
Does anyone have the Android 18 fanart?
>>126592 (OP)
watch. were going to take twenty pages to get to the restaurant, shell take three bites and stacey will parachute in just to scream at her to watch her diet.
its both funny and sad that saiya claims to love aika but doesn't know her well enough to know what she likes about tessa and is instead trying to sabotage tessa who aint even interested and is actively trying to help her get aika.
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I have gone 240 pages of dealing with this. The slow pacing is too much to bear for any longer. I'm making a short comic with Tessa and Saiya.
Stop it already, manchild. It's annoying.
please. I anxiously await it.
sad part is it'll probably be better than this but y'all aint ready for that.
Oh, I'm sorry. Let me just make the character you wanna jerk off to have no character what so ever, get fatter every panel with no explanation or reason, and fan service you the entire time. I'm sure that's the kind of comic you want.
>>126669 I want only the best for me and my waifu. Clearly, evidently, you are missing the point.
I'm hoping you have a better argument than this. there is no character here and you know it. the only one with character is tessa and thats the entire problem with this comic. theres no issue with kip telling a story and with this not having any fan service. the problem is that the entire story is molten hot garbage.
Got about 3 pages fleshed out. The premise is simple. Saiya and Tessa are basically dating, and it'll be a short yet fulfilling stuffing story. I really wanna get straight to the point, so don't expect extremely fleshed out scenery. I will however try my best to make the characters look as good as I can.
Even that’s a stretch. The only reason anyone even argues that Tessa has character is because they’re all so in love with the idea of some turbo hot streamer actually being a total neet and wanting to gain weight. All these fuckers self insert as Saiya. Nobody has an ounce of character in this comic, and anyone who reads Kip’s shit for that should really think about looking elsewhere. I’d argue even Salt’s five page comics have more character in them than Kip’s ever do.
tbh that should be more than enough. question is, will saiya end up nude, humping and squirting all over tessas huge stuffed belly while tessa stuffs her face and belches?
man this comic needs just one really good ahegao burp from tessa.
kinda? I see what you're saying because the rest of the characters are straight trash but no one self inserts as saiya. I have yet to see anyone, here, reddit, deviant art, ehentai, anyone that likes saiya. and salts new comic is amazing but if you mean losing control? no. someone uploaded a comic called maddy a few days ago thats about 22 pages per file and that is way beyond anything both of them have done.
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Alright here's the first four pages just so I can prove I'm doing it. Any criticism is accepted.
I think its a good start anon and I'm curious to see just how huge tessa gets. I also like the way you have paced this, the paneling of the comic and that saiya is actually talking like a human being. if kip tried this wed be twenty pages in and tessa would still be at the door.
Well thank you. I understand that my art may not be the best (I think it's far from it), but I'm hoping to learn and grow from this. I'm hoping to get pages 5 and 6 out tomorrow.

Just to give you guys a heads up, the first bit of stuffing will be quick to set up the bigger stuff that includes all the fondling and such.
you're welcome. thats exactly why I didn't mention the art. I know you're working on that. thats not important. whats important is the rest of it. you're doing good imo. the best part is you're not wasting time. you're not killing pages. you're getting to the point. I'm looking forward to where you take this and how long you're going to make it.
More details on this "Maddy" comic, please.
>>126667 Wait, are you the actual author of the story?
I can't find the thread and they didn't list the name of the artist. its two 'volumes' long going at about 22 pages per 'volume'. long story short its quick and to the point. man dates this girl nicknamed 'maddy the fatty'. she turns out to be really nice and loves to eat. he starts feeding her. they fall in love. it was kinda cute actually. I think thats what kip is trying to go for here but man he's failing miserably.
nah. I think anon is the writer and artist.
Maddie comic is by cyorck, just so you know. 2 volumes are available currently.
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>dans la table, sur la table, nigger!
He cute was supposed to rub her whilst standing on a stool, with her grabbing the table
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Ngl I'm having fun tonight. Hope you are doing well too.
Name of the book is a grammar of modern indo-european by Carlos Quiles and Fernando López-Menchero.
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Alright here's page 5. Did away with the cross-hatching. Felt like it made it worse.

this is the best post on this site
>>126982 I still think the one about the anon somehow landing a girl due to BWS was pretty good too.
Yeah, that was legendary.
do you mind elaborating on that?
I forgot that both trainers are there too.
Feeder Saiya has awakened at long last.
Does anyone have the Android 18 fanart?
its looking good anon and I'm loving the pacing.
so the trainer isn't trying to fatten up tessa. she's just doing her job.
>so the trainer isn't trying to fatten up tessa. she's just doing her job.

Perhaps kip realized having a laundry list of overlapping reasons for Tessa to gain wasn't the best idea and soft-retconned it. There are already more than enough factors at play for Tessa to gain, this comic doesn't need another
how big y'all think hell let tessa get?
No conveyor belt, damn what a wasted opportunity. Was probably too much work to draw.
I'm not sure how you're deducing that, are you mistaking Stacy for the other trainer?
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Hopefully he'll expedite this and make it good, but we know Kip. That isn't his thing.

Anyway here's page 6. Feel like my art is making some progress. Been fixing mistakes in the anatomy as I go.
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Not sure if you're going for some type of dwarfism style but if you weren't, the most noticeable thing i find wrong is the proportions. The proportions make the characters you are drawing look like dwarfs. You can fix this by shrinking the head to make the body look six heads tall rather than three heads tall.
I think the PC term is chibi...
Gotcha, I'll be sure to work on it. Thank you.
this is very clearly not chibi
>"we'll have a number four and then a number twelve"

I'll admit I'm nitpicking but do sushi restaurants usually number their menu items like fast food chains?
One in our does it, even though the numbers are usually above 100
looks like its about to get even better.

thanks for that. I'm not really an artist so I wouldn't know how to help with that.

she shoulda ordered like big smoke from san andreas. maybe that'll come later but with the way the chairs are set up and tessas current outfit I seriously doubt were getting a stuffing scene. this is just a casual meal.
Does anyone think that the girls at the restaurant are going to snap some photos and bring down the wrath of Stacey once she see's Tessa stuffing herself with Saiya? Once again ruining a good thing
Wait, what is this? an alternate take on the story?
this thread is too funny
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When the chan was down, it was you I was missing the most, anon.

too much shadows on lip really does look bad imo.

also deviantart page we can go follow?
I seriously doubt shell get to stuff herself. how much stuffing can one even do at a sushi restaurant anyway?
>how much stuffing can one even do at a sushi restaurant anyway?
Surprisingly, quite a lot. It's super easy to keep having 'just one more'
Depends what kind of resturant it is. Some times there are places that charge an entry fee and kinda act like a buffet. You order small items on a tablet and you pay a fee only if you dont finish what you order
Don't have one, also I'll get rid of the lip shadow cuz you're right it's bugging me now. With how much she's eaten so far it should've smudged off by now anyway.
*suck at art.
Fuck my phone man.
I like your comic. ngl, only thing that puts me off a bit is the way you draw faces. But I’ll still read em
Good luck anon
you thought they were going to eat? kip has more pages to kill.
I don't like the pacing, but kip did a really nice job on the colouring. It's a weird page to highlight, so I'm guessing all the pages will be in colour now?
Pretty impressive for a thrice-weekly comic, IMO
I kinda like the colored-sketch look to this page, it ight.
Nah kip just wanted to catch Tessa's reaction in 4k
Yeah but, this is a weird page to highlight with color.
Kip said the next three pages will be colored because he’s experimenting different styles
tessas reaction is about right. I mean, seriously. just when saiya has some progress as a character were back on this again? anyone can see tessa wants nothing to do with aika. she goes out of her way to avoid her. she is actually going out with saiya in the hopes that saiya will fall for her but in the pretense of teaching her what aika wants. why would she do any of this if she wanted aika for herself? what is saiyas issue?
I'm curious to see these different styles. hopefully well get some sort of stuffed tessa before these color pages are finished but I have no idea how when saiya is still asking this question.
God D A M N that’s good
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I still miss this older style of his. Fuck I wish he’d do shorter wg comics and not this already 200 something page long clusterfuck of a story.
whoever keeps commissioning Kip to do Hololive girls, you're a real one
He definitely nailed that one
>what is saiyas issue?
Her brain, or lack thereof.
forgot how convoluted this love triangle has gotten lmao. i was not prepared for tessa to do some manipulation of her own. also some great expression work from kip this week. imagine what it’ll look like once we get to the spicier scenes
If Saiya was smart she would counter with "You didn't seem too enthusiastic about getting to know her better when she came onto you at the party." But she's a clueless dork so she'll just take everything Tessa says at face value.
what? now where is this supposed to go besides killing more pages? does tessa think saiya is going to try and fight for her? she's mistaken.
He just had to choose the most dynamically boring pages to color in
Sigh. They're all idiots.
What the fuck is Tessa trying to do here? Like, actually? There’s no fucking way she’s so damn retarded she thinks Saiya is gonna fight for her.
thats what I was saying. thats the only thing I can think of and that makes literally no sense. fine, they made out the day before but then saiya texted her asking what they were and tessa said nothing. but then think about how she reacted when aika was all over her. think about how she reacts when aika is around. she's basically disgusted by her very appearance so she's giving saiya serious mixed signals. besides that saiya is only hanging out with her in hopes of winning aika for herself. wasn't that the original reason? kip really needs to sit down and think these plot points over first because he. makes it obvious that he's writing whatever sounds good and that isn't how you write a story. all this is going to do is complicate everything even more and kill more pages.

Yeah, "wholesome Tessa" my ass.
that was my next guess. maybe kip got sick of so many people liking tessa so he's trying to turn her into some sort of villain?
btw, not trying to sound like a hater but whats the difference here? he said he's trying a different style right? what am I missing because to me this looks the exact same as everything else just with color.

Kip really can't write consistent personalities to save his life, can he?
Can someone explain to me what she accomplishes by doing this??
my guess is that it makes saiya even more jealous of tessa and thus more reliant on her to attract aika’s attention. in tessa’s eyes, saiya needs to believe that she holds all the secrets in order for their relationship to last
i think the plan is to color everything from here on out, he's testing color styles on pages that aren't that important
As far as I can tell the difference is how much linework is visible after coloring. Compare Tessa's face and hair, today's page is more cleaned up than Wednesday's
im not sure how thats supposed to work. saiya isn't that smart, saiya fights for nothing and saiya isn't really jealous of tessa so much as hopefully fighting a crush on her. lets not forget she was losing her mind with lust a few pages ago thinking about how she felt up tessas gut the night before.
you're absolutely right. why would he color these pages which are completely useless and basically undoing the progress we finally just got from saiya?
thanks for that. I don't really think its that much of a difference.
If I got the mess of the plot and remember right, I’m pretty sure Tessa is saying she’s into aika because that will make saiya want to make Tessa unnatractive to aika. Aika like skinny bimbo, so Tessa is egging on saiya to make her fat and stuff her at the mall. LOL
^^^ in response to all the people asking what’s going on and why tf Tessa would say she’s maybe likes aika
that would be nice. lets hope they hurry up and get to that already.
I really miss the good old days when it was just kip getting fattened by her sister(s)
tbh I thought she was just snarking back at saiya, since it's kind of a dick move to ask someone you're on a date with about another girl
completely agreed. has anyone spoken up on the patreon about it or has it just been shot down?
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Any chance anon's next page is hitting soon? Pls.
these faces really need some work, they have chins like the Tick
I was wondering that myself. it was just starting to get good.
Can’t decide between this one and the second one, I like them both for different reasons
i'm leaning towards the previous one, it looked like a clean, final product. this and the first one look kind of sketchy, which has it's own charm, but the second one looks nicest imo
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I made a better version. Better cropped and covered the chopsticks.
She's not being an asshole she's just teasing, chill. She's not going to win the dating game by being direct. You know what would happen? Sayia would say "I'm sorry but I can't be your girlfriend, I'm interested in Aika and bla and bla and bla..."
I'm going to be the autistic asshole to say I find it disrespectful to the author to do fanfiction before they're done with the story. Fanart is one thing, but an actual comic? Meh
I agree with the being direct, you have a point there.
But also, nah, Tessa's just being a bitch. Saiya literally got the most sadden look last page, bro even got tears.
I've been saying this from the start, "why do people like Tessa?". We knew she was a bully toward the start of the comic, and now she's fucking with Saiya because she knows she's not understanding everything that's going on. Saiya's been very dense the whole time, but that was a bit much for Tessa to tease about.

