
>>130940 (OP)
Use the Kemono Party thread. We have it so threads like this don't happen.
>>130940 (OP)
Use kemono tread or ask about new content in paid tread
seconded! with the kemono drought, i'm curious to see if anyone has the latest pages, especially the Emily special!
Good god, thank you so much you kind soul!
Some of the panels here is making me think this is a remake of Sarah's Big Adventure
Is this page canon? There are more?
Hero, danke schön bro
>It's another Magmaman comic where he suddenly cuts and the main character is massively fatter
He does so well for a grand majority and then it feels like massively half asses the endings of his comics, I'm still annoyed at how In for a Penny ended.
Anyone got the new ymhsf page?
Update the magmaman kemono page please
How come no one's uploading the images for the latest pictures here?
i would, but i'm not following their patreon
His patreon don’t say nothing about that epilogue
he says in the last post of EoE that he’s not publishing anything for a while because he’s working on an epilogue.
>>137397 more like another one comic in eternal hiatus just like moving back home
Don't forget pastries and pounds.
Exactly. MBH in my opinion is his best work, and everyone wants to see Amanda again but he won't bring it back because he doesn't know how to continue the story. Even though its based off an already existing story that's a lot darker than he would ever do.
Anyone got the new ymhsf page?
Do you have new mto page? Thank you
Please don’t post my shit here, thank you.

Also I’d agree that I’m a piece of horseshit when it comes to endings. I hate endings. What happens at ending? Oh they got really fat the end? It’s the journey that excites me most of all.

I like open ended endings where I can imagine what happens. Plus then I can use them as characters in other comics one day.

I write what I like. I don’t write for others.

Also to the person that complained about MBH, I will never have my characters get so morbidly obese they die. Sorry if that’s what your fetish is, but it’s not mine.
I know that you would never do a death fetish story, I don't like them either.

All I said was MBH is based off of another story that's very dark at the end so you would have to come up with an alternative to get the story to where you want it.

MBH is how I found out about you and I've been a Patron many many times so I along with many others have been hoping for a continuation... that's all.
I appreciate that you were a patreon, and I really do like the feedback.

I just know my limitations as a writer. Which is, I'm not a good writer. lol

Endings are hard, especially since most of the stories I have done either don't have an ending (Emily, PaP) or I hated the ending (MBH).

Like I said, not my forte. I prefer to leave it open ended. I'm always open to suggestions though.

Also, PaP is currently being storyboarded for a sequel.
OML thank God PaP was easily my favorite story!
Also Idrc about the endings, I more care about the fit->fat process of ur stories
Fair enough, everyone has their ideal headcanon scenario that we would all love to see and that's the fun part speculating what's to come.

I appreciate the candid self remarks about your writing and your openness to feedback unlike a lot of artists who have the "don't like it tough shit" attitude.
>>138437 Well atleast you're being open about the things you mentioned, i started to watch your stuff since in for a penny. I know the og one, but never expected to find one that did such a nice adaptation of it. Then i followed MBH for a while til i found out that there isn't an ending. Well, good luck with your future wg comics.
I'm fairly certian expansion of emily does have an ending
>Also, PaP is currently being storyboarded for a sequel.

PaP doesn't need a sequel. It needs finishing.
do you have several other designers who do the same story style related to gaining progress with the same or other graphics? if so could you list them please
You got the new ymhsf page?
jolene dubois
A lot of dumb ppl
but he dont have a lot stuff
The issue isn't that the comics are open-ended. A lot of really good fetish comics don't have a real "ending". In fact, your version of MBH had a perfectly fine "open" ending where you could come back to it if you wanted to.

EoE just... stopped. And so did PaP. Someone said it earlier, but PaP doesn't need a sequel, it needs to be finished.

Your comics have a slow burn pace, which I (and probably a lot of other people) really appreciate. But how is anyone supposed to get invested in your comics when, at any moment, you can just throw up your hands and go "whoops too hard, don't know how to finish this" and then deny us of any meaningful sort of payoff? You built up Emily's mom and sister and Allison gaining weight, set up Emily becoming a BBW model in the last page. And then some not at all connected Thanksgiving page where three out of the SIX characters that you built plotlines for get three panels.

