stuff we see in fiction. The Wile E. parody points out how kids wouldn't be able to copy the stuff they see in cartoons. Again, not everyone will do the stuff they see in fiction.

Why is it hard to understand that loads of porn stories are problematic? Like why aren't you mad about bondage comics with questionable consent? Or a story where a woman loves being sexual property? Or a woman forces herself on a shy, quiet man? These too are porn scenarios with problematic elements, but odds are, they are a fantasy, not something most creators would condone doing in the real world. I doubt all porn creators would accept enacting the stuff they write about in the real world. Why can't you accept that difference between fantasy and reality? Why must you assume that anyone will do whatever they fantasize about?
Complaining on this board about how Cass roofied Lexi isn't going to stop real word roofies. I may as well complain about how people on a BDSM board support rape because of how rapey the stories they like are. Me complaining on those boards isn't going to stop real world sex crimes. Just realize that arguing on this board won't go anywhere and isn't going to accomplish anything, you aren't going to convince anyone here of anything.
A lack of a rant thread has really gotten to anons.
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I'm sure you want me to be upset; but unfortunately for you this is the most fun I've ever had discussing this yee-yee ass comic.

Honestly, it had potential until it turned into pro-roofie propaganda. Art's still pretty damn good though.

OK, I kinda just want to send you a cheeky one liner and then be on my merry way; but during your paragraph of gross apologia you stumbled across a valid question:
>how come bondage is ok but drugging someone is bad?

Short answer: bondage is hot

Long answer: Contrary to what 50 shades of gray might lead you to believe, actual IRL BDSM enthusiasts are very cognizant of things like consent and boundaries. Where as someone who likes the idea of drugging people only sees consent/boundaries as an obstacle to be circumvented through any means necessary.

I'm going to get personal now: your entire post history has been absolutely uncanny. You are the most pro-roofie person in this entire thread which is honestly kind of impressive. I seriously hope you do not have a girlfriend or children. All I have left to say to you now is:

Dawg, chicks get fat on their own all the time. Why do you wanna drug them so badly?
Also I linked the wrong person in the first part of my post but you know what? We all make mistakes. <3
So getting transformed into something against your will is roofying, well a whole lot of fiction is pro-roofy then as a lot of fairy tales, comics and cartoons have characters getting morphed into stuff. Usually it's temporary though works by people who find that sort of thing sexy tend to ahve characters embrace their transformed self. Are these works pro-roofy? Revenge is just another example of stories where people get morphed into stuff. If Revenge is pro-roofy, then are other erotic transformation stories also pro-roofy? What kind of erotic transformation stories should we enjoy then if transforming people is roofying them? You just don't want people to engage in wish fulfillment. It has problematic elements, all fiction has problematic elements. I am NOT Defending real world roofies. THis is a story and I don't even think what Cass did would count as roofies as she wasn't planning to assault Lexi.She just wanted to get revenge on her bully. That doesn't seem like a roofy in the sense that you wish to assault someone. More like drugging them as part of a revenge scheme, similar but lacking the intention of rape and instead containing the intention of revenge. To me people who do this in the real world are disgusting and deplorable and should be in jail.
YOu keep ignoring that this a story, with fictional characters. I sincerly doubt that the creator would condone roofies or forcing weight gain on someone in the real world.

I would like to hear if there are BDSM stories that can come across as rapey or consent is dubious just to see that other erotic stories can have problematic elements.

The story falls under karmic transformation as Lexi was a bully towards Cass and gets transformed as punishment for what she did. A lot of fairy tales tend to do this. Or certain horror works as well. That someone does something bad and needs to be punished. Sometimes they learn a lesson and go back to normal, other times, they're stuck the way they are forever and have to learn to live with it.

I think the embrace of your altered self is something that those that eroticize it do as wish fulfillment. That it's frustrating how many transformation plots end with the characters going back to normal. Having the characters embrace their new selves and not wanting to change back is a defiance towards the status quo. Plus confidence is sexy.

