
(36 KB, 405x443, belly grab.jpg)
Old thread's bumplocked
This is never going on /gen/
Hot take. Artist's drawing fat males isn't a problem. It's only a problem if they're annoying about it and whinge about it not being as popular.
(80 KB, 498x468, meta-monarchy-wojak.gif)
Don't know if this is really material for this thread, but i'll post anyway.
The other day I was arrested for taking a picture of a government building which I wasn't supposed to, so they took me in and had to go through my phone. I'm a loner so I was totally unprepared for someone to suddenly look thru my phone. I keep loads of porn on it, via screenshots and downloads. Everything from KipTeiTei to BIG-BIG (the vore artist). I can't tell you how painful it was to have some random guy looking through my phone and throwing me weird looks every few scrolls. Dude literally looked at everything, even my emails and messages, where I had even more porn stored up. The saving grace is that I was out of there in like an hour and I'll probably never have to see any of them again.
It absolutely is a problem because they're trying to insert it into spaces that have always been about fat women. I also wouldn't have a problem if things had stayed the way they were only half a decade ago and it simply went without saying that art focused on women would have its place and art focusing on men would have another. The push to merge the too as though there was some kind of unified "fat community" is what I take issue with.

I would have died of mortification if this happened to me, but honestly... lol.
They're nasty fuckers for violating your privacy like that, still, it's good that you essentially got off with a very embarrassing slap on the wrist.
the space has gotten bigger over time, more people with different wants want to see more content they enjoy, a fetish crosses the boundaries of gender cause its not the focus of pleasure like in the traditional modes of eroticism. Trying to spin the meat space as exclusive female focused is not just wrong but its as wrong as saying that for example the s&m fetishes exclusively are gender bound. Everyone complains about shit they wanna see and I think blob fags are far worse than the gays when it comes down to it
S&M fetishes are "gender bound" in that there is a rather clear distinction between the queer S&M scene and the heterosexual scene. Despite having the same fetish, they recognise the distinction between homo and heterosexual attraction and divide themselves along those lines. Leather club on one side of the tracks, shibari on the other. And depending on your attraction, something that might be arousing when it's done by a girl seems silly or disgusting when a guy is doing it. They have respected that divide. People who try to merge fat male and fat female art don't.
It's not a matter of the space becoming bigger, it's an unwelcome merging of two separate spaces.
>no. Just google shibari bl. Lesbians and bisex love leather too. I am sure you will find more things to just make up but you can't change the fact that the biggest artist are drawing what they want and you don't like it. grow up
I explicitly stated that they have the same fetish, but the community has different spaces for hetro and homosexuals and respect that gays don't want to have Tim and Susan playing master and maid in the middle of Aniki's Leather Club.
I'm not making anything up.
>uhm cry about it sweety!
Go cry about blobs. Artists are drawing what they want to draw and they're very famous and popular on twitter so suck it up princess.
Gender, traditionally, as it was set in Jewish psychology, is today a complex spectrum of social identity and expression that rates biological sex into its framework.
This approach acknowledges that gender identity may not always align with biological sex and the physical and psychological diversity within humans. Therefore, it cannot be reduced to an objective tool to describe social dynamics since each individual's gender identity will necessarily be unique to them. 

At the same time, biological sex does provide objective criteria for understanding the aforementioned.
Many societies have used physical and physiological characteristics—chromosomes, hormone production before birth, genitals—to distinguish between men and women based on reproductive functions and roles within society, thus providing categories by which we can analyze broader trends in society related to each sex. It is baffling that a simple question like "Who is a man and who is a woman?" throws the judeo-leftist academics into a stupor.
Also, it's not a problem for you, but it may be a problem for me. I don't want to see any of this here, so I'm careful with that to begin with.
>yes, I like women like that, problem?
But you fucked up with vore, lol.
Classic, intrude into the space to demand inclusion, even if no one wants them there in the first place. Subversive fags, that's it. "why don't you like what I do?".
>Enjoy your aids and prolapsed anus, xir.
Pfft, haha. Bet you jerk off to Nikocado the Despoiler.
>>130974 (OP) I've seen the horny belly grab image multiple times and still do not know where it's from, anyone know?
>Trying to spin the meat space as exclusive female focused is not just wrong but its as wrong as saying that for example the s&m fetishes exclusively are gender bound.
That's not the point, it's to have people stay in their own lane. The bisexual crowd and the people who are attracted to men have been horrible about this, especially the latter.
>Everyone complains about shit they wanna see and I think blob fags are far worse than the gays when it comes down to it
This is a shit take, have you not seen how Twitter's been for the last several years? Artists like Pocharimochi have bitched about numerous times how their males do so much worse then their females, while there hasn't been anyone out there who does the same for their blobs. Get your head out of your ass.

>Trying to spin the meat space as exclusive female focused is not just wrong but its as wrong as saying that for example the s&m fetishes exclusively are gender bound.

Wow... Just, holy shit and wow, I've never seen someone being THIS incapable of understanding fetishes or sexual preferences. To top it all off, you're acting like most people here want to see male wg and that the image boards dedicated to males just don't exist and this is the only place to share these images and engage in the related conversations.
Either a doujin from heroherotom or yokkora
Nice digits. I don't know much about the schrödinger faggots, but I'm sure they are the nasty crowd. I wonder from where they are all popping up.
Why wouldn't they go their own place, instead of kvetching and bitching how much they are oppressed for not being able to post disgusting fat faggots on the board dedicated for fat females.
Why don't they just make a bisexual place where you can post whatever?
That's what the /ee/ and /alt/ boards on this site are supposed to be for. Problem is there's a mix of people who want to troll, or are too stupid to figure it out.
What kind of dogshit country do you live in where people would waste police resources to violate your privacy like that? The US?
It was also similar. Almost a year ago, when I was returning from college, a couple of cops accosted me (I heard their footsteps for a long time, one minute or two). They started asking questions, asking for a passport, which I didn't have with me. I am also very unsociable, and I can worry for a simple reason. Then they started a "search", everything was filmed on the phone. Suddenly, one of these fucking wizards found a "magic" pill (quite possibly for diarrhea). It was a traumatic experience for me, I was blamed for nothing. Closer to the point — they took me home, started complaining to my mom about me, and under the pretext of "aha, if he doesn't pack drugs, then he's a curator!" they started climbing into my computer. The cops had bulging eyes when they saw a huge collection of porn with blob women and blob traps. After a little sitting, they left, mumbling something there that drugs are bad. It's good that mom didn't really look at the monitor (or didn't show it)
P.S. I wasn't connected with drugs in any way at all and I'm not connected. They just wanted to cheat me for money.
Luhansk (try to start this, ill kill you)
/alt is not, and never has been, for males.

It's still called BBWalt.
It's awesome how every time there's some new rule on twitter proposed, everyone knows about it because everyone else immediately throws tantrums over it. Thanks Elon, I'm enjoying the salt but you gotta pump the brakes once in a while.
The link thing won't even go into effect because there's too much actual legal red tape over banning that stuff.

The report feature exists. Use it instead of trying to rally your personal army.