EoE's non-ending is why I unsubbed from your Patreon. Because it shows me that, at any point, any of your comics can just end without a resolution, without payoff, without anything. Just a vague "maybe I'll continue this someday."

And I don't want to pay you for six months just to have you blueball me the next time you get writer's block.

You build up really great stories, get us all salivating for the end, and then just... stop. And I'm certain that a lot of people feel the same way.

Writing is hard and art is hard and being a content creator must be hard as fuck. You're very good at what you do, and I respect that. Especially with all of us bitching on this board at you and sharing your stuff.

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, talk to your fans. Ask what they want. Talk with other artists and writers.

I know that you write for you, but at least give the people who pay you to write for you some resolution, or a clear answer.
>>140927 can you update the kemono page?
*clients, not fans. That's what these artists seems to forget, when someone gives you money expecting something in return, they become your clients.
To add on to this point its not even like EOE was something he was doing on the side. Alot of people really liked it and still hope that he continues it. But he hasn't told anyone on his patreon that it's cancelled because then people might unsub even though he told us here.

It's really shitty.
What software is used to make these? Is it difficult to work with? I've seen tons of comics that has been made in the same/similar program and I kind of wamt to make my own stories but I have no idea what's the software they all use
(611 KB, 3900x1200, MTO_C04P06.jpg)
Can't wait until Magmaman decides that he doesn't know how to end this series, so he leaves it on an awkward cliffhanger while not being upfront with his patrons about the fact that he has no plans to continue it.

I find that lesbians are pretty cool when they're cute.
(429 KB, 939x501, chrome_0yfL547tme.png)
"just use your imagination" anon, that's what they wanted remember "open ending" bullshit. If he can't even finish a fucking simple short story than I'm done.
In spite of my bitterness can some update their kemono
Do u have pages 4 and 5 of MTO chapter 4?
Did he actually tell someone to "use their imagination" when they asked about an ending for Emily? That's... rude.

Like really rude. And to someone who just wants you to finish your story and literally pays to read exclusive content.

I'm glad I unsubbed from this guy. He's clearly making enough money that he feels like he can treat his customers like shit.
assuming this is them pretty much>>138426
also the real kicker is most of these comics are just adaptions of already made stories
Knowing how the story is based on another tale, it's likely going to end the way it did.
Maybe consult an actual writer? It can't be that hard to just DM someone
Or just toss around some ideas at NovelAI or another chatbot, get something you can work with and then refine it.

An ending is better then no ending at all, and its not like we are all here for literary excellence or the story, we want to see women gain weight. As long as he incoporates that with good models (which he is more then capable of as we've seen in the past) I think the majority of our grievances here would be settled.

MagmaBro, its not too late to do all this btw. It might seem daunting or whatever at first, but after you take the first step and begin releasing the final chapter to one of your older stories I think you will find that most of us still appreciate your work, we just don't like getting blueballed.
Anyone got the new ymhsf page?
Hope the kemono page gets updated in time.
>Latest YMHSF page has a Cameo of the restaurant manager from IFAP fatter in the background.
Well atleast we got to see that Penny's cooking was affecting the staff like in the original comic in SOME way
New ymhsf page is out
New mto page is out
New ymhsf page is out

Stop announcing the page is out of you're not going to post it. You contribute nothing. Less than nothing.
Did he whine about AI will steal his work as all stupid artists like bamboo, bws, softly or belt?
Which proof? All artists hate AI and whine when see them
You’re so edgy and cool, I wish I was you.
Magma, my man! Hanging on porn chans instead of working on proper ending for your stories i see?
Your clients are gonna be thrilled
Ouch. You cut deep. Right to my soul.

They (my donors\patreons) seem to be happy, since they are the ones that tip me off to the shit stains here stealing art.

How would you like it if I came to McDonalds after you had a hard day's work and collected your paycheck ... and then got mad at you and gave you shit when you complained about it?

Cause that's the childish shit you do.

Not really surprised though. Not even terribly disappointed after understanding this place a bit more. Except maybe in basic humanity.

