
(6.5 MB, 5620x4215, Lysithea patreon no dialogue.png)
Last one hit it's limit after over a year so it's time to start over once again. Post fat art of women from the Fire Emblem series, no matter if they're from the classic or waifu eras.
(2.9 MB, 2592x2000, df3e185-b39c05cd-3eda-467d-8d79-30663fdad199.jpg) (948 KB, 1508x1250, df4syu8-1456e05b-accc-410c-9834-62203659fddb.jpg) (226 KB, 1280x1666, quite_full_ninja_by_better_with_salt_df5k6iu-fullview.jpg) (109 KB, 919x1000, deu0h3v-559e771b-4f38-45ff-92a1-51d6ab4d2177.jpg) (203 KB, 1280x905, com__not_so_adrift_corrin_by_beelzychub_dedi5dz-fullview.jpg) (2.0 MB, 4000x2400, de7wed7-eb986f56-96ff-4c33-a399-553ce193e119.png)
Some Corrin to start us off. She's drawn a lot, so let's get of her out of the way.
(431 KB, 1000x989, dfalo7j-5f5e4a96-21a6-4c14-8aec-fd060e805e09.png) (625 KB, 1127x1070, denhxfy-2cd69691-ec82-40aa-a698-9d8d9ec007fd.png) (50 KB, 1024x271, corrin_fire_emblem_weight_gain_sequence_by_plumpchu_ddsphwk-fullview.jpg) (144 KB, 1280x931, summer_corrin_by_roundersofter_de7325l-fullview.jpg) (73 KB, 1024x916, corrin_bbw__cm__dragonjokers_by_dakotah9_ddp5s0a-fullview.jpg) (262 KB, 1280x1280, corrin_sketch_by_kynesart_ddys871-fullview.jpg)
(1.3 MB, 1349x1749, 26868184.jpg) (121 KB, 1024x1024, 28805945.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1481x1500, 27920348.jpg) (248 KB, 1649x1275, 23820247.jpg)
assorted charlottes, featuring hilda
feel free to hit me with more of her because she's the best
Genuine question, anyone have fats of Judgral girls? Genealogy and Thracia. Trying to find fats of them online is next to impossible lmao
Tellius girls got it rough too. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Not impossible to find them, but still difficult.
(1.1 MB, 1081x1222, Meg.png) (340 KB, 512x498, Dragée_portrait.png)
That feeling when there's only two playable women in all of Fire Emblem who are canonically fat.
(105 KB, 1024x1280, weight_gain_drive___lucina_part_1_by_ashenwolf55_dd5eqet-fullview.jpg) (98 KB, 1024x1120, weight_gain_drive___lucina_part_2_3_by_ashenwolf55_dd5uof5-fullview.jpg) (75 KB, 1024x911, weight_gain_drive___lucina_part_3_3_by_ashenwolf55_dd7u2ao-fullview.jpg) (432 KB, 4096x3008, bWVkaWEvRTlHNHVEbFdFQU1wR21TLmpwZw==.jpeg) (374 KB, 4096x1843, bWVkaWEvRmhFRUkycFdRQU1vcTJzLmpwZw==.jpeg) (562 KB, 3466x4096, bWVkaWEvRlFRWkxDV1hFQUl4VUw0LmpwZw==.jpeg)
The fuck is this, an animation? Why!?
(371 KB, 802x702, ddi0z90-7c5c347b-947b-4dea-9e23-1a0e7790019c.png)
I've been looking for the edelgard blob that stevie-foxx made a whiiiiiiiile ago, but seems to not be on ANY of his socials, DA or Twitter. Does anyone have this image? It's in the same B&W style as this image
Need assistance finding a pic. Done by Saxxon, blob Edelgard and blob Byleth both talking about how awesome being fat is, typical Saxxon speech really
That’s the one, thanks a ton
Anyone have the Lysithea and Mercy eating sequence from the last thread?
(716 KB, 2200x2600, Fl64HJ-WAAgSDmz.png)
By ButtyButter on Twitter