Agreed, especially trying to use it as some sort of virtue signal talking point. It's just using your fetish to look progressive.
Libs are getting the big government, big spending, police state that they asked for. Without Trump as a distraction, Americans are going back to persecuting fetish artists for peddling smut near schools.
>>131029 Thanks, reverse image search gave me nothing constantly.
It's so funny seeing some artists being so vehemently against AI art, but they're like: either quit arting YEARS ago, or are the type who posts a single image every few months.
(112 KB, 1182x358, Forrealbruh.png)
Mind numbing take right here.
Dude posted a bunch of clearly visible fully erect dicks and sex to Deviantart and proceeds to be a manbaby over, surprise surprise, Deviantart not liking that.
Like bro, just admit that you're an idiot that didn't know that posting full on sex has always been against DA rules
Kisame here, the problem with artificial intelligence art is that computers can imitate successful styles like Picasso and Van Gogh, or Frida Khalo, but it cannot create new works of art. The computer has the personality of an art snob who wants to go to Paris or New York, or Berlin. The computer is not really as malevolent as artists make it out to be, it's just neutral and elitist.
>>131101 Spoken like somebody who doesn't have a clue about art or software development. You must be an AI art software developer.
I am not a software developer. AI Art is just MS Paint. Studios aren't rushing to chez Jeet to publish weight gain comics.
It costs roughly 600,000 per episode to make your weight gain cartoons. I don't think studios are going into entrust fetish artists with even 2.4 million to make their snuff flick.
Kisame, can you go be retarded somewhere else?
I am not even part of the preg community, so what's the problem again, fetish art man?
>>131104 You are wrong about everything you said, although I share your opinion about AI art being among the worse of the already worst art that gets posted. I won't go too much into the minutia of software engineering, but for starters all the "artificial intelligence" is and does is trace. It doesn't "learn" or "copy" styles. It fundamentally works no different than the pattern tool in photoshop. That has nothing to do with the images produced being garbage, and the AI software is written by neither programming gurus neither any true artists. I say that at least the AI has the excuse for being incompetent while the real artists out there do not. Neither do these "software developers". This software is a toy, and at best it can be of great use to students with disabilities, which is what I was most excited about personally back in 2016 when this idea first occured to me. I am not satisfied with the results I have seen thus far, but I do look forward to seeing some of these applications made better and getting in the hands of artists in the education sector allowing those who otherwise would not be able to partake in sharing the joy of art to explore art with new more advanced tools. Obviously there is always the worry that some of this technology could be misused by lazy artists and studios wanting to maximize profits which has always been my main concern. Art is suffering tremendously in the hands of the current leadership accross the globe's largest markets. A tool such as this at a time when we need it least would be cataclysmic. There are always other options for art. I, myself, have thought of a few. I don't think that any of these markets dying would be good for any of us though, and the asian entertainment industries despite being among the worst in terms of quality seem to ironicly be the least affected in terms of market share and growth.

Who knows I may eventually get around to writing the software.
I've had this discussion with my mom over the weekend when it came to my commissions. I've stated on numerous occasions that I created Li Li, Mona, Daria, Lola, and Sui for fun and not profit. I am not Disney and never will be. Fetish Art man doesn't understand that the upkeep for their art is high, but their prices are low. I even had to cut back on comics since I cannot burden artists with a high workload. I've been told my ideas are too suited for comics and I've had to cut down the excess just to get a simple illustration. Yeah it sucks that I cut my teeth on art, but I am not Disney and not interested in art as a corporate product. This is the folly of the weight gain community, nobody's interested in these serialized story lines. It was dated with Megatokyo and Sinfest, and it's dated now.
>>131113 I do apologize but I am having some issues reading your comment. If you are alluding to being a professional artist then you should have no trouble in today's economy. I don't get it. You should certainly start your own investment and company as soon as you can. You shouldn't feel the need to bow down to the big players. If I were you, and since you sound talented, you should work in partnership with other established companies on small gigs if only to get your dick in the door, but you should certainly start a company for yourself. I am not saying you need to do exactly what Disney did, but it is usually sound advice for a professional in the arts to start their own company.
Unless the preg community comes forward and give me the identity of whoever posted the page on Kiwifarms, my identity as Kisame won't go away.
>wojakposter does something stupid
Tale as old as time.
People should commission more underrated waifus.
>people should pay for what I want to see
why don't YOU pay for what YOU want to see?
>The computer is not really as malevolent as artists make it out to be, it's just neutral and elitist.
The people behind the development of these programs ARE blatantly malevolent. They're resentful individuals who want nothing more than to drag people with talent and discipline down because they cannot be like it. Just read any of the posts about how artists should be put out of work, it's a pure evil combination of pathological egalitarianism and seething anti-intellectualism. The very worst of the left and right rolled into one.
... Actually I did. Just artists are drawing popular waifus anyway so I wish people will commission more rare waifus instead of another Lucy.
Yeah, that's crazy talk. I think I'd understand artists more of they just admit to being crazy so they can get their Trinity Matrix gf, or Serial Experiment Lain gf. The idea that artificial intelligence will replace skilled workers is hilariously Luddite. It's my duty to remind artists that they voted for Biden and Warnock to modernize America. Biden is not going to destroy progress just to reset time back to 2000 when they were attending anime conventions, or listening to My Chemical Romance.
Laws of supply and demand. The popular girls are popular for a reason. Unknown/lesser known girls are less likely to bring views, subscribers or commissioners.
>Biden is not going to destroy progress just to reset time back to 2000
wtf I love Biden now
>how artists should be put out of work
What bad if artists must respond for their crimes?
I recommend you file charges at the police station, idiot. Unless you have some sort of vendetta. In such a case your criminal mind is unfit to judge anyone for the sake of justice.
Oh boi, we have a vigilante here! How does it feel like to be evil?
Do you think a large part of the community is secretly right leaning but pretends not to be to avoid getting canceled?
>>131159 I wish this board had less g comments. On the contrary what I have witnessed has been slow but steady. The site is slightly worse than it was last year.
Cancelled by who? I am a registered Democrat.
Maybe not right-leaning, but normal and center-ish most likely
(204 KB, 820x600, 16226 berry berryboy.png)
Goddamn those niggers, they're as stupid as they are annoying and unimaginative.
I learn how to draw step by step, and I wouldn't mind to learn how to do so with the help of an Ai. Maybe even train the model on my own drawings, integrating the personalized AI as the part of my own self. You shouldn't be afraid of biomechanical apotheosis.
I don't know you, you don't know me, you're a cunt and I fuck thee.
Basic alt bitch with the chewing gum for hair.
(863 KB, 750x481, sanguine.png)
Gestaltungsbild, something that combines with your perception of self to form something more than a simple sum of its parts.
That's why it was (and is) so popular, resonating with that "something" that makes you. An Apollonian sense of self, clear an orderly.
You bet.
the right just does not exist in my state. It's conservative or democrat. Even conservatives hate Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and the alt-right.
(41 KB, 720x540, misha.jpg)
According to Plato, it is the philosopher-king or ruler who has the ability to bring ideas into the world of things.
Why draw the mere art, if it is possible to assist yourself with a personalized Ai to vat-grow yourself a waifu?
(103 KB, 1411x790, ARIAMANN.jpg)
Of course, you would have to be worthy.
Metal, big tits, and guns with bikes are cool, as they have always been, but it would be shameful to lust after a woman who is no match for you.
So you would have to be fit for that role; therefore, nurturing your body and mind for them to blossom with strength and wisdom is a must.
I already do this with my secret breast expansion collection. Unless I get latitude from censors, I am not really humoring the demand.
(13 KB, 1288x725, 00.png)
Modern conservatism is laughable.
At least the democrats are all open about their intentions, nevermind the bamboozled ones who do not yet know what they want for real.

So it has been that LARP is a tradition.
ALexander larped as the heroes of greek mythos, Caesar larped as Alexander, Augustus larped as them both, Napoleon larped as Caesar, and Hitler larped as Napoleon.

Now that USA have stopped larping as the anglo-germanic successor of the Rome, and started to larp as a third world shithole, you would get the according results for sure.
Spray-paint the QR codes linking the images from bbwchan. Fun things, little things.
(887 KB, 576x368, avrm.mp4)
Disney this, Disney that.
When it was led by a white man with no taint of leftist plague, it was all good. And look at it now, a subversive pipeline of leftist insanity.

Walt Disney Presents : Our Friend the Atom (1957)
Conservatives hate art because they want to mumble about wealth and status. Unless you go full Crucible or Hunchback of Notre Dame and let the priest have his sexual tryst, nobody is going to be interested in church politics. All Biden has to do is federalize tit porn like China and Japan does, and they're golden.
American conservatism is neither conservative nor American. It is a vile abomination, with it being the subservient golem ever bothered with "conserving" the all-mashed-up picture of the past, while falling ever further down the slippery slope. 
Now they stand behind the walls of a withered nation, senile and weary in their thoughts, worshipping the alien g-d and feasting on the lives of their children. Let it perish in flames, there is no merit to it.

A mentally circumcised individual will never be capable of lifelike appreciation for the pieces of art, hence the MacDonalds, MacMenions, and your MacReligion. 

Burn their temples, kill their priests, let that nothing return to nothing.
And yes, I don't care about what you have to say about those sexual scribbles. Ground yourself.
Organized religion is at an all time low because nobody wants to join the church or sacrifice themselves for a noble cause.
I cannot fucking wait for the day the AI gets good enough to overtake artists. Most artists are pretentious nigger pricks and they dont deserve fame or fortune, or anything.
It sucks the AI's arent there yet but they will be one day.

I don't give 3 flying fucks about the artistic value of a picture I just want a picture of a fat girl eating.