The initial plan for the comic was to end after Cass fattened up Lexi, her falling in love is something the writer decided to go with to keep the series going. They worked to have Cass be sorry to Lexi, by helping her embrace her curves, reassure her of her beauty and show her kindness when others belittle her for her weight.

Yelling at me on this board will accomplish nothing, rather than complain about rape in a porn comic, how about you do something about rape in the real world? I am NOT in support of real life roofies and drugging women. I'm just pointing out why I don't see what happened in the story the same as what Bill Cosby did as the intentions were different. Cosby was a disgusting man who did horrendous things to women. Cass was just trying to get revenge on someone who mocked her. She didn't think through the consequences of it because she was so angry that she didn't think about the consequences of her actions. She may have ruined Lexi's life without thinking about it, but the reasons weren't to assault her and she works to make things better. She apologized and took action to do something. Something real world rapists wouldn't do towards their victims. If she truly didn't care for Lexi, she would let her continue to get bullied.
I think I could call it a roofy but in the sense that it's like getting someone drunk or high as part of a prank, not drugging them to assault them. I think I was using roofy in the context of assault not drug for other purposes.

If so, then Cass did roofy Lexi. The thing is, drugging someone for revenge is terrible but not as bad as assaulting them.
wtf is going on here, why are you twats writing essays on bbwdraw? Get a hobby ffs
lmao that the kip thread is so heavily modded when shit like this goes on in the other threads.
anyways, to throw in my 2 cents, the whole 'drugging the girl with weight gain serum' thing doesn't really bother me, i just wish they would have kept the theme of the story more consistent. if you want to do an f/f romance/ gain kink story, do that. if you want to do a gain themed revenge story, do that. but don't try to do both that the same time, it just doesn't work. like a lot of WG comics, it would be better if it didn't have a forced relationship start halfway through; i was on board with this comic until it stopped actually being about the titular revenge. i haven't read the last 60 pages or so, because it just fell apart story wise.

You have way of turning everything boring, white man. Please give back our land. We change mind.

Btw, a roofy is a family of drugs meant for intoxicating a person into an unconcious state. You could theoretically get so drunk almost to the point of alcoholic poisoning where you have to get an ambulance to take you to get your stomach pumped at the hospital, but you would need a lot more drink.
honestly at this point i think the person going on the "roofie" is a troll and should be ignored
I guess then that a WG serum isn't a roofy, I think they likely called it a roofy in that you are forcing something on someone they didn't asked for and manipulating them to comply with your desires. Though as I mentioned a lot of fairy tales have people getting morphed against their will and the whole of transformation fiction has people transformed against their will. Since such a thing doesn't render someone unconscious it wouldn't count.
You all need to watch this again.
learn from my own ignorance and hypocrisy
just post art
can someone please update the kemono page
I think a new page is out
That's correct, the new page is out
Does anyone have page 157 of revenge?
Page 158 is out
Anyone got page 158 of Revenge?
So anyone post revenge new page?
Anyone got Revenge Page 158?
Please anyone post revenge page 158
So just going to say enjoying the comic but fuck me it took a different turn. I was hoping for more taunting from the goth girl perhaps she loses weight you know revenge not a romcom. Again though enjoying the comic wishing goth girl would pull the trigger and express her love for cheerleader, but that being said it feels like we took a turn somewhere.
Anyone have the sketch pack?
New Page?
Has he told how long will the comic go on? I assume not long since lex is quite close to blob size now unless Cass also gains.
only thing I could see this going is the cheerleaders if he wants to return to the theme of revenge. Also Cass doesn't seem that far from Lex's size.
Nah, you can easily tell lex is atleast 300 pounds fatter than Cass.
There is a new page right?
Anyone have the new page 160 of annonnxyz?
because they always put bump
New page?
Page 161 is out, could someone please share it?
Why have this post? nobody uploads annonnxyz's pages they only do it when their kemono page is updated
K, can someone update kemono then?
(294 KB, 620x900, Revenge Page162.png)
This is supposed to be a visual for a scene the goth chick is describing, for the coomers who barely read the text
Which page is this?
Bruh the comic is about nothing anymore and has changed tone like 40 times. I think it's time to wrap it up.

