
(46 KB, 650x476, Depositphotos_154225910_xl-2015.jpeg)
Old thread is on the verge of being bumplocked.

The rules are still the same:
Please use the anchors for organization.
Put inflation requests on inf.
Put morph/color requests on their respective threads.
Don't beg.
Be a decent person.
>>124421 (OP)
Why couldn't you just wait until after it was bumplocked? Even the people on the Community Salt/Manbaby threads are decent enough to wait until the current one bumplocks.

Carrying over a request I made on the last one that never got picked up.

Requesting fat art of Flame Princess from adventure time, I don’t have any specific details in mind, any size/shape is appreciated. I just want more of her since she gets so little compared to other characters.
OP also forgot to set up the anchors properly
(277 KB, 1754x2481, big_everything_goth_gf_by_d0ncamatic_ddt8axr.jpg)
More art of this gal, preferably a piece where she's in a (very tight) Black wedding dress wearing fishnet stockings, being bridal carried by a much slimmer goth guy, straining from her immense girth.
(437 KB, 1456x1122, 019-279[1].jpg)
Maybe this could work for reference (but not as big, preferably. I'd prefer the size to be more in line with pic above)?
I still need to read this series. Only series in this type that I've read are Berserk, Hokuto No Ken, and up to Part 5 of JJBA.
(109 KB, 500x500, 1082.png) (384 KB, 1145x1070, 20221122_104918.jpg)
Requesting this character in the red bikini in a cute, playful pose while also being as fat as the second picture.
(196 KB, 284x824, v603212002.1.jpg) (122 KB, 262x597, 8123721i.jpg)
I would like to request a chubby/fat Karen Kohiruimaki from Gun Gale Online. Preferable if she's grabbing her belly and bemoaning the loss of her once slender figure
Bump for this one, if anyone's interested.
Yes, that is brilliant! Thank you very much.
(104 KB, 1024x768, Audrey'sOver-Eating.jpg)
attempting art again with Audrey from that new Bendy game. There's a mechanic where you eat food from different machines to restore health and such. That's where I got the idea from.
I could try. I haven't watched TOH in a hot minute.
Awesome, I will wait then, also small correction: it's Amphibia not TOH
Do you think you can do this one too, while you're at it? Your Audrey pic is pretty good, by the way. >>126893
(36 KB, 800x1298, 50.jpeg) (333 KB, 800x1251, 12.png) (138 KB, 800x1251, 40.png)
Anybody want to draw tsumugi motohashi the way she is or a little bigger apologizing to her boyfriends older sister for making her fatter but she loves it.
Can someone make an improved version of this in the classic Angewomon style?
Can someone make an improved version of this in the classic Angewomon style?
(720 KB, 1240x1428, 5cf.png) (34 KB, 409x306, IMG_20200925_191735.JPG)
Alternatively, someone could make an individual Hilda version of this drawing (The purple girl?). Personally I see a little weird how she squeezes with Zelda.
I can try to draw her, but idk. How much time it will take, I will try to do draw it is fast as I can:)
(1.5 MB, 2048x1456, 318969391_4173107829580210_1014674326924659206_n.png) (2.9 MB, 1448x2048, 318646565_878538496525649_3697329357128376939_n.png) (2.3 MB, 2048x1365, 319039512_467577992114386_2542934658120648294_n.png)
Requesting some fat artwork of Eloise Taulner, the Ultimate Fencer from Project Eden's Garden.

You guys cannot deny me that this is peak character material for WG artwork. You just simply can't, she's absolutely perfect for this sort of thing. Almost as if she was catered towards us.

Anyways, I don't mind any sizes, I just want to see more of the chonker fencer. Danganronpa already has a lot of WG artwork, and seeing how Project Eden's Garden is probably going to be the next big thing, I hope that I can atleast get a picture.

Thanks in advance if you end up doing this stupid thing, by the way.
Never got into Danganronpa... This cutie might change that
Oh wait, I'm new to these kinds of threads, my bad. Can I still request this piece?