Imagine a world where artists dont grenade their careers by drawing niggers, trannies, males, because YOU decide what gets created.
(1 KB, 222x154, FJaGSwhVEAAE-Vk.png)

it's genuinely just a fad but artists keep gassing it up by throwing tantrums over it so now it'll be here to stay
gg morons

literally only ever saw nazi furs on FA so I have no fucking clue what they're talking about here

I'm actually somewhat left-leaning when it comes to actual policy stuff but compared to the community loudmouths on shit that doesn't really matter I'm right wing
>Imagine a world
Good world without feelings and other silly words. And without artists and their vast prices, hehe
World, where we should be
The most fat content can be easily replaced by AI. Am I right?
Normies are already getting sick of pretentious artists like James Cameron and JK Rowling. The internet has been associated with glam to the point that Zoomers would rather he Luddites and join the military than hang online.
Just say you're a piece of shit and move on. It's quicker than writing out this dumbass rant.
>>131294 (Cross-thread)
>Imagine a world where artists dont grenade their careers because YOU decide what gets created.
Retard, why would you say such a heinous lie? The quality of the art speaks for itself. If you choose to not discipline a failed artist purposefully because of his skin color but instead promote her into making more art purposefully because of her gender or skin color, that is your choice to make and your burden to bear.
>Imagine a world where artists dont grenade their careers because YOU decide what gets created.
What barrier do you have that you are onbyhe internet blathering like a monkey or baffooninstead of using some of that free time yo learning an artistic skill? You are making westeners look like retarded shotty assholes that should keep their mouths shut more often.
(11 KB, 220x229, scummy image.jpg)
First of all, get a fucking spellchecker you kike.

Second of all, I believe artists waste their time catering to minorities that are inferior such as niggers.
Third; yes, the AI is worse than humans currently. Of course it is, it's new technology. It's almost certainly going to get better.
Artists don't want to deal with customers and customers don't want to pay the bloated fucking prices that artists charge for their work.

I can draw. I don't have the time to draw tons of things because I have a life and a job. I still think AI will one day be superior to humans.
>get a fucking spellchecker you kike.
What is this 1999? What a nutter.
>I still think AI will one day be superior to humans.
You can think whatever it is you'd like, only you should know beforehand that you are a complete embicile. Also, I don't care what you think, and mostly because it is wrong. I only care about the obvious lies that you wrote just hours after me posting such a beautiful comment. You came her and took a shit so now I will shit all over you. Because your an idiot.
I honestly don't care for AI Art at the moment. Information in the Biden age has been pretty much dull and uninteresting. I am currently going to find a way to have fun offline.
I'm assuming from your shit typing you are a Pajeet. You can barely type correctly, nobody will take a little manlet like yourself seriously if you can barely speak English ;D

Also, if you genuinely believe me to be wrong about AI prove it? You can already see the artists fearing the AI, and discussing things about it, why not prove I'm wrong then?
>I am currently going to find a way to have fun offline.
I don't think that's even proper English. It depends how broke you are whether you can have fun offline or not, regrettably. Most people that have fun offline do so because they are born wealthy, or because they are old (and wealthy.) If I was one of these rich nerds I would be fucking $300 prostitutes every night. I am not exagerating, and I've never payed for sex before but I mean that given the present situation at hand things are not looking good socially in the offline.
Ai please save me... I'm so successful at being adult that I can't pay $30 for a fap commission... I want everything for free like my commie friends...
>If you believe me to be wrong about AI prove it? >why not prove I'm wrong
Scroll up and read my post about me inventing AI art in 2016. The idea was stolen from me because I spoke to the wrong group of people sometime around 2017. Old Jewish
>>131247 A group of old Jewish nutters.
Sure you did. Take your pills granddad.
>>131250 I am the father of AI art. Ask me what else I invented that they've stolen from me. They, and the Americans, and the nutters, that is the only thing they're good at. They rob.
>>131251 Oh, and also your precious Japanese. They're shit. Sonetimes I forget about their thievery. They're shit.
I hope that real people finally will ban all those artists and will choose AI
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I sure do love it when artists who draw morbidly obese women feel the need to own the people they deem racists and conservatives. What skeletons do you wanna bet this guy has in his closet?
(100 KB, 772x772, FjXUosPXEAAcQr7.jpeg)
All of the images created by Text to Image prompts are new pictures. The machines starts with a blank canvas and then diffuses colours onto it, with the intent of visualizing what the text described.

It can infer tags and be influenced by users; it cannot copy and paste. This is not photoshop or a collage.
Normies are tasteless cattle who listen to rap and line up for Star Wars sequels and Marvel movies. These days telling anyone that cutting off their dick is insanity or that lying around smoking weed and mooching off your friends and family is subhuman behaviour is a pretentious arsehole. Why would anyone care what the average Mr Beast watching Fortnight playing zoomer thinks when the majority is just as retarded as the generations before them?
Ah, I see winter break has started.

All the retarded students are here schizo posting up a storm.
I know right.
What the actual fuck are half of these shitty wojak political ramblings anyway.
(202 KB, 720x598, Screenshot_20221219-183940~2.png)
Can we stop talking about politics and start going after the people who's been posting males on our board? The spoilers is a post from the Pokemon girls thread where some faggot posted a Male X Female mutual of the Sun & Moon protagonists, even though this is supposed to be a female only board.
(163 KB, 1061x1191, PowerBEASTSTRONGESToftheSTRONG.jpg)
The Strongest Virgin in Dragon Ball, yep, yep, you heard that right, Jiren is that strong. No other character can challenge Jiren, no one can't take this title from Jiren. The Strongest Virgin in history!

>GokuGokuGoku out of fucking NOWHERE

>Ai is... leh good
Wake me up when I can make full scale chadgon ball fan comics that dont look like shit. And yes, I've seen pixiv, they're trash.

>Pajeet instead of poojeet
>All this IESLB
Not only are you a bejita fan, but I can tell you are BROWN. KEKALDOODLLY DO DOO DOOOO!
(1.9 MB, 397x430, Obsenren.gif)
>Board called bbW
>Posts m*ale shit
The people who post male shit on the woman's board are rozas617 fans. Gents... Terminate
Oh boy even the Jiren roleplayer's here now.
After 20 threads of the same tired complaints and also how quickly it devolves into borderline incomprehensible shit like this, it makes me wonder why any artist would even bother to take these threads seriously. It really boils down to a bunch of whiny children, political schizoposting,fucking Gaia Online roleplaying and people false flagging so blatantly they sound like saturday morning cartoon villains.

No wonder the rest of the board is so tightly moderated, this has become the designated shitting street of BBWchan and I'm sure the staff members are just laughing their arses off.
(3.2 MB, 2530x1396, Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 12.07.34 pm.png)
Like, it's not like we want to be taken seriously or anything, but this is getting ridiculous. It's borderline incomprehensible with this hodge-podge of Weird Wojaks, the Jiren-Poster and self employed philosophers all mixed into a bunch of political drivel that might as well not even mean anything. How do we go from talking about to fat chicks to socialism. It makes the people of r/unpopularopinions look like super geniuses.
>posting full on sex has always been against DA rules
It's a stupid fucking rule and you know it. It makes no sense how DA acts like they're puritan when it comes to sex while diaperfurs, gurofags, and any other degenerate garbage you can think of runs rampant there. There's even mature content settings, making the rule even more pointless and arbitrary.
>Start a crusade
Against artists and their poor and low quality arts for progress and future?
They were responding to my post about how I'd be able to stop the people who posts males here, so it'd be a crusade against them.
People are... talking?!
Yikes, somebody stop these incels!
I mean, can you really call half of this "talking"? Jirenposter is the worst example by far, but so much of this thread is just the kind of terminally online schizoid ramblings that make you wonder how long it's been since some of these people genuinely went outside and had a conversation with another human being.

