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This guy's art is absolutely nuts. Goes by EmilyWithLove on DA and EmilyEW on Patreon. Need a hero to drop his Patreon stuff.
>>130009 (OP)
pretty sure they just take ai and polish it up. at least thats what it looks like to me. if thats not the case tho cool stuff.

also beg for patreon stuff in the kemono or paid content thread
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>>130009 (OP)
It does look really good, I particularly like the barbie one, but it's got some distracting stuff that says AI to me. The second picture has these pointless lines on the legs and the way the shadows around the pelvis taper off is incredibly unnatural. That being said, I still enjoy these pictures.
They definitely work with AI, yes. Likely a paint over after and in some of the images it looks like they clip hands out of real images and they paste it in.
The impression i get is a "multimedia" blend of 3d modeling fed into an ai program that's then cleaned up afterward. Anyways I got their patreon, it really isn't anything to write home about l, you get stuff like a week early.
>I can tell from the shoops being wooped oddly
nigga, just take a look at the "books", the writing on them is nonsensical chickenscratch like in every AI image

Can you post it here?
Don’t care I how much of it is AI. It’s fuсking magnificent and better than 99% of the stuff on DeviantArt (yeah… low bar I know). I’d love to know what the process for making these was.
there are actual entire comics of this? do the characters get bigger?


I don’t mind if they’re supplementing their work with AI but they just posted this long ass rant how they don’t use AI at all. Which is a blatant lie since their earlier stuff looks like basic AI art.

It’s tits and ass, just take it easy.
>>130167 Supplement? They aren't taking performance-enhacing drugs, Einstein. They are having a machine do their work for them. You must be one of those All-American Heroes I have heard so much about. By the sound of it (your comment) your reputation preceeds you.
>It’s fuсking magnificent and better than 99% of the stuff on DeviantArt
It looks awful, what the fuck. It's uncanny valley shit that's like two steps away from those terrible celebrity photoshop edits or 3D renders. The AI only adds a plastic glossiness, combined with mistakes that weren't ironed out makes the whole thing disorienting to look at.

Most anything that's even remotely competent and stylized on DA shits on this. But even if you're going for a more realistic style artists like Bigbig does it infinitely better, without using AI as an obvious crutch.
Damn who let the schizos out of the cage

>>130009 (OP)
Also mid and boring AI art ngl. Their editting ability to take out the janky computer made proportions is decent Ill give em that
>>130176 You can barely speak English. I had a hard time trying to understand what you wrote then subsequently failed at it.
I was just focusing on the body cause that's the subject man, what more do you want?
huh thats pretty interesting actually

Other good ones:
This is the most obvious application of img2img but a lot of people haven't seemed to jump on it, yet.
If none of you are gonna start producing good-ass content, then let the dude give us free fap shit. You guys riding dick harder than these girls if they could get up on it.
So it's a mish mash of every single cancer infesting this community's art scene, great.
>>130009 (OP)
Does anyone have their older art? I know they've posted stuff on their DeviantArt that has since been deleted.
Thanks, but I'm pretty sure these images are from her Patreon. I'm looking for stuff that has been taken down from both there and her DA account. Stuff like "Princess and her Entourage".
You referring the ones of renaissance styled oil paintings of girls getting stuck in a doorframe?
Holy shit this AI is out of control and these images look horrid.
Their gallery's hit or miss; but if you can't appreciate the renaissance images just because of robo-boogieman you actually have no taste.
Or the fact that half asses sketches are sold up to $50 or more, like low budget NFT's. Robots can shit out the same thing for free and if you think that artists are the victims getting raped, remember: An urinal is considered art.
>>135261 Fuck Marcel Duchamp. I did an art appreciation class and he was one of the guys I had to cover. That entire thing make me think funny mustache guy had a point every time an "artist" tried to give scribbles on paper "a racial/hidden meaning" or some bullshit.
The fact the it's been more over a century since Baroness Elsa, Marcel Duchamp and other artists in the Arensberg Circle exhibited their readymades and you people are still seething about them really says something.
*The fact that it's been over a century, fuck; point is find someone else to whine about, read a book, etc.
>>135669 I'm not going along with the assumption that some random snow shovel has a hidden artistic meaning.
You're unwilling to understand why someone might want to disrupt the 'sanctity' of a gallery or museum setting, therefore Hitler good..? Do you realize how dumb you sound?

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