Most things are not up to me, buddy, but I would say
(582 KB, 1280x1779, 86902096_p0.jpg)
Requesting Graf Zeppelin, make her as big as a BBW or any other big size. thx
holy shit this is adorable

do you have a twitter or something i can follow?

Ah!! Thank you so much~♡ (>///<)
I do have a twitter~ @Princesssnu
Shame you didn't get all the details, but he still rocks those swim trunks regardless! Lovely work.
(455 KB, 627x1274, hinako_shijou__kofg_for_girls__style_by_raissagabe_deoo315-pre.png) (82 KB, 768x1024, hinako_shijou_by_kainrv1_dakepdz-fullview.jpg) (98 KB, 695x768, eemdo1auh1ky.jpg) (744 KB, 2500x3536, be502b2da0c532681a603d2d28ebf19d183ec378f806318081a02a220fe4cd35.jpg)
Seconded, our Hinako deserves to be Sumo Queen!
I don't understand why she's more popular with fat artists considering she's pretty much perfect for stuffing her up into an absolute mountain of fat.
Surprise Sumo isn’t as big of a sub-kink than it is, I mean it’s all right there weight gain, stuffing, to half naked wrestling.
Well every time I post any sumo art on any thread or even mention it, without fail, someone will appear and call sumo and whatever I posted absolute dogshit. The only threads where that didn't happen was with "the Seven Deadly Sins" thread and the "Danganronpa" thread.
Most of the time it's usually Roxas, and most of the sumo stuff on here is very out of proportion, leaving the subgenre kinda barren when it comes to good content. There are exceptions though.
Who's the artist that made that fat elf? I've been looking everywhere
(162 KB, 1242x1095, 1668827201434968.jpg)
Matsu-sensei is a veteran of booba art. I will do something.
Got it.
Still, I think the results may be rather... underwhelming to say the least.

The one and only bloatlord is the Kyriakos Grizzly.
>(you) are a separate breed of autists, that's why.
Autistics hate variety, and a subfetish counts as such.
(714 KB, 2257x1881, Feejee Fiji fat mermaid Puss in boots request bbw.JPG)
Requesting fat art of Feejee/Fiji the mermaid from Puss in boots. Maybe stuffed on some vaguely Spanish cuisine becuase of the cliche “human food… Le good” or maybe a subversion where she just eats garbage and rubbish.
Also can you maybe give her a fatter face?
Could you send me some reference of the type of face you’d like?
love it!! You could also make a messy version
Oh I’ll try! I’ve never drawn slob before, got any good references?
you should make a DA account, your art looks great!
(421 KB, 635x465, buffpupreference.png) (69 KB, 1000x745, Rosedoodle_3D_Reference.webp) (375 KB, 700x569, aicandiireference.png)
people seem to hate non corpo vtubers, but ill give it a shot: buffpup, aicandii or rosedoodle. of any size, just not immobile if possible. thanks in advance, one day ill return with greater fat drawing skill and return the favor
(375 KB, 700x569, aicandiireference.png) (421 KB, 635x465, buffpupreference.png) (69 KB, 1000x745, Rosedoodle_3D_Reference.webp)
>>124422 forgot to click anchor i am stupid. any of these 3: buffpup, aicandii or rosedoodle. of any size, just not immobile if possible. thanks in advance, one day ill return with greater fat drawing skill and return the favor. i can't seem to delete my other reply.
(24 KB, 225x525, Towa_OVA.webp) (2.6 MB, 2470x1964, Melony_EX.png) (224 KB, 1200x2284, Chronoa%27s_Time_Power_Unleashed.webp)
Heyo, would anyone be able to draw a fatty Towa from Dragon ball Xenoverse the size of Melony, or even bigger but not immobile, since Towa barely gets fat art. As an added bonus, possible to have Chronoa at the same size in the picture? If not, that's totally fine also, just wanted to ask.
>>133856 one would think youre experienced goddamn. amazing work. did you share your twitter already?
It’s perfect thank you
(340 KB, 1620x2002, F07E506C-1289-4DC8-B408-E06FC0FF7E99.jpeg)
Thank you so Much!!! It’s @MunchiesBox and no I’ve only been drawing fats for a week or so now~ I though that for the new year I would start drawing what I wanted~
(44 KB, 636x656, 9ae.jpg)
I'm the Lass anon, I thank you in advance.
if anyone needs inspiration buffpups entire thing is being buff and fit. a nice trope for a drawing.
I don't see your twitter
a nice place to see all of these requests in one place. give back to artists who draw for us for free.
I'm the one who requested her, yes please, I love it, do it and don't forget the caption :D
Ah nice,an edit. That's swell! Though not to nitpick but you should put that in the edit thread Aswell!
they probably mean remake your drawing to be the character they want. which is easier than drawing from 0
>>124422 any artists w sketches they want lined/colored i can trade for sketch req of my choice. everyone else post sketches as well. i wont guarantee ill do them. maybe someone else will.
Can we see an example of your work?
(731 KB, 2000x2000, peridotRAW.png) (3.7 MB, 2000x2000, peridot.png)
both the effects and the color bleed outside the lines were on purpose for this one. other ones probably will not have it. sketch by @MunchiesBox on twitter.
>>134322 seconded, would like to see it as well

