
(48 KB, 554x700, y685754463.jpg) (493 KB, 683x960, d5xx2ep-c6e345be-2bd6-4e57-90a6-7cfc57e676f1.jpg) (130 KB, 1106x622, afht.jpg) (3.1 MB, 2550x1650, c7b9b0f305affe928ab3621e37567328dceec8815f4e7ab90515cf4f70a40558.png) (200 KB, 1024x748, fpr1.jpg) (152 KB, 1280x887, elves_by_lindorm_dark_deb639q-fullview.jpg)
A general thread for fantasy-themed BBW art. The last one seems to have fallen out.
It can be elves, dwarves, monstergirls, or ye olde humans, as long as they're fat, fat, fat
Science-fantasy themed stuff also works
(3.1 MB, 4311x2000, deviantart_740798174_Choose your adventurer....jpg) (942 KB, 1727x1394, deviantart_740948403_A hearty meal under the star light.jpg) (3.0 MB, 3000x1922, deviantart_741719274_Upon the hills of Sisyphus.jpg) (2.3 MB, 2024x1725, deviantart_754509661_Trapped.jpg)
Love generic fantasy stuff, definitely my big 'guilty pleasure' genre when it comes to art both kink and otherwise. Anyone know some good kink stories with a fantasy setting?
I remember a pic of two nude elves laying in bet looking at the viewer, one was blue and the other purple. I also remember a sequel(?) where they are blobs. Does anyone have either? Even better, does anyone know the artist?
I remember seeing this artwork on Tumblr before the Dec. 17th incident, and it was a fat elf in some water in a pencil/black and white sketch, and she was covering her boobs in it. Anyone got that?
(250 KB, 1162x1200, 20221121_212606.jpg)
I found this from Ray-Norr on twitter and god I love me a Liberian Orc, anyone up for a fantasish rp? I have a discord account DeepLurkers#3868

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