If anything, it's about Stockholm Syndrome.

And just because I think it's funny- I will accept NO opinions. \o/
Someone please upload page 161.
Honestly? If this was any other situation I would be hella mad

But Cass is a whole mood right there. She's like me when I read that damn Kip comic fr
Someone please upload page 165 and all other further pages.
New Page?
Someone please upload page 167, thanks.
This comic has so much potential but where is the action come on now
Yo, to the moderator who deleted my last post: you a bitch-ass N-word.

That shit was a work of art. No wonder they aren't even paying you.
Does anyone have the Revenge Sketch Packs?
Does anyone have page 169?
Does anyone have the new pages?
Anyone have Revenge pages 169 and 170? Also Revenge extras from March?
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Revenge Kidnapped Comic Pt. 1
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Revenge Kidnapped Comic Pt. 2
(2.7 MB, 4176x2480, x ch3.png) (4.0 MB, 4176x2480, x ch4.png)
Revenge Kidnapped Comic Pt. 3
Fat Rangiku is such a fucking blessing On God FR FR no fib
New Page?
>Asking for the artist on a thread that's dedicated to that one artist.
Plot twist: grabbed the moms shirt
New page of revenge 172
I’ve seen DC comics with more action than this
Do you mean the action typically found in superhero comics? This is a fat fetish comic, fists and violence wouldn't be in something like this unless it's a sumo story or something. A slice of life would be more emotional and less action oriented.
>>151092 I think we all know what action he was referring too and yes it’s lacking it greatly
I think it's to build up a romance, plus I imagine it takes its time because when you're drawing big characters, they will take up a lot of page real estate so the story will have to be dragged out so the pages can accommodate these massive characters. We may technically have the story be the two kissing and being an item if less real estate was devoted to showing off their curves. I think too to work up to the two eventually being together.

Yeah I think you might be on to something. Good works. We're always working even when we hide. From Covid. We don't stop. Because we stupid. Stubborn like donkey ass. Delicious.
Huh? What do you mean?
Hey guys new page of revenge 173
Biggest nothing burger sentence ever made
I've seen a lot of wtf are you talking about sentences in this place over the years, but that's gotta be in the top 5
Anyone update the page 173 and COM the ex-friends of lex? I need see that cuties girl
(180 KB, 620x368, juicy.webp)
Juicy Tracksuit Cass and Lex Sketch
New page
The next thing you know - she'll break the door and the wall.
God, she's getting even fatter than the mom.
Actually, she's getting fatter than any other characters in this comic.
New page of revenge 176 please update
Delete that post!!!
Accidental post.
Not only is it not the right artist, but it's also vore, which this isn't the right board for. Dumbass.
Isn’t there any new pics by now???
*pages, not pics
New page of revenge 177 please update
Can someone update bamboo-ale please
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Can someone update the kemono or post here?
(5.5 MB, 7016x4961, beach2.png)
There's a new page for Ftdtd
Can someone pls upload new page

"THeyRe thE oNEs--"