Imposdible. It's perfect. Pure perfection. I would not change a thing. I am going to print it out and hang it up on the walk now. Thank you.
You’re welcome! Thank you for being so kind!! Any other ocs?
>>134449 how are you so lightning fast on these holy hell. impressive once again.
(my Id seems to be changing a lot, i requested >>133838 )

Did I make a mistake? Sometimes my apps have bugs and then I have to switch to the PC. I think the bugs come mainly from the different ports numbers and running low on memory making the apps be killed off by the OS. I usually try to reset everything but sometimes it happens without my knowledge.
fuck i really want to learn to draw
What's stopping you? Everything you need to get started is right here on the internet absolutely free.
I'm very bad drawing and I think I will never gonna make greats draws, and I really want to do this but I think I'm not gonna be nothing
>>134491 Do you realize that only 1 out of every 100 people have artistic abilities? Out of that group the chances of some of those artists going on to make it a profession at least as a career after college is probably about the same as there are female computer programmers. Nevermind the odds of anyone becoming a world renowned artist whose works go for millions of dollars. Why are you sad about nothing? You either make art or you appreciate it and purchase it from the artist. It's not complicated.
I totally get it, art is painstakingly difficult and the slow process of learning can be very discouraging. But you made it through this year, think about how you could draw all this year! Time flies! Draw as much and as deliberately as you can! Finding a friend or a community who is on the journey with you is great too! It’s a long journey but it’s like rolling snow down a hill you’ll pick up momentum and from there sky’s the limit!

>slow process of learning
You misinterpreted it again. I said that artistic abilities are a talent and that not many professional artists are going to be the next Picasso, so it's not a big deal. When you're an artist, it's more about the art than it is about you. The skills you acquire or develop at your disgression are entirely optional.
Still me, just wondering, are you working on the final version?
thx i really apreciate it, i really want to still learning and improve my skilss,although im just starting again in the art. But really thanks i need that
(34 KB, 490x459, _20200516_083401.jpg)
Lass anon here.

Maybe bigger boobies, other then that and of course color, it's perfect
I second that the boobs should be bigger.
bbwchan is going full schizo i cant tell who youre replying to, but i requested rosedoodle. sorry for not specifying in the request, but if its not a bother can you make the belly bigger. its my favorite part. i would have loved a focus on it. thank you once again for this, its amazing, will probably color it myself.
Thank you! No need to apologize, I love it! ^^
(825 KB, 850x1842, 6E0B99A7-0613-4934-91DA-BB424DE181D0.png)
I’m so glad you love it! (●´ω`●)

I do have a question though…how do I push the fat factor? I feel like my drawings aren’t as “lewd” about fat as others are. Maybe cuz I’m a woman drawing women but I feel like my work isn’t “fetishy”?