Man, bless RS for doing characters from the older games
Thank, but I use a search image at Google to find it, but I can’t find a artist site anywhere.
Are you asking where to find them?
(453 KB, 2048x1854, Fm2h1IRakAc6pLb.jpg)
From nikoi581212 on Twitter
Chloe's food gimmick feels really tacked on but if it leads to her becoming a target for fat artists I'm all for it.
Does anyone have the new Lazy Holiday page by Roundersofter?
Alright, place your bets: Which engage girl will be the most popular for fat art?
Chloe for certain
I hope it'll be Chloe but I expect it to be Alear just from protag status
Alear probably, but I'm desperately hoping on a fair bit of Yunaka content
I humbly request your finest Edelgard fats, M’lords and ladies
If Treehouse employees haven't completely been gutted from Nintendo, Nokia, but I'm hoping for Anna.
Before you ask how I know that, there was a Datamine that revealed the ages of all the playable characters in Engage.
god who is the artist for this?
AxelRoseRed, however this is a rare diamond in a sea of mediocrity from him.
where is this actually posted? i didn't see it on his kemono so idk if it's patreon shit :(
Rosado is a guy. Quit trying to endorse males here.

Probably Patreon.
But not as cute. The older sisters aren't particularly sexy or cool looking. Haven't even seen anyone that looked like a tomboy besides Anna.

I can't believe they outdid the censorship in Fates. Ain't nobody havin' a romance; whether it's Anna or a visually decayed Lich, and to make matters worse, it makes the chances of someone losing their shit from accidentally getting their waifu accidentally permadeathed.

Why is Fia Emburem suddenly stuffed with Vtubers instead of warriors?
>I can't believe they outdid the censorship in Fates.
Link me a source that proves this censorship. I've seen this claim several times now, but no one has bother providing proof of it being true.
My brother in Christ most of the characters listed are either a.) directly related to you or b.) under the age of 18, Hortensia is fucking 14 and you think it’s okay for Alear who is 17-18 to have a relationship with them? Some of them are not as bad because they are 17 during the story which is close enough to Alear to not be weird however some characters do have lines that heavily imply if not outright show a romantic relationship. Elise in conquest was already bad enough acting like a 12 year old girl and looking like one to and I am glad they censored some of the romantic scenes with characters like Anna or Hortensia who should not be romancable by Alear at all.
Some of them like Louis and Fogado also still keep the same message even if it's not an exact translation from the Japanese text. I'm beginning to think the complaints about the English script is exaggerated.

>Elise in conquest was already bad enough acting like a 12 year old girl and looking like one to and I am glad they censored some of the romantic scenes with characters like Anna or Hortensia who should not be romancable by Alear at all.
(312 KB, 3088x2160, media_FGrfwd_XoAU_Id-.jpg) (139 KB, 905x1280, media_FOoDpKMaAAgTk5R.jpg)
Yes, if it was originally written that way, it shouldn't be changed even if it involves incest and ringing the loli; for fucks sake, we're talking about a series about warring kingdoms that have child soldiers.