Is she fucking stupid? She just body slammed a chick in the middle of the room
so now I'm betting on that the teacher will get fat in the same manner as lex, and cass mother's ex and his lover
Can someone update their Kemono?
Hey guys new page of revenge!!! Update pls
Pls update the new page of Revenge
New Page?
New page of revenge page 181!!! Pls update
Guys update revenge comic, new page, please
Guys new page of revenge 182!!! Pls update
Guys two news pages of revenge!!!! Please update
Guys update the news pages of revenge
Come on!!
New pages guys
Pls guys update the news pages of revenge
Please update
Calm down please, if you don't have the money at least have the patience to wait
Seriously. Dude asked like six times in two days.
Oh wow, it's a good one, I can't believe the spell reacted to the cake and made her instantly huge in front of everyone. Best page update yet!
Fucking moderator removing messages, why?
The moderator can eat my balls for not expressing himself
This thread's been nothing but begging and bitching for the last four days, please don't be that guy.
Guys new page of revenge !! Please update
Bump for an update plz
New page pls
Guys update the new page of revenge. Please
Bump for updates plz!
Please guys update the new page of revenge
It would be such a pleasant surprise if they don't end up together. I hate how often fat fetish comics about two friends go that route.
New page of revenge, page 185, please update
Guys keep begging more I’m sure it will work
>>162279 Don't worry. This' about warning the American people that they've being lied to by letting them know about the secret criminal groups that torment their children in the public streets. Nothing else. We've already won thousands of years ago. In the land of the liars the truthers are kings.
Can anyone update here or 'mono?
I hope lexxy squashes them with her ass again
Why in God’s name do I enjoy this Lexxy girl so much? Especially when she keeps orbiting around the fat girls and constantly touches them like she can’t keep her hands off them. Even though she says they “disgust” her.

Someone’s a closeted chubby chaser.

We need a thread that is just skinny girls squeezing, jiggling, and poking fat girls. We watch videos where hot chicks play with slime, so it’s the same concept, just sexier.
Oop, shit, skinny girl’s name is Stacey. My bad.
Bro posted the new page of revenge 186, please
Really hope the whole cheer squad ends up gaining weight.
I smell a force feeding coming on...
New page of revenge 187, please update
Is someone able to update kemono?
is cass the bad guy
I don't think so, I think she was just offended by what she said
Will someone have the the wip he made of "My Big Fat Crybaby Neighbour".
There was a sketch where the cheer leaders force fed the blonde awhile ago on patreon, does anyone happen to have it please?
Wonder how Cass is gonna react when Lex finds out too late that it's a trap
Could also be cass who asked her out which in that case, ouch.
Well, looks like we have ourselves a wager going on. I wonder which of these two likely possibilities is the case
Guys new page of revenge page 189, please update
Guys new page of revenge 190 please update
Anyone willing to upload last pages?
Oh no... Not this kind of plot...
It becoming one of those comics now, fuck. When was the last time Lex gained in the comic?
I imagine Lex only told Cass that she wasn't going. And, considering that the comic is called Revenge, I'm willing to bet that Cass is going to do her usual bullshit to the cheer squad after Lex gets humiliated.
Ok but like Lex kinda deserves what's coming to her. She is acting like a fucking asshat, and a stupid one at that.
Yes, this kind of plot about time Lex remembers what damage has been done to her and who caused it no more random Stockholm syndrome, if their relationship as friends endure past this point it'll be because of actual trust
New page of revenge has dropped, the admirer is a chicken with lightning powers.
Update the new page of revenge please
She was gaining weight back at casses house this does look a bit shite tho
Please guys update the new page of revenge
can someone please update the kemono page?
So does that mean Sara switch team?
No, because he says that Stacey sent him the letter with that we can say that she likes fat girls. The good thing is that page 193 came out, the bad thing is that no one is going to upload it
So they are subverting the humiliation trope. Kinda glad about that.
(4.4 MB, 2480x3508, ochiai9.png)
Can't wait for the next page this comic
Is awesome
Does anyone have page 194 of revenge yet?
This is still ongoing?
yesterday the new page came out
New page of revenge and I think Lex finally understood that Cass loved her.
I know this is a comic, but are we really supposed to believe the mall goths magic was legit?
Isn’t it more likely alpha thot just got fat?
Can we get 194 and 195 please?
I reread it from the beginning, it was never magic. Cass gave Lex a drink spiked with appetite enhancers, but as she pointed out to Lex early on, that drink only lasted 24 hours, meaning the rest was all Lex. Cindy did something similar with her ex-husband, made a really fattening cake and packed it with his lunch, he shared it with his mistress, and both ended up getting enhanced appetites briefly and had no self control.