Idk I know this is the request thread but I just feel like I haven’t been doing everyone’s request justice.
>>134628 id say study other fat art that feels fetishy, see what other artists do to make their drawings "horny". study other nsfw art that's non-fetish and also note how it looks and feels. a little sweat, breath, blushing. clothing that doesn't fit, or highlighting shame.
also dont worry, everyone in the thread has loved your art, and your work is amazing! it is always good to improve, but dont feel like that makes your art bad. if people wanted you to make it better then they could pay you an actual commission with specific details.
Looks good to me. Nice combo of pose and body type
this is personal taste of mine, i dont like TOO much sweat, but it does help the fetishy-ness. love what you did with the "blushing" on the body, really good as well. the pose is good and i'd say the pose is pretty good for a dom archetype. though a bit part of the fetish for some is the person gaining being submissive.
hoping someone might do this :P
I'm suck at drawing fuck
Wow!!! Your lines are amazing! Do you have any socials?
It’s amazing, the best I’ve seen in this thread

Requesting Flame Princess from Adventure Time as an immobile blob, preferably with lots of rolls and fat face, roughly 2000-3000 lbs.
>>124421 (OP) a very sad lack of artists on here. sad times. dont want to take your requests and make them shittily because better artists will ignore them.
Get a load of this entitled piece of shit.
im not entitled. im simply stating that its sad we dont have much traffic. and i am stating that i would rather not take your requests and draw them myself because i am simply not as skilled as other artist who could do better.
I agree only that this site deserves better. That the Earth is a dark and cruel place to be in, and that it need not be so.
(1.6 MB, 1800x1800, Gala.png)
I've posted a couple times but I'm honestly not sure if I would be considered among the better ones 'cause I can't recall if I got much response. lol
How's this one? (granted I don't always go this fully-rendered, but it's something I CAN do, at least)
this is great, not only in anatomy and thiccness, but the color and rendering are so good. keep up the great work. if you want to take up any requests it would make many people happy. completely biased but i recommend
What? You're saying you drew that? That's cool. Usually artists draw what they like and then their followers post what they like. But if that's what you like to draw then that's cool. I mean it's not technically awful. But I don't think anon's going to be drooling over that pic. I could be wrong though. I remember that pic posted once because I noticed the t was missing and I thought to myself "What a girl". lol. But honestly it's not like it's the worst thing ever posted. And if uou are a female artist well then good for you. I loooove a little bit if girl power every now and then.
if you have any socials for fat art or nsfw art i would love to follow. great work
Thanks so much! I'm glad *you* like it, at least. lol

I have a Deviantart account as well, under the same name, but I've posted more NSFW stuff here. I have fewer non-anthro pics just 'cause I got into a bit of a kick with some friends I met, but you can at least get a taste for my overall style. Haha
Saw your art was wondering if you can give this a request try? >>134260
(7.8 MB, 3507x2480, Fatty Keqing.png) (786 KB, 710x913, Ivy Casual outfit.png)

Request for a fatty Ivy from Fire Emblem engage around the size of this Keqing? Having her outfit being ripped through by her massive fatty belly and breasts, which are all on display as they jiggle out.
Requesting Katella the huntress and the Iron Queen/Regina Ferrum becoming strongfat bbws to outshine/woo Robotnik/Eggman (stc style) noping away with a mild why boner
Heyo, I have something for you. Sorry for not coloured version. I will do it later. So do you like this?
(1.6 MB, 1732x1024, lilith.png)
Requesting Lilith with the same pose and bodyshape as Princess Daphne on the right.
(202 KB, 960x1568, stone1.jpg)
AI gen thread is two blocks down
We don't want him either.

Just as cringy as morphs of real people.
Are anthro requests okay for this thread or does the global rule still apply?
Its mostly because I have a certian anthro request but the furry request thread has been slow. If its strictly human, I can modify the request to suit the rules.
(1.7 MB, 1900x1581, 1657944783887.png)
Eh fuck it. If there is anyone out there. I got a sumo request. and involves a furry character, but this time, lets make her human.