>I am glad they censored some of the romantic scenes with characters like Anna or Hortensia who should not be romancable by Alear at all
If you don't want to romance them, don't romance them, but others shouldn't be blocked because you don't agree with their weird ass taste when the creators had intended it as an option; even if they had betrothal armor for your horse, I may find it disgusting, I may never choose the option in my entire life, but you go right ahead champ, it's fiction.
>but others shouldn't be blocked because you don't agree with their weird ass taste
Why did you mention blocking when no one brought it up before then? Where did that come from?
(223 KB, 1660x2000, FncQMMdakAAd_7d.jpg)
Finally, big Goldmary. (Source is JakbenImbel)
People are being cockblocked by the censored dialogue.
If they want to have a relationship with someone underage they deserve much worse than getting cockblocked unless they are also underaged
>More schizo rambling
What part of this being fiction do you not understand? Do you seethe whenever someone wants to run over people in GTA?
(154 KB, 1024x1366, EReujvLUYAAEqy3.jpg) (90 KB, 1024x768, lyn_06072018__brave_hero_belly_by_jellybeans2_dcdqanl-fullview.jpg) (630 KB, 1137x1319, lynspiration_by_jakbenimbel_dcufh11.jpg) (720 KB, 2363x1600, cm__larger_lyn_by_jakbenimbel_ddqwky1.png) (840 KB, 963x1378, D6RrxPUWsAE-qKN.png) (1.8 MB, 3911x3196, Untitled_45.jpe.jpg)
>Alear who is 17-18
Alear is over a thousand years old. If a four year age gap is as problematic as you say then she shouldn't be allowed to romance anyone.