Fuck off, she's being an ass. She knows what Saiya's wanting and she's using that against her.
Saiya invited Tessa out on what seemed like a date, and decided to immediately ask her about the other girl she has feelings for; she was being just as much of a bitch
Except there was no malice in her question unlike Tessa's response. Just look at Saiya's face in the bottom left panel of >>127915. She's trying to figure things out.
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Being disrespectful to the author, here, in this thread? I've never seen any such thing performed!
saiya doesn't have the brainpower to understand 'teasing'. say just spent how many pages getting to this?
and how is that? clearly he can't even write his own comic right.
tessa going to be the one crying when this mess is over.
>Fuck off, she's being an ass. She knows what Saiya's wanting and she's using that against her.
tessa knows good and well what saiya wants. when saiya stuffed her just the prior night that was her trying to teach saiya how to be forceful to get aika. tessa knows she's obsessed with aika. this is just kip writing characters terribly and killing more pages.
exactly. this seemed like a date. there was no hidden meaning or anything. this was just "hey want to get something to eat?" or are we forgetting how tessas eyes lit up when she asked?
>She's trying to figure things out. >>126594 except we had thought she already figured things out just two pages before.
>except we had thought she already figured things out just two pages before.
>>127915 was her wanting to confirm it, hence why she had some tears when Tessa gave her response the page after.
Did you forget that this isn't actually a date but Saiya's attempt to fatten Tessa up and make her less appealing to Aika? Nobody in this story is innocent now, even Ms Goody Two Shoes Aika sexually harrassed Tessa at the party.
Fr thats fucking CRAZY man.
Bro, they're going out to eat because of Saiya's mastermind plan or whatever. Even then, its not an actual fuckin 'date date'
>tessa going to be the one crying when this mess is over.
My eyes are shit and I can't tell the difference between the colours.
Tell me which one to vote for or I'll pick black and white.
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Here's how the poll's looking for those not on the patreon
Those aren't different styles, those are just a bunch of WIPs that Kip put together to gauge how little work he can get away.
option 3 is my fav of those
bruh people are voting for 2? the coloring gets in the way of the line work and expressions, while 3 lets them breathe
1/3 are the best, 2/4 just look off.
I don't hate any of them but I agree with >>128843, it's more like different leves of polish and shading than different styles. Three is my favorite but it looks like we'll be stuck with two instead.
Bro the fuck?
As the other anon said, 1/3 are fine.
2 just looks way too “hazy”/ over shaded for me, and while I do like 1, you can tell it’s just sketch coloring, not something for finished product. It’s not even in the lines.
Both 2 and 4 have super lazy line work that Kip is using ombré shading and highlighting to cover up. 3 looks so crisp, it’s a shame we’re gonna get stuck with 2 that looks like Kip blurred and put a sepia filter over.
Courtney and Mia but not like you're actually reading to story or BWS stuff to begin with, can't believe you made me defend kip of all artist
Oh relax. Go in the BWS forum and tell them their names because apparently none of them know either. Their names haven’t been mentioned in the comic yet. I didn’t see that BWS mentioned names in descriptions of some patreon only posts. It is a real good story so far and we here can only dream it will get even remotely close to something where Couple Stuff has gone already for Saiya and Tessa or whoever at this point
> "Unless... AHAHAHA I'm just joking with you!"
> 10 more pages of Saiya fighting herself in her own head and the dialogue of it completely blocks out Tessa's feasting. It dawns on her that she lets her thoughts get the best of her and she needs to self-reflect at Aika's church to better control her low self worth for the next 20 pages. During this, Aika successfully goes from fat-to-fit with Bitch's training regiment and is finally ready to garner Tessa's favor. It was at this moment that Saiya realized it was her one true like, Aika, that had set her on this fat girl loving course and now that she is skinny, it is only right that she endures this burden herself. Saiya begins gaining weight but struggles with actually gaining any weight. She enlists the help of Myu and her linker technology so that she might learn the ways of gaining weight. Catastrophically, she gets locked into her linker and Tessa goes in to save her - knowing that if she gets fat in the linker, she gets fat in real life. They embark on the ultimate journey through all 100 floors of Aincrad, gaining weight at each floor. But eventually their resolve to escape this fat-game dissolves and they get a house together on a lower floor with no more will to complete the game. Saiya's sister dives in to save her, and it is at this point we learn that they aren't actually blood related. Saiya and Tessa takes turns fattening up Saiya's punk sister. Aika and Bitch dives in and meets the same fate. Anyone foolish enough to dive in never escapes. The true title of the comic appears on the screen... 'Couple Stuff' with Saiya and Tessa, evil master-blobs enjoying their lesbian-selves.
>The credits start to roll - "a Dr. Jack Black production."
why is saiya asking this exact same question again? she just asked it after they made out and tessa said they were nothing. now tessa is lying and saying she likes aika only for saiya to again ask what they are? they're friends and shes trying to help set her up. simple. unless tessa is going to come up with some sort of off the wall conspiracy to 'make aika jealous' but what all would that entail besides what they're doing now? hanging out more? stuffing her? maybe acting like they're together right until saiya hopefully realizes this is what she really wants and she doesn't want aika at all?
y'all really want saiya to gain weight and I still don't understand why. you're probably right on one thing though. expect another twenty pages of people repeating themselves and saiya 'thinking'. kip isn't giving anyone any sort of ideas as to why everyone would want saiya because this woman is about as smart and fun as a brick.
That’s crazy Tessa. Now stfu and eat.
pretty good. doubt this will ever happen in canon tho
How does Kip whenever expanding upon characters in his stories ends up making them among the worst types of people imaginable? I really am having a hard time finding any notable kip character who isn't a vile person.
Oh right, Sayia is asian. I keep forgetting.

Because authors write about themselves.
>Oh right, Saiya is asian. I keep forgetting

Her Asiatic stature is more noticeable when compared to her goliath chums and their buns
I don't understand this image. I see that saiya is crouched a little bit to grab tessas behind which makes sense but is she also crouched to grab aika?
it won't. I don't even understand why kip would make such an image except to rub everyones faces in it. saiya doesn't have it in her to grab their behinds like this and she's never had the chance to grab on aika.
You forgot the part at the very very end where Connor wakes up
I guess they’re both standing on some sort of platform?
I hope kip updates this image if/when the girls get fatter, but I know that's asking for a lot when it comes to kip.
wheres connor in this? theres no cindy.
I seriously doubt the girls are going to get any fatter.
seeing them side by side, Aika is noticably larger, at least, her ass is. I appreciate that Kip is trying to do more of a pear shape with Aika and belly focus with tessa; I do with his proportions were a little better and more consistent though
Ok this looks VERY promising
I guess Saiya's attempts to be subtle in her effort to fatten Tessa went out the window lol
saiya needs to just choose tessa because there is no way in the world aika would do this because she told her to. aika would do it because she's hungry.
Sometimes Kip is alright.
Tessa's waistline final moments
oh fuck, NOW we're talking
>Anon just rewatched the movies and sees the world differently for the moment
Happens to the best of us
I assume Tessa is going to be current Aika size eventually (with different proportions), I doubt Aika is getting much bigger though.

That's great and all but if Tessa doesn't insist for an answer it's going to be another waste of time. The plot has been stall for too long.
Hopefully kip doesn’t fuck this up cause this could be 2 weeks of some good pages. Hopefully some burps as well. Please no dumb interruptions kip
We need to get a running count of sushi pieces eaten. 14 so far
Hopefully Tessa walks out this restaurant at least as big as Cindy was to start fnn
Tessa’s sushi stuffing has the potential of being the equivalent to Cindy’s lasagna stuffing in FNN. Time will tell, but it looks like we might finally be gearing up for some good action.
Guys, still lower your expectations just incase.
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>I assume Tessa is going to be current Aika size eventually (with different proportions), I doubt Aika is getting much bigger though.
it'd be interesting to see how he draws teases figure if she got that big since he loves making tessa look pregnant. will she just gain in the belly or will she gain a bigger behind and breasts as well? aika is probably going to lose a little bit or stay the same.
>That's great and all but if Tessa doesn't insist for an answer it's going to be another waste of time.
she already has an answer. for some reason that no one understands she's obsessed with aika. that makes no sense because there is no way she could do this with aika.
>The plot has been stall for too long.
if kip stopped stalling he'd have to deliver fan service. kip refuses so this scene will not last.
two weeks? thats asking entirely too much. id be surprised if this lasts until next sun, so thats three pages. and tessa has yet to deliver anywhere near any good burps. she's always embarrassed and runs away.
im not sure what the sushi count matters. I mean just how big do we expect her to get off this? remember the last stuffing scene? she had a huge tray of deserts and got like two of them down before it got interrupted.
that was nowhere near a good stuffing though. we only had that tray of lasagna. even she had said she's done worse which is what all of us were looking forward to. I get that that was all the food available but she could have drank some soda or something.
I'm expecting this to last maybe a few pages and for something to happen. maybe tessa gets a phone call, stacey busts in, saiyas missing family appears, something, because kip refuses to deliver no matter what.
Wow saiya is genuinely an even worse person than I give her credit for. Bravo kip on making yet another finely despicable person to your OC collection
she's not worse than I gave her credit for, but she's much more inconsistent. I prefer the idea of her secretly fattening tessa without her realizing it more than her just outright stuffing her like this.
I think the point is theres no one good in this story. even aika, the one whom went to church for charity work, forced herself on tessa.
I don't think cindy did anything which is exactly why she's nowhere near this story. people would be cheering for her the minute she appeared because she was a good character. the only thing these characters are good for is getting stuffed senseless.
You know what? Yeah I gotta agree. None of these characters are in the likeable zone, especially Tessa. Hell, the only characters I actually like are Sean and his friend, the damn Tessa worshiper characters. I'm just rooting for a Aika stuffing scene because shes the biggest and hottest imo.
Though, I'm also hoping OSC ends soon, Kip never brings up these characters again, and just makes a new comic.
Agreed but I think a break from new characters would be nice. Let’s get back to the continued stuffing situations of Cindy & Connor as soon as OSC ends
Yeah, Cindy is def my favorite Kip girl (love the succubus thing with her) so I'd love to see more.
The irony that the least worst person in the kip-verse is a literal demon
Kip’s character creations are wild, man.
Why’s everyone hating on Tessa? What evil has she done besides trying to seduce saiya?
I think cindy is everyones favorite kip girl and Im sure he knows that. I feel like kip is doing every single thing he can to avoid going back to her. 'the continued adventures' would involve stuffing and lots of it. remember, kip doesn't want to show fan service nor does he want his characters to get above a certain size. I wouldn't be surprised if we never see anything above cindy's stuffing sequence, even though I would personally love to see tessa burst out of a corset with a gut so huge that it breaks a table in half and hits the floor.
right now, playing games with saiyas mind knowing saiya is as dumb as a rock. before that I think people would say forcing herself on saiya in the fitting room but the main difference is that saiya reciprocated.
It's like you Tessa fanboys actively try to forget how much of a bully she was early in the comic.
She's not actually a demon that's just Connor's imagination
Ah yes, the two very harsh bullying instances where Tessa retaliated at Saiya for saying something to her, and then the time she pushed Saiya into the pool, which is questionable since Saiya then pulled Tessa in and the two seemingly had fun until Stacy showed up and Tessa quickly formed am excuse. Mind you that these were pages 6 and 18, 2 pages out of 250+. 4 if you want to count 19 and 20.

After those two instances Tessa openly shows interest in Saiya, asking to have lunch with her and other things, as well as being far nicer over all. It's actually Stacy who is instigating most of the negativity towards Saiya and Aika. In fact the only reason Saiya says anything about Tessa is because Stacy says something to her about not knowing who Tessa is, which cause her to retaliate and say shit to Tessa, and then causes Tessa to say shit.

Tessa imo is probably the best character out of the three girls because Aika is...well she cute and all but I can't excuse the gum wad baby she had under her bed, and Saiya is pretty rude or cold to Tessa on occasion with little to no reason other than "she was a bully once" most of the time; as if the girl tormented her for years before the story.

I will agree that Shawn and his friend are pretty funny, I didn't like then too much at first but after looking back I do think they're pretty refreshing and feel a bit more real despite still being goofy in the story
Well, if we want any chance in hell of a Cindy x Connor FNN spin-off/continued adventures etc, the only chance is Kip’s patreons requesting it in numbers. Cant just be a here and there “oh will there be more Cindy/Connor content soon?” Nah this would take a significant number of Patreons requesting or sorta bugging Kip for it.

I do agree that FNN was Kip’s most well received story, most liked waifu, and favorite couple (with Tina and Sydney being not too far behind).

Once OSC ends (it’s already getting close to how long NLB was), If a continuation of Cindy & Connors’ relationship is what the majority of us want, those who even have the slightest bit of say in things Kip does (patreons) should relay that message in mass. It’s worth an attempt at least. There’s so much potential with that couple and what a shame it would be to put that to waste.
I understand what you're saying but I really truly believe kip does not care. the numbers are already saying that this story sucks. kip continues. the numbers want stuffing. kip makes sure to interrupt every single scene whenever it gets good. kip does whatever he wants and his attitude is that we can just deal with it.
this story is nowhere near done. I'm just saying that because I'm sure kip is doing that on purpose. notice that whenever we get anywhere near a plot point being resolved he immediately backtracks. those pages in color were useless because saiya had already come to a conclusion before them. nope. kip 'tested out color' on four pages of useless talking. why not test out the color on this upcoming stuffing? it was a complete waste of color pages and a waste of pages overall. id love to be proven wrong and I hope he does but we already know tessa aint going to get very big and this scene will be interrupted very soon.