Requesting a pic of a human variant of Magna (as a human sumo wrestler) like in this pic. How she looks as a human is entirely up to you.
You're a little bitch. The global rule still applies, so if the Furry request over on your board is slow, that's not our problem. You didn't even spoiler the image either.
Sorry I am just new to this place. Next time if there is something furry, I will put a spoiler. Just chill. I just wanted to make sure.
Wow that was faster then expected, thanks looks great

Well done. 1 day we will die. Pain isn't forever.
You have a twitter to follow you?
Gender bent content should go to /ee/.
What was the original pic?
This looks great, thank you so much! Especially her belly and face, and you nailed her hair
I’ve a free request or free commissions for anyone to draw: Draw Korsica and Peppermint from Hi-Fi Rush in their obese girl form after they’ve finished eating in SFW!
Do you use AI for render? Am I right?
(95 KB, 600x800, 8417d0879b55b1c71ef71e52eca5e12a.jpg) (103 KB, 600x800, 3f67ef5a082ad16e28ef340229f9b635.jpg) (151 KB, 1080x1344, Snapinsta.app_1080_275821563_992022891475071_5497630067481871884_n.jpg) (141 KB, 1080x1344, Snapinsta.app_1080_275999677_131035552818409_7880100733697998629_n.jpg)
Can somebody draw Queen from Persona 5 to be around the same size and shape as the morph im using as an example.

And also I want her costume ripping and having holes all over
anon you've done the last 3 requests in the thread. thank you so much for providing to the people. if you're still taking requests i'd like to req something.
(2.8 MB, 2500x1000, aicandiireffat.png)
vtuber aicandii, labcoat button popped/popping. rapid weight gain caused by drinking a test tube of strange liquid, so have her hold it. image has size ref, but make sure her chest is bigger and maybe overflowing from her top. i appreciate it very much, funny that the first NSFW-ish fanart of her will be fat art.
the idea of an art anon doing my request has ruined my productivity. i come back to check every 5 minutes. im a disaster. art anon if you have an update, even just a: fuck you, be patient. id be happy