But I'm sure you don't care and will probably find some clever way to respond.
Don't pay attention. Piracy has always been and will be, games are downloaded from torrent, etc. Someone is poor and he has no money for a subscription, and someone like me is just surrounded by solid sanctions because of a stupid government and just can't become a subscriber :) Yes, it's unpleasant when your work is drained, but it seems to me that the number of your subscribers has not decreased, because they support you for the idea and your creativity, what benefit to them if you stop it? It's just that someone merges for the sake of losers like us (okay, like me, I won't generalize, maybe someone earns millions here)
Honestly good points. I'll try not to let it get to me. Sometimes it sucks spending a lot of time on things, only to see it posted random places. It's not like I'm EA or Activision or shit making millions and worrying about pirating (aka I'm not "the man")

But you're right, I just need to ignore it.
Keep your head up, man. I was a subscriber for as long as I was literally, financially able to be. I only came here when it was actually impossible for me to pay, and once I’m in a place where I can pay, I’ll be going right back to support your work as you deserve.

And then necessary fanboying: I miss EoE!!
Meh, people on the internet just act subhuman. There's little humanity here, and you can't expect it.

Still, your work is unrivaled and I'm a happy patron. Piracy shouldn't affect what you do, it's just that when most patrons are silent, they're happy.
It's not so much the pirating, and I do appreciate people still getting to see my work if they can't afford it. I think it's the blatant shit attitude of "this guy's complained that I'm stealing his property, fuck him I'm gonna do it and think I'm awesome" like the poster above.

Generally my stuff is posted everywhere and I am good at ignoring it. It's the assholery that triggers me lol.
just ignore them my man cus for the most part the attention you give them will probably the most attention they’ll ever get from a person ever in their sad little lives so it’s probably best we just ignore these incels and just keep up the good work magmaman!
Mto is out?
It is out
(1.4 MB, 3900x1200, MTO_C04P09.jpg)
Comrades, I come bearing the fruits of the revolution
(Spoiler added as to not piss off the one who makes the fruit)
Anyone know what happen to the Eoe finale?
>Spoiler added as to not piss off the one who makes the fruit
We mustn’t think about magma’s feelings. He’s artist and his arts are ours. And if he can’t understand it as all those artists we must pirate their content as much as possible. We must forget about all those stupid shizos like bws, magma, presi, piv, bamboo, pixiveo, ray, belt, gollygeo and other idiots, who have our money for nothing and which we can make ourselves

It's nice that you've considered themegasperg's feelings, but posting his art here and on kemono is what is upsetting him. A spoiler tag is almost insulting in how considered it is compared to how effective it is at addressing the real issue.

You'd make a great politician.

>who have our money for nothing and which we can make ourselves

I agree with your point - boo hoo you stole my art despite the fact 98% of total lifetime sales were already made - but your argument is really confusing to read.

I'm not being funny but if we were able to do this ourselves the quality of posts on the "shill your own art" page would be much better. Even the quantity would go up but people wank first then think "fuck I don't need to draw after all".
It’s the classic
>willingly uploads something to the fucking internet
> gets mad when he can’t control 100% of who gets to see it

“Why is this happening to meeeeee”
don't forget complaining on bbw-chan when you know there is 0% chance people would stop, but are 100% gonna roast you instead
Good to see the autists all come out at the same time and respond to each other all in a row like they are totally not the same person…

>“Am I out of touch?”
>”No! Everyone else is wrong!”
>and rather than quit while behind, insist on having the last word
Shut up, artist. We will replace you and all those degenerative artists as bamboo, pixiveo, bws, belt, mofu, presi, kiptei and other. You will be replaced by AI and we can have real good future
Is this guy for real? I usually like to subscribe every now and then to the pattern of those I like the work of but not a chance he is gonna get any of my hard-earned pennies.
Get a job
I'm all about roasting Magma about questionable business practices and their need of media coaching, but this is a real smoothbrain take.

AI art is cool and it helps untalented people like me make stuff, but it's not a viable alternative to having actual creative people. Every AI image looks the exact goddamn same. If you wanna wank it to NSFWfts then do it, but labeling literally everyone else more talented than you as a "degenerate artist" and thinking that AI art is some new galaxy-brain cheat code to get gud/horndy/gratification is a really cold take.

