
(286 KB, 1250x1563, IMG_3409.jpg)
Underrated artist that deserves more attention
>>124416 (OP)
6 new threads created in 1 day and only one of them was because of a bumplock. Calm down, we don't need this many new threads in such short time.
>>124416 (OP)
No, his art is utter shit. Go jump off a cliff
Better than 95% of the other shit around here. Still a waste of a thread though unless this guy has a fucking library the size of the earth.
OK so he used to have a drawing of fat Haru playing with her breasts and belching on his DA but I think it was taken down, does anyone remember this and/or have it locally?
This is such a dogshit opinion. His stuff is better than the vast majority of threads dedicated to certain artists on this board.
Anyways, anyone tried out Fatsona Breakout?
his art is probably good or something, i just dont like that fucking style idk

I am always amazed at how shit coomer's opinions on art can be. Yeah he's not Da Vinci but at least he's not Axel-Rosered or xmasterdavid.
I'd easily say he's better than like 90% of artists in this community lol. Quit being a miserable whiner
I never imagined Axel-Rosered and xmasterdavid being in the same sentence tbh. If anything, Axel has done way more for the community than David’s traced abominations.
This is true, I'll take Axel's bowling ball bellies over David's shitly traced, money grabbing garbage any day of the week.
I legit prefer this guy’s stuff to Kip’s. I think NewMetrack draws fat and faces in a more appealing way, not just giant pregnant bellies with the same anime face for every image. He ain’t perfect, but I think his stuff has soul.
It kinda reminds me of old Kip.

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