Even if that's the case and she's not a bully, but a sassy bitch with a bit of an attitude, I still find it really hard to emphathize with this character, let alone feel sorry for her. She's a wealthy, popular e-thot who's being literally worshipped by everyone 24/7, occasionally gets shit from the oh so big and bad Stacy, who, despite being a cunt, helps her manage the business that allows her to live like this. She's got two girls thrirsting after her, one of whom she's in love with. Might not be a bully, but definitely not a scapegoat or a tragic character in general.
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kip is probably reading this rn and gauging how much more he can squeeze out of his audience. Hope this comic drags him to the ground. Patron numbers already suggest that.
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Ehentai comments are a great deal of fun too.
No one said the girl had a sob story or deserved sympathy from anyone, it's just that I don't understand the gathered negativity towards her, especially for the reasons you stated. You talk about her like she's just mean and arrogant all the time and walks around like she is the best thing since sliced bread; which while possibly true in the beginning changes throughout the story as she shows, what I believe, to be more of who she actually is. Not to mention that story isn't short, so there is a large amount of stuff after her starting that switch. And yeah, Stacy does run the "marketing" side of Tessa's career(if you want to call it that)she obviously doesn't care about Tessa as she explicitly states that she saw potential in her and made her into Tessakitz, essentially trying to take credit for who Tessakitz is as her claim to fame. I don't think I need to explain why that relationship isn't a good one.

But at the end of the day it's a fucking kip comic, characters are written mediocre at best and most of the time become living garbage cans for food. I was just confused on why people were suddenly harping on Tessa as if she had suddenly done terrible when in the last thread it was the opposite from what I remember. Like if the worst thing she did was be successful and attractive then like how does that make her that awful. Not directed at you specifically, but if people don't like her then just say so instead of trying to justify it with small shit; just say that's how you feel about her and that's it end of it
his patrons have dropped? I dont believe it. ive noticed a lot of complaints though. I was surprised to see people complaining about saiya when the last page dropped. saiya is struggling with making this decision on who to date and someone said she ought to try being a friend to these people instead of thinking about sex all the time.
I enjoy going back to reading those. I see they haven't updated it since september but even there they can tell kip is doing this just because he can. there were a few comments on there about how he resets whenever he starts to make some story progress and he purposely stops it whenever the characters get into anything sexual. the same thing is going to happen now.
I get telling the story he wants to tell. I'm just trying to understand what that story is. whats the point in doing these resets over and over again? is there any reason to constantly tease fan service and have it interrupted? even if he has a vision for this story, which I am beyond doubting at this point due to the massive plot holes, even he has to know that at some point in time some things need to change. this story cannot keep ramping up and dropping like this. people will get sick of it.
I like tessa but I have to admit she grew on me after I saw how stacey abused her and also the issues with her mother. it seems like the only one who truly cared about her as a human being was saiya. we know thats changed so now tessa doesn't have even one good person on her side. but then we also saw her attempt for force herself on saiya once at her apartment and then again in the fitting room. I can't stand aika because I don't know why she's in the story, she's nasty, she isn't funny and she doesn't even provide decent fan service. staceys yelling at her isn't funny. I like that aika is so proud of her belly and its a shame tessa isn't but that is literally all she brings to this story. I don't understand why anyone can like aika. I don't think anybody likes saiya or stacey.
I hate Tessa because her character is “You should feel bad for this rich popular piece of shit because she has big sob oh woe is me backstory” also “Bitchy popular person falls in love with outcast they were shitty to a few minutes ago and is now soft”
I don’t like characters like that, man. Is she hot? Sure. Im still rooting for Aika over her.
Remember no lunch break, did they say if that was coming back after this or not?
God I hope not. Sydney is the worst kip character to date.
You're speaking as if Stacy and Tessa are any better...
Yup. Kip said there's a plan for nolunch 2 after this. I wonder what will happen now that sandy is in fucking prison now (and queen of the rats??)
Considering that was a long time ago and Kip also talked about something with Cindy (originally supposed to be released during OSC for one of the three posting days of the week) so I have no idea if we will get Cindy/Connor, Sydney/Tina, or something completely different next after OSC
They are although it is more like who the least worst is
I'm surprised Kip's continuing that after how big Sydney got. I imagine Kip would make Sydney go through some off screen weight loss, or have that be the focus of the comic. Besides all that, it's not a follow up I'm looking forward to. The end of No Lunch Break was a mess.
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I've got lots of Kip's 4K packs, and the only two or three wallpaper packs they released. Thinking about using the 4K packs to make some basic wallpapers like this one, since they haven't released new wallpapers in forever. Anyone else done this? Any good wallpapers outside the first couple packs?
>I imagine Kip would make Sydney go through some off screen weight loss
Already been done, check out no lunch beach or whatever it was called
Wasn't that non-canon like No Lunch Take Out was?
I've never seen any kip wallpapers like that.
There's no reason for it to be non-cannon; nothing happened, lol
You said it shown that Sydney lost weight after No Lunch Break. Both her and Tina are smaller in No Lunch Beach, so if they return as that size when this continuation happens, then it's canon.
Neato, thanks for sharing that graphic

That FNN spike is real. Give the people what they desire Kip, pls…
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funny you said that. this is my analysis.

I think now is a turning point; either this next stuffing scene makes or breaks this for the audience, or everyone gets bored and fucks off. we're already seeing a decline.
another thing. the rate of the comic has increased significantly. We can see NLB manages about 100 pages per year, but OCS has stepped up the pace to 100 pages in the first 8 months, another hundred in 8, and the same thing on the horizon.

It's been nothing but growth up to this point.

NLB (if you ask me) had much more likeable characters, a deep romance between two, a common antagonist, and personal conflicts between syd and her own desires.

If you ask me I would have much preferred a return to the DWS universe. People want drama but they want a steady stream of feederism as well.

We're now seeing characters gain weight off screen (bad for obvious reasons), a story that doesn't hold itself up and whose most exciting feature is dialogue and haha embarrassing situation featuring airhead. It's BORING.

He either

a. Does the same thing he did in the spring, fed some fanservice when he saw patrons drop substantially

b. overreacts and turns the comic into FNN

c. manages to succeed and save the comic and return to growth.
I respect you for taking the time to do all of this. I know I surely couldn't.
he won't. did you see the post that he had made years ago? he said he's making the story he wants to make. this is the story he wants to make.
a) i said this before and I really do believe it. kip is aware that he's losing patrons. I believe that its like this. kip has no idea what he's doing nor where the story is going. he's writing what seems like a good idea at the time. there is no outline. there is no real plot. he slides in fan service once in awhile to get people interested again and then he drops it again within a few pages.
b) what do you mean by that? i admit I'm a big fnn fan but it really was not a good comic. it took fifty pages to get good then he gave us three pages of sex and that was it. everything in that comic should have lasted longer. connor should have stuffed her more. the sex could have lasted longer. the minute that comic got good kip sped it up so it ended. is that what you mean? he's going to let saiya stuff tessa, them have sex and then end the comic right there?
c) not going to happen. kip is writing the story he wants to write. kip isn't listening to anyone about this because this is the story kip wants to tell.
didn't he get bored of his characters in no lunch break?
peak autism is making fetish art your wallpaper for your device
I mean he overreacts to the loss of patrons and brings in fanservice levels of when Syd was stuffing herself at dinner and her dress let her ass hang out AND FNN combined.

It'd be a shame if he was sick of them.
>kip has no idea what he's doing nor where the story is going. he's writing what seems like a good idea at the time. there is no outline. there is no real plot
>kip is writing the story he wants to write. kip isn't listening to anyone about this because this is the story kip wants to tell
This is the part I will never understand. How can you be invested in the story you want to tell and also have no outline, plot, character arcs, or any real goal? If you don't actually care about your characters why not just... write the incredibly simple fanservice everyone is throwing money at you to make? Am I just not autistic and Finnish enough to get it?
Lunch with sister is still my favorite kip comic
Yeah, I think Finnish people are really fucking weird and difficult to understand
Nah, it has nothing to do with being Finnish.
Even we're sick of Kip's shit.
you hit the nail on the head. who the fuck is this comic even for?
Because motherfuckers will throw money at him and defend him regardless of what he does, and Kip knows this.
It's for Kip himself, obviously
If you think Tessa was a bully you must be a very special snowflake. I had to deal with bullies all my years in highschool and I guarantee you what she did was being mildly posh at the absolute worst. Something like a 2 on a 10 scale of unpleasantness.
That's pretty simple, before Kip was baiting the fetish parts of his comics, now he's baiting the plot points. This way anyone complaining about the story get the rebuke "you guys should be happy I'm focusing on the fetish material". That's brilliant level of trolling adaptation when you think about it.

At least he started adding some side fetish content to his story development scenes, only took him a decade. The old 100% split was whiplash inducing.
Kip Patreon revenues can hardly be trusted. He's perfectly capable of suscribing to himself with an alt account to inflate his numbers, he just has to pay a small patreon fee and the VAT. I saw him drive one of his alt projects into the ground just to troll his audience, I have no doubt he would be capable of coughing out something like a hundred bucks a month to reach artificial patreon goals and other shenanigans. Also big revenue numbers are good for publicity, it's basic marketing. Same purpose than streamers paying bot farms for extra viewers.
Maybe next time I will put more care into this
Someday, anyday never more. Who The fuck knows?
he is currently at $7k which he's always been on and almost 1670 patrons. iirc patreon takes 33% of his profits which would be $2310. we have a rough estimate here of $4690 without taxes and fees which is still a nice amount of money for doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. I know hard workers who don't bring that much in so kip is doing good for himself but he isn't well enough to fake numbers like you're suggesting. you mentioned streamers and bot farms, we could even talk about celebs and how so many of their Insta followers are bought. that stuff costs money and kip doesn't have access to those kinds of funds. plus theres no point. no one is checking for kip nor this comic like that.
The pacing on this comic is so god damn slow... way more progress can be made per page without overcrowding
kip is still wasting panels. the last page had tessa obviously aroused at saiya talking to her like that. now she's in mortal fear of eating these sushi? were going to get like a single sushi eaten per page before we get interrupted.
expect the interruption. its coming.
There’s just zero chance this gets interrupted… right??? Agree on pacing
I like how throughout all of this we're slowly seeing Tessa becoming more of an accomplished eater - something that she is slowly becoming more partial to no less. If the pair were to get distracted somehow, I'd love for Tessa to be all "Excuse me, kinda in the zone here.." before setting to polishing them off.
If Kip does allow Tessa to clear the challenge, I'd say we're at decent odds for seeing a mukbang future in store for her.
The mukbang thing has been predicted since page 1. If it happens, it won't be for another couple years.

I really do wish Kip would pick a lane with Tessa, though, as far as the factors that contribute to her gain. Half the time, it seems like she's being sabotaged, and unintentionally gaining while trying to maintain her e-celeb image, and the rest of the time, it seems like she's gaining on purpose, either due to her own interest, or to attract Saiya.

The fact that it's trying to be both fetish-gaining and fall-from-grace/humiliation gaining makes it fail at both, imo. If she's gaining because she wants to, it makes the scenes of her trying to lose weight (more) pointless, and if she's being sabotaged, the humiliation kink connected to that doesn't really work since she's intentionally stuffing herself half the time, negating the need for sabotage at all.
It's funny how everytime the thread starts talking about how Kip is trolling his audience, a large chunk of it disappears in another dimension. Gives you food for thoughts.

Is that finally plot development? Is Tessa finally going to overcome her fear of becoming a fatass or will she regret her stuffing? Can Kip finally do something out of his goddamn characters? So many unanswered questions.
Almost like no one wants to hear you dumb niggers bitching so it gets reported. Crazy
heres the problem. page 249 tessa was aroused and taken aback. now she's got cold feet. kip is wasting pages before the obvious interruption. you know what would be a very welcome interruption? a loud belch and switching the scene over to a heavily pregnant cindy whom is mid stuffing. anyone would welcome that.
seemed like a rather good conversation which involved his other works but there was also complaining.
Pregnant as in pregnant with a food baby, then we’re talking
either way doesn't matter. look at tessa. kip likes drawing pregnant women. id be happy with either version.
I don't know about the rest of you but this is just boring. We've been through this same rodeo multiple times already and this particular stuffing scene may not be anything special compared to what we already got in previous stuff.
^ personally I’d prefer a sequel to see what the couple does together
it sounds like kip wants to do something entirely different with the fnn sequel and if thats the case I don't think anyone wants to see it.
it isn't that its boring. its frustrating. he starts up with the tease. everyone jumps aboard the hype train. you get maybe one or two good pages and then the train flies off the rails. its predictable at this point and thats not good. people already know what kip is going to do. he is not going to produce plot. he is not going to produce fanservice. he's going to kill more pages.
In other words, it's Kip saying "You're not getting weight gain. I won't make her bigger".
exactly. kip actually said that when he finished no lunch break or something like that? someone posted it in one of the man baby threads. kip was ranting about how much he hated where the story went and how big the woman became because he catered to what people wanted.
now look. this mess right here is what kip wanted.
Why the fuck even bother supporting the motherfucker if this isn't what people want? Are they that desperate?
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>makes thousands a month to draw a weight gain/stuffing comic
>finally have what might be a binge eating scene
>this is the food
Ok yeah now kip Is not even making an effort to conceal that they're trolling us
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Nanny janny did its job.
Ectopic pregnancy is a nasty fucking shit.
FullNightJanny will be more suitable.
He is stuffing/concealed preg fetishist, nothing too fancy.
Low effört food, really
Regain at least some of your composure, pronoun woowoo.
He is male, that's it. No fancy trapping around wit autistic finnish demeanor.


