
Don’t ask why the image is spoiled, fault on my part.
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Have (You), personally, whether directly or indirectly, ever insulted an artist or otherwise caused them seethe?

Blocked VanDuo about a year or so ago since as many people know he is an extremely annoying tankie. Thought the most mature thing to do would be to have him out of sight out of mind. Only just recently somebody approached me I assume on his behalf to ask me why I blocked him, and that he saw a pic I had commed and it caused him distress to see I had blocked him. Needless to say made me feel pretty good.
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Too many artists and writers out here pretending that they're clean and haven't drawn underage girl slob so they can simp for girls that look like pic related
You have to admire the irony of somebody like Swell Reads equating loli and shota with real pedophilia, when by his own logic he would be a serial killer. Why is sexual activity with fictional minors somehow the same as real pedophilia but murder gets a pass?
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>never posts art
>only posts fag shit about being fat
>charges a billion dollars for comms
>twitter artist troon cabal isn't real
I can confirm there is a cabal of artist discords where a bunch do shit talk a bunch of customers.

Princematchacakes and Bambooale usually are involved with it and do actively hate their own audience.

They both have also been seen trying to police the community and threaten artists.
Considering last thread showed TheAmericanDream sneakily trying to pretend that he doesn't owe people commisions that he payed for 3 years ago, this does not surprise me in the slightest. Especially Bambooale, that dude might as well hate everyone.
Sounds like a commie. I highly respect my customers because they are paying me. Customer is always right and shit, they dads should teach them it.

Must be nice to have the time and energy to do this shit.
I redline a lot of artists that are way below my grade of competency as a slight insult/ego boost.
Brainrot poster child, emphasis on "poster"
Man Princematchacakes is such a fucking character... I need to get back into his discord.
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Spellsx made an alternate ending to one of Dr Black Jacks lame ass "Deep" stories. Someone said something like "I see this as an alternate take" and then Black Jack replied with pic related. Like, bruh, we get it, it's deep, doesn't make it good though.
New Black Jack story got leaked. It's a super "deep" story that's about a painter who uses chubby girls as models who thank the painter that they are given recognition through his works, but as soon as they want to move on and persue their own career and works of their own they get dragged back into doing modelling work for the painter and associating with his messages and visions. The good ending is that they eventually grow to realise that even though it's a good opportunity and he is providing work both they and the customers would otherwise never get, that the environment and circumstances the painter is providing them with is not good and they move on to greener pastures. It's later revealed that this is an allegory for how Dr. BlackJack treats his artists *cough* Murdellicious *Cough* Debuiscool *Cough* Hammy *Cough*

I'm a sucker for bad ends, reality shift, mind control and all that shit. I hope it's something other than her just solving all her problems through getting fat.
>>124463 Also to be fair I did like where the story was going but the last few moments just felt like something biroon jr. would make, where the person was just as cruel if not worse than the person being punished.
>police the community and threaten artists.

That is a rather extreme claim. I know bamboo has trolled other artists before and generally be a dick, but threaten is a somewhat forceful word to use. When has that happened?
He USED to post art, and I'm certain that's what his base came for.

Yeah, it definitely had something going for it, but then the feedee girl decided to try and murder the therapist lady and it all went downhill.

It still works as a horror story, but not much more than that, ironically.

Yeah I can see why the attempt murder part may have been a bit on the extreme side but some really manipulative types can be this way when called out on their shit. Its how a lot of 'crazy bitch' stories tend to go with that explosion of anger.

I would have liked to have seen a more biroon jr style ending with her stripping her senses more slowly while fattening her up but being turned into the rich girl's plaything is cathartic in a way
Lazorchef too?? That guy barely does stuff above BBW most of the time, hell naw they got him into Dr Black Jack jail too.
Someone sounds a little angwy that Tenacious D has a ton of primo artists willing to collab with him. I highly doubt that the crowd he works with doesn't take a personal interest in his projects, you wouldn't see them putting out elaborate comics if they weren't into it
Where the hell does Blackjack get the money for all these endless comissions
they wouldnt give a shit if they weren't paid