IMO these threads have run their course, but at least they serve the purpose of containment so that they don't shit up every other thread.
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Of course I am.
Sir pls do the needful...
Uh, the we archive is rather scarce when it comes to the bbw-chan.net or something like that.
Joe Biden, Wake up.
Human rigths are a meme. Zizek bottom text.
>jannies are... LE GOOD
Oh, and how much are they paid? Lmao.
You don't.
Throw the marxian socialism into the trash, those retards think that their theory is like a bible, defining everything and being the ultimate truth.
>be you
>go to the male board
>post the female art
>tell that it's a man
Curious. Use their tricks against them. Don't you dare to assume the gender.
(10 KB, 255x255, 1670042762181.gif)
Dear Xir, it was yesterday.
>your opinion
>my opinion
>an argument
Don't care.
tha ruskies are gonna steal ur fat porn
tha ruskies are gonna steal your fat porn
Tell me which kinks is cringe?
(84 KB, 1172x816, IMG_20220313_210740_743.jpg)
>These nuts are a nusance you can't live next to these nuts. They are too corny. You can't live with them. It's too much. Just get the fuck away from me, all of you sicken me.
(42 KB, 800x1404, bibendum.jpg)
Also, BWS is overrated, I don't know what they have found in him.
Just like the Kipteicunt is.
Picrel, is how BWS spherecunts look like.
What part of my post was implying I think BBWchan's current way modding is good? I think it's excessively stupid and DOES IT FOR FREE too how much they limit discussion on every other thread but this thread is what it is.
You're just cartoonishly reacting like a snowflake because I said a funny word like everyone else, didn't you? You'd be right at home on Twitter, false flagger.
Yes, BWS skin render looks like balls, but not as real skin. Plus, he can’t understand how render materials and faces. He wants make it looks more stylised like playrix’s style or other mobile games studios , but he can’t understand rules of them
Maybe try criticizing him when you aren't mid-stroke, guys. You just sound like frothing retards.
Hah, we can criticise everything what we want
Yea well you just have bad tastes man
Sure, and I can criticize YOU back for making no sense at all and thus contributing nothing to any conversation.
I agree that Kip is shit, but I like BWS's work.
(1.0 MB, 1242x1449, 1637854072026.jpg)
Part of the truppe, part of the circus.
LaTeX inflation fetishist. Skin like rubber, let him smear the asphalt with a hearty cry from his metal heart.
Whatchu gonna do, write more of this crap?
Excuse me, rubberman, rubber factory is two blocks down.
Hard to prove you wrong when nobody knows what the fuck you're even saying
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Totally agree with you. Real skin not looks like latex as on BWS’s arts. Here examples of faces, but body’s skin from BWS also looks like ball
Dude, stop cherry picking examples. He draws in a very anime style, the rendering almost always is soft and "rubbery." You're picking styles that explicitly go for a more realistic look, which isn't what BWS is trying to do. You can say you don't like his style, but it's not "bad" just because you don't like it.
(445 KB, 1107x1231, arthas_hard_texture.jpg) (193 KB, 1280x1172, nz1.jpg)
Indeed my friend, it is hard to make the skin texture look well. Nice picks, anyway,
Dear my uneventful anon, there also are people who draw in the >tres animesque...
But may I say, that they do it good, and ultimately they do it better.
And yes, he draws the BIBENDUM WOMEN!
>>131438 Your writing style is shit, and do is this art. He looks like he is trying way too hard to copy American comicbook styles, and he is ultimately failing.
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>very anime style
Just see on 4 pic, this is anime style. But bws doesn’t draw in this style. He draws in more casual and mobile style. But he doesn’t experiment with faces and facial expressions, his render of materials is bad. Here example of this style. And plus, he can’t delete line from worked on last stages of drawing, his line to strong for his render
Literally all of this art sucks dick
I'm 99% sure this is just the same person changing their IP between comments to make it seem like there's someone else who agrees with them. The mistakes being made are so grammatically similar.

If you are a single person or multiple people I'd say maybe drop the argument. I genuinely don't think people understand what arguments you're trying to make.

I'm not angry I'm just confused.
(143 KB, 1280x1920, 4510.jpg) (1.3 MB, 828x1160, unknown.png)
Lmao, you think your words have any meaning?
let them copy western style, be not crusty.
What's the matter? Anything has a chance to look good if its done right.
Bibendum women, THOUGH?
Ah, don't get confused. Me is me, and that person isn't me.
But I thought I was me?
>>131446 BRO WHY ARE YOU still yapping with your mouth when your art sucks so much dick?
(186 KB, 2I.mp3)
Fun to think you say so. Cussy much after me touchy your precios rubber?

Anyway, about this thread and human behavior in general.
Some philosophical viewpoints hold that consciousness can be viewed as a kind of swiftly controlled hallucination, produced as a result of the internal processing and representation of subjective feelings, thoughts, and memories. This comprehension implies that in order to distinguish between "reality" and "imagination," or between our subjective experience and what genuinely exists outside of us, we require some sort of external control. Hard logic enclosed in a shell can be used to do this; the shield is frequently constructed of silicon material (i.e. computer hardware).
Friedrich Nietzsche's "Will to Power" is a notable example of how this philosophy can be applied to the idea of "biomechanical apotheosis," showing how technology and artificial intelligence can allow mankind to partially transcend itself.
>>131455 I find it diffucult to believe you actually wrote all that shit out about such stupid dhit nobody gives a fuck to read. I yhink uou had that already written sonewhere and you were just waiting for the opportunity yo copy and paste it to post it on a thread.
This is definitely the worst Salt thread this site has had yet. Most of the posts aren't even coherent.
>it makes me wonder why any artist would even bother to take these threads seriously.
You've got that right.
(306 KB, 929x1175, tuxgun.png)
Thanks for your opinion.
One may say that your thoughts on me hardly merit a response, however I will address them. A pity to do so.
My post was written by me; it was not pre-written and pasted. To suggest that my hard work was in vain is unjustified. Everyone has different tastes and opinions, of which yours may be the least popular.
I must say that being passionately critical is important, but yours are neither critical nor important. And unfortunately it doesn't change anything.
Ultimately, the decision about what to post rests with me.
Like your bibendum women if you must.
BWS isn't as good as people say.
Which artist does have the best taste at waifus?
>>131461 Holy shit guy. Okay queen
"yoU DidN't AGe hEr up! YoU JusT MaDE Her tAller aND/OR Gave hEr loNgER Hair!!"

That's literally the definition of grown-up. You GROW up.
>Advance to maturity; develop into an adult.

Sounds about right.
In the end, "age up" is just an excuse pussies use to not get cancelled for drawing younger characters.
Do you want people to know you're drawing child porn?
(5.0 MB, 368x368, wommyn_creators.mp4)
I've always thought that the people who watched a show or an anime as a kid or teen and have grown up since then want the characters to grow up as well.
I think it is immature.
>oooh nooooo not the poor drawings
we have this autistic argument every fucking week
You have no idea what you're talking about
The only child here is you.
Well that's perfect. Someone should draw them and age them up,
Yes, more commissions. Also people =/= only murricans with they lolifobia. If you don't know the fag/trap shit is a far less acceptable garbage around the world.
>>13 (Dead)q673 How is that possible when the most beautiful and most women-like transexuals all come from communist Russia and the rest of Europe?
>>131673 How is that possible when the least ugly (most women-like) transexuals all come from communist Russia and the rest of Europe?
Less accepted =/= nonexistent. The ones that actually 'pass' are usually more accepted than the ones who just throw on a different set of clothes and call it a day.
Also can the jannies do their job and remove the literal irl child porn thread that's up? I'm reporting my own comment so you have to read this.
>>131681 Okay but the ones who are accepted it's because they don't resemble men. So whether it is a small minority or not they are still technically accepted. And as I said I have seen countless of them on places like twitter for example. Most of the time I don't even know it's a dude with them until I see the penis. Even then it could be a photoshop, but it's less likely on twitter. Twitter, Onlyfans, and on webcams they have plenty of these hoes. No pun intended.
Seriously. These illegal spam threads are getting out of hand
Call me a crying wojak, but I think I'd rather be gay than fantasize about kids honestly. A child going through sexual abuse can permanently traumatize them, because they are vulnerable and unfit to have sex, and if there is not a part of your brain that tells you that when you think about having sex with a child then I think there is something wrong with you. What are you thinking about while you masturbate to little girls?
That they're fictional, you schizo.
But, what do you find attractive about them?
That makes no sense. Dragonball, Bleach, Naruto, and Digimon Adventure aged up the core cast. People are just falling back on old designs cause nobody wants to see Gohan the scholar, Naruto as a government official, or the Chosen Children as adults. Goku and Vegeta are outliers because they go on galactic adventures as adults.