Haha. These "Be patient" posts always crack me up.
thank you anon. I see now the error of my ways. have a nice day everybody.
Thanks dude! It looks awesome!
(10 KB, 250x291, F72BAAF7-C822-4ACF-88A7-361D82574DDD.webp) (55 KB, 424x499, ABA34B32-D6C8-4D3B-87E7-2F2169DB0458.jpeg) (1.2 MB, 4600x3000, 72A797CB-D2DC-48D6-8CD7-C2ABD84234F7.jpeg)
Requesting Mystique Sonia and Alpha Girl from Hero108 as Obese, chubby, layered, and Horny Blobs of fat as Alpha Girl shows of her Massive boobs and Mystique Sonia Twerking her massive Fat ass at the viewer like this Harley Quinn and poison ivy pic>>124422
artist anon come home, or at least give us your socials so we can see your other art. >>145935
I've got work and some other life stuff going on that's slowing me down
Hope your work goes well, not just for my own req, but also so you can enjoy your art. Turns out I already followed you. Your stuff is exquisite.
who's the artist for your size ref? that's some good shit
RemRamWaluigi on Twitter/DeviantArt. Same artist as >>143428 's request too.
THIS WAS DEFINITELY WORTH THE WAIT. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope you don't mind me coloring it as the color anon i am. thank you for taking the request
(1.8 MB, 1009x3034, aoko.png) (178 KB, 808x942, aoko reference.jpg)
requesting a fat and stuffed aoko aozaki from witch on the holy night, similar to the reference image. adding some stomach sounds and a few little burps would be nice too.
Wrong board for requesting furry art.
That is horrible! Please keep it up! You can only get better from here. My suggestion is to study anatomy.
Also consider studying the art of not drawing with a mouse
(2.3 MB, 1412x1588, FMJJK-KWYAMf1S7.png) (917 KB, 1067x995, rafle.png)
Can someone make a Rafflesimon art? She seems very Cute to me but I can't find any art of her. I found this art by Camila and I feel like it fits quite well.
To make things easier, here are some tips:
-It can be with or without Mask & Crown or sparkles in her dress.
-If they make her without a mask, her eyes can be human or those of lillymon and lilamon, her pre-evolutions.
-If it is necessary to draw her hands, they will probably be normal like Rosemon or instead metal claws like other digimons.
-And again, if it is necessary to draw her with a scepter, they can be based on Lotusmon's scepter (another pre-evolution).
(9.5 MB, 3513x2881, fdgddg.png)
Dammit, I forgot the anchor again.
Btw, If someone wants to do the drawing with another base, I have a little summary about Rafflesi's profile: She is a queen among the plant digimon, extremely kind and compassionate, but despite her wonderful appearance, her useful life is extremely short. However, she never expresses any pessimism about her impending death, constantly yearning to live a normal life and dance elegantly to the end.
I imagine her calmly eating some dessert next to hers subjects, enjoying her last days of life that she has left.
That optimism along with the maternal side that I see in her also makes me think that an art style like Pocharimochi's would suit her. Anyway, dispete my perspective of her, draw her however you want!
hi guys i wanna know its how to draw fat bodies, especially bellies
>>150442 How much time do you have to learn?
well like 3 months ago, i study anatomy for basic drawing, i have a lot of free time for learn... and i suck drawing but i really wanna know how to draw fat girls
>>150449 I remember seeing a Tumblr post saying there's a helpful drawing book and that it is a free digital download.
Ay, this is pretty good! Do you think you can do this one, if possible? (>>150780)
i could try, though i dont have much experience drawing quite that big. what are these characters from?
There from the owl house her age is 18
I meant she
Anyone know how to draw femboys???
>>151397 What I usually do is draw a girl and then afterwards I draw a strap-on on her, but you should just as easily be able to draw a massive dong.
There's a drawthread in /bhm
(414 KB, 825x1275, mamimi.png)

looks like someone fulfilled the other request i was going to do, so here's this
Thank you stranger.. i hope this thread isnt dead enough... i hope
one day, a better artist than me, who enjoys the vtubers i do will appear. this artist will be my best friend. until then, i shall wait, hone my skill.
>>151790 vtubers, huh? What are they?
western vtubers. i know. call me names, i don't care. mainly vshojo and adjacent indies. rosedoodle, buffpup, etc. they get little to no fat art.
>who enjoys the vtubers i do
You enjoy vtubers or you are a vtuber?
Oh so you have a youtube channel where uou make art. That's pretty neat.
Thanks a lot. Very cute posters.
Upside of her never appearing in person again after Portable Ops is no one can stop me from pretending she turned into a huge fatass.
Curious question: how far did you get on that request you were working in before someone else beat you to it?
i had actually started on the Mamimi request first anyways, so I didn't actually start your request. and since someone else did it, i dont plan on tackling it.
UWOOOO I HAVE BEEN BLESSED. thank you very much. she came out great. if someone else made buffpup the trio would be complete, but i wont ask that of you
(758 KB, 1528x1440, 20230502_063023.png)
Could someone edit this Hilda so that she has a fatter face and arms to match her body?
(Big plus for a belch alt)
>>151552 can you make the rest of their bodies even fatter? Like make their bellies arms and thighs fatter than their breasts.
(922 KB, 1920x1080, Yuki 3.png) (718 KB, 1920x1080, Yuki 1.png) (879 KB, 1920x1080, yuki 2.png)
If you like cute characters, could you try to make a fat version of the Yuki Onna from Kyokou Suiri? I love this cute glutton and I'd love to see an SSBBW version of her.