I’ve had a chat with a few of the artists he’s worked with. They’re genuinely into it. They even give discounts because they like the topics which is probably how he can afford to commission so many
Doesn't surprise me. I'm sure plenty of artists would jump to work with BlackJack and his... 'eccentric' tastes rather than the average "my waifu, but fatter" commission.
Last I heard he was a doctor or something?
id much rather read generic waifu wg shit than whatever dr is trying to do
Maybe the reason why people don't like your cheesecake covered in celery stalks and gravy isn't because they're shallow but because it's just appealing to very few people
This guy has always seemed like a huge loser, even back during the old days, why is this such a trend with most of these people? He's been a really bad storyteller for years and it makes sense that he's hitting the point of sputtering out 2DEEP4U SHEEPLE because his understanding of storytelling/information relation revolves around other fetish stories, anime, and the running thought of "hehe it would be sexy if this person was MORBIDLY MUTILATED OR DISABLED, everyone just doesn't know it yet". Wish there was a way to sift through stuff on fantasyfeeder that wasn't asinine, way too much cruft in there but there have been way better examples of what he's trying to accomplish made over the years.
Makes sense, honestly, with how we've seen a lot of artist dissatisfaction over the years and general desensitization to the porn they make.
Yeah, I REALLY prefer generic slice of life WG stories over DrBlackJack's weird ass shit. I'm sick of him hogging up artists' commission slots and time they could spend on something else
easy key to success on twitter these days: being a weepy SJW and/or commie sperg

this is the consequence of being one of the few artists in a niche of a niche fetish sect, you can act like a total scamming asshole and get away with it because you are basically needed by a customer base

just don't fucking talk about it at all
you aren't needed to
why don't these retards get that?
>you are basically needed by a customer base

That was the case once but now way more artists do slob than when TAD was, and I would say much better artists too. I think he realizes it too and has more or less accepted his own irrelevancy, it's why all he does is sit in his dwindling circle of ass-kissers rambling deluded CWC-type nonsense.
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Apparently I'm the reason men can't express their feelings...he says as he blocks me from expressing my feelings.
pp is a retard, the poster child of your typical artist who cannot separate fetish shit from grating seriousposting
LEL I remember PP awhile back went on a fucking huge sperg rant about BLM and separating fetish life from real life.
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They don't care about the end outcome if there isn't a 2010s creepypasta
Is it just me or is this a bit ironic coming from someone whose entire Patreon is centered around churning out a bunch of stuff.
It's a shame because I liked his old stuff where he just wrote about Touhou girls or Holo getting fat and that was it. I tried reading one of his longer horror stories and it was just so meandering and confusing, and I can't fucking stand the interactive comics or games he started doing instead. Now he has like 10+ ongoing projects and I don't like any of them.

Horror aside, I actually do like his multiple voted topic comics. Stuff like the boyfriend and girlfriend one and the Komisan stuff for example are in line with his older stuff so it’s not like anything has changed.

He can do some very heart warming slice of life too
I tried reading one his horror stories once too, at least I'm pretty sure it was horror. In the end, the girl was at risk of becoming of vegetable for some strange reason that probably made sense to the plot but I couldn't even be bothered trying to make sense of the plot by that point.
Yeah, to play devil's advocate, the semi wholesome Boyfriend Girlfriend one that had Debuiscool as the artist was actually pretty decent.
Honestly we need a reverse Dr Black Jack equivalent for heartwarming wholesome WG content. Similar to the stuff Ample Alphabet writes.

To be fair, he seems to ask what tone the artists themselves want to make things in as well. As mentioned before, I think many artists are just tired of doing more of the same so they probably jump at the chance to do something different.

Outside of Halloween, I think more than 90% of his stuff is pretty wholesome like the Lum story or the old RE zero animation he made before.


It’s not like the artists he commissions ever stop their slots because of him. I think they have a separate arrangement.
Is there any good artists that aren’t huge assholes and don’t get involved in drama?

All artists get into drama one way or another.

Usually because we drag them through it
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I don't think LazorChef, Cherbit, sweetdreamscoffee, Belt, sooftly, or Morty have done anything particularly wrong (just to name a few). Just so happens that the worst tend to be the most vocal. If you want to be safe, look East.