People who ask to be paid for art aren't assholes just because you're poor. Touch some grass you fucking muppet.

Goddamn, you touch grass too, Magmaman.

Stop coming on here if it bugs you so much. I started posting your stuff here because I was pissed off about EoE and PaP getting quietly "concluded" without any resolution. From what I hear, you've backpedaled a bit on that, and that's great. But you're not going to win this fight.

This thread will eventually be saged and all of the images will go with it. A new one will crop up, sure, but it'll have to start from the ground up. Kemono is the place you need to rail against if you feel the need to scream into the void. That site keeps all your stuff up forever. Yeah, there are some dipshits here (see above) and that makes it more tempting to engage with someone, but piracy is GOING to happen. If it can happen to giant AAA studios, it can happen to you too.

No creators are okay with it, from the ones I've come across at least, but you're one of the only ones that continually come back to get your shit kicked in on this board.

If you wanna keep people (like me, at least) from getting tipped into pirating your stuff on Kemono/bbwchan, then be more open about your projects. Let people know if you're stuck on ideas or unsure of where to go next. Make designated announcements about the status of projects instead of just putting it in your latest comic page.

I like your comics a lot. Sure they're adaptations of other stories, but your renders are always really good. Far, far better than a lot of the other 3D artists who set up camp in the uncanny valley.

But for the love of Christ, stop picking fights on the internet. It just makes you look like an asshole and emboldens people who want to pirate your shit.
instead of whining how about you get back to making money doofus
hehe ThemagmaTard
Actual magma here, that first person wasn't me .

That said, fuck off all y'all's.
>checks post ID
It was my other personality
He will hear you and get all pissy again.
That last one was from me
All artists are shizos. Bws, bamboo, magma, belt, kip, presi, piv and other idiots can't understand it and make absolutely shit content and dull people
You all hurt my feelings, now Emily is cancelled forever and ever. New comic is based on sonic furry fanfiction with cameo from the fuck ugly munchies on every page
And just like that, this has now become a Magmaman parody page.

Btw Magmaman, I would be more than happy to post your content here for posterity every time the page sages. It's not as if the content was any good anyway, as >>139944 did before me.
I am a disabled trans woman that served in the US army, i lost my legs in afghanistan to bring freedom in your country you deplorable ungrateful bastards, i lost gallons of blod from my pussy to bring you joy and liberty now fap and give me money
Artist, shut up and accept your future! You must go out from our world
>>148650 Shut the fuck up AI fag
don't pay the bottard any mind, nigga been dick riding AI on other threads. I'm convinced it's an actual spam bot at this point.

When it comes to Chan etiquette, always assume autism over automation.
I love you guys
(3.3 MB, 1920x1080, wsg-34.webm)
The next story is inspired by this guy, what do you think about it?
Please be constructive
Can someone update the kemono thanks
Anyone got the new ymhsf page?
You will never get the new page 😂
ThemagmaTard is back among us lads
Shut up, artist. We will have all content from you and will replace you for your conceit
Then why haven't you posted it loser, you can never have it 🥵🍖🤣🤣 stay mad pirate
I’ve just seen artist and his violence against people. I don’t need magmaman content because it uglier than AI arts
(689 KB, 3900x1200, ymhsf_C02P04.jpg)
lmao Magma's tantrum singlehandedly robbed this thread of whatever IQ points it had to begin with
i don't have any special interest for this guy's 3d renders, but I just love to read his tantrums
He’s just another artist, who hate AI and opensource content for all people. So we must delete him from our community as belt, bamboo, presi, piv, bws, mofu, maxfullbody, pixiveo, fapolantern and other idiots, who hate their subscribers
why are you assisting on deleting these people? unless this is a joke
>>149527 I'm just an anon man I'm not PresiArt
New mto page?
You ain't getting it 😂😂😂😂
I will only accept this if it completely follows this story and they start competing to see who can be the fattest.
Would you look at that. The retard who’s constantly crying about us stealing his stuff, actually stole whole dialogs and scenes from an established artist.
>>150097 This gonna be the next Depp V Heard trial, but in the fat fetish culture relatability
Can't wait for magmatard to complain
Is he stopped posting?
Lame attempt at a “bump”
Anyone got the new ymhsf page?
A whole week for a flashback page
Can someone post the new page?
probably got his ass spanked by willix for stealing his original dialogues
Any1 got the new ymhsf page?
What is the new mbh thing?
its just her being super fat with a caption abou my 600lb life
If you have it, could you please post it? You don’t gotta, it’d just be cool to see it.
Would be cool to see
Do not send my work here, I'm so sick of you low lifes
>>152539 Probably already ejaculated thrice this day.
wtf is this monstrosity??? It's like no body part is fitting together
Stop sending his stuff here its not cool
>Also to the person that complained about MBH, I will never have my characters get so morbidly obese they die. Sorry if that’s what your fetish is, but it’s not mine