This is great, I always thought she was an underrated character, I especially like the soft arms and the subtle fupa, this isn’t a formal request but I’d love to see you draw her bigger if you’re up for it
layna lazar but really round and fat :) that's it
(130 KB, 1050x840, IMG_2851.png) (121 KB, 782x605, IMG_3775.jpeg) (238 KB, 1600x900, IMG_2452.jpeg) (761 KB, 1071x495, IMG_2226.png)
Can someone please draw Mikan Tsumiki and Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa
With Mikan being a Massive naked Blob of fat as her lover Hajime giving her a belly rub and kissing her.
(Hinamiki is one of my favorite ships)

(1.6 MB, 5000x5000, Rachel profile.jpg) (7.6 MB, 1815x2420, image_2023-05-22_224002322.png)
Requesting a drawing of my OC Rachel (first pic) wearing this aussie bikini (second pic) and looking at the viewer with a seductive grin, all while holding an Ice Cream (Choc Mint) Cone at the beach. all in time for summer. hopefully someone delievers this request soon! I'd appreciate it!
(267 KB, 564x327, yumehara.png) (911 KB, 1280x720, Saikik-s1ep24b-2.png) (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, Saikik-s2ep24c-14.png) (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, Saikik-s2ep24e.png)
Requesting a BBW Chiyo Yumehara from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (the details and shape can be left to the liking of the artist). Honestly, for a character who got fat twice in the series in a way that wasn't gross or cartoony she has practically no fat art.
(2.2 MB, 3170x3391, Polish_20230516_231043094.png)
Requesting if Anne Boonchuy and one of my Original Character Oozina as heavy bottom inflation please?
(104 KB, 542x729, 4chanRequest1.png)
This took longer then it should have. First time doing this, look abit shit but not terrible
I know I wouldn't have to use the Post option for simple replies, but I must say it looks great!
Is there a page where your art is saved?
(574 KB, 1321x797, 1686106214157009.png)
I already made a similar request on 4CHAN. but I suppose it doesnt hurt to request here as well.

Requesting a picture of a sumo wrestling Satyr woman, Fully fattened and bulked up, ready for her start in sumo wrestling.

The picture on the left is just the goat woman's general appearance in terms of color and pigments.

The pic on the right is just the ideal body type, though you are allowed to make the satyr woman bigger than the suggested reference if you so desired.

Camera angle: Anywhere.
pose: whatever you see fit.

If you need additional context. just reply, I will be more than happy to provide more references.

Have fun ladies and gentelmen
Hello i don't know if it's off topic or not but i was wondering if there are any tutorials showing how to a pixel art bbw ssbbw
i tried to find something but nothing except regular pixel art tutorials
(183 KB, 493x385, 86476FA2-FC38-42CB-8963-D536DB456E5A.png)
Requesting Margarita Valentina from Mario Rpg morbidly obese specifically with a big wide pudgy belly to contrast her ittty bitty waist. Don’t skimp on the rest of her body either!
(240 KB, 1243x1028, 1655474424873.jpg)
Requesting a fat Etna from Disgaea with the body type of the reference, make the t-shirt say "FAT IS JUSTICE" with her belly so big the t-shirt can't contain it, also make her with a smug expression, instead of crying
who's the lady on the right?
>Giving Etna any amount of tit

Lucoa from Dragon Maid.
no, I meant in the photo
(1.1 MB, 3036x1616, 1653557236554.jpg)
Requesting He-Ra-La as a strongfat BBW
(701 KB, 1200x1700, RCO028_1462827868.jpg)
I'd like to see a redraw of the top right and bottom middle panels with Wonder Woman drawn with normal proportions for her size.
Wrong board, there's a thread in /bbwalt/ for that.
hey guys anyone knows or have some fat body drawing references?

Lodging a request for Flame Princess (Adventure Time) as a bedbound blob, maybe 3000-5000 lbs, lots of rolls, fat face, extra fat in the arms, stretch marks and cellulite optional, breasts sagging to either side of belly, no slob or anything like that.
(210 KB, 374x576, etna.jpg)
sorry for keep you waiting, i hope you like it
OR here, thank you, I love it a lot!!! Is there a chance to see it colored, if not, no worries, I love it!
OR here, Thank you so much!!!! I love her!

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