They bring it upon themselves, really.
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got banned on /bbw for saying a no-no word, good job jannies! I'll be sure to be extra child friendly to respect your feelings
Who is the underrated waifus in BBW art? Mostly a canon glutton characters who are almost ignored in BBW art.
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Definitely Sumeragi (has some decent art, but still not enough), Misato and Keiko from Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu (the last time I checked, there's literally no fan art of her, which's a crime against humanity, pic related).
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For as much as FE seems to attract fatfags they sure love to ignore the character whose only trait is being hungry and eating all the time
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I don't know what's worse here. Whether this japanese guy asks for money to make AI art, or that the only time he speaks english is to ask for money because he knows all the dumbasses who would pay for AI art are overseas.
I totally get why people commission instead of spending years of their life learning how to draw. But for AI, if all it takes to make stuff on this guy's level of skill is to just buy the AI model he uses and mess with prompts for an hour, I seriously doubt this kind of thing will be sustainable for more than a month
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The mod has some serious issues. Calls me this even though I've possibly been the only person here to try and fight against things like male fetish art, people bumping threads while contributing nothing, and people making redundant threads or others that are extremely niche that don't deserve their own thread slot. This ban was for me calling someone an "entitled little bitch" when they were demanding new content and giving people shit for holding onto content. It's like he wants to see this place rot.
Really have no idea what the mods are up to, they banned you for that meanwhile there is a literal unironic mentally ill person spamming /inflation/ with absolutely insane shit and they don't seem to be getting on that.
It's because of pure spite. In an earlier one of these threads, he said he got sick of me trying to be a "mini mod" and thought it would be funnier to see me try and tackle these issues in vain. He also said he would've banned me sooner if not for this idea.
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She's definitely underrated.

I know she was talked about in the last one of these threads, but I think Ingrid is underrated despite being from the "Waifu Emblem" era. She's the biggest foodie out of all of the FE women from said era, but she's overlooked in favor of more popular characters.
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The lengths people will go to just to save a thread is too much sometimes. If you know what you're posting is so bad that you have to hide it behind spoilers to post it, then you're being too desperate. I can feel bile building up in my throat from how disgusted I am.
Oh my god, I...I think I need to puke
Who the fuck is the mod, an autistic little nigger? What a faggot lmao

Go to college and learn how to not be an idiot and how to be funny.
How about Black Jack fucking update Five Nights With Fatties 2 already? It’s been almost 4 months since the game came out. Where the hell is the update and the gallery?
Must have a really good paying job. If he’s a legit doctor IRL then he’s making bank
RidiculousCake is pretty good. The BBW community really went after him back in 2020 when he condemned the riots over George Floyd. They were literally calling him a bootlicking Nazi and a racist

A skilled artist who's also not a woke, obnoxious cunt? That's a rarity.

Something tells me he's an organ harvester and trafficker. There's no way in hell an actual doctor would have this much time and energy on their hands for this amount of drawing and writing.
sweetdreamscoffee Is pretty cool. She’s actually fat IRL and she’s dating RainyDayGlutton, one of the best SSBBWs on Twitter who does it all for free
I would say there’s a fair amount of artists who are secretly moderate/libertarian/right wing populist that have to keep in the closet or risk being attacked and their careers ruined. The fetish community is extremely toxic and full of hate
Didn't know that, but that would explain the collab comics between the two of them
Thanks, anon :)

Are there any photos of her IRL?

Nothing creepy, I'm just wondering as to how you know she's actually fat IRL if there are no photos of her online.
I haven't seen Better-with-salt post any cringe yet, or peace the fuck out for literally no reason.
better fire up your download buttons lads
DA is opening up to AI bots and you just know a lot of whiney artists are going to sperg out and baleet everything in response

twitter compresses art to shit so if you want quality pieces, save them while you can
Damn, it's almost as though nobody's bothered going over DA's ToS

That said: There should be a Chrome extension to minimize compression on your Twitter download. Look up Twitter Media Download or Twitter Original Download