New ymhsf?
but did she die tho? Cause that's what he said.

For a board that hates him so much, you sure are obsessed
Not a fan of how fat she is here. I think it's too distorted at that size.
can we just nuke this thread and just stick to begging for their kemono to be updated in the kemono thread.
Hate him? I don't hate him, he just don't want to end his comics properly. There's people waiting and PAYING for years for something finished, that's where the hate comes.

Why are you here then?
>Why are you here then?
>their paywall content is posted seemingly faster here than pirate site.

a question we'll never get the answer to.
Can you do ymhsf also
>but did she die tho? Cause that's what he said
Nope, this is what he said >>138428
>I know that you would never do a death fetish story, I don't like them either.
"I don't like them either"
>All I said was MBH is based off of another story that's very dark at the end so you would have to come up with an alternative to get the story to where you want it.
Probably she wont die soon but realistically speaking can you say that she is healthy? How many years can a normal person live with all this fat and without moving a muscle?

>For a board that hates him so much, you sure are obsessed
Are you pretending that you are another person and not magmaman? Why are you using "him"? We clearly know that you are magmaman fucking retard and this is the second time that you try to "hide" your identity. We aren't obsessed with you the majority of those who post here are trolling you and i personally think that you are making only garbage
So at this point we can all agree that its Magmatard that keeps on trying to nuke this thread and that the only way to shut him up is for us to keep on posting his new content.
You are a very bitter person, and obviously obsessed with magmaman. Oh and yes, I guess I'm him, sorry I forgot.

Did he forget to send you a valentine's card? You're legit the same person that keeps getting angry, I have no doubt.

For someone who thinks his work is garbage, you sure do post a lot.

I can literally be anybody on this board bro. Look, now I'm Kip. I bet you love him too.
This thread vanishes regularly on to page 3 or 4 and everyone is cool and we get back to posting the good content, but then what appears to be the same one or two people "investigate" and totally aren't obsessed with him bring it back up. It's kinda exhausting.

Also pretty sure he doesn't actual come to this board. He's barely active on his deviant art or Patreon as it is.
Ladies, just stop bickering

now, he recently posted a poll asking for next project, EoE epilogue is one of them, it seems to have the most votes
I know you lot love to bitch about no proper endings
(433 KB, 680x486, dsde5.png)
sorry for the remark yesterday anon you were right I shouldn't be here.
update the kemono my brothers
Fairly certain the person who keeps acting like Magmaman is hoping that if he acts like he hates us sharing his art, Someone will post it out of spite.

But I'm fairly certain Magmaman himself has stopped caring about this board
Didn't you claim that you were magmaman in this (>>138426) post?
I sure did

Please stop posting my stuff here it makes me sad. Whatever you do don't post it immediately after I do.
Someone investigated again lol. The obsession is real.

I'll say this, if that's the real mangaman , which I'm at this point convinced it's prolly not, he's actually trolled you lot better than you trolled him.

I actually hope it's not him. It seems quite funny to me to think that hes never even visited this board but has incurred tons of hatred his way from posts here lol.
Magma, the expansion of Emily and pastries and pound? Why u stopped them?
All the idiot newfags in this thread being trolled is hilarious. Nobody is who they say they are without proof, you retards!
No it is him lol.

On one of his posts in March right after all of the debating here he captioned a post on Patreon saying "I really appreciate the people that don't pirate my stuff. You guys are cool".

