
(32 KB, 1200x467, pixiv.png) (4.1 MB, 2024x2866, 98814103_p0.jpg)
Hey, friends, longtime lurker and occasional poster here. Do you guys have some favorite Pixiv tags or user ids that you like to browse?
If so, could you supply me with suggestions? I'm currently backing up a bunch of artists that I've seen being posted here and on other boards as a data hoarding response to the new Pixiv ToS (banning "exploitative" content from fanbox, likely to eventually hit the normal users too https://archive.ph/4ztVq)

Thanks in advance!
>>125696 (OP)
Can we not have threads asking for suggestions, or keep them all contained to one thread? Had so many threads die this week because of shit like this.
Sorry about that. Didn't think I should have posted it in the Sauce thread.
I should mention, if you need a thread backed up, I have saved most of them, so just go ahead and shoot.
>>125696 (OP) Believe it or not, this is a good thing. In 10 years time anime will be in a more suitable state. 20 years from now and manga will reach a point comparable to what it used to be in the 2000s. Currently their art is facing destruction by the hands of the very industry they helped build. Business as usual. Those people are not as "free" as they would have you believe. Not like other developed countries. Their art is heavily censored and controlled. I have long ago outgrown the whole of it but from what I have seen nowhere in the world is there a country that I would say is exactly bursting with talented artists. The last thing Japan needs right now is a government that makes attempts at regulating or controling art. It might be a bit harsh but those younger generations suck.

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