EightXL is one of them, she claims that she's going to delete all of her old art, because she "can't be bothered" to untick her deviations... all 93 of them. If she's deleting them out of spite, she could have just said so instead of this weird excuse.
(2.0 MB, 269x181, oik5BrV.gif)
>a lot of whiney artists are going to sperg out and baleet everything
Finally, my dream of a grand culling might finally come to fruition!
Lets be honest here, they're not gonna be gone longer than a week.
You're speaking too quickly there, I don't think most of them are even looking to leave. Just deleting their older works because it's more convenient for them.
I agree in a broad sense that his aim is poor, but you in particular genuinely are a whiny faggot that does far more harm than good. It's laughable how much damage and derailing you're willing to do in the name of "fixing" minor problems that no one gives even a tenth of a fuck about except you. Your standards are draconian.
At least I can say I tried when most others aren't willing to for one reason or another, and I'd much rather do this for the sake of trying to get this site back on track instead of being someone who stirs shit up for the sake of anarchy and nothing else. Sometimes you need to stand out to get things done, even if others treat you like the villain.
Kindly fuck the ones who decided to wipe their galleries. At least you can gallery-dl a deactivated account.
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>i tried to save the site by making shitty argumentative posts....... sometimes u gotta be da bad guy............
Another shining example of someone with genuine medically-diagnosed autism plaguing everything around this fetish. I'm fucking tired of it.
How ironic is it that the loudest faggot on this board is the guy complaining about faggots in the first place. It's like pottery
>back seat moderator
I'd ban you, too you tattletale fuck.
I take it you 3 want to see this website fall apart just like the mod? For all I know, it could be you 3 that's posting all that shit.
As someone who was once part of the largest discord of FE fatfags, it's because they whine that Ilyana is underage (technically true in the first game... but not the second)
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>Pic related lookin ass
I thought they were just aquatences that lived near eachother at most, but nope, not anymore atleast. Even though her name and username is literally Alice she's also a 'they' now. Were these the consequences of converting to female art?
>Does it all for free
Also you say that Rain chick does it all for free when she literally has a Patreon. Need I remind people that she's creating an army of grooming people to be gainers, and even tried to get people to "Post a pic of their underwear on their desk", which any girl with self respect would never participate cos that's creepy as f*ck and the only people who ended up doing it where the closeted trannies showing pictures of their unflattering boy boxers.
Way too many artists and writers simp for this chick too much and it's kind of disturbing. IRL bbw content is nasty anyway tho.
2D supremecy!!!
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>Major social media site fucks up or change for the umfteenth time
>"omg goiz I can't stay here anymore please follow me on alterative site #99999 I swear it's better there."
>discord of FE fatfags
That's a thing? Wonder what else they talk about.
Given the 3 year timeskiip from Radiant Dawn you could use it as an excuse for a lot of characters.
Hell, I'd just be happy to not see fat Lucina for the millionth time again
>Way too many artists and writers simp for this chick too much and it's kind of disturbing. IRL bbw content is nasty anyway tho
Sorry for the double post but I've noticed this trend too with artists other models and it always rubs me off the wrong way. Even putting the obvious health issues aside, I could never really get into irl fats.
I guess thats why we're on the 2D board.
Have you considered that maybe forcing the mere 1-2 moderators this site has to sift through dozens of inane misdemeanor reports is desensitizing them to stuff that should ACTUALLY be moderated? You're your own worst enemy you fucking retard. Kindly find some other forum to shit up.
if they had an easily accessible archive I'd have zero problems with the quitting DA
but most of them don't, so that's where the problem lies
RDG has a rockin body but yeah, I can't deal with those piercing either
>Have you considered that maybe forcing the mere 1-2 moderators this site has to sift through dozens of inane misdemeanor reports is desensitizing them to stuff that should ACTUALLY be moderated?
First of all, how much do you think I report?
Saying that I report dozens is really stretching it. Secondly, some if the things I mentioned before like male fetish art and necroposting are things that SHOULD be moderated on this board. If you think that's wrong, then you're part of the problem. There's a reason why we have separate boards for different fetishes, you dumbass.
>>124799 (Cross-thread)
>RDG has a rockin body
Eh, different strokes for different folks I suppose. Not that I can say much since anyone more than 250 I find unappealing anyway
I've subbed RDG's Patreon before. She just uses it to archive all her content and uses the money to help with gaining stuff. She's on haitus right now so she doesn't add much, but for $5 you get everything she's done. So not free but she also doesn't nickel and dime asking for $ on every video.
Tashoelle deleted her DA. Kawaii-Debu said he's going to quit posting on DA. Trinity-fate deleted all his art from his DA but kept his account up. I wonder who else is going to delete over the next few days.

>>124712 >>124720
I don't follow RidiculousCake, but I agreed with what he said and sent him a private message telling him I agreed. I didn't see anything racist about it. I've dealt with an actual neo-Nazi before and there is no comparison between RidiculousCake and a real-life neo-Nazi.
I dont understand. So actually nothing happens on twitter and they are crying for no reason?
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The whole mindset and culture of irl bbw stuff is really weird and honestly disturbing. I think some of the big psychological aspect of it is the whole "striving for more" and never being truly satisfied, always striving for a higher goal weight, but then they get to a point where they realise that it actually sucks but they're too far in to stop. Another one is how they get into a rut and convince themselves that this is the life they wanted and that they have found true happiness, when this is undoubtedly not the case and they're at most riding a horny high. What doesn't help is that a lot of these people get so stuck in their ways and get surrounded by like minded people in an endless echo chamber of "Screw what other people think, WE'RE the right ones!"
Ultimately, these people will live how they live, and some loser like me is not gonna change that, nor will I try to, because frankly it's not my place. Still doesn't stop the situation from being a bit depressing though.
The tumblr side of this fetish probably find this hot, though, considering they're all about living your own way, even if it means you die by 30.
At this point, I'm convinced that any feeder_irl or fetishist that hasn't grappled with the ethical angle of it is simply psychopathic or in denial

No other way about it
You still have to fill a form out though, no wonder people were pissed off.