People really don't know what Stockholm Syndrome is anymore do they? Stockholm is when you fall in love with or feel a connection with your captor. The whole Lex vs Cass thing is just that old drama plot of the person who looks down on others being brought down to others levels and realizing they hated their old self.

If anything, it's LIMA syndrome from Cass. Lima Syndrome is when is when a kidnapper or abuser develops a positive bond with their victim, which IS what happened to Cass, who initially just wanted to humiliate Lex, but then felt bad for her after getting to know her, realizing she's not a mean bitch like she thought, just a nice girl in a bad crowd, spawning a legitimate friendship which turned into romantic feeling, while also feeling guilt for how she originally acted.

The worst you can say about the relationship is that it started out based on Operant Conditioning, in that Lex was conditioned into disliking her old lifestyle by being made to see things from the other side while enticed into her new lifestyle the same way. Even then though, the fact Lex DOES lament losing her old life at times demonstrates she's not really "conditioned", and has some resentment towards Cass.

Yeah, the relationship still has some unhealthy elements, but it's not anywhere near as bad as Stockholm.
As I said before, this is fiction and a lot of porn comics have iffy elements if you think about it. There's loads of stories with questionable consent, stuff where women are stripped and embarrassed to be near nude and full nude. Or who realize they enjoy being a man's sex toy or is a bobble headed sex object who doesn't mind going around near nude/full nude and sleeping with every man she comes across.

Then there's BDSM stuff where one fantasizes about being tied up, kidnapped, used as sex property, etc. Overall, loads of porn will have iffy elements.

With us, we get off on women gorging themselves on food and become immobile fatties and discover they love being fat and gorging themselves. They also will fall for the one who feeds them fattening food. This sounds iffy, stuff with stockholm syndrome probably happens in a lot of porn. It is hard to find something that's truly ethical. A lot of porn will all contain some messed up stuff.
Stolkholm Syndrome isn't real. It was made up by a police psychiatrist who couldn't understand why the 1974 hostages thought he did a shitty job after nearly getting them all killed multiple times during the crisis.
>Stolkholm Syndrome isn't real
Then why do women always keep going back to their abusive husbands/bf?
(138 KB, 560x396, beach1.gif)
Anything regarding this? Kemono party was updated, but the animation wasn't included.
Drama got over quickly thank god
Hopefully the comic goes on for a lot more pages. Not exactly for them to keep gaining, but to show how much their relationship develops
We got that already when they stayed over at Cass's place. We're overdue for more weight gain.
This. Lex and her mom getting fat(ter) and still both fitting into Cass’ pants at the same time when?
Can we get the next page pls
This sequence would've been much better if Annonnxyz didn't spoil everything by showing sketches of all the pages before they were finished. Gave us little to look forward to.
Can we can next revenge page?
Someone please upload page 196
197 is up now, wouldn't mind some of the other sketches and things either
198 is up
Update guys
199 is up
200 is up
Can someone post 200
Yeah, post Revenge Page 200!
Probably the closest we’ll ever get to a remake/redraw of the first several pages to this series
201 please?
Looks like they changed their Patreon handle to "SuperSnackSized"?