Has Kip finally morphed into a Lovecraftian multi-being? Otherwise, it's a "he's".
It's not that deep pimp
Come the fuck on this sushi is atrocious, and guess what, kip also copy-pasted it from one panel to the other, look at the nigiri, they're the fucking same.
lol, they're just quick pencil sketches, which really stand out compared to the rest of the page
You really like riding Kip's dick, eh?
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Posted after the conclusion of FNN. Here’s hoping there will be a sequel, even if it’s quite different and it’s not long term WG. Still lots of opportunities for them hanging out with some good belly groping/stuffing/intimacy scenes included. That would be nice.
>Still lots of opportunities for them hanging out with some good belly groping/stuffing/intimacy scenes included.
>Kip says that it would be a different type of comic.
Belly groping/stuffing/intimacy was the entirety of the end of Fully Night Nanny, and if he said that the comic would be different, then that stuff wouldn't be happening in a sequel. It'd likely be another convoluted story of drawn out drama that takes years because Kip has been against pure weight gain.
exactly. last time kip talked about weight gain was at the end of no lunch break I think it was and he said he regretted how big he had made the characters due to people wanting them stuffed. we can assume that this story is the way kip really wants to write. thats why I keep saying that the characters aren't going to get much bigger than this if at all.
Honestly I’m ok with Cindy’s size but even though Kip said it would be different doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be stuffing/belly groping content. Just the dynamic & situations would be different. Again it may not be WG centered but more around their relationship (with obligatory feederism antics included some point during). I’d still be all in for that. Cindy did say that the lasagna stuffing was pretty big, but not the biggest binge she’s been on. Would be neat to expand on that eventually, even if she’s pretty much the same overall size as at the end of FNN. There’s still so much Connor & Cindy can do together to build their relationship all while doing belly centered antics of feeding and/or groping. I’d be willing to see what Kip does with it.
Perhaps it would be them on a date, or waterpark, or movie night. There’s plenty of options and opportunities for them to both grow their relationship while finding opportunities to get intimate and do the things they enjoy.
Holy fuck you really sound like something a neural net would spew out.
Besides that, I'm fucking sick of this nigger janny killing the discussion here.
What are we supposed to do, post an image and fuck off? Fucking cunts.
Perspective looks atrocious, not gonna lie.
I like how the janny left this post to let everyone know. Guess what, you're not stopping anyone.
>>130552 Yeah..... or a big open field of lilys, like we used to back in the good old days.
I was surprised that Kip even considered continuing the story of Conner and Cindy. Cindy knows that Conner likes her being fat, and that she's willing to stuff herself and be fat for him. Weight gain is the only realistic option Kip has to continue their story, but Kip's stubbornness and refusal to do so would make it pointless. Unless Kip decides to give fans the weight gain they've been wanting and quit being so stubborn, that storyline shouldn't come back.
Ah yes. Idc if it’s in Chernobyl or a toxic waste dump, as long as they have a quality sequel together.

It’s not as far fetched of a possibility as it might seem that they can actually have a decent spin-off or sequel together, regardless of setting or situation.

Also, these convos keep getting nuked, so what’s the point of this page even if everything keeps getting deleted
Well considering that was from over a year ago, and the reception of OSC has been meh, there’s a sliver of a chance Kip might just say fuck it and do some slight WG with Cindy and Connor eventually.
Always the good parts of the thread getting nuked too, it’s fucking annoying.
And some of what's getting deleted isn't even bitching. There's genuine discussion going on that's relevant to the thread. Mod already explained why he gets rid of the bitching in a past thread, but what's the point of also getting rid of what's legit? What's going on in that head of his?
Exactly. It’s all just discussion so idk what the deal is there.
should we make a separate thread just for criticism of the comic? I don't like going into the salt threads, and it's clearly not going to stay up in here, so I think it might be better to make a separate comic criticism thread
>I don't like going into the salt threads, and it's clearly not going to stay up in here, so I think it might be better to make a separate comic criticism thread
Problem is, that where he expects us to go, and we really don't need more new threads here for how much random stuff we've been getting lately that's dead on arrival.
>The janny comes in, armed with nothing but a broom and a bucket of soapy water
>He laboriously swipes away all the meme spam, changes all the tripcodes, and banhammers all the trolls
>Hours pass and finally, after long hard work, 4chan is clean once again
>The Janny smiles and disappears in a puff of smoke - no one was even thank him for his service.
>You can always rely on BBW-Chan's mysterious janitor to get the job done... for free.
Clean it up, since I've intentionally made a mistake in my greentext.
You will get exactly 0 dollars for you work.
Clean it up.
And when a separate chat is made to have a discussion specifically about critiques, that gets booted too.
And this POS mod keeps deleting everything but keeps the post with the N word. Really says something
Moderator out here with a god complex. Get a fucking life.
Gets rid of everything but the post with the N word. Racist ass
Idk, guess they don’t like it when people aren’t sucking Kip’s dick.

>>130568 (Dead)
Shakespeare spitting bars, what the fuck?
seems like she's tricking Tessa into eating the fattening pieces with lots of stuffing first. I am curious why kip bothered having these characters
notice Tessa was at the food court and not mention them again so far. i wonder if they will ever be mentioned again
I said this after the last page, but that got deleted and I think after this page it bears repeating: The pacing of this is so god damn atrocious, two pages with the biggest sushi boat in the world in front of her and she's only eaten 1 piece. Why is this page focusing so much on her boobs? Who fucking cares!?
Why even bother with this site when everything of substance gets purged
I know right? That janny is a goddamn coward
Idk, boobs are pretty cool.
Why is Saiya suddenly acting like a cunt?
kip does surprise me. ill admit that. each comic is a surprise. just how much longer can he drag a single scene out? what will he use this time? how will he end it?
>I am curious why kip bothered having these characters
to trick people into thinking they'd get some fan service / stuffing.
>notice Tessa was at the food court and not mention them again so far. i wonder if they will ever be mentioned again
no but they will be interrupted. I'm sure it'll happen in a few more pages and no one will see it coming. will it be stacey? or will it be saiyas mother and sister catching her on this 'date'?
kip is killing time and pages before he interrupts it. thats all. I mean if we really want to ask questions why in the world did they sit at such a small table to begin with? kip is the writer and artist. he knew there'd be stuffing. sit them at a bigger table. he did this mess on purpose. now people are getting on that hype train thinking she's about to get huge but nope. ill be surprised if she gets two or three sushi down before something happens.
everything that isn't an image gets purged. hopefully anon didn't post any more comics because it'd be a shame if those were deleted.
her breasts knocked over the drink. that has nothing to do with this. lalia gets three times as big as this at smaller tables. saiya could have helped her eat or fed her.
she did a complete personality change out of nowhere didn't she? first she was shy, then she was trying to understand what was going on, she finally got a hint, we got the color pages of nothing, she got lost again, tessa tried to make her question everything and now she's demanding that tessa eat the sushi? okay but tessa likes that so thats not that bad. tessa spends a page 'threatened' by sushi, and knocks her drink over with her breasts then saiya insults her? when did tessa ever like being insulted?
Watch Tessa get angry and leave
this is kinda on topic and yet it isn't. years ago I read the dick tracy comic strip online. I believe the site was go comics or something like that. there was a small community there where we would gather every day to talk about the comic. this particular writer was just downright incompetent. wed rip him to shreds every day posting plot holes and asking questions to each other as to what was going on. I guess we weren't the only ones complaining because this writer was removed and another one took over that actually knew how to tell a story. no one complained any more. the people stopped complaining and I think it turned into discussing plot points and trying to figure out what happened next.
nothing like that can happen here because this comic sucks so bad. the writer cannot be changed because kip is the writer and he cannot be told anything at any point in time. the comments here can be deleted but other sites like deviantart and ehentai show people don't like this and comments there aren't getting deleted as fast. I really don't understand why they keep deleting everything. its just a waste of time. I don't even get why kip deletes them on his deviantart. he tried to say they were all "moan belleh" but all I see is legitimate complaints and criticism. kip knows this comic sucks. he just doesn't care.
that would be funny. that would be an interruption no one saw coming. or tessa spills something on her shirt and leaves to get a new one.
Do you have autism? She's clearly being a dom here.
nope. she's being a jerk. she was a dom when she demanded she eat the sushi. I don't know any dom that would make a rude joke about the subs breasts.
>t.has never met a dom irl
actually I kinda have. I'm a sub. maybe mine are just nice.
That's what Tessa gets for being a cunt to Saiya herself. Turnabout is fair play.
>"Haha your boobs are big"
That's a compliment if anything.
telling someone they have big boobs is one of the most pathetically lame thing things I could ever imagine a dom saying to someone that's supposed to be their sub.
What's next, letting them know they have a piece of spinach in their teeth?
Have you not heard of humiliation kink? She's teasing her for being sexy and clumsy. Why do I come to this bed of autism I swear...
Again, how fucking soft are you that you'd find THAT humiliating or even teasing?
it's not what you say, it's how you say it.
admittedly, this comic doesn't do a great job showing that, lmao, but there are definitely ways to tease a fat girl about her huge boobs effectively
I really wish you'd leave autism out of this. I get what you're saying. I'm familiar with the internet term and as someone who works with autistic children you're every kind of wrong.
exactly. she's being a jerk about it. this isn't the humiliation kink this is being a jerk but I should expect no less from kip.
It's obvious he hates fat girls now lol
I dunno about her leaving, Tessa seems pretty down for this. I like how over the course of this story we've seen Tessa become more of an accomplished eater. I'd like to think that were a distraction to arise, Kip could go for the double bluff and have Tessa remained focussed on the challenge to show development of the character - in part to please Saiya, but also for her own desire in stuffing.
Think we're gonna get a shot of her or Saiya lifting the boat to dump the last remaining pieces into her maw? :)
She's using all of the training (the scene where Saiya calls her a bimbo and grabs her belly) against Tessa
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Although we're getting back to the good stuff I still wanna see anon's comic continue. Come back!!
Chasing upon the heels of my last comment, I'm loving Tessa's determination here! I do hope she digs deep and succeeds.
>voracious giant mermaid Tessa
Kip's mastery of blueballs truly knows no bounds
its been over a month and they havent moved from that table
Yeah, what happened to them? Kip’s pages are just “k bro.” to me right now so I wanna know what’s going on with comic anon.
would it be too much for her to move her chair closer to the table? nice that they have this witty rapport going though. can we please get to the stuffing? its been four pages of just talking.
Please, shut the fuck up. Move closer to the table and fucking eat. Nobody gives a fuck about this shit. We get it, Tessa has huge titles. Cool.
At least make the stuffing for the least likable character good, like the time they were at Tessa’s house.
I think she's far from the table because her boobs were knocking things over
What really terrible about this page is that it shows saiya and Tessa actually getting along and having some chemistry together yet kip is so sure to make saiya sabotage Tessa to that aika won't be into her and in her mind get back with her despite their relationship beforehand being 2 outcasts put together. This page would be so much better if these 2 were already into each other mutually
I like the idea of Saiya sabotaging Tessa, but the problem is, the comic is trying to do that, and have them start a real relationship. And since it's trying to do both, it's succeeding at neither
I'm thinking that he may be going for something like "in the process of trying to sabotage tessa say actually falls for her" which isn't really a bad thing. its just that its taking so long to get there. plus we know were about to get interrupted.
Worse part is after the interruption, one of them is gonna be like “omg I’m so embarrassed I gotta go!” (Probably Tessa) and then we start back at the fuckin beginning again.
Or Saiya tries to get Aika fatter too, but the interruption from that can be seen miles away because of Stacy guarding her.
Then the comic keeps looping for another 100+ pages until Kip figures out how to move on the story.
I feel like there could be some fun potential for a Death Note type mind game story with Saiya trying to fatten the girls and Stacy trying to thin them down, but Saiya isn't bold or clever enough to be Kira, and it's way too late in the story to introduce a dynamic like that
That should be Kip’s next story, fat note lmfao.
there already is a Fat Note comic by Narcysses, it didn't get very far though, unfortunately
>Then the comic keeps looping for another 100+ pages until Kip figures out how to move on the story.
the most frustrating part about this is that its obvious kip knows how to move on. he just refuses to do it.
great idea. theres just one serious problem. kip would have to deliver some fan service and gigantic bellies which you know he isn't trying to do.
I think there was both a fat note and a preg note by another author but I don't recall either one getting very far.
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A little update, kip has not replied to me but I'm still gonna make a short comic. I just might do it on Sydney and Tina because I re-read through NLB again and like them a lot more. I'll see how I feel after I do a few other projects I've been wanting to do.
I don't know that kip will respond anon but thats an awesome drawing. theres something hot about two big bellies rubbing together and a woman belching. I can't quite place it. that and the other one with saiya using tessas belly to masturbate and squirting all over it. man why can't kip go this far himself?
I want to live in the universe where you're kip and the one doing the comics, holy shit dude
excellent OC, anon. Any chance you'd be willing do draw tessa bursting out of her corset, since we're not going to get any payoff to that in the actual comic?
the hero we do not deserve
this may be too confidential but would we be able to see the other projects? anything that might be worth taking a look at?
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Hell, since this one of the art anons is giving an update, guess I will too. I've been fixing my art style a bit to better fit the standard that I feel it needs. Some things to note here on out: I will be making Tessa a bit heftier in the following pages (i.e. rounder face, more to her love handles, etc), Tessa here is gonna get BIG. (Not like, balloon attached to a frame, but realistic with a bit of a push). There will be nude. The pages will take a little longer cut the sketches are done but I need to tweak them to my new style ( I'll try and get 1 a week, and see where that takes me). Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry I have to keep you guys waiting longer.
I might fix the old pages at some point, but I'm more concerned getting this fanmade fan service rolling.