Trinity Fate purged his entire gallery already. I should also that the AI already has a word filter in place. Can’t use BBW, SSBBW, Vore, Loli in terms of what I tried. Also, they’re making you pay to use it.
This. She’s also a nice person overall, doesn’t get political either. Keeps stuff focused on fats.
>actual neo-Nazi before and there is no comparison between RidiculousCake and a real-life neo-Nazi.
It doesn’t matter to those people. Support anything related to police, call out riots, say anything right wing and you’re labeled a Nazi and bigot right on the spot. The fat community really got badly infested with far left types. Tumblr did a lot of damage
>At this point, I'm convinced that any feeder_irl or fetishist that hasn't grappled with the ethical angle of it is simply psychopathic or in denial

Did you see how people reacted to Cozynakovich saying "obesity is unhealthy"?
>You still have to fill a form out though,
This is incorrect, you don't have to fill out a form to use this setting. It really is as easy as just clicking a checkbox.
>Need I remind people that she's creating an army of grooming people to be gainers
Even without the exaggeration of "army" this sounds fictional, you're gonna have to substantiate this one.
>that's creepy as f*ck
You are allowed to swear.
Yeah, I think SSBBW genuinely takes a certain kind of person who knows what they're getting into, but many just do it because they're on "no thoughts horny" mode.
People struggle with reality being brought into their fetish. They genuinely get upset that things don’t work the way they want it to and only want to surround themselves with media that agrees with this view and reject irl bbws as a coping mechanism. If she’s 2D she’s immune to problems and there are no ethical elements to argue about other than their human attachments to this world in the form of their artists.
>>124833 Wow, you sound so smart.... but why everything you said is oh so wrong?
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Couldn't Trinity Fate at-least give a warning? If anyone managed to get an archive of his deviantart that would be swell, because to come back JUST to delete everything is just lame.
I think they even changed it so that by default, it’s on the option that the AI can’t access their gallery, they would need to activate to authorize it
who else is on there, any characters from other fetishes that like crossover? like hyperpreg artists or vore artists

As I do notice some artists are extremely cliquey to there own detriment as there is always one or two who cant help but leak the shit or have mental breakdowns and reveal that shit

>still waiting for a artist to pay me back
What's the next best public art posting site for fatties outside of Twitter and Deviant? Deviant was already being infiltrated with AI garbage but now that they're in on it, they really aren't a site for artists anymore.
That Itaku place I guess?
Either that or Newgrounds
I hope it's not Pixiv because we already have too many westerners there posting incorrectly tagged and uncensored art already
Outside of ArtStation, art-sharing sites in general don't really get mainstream widespread traction and use. It's cope to assume otherwise.
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>Even without the exaggeration of "army" this sounds fictional, you're gonna have to substantiate this one.
There was some Hashtag that her fans and her used that was all about gaining or something along those lines. A "Grooming Army" is definitely an absurd exaggeration but I sort of kind of maybe get where they're coming from. Not an expert in RainyDayGlutton law per say however.
He said a lot more than just "obesity is unhealthy"
He was already on thin ice before, his schizo meltdown was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
In fairness at least Deviantart gives you the option to opt in/out of AI databases.
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>All the people in RDG's replies saying "YESSS FATTER GET EVEN FATTER" when she dies from mysterious circumstances.
Stop equating attractions to rape. It's extremely offensive to pedophiles.
What kind of argument is that
Gyanko, was straight up chubby in the anime
Just an anti being a skizo as usual.
You're only proving their point by equating loli to pedophilia
Their point is that fiction shouldn't be equated to real abuse, but "pedophilia" isn't abuse, it's an attraction. So no, saying lolicon is pedophilia or that lolicons are pedophiles isn't the same as saying lolicons are abusers.
That you have egregiously smug edgelords like SwellReads acting sanctimonious about loli and equating it to real child molestation is the peak of irony. If fiction is reality then that freak is a murderer by his own logic.
Why are people discussing the morality of pedophilia, and other such topics on this website? Is everybody on this site non-white or something?
what the hell is an "adoptable"
>>124968 It appears to be AI generated art that you can rent but not own and it appears to be part of an initiative by a group of youtubers who are members of the gay community.
Adopts are an old concept that isn't done too much these days but as an old fag I remember them being common. Basically it's buying rights to a character design. An artist makes a character, sometimes