What are you on about? Who do you know that willingly chooses to regress Gohan to his Pre-Buu Saga designs? Those are literally his worst fucking designs!
Aging up or down characters is dumb because fetish artists don't work for the franchise.
Shoutout to the CP thread that stayed up for like 6 hours and got 3 replies.
Do I like their personality? Yes
Do I like their design? Yes
Do I like their source material? Yes

Then they get made fat.
>saves wojaks without even knowing what they are
I don't know if I should be disgusted or impressed.
anons got so fucking mad at a typical spambot thread
embarrassing tbqh smh fam
(223 KB, 1842x760, Untitled.jpg)
What is it about /inf/ that attracts such lunatics? These are all different threads btw
Or, you know, report the actual threads instead you fucking retard.
I reported the newer thread. It's that one fucker who makes threads for the sake of killing others.
While I’m here, is there any particular reason why people hate bambooale so much? I think their stuff is great.
His attitude, sense of humour and questionable decisions have tainted whatever was good about his artwork in the first place. There's also this air to his art that has only become more present overtime which affects a decent amount of other artists recently like Jaykuma and Kafe where it has this hint of "Semi realistic expressionless face staring at nothing". I really don't know how to explain it well, but that sort of thing has always bugged me about certain artists
>>131831 Those aren't real artists, my dude. Those are what we call "snobs" around here. They are pretenders following trends. Some steal while others copy. That is why we liken them to the communities that circle the higher art forms and establishments. I don't look down on them but simply see them as they are. A different breed who seek fortune and fame primarily. Nearly all of them go to college primarily for the arts. Very few of them are any good.

I have had sex with beautiful blonde hoes with big tits in 5 star hotels without paying a dime. I have had countless of artistic works and other ideas blatently stolen from me, starting from the age of 9 years old. It doesn't bother me anymore. I have been in love, and have achieved more than I could've ever hoped to gain from worldly pleasures. Everyday my cock is on full erect. Thanks to the internet I sorround myself with beautiful women everyday and today I came extra hard to a beautiful dark-haired girl with huge boobs that could've been L cups. I believe her name is Milly Marks. I came hard. I am not an artist, I am better.

Losing me was the worst decision the industry ever made and still today they try desperately invading my privacy to steal whatever scraps they can out of my activities both online and offline trying everything they can just so the industry doesn't tank and go under because everybody knows that it's on it's last leg. Their studios are over-staffed with thieves and liars and their stores are stocked with what is all they can produce, the same garbage over and over again. The consumer gets restless and demand more but they are incapable of fullfilling the request and nobody wants to tell the TRUTH about why and what happened. I already saw all of this coming in a vision, so don't expect things to get better anytime soon.
I say this hoping it actually gets through to you: you have a mental illness. Please seek help.
>>131838 Clearly, you don't know who I am. Let me know if you need help on your video game.
You're crazy as hell, dude
It doesn't matter to me who you are. It just matters that you need professional help for your delusions.
>>131845 Doing well. I am. Your video games aren't. I'll let you know if I could ever use your help though.
I literally have no idea what you're talking about. I do not have a video game, dude, and this is exactly what I'm saying. Delusions.
>>131865 You may not notice this, as I am sure you ignore many other things in your life, but you continously repeating "I don't know what you are talking about" and "What fo you mean?" for yhe past 1 1/2 days and it's because you read my many comments. You are not self aware.
My first response to you was my first post in this thread.
I am in your house I am in your house I am in your house I am in your house I am inside
I have a question, why do people have a fetish for pool toys of all things? What's so attractive about fucking floaties of all things?
(26 KB, 752x237, Screenshot_20221223_033659.png)
What is it about bellies that brings out unmitigated autism? Fuck here I am talking about comments on a fetish comic, what's the fucking deal?
both of these posters are autistic as fuck
Honest answer, it's the stubborn refusal of fat, vore, and pregnancy artists to differentiate the three that causes autism.
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>>130974 (OP)
Can somebody translate this meme? I am too busy working the holidays to interpret the Neo-reactionaries manifesto. I had way too much fun playing Kingdom Hearts BBS on the PS4 to care about fetish art man and their failed projects. My parents already know what I do, they don't care as long as I maintain fiscal discipline.
hey this may not be the right thread to ask this question, but does anyone go into a blind anger when something happens and then look back and think "that wasn't my proudest moment" or something like that, cause i has a moment like that.
Yeah Gecko does it all the time, at least you're self aware.
Merry fucking Christmas you degenerate motherfuckers. More holidays to come.
Guys people have posted actual fucking child porn in this site twice. Once in alt and there’s one right now in drawn. What the fuck is going on.
the lines....they're becoming blurred
>>132214 yeah I saw that too. I did report it because even though we're sick in the head, we got standards here.
I don't know. Mods banned people like me and now pesos are taking over because that's who's left to indulge in chan culture. See why ban hammering is bad?
You know this reminds me of the twilight days of Inflatechan when the whole site was overrun with CP spam, and FruitFrakker (going by his old name Ghassy) wagged his finger at people pissed about it because fetishists have no moral ground to judge child rapists. Surprise surprise ten years later he's a self admitted extreme far left commie Satanist.
The site is overrun by CP because there's no annoying people like me to repel them. Trolls and shit posters were the security. Without me, CP will spread cause pedos take advantage of ban hammers to plaster their disgusting taste all over chans uninterrupted.
It's probably the same cunt. Needs the ban hammer and maybe a pointer to the federales. Site's just unfortunately not staffed by enough people to monitor 24/7
Pedo hunters like George Santos and Majorie Greene have been outed as liars. It turns out defeating a common enemy will cause conservatives to turn on each other.

Oh no! Not liars! Are they gossipers too!? They probably love beautiful butts and Doritos cool ranch for all I know. You know what I've never seen in real life? A girl with HUGE BOOBS! Even if I did, she would probably already have a boyfriend, and even if she didn't have a boyfriend, what are the chances of her being interested in me? This morning I blasted furiously to a famous german ssbbw. Shit was so cash.
I flat out don't know. George Santos just fabricated his way into a house seat.
What the fuck are you talking about?
(96 KB, 800x549, tumblr_pniz8fkhhB1sq2igro1_1280.png)
Weight Gain artists are salty because the Middle East has an obesity problem and they can't market their art because communism scares fat people.

>FruitFrakker (going by his old name Ghassy) wagged his finger at people pissed about it because fetishists have no moral ground to judge child rapists.

One of the most aggressively retarded takes I've ever heard in my life. How are drawings of fictional characters even remotely comparable to the content where real children are harmed in horrific ways?
I still have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, or how you've deluded yourself into believing it has any relevance to anything whatsoever.
That's still a depiction of a child? Not that you're actually hurting anyone. But it's still weird if you're jacking it to a child character.
I've always felt that adult characters would just handle being turned into a blueberry, getting fat, or having big boobs well.
Serious adults are not into furry art or weight gain art.
(207 KB, 559x400, 1572208559094.jpg)
Now that Christmas is over, I hope the "eggnog sweatpants girl" trend will end soon. It got old really fast.
Maybe it's just me but I actually like when new characters trend because when nothing else is going on you really do see artists either retreating to the ten thousandth Princess Peach / Samus drawing for clout or drawing their OCs nobody cares about.
I'd rather see that than people sucking up to big-name artists for clout.
(423 KB, 662x599, 1449725846321.png)
>none of the art made from the trend even mentions the artist that started it
>They must be doing this for clout!
God forbid people have fun with a previously unknown character and concept, no, there's always got to be some ulterior motive to it.

Christ, you seem like a boring, insufferable person.

I didn't mean jacking it to a character clearly depicted as a child (loli), I meant FruitFrakker equating other fetishes like inflation and vore to CP.
You clearly havent gotten to know many Serious adults and hold some idolized version of them in your head like a child would.
Dobson says the exact same thing.. artists just don't want to admit that they are fabulists
Dobson says what? Why does what he say matter here at all too.
What does that second sentence even mean in the context of anything? Of course they're fabulists, they draw FANTASY.
Are you mentally well?
Yes I am mentally well. Are you, sex offender? I just woke up from a nap.
NGL, when i saw a bunch of artist draw her, I was very confused. Because I've never heard of the song until now. I just assumed someone paid bunch of artist to draw their OC
Idk if it's just me, but has anyone else noticed that there's been a higher tolerance for garbage/MSpaint level art being posted on this site?
How many more times am I going to see the circle-tool, or characters that are skewed to the side from the artist's eyes being fucking misaligned?