(Sorry if the pic looks bad).
Does KipTeiTei make belly inflation instead of belly stuffing?
>>126592 (OP)
Are we allowed to do constructive criticism or is anything other then toxic positivity banned on this website ?

For example as someone with a fat fetish I like Kips early comics however over time the fetish stuff in relation to walls of text has increased to a level where I find "reading" his comics to be challenging.

For example needing to literally skip 30 pages of bla bla before going to the fetish part is something I find objectionable and other artists do not do this.
Even Kips early comics did not do this.
As a huge eructophile this pic is fantastic to me.
man just make a comic, these facial expressions and bodies are hot, maybe focus a bit more on making the belly feel strained/tight, and you've got yourself some real great stuff.
you know now that I look at this again I'm very curious to know what this would look like in color or as a full comic.
thats what theyre called? eructophiles?
New page?
Yeeesss, dig deep and dig in! Don't hold back now!
Also happy holidays, everyone! Looking forward to more of this nonsense as we head on into 2023.
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now were getting to it. now she's finally stuffing herself. kip could easily show her belly expanding in the next comic with a nice big ahegao belch. that'd be awesome but I don't think he's going to do it. it'd be even better if he showed tessa visibly turned on, drunk off her own arousal and then have her making out with saiya to the point they get thrown out of the restaurant. thats what saiya should get for trying to act tough but kip won't go there.
Still one of Kip’s best pages.
Cindy/FNN supremacy, but there’s real good potential for where this might go with Tessa
I still can't go past the fact these lasagnas defy gravity.
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I could do that when I find some time to do it, or when I just don't know what to draw.
I can't post anything here since all of the other projects are vore, but I have this old sketch. It's not kip related but its something.
Also thanks for the kind words everyone
Yo this is REALLY good! Where could I maybe find more?
Im fucking glad they did though.

I think they said their Twitter was LTAF before
It’s already been said but style is top tier. Would be cool to see your vore works too. Got any place to share those elsewhere?
Hope you decide to do more stuffing/burping content in the future! There’s a certain energy in your works I feel suits it very well. Love the little details!
Hey LTAF, not a vore fan but I love your style. Even made a stuffing edit of that Kawakami sequence. Anyway, I'll echo what >>132021 said.
Yeah, just search “LTAF Twitter” on google
Also, does this artist have a DA or Twitter or something as well?
Praying to god that Stacy ends up gaining and it all goes to her ass
that'd be great, but I think aika is going to be the ass-heavy one of the bunch
We both know it’s never going to happen. If it does then damn, guess I owe you $5 or smth.

TO BE FAIR, I think Aika’s ass earned that title.
Early Syndey was fucking great
idk if it's said here yet, but no new kip pages til after new years
well that stinks. hopefully hell come back with some nice fully stuffed tessa pages in full color.
I really despise Sydney. My most hated kip character to date
Just curious, any specific reason?
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She is a disgusting goldigger who nevertheless still hops on the moralizing ranting.
The character like the author.
>inb4 other anone
No she wasn't. She just didn't reveal how terrible she would be later on
I just really hate her how she's portrayed as a person. Sydney isn't a fun or enjoyable character to follow as the main character of this story. The fact that she was in a story much longer and more complicated than breakfast with sister comics didn't do any characters ant favors as they actually had to step up to be interesting and not just fetish fuel, of which Sydney isn't even that great at doing as it all felt so samey when other characters stuff themselves a lot with the only difference with Sydney being she just gets the most focus. Even her gaining weight just isn't enjoyable since I suppose due to Kip not liking his namesake's OC getting fat in a fairly evenly distributed fashion in LWS and DWS, leaving Sydney with a disproportionate large gut and thighs.

What are your thoughts on Sydney?
I read that as "Lasagna Pig" at first, which I guess is still fitting for her, haha.
Best Kip character by far. I don't care for her personality and she got pretty fat.
Define pretty fat. For a comic series that long she was disappointing with her end size. Most of her belly is stuffed rather than actual fat.
I put her in the 'I don't really care for' section, thats where most of kips characters are for me, theres only like 1 or 2 characters I truly despise.
>theres only like 1 or 2 characters I truly despise.
Who are those?
Imo the somewhat earlier part in the comic where she was all giddy/horny about getting fat is some of my favourite stuff that kip's ever done. The later stuff got a little bit cartoonish and I wasn't a huge fan, but I'll always hold NLB in high regard because of that.
Tessa, and another dude but since I can’t remember him I might as well move him to the “idrc for” section too.
How is Tessa worse than saiya or aika?
Idk, I’ve just always found her unbearable.
Saiya is in the idrc section with everyone else and Aika is in kinda care for.

Honestly, only Kip characters I love are Cindy, Shawn, and Sean.
how can tessa be worse than aika? seriously, what is so good about aika?
Idk, what’s so good about Tessa? Just how I feel abt the OSC characters bro.
Everyone here only likes Aika because she's the fattest member of the cast, she has no personality beyond the two braincells knocking around in her mostly-hollow skull. Tessa, Saiya and Stacy are far from well-written characters but they make Aika look more than just one-dimensional in comparison.
I don't get why people like Stacy. Isn't she that hateful trainer, or is it that other trainer?
Stacy is the bitch, Tania(?) is the good one
Cindy is a perfect gluttonous goddess and shall always be respected as such.
Tbh I also like Tina (though there’s a couple things she did that I’m not too keen on).

Unrelated, but I wish there was some stuffing content between Fiina & Chase, who simply seem nonexistent outside their few scenes. She was a grump early on, but later on with her opening up to him, no doubt she could have easily downed a few entire pizzas for him as just an appetizer.
>>132418 i thought it was because she's gullible.
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An I the only one who can't retain the names of Kip's characters?
They all sound like some weird autistic squeaky things.
Honestly same, but I'm not great at retaining names in general, so take what you want from it
Why do any of you care about the "characters" it doesn't matter what their "personality" is they will all be flanderized into dumb girl who gets fat anyway, every main or side character worth more than 5 panels in a kip story ends up being "dumb girl who can't stop eating". I'll give the Cindy credit for not reaching that point but her story was comparatively short and her being big is a more common phenomenon (freshmen 15).
Guys! Discussing the personalities and characters in Kip stories is pointless! Because Kip does not understand, and cannot create, either of those things!

When Kip tries to create a character, he has a few mental dials he can turn: 'how confident is this character', 'what is this character embarrassed by', maybe 1 or 2 others. But then he forgets where even these simple dials were set, because he has no understanding that people have their own interests, their inner lives, their differences in how they see the world and how they imagine their place in it...

He's an idiot. An idiot who's found a great niche doing soft porn that is occasionally sexy. And that's great. But it's not the kind of thing one can 'discuss'.

Except Full Night Nanny. With only 2 characters, the lack of differentiation wasn't nearly as problematic, and that story was fun.
Which is probably why Cindy is most people’s favorites, cus’ she didn’t get turned into a dumbass. She’s also pretty relatable.

It’s noticeable how quickly Kip changed Aika from being a sassy, clapping back, won’t take shit from you girl to dumb fatty. It’s like he makes good characters at first but is too lazy to/simply can’t keep up their personality overtime.
So if Cindy’s comic was longer she’d probably suffer the same fate.
>It’s noticeable how quickly Kip changed Aika from being a sassy, clapping back, won’t take shit from you girl to dumb fatty

In fairness to Kip, I prefer 'dumb fatty' over what aika was at first. OSC is it its best when Aika isn't around at all though
OSC is at its best when nobody is around. Just background, floor.
Anyone got the Cindy sprites from five nights at fatties 2? I saw them in an old thread but didn’t save them and can’t find them anywhere.
They were on Kemono last time I checked so I’d check there
this is somewhat on topic. I got bored during this past week and started reading no lunch break in color. I'm amazed at how different the writing is from then to now. I didn't finish it but from what I read it had a pretty tight and decent plot. Sid was faking trying to be thin, Sid liked overweight women, I think it was Tina, was an annoyingly abrasive lesbian who loved her, then Sid fell and hurt herself, gained some weight and that kinda led to letting herself go. that was a somewhat decent plot in its own but I could see, even then, shades of what he does now. Sid stuffing herself in one page, lets cut to Tina talking to sara. why? why not? Sid stuffing herself next page. why is Sara wearing a trash can on her head? it was comic relief but unnecessary comic relief. now kip has just given up on trying to keep the story tight and focused and it shows.
bump cuz Kip should return today
Atleast the pics are hot but why the softservice style meme mouth on the burp?
I'm very curious to see where it goes from here. kip sped it up but we can see they kinda just laughed it off. is saiya even enjoying this?
The Real recognize the Real.
That’s hot as shit tho
Because why not? It’s goofy as hell
Giantess battleship vore doesn't do it for me, but I'm happy for the three guys whose extremely specific needs are being met with this one
maybe if her belly were a bit bigger but we already know she's nowhere near her limit. honestly she barely has a potbelly.
Aika is an absolute unit in comparison. Tessa needs to up her gain game.

Also, the huge burps were appreciated. I look forward to more soon.
Everyone complains about kip's writing anyway so I'm going to share my fanfic for this sequence, yes I'm an autist

Tessa has about a quarter of the sushi left and is looking pretty huge and really struggling. Saiya says something like "maybe I can take the rest of this home to Aika" but Tessa cuts her off by stuffing the last pieces in her mouth and swallowing all at once, her belly "blorps" out a la Cindy lasagna scene. She goes "don't you ever bring up that fat slob in front of me" then does a massive belch. They realize those girls from before are taking videos, Tessa gets embarrassed and runs off to the bathroom, Saiya follows and theres a hot scene where Tessa gets Saiya to tease her and gets off on it.

They leave the restaurant, everybody staring, and get a cab to Tessa's apartment. Tessa straddles Saiya on the couch, the button pops off her shorts. She laughs and says "bet Aika never did that," and Saiya goes "well actually..." because she's stupid. Tessa storms off to her bedroom. When she opens the door she's towering over Saiya wearing the corset from before (somehow) and makes Saiya lay on the bed. She comes back with a two liter bottle of soda, straddles Saiya and starts chugging until her belly, absolutley massive, bursts out and smothers saiya's face. And then they do lesbian stuff or whatever
thats kinda cute and that showcases where kip has failed us in this scene. all of this time we have shown that saiya gets googly eyed whenever she so much as sees a belly yet were to believe she's calm, cool and collected here? this 'dominatrix' saiya is nowhere near believable considering how she's been this entire series so far.
if I were to do that id first have changed tessas outfit. this shirt doesn't do anything to show off her gut. I would stick with what you suggested. saiya says "eh, you know what? its getting late. maybe we should take the rest of this home". she won't mention aika. saiya turns to get a waitress. at that point tessa lifts up the entire boat and gulps down the sushi, her belly blorps out like cindy's and we get our ahegao belch. saiya notices the girls have the camera on tessa and wonders why but its that belch that gets her attention. she turns around and her arousal kicks in as tessa lies there, rubbing her 9mnth pregnant looking belly. as we know, when tessa is stuffed she gets horny. when any woman is stuffed saiya gets horny. saiya is literally drooling for tessa at this point but they can't attack each other. not in front of those cameras. the waitress comes by and asks what saiya was going to ask. saiya is confused. take out container? for what? but she wants to know just how much bigger this whale can get so she orders another battleship for the road. tessas eyes widen and the sequence ends.
now we cut to aika and stacey doing whatever wherever, I dont know. this is kip. you can figure something out.
back to tessa and saiya. tessa is literally waddling into her home with an arm over saiyas shoulder. her belly is huge, bouncing, wiggling, sloshing, and its obvious they are both so horny that they're going to lose it before that door gets shut. the door shuts and saiya leads tessa to the couch. she gets some soda and comes back to the room. tessa is gone. she figures she had to use the bathroom so she sits down and takes a sip of the soda for herself. tessa belches loudly and slaps her gut then comes in wearing a shirt thats entirely too small, or a corset since thats what everyone wants to see. she has a two liter in her hand and saiya smiles saying that now they're really about to have some fun.
cut to aika and stacey again.
back to saiya and tessa. tessa is stuffed and the corset blasts off of her. saiya loses it and starts kissing all over her.
cut to aika and stacey.
saiya and tessa, they are both naked. saiya is straddling and humping tessas nude belly, squirting all over it, feeding her sushi and kissing her at the same time. tessa is pleasuring herself and squirting all over the floor. this continues until they run out of food. saiya falls asleep on top of tessas belly. tessa kisses her on the forehead and now, now aika is mentioned. "I bet that dumb bimbo could never do that". they go to sleep cuddling.
Had to doublecheck the past few pages because I swear we already had this one.
bro, I've tried multiple times. I've had plenty of ideas since this story began. I had an idea of something like a 'cutting room floor' series, which is much like. 'how it should have ended'. in this wed go back to various different scenes and show a different way they could have ended. one of which was the original stuffing at tessas apartment. that was just plain BS. I remember a year or so ago I had posted an outline where tessa was shamed for her weight and vanished for months only to return, mock aika at a party, eat a single donut and burst out of her corset with a belly so stupid large that it literally breaks the table in half. every time I look into an artist they're charging way more than I can afford so I just post my outlines here. maybe some artist anon will get some inspiration and take on the idea for themselves.
the most frustrating thing about kip is that he has already done a good deal of the hard work when it comes to writing. the characters are established. he just keeps changing their personalities. and whenever the story gets anywhere near interesting he doubles back and refuses to let it happen. thats why I'm waiting for this stuffing scene to end any moment now. as I had said, saiya is even bored with it. how does that make sense? notice I wrote all those interruptions into the outline? kip would do that but at the same time one serving choice could literally end right there with saiya and tessa cuddling. its obvious who she chose and no one is rooting for her to get with aika anyway.
idk I prefer the tension of Tessa trying to outdo Aika and actively coaxing Saiya to be more vocal/aggressive

Thanks! I do draw so maybe
>no one is rooting for her to get with aika anyway.
Tbh I don’t even really care for Saiya, I’d love to see some fat girl on fat girl action (Tessa and Aika) obviously, it won’t happen. Still a hot thought.