I wonder what that'll do to the kemono.
Kemono Party should still recognize them as Annonnxyz as long as that's where updates happen.
I think she will get fatter
It’s a fat fetish comic I’d fuckin hope so
Aren't the sketches a preview to what's coming? Every cheerleader gets fat and the leader uses her massive body fat to bully anyone for their lunch.
202 up
I wonder if the Blonde is going to find out the Goth girl made her get fat.
She know it, idiot, now she wants to help her gain weight.
Can someone upload 202 on here or kimono?
Anyone got 202
(2.9 MB, 2480x3508, 202.png)
It's like page 107
Post Revenge Page 203. It's out on his patreon.
I would say that she's probably done with the doors at school. And stairs.
That page was already posted, look two posts above you.
Time to post Revenge page 204
Time to get a job and stop begging the second the comic is posted.
hahaha get a job , sooking on the internet for free porn is their job
Yeah fr (can someone post it)
Can someone update kenmono
New page
God, these fatties are amazing. The payoff is well worth it.
Time to post Revenge page 206
I was hoping it would go this route. Blessed comic
New page
Okay why don’t you post it for us then
Anyone have new page?
Where's the new page!
Bump, pls bless us with this week’s post
208 is up but good things come to those who wait
If someone could post the new pages that would be nice if not that's fine too
New page?
Please do the needful post the new page, thank u dearie
>>181515 Wait, does that mean everybody is banned temporarily or just on this thread?
New bumps and just on this thread. One of the mods has been cleaning up bumps regularly on this thread and no one is getting the hint.
Pretty sure the mod means just the people who bump, and on any thread, not just this one. Learn how to sagepost, people.
I was getting sick of reporting those bumping fuckers, so I'm glad the mod is starting to issue bans towards them.
No, I'm the mod monitoring this and who issued a warning because I follow this thread. It's only for here because a different mod has been cleaning up the necrobumping on this board and I'm getting tired of seeing new posts here only to find it's just begging.

Frankly if it gets out of hand I'll just lock the damn thread and we can pick up again when the new page is posted, but until then - no more bumping without something to contribute.
What is wrong with everyone these weeks? They were supposed to upload new pages here!
I wonder if the issue is related to the artist's name change -- they changed their handle to Supersnacksized, but their kemono handle is still under Annonnxyz. It shouldn't mess with the importer but maybe something got lost in translation. I dunno.
Is nobody uploading new pages anymore? We've waited for almost two weeks!
Then you pay for it.
From what I’ve seen, Kemono seems to be dead rn. Of all the artists I follow, there hasn’t been an update in over a week
Yeah, last update from someone i favorited was on the 12th
If any of you cared to go to party chan you would know they are moving to new servers. The process would be faster but that would mean the front end would be down.
Makes sense, I was also wondering the same thing about the updates not being there on multiple kemono pages. Thanks for the info

Party chan? Where can I find it? And do you have any links?
It's linked on the sidebar of Kemono, just press the hamburger menu if you're on mobile. Be warned though, for every admin post about what's going on there's a million doomposts about how the site's dead and the admins stole everyone's money or something.
I’m still seeing posts here and lo and behold, there’s no page. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s a bump or discussion, there is still no content.
Oh my god shut up half the threads are discussion right now because kemono is down, go enforce those threads bozo
I've seen the page get updated since the artist's name change, just not since the site trouble started.
Any update when Kenmono will be back?
They won't be doing new stuff for a while because of the holidays. Next year, they'll have new stuff.
A new Revenge page is up.
not this again men, im getting ptsd from last time
New page?
Problem is goth girl isn’t as hot as lex, and part of the hotness mall goth contributed was being the smaller land whale of contrast to lex. Net loss imo
Thanks for the new page. Keep up the good work.
New page
Thanks for sharing.
I feel the author has kinda written themselves into a corner. At first it was about revenge then it turned into this unrequited love thing now we just went whole hog and they are in love with 0 conflict or tension.
Hopefully it turns back around to revenge on the cheer squad.
>no tension unless it log myu dr black jack tier gibberish going on
>having two lesbians, one the size of a large aquatic mammal, bouncing around and interacting with their environment isn’t tension enough
I wouldn’t say no to more drama but I’ve been enjoying the new “quick resolutions” approach that stories been taking so far, with smol cheerleader intercepting, goth girl having her confession, and now cycling back to lexi casually doing house-sized hot-girl things.
I hope those unfinished sketches are ideas that'd later be used on the new pages, one of the cheerleaders was using her massive ass just to bully some guy for his lunch money.
Not every story needs to be that deep bruh
Think this as... the hallmark movie/slice of life anime of weight gain comics
Not saying they do in all circumstances, but after a certain length you need you need to actually think about the characters and their motivations. Otherwise what’s the point of investing in a comic that goes for 30+ pages and you are at a bit of a transition to the *Muh next fat sex scene* people will just go to another comic instead.
I just want more forced/coerced fattening like in the beginning.
Did you knew there's a new page of Revenge. Just to remind you that this thread still exists.
It's only a reminder since the new page only came out more than 2 hours ago. Made sure people are keeping up with SuperSnackSized's patron updates.
predator nurse watch your mouth bitchs is pressed
I don't think she can walk after this.