Are we finally about to lose this war on autism?
The sheer amount of schizoposting that's been going on in this thread compared to all the others tells me that we've already lost.
Ah this, I think that might be due to the increased number of late zoomers and early ayoomers flooding the site. When you're relatively young and horny, you'd fap to anything really.
(58 KB, 845x535, skull.jpg)
You don't know much about FruitFrakker do you?
Isn't he the one that made Madoka berries? It's a shame at how aimless those pics were.
(144 KB, 319x241, 1666984901065840.png)
Looks pointlessly edgy, like something 14yo would write.
And judging from the name he is berry veganist, I don't know what's even worse.
>anons got so fucking mad at a typical spambot thread
>embarrassing tbqh smh fam

fruitfrakker story time:
he flew into my DA messages a few years back, out of the blue and asking me for role playing
I told him no, he took it like it was personal
didn't hear about him for a long time after that until rather recently and saw that he posts nothing but politics autism on twitter

par for the course if you ask me
That "character" is literally Carrie Underwood herself, what people don't realize is that they're drawing a real person.
It's par the course he ended up a tranny-enabling far leftist after defending CP too
When did BBWchan turn into FoxNews?

Still salty over Brian Stelter leaving the CNN, I see? Don't worry, there's still plenty of effeminate chubs out there to replace him, you would fit right in.
I don't watch CNN either. I swear you right wingers are hilarious with how you go on Tucker and whine about the gays.
The most annoying thing is these AI fags can't just upload one or two images they gotta go 10 fucking slightly different uploads of the same shit-to-mid level stuff.
Artists should draw a fat Kyoko way more.
It's more adult characters are super rare in anime and the ones that do exist have little personality to work with that makes it hard.
(3.4 MB, 2763x1275, wut.png)
You sure about that?
Literally their one defining feature aren't even the same color.
Not everyone here is from the walmartland.
Nah, I don't want animes about wine aunts in their 30s.
Well, I'm not sure how would anyone watch something that looks like this.
I am more of a cake man.
(166 KB, 1280x1052, too_much_jelly_by_better_with_salt_dfkgc8m-fullview.jpg)
It's time to talk about the war between the size preferences with various artists.

BWS for example manufactures both art I like and "I can't fap to this" level stuff.

Unfortunately, I feel there's a huge (pun intended) bias towards making girls in fat art as big as possible. And worse, keeping them as fat as they are.

This isolates we chub consumers who like our ladies to at least be mobile or resemble a shape that isn't a blob.

I think this contention is why artists like Kipteitei are so popular because he never draws above a certain threshold.

I'm sure those who like blob can be flexible and accept thinner fat pics, but those who don't like blob are strict about it and draw the line at jowls, excessive double chin/triple + chin, and arms/legs that are too fat.

To me there's two kinds of hyperfat art: cute only and disgusting repulsive looking. Either way I find no attraction in it, so it is disappointing when I see a character I really like being drawn too big for my tastes.

Recently that happened with BWS and Melony from Pokémon.

Example below.

The belly is fine, but that chin is no. I hate it when the chin hangs like fucking Honey Boo Boo's mom.
I'm an artist, and it feels like 80% of the time commissioners want blobs drawn from me. It has started to make me feel repellent to them.
Yo, I can attest to this as well.
His works are look complete, they're polished and all like that, but for me they are too "sterile" to evoke arousal.
>there's a huge (pun intended) bias towards making girls in fat art as big as possible.
True true, not like I mind not seeing larger sizes, but I feel that the more common, or realistic in the sense of the word sizes are rather neglected.
>I think... Kipteitei is popular because he never draws above the certain threshold
Your observations are correct.
>cute and repulsive hyperfat art
Yes, some are even fappable, but only when they stay in the certain limits. For me it's no excessive face fat. God forbid.
Example of this >>132511 (Cross-thread) it's literally dios mio... La creatura...
>I hate it when the chin hangs like fucking Honey Boo Boo's mom.
Lol. For me it looks like the chin of the Great Goblin from Tolkien's Hobbit.

Sure, fam, your incredibly original and informed opinons are very indicative of your vast and unbiased sources, like Vaush and hbomberguy.
(43 KB, 666x555, a13.jpg)
>Christ, you seem like a boring, insufferable person.
That sums up most people in here nowadays. It's honestly disheartening seeing just how badly these threads have deteriotated. It went from a group of anons venting legitimate greivances to rambling schizos that got lost in their way to 4chan. I genuinely can't tell if the people here even have the same fetish anymore or just using this place as a second /pol/.

It looks nothing like her, what are you even on about?

Negro, just fap to Wamudraws or some shit. Don't act like you're some oppressed class solely because a fat artist known for drawing fat women isn't drawing them exactly as fat as you'd like.
I just like this board because it has fat chicks and i can throw around the nigger word too
(56 KB, 640x360, ugly_bastard.jpg)
Don't forget Hassan and TIK to balance the first out.
Gotta improvise.
I wonder if any inflation fetishists work in the aerospace industry. I would like to ask them couple of questions regarding the prospects of use of inflable modular habitats on the LEO.

And here I am, today would be the day to try and finish the digital painting of one of those dragon girls found in that city building rpg.
>I'm sure those who like blob can be flexible and accept thinner fat pics, but those who don't like blob are strict about it and draw the line at jowls, excessive double chin/triple + chin, and arms/legs that are too fat.
I see comments often from people who dislike blob/immobile, while the people who dislike chubby or lighter BBWs I only see here. I think you're blowing things out of proportion.
>BWS Melony pic
That's the fattest face BWS has done by a fair amount, so it looks weird since he hasn't had practice with it.
>I think this contention is why artists like Kipteitei are so popular because he never draws above a certain threshold.
Kip's popularity is from the people who followed him since the Lunch with Sister days, and size has nothing to do with it. BWS has more or less caught up to him in terms of popularity and has drawn significantly larger women then Kip ever has.

I don't know who you are to be sure of how much weight is behind your comment or if you're even telling the truth, but people likely commission blob/immobile more because it's a size artists usually don't draw on their own unless it's part of a Weight Gain Drive or was something voted to get a sequel.
Kisame here. I don't know who those two even are. I feel like the right are just failed actors who wouldn't look out of place at a WCW lineup
There also needs to be a better distinction between what's viewed as a good immobile and a bad one, because most blob haters paint them all under the same brush regardless of their quality.
(13 KB, 200x194, Angry Robotnik.jpg)
Is there any fat artist more aggressively unlikable than Roxas617? Between the retarded slapfights he gets into on twitter, his obnoxious zoomer lingo, his tendency to blow up at commenters completely unprovoked, his insane virtual signalling, and his sumofaggotry, he's long overdue for a punch in the face. I can't even appreciate his willingness to draw loli and shota because he's such an obnoxious manchild.
Roxas is the 'hero' lolifags deserve.
If he is an artist, than I must be a ballerine.
No redemption.
He draws porn of little kids, that's enough to hate him
(284 KB, 1080x1358, Screenshot_20221228_131558_Twitter.jpg)
>Hey man, isn't it a little weird that you jerk off to depictions of childr-
>ermmm, le pixels on muh screen
(47 KB, 720x228, Screenshot_20221228-145740~2.png)
Getting real sick of these faggots. The only mutuals that are allowed here are ones that have no males involved. Ones that involve a man and a woman goes to either /ee/ or the Mutual Thread on /Alt/.
Sumos are hot but only if they have solid strongfat bodies rather than just slapping any 1,200 lb blob in a mawashi.
Cry harder retard, nobody cares
(1.1 MB, 500x500, 1498466844545.gif)
just let it go man. Mods have abandoned this shithole a long time ago. And this recent influx of blatant newfaggotry and brainless shitposting is gonna make it even worse. Until this place will be nothing more than /trash/ 2.0
Just stop caring and watch it all tumbling down.
People on a website called big beautiful woman chan doesn't want to see fat males? Shocker. Truly.
There's too much lesbo shit in WG comics and in WG art in general. What I wouldn't give for a straight relationship every once in a while
Maybe artists want to draw sex and intimacy without having to draw dick? Ever consider that?
Not when Eishiban exists.

All of you can go fuck yourselves, how many times are you going to go through this same debate in these threads? It's a complete waste of everyone's time.
You do know that you can draw sex between a dude and a chick without having to make a closeup to the dick?
Groovebot3000, is that you?
Especially when a weight gain sequence gets too fat too fast.

That and he doesn't tend to draw other kinks that could turn people off, like fat artists that also dabble in vore and preg for example.

Yeah, I'm no fan of kahuurinzan for that reason.

Nice comparison.
(78 KB, 418x750, 1621178710884.jpg)
I did not finish it (yet), my bad.
Oh, as I see it is bbwchan, not bhmchan?
Because uhh I don't know actually. It is simply the way it is.
"Press button to fat" ain't good. Perhaps that's why people munch on the Kip's cacti of a comic, only to give some context to the fat.
(169 KB, 307x246, 1661719141269.gif) (1.9 MB, 397x430, Obsenren.gif)
>Board for females
>Has no problems woth people posting gay shit
G squad.