>idk I prefer the tension of Tessa trying to outdo Aika and actively coaxing Saiya to be more vocal/aggressive
I kinda like that idea but plotwise it doesn't make sense. I think this may have worked earlier in the story but surely tessa knows aika isn't trying to do a thing to get saiya right now so there would be no fight there. tessa trying to coax saiya to be more aggressive is a very good angle and should be explored more, I agree. I didn't mind tessa trying to teach saiya how to be a dom. that could be explored in their relationship. what I did mind was the stupid reasoning tessa used of "this is what aika would like". aika would not like that. aika would just be happy to eat and shed stare at saiya funny when she wants to make out. when I write these outlines I try to stick with what we know of the characters so far.
>Tbh I don’t even really care for Saiya, I’d love to see some fat girl on fat girl action (Tessa and Aika) obviously, it won’t happen. Still a hot thought.
this could be done in some sort of dream sequence for aika but then we have an issue there. aika liked tessa thin. personally, I wouldn't mind some sort of cameo from cindy. let them stumble across her heavily stuffed and then tessa go to bed thinking about how much that turned her on then we can have a dream sequence of cindy and tessa making out. tessa wouldn't dream of messing with aika in a million years but cindy might be different. in fact, I'm still kind of wondering if tessa has a secret belly fetish herself. remember her jaw dropped when aika first revealed her belly in the restaurant and she couldn't stop talking about it either. that might be something interesting to look into later on down the road. while tessa is trying to teach saiya to be a dom she force feeds her and saiya gets a little chubby. she starts to like the little belly and then people would finally have chubby saiya. tessa would question just how much further it could go and maybe, at that point, shed look at a hugely stuffed aika and wonder what it would be like to make out with her.
Once again, good writer anon..3? Idk if the colors changed.
>I wouldn't mind some sort of cameo from cindy.
who also wouldn’t?
>aika liked tessa thin.
See that’s the thing, when Aika saw Tessa fat, she didn’t even react to it. I generally find it weird nobody but Stacy and Saiya reacts to tessa being fat, apart from “tessa pregnant??” which was only said once.
>remember her jaw dropped when aika first revealed her belly in the restaurant and she couldn't stop talking about it either.
Yeah that.. seemed to go nowhere
>See that’s the thing, when Aika saw Tessa fat, she didn’t even react to it. I generally find it weird nobody but Stacy and Saiya reacts to tessa being fat, apart from “tessa pregnant??” which was only said once.

this bugs me too; i really like the 'diva's slow fall from grace' thing going on with Tessa, but it never really feels like much of a fall, since no one really comments on her obvious changes. it was more fun when she was hiding it with a corset, but that got abruptly and awkwardly dropped
This comic would have probably been better recieved if kip released half of it at once. Instead of dropping three pages a week and having us feel just how slow the story is put out 50 at a time. Then we get to skip through all the "babys first creative writing class" story and focus on the good parts.
>See that’s the thing, when Aika saw Tessa fat, she didn’t even react to it. I generally find it weird nobody but Stacy and Saiya reacts to tessa being fat, apart from “tessa pregnant??” which was only said once.
>this bugs me too; i really like the 'diva's slow fall from grace' thing going on with Tessa, but it never really feels like much of a fall, since no one really comments on her obvious changes. it was more fun when she was hiding it with a corset, but that got abruptly and awkwardly dropped
that bothered me as well. I'm sure I mentioned it back then because it made no sense. aika had already stated she liked tessa because she was thin. tessa came to class with her gut hanging out. no one said a word. even saiya ignored her. aika comes to class with her gut out. saiya is foaming at the mouth. saiya and tessa work out. aika comes into the shower and sees half nude tessa. aika still says nothing about teases obvious gain. it never made sense when everyone else was arguing if the woman was pregnant or not.
tessa should be going through it, not just from stacey but the rest of the school. people should be taking pics, there should be people commenting right now about how she looks pregnant. the waitress should ask when she's due and saiya should be standing up for her. kip wants her to be this huge twitch streamer one minute and the next minute some lady whom just wants to eat her meal in peace but he can't have both and thats where were having problems.
how did I know it was going to end right here? I knew it. tessa really aint built for this. now is this because kip wants to hurry up and end the scene or what?
I tried to read no lunch break straight and got bored around 70 pages in. I think that it would be even worse if kip dropped it half of it at a time because then it would be even more apparent how slow this story is. I mean look, were on page 251 and this is all we have to show for it? seriously? lets say that this comic is 500 pages long. this comic has been going on for a few years at this point. how mad would you be if you waited a few years and this is all kip had to show for it? would you wait another few years for the ending?
Exactly. If fucking.. let’s say pokimane or some shit one day just walked out in public fat as shit it would be pointed out and talked about. Kip sometimes sprinkles in “oh remember, Tessa is so popular she gets recognized in public!” with the girls a few pages ago recognizing Tessa but he does jackshit with it.
> lets say that this comic is 500 pages long.
Please don’t fucking jinx it.
This thread is absolutely overflowing with toxic brats. Oh she said she's full! Clearly kip is cockblocking us again and ruining my super deserved stuffing sequence that I'm totally not getting for free on a fucking fetish board!!! Oh no, the writing is inconsistent and mostly surface-level from a fucking FETISH artist that literally posts the comic online for FREE to deviantart. It blows my mind how entitled and desperate you people are while completely shitting on the author's efforts to create something for you mindless spergs. Ashamed to have the same degenerate kink as you fucking weirdos. Y'all really can't be happy with ANYTHING it's like y'all are trying to be eternally miserable.
you do know he isn't a fetish artist right? this is supposed to be serious literature. what we think he is does not matter but he does not consider himself a fetish artist.
Oh great, here's Writefag again getting angry that people are dunking on another poorly written story. You love literature no matter how bad it actually is, do you?
Yeah! It makes me dissapointed the fact that probably the corset will never appear again, making it the sole survivor of it's kind in the history of wg fetish stories and comics
Sorry for autism, but here's what I'd do to get the story back on track:
Tessa's been established as someone who is a good streamer but who is not allowed to indulge in things she's into and made to feel bad about herself. I would use this scene as a turning point where she is forced to choose to either not finish the sushi boat and return to her previous life of essentially working for someone else's benefit, or to pursue something she wants. The two discuss Tessa's money issues, and Saiya learns that while Stacy is a good promoter and did build Tessa's channel up (something she feels grateful for) she is taking advantage of Tessa (she is not aware this is not acceptable, though she is resentful). Saiya expresses sympathy (her lack of actual emotion or consideration towards either Tessa or Aika beyond girlish crushes makes either potential relationship hard to believe) and the two deepen their relationship when Saiya confirms that yes, Stacy may not have her best interests at heart.
Someone at the mall streams from their phone showing what Tessa (the temporarily suspended streamer) is doing in her time off. Maybe Tessa plays it up for the camera, or maybe she's embarrassed but keeps going because Saiya encourages her. With renewed energy she packs away the rest of the meal as Stacy sees the stream and races to the mall.
Tessa finishes the meal beyond satisfied and proud of her accomplishment, only to realize there's one last piece of sushi she dropped on her belly, which is now straining against her shorts. Just as she tells Saiya that she seriously, for real cannot eat another bite we call back to the first restaurant scene as the button on her shorts pops off. Her belly spills forward, brushing the edge of the table as it droops into her lap (some more obviously constricting clothes would have helped this scene a lot!) Feeling a wave of relief, she's able to force the last piece down before chugging a pitcher of water. She's dying to jump on Saiya. As she stands up and we/the other people in the restaurant see her huge, wobbling gut (the waitress is staring and bright red, and the two girls at the other table are shocked) she asks Saiya for help getting home, and the two leave the scene just as Stacy arrives.
Back at Tessa's place, Tessa is still very full and Saiya is inexperienced, but they're too wound up to let that stop them from having some hot, noisy sex (maybe Saiya orders Tessa to go down on her, and Tessa is really into it?) There's a bit where Tessa climbs on top of Saiya and nearly suffocates her with her boobs. The morning after, in a moment of embarrassment Tessa tries to put on her dress from the party (I must have imagined last night? There's no way any of that was real!) and tries to squeeze into it, but her chest is bursting out of the top, it doesn't fit down around her new, much wider hips. As she strains to fix the belt around her slightly diminished but much softer belly, she catches herself in the mirror as Saiya stirs and it all flashes back to her. She blushes.
Stacy has no characterization of her own and is just not a believable as a person or a villain. We have no idea what she'd be like without Tessa. I'd have the next scene lean into this angle, showing her panicking to Aika (the only other character she's spent any time with) about how if she won't be able get by or finish her education/sustain her lifestyle without her only source of income. Aika isn't emotionally intelligent enough to recognize that Stacy is not a good person, and so Stacy plots to do the same trick with her that she pulled on Tessa (Get her to drop some weight and become a streamer for lonely dudes) and Aika agrees to do her best. Aika has zero willpower and an established habit of eating absolutely everything in front of her, so she is completely unable to stick to the regimen and continues to get bigger even as her career as a mobile game streamer starts to do well. At the same time, Tessa's channel is re-instated and is more successful than ever because Kiptaku wrote a story about the titty streamer that is destroying her career by getting fat. Stacy, feeling like she's lost her touch, resolves to destroy Tessa's career and new relationship. This conflict concludes in her doxxing Tessa. Her audience (represented by the two gamer dudes), choose to instead turn against Stacy and, uh, all her feathers fall off and she immediately dies (is that what happens?) Or she's expelled. Aika gets a sponsorship deal with a company that makes ultrawide monitors and heavy duty gamer chairs. Tessa launches an OnlyKips, making one billion dollars in her first month posting videos where she eats mice.
Push will now go to shove >:)
Is she a fucking cat now? Why are her stupid buns completely rotated around her head
I think it’s just using stylistic bits for emoting
It’s not a new concept

Nor is it the first time its happened in osc lol. Weirdo bbwchan nerds looking for absolutely anything to whine about as usual.
you know it isn't just 'weirdos on bbwchan' complaining right? I mean, have you actually read any commentary on this comic anywhere else besides his deviant art and patreon?
There's the odd negative deviantart comment, but no. This is one of three places this is posted lol, not a lot of people are talking about it.
four. here, deviant art, patreon and e-hentai. here and e-hentai are the only ones where people can somewhat speak freely. check out the e-hentai thread. theres not one good thing to be said about this comic. here the bad comments are often deleted and we already know kip censors his page. the comic is horrible and the only reason people aren't saying it in other places is because the comments get deleted.
>here and e-hentai are the only ones where people can somewhat speak freely
The slightest of criticism of Kip gets quickly deleted here
>theres not one good thing to be said about this comic
lmao pretty sure kip is one of if not the highest paid fat fetish artist out there
>the comic is horrible
And you choose to follow and pay attention to a comic that makes you mad because???
I like the subtle distinction here in the latest page: it's not that Tessa doesn't want to continue, it's that she can't - the spirit is still greedily willing but the stomach just doesn't quite match the capacity (yet).
While this may go down the route of NLT and trigger some forcedfeeding, my hot take would be to actually let this sushi ship sail on now, and for a few reasons:
1) It gives Tessa a goal to strive for and complete in the future. Always good to show progress between then and now by showing what you are now able to accomplish when before it was a struggle.
2) It gives Tessa a break from eating raw fish. I'm sure her taste buds would thank her and also avoids the risk of a vom scenario.
3)It allows Saiya to exercise her dom displeasure at Tessa's failure, permitting her to "punish" Tessa as she sees fit. Perhaps a shake or something sweet to wash down all that sushi?
I like the subtle distinction here. It's not that Tessa doesn't want to continue, it's that she feels she can't - the spirit is willing, but the stomach just doesn't have quite the capacity (yet).
While this may go down the forced stuffing route ala NLT, my hot take would be to actually let this sushi ship sail on, and for a few reasons:
1) It gives Tessa a goal to beat in the future. A good way to show progress by taking down a former challenge.
2) It's a break from eating all that raw fish which might be making her pretty queasy.
3) It allows Saiya to exercise for dom displeasure at Tessa's failure, permitting her to "punish" Tessa as she sees fit. Perhaps a sweet treat or a shake to wash down all that sushi? I'm sure Tessa's tastebuds would appreciate the break.
>Kip might actually give the readers what they want
Holy shit
Holding my breath. Those girls who recognized Tessa are still there.
One way to look at that is those girls will probably record Tessa stuffing her face, post it online and that'll probably send her down the path to becoming an online bbw. Not saying this'll happen but it wouldn't hurt to have a little optimism right.
Yeah, I like this. And upon Stacy and Tessa discovering that, despite the humiliating nature of it, the vid is raking in hits and generating buzz, some of the comments even wanting to see more, the girls can hatch the plan to pivot to a new direction of streaming content.
It does make me wonder if Stacy is only anti-fat because of the current successful stream format she's overseeing. If she knew there was money to be made from a bigger Tessa, would she still care about her weight?
I think Stacy has a fat fetish. every time aika falls on her, she's covering her nose, which makes me think she's trying to hide her nosebleed, and she gravitates towards fat girls (aika and tessa) for her grooming attempts. I think she 'hates' fat people because she's in major denial
>trying to hold her nosebleed
People don’t get nosebleeds when they see something that makes them horny you fucking imbecile
Nah, Tessa and Saiya are still on screen
That nosebleed idea sounds completely retarded but Stacy probably has a fat fetish anyway. It's a Kip comic after all, all the female characters are bound to be into fatties.
She’s also blushing every time Aika is on her.
Tbh I would too after being crushed by Aika’s ass.
I can’t tell if anons like you give me false hope or give me my only will to keep reading this comic.
Hey, it might clip to a scene of the actual fat girl who gets bigger every few pages eating.
It’s an animesque comic. Horny nosebleeds are an anime trope. No need to be a jackass to random strangers in a porn forum.
>No need to be a jackass to random strangers in a porn forum.