In any case there are places to have debates about lolicon and imageboards for fat bitch appreciation aren't one of them.
My brother in Christ, they're not real you massive schizo.
Fire Emblem characters are not real, but Pedophilia is!
It's hot how much architect bait she is. A lot of her quotes are about food and being hungry.
I just want to say something related here. If this is the Voting Gauntlet Marianne wins I’m going to be happy because her Brave alt lost twice on top off that I want her to have the times 12 Multiplier because she was unlucky in the final round.
pretty sure its bamboo-ale
They drop loads of bangers.
Bamboo just cannot resist being a snarky faggot, can he?
Yeah haha, what a retard he is
Imagine getting butthurt from a fucking drawing
>>143912 imagine supporting Bamboo
We all did at one point, don't lie lol
>>144543 Ok, then let me go back. Imagine supporting Bamboo NOW.*
ootl, whats wrong with the artist? the art looks pretty top tier to me
Oh boi, you don't anything about him...
>>144746 To put it short, he likes to cause major drama within the fat art community.
(93 KB, 809x988, 50489E75-95A6-4529-9D85-83113D6B2230.jpeg) (95 KB, 809x988, E168BF44-2845-4142-817C-8719AEB48726.jpeg) (103 KB, 852x937, 96E60ABB-C193-4DF5-AD85-2186048EC69B.jpeg) (133 KB, 866x923, B3727051-BDB5-4BD1-9D95-1E8B6EBE332F.jpeg) (59 KB, 774x1033, B12064DE-68B8-43A0-87EC-0DD362F567F5.jpeg)
>>138924 okay I’m impressed this aged weirdly so here it is the first two are interesting even the second one. The third one is my most favorite of these five. Forth one dialogue is excellent since I agree with the last one is nice. There is an extra one but that one is somewhere else.
>>145068 Forgot to say I agree with her.
The fuck are these bowling pin shapes? They're terrible.
Literal circle tool shit.
By Mochiistar on Twitter
>or any of the laguz
Shinon typed this post
Just don't like animal features, nothing more to it then that.
(535 KB, 651x1204, d2dolkt-a8e03000-6786-4775-af78-b52f572c063f.jpg) (135 KB, 1024x1648, request_2_25___nephenee_by_kafekafei_dbssrqn-fullview.jpg)
Thirding(?) more Tellius girls. Between Astrid, Mia, Jill. Lucia and Nephenee it easily has my favorite set in the series. Though I gotta admit that Mia's and Nephenee's outfits don't work too well unless its Trueblade Mia whose outfit must be a chore to draw.
Mareeta, Sue and Larcei or Ayra are also some personal picks for me
(1.9 MB, 2500x3580, 56e50d046da25756c0cab4dc22efbcde0de06ed626f5b1168a30a2c0ee34d10e.png) (1.5 MB, 2500x3580, a854294b114178e93429d8f3791e04b6e941c2b0fa6187db02fc8988c6d9f64d.png) (1.3 MB, 2800x3580, 9c803badf90e76fdb95f95f94b32b4af88ad09d4604464980bf8afa56da0bc25.png) (1.8 MB, 3200x3580, d79e188e736d5db4961dcbbbee3e817ead03c9b47439bbef5e367d8e79bf8005.png) (1.6 MB, 3200x3580, 6c5f52f3108c3dfd7e2fccf1998d89a4807944fa53dc2f247ed23dfd288a078f.png)
Well here is what found for Tsubasa.
I would like to see more of Vaida, Sonia, Isadora, Mathilda and Nuibaba myself.
(101 KB, 665x779, B0903E15-3654-4213-9BBC-9B0F772A1F72.jpeg) (56 KB, 600x553, 5CBAC947-D9F5-4AE5-BEA7-7C425BEF312F.jpeg) (59 KB, 645x601, BEDEA604-AA2A-44D7-922D-30C5F546A63A.jpeg) (69 KB, 520x716, 53CCD95D-BE5C-4905-A42C-430327B23BF8.jpeg) (97 KB, 779x863, 34EFA9E8-1175-4EFC-A6FA-C63A4F2E5089.jpeg) (157 KB, 775x1031, F8661641-1126-4DE4-92B2-669EDD6341DE.jpeg)
This is all I got to bring for now. It brings back memories for this artist.
You do realize that >>146976 and >>148373 were thinking about classic characters and not old artwork, right? Tharja, Rinkah, Hinoka, Oboro, Lissa, and Lucina don't fit in with what they were wanting.
>>148482 well i didn't knew about that, since all of them were made by GAIN-OVER, i just wanted an excuse to post the Lucina pic he made ...
Yeah dunno what was going on in their head when they decided to give Edelgard an Ursula face
(872 KB, 1718x899, Zelestia is a feedee.png)
Well, this is going to get the art rolling...
(marked as spoiler for dlc stuff)
Anyone got the rest of these ones?
(75 KB, 667x932, 43ACF8FF-1C12-401F-BD35-9AD348869268.webp)
I wish he steals the parasol Marianne uses and he uses it as a sword to counterattack the summer heroes from enjoying their time in the beach.
this might be a long shot but im looking for a artwork of a chubby edelgard on a bed with a white tank top on with some dialogue along with it
(4.1 MB, 2658x2909, Bernie&Marie.png)
Finally finished something. Hope you enjoy.
I think Lysithea should have been with Edelgard which is my only issue but it’s a great art.
(375 KB, 968x1400, 233DDBB3-AA2D-4AF1-867D-3766A2B7D510.jpeg) (462 KB, 1280x1897, 5C5C6FEF-6358-480B-BBB8-CE6CDE3B7CEE.jpeg) (232 KB, 600x887, CAA32621-12F7-4503-BFA3-BF4E547FBB12.jpeg) (168 KB, 736x1024, 703384C6-71E4-4C9B-A8BE-A47F1F7EB2D0.jpeg) (276 KB, 1920x1235, 81E7378E-0A3B-4F80-8AE0-3A960BC713A3.jpeg) (568 KB, 1983x1586, 15C12BDA-3628-4C77-81B3-CBACA0DAE2E9.jpeg)
Enjoy these because it will be another thread all over again.
Goddamn the faces are so terrible...ironically they were even worse before. I guess he hasn't improved all that much
Some reason it’s not working since it is to animate.
You are the last one who should be talking shit on people for not improving
You do know that any random jackoff can enter whatever they want into the name field, right?
Holy shit I didn’t know Damien Hirst had a fat fetish
Yeah, I actually forgot to delete the name that one time lol. Whatever, these drawings are still shit
Noo, of course not...
Ah great, an impersonator.
>>159855 Why do you think there's been such a big interest in AI, robotics, and data hoarding through the internet these past few decades? You thought AI was all for plaigiarism and memes? They're going into the "real world" next.
Um, I was just joking around, didnt want to give off that sort of impression.
Sure we've had better artists over the years, but I still miss GAIN-OVER. Dude's shaping was divine.
I think this is just nostalgia clouding your thoughts. GAIN-OVER was kinda average really, even he couldn't draw faces well (as shown above). I also consider him an asshole for opening a patreon and then closing it, so that preservation of his art is near impossible
pretty sure his patreon was only closed after he died