>Is there any fat artist more aggressively unlikable than Roxas617?
Hornymustardsauce. Cozy if followed him from the start. Bambooale. FFAnumber. That one trinityfatec clone, and a bunch of others I'm following.
>Hating sumo's
Bejita? Bejita.
Are there any fat artists that don't have any controversies surrounding them? Ones who just keep their mouths shut and post art.

Does a little girl with a huge butt take shits?

Why do likes even exist? Especially liking random comments
In that context it's probably just a gesture of acknowledgment/sympathy, like "oh that's unfortunate, hopefully you can take care of yourself"
Not even this thread can contain the crazies.
>artist known for fetish art is dismayed that his fetish art is more popular than his regular art
this keeps happening and it's gotten to the point where I wonder if these artists are just retarded
there's two or three spergs who cannot keep the constant horse beating to a single thread and it's gotten to the point where it's just not as fun to shitpost here anymore
same tired shit that they can't get over, at least have some fucking variety you autists
You see if they stopped being gooners and troons a basic iota of intelligence would return and we could then have civilized conversations.
These rant threads need to stop existing. They follow the exact same formula every single time.
Gotta respect both Absolon and Softon for saying they'll leave the community to push fowards better career choices and actually kept their word.
Trash cans stink, attract flies and other vermin, and are generally unsightly, yet without them you'd just have trash everywhere
If anything it only enables their retardation. They just fester in here and eventually spill out to the rest of the site. These threads were a fucking mistake.
>These threads were a fucking mistake.
They haven't though.

They've been lurking here ever since, but I guess you wouldn't have noticed since you're apparently throat deep on their cocks.
I miss when a large part of the threads seemed more about artist drama and some of the artist coming into the threads for damage control
I know Absolon has been on the site since they posted some of the comic when they had a thread, but when has Softon visited?

Most I know about them is just liking stuff on their twitter account.
And what do you do when the trash cans are overflowing and there's trash everywhere anyway?

All these threads have done is encourage and validate the absolute worst users of this website, who then spill out everywhere else. The least the shit-for-brains mods could have done is punted them onto /gen/, but they're too fucking dumb even for that.
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Why does hyperpreg have terrible relationship with their relatives? The more I think about it, I have a positive relationship with my parents and peers.
It keeps all the retards in one thread but I can see what you mean. It’s infuriating going through these threads and they just devolve into either hating on trans people, political eh - or something entirely unrelated to fat artists. I just want to see drama about like some random fat anime artist I don’t care about.
Are you really asking why a mentally ill tranny isn't sane?
I dunno. I called her a dumb femcel multiple times because they tranny sounded like the Virginia Tech shooter. She got mad when I pointed out that Asians don't call themselves Asians.
If we stop these threads I think the spread of dickwads will get WORSE. These boards might as well go on gen. Barley anything here retains to artist. Even then. I can't blame them. There's nothing happening drama wise and you have to find SOMETHING to talk about.

People overreact about everything and complain about the most minuscule shit imaginable.
I have been watching artists overreact about Kisame on SlickPens Twitter account. I honestly don't think that hyperpreg is as big as it claims to be.
>parental issues
>Philippine and Chinese flag in bio
retarded tankie confirmed
I think she was the one who started the Kisame, IRS agent, lawyer thing. Is it me or are Zoomers trying to be the manic pixie dream girl from indie flicks?
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Yeah this screams femcel. Maybe this is why she attacks Ben Shapiro. Ben was born in Burbank and found success in the Daily Wire. Lauren doesn't look talented and no sane studio wants a sideshow attraction. This looks like a future Skids Row resident. How's going to believe schizophrenic that shouts Kisame online?
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Since the femcel is stuck in the past. I made her the new Kisame. Now I that I am a loser, I can finally get that pay raise from the job and focus on boosting my equity.
Westernised Asian women are evil.
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Once again, I have to ask what the hell happened to these threads. They're genuinely struggling to not stay on-topic and not stray on to just general 4-Chan /pol level drivel.
Probably a lost cause, but I'll at least attempt to bring a theoretically interesting story that we can cringe at. You ever have some embarrassing moments in the past involving this fetish? Because I have distinct memories of calling girls "chubby" to their faces and desperately trying to explain that I meant it as a compliment. And yet somehow I still convinced myself that "Surely no one has figure out I like chubby girls" even though it was extremely obvious. IRL bbw stuff is lame anyways tho, so I'm glad that never worked out.
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Gen Z has the personality of a shooter. They could just be Andrew Dobson, but instead we have a generation of mini boomers that cannot grasp that being gay, trans, or conservative isn't a personality. Maybe this is why fetish artists all talk like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Maury or all these talk shows. They're a generation raised on television and internet. Why else would Gen Z crash the economy? Their mini boomers
gen z is crashing the economy? they're barely in college lol
College attendance is down across the board.
>>133065 Oh so you found my college records? You hacked into the campus computers and you're so cool because you have infoemation about me. I would fight you and your father's ass right now. And btw fuck University it's a fucking joke and a scam so fuck you
certainly didn't mean it in "barely attending" so much as age wise. College is a scam, particularly in the US.

More laughing at the absurd passing of the torch of "Millenials are killing applebees" to "Zoomers are killing the economy"
Do your friends on twitter know that you use such ableist language?

I have nonidea what you just said but yeah I enjoy going to Chilli's on occasion. You have a problem with that? Do let me know. I love it. You're a fucking pussy
>>133071 shut the fuck up retard
Cheeze pizzs a and goat's milk. That is my desire.
I see no problem with that, anyway.
Crash it down.
Leave none alive. Fuck the bullshit jobs and all of that >on-demand couching built on the SaaS models, stuff like that. You know?
Dude, you are paranoid. If there's no way to wiggle out, just ride it. Don't be ashamed.
>Ablesissy seething
Interesting, but the last couple of posts hardly make any sense.
You really fighting over some slit commie pussy? Lol.
Advice to all present:
>"Psychiatrist near me"
I'm 100% sure Slimeyjaystudios and Magicstraw are the same person, and NO amount of gaslighting will convince me otherwise
No amount of lifting can erase autism.
They don't even have the same artstyle
I'm surprised artists are even paying attention to this thread given all the schizo and /pol/ posts.
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I used to like Eishiban’s art, even supported his Earthworm Jim wannabe game that had a fat chick in it. But I can’t stomach his gross fat kid art. I wonder when the feds are gonna finally catch him red handed with cheese pizza he probably has all over his computer.
Get off you skizo. Not even the Feds give a damn since it's legally protected under rhe First Amendment
I can see the inspiration, but her style is distinct enough from magicstraw's to make them seem like a real person (lol)

what happened to magicstraw anyway? I remember their art used to be huge and I was fapping to it all the time and then they dropped off. looking back on their art I dislike how the characters lose their skeletons and become huge blobs with disconnected fat limbs, but it still sells the fantasy of blobness.
>I can see the inspiration, but her style is distinct enough from magicstraw's to make them seem like a real person
Ok, now this is funny
Same here, because they really did see my post and had to make a public announcement about it. It's not like people agreed with me in the the thread itself. But I'm aware that people do ask them, so it was more of an annoyance "how many times do i have to say this, type of post"
>But I can’t stomach his gross fat kid art
I agree. Idk why dude started to draw kids, like a switch went of in there head one day.
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>I'm surprised artists are even paying attention to this thread given all the schizo and /pol/ posts.
We don't care about them, and they don't care about us. It's perfect.
>>133296 It's just the way it has to be. Bees have cocks? Is that the joke? TS?
>Bees have cocks? Is that the joke? TS?
nigga what?

Oh I get it. It's angels that are TS.... Very funny. But yeah nasty.
Dude wtf are you talking about
ha woops, whenever I'm talking about a creator that has interacted with bbwchan my brain defaults to thinking of them as a female model I guess
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Actually, artists in general got their lazy asses to virtual signal their bullshit because robots are stealing their hobby, even the ones who stopped way before DeviantArt got the unnecessary make over. But then, these people are thirsty for attention, shouldn't they praise their urinals and toilets? It's also art.
I like to read about lolcows. Not all of the artists are lefty zoomers.
The more I see AI shills like you use the exact same script to the letter it's having me convinced it's you fucking dumbasses that are automated
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That is not true and I don't know where you got that from. It was written vaguely that the United States government cannot pass a law that would disrespect one's freedom of expression. It's written vaguely on purpose so that pass laws prohibiting certain action(s). United States government operates on, "Would a reasonable person believe [x]?"

