
(1.0 MB, 381x480, 1644700757069.webm)
>your waifu is thin, proud of her slender figure
>being on a diet, she hesitantly tries food offered by experiment 062 Frenchfry
>immidialtly becomes hopelessly addicted, violently eating everything he makes
>finishes an entire mountain of 062's food
>waifu looks down at her fat belly in disbelief, screams bloody murder
>she is absurdly fat now, jiggling and wobbling with every movement
>thighs are thicker than tree trunks, butt the size of two overinflated beach balls
>waifu struggles to move around while panicking, in denial
>experiment 062 spins up another mountain of irresistible super fattening food, being the giga-architect he is
>waifu struggles no more and waddles comically towards the food with a huge grin on her face, lifting each fat leg with all her might
>each step is like a mini earthquake, leaving a small crater behind
>waifu stuffs her face once again, eating like someone who was starved
>it feels so good, so incredibly good, she can't stop herself no matter what
>mindbroken by how fat she is, screams while flailing around, hands and feet now completely submerged in fat
>all of her friends arrive, only to see her in this new humiliating state "wow she really let herself go..."
do you also happen to browse /boig/
A thread died for this shit.

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