
thats a good thing. adjective destroyed the entire series. craving control should not have a depressing storyline where lalia sleeps with her friends boyfriend, whether accidental or not. craving control should just be a beautiful redhead stuffing herself senseless.
That one's neat! Mind if I repost it in the corset/girdle sub?
didn't the original creator help him work out that storyline too?
so I've heard. he had arthurs blessings and he helped him work on it but if that is truly the case craving control is best left dead. the two of them truly killed a wonderful comic. look at all of the comics that have come out since then. its all focusing on lalia stuffing with maybe jane yelling at her. trevor is nowhere to be found. everyone acts like that last story never happened. and if were being honest, it was written badly anyway. trevor was busted for having the hots for lalia and sleeping in the hotel room alone. jane, lalias only friend, stomped off and went home leaving lalia in the dark about all of this. lalia went back to the hotel drunk thinking everything was okay and not paying attention to jack. trevor did try to speak up but then he enjoyed feeding her. when she realized what had happened she jumped up and wanted nothing to do with trevor again. what does it matter? she already lost her friend and she hadn't done anything. you really think jane would have ditched lalia that fast? and its supposed to be "thats okay, lalia is back to stuffing herself" at the end because she obviously had sex with the pizza delivery man but no. it ended on a depressing note and people pretend that story never happened.
Have there been any new fan comics worth looking at after the adjectivenouncombo run?
(1.2 MB, 1730x953, lalia_jane.png)
Funny thing is, the ending we got was actually more "tame" according to ANC. It was supposed to be a lot more "mean-spirited" towards Trevor, but ANC talked Arthur out of it and gave him a (very little) glimmer of hope at the end.
That said, I pretty much agree that the ending didn't seem right. Hell, I'm still disappointed we never got to see Lalia on her cruise. Oh well, I just hope Arthur/pieterion keeps collaborating with other people for future stuff.
what glimmer of hope? jane drove off into the sunset and wasn't seen again. Trevor got on the bus with lalia and she refused to act like he was alive. its kinda horrible that they did him this dirty. I'm not saying he was wrong for crushing on lalia but sneaking around, watching her streams, wishing jane would eat like that? that was wrong. I get jane being mad about it but her leaving him there and not telling lalia? she knew lalia had no sense and she knew lalia had nothing to do with it. she cut her best friend off over her man lusting over her? then trevor, what all did he do? that was a loud argument at worst. getting cut off like that was just too much. lalia comes in drunk, he keeps trying to tell her whats going on but then he did give in towards the end. I don't know that they slept together. I think she snapped out of it while he was feeding her because he told her he loved her. then she wanted nothing to do with him too. so trevor was left totally alone, jane drove off, and lalia had sex with the pizza man. how much worse could they have done it?
my understanding was that noun really wanted to do vore which is probably why he stopped messing with craving control. he really wanted to do baby fat but no one cared. he wanted lalia to eat someone and very few wanted to see that. he got sick of doing baby fat and people begging for craving control so he just plain stopped doing it altogether. he disappeared for awhile, came back and all he does on his patreon is vore. I think he did so one lalia drawing but his days with craving control are long gone.
is this guy arthur? I see a lot of people saying its him on his deviant art but I don't recall him saying such a thing.
(1.1 MB, 1600x2518, a_very_lalia_thanksgiving_from_top_to_bottom__7_7__by_pieterion_dfisjcx.jpg)
I may be wrong but I think this exact same comic was uploaded five years ago. this isn't anything new. the new comics that he uploaded were collabs with relatively unknown artists. I'm not sure if this is him or someone thats really good at copying his style. I'm not artist but noun had it just about down so I'm sure someone else could do it if they wanted.
(633 KB, 1024x1276, craving_control___the_lap_of_luxury___4_by_teagankick_d53dcfh.jpg)
I hope it is him and if it is I'm really hoping he finally picks up and finishes lap of luxury. I know I'm not the only one that wanted to see just how big he could draw lalia during an all you can eat cruise.
these pages have a lot of nouns work.
Been a while since I read it, but Jane consoled him, saying he wasn't a bad guy, but he needed to be more upfront with what he wanted in his next relationship instead of this running around behind people's backs thing. He was heartened.
These are the same panels, just rearranged to make a new comic.
Is there any other non craving control fan art that is any good?

Would love to see Kip tackle a Lalia story
I wouldn't. Only because it'd be 200 pages where Lalia eats in like 3 of them.
True the beauty of the Craving Control is that there weren't a bunch of filler pages and every time Lalia was shown she was either stuffing her face or fatter than the previous page
thank you. I didn't recall that. the ending was still bad but thats a little better.
I know. thats what I'm saying. and this exact thing was posted five years ago so I'm not sure that we can take this as arthurs back.
I don't know of much fan art. I know there were a few stories but that is it.
exactly. and lalia would stay the same weight the entire time.
exactly. that was the one thing I loved about double dip. every time she returned she was even bigger right until the scene in the hotel where she dropped her gut on the bed. kip would never make a character that huge.
(1.7 MB, 2400x3000, lalia_pilled_by_clinkoclinko_df5d93j.png)
this is a nice one. haven't seen anything else from pieterion. Im beginning to think that is arthur because he was known for posting comics very sporadically. I never understood him quitting because he claimed that the comic would take over his life. he posted a new comic once every couple of months if that. maybe well see something new in a few more months.
he has some of the best craving control stories I've seen. I don't understand why arthur won't just team up with a writer like blame-thrower and just do the art. the story is already done. all he has to do is the comic.
This would look good drawn
>Would love to see Kip tackle a Lalia story
He'd be the absolute worst person to do a Lalia story. Part of the appeal is that Lalia didn't have limits, if given the chance she could crush entire beds and tables with her belly alone due to how much she ate. Kips stuff is far too tame to do much with her.
Agreed, Craving Control was all about epic binge eating with minimal drama the complete opposite of any story that Kip has ever done.
Don't make me laugh.

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