Like would a reasonable person believe that a drawing of a fat fictional character partaking softcore sexual act be considered porn?

That's a "law" for the establishment to obey. They were drafted to prevent a tyrannical government because the founders rose from a land of oppression and knew that having no government is better than having a bad government.

What I would like to understand is why you need somebody to tell you when you're doing something wrong. Why don't you become a lawyer? Then you will be an expert in all the laws.
It's not "shilling" if you're actually satisfied with the product. AI has done more for me than your bitch ass ever has.

>AI has done more for me than your bitch ass
.....Keep talking.

Your pathetic attempts at "clever" gaslighting completely fall apart the moment you realize that it's possible to distinguish most real art from the AI art in literal seconds, unless you've 1)never seen it before 2)you are blind 3)you are intentionally lying to yourself.
...Did I claim that all or even most AI generated images are completely indistinguishable from human made ones? That's not requirement for me to be satisfied with the product.

Gaslighting isn't real, you're just crazy.
The Constitution gives you a lot of freedom from the government but it also allows the federal and national government power to pass laws to maintain the peace and security of the people and government - responsibilities for citizens like you and I to uphold. I don't know why say "law" or the establishment as if it's a vague unknowing entity but that's none of my business. What I can suggest is for you to look up United States Constitution, United States statutes, or better yet your local government statutes.

>Why don't you become a lawyer? Then you will be an expert in all the laws.
You cannot pay me to be as morally bankrupt as a lawyer. I cannot fathom defending a reckless driver, murderer, sexual predator, etc.
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>t. goyslop fan
Policies of muttistan has been lobbied by Israel for decades, don't know much about the freedom and stuff alike.
AIPAC proudly admitted that, so...
>peace and security
Sheeeit. Much security coming from the melanine enriched populace.
>like you and I to uphold
Dios mio, el americano, la creatura zogbotica...
>I cannot fathom defending a reckless driver, murderer, sexual predator, etc.
Sure, imagine dealing with nigs and trannies on the every day basis.
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Reminder, Jiren is 16 years old and harem protagonist. Help him find a date for the cultural festival.

Color: Grey and Red
Personality: Cool and Serious
Intelligence: Infinity
Social: 10(He's shy)
Charisma: Infinity
Strength: Infinity
Speed: Infinity
Durability: Infinity
Stamina: Pornstar
Penis Size: Pornstar
Marital status: Ribbriane and Android 21
Friends: Toppo, Pride Troopers, Angels, Son Goku(best friend)

>Conditions no hags like ChiChi and Bulma

Enny renny roo!

>Oil shiner
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Brown? Brown. All posts above yours are mine, btw.
Hey Master Roshi, long time no see!
>G-Goku I'm glad you came to visit.
No time for that Roshi, I need a sparring partner.
>Oh Goku, I think you may need someone more on your level for this.
No, Master Roshi, I insist!
>Well if you say so, but don't expect the best fight ever.
*Goku and Roshi spar yet Goku ruthlessly snaps Roshi's arm*
I think you need to train more, this wasn't exciting...
>G-Goku what happened to you, this isn't like you?!
C'mon Roshi, fighting is exciting, let me try to push your limits!
*Goku pins Roshi down with his foot and presses down*
Oh come on Roshi, aren't you getting excited?
Hmm, let me help push your limits so you can get stronger!
*Goku slowly and individually breaks each finger of Master Roshi's left hand*
Roshi, you're making me angry... I wanted a real fight!
I know! I can make break your limits another way and help you get stronger.
*Goku gets on top of Roshi, pinning him down*
*Goku's hand slides down Roshis ass as he pulls down his loose pants*
You won't be needing these anymore.
*Goku begins to sweat as he is "getting excited"*
Too late Roshi, I need to push your limits,
I'm getting excited!
*Goku's obvious erection begins to show as Roshi realizes his intention*
Vegeta won't let me do these kinds of things, besides, what's wrong with spending time with my old master?
*Goku said this pressing his body against Roshi's back whispering in his ear*
*Roshi stays silent knowing his screams will alert no one, his struggles gone unnoticed even to god*
*Goku presses his erection into Roshi's loose dry ass*
HMPH, wow, Roshi this feels great aren't you getting excited?
*Roshi refuses to respond having his self worth stripped from him slowly as Goku's erection reaches farther into him*
fuck off, both of you, learn how to interact with other human beings and/or stop trolling
AI art is just imitating what has already been drawn without any of the vision of an actual artist and constantly fucking up feet, hands, and rolls.
they sound pretty based to me, fuck these retarded threads that dont belong on this board
You also forgot how the constitution is open to interpretation, which conveniently changes depending on whose running the show.
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Umm sweety, not enough diversity in it to make it truly american.
The ontological concepts of human interaction have long been a subject of philosophical investigation, focusing on how people interact with each other in various settings.
The advent of the internet has introduced new ways in which people communicate and interact, from text-to-text online environments such as email, forums, and social media platforms. These interactions can take many forms, from simple back-and-forth exchanges to conversations that are lengthier and more complex examples of such.

The myth of Jones is a useful methodological tool for examining how online interactions work in text-to-text contexts, by providing an example for how different types of communication might flow between two or more people.
Specifically, one may suggest that online ‘conversations’ involve four stages: introduction;kindling of interest; strengthening; and conclusions. 

The introduction stage involves one party initiating contact and making their presence known to the other. For example, this could take the form of sending an email to initiate a conversation or posting a comment on someone’s page introducing oneself.
The kindling phase involves furthering the conversation through dialogue exchange – asking questions and responding to answers, among other things, building the trust and rapport between parties.
Strengthening then occurs as the relationship develops further as both parties grow more familiar with each other’s interests, points of view, personalities etcetera.
Finally, conclusions are reached either through concluding the conversation by agreement or ending it by disagreement – depending on the circumstances at play here. 

While these are only guidelines towards exploring the ontological concept of human interaction at its core, rather than rules written in stone – they provide us an invaluable insight into what our relationships might look like if characterized into categories such as those described above.
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Goddamn, LORDren the Gray is just so...I can't even find an adjective to accurately describe him, because nothing that exists in any language on Earth would do him the justice he deserves. Jiren is literally the face of Dragon Ball, the overarching theme of the series personified. The pure, unbridled cultivation of inner strength and a resolve to become the best and most powerful self in the face of terrible tragedy and unending adversity... In many ways, CHADren the KING parallels the struggles that the average layman faces in everyday life, scaled up to ring true in his depicted medium. This ASTOUNDINGLY complex, grandiose, and masterfully-written character is one every man should aspire and look up to. Only those too weak and cowardly to seek the purity and sanctity of inner strength and wisdom would criticize such a being.

>Homesexual fantasies
Yup Yup Yup! This post? Written by a scholar.
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I am no dbz fan, but it's something to think of here in the Toriyama's work.

The character Jiren, from the manga and anime series Dragon Ball, may have a striking resemblance to some figures in Vedic mythology. While there is no explicit reference to it within the work, similarities can be drawn between Jiren and the Hindu God Vishnu’s eighth Avatar, Krishna.

Foremost, both characters are incredibly powerful, with near limitless strength - even as stand-ins for their respective spiritual/mythological principles. Both characters exhibit similar qualities and wield a variety of weapons. In addition to being warriors, they are also teachers who disable their enemies with kindness and understanding, instead of requiring them to resort to violence or retribution. 

In terms of clothing and jewelry, some similarities can be observed between Jiren and Krishna’s livery. Examples include: yellow colored garments; an orange-yellow headband; ornamental arm bands; earrings pendants on a necklace; bangles for wrists; diamond like decoration upon the forehead. It can be hypothesized that such design choices could be interpreted as subtle nods to Krishna's image as described in Vedic texts: “Krishna was dressed in dark blue apparel like thunderclouds color."

It should also be stated that Dragon Ball Manga was influenced by one of China's major literary works Journey To The West – a novel inspired by Buddhist Tales which in turn drew considerably on Vedic mythological elements. Furthermore, it is likely that while crafting his characters’ designs, author Akira Toriyama unconsciously fused many aspects from classical mythology into her iconic creation.  
In conclusion while we cannot be certain whether Jiren character was directly derived from Vishnu's avatar, we are confident that Dragon Ball manga inherited its subtle Vedic influences as well numerous other mythologies which in Sun Wukong character's journey serve alike an allegorical representation of Mythology reflected in the popular media, thus immortalizing timeless legends for future generations.

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