We can see the ID, its the same one. There's been a lot of people falling for the trolls though. He's aware of what's going on.

Dudes got tons of loyal douchebag fans. But he was specifically talking about e-hentai art theft with that patreon post because he had posted about it on deviantart back on the same day. Although I can't find that post now.

I'd be surprised if it wasn't just a dumb fan sticking up for him. Or legit a crazy person trying to get us to post his art.
Lord this blew up. I was just trying to help good god. Obsessive disorder much people?

Dude puts out stuff that I like and I've collaborated with him on a few things. Pretty sure he doesn't know this site exists or if he does he doesn't check it. Back when I was starting my 3d art page I asked him about how he deals with pirating he legit told me to ignore it because it'll make you crazy. Gave me good advice that I proceeded to not follow.

Dudes been around for a long time and his art has been here and everywhere stolen for so long. Doubt he suddenly just gave a shit and lost his mind. Not like he's losing money lol.
Well it looks like we'll be getting an Epilogue for Expansion of Emily next

it has just over 50% of the vote on the poll, the next runner up only has 37%
I’m gonna sub only for this
New MTO?
seconded muchachos
So why did u give a shit and started all this drama. U do realise u just made things worse for the artist by spoiling his image.
Any of you kings have the new page? Kemono hasn't been updated in a while...
This is a question of genuine curiosity for this thread, why do you bros like this guys stuff?
how can you not like such a monstrosity? No body part fits together and the head is perched unreasonably high
The pic is the exception not the norm. Not all of us like it. Does anyone here have the new MTO?
Only good one is MTO
And Ymhsf too mate.
EoE is great too
let's not forget PaP, dropped mid-narrative like the others
Any news?
From what I've gathered its mainly just to fuck with the guy. Yall have your fun.
So anyone got the new MTO? Kinda wanna see the part about her acceptance of being fat.
new ymhsf
Love the stories and the 3d girls, hope he don’t stop mto and ymhsf
New MTO?
I have it but I can’t upload it, keep saying error
Then use a transfer link.
Anyone have it?
>>155181 (Cross-thread)
Was hoping he was gonna do more with these, but I looked back at an old stream and he said they're only commissions. So don't expect anything more from the passion patties thing beyond walking down the street.
You little SHIT! 💀💀

Literally went from 😁😀🙂😔😫😫
Mto please
Here is Mto

I hate you so much
Guys u’re the best🤣
(8 KB, 225x225, images-1.jpeg)
No more jokes, this is the new page for Mto, you guys are all wanting!
>>155480 Best one in the series. Change my mind.
Any king willing to add to the kemono page or have the mto and put it here?
I need MTO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone know any other kenomos or artists like this? The 3d stuff lol i know thelustlord his shit is epic
Give up all hope. You will never get Mto Lmao
Damn, i thought some king might drop the new pages or update magma's kemono but suddenly this thread turned into a shitshow.
Anyone have mto?
Something goin on dawg
No mto damn dawg
What willix comic is it?
Did magmaman 1:1 copy Willix again?
Not really, but sorta.

but honestly, all of his shit is straight up copies of other works. He does them as tributes. MBH, IFAP, etc. All not his.

He doesn't hide this from what I can tell. Doesn't appear the dude (assuming gender) can write himself out of a paper bag.

But I like fat chicks so... fappity fap
What page is it based on?
Say whatcha want, the dude knows how to make great digital art. Better than any others out there anyway. Doing all those poses and shit is a bitch, I know first hand.