I was a member and I remember having access to the patreon contents for some time after his death. Maybe a family member requested it or something
(102 KB, 1178x678, 35FB5007-CF29-4319-A633-1BBA60BBE07D.jpeg) (204 KB, 1280x720, 68BC01DE-0E52-4AD8-A425-F85CC4AAE70C.jpeg) (363 KB, 1920x1080, C4D6DBBA-A962-4CF3-93A8-A37086DB0BC5.jpeg) (971 KB, 450x325, CE9F69E2-1E7E-4CB5-872A-A4D8D6CE69BE.gif)
This is the only time I regret posting the first photo since it’s in spoiler because I just despise the art I know people have different opinions on the first photo I think it’s the worst Marianne art I came by. Clanne in the second photo is me now because I feel empty. Yunaka in the third one is telling me not to get this. Now the last one Crash man is representing my anger from the art. I hope someday Marianne will get her revenge on Leonie for what she did to her. Guys this is just my opinion on the art I know most of you like that’s fine you have every way but for Me It’s one of the art that makes me want to quit seeing these type of art. Please guys I just want to be me for this.
Follow up I just want everyone to know people have different opinions on this this art for me is not one of them. Take it easy on me please.
...who the fuck are you? We didn't even know you existed until now
You do realize I’m the one posting the classic artist right.
you're so cringe it almost made me raid my fridge, get fat, neck myself ,fall through the floor and kill a family or two.
Nobody asked, you useless retard
Yeah, he's such a retard. I wish he would just kill himself
But why the random lightning? Also the belly looks off
Just a question, does anybody have any fat Delthea art?
I'm searching an art with the "Fire Emblem" characters "Lucina", "Corrrin" female, and I mean "Robin" female.

Corrin is so huge and round, she's pressing with her massive belly the other 2 slim girls against the wall of a small room, and smiles sweet about it.

Does someone know where I cam find it, or can upload it here?
YES! Thank you so much! ^^
Is this one by Chromwilson? If it is, I suggest you to contact him via his DMs on Twitter and to attach this crop. He'll be more than happy to send the full pic to you.
Why are they shaped like bowling balls the art is terrible?! Marianne didn’t deserve this.
How long until some madlad does Hegemon proper?
What is this?! Leonie why did you this to me? Much like Clanne and Yunaka said it’s awful I should never have been shaped like a bowling ball.
This art is terrible too bad the person already had misfortune for them. I should have been the one with her for summer instead of her friend.
Good stuff, thanks you man.
someone have the sauce of the 4th one ?
They haven't posted that anywhere yet, are you the commissioner?
It could be on Patreon and hasn't been updated to Party yet.
Did you not read the part where I said they haven't posted it anywhere yet? That includes Patreon.

Late-ish reply, but I am indeed the commissioner and it's not a Patreon exclusive. In hindsight, I probably should've just been patient and waited for it to be posted publicly.