You've been on this site before right?
Like I said it doesn't hurt to have a little optimism
>>134757 Read a dictionary. You're using optimism wrong.
Optimism: Hopefulness and confidence about the successful outcome of something.
False hope would be if I directly lied and said this where the route was going when I myself haven't a clue.
bout time her belly fetish kicked in. I was getting frustrated.
everyone knows where this is going. kip has said he doesn't want his characters to get too big so this is going to get stopped very soon. besides that if they couldn't do it in the privacy of tessas apartment how would they do it in public? remember, she's a famous streamer? its going to get stopped any page now. just give it some time.
Maybe, and very unlikely, Sayia needs to finish the rest herselfe. I mean it's almost of sushi and I bet that's expensive af
Could just be me but feels like Kip wants to do vore so bad.
(11 KB, 44x42, 1663754566840633.gif)
Vore experts are dissatisfied, the upper palate looks flat and the teeth placement is awkward, which is only made worse by lazy shading.
If it gets interrupted it gets interrupted. As long as they can continue and finish somewhere private like Tessa’s place before this thing ends…..
thats just it. it won't continue. they won't finish somewhere private. we've seen how this has panned out before or did you forget the stuffing sequence in tessas apartment earlier? if you're looking for tessa to get some ridiculously large stuffed belly that aint happening now or later.
It kinda looks like she has a tooth right in the middle of her upper jaw.
At this point it seems clear she isn't leaving this scene too big, but on the other hand I don't personally buy the "it gets interrupted" stuff. We'll see though

Kip loves vore but doesn't draw it. He is definitely indulging this scene though. There's definitely a like, whole fish that she's going to have to eat at the end of the scene or something like that.
Kinda same vibe and dynamic with Cindy & Connor in terms of pred & prey. I think someone actually did end up doing fanart of her after eating him.
I think the whole pred prey thing is a lot more shown with Tess & Saiya then it is with Connor & Cindy tho.
Aside from the "Cindy is a succubus" thing I didn't get that vibe from them. Cindy is way too chill
anyone got the new art/new page
Faping is just everything you do in fridays?
Jesus, thats phatetic even in here. Go touch some grass or something.
I mean... YOU could, if you care so much and it's such a small amount...
If you can't spend $1, you can't need it that much
You should get more hobbies
i used to work at a grocery store
If anyone does have it, please don't post it just to spite this guy
id love to hear how kip feels about this. people are literally begging for his comic.
>>135490 Did you ever steal from grocery stores?
My brother and Christ, whatever the fuck Tessa and Saiya are doing ain’t worth it my dude.

I’d also love to see how Kip would react to the one person begging for his comic calling people the hard r lmfao
>My brother and Christ, whatever the fuck Tessa and Saiya are doing ain’t worth it my dude.
the funny part about this is that we all know nothing much happened in this single comic. id understand if we were a month or so behind but were probably exactly where we left off in the last comic. tessa is no larger and saiya is probably doing some internal monologue about how big her belly is.

>I’d also love to see how Kip would react to the one person begging for his comic calling people the hard r lmfao
I agree, and if I were a few IQ points lower I could be enjoying this almost as much as you are lyfao
Christ is the greek form of the hebrew word for the "annointed" which is to say the prophesized son of God. There were propheses from as far back as the time's of David or Daniel if I recollect. Christ's name is Yeshua, which means the Redeemer, and it is hus earthly name and not the one that we will know in Heaven.
Probably spot on.
I can’t even get mad. I laughed at the waffle falling over.
I called it. nothing much. but its nice to see she copped a feel and she's getting flustered. okay, lets see just how far kip can take this before saiya passes out from arousal.
These two are so good together. Though this comic typically plods along, every scene they have together is fantastic. Can we just sideline Aika and have the rest of the comic be about the Tessa-Saiya dynamic?
Personally, hell no. I like the split between 3 dumbasses. Gives me a break whenever Tessa and/or Saiya’s stupidity pisses me off.
Aika is a shit character but she has the best body so far, I'm torn
(737 KB, 1541x452, TimeProgression.png)
A short comparison of my favorite feature of this comic, Tessa's growing fupa.
that second pic goddamn. kip really doesn't know what fat looks like, does he?
She’s stuffed, that’s not fat
stuffed doesn't equal spherical. i've never seen an irl stuffed woman look anything like that, it just looks more pregnant than anything, and even then, the proportion and placement of the bloating are off.

that said, I do think kip has improved somewhat over the course of this comic, but he's still better at drawing skinny girls than anything
I've also never seen an irl woman with wings coming out the sides of her head. It's a fucking cartoon.
You complained Kip doesn't know how to draw fat and when you got a valid rebuttal you changed your argument. I suggest you to GTFO of this forum and enter politics.
fine, kip doesn't know how to draw *stuffed*. does that phrasing bother you less? also, no, i didn't change my argument. I said he doesn't know how to draw, and elaborated on that in my second point. (he doesn't know how to draw fat either, but that isn't really shown in that particular panel)
there are plenty of 'cartoons' that can get the proportions right

Also I'm predicting they record her, turns out people are into it, she becomes a feedee streamer...

But more likely kip will pull some bw
Thanks bro. It's great to be reminded of what a flat tummied bitch she used to be.
hopefully the ahegao burp we've been begging for. but if thats the case then we got a problem on our hands.
>One way to look at that is those girls will probably record Tessa stuffing her face, post it online and that'll probably send her down the path to becoming an online bbw. Not saying this'll happen but it wouldn't hurt to have a little optimism right.
>Yeah, I like this. And upon Stacy and Tessa discovering that, despite the humiliating nature of it, the vid is raking in hits and generating buzz, some of the comments even wanting to see more, the girls can hatch the plan to pivot to a new direction of streaming content.
>Also I'm predicting they record her, turns out people are into it, she becomes a feedee streamer...
no. she will not become a feedee streamer. all we have seen is that tessa likes stuffing herself but she refuses to admit it. she showed that on her own earlier in the comic and we see it with saiya. kip has made it abundantly clear that he does not want his characters getting too large. I have said that I seriously doubt any of our characters are getting any bigger in this entire series. it just aint happening. tessa doesn't have it in her to stand up to stacy to embrace her love of saiya and stuffing. maybe, just maybe, if saiya stood up for her it would prompt tessa to wake up as to how she's being used but nope, saiya doesn't have it in her to do anything but get horny at big bellies. we know that the only thing she likes about tessa is her gut and she's using her. at the same time, tessa is using her to get off. I do believe she somewhat likes her but she's got her there "to show her what aika wants". the entire relationship is a lie. neither of them are being truthful with each other. aika is just an idiot who wants to eat. it took her getting stinking drunk and forcing herself on tessa to admit she liked her so aika aint telling anyone what she wants any time soon. saiya and tessa weren't actually that bad until that stupid scene with aika and I was honestly wondering if kip is hoping people forgot about it since he has yet to mention it again but then we saw aika trying to show tessa her curves in the shower room. she didn't notice that the 'thin' woman she loved so much has a huge pregnant looking gut, nope, too busy showing off her 'loss' which we know does not exist. that was a serious plot issue but I digress. maybe that just goes to show how little aika really pays attention to anything. I understand we all want bigger stuffed tessa but it aint going to happen. kip has made that clear. what will probably happen is a loud nasty belch that will attract everyones attention, the girls may or may not be recording it, tessa blushing in embarrassment as everyone stares, that becomes the interruption as tessa runs away ashamed, it goes online and theres a massive fallout in school which will be referenced in maybe one page or so and then forgotten about much like 'nipplegate'. well be back to the regular story in a few pages.
I’ll be that one lonely person who holds out hope for a Tessa/Saiya alone intimate belly groping +whatever else scene before this comic ends. Sydney and Tina eventually got that in the hot tub and at home. Connor and Cindy got that at home. Tessa and Saiya have done a little bit between the dressing room and this table but idc I’ll still hold a tiny bit of hope towards it actually happening even if it’s not looking super likely.
Tessa being stuffed silly beyond her limit really gets the boner raging with anticipation.
>kip has made it abundantly clear that he does not want his characters getting too large
to be fair he's been saying that since dinner with sister and look what happened to sydney
I'm actually fairly new to kip but look what happened to cindy in full night nanny and whats happened with this story so far. it seems like kip is really making sure he's sticking to it this time doesn't it? these ladies have barely gained an inch in 260 pages and he's trying to focus more on telling a story then on weight gain.
Is there a reason nobody posted the new page or
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I hope it’s a belch next but afraid it will be more barfing. I have to wonder if the reason this comic has felt so stilted and drawn out is because Kip prefers the gross stuff like puke and rat eating more than good ol’ weight gain, but is afraid of alienating his audience so won’t commit to either.

I’m curious what everyone actually likes about Kip’s work that makes them stick with it despite how disappointing this comic has been. For me it’s the very round, very soft bellies and pretty faces, picrel being a notable exception lmao
Sydney was rail thin with an enormous gut and she was fed against her will to that size by a deranged maniac.
>I hope it’s a belch next but afraid it will be more barfing. I have to wonder if the reason this comic has felt so stilted and drawn out is because Kip prefers the gross stuff like puke and rat eating more than good ol’ weight gain, but is afraid of alienating his audience so won’t commit to either
I was afraid its vomit but I didn't want to say it. she looks like she's about to vomit all over saiya. we do know that kip likes that from the already mentioned eating rats, aikas used bubble gum snowman and the original scene of tessa vomiting rainbows. I don't know that kip would get away with it this time though. I didn't see the eating rats thing but the bubble gum snowman was a bad joke just as the vomiting. there would be nothing funny about tessa vomiting right now. she's in public, it would be all over saiya and everyone would see it. that would destroy her career but who knows, kip might just go there. he might have her vomit, go to class in a trench the next comic and everyone forget about it by the third comic.
>I’m curious what everyone actually likes about Kip’s work that makes them stick with it despite how disappointing this comic has been. For me it’s the very round, very soft bellies and pretty faces, picrel being a notable exception lmao
tbh I'm dealing with it because I like how he draws tessa. I could careless about the rest of the characters. this is an entire dumpster fire of a comic. kip always impresses me with the fact that just when you think he can't get any worse he does. its a real skill.
She may puke. She may not puke. The uncertainty has made this meandering ordeal quite exciting indeed.
> I’m curious what everyone actually likes about Kip’s work that makes them stick with it despite how disappointing this comic has been. For me it’s the very round, very soft bellies and pretty faces, picrel being a notable exception lmao

Yeah, the only reason is because of Kip’s art style to be honest.
>I’m curious what everyone actually likes about Kip’s work that makes them stick with it despite how disappointing this comic has been.

I wasn't really paying any attention to this comic until the corset got introduced. i really love popular girls hiding their fat; it's one of my favorite tropes and there's not enough of it. But then that got dropped, so idk why I'm still here. I guess just force of habit at this point. There are a handful of good moments now and then, but i have a hunch kip isn't really going to do what i want him to do with this story
That trope has recently become my favorite as well, I'd love to see your collection of favorites somehow
>Duhhh...I can't understand why anyone likes things that I don't like.

You, my friend, much like most of the others in this thread are so up your own ass about this stuff. And let me stop you before you start typing "But its sooooo bad." Don't care about your opinion.
>Duhhh...I can't understand why anyone criticizes thing I like.