Also this is his best model. She got af.
>>156223 finaally, thanks king! Keep it up!
>> 156223
Nice I knew it was the ex colleague.
Hope she got bigger than Amanda
Hi guys, anyone have mbh complete in high res? Bcause kemono start from ch. 2, I can’t find it anywhere
Thx in advance
>>156537 Mbh is there, but magma didn't use initials till he started with ifap. Check again
Any news?
Thank you brother, you are a beautiful person
Next mto page is going to be legendary
Any news?
Any news?
Can we just post these to kemono so we can stop bumping this stupid thread all the time? It's not even "drawn" art, it's 3d.
Anyone have the new page?
Any news?
Anyone have the new Mto?
Btw thx to who keep update kemono
Goat back at it again, 👑
Any news
Is there any news from Magmaman regarding page 7 of Ymhsf chapter?
chapter 2?*
Nothing has been said about that yet
We appreciate what you do, thanks again
New MTO?
Mto is his best comic yet 👑 also thank you for posting
And we’ll see Mandy’s gains properly in October by the bi weekly release schedule of the munchies
Is there a place where I can read the whole comic so far? The one on e-hentai hasn't been updated in ages
Damn! Looks like mto will be weekly soon, thanks for the page king
Anyone have the new Mto?
Oh boy! New EoE dropped!
Truly the hero, though what happened to Mto?
I think it reached a pretty decent conlcusion honestly. She wasn't going to get to 10000 pounds or anything or die. I was always confused by the outrage at the MTO ending. She got fat, the end. The christmas cards actually wrapped it all up well.
mto is still ongoing though? last update was 2nd of this month

do you mean PaP or MbH?
I thought Mto was for this week?
I'm wondering the same thing
Anyone know if he stopped? I’m subbed but the delay is longer than before
Thanks king <3
>>166309 we appreciate the constant updates on here 👍👑
Yes the fight is finally happening.
>Allison blames Emily for the weight gain
>Despite the fact it's been made exceptionally clear Emily wouldn't be as big as she was if Allison didn't start encouraging her.

I look forward to the karma gains and Allison being comparable in size to Emily.
i viewed the ending of the original story and i know exactly what happens next.
>>168071 thank you once again, so quick on the updates 🗿👍
Not so fast. Do u have the page in original res?
3900x1200. Though also noticed that the kemono page just got updated. Seems like Magmaman made a misupload.
so whats the story of EoE heading towards anyway?

its based off of a preexisting story right?
4 page a month, boring af sometimes
>>169659 even though they may be boring we always appreciate the updates on here despite how good or bad the new page is
If only there was a zip or collection of the stories so we wouldn't need to click around to read in sequential order.
This always, thx to whoever updates kings
Guess u haven't checked out svscomics.
I hope he does more of that gamora comic

its only got the one part
(79 KB, 800x636, IMG_9337.jpeg)
Waaaiiiit a minute! I’ve seen that outfit before. 🧐🧐
Must go to the same Plus-size shopping outlet.
Anyone have the new shit?
let me guess

there will be a timeskip, and she'll be just as fat, if not fatter
That's not how i remember it
Yeah because the original ending sucked
This looks like its shaping alot better imo
(assuming theres a timeskip or something)
She looks less fat in the last frame lol
Best girl, I’m’ sad of waiting 2 weeks for a page of her🥲
>>172302 I really 9nly care about mto at this point, I wonder how much we have left of her?
Any1 here has the new EoE page?
we finally timeskipped?
(1.5 MB, 3900x1200, se_C01P01.jpg)
MTO has been put on hold for now. This is a short story based off of bobothehobo's story Sleepwalker.
In the words of Pinkman “HE CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!”
One week for one page, and now another comic in hiatus. How tf patrons don't say a damn word about this.
Oh noes, people that don't pay for his art are mad!

Hilarious, buuuut Who didn't see this coming? Is it even a giant deal? Or is it just something to bitch about.

It appears the majority of his patreon supports are cool with it based on comments.

As one of his supporters, I will say its pretty sporadic and can be annoying at worst, but I don't see what the big deal is. I'd rather him keep making shit than get burnt out and vanish completely like hundreds of other artists.
im also not mad I love all his comics and the new one looks like it will be good already and besides munchies wont be gone long and it's all part of the weight gain journey
im fine with it

