
>>127856 (OP)
>even inflation and other expansion stuff.
How about only weight gain and keeping that other shit in the places they're supposed to be?
Oh wow, that one guy who steals art from non wg artists and then turns them into WG memes to farm twitter likes

Quotations because to some all if this would look like if a group of elderly senile art students high on herb made this art. Or an AI program. Either way. You may not believe me, and that is fine.
Pretty sure the person draws them
Not so much theft, but that's a discussion for the salt thread
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Either way their clearly traced. If you look at the first pic of >>127891 for instance, it's a weird trace/recolour of this pic from JayKuma but with a weird face on it that looks like something from Omori or Undertale or something. It's wouldn't be a huge deal if it was, say, tracing official character art for a meme, but when it's from a fellow Wg artist and not give credit it's a bit scummy, especially when it's guaranteed to get infinitly more attention because twitter eats these "Skinny bad, thicc and chonky good!" memes up, even normies (Take 2nd pic related for instance, it's a like retweet magnet that even got random normies being like "so true!!!" without even realising that they were one click away from being taken to a bunch of fat video game chicks in the artists media tweet)
They look like that because they're traced, I would know because I also used to trace and it would look exactly like this, off colours and all.
>>127959 Well, there you go. Mystery solved. You can't fool the conservative republican's eye.
I'm pretty sure the person credited the original works by QRTing them under their own posts

I think that counts for something— it's not like they ever claimed it's wholly their own
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Me whenever I see those cursed yor pics that people keep posting in the spy x family thread
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Odd request but I remember seeing a meme where some guy connected his phone to a kiosk and pic related(?) popped up onto the screen for people in the store to walk by and see. Anyone have it?
I last saw it on twitter of that artists with green cat mask gal as mascot
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Ya' missing a few, dawg.
>no fat nerd gf

why live
>brah is rubbing it to the wojaks
Must have been a hard day.
Anyone know this artist

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