also great, it gave me a separate poster ID for whatever reason
Hey whose the one who made that Lysithea pic?
looking for two images from the last thread. one was camilla & hinoka surrounded by empty pie dishes and bowls, with camilla looking smug and hinoka looking flustered. the other was a black & white sketch of olivia and ishtar (or some other jugdral mage maybe?). absolutely no idea who they were by unfortunately
(115 KB, 1280x930, 013.jpg)
>one was camilla & hinoka surrounded by empty pie dishes and bowls, with camilla looking smug and hinoka looking flustered.
Is this what you're looking for?
ekusupanshon on deviantart.
(649 KB, 1750x1034, 26658216.png)
that's byleth and rhea but also thank you for posting this sketch here anyway, it's so good
but anyway here's the real deal!! olivia and ishtar
yep, those are what I was looking for. thanks!
(183 KB, 2048x1614, F1OjzpUWAAAvi0M.jpeg)
Remember there being people who wanted more characters from older games, so here's a Ninian.
Anyone have that Mercedes and Lysithea picture sequence of them eating that was shared a thread or two ago?
(174 KB, 720x929, 20230824_220607.jpg)
Anyone got this Robin fat in a higher quality? Or a link to the og? (totally asking for a friend...,.,.,.,,. the *friend* thinks she's hecking cute.,...,.,.,.,.,,.)
Goddamnit...this thread sure is full of retards
why the fuck are you roleplaying with yourself in a spank thread
I dunno, I think he's autistic
(6.0 MB, 6600x6161, ishtar2.png)
I see I’m pretty popular here in this thread and been seeing a lot of my comms posting around for about 3 years now lol. Glad y’all appreciate them all. So yeah I’m the Corrin and Ishtar commissioner while also doing other FE girls both old and new. Here is some that I got rn
Man thank you so much for funding all the fat Ishtars, respect the dedication
Love seeing commissioners that bring ladies to the forefront. Ishtar especially, great choice on that.
Been meaning to do that myself, I need to see more Aversa and Marisa
(4.2 MB, 6599x4931, eitr.png) (4.9 MB, 6599x4931, nerthus.png)
Funny enough Corrin is due to smash and me playing her game so that is my story’s with her. With Ishtar however I never played her game at all but it was FE heroes that made me love her and just how she look VA made her even better. That’s when I founded my other fav gal. So from there on out I commed both girls a whole bunch of times and rn I am going back and getting more of those two plus some other FE girls like these.
(5.3 MB, 3300x2400, OwlGuyFruit CorrinFlyV3.jpeg)
Speaking of Corrin new commission jsut got released so I’m free to post this heh
This might be the most niche character with fat art. Not that I'm complaining, I'm all in for more love for the side characters.
(12 KB, 188x250, images.jpeg)
Anyone hace this un high resolution? Is Lost Now
>>169381 Artist is Kawaiidebu. Nuked their deviantart but their twitter is still active
Apparently he will stop making art in October side his wife is pregnant.
>>169383 His deviantart is gone? I knew about the pregnant wife, but that?
No, he just said he's gonna stop using twitter too cause that site is going down the shithole. Hasn't found where he's gonna go next to post, but it did sound like he was looking.
Dipshit, stop posting. No one fucking cares. We want good art in this thread.
There's not nearly enough Dorothea content smh
Artist on the second one, I can't find them
Look harder, read the bottom right of the image.
Okay what platform is the artist on because I can't find them
Who drew the fourth art?
Finally some good zelestia chub
Does anyone have an archivee of the stuff made by Chromwilson or something similar? His tweets are protected so I can't even see it nor can I follow.
That sounds like the name of a male fat artist.
Ayo, anyone here still got those images that Bamboo ale did of tharja and Rhajat?

I know there’s one that was just a sketch where the two were even fatter than the first one but I can’t find it anywhere
Did that sequence that Axelrosered do with 3H gals ever get continued? I remember it left off on a cliffhanger with Edelgard and Lysithia eating the cursed treats
I'm looking for what I remember to be a rough animation I found on Twitter involving Setsuna, but I can't find it for the life of me. From what I can remember, she was caught in a bunch of ropes hanging from a tree or something and is about to say "Lady Hinoka" before letting out a burp and giggling like the stoned af doofus that she is

If anyone can find the animation I'm talking about, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share it. o7
That was made by Moomy, although no idea if it’s still around
>Doing anything good.
Better be willing to not pay for your house for a month if you want a follow up.
The commissioner of that I think was planning on continuing that, but they haven't said anything here in a while.
Go kill yourself, nigga. Edgy teens like you ain't allowed here

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