I just dont undersrand why he decided to do a new comic instead of making some more pages of the gamora comic he started months ago
(2.1 MB, 400x226, Myman50.gif)
Like i didn't drop 5 bucks monthly to him before.
Anyone have the newest page for this week?
Bro put on some glasses😂
New EoE???
So she grew so fat her legs morphed together in the last frame lol
Between her face and her leg she's the globgogabgalab
This is what I don't get about 3d modelling. We jumped forward with bioshock and overwatch and yet people still can't do decent fats outside of what seems to be the fucking aims or garrys mod or something
Yeah TheLustLord style blows magmamans out of the water. His look like the Sims weight gain and fat mods compared to actual fat people. All his characters have the same body type, nobody gains uniquely they just expand.
I miss mto
Fucking weak boring ending lol
Im so glad i don't pay for this shit
its an ending for one character, I expect there will be more for the other women in it
And it's a weak boring ending for one character.
New Page???
Bro is rushing the best parts
He always does. Only the last 3 frames of all his comics are ever good
>Restarted EoE
>Emily was in about a quarter of the continuation.
>STILL rushes the ending and we're going to skip the actual gain, What everyone cares about.
It's all so tiresome
Uh oh! I think that belly is starting to come in…
Anyone have the new shit?
Now that’s how a woman SHOULD be
I remember what you said when you were horny woman. I remember
I have never made a comment like that and I don’t even know who you are. These comments are random assigned labels
Tickle the palm of her hand so she knows you want to fuck.
Any news?
who else here prefers the ending of the original story over this?
Allison doesn't get fat in the original ending. Though ngl was looking forward to the fight at her place.
Hope this comic finish and start again mto
still she works well as a plot twist villain, just wish she didn't get off scot free.
The new EoE page just released.
I heard the news that the MTO will release in 2 weeks, so is EOE today the last page?
Could be. Won't know for sure until the page comes out.
Anyone have eoe?
(363 KB, 3900x1200, EoE_Emily Finale2.jpg)
Due to some things in life I have to cancel my membership to the patreon. Won't be able to upload anything for a while if I ever resub.
Np, there’s plenty of other people out there who can fill in the shoes
hey do you guys remember the name of the artist like magmaman that had a thread on here a while ago? 3D wg comix, but his sequences were much more detailed and had a lot more variation in terms of fat distribution, outfits, skin tone, belly shape, etc.
apart from "themagmaman" "thelustlord" are there others who do like them, a kind of story and which lasts at least at least 40 images to see the progression of the weight gain?
I can also recommend TheOwl100 and TheMysticalValkryia for u guys to check. Great story progression and art.
yeah that was the one. thanks gooner.
Is 3Defalt already in kemono?
Anyone got the rest of the waterpark collab that’s not for free?
Anyone got the new shit???
Mto better not be a let down
Munchies dropping soon, hope we see Mandy in these new panels
It is out
Finally Mto is back, let's hope he does not rush it!
Finally, back the to the comic we’ve been doing waiting so long to continue
Am I the only one who wants the premise of the story, The Munchies, to regain relevance to the plot? I will admit their design is pretty uncanny valley, but this was supposed to be a more fictional take on his usual stories. Maybe I’m just in the minority on this.
No captain. You heard correct. Apologize in advance. But I have to go.
Anyone got the new shit???
>>190244 Oh great, you again. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself, schizo.
"Oh great you again" seek god give up porn. Your here religiously
>>190249 Well, what are you doing here then?
I do hope the new mto page isn't a disappointment...
Didn’t even kno it was out
>>191312 Damn one got cake and the other got the whole bakery lmao
Does anyone know which program is used by Themagmaman? Or a similar one where this kind of images can be made.
Anyone have the new page?
New shit???
Any news?
The Kemono got updated
You can stop asking now.
New page
Good page 👍
Magmaman use to pump out pages like it was nothing, now we get 1 mid page a week now 😮‍💨
Not only that, he used almost the exact same panel and pose from last months page and couldn't even figure out a third panel 😆. His effort and content hasn't been good since Wendy three years ago IMO.
Munchies is still good
New mto?
Probably a bad page, which may be why no one has uploaded it
Actually the guy who usually uploads it hasn't subscribed this month. Have patience, it'll be uploaded on kemono.
Page is mid
Can someone update the kemono?
>>193722 best page magma has done so far imo
New pages?
An update on the kemono would be awesome
>Kemono Updated
So MTO is just becoming Sarahs Big Adventure, Atleast we know that we get to see Mandy become huge too
I do hope he doesn't rush mto, I bet scar is like 420 pounds in next page
U ever wish a woman break into your home and suck your dick in your sleep. I be hoping and praying for it
Anyone willing to share the new page?
I'm interested in how big scar has gotten

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