You, my friend, much like most of the others in this thread are so up your own ass about this stuff. And let me stop you before you start typing "But its sooooo good." Don't care about your opinion.
My disappointment is kinda immeasurable and my day is kinda ruined
she's going to force a loud belch out of her but theres no way thats coming out clean. tessa has food in her mouth and is barely conscious. I don't know much about stuffing but I have never seen this happen on any videos anywhere. reiinapop never had this issue. they usually enjoy stuffing but tessa looks like she's totally out of it. and on a tiny bit of sushi on that? I'm not even trying to complain but what is this? she's hit her limit on some sushi?
I think that because it was the first time that Tessa was stuffed with so much food that maybe she was knocked out by so much food to process? I have no idea the magic of something in excess of a work of fiction I guess... I think if in this case it had been Aika she would be chill, possibly a bit full but not like this, maybe I think because Tessa hadn't eaten that much before that gave him a food coma before even digesting it... don't tell this page too much...
Do y’all see that skinny ass chair? How the fuck is it still standing?
and now I remember the existence of “banana ro tat e”
Well shit, now I see why people were worried it was going to be barf. Hell, I was actually suspecting Kip would just make her barf so she’d be smaller again but didn’t think about it that much.
Also why did the barf comments get nuked they didn't even do anything
this brings to mind the fact that tessa is a horrible stuffer. remember we already saw her vomiting rainbows the last time she stuffed herself. that was played off as a joke but now that I really think about it that was a good idea from kip. remember he doesn't want his characters getting too big so he's already established that tessa has a very low tolerance for this. saiya must have forgotten.
>Also why did the barf comments get nuked they didn't even do anything
I guess because its nasty? but I dont understand why myself. this isn't like were just guessing this might happen. this has already happened before and it might very well happen again. kip is setting it up but I'm hoping he won't do that in public. that isn't funny nor is it arousing. its gross and I remember massive kickback when he tried it last time. people did not like that so I have no idea why he'd try it again.
Nice page. Though, I was hoping she'd be a little bigger considering how much was left on the sushi boat if they don't have much to go now.
I dont even think half of it is gone at this point.
>"not much left to go now!"
>Not even half is gone
I think you're wrong
"Huh, it's not going in..."

That is fucking worrying. That means you some how fed her so much that the food has stacked all the way up her throat and is blocking her airways. Saiya, you just fucking killed her.
Ngl, kinda hot. The high and mighty Tessa has been reduced to nothing but a mindless garbage disposal with tits.
just read all of No Lunch Break and it is shockingly similar in plot to Tusk (2014)
Yup. Love to see it. Def some nice panels right here.
Holy shit 2023 Kip kill count
i can't believe tessakitz is fucking dead
How many pages is this comic on now
the only good panel is the last one
idk why youd try to turn the fanservice into a shitty meme
Honestly seems like Kip just wants to get it over with now
Hahahaha its funny cause like.......
Cindy Lasagna > Tessa Sushi
>Honestly seems like Kip just wants to get it over with now
you can tell by how disgusted saiya looks. kip is over it.
same energy as the dexter burrito meme
>kip is over it.
And he must be replaced by AI. We must do it!
That fourth panel is…something. I enjoy Kip’s art, but everything about the writing is so atrocious. This last scene could’ve been sexy, but no, Kip rather ruin it with his animebrainrot.
the 4th panel? I think the only good one is the 5th. everything else is wrong. I mean thinking about the fact that tessa is clearly about to be ill, how is jamming multiple sushi together and ramming them down her throat going to help this situation? plus the drawing in panel 3, how did all of those sushi stay in a straight line? how did she even get that into her mouth when we've established she has yet to swallow? the only good thing is panel 5 and thats not enjoyable at all because tessa isn't enjoying it, she isn't aroused, I doubt she's even conscious, saiya looks disgusted and that belly should've knocked that table over. I'm interested to see how everyone around them is reacting to this but they're probably staring in awe and disgust.
Dammit when is she gonna get a double chin? Her choker should've break by now
(1.2 MB, 1624x1408, Shadowless Hand.png)
That ability is pretty cool but in the world of WG comics, Shadowless Hand is where it's at!
>choker doesn't break
fucked up
It doesn't obey the laws of physics because it's a fucking cartoon, faggot.
Her belly is practically the same damn size throughout this whole stuffing. Why does Kip suck so hard at this?
Tessa being forced to swallow a line of sushi is all ready hot as hell, but yeah, her choker snapping would have been the cherry on top.
it doesn't obey the law of physics because its a cartoon thats trying to be funny and failing miserably.
because kip refuses to let his characters get but so large. it really makes you wonder why we even have this scene.
is that an ai tessa? what is this new obsession with ai and why did they make her so small?
You saw him eating at a restaurant with his girlfriend. Which restaurant was it and who is it?
>it doesn't obey the law of physics because its a cartoon thats trying to be funny and failing miserably.
>Thing that has always been this way suddenly is bad for being that way because I personally don't like it

Like I said before, you're a faggot. If this comic is so shit, just quit fucking following it. God, you people are so obnoxious. All you do is come into this thread after every single page to winge and moan. Nobody is forcing you to read the comic, so fuck off.
by that same logic, why do you come into this thread just to complain about other people complaining? Just read the comic on kips da and fuck off out of here.
by the time you responded the comments were already deleted. the majority of the time Im not complaining. I'm asking simple questions and yet they're always deleted. comments about this comic has mostly been along the lines of why is tessas belly so small since she supposedly ate half that warship. when saiya rammed that sushi tube down her throat, as stupid as that tombstone piledriver looked, that belly should've bloated up and knocked that table over. all comments were deleted. thats fine. I'm sure all of us are used to it now. what I don't get is why people like you find the need to come in, defend this comic and insult everyone. just enjoy this comic you love so much.

Don't even bother, dude. Kip's fanboys don't take too kindly to critisizing their favorite hack.
Kip doesn't know how to draw double chins.
>Don't even bother, dude. Kip's fanboys don't take too kindly to critisizing their favorite hack.
I hear an awful lot of excuses and I don't see any improvements being done when I walk out of the door, nwo. I don't think you're intentionally trying to piss me off, are you?
You are the most annoying person in this thread, I honest to God rather see people criticizing his work than you shamelessly sucking his dick and yelling at anyone who complains. You and the paragraph poster can both leave. Please.
That's interezting. Would you say that you prefer more good art or bad art?
Is kip finally learning how to draw ass?
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New page up early. Well I don't think anyone had "Psycho-Feeder Saiya" on their Kip bingo cards did they? ^^;
The almost pleading desperation of Saiya to stuff Tessa to the absolute max is certainly hitting different.
Bro Saiya is an actual monster jesus
this scene kind of went off the rails. not necessarily in a bad way, since it's probably the longest forcefeeding scene kip has ever done, but when it started, it seemed like it would be about Saiya tricking Tessa into eating a lot without her realizing it, which could have been fun too. this comic flipflops between trying to be realistic and having really over the top stuff like this, which gives it a weird feel.
I’d love another time skip after this honestly. It would be fun to show little snippets of Saiya continuing to force feed Tessa while also sabotaging Aika’s efforts to lose weight, and a few months go by and both girls are massive.
Crazy how this is only happening as a way to make Tessa unattractive to Aika
Either love made Saiya insane or she was already insane.
What's interesting to me is this that Saiya has really leapt off the precipice here, dragging Tessa in tow. There's no going back to normal for the pair now as Saiya has effectively tainted any further meal invitations with Tessa by this act.
The ball is in Tessa's court whether she wants to go down this path with Saiya or get off this crazy train, although her response may well be spoken for with this act caught on camerer by those onlookers. Tessa may well lose it all and have no choice but to continue down this path.
This started with Tessa being into Saiya feeding her, and now the way its ended looks like Tessa regrets it all. Can't wait for Tessa to drop Saiya over this
Yeah as hot as it is, realistically looking from Tessa’s pov; I’d hate Saiya for this.
Y’all ever eat so much that BREATHING fucking hurts? I imagine for Tessa right now it’s that x100. I’m not a Tessa fanboy or anything, hell I don’t even like her but you cannot blame her if she completely loses interest and drops Saiya.

Hell, that’d be good character development too. Tessa has shown she can’t stand up for herself (Ex: Stacy), and telling Saiya off would be a good way to show she’s grown and doesn’t take bs from anyone anymore.
Coloring looks a bit off, but still good work anon.
Honestly was thinking the same thing here lmao
are folks at deviantart finding the last page amusing to them?

You guys are talking about how bad this all looks right now but kip's fans on his page might not feel the same.

Note: This is me guessing not chastesizing you guys.
I saw DA before going here, yeah they’re cheering over there. Saying Saiya x Tessa is sailing and shit.
I mean, they’re always cheering unless it’s a hate Aika bandwagon page.
Given the fact this is a fetish comic I feel Tessa will probably love it. Realism went out the window.
Characters being horny???
In my fetish comic????
Oh for sure, I'm down for a mind broken feedee Tessa. There are no bad options here as both are interesting in their own ways. Given how long we spent on this scene and how intense it was, it only makes sense for it to be some turning point for the pair.
Saiya punched a fist in her fucking mouth. No one is getting horny from taking this, if it was half credible she would puke her guts out. The piledriver was comedic, but this shit is straight-up physical abuse. Guess Kip was missing the shock value, it's been a while since the end of NLB.
my guy, do you have any socials where i can follow you?
Her stomach is gonna pop at this rate
this isn't a fetish comic. did you all forget that kip is trying to tell a story here? I know what were looking at but kip has said he is trying to tell a story. this just so happens to have fan service and he's taking it the exact other way. I'm very curious as to how horrible he's going to let this get but most people aren't paying attention anyway.
what id really like to see is just where he takes this. is tessa going to get sick of it and force saiya off of her? theres no coming back from something like this plus we have witnesses? theres so many ways this can go and one of them is everyone blaming saiya for tessas weight gain. sadly I really don't think kip is going to follow up on this. no matter what happens he's probably going to reference it for a comic or two and everything will be back to normal in a week or so. lets be honest, after something like this there is no coming back and saiya is getting even more forceful with each comic. this isn't arousing, this isn't funny. tessa would be perfectly right to get up, force saiya off of her and tell her to never speak to her again but that aint going to happen.
>did you all forget that kip is trying to tell a story here?
I refuse to believe he is trying, it would be really embarrassing if this was his best effort
This is the first pic you've made that the faces havent made me repulsed i hope you keep improving. Also your passion is a rarity in the community
I wonder how the aika plot will progress given saiyas newfound confidence
saiya getting turned on in that store and tessa is fixing to blow at any moment.
it doesn't matter tbh. aika never cared about any of that. aika aint interested. tessa only said that to saiya to get her to spend more time with her.44
(1.3 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_144_by_kipteitei_df22kay.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_145_by_kipteitei_df28xpi.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_146_by_kipteitei_df2dedn.jpg)
it isn't the confidence. its the fact that tessa just lives her life without caring what everyone says. thing about that is aika don't know tessa for jack or shed know the woman really does care what everyone thinks. aika fell for 'tessakitz'. aika doesn't even know tessa. saiya cannot compete with 'tessakitz'. newfound confidence or not, and aika is nowhere near interested. she's just her friend. but still, it ought to be interesting to see how kip has saiya acting from here on out and how aika reacts.
Ah, I miss the corset. I really thought that was going to have a payoff of some kind.
this comic will end with Saiya, Aika and Tessa failing the class and there will be a tease for a summer school sequel/spin-off
Please screenshot this, I guarantee it will come to pass
saiya is a special kind of idiot but that might work. all aika cares about is food anyway but she aint never going to get her to love her. thats the main problem were having with this story. were to believe saiya is in love with aika but its clear she only loves bellies. what does she see in aika? kip never even tried to show us anything besides friends. right now tessa is delirious but I'm very curious as to how this will affects her relationship with saiya. most people did not like this and agree tessa would be in full rights to end their relationship. knowing kip this will make tessa love her even more.
why? why would they fail the class? I get that they aren't really doing the work but that was just mentioned and dropped. besides, I think you're saying this hoping for some summer school spin-off where someone gets stuffed. you're forgetting this isn't a fan service comic. kip is trying to tell a story that just so happens to have fan service.
>most people did not like this and agree tessa would be in full rights to end their relationship.

The DA users were cheering, I mean they always love anything Kip posts but just saying, unfortunately we are in the minority.
My prediction is that someone at the restaurant posts footage of this, Stacy catches wind of it and realizes Saiya is fattening up Tessa and/or Tessa is getting fat for Saiya
they were cheering? seriously? for what?
that would be interesting. I dont know that would end well for saiya either. wonder how aika would take that?
I'm late to this but wonderful work anon. its great to have you back. you were missed. this would have been a good way to have the scene go but clearly it didn't.
> but that was just mentioned and dropped
My brother in the devine winged one, I never said kip was good at writing.
The ending will be kinda like the end of no lunch take out: "what!? tomorrow was Monday all along?! What will happen next...."
>they were cheering? seriously? for what?
praising Saiya for being “dominate”, saying Saiya x Tessa is winning etc, Tessa getting big.

I mean if you ignore the punch, the only reason Tessa being fed like this is because of Aika, and Tessa only being stuffed, not actual fat (I feel like there’s no way Tessa won’t shrink the next day or barf here, I probably owe one of you $5 if I’m wrong.)
You know, the normal DA users not keeping up with shit.
Tessa is looking downright gravid here
Hubba hubba! That’s one stuffed gut!
Excellent word
Brother got so down bad his vocab ascended
This is the first time in my life I’ve ever seen the word “gravid” before.
Sounds like a word Lovecraft would use.

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