I'm inclined to agree with you. The interesting thing about this comic to start with was the the psychological manipulation and petty revenge on Lex using "goth magicks". It's a tried-and-true trope for a reason, and most other examples never dragged on as long (though I mean that in a generally positive sense, the first 50 pages at least had some very fun points and in general the art style was more interesting).

Now that it's just devolved into more cutesy lesbians flopping all over each other, I'm disappointed and bored.
Cant wait for barely mobile Lex going to class riding a mobility scooter everywhere she goes, that would be so hot
I’m ngl I’m getting bored I wanna see them have their first sex. Something like while Lex is being stuffed Cass can probably take off Lex’s panties and go wild with it
I'm thinking that neither of them will fit through school doors now.
Lex will probably be in a scooter.
Then the two will be in some public space and pass by Lex's parents (and we never saw her call them, btw), and they won't recognize the blimp rolling by as their daughter.
Lex is literally built different she’ll be wading along for awhile.
>imagine the momentum
Only stairs and narrow doorways will stop her.
new page
(159 KB, 620x755, lexbig.webp)
More Cream for Lex
>Her fate
>Probably a sneak peak to the last pages

>Stacey got fucked like an animal, fetus ballooned her twice her size
Hopefully the 3 month feeding is over soon and they get back to other things
All of this is atleast half decent and imo pretty good, I don't know why everyone has to be mad about something
It’s not that the majority of people are mad, it’s the sensation of getting stuck in the same thing for weeks. You get tired of seeing the same thing bro.
I imagine that given the size of the two people, there will need to be more pages to accommodate their massive sizes.
Thus the story will need to be dragged out. There is progression, it just takes time to figure out how long something should be in a story, especially when juggling life and other stuff.
The story actually ends in ten pages. Basically Cass feeds Lex too much o' the slop and her stomach ruptures. Three more pages until Lex dies and then Cass mourns her for the rest of the story and dies at 1600lbs from her heart explosioning.

Source: mi dad works at annonnxyz as the handjob vendor
Either Lexi and Cass get revenge on the cheerleaders and possibly other students for mocking Lexi to have them know what it's like to be fat. With Lexi being happy to be a blob.
I guess but you have to understand that it's a comic that doesn't come out often so it's only like 20 pages in a so far 216 page comic probably atleast 300, it's really a small part but I understand feeling like it's going on forever but it kinda is how it is, people would complain if it was too short too
Are they gonna sex each other or what
I imagine for why no explicit stuff, since the images also go to DeviantArt, they may have issues showing explicit stuff. Them being naked and feeding each other is fine and can be uploaded to DeviantArt. Anything involving genitals is a hard no.
Bitch scared of big dick
>>189405 what the fuck does that mean
Leave him alone. He is just a pathetic little man with a sad and empty life. He pisses people off because at least then he has an effect on other people, which is probably better for him than total irrelevance. Let him stay in his existential misery, sooner or later he might even try to get out of it in other ways.
(4.7 MB, 3508x2480, chel1.png)
Chel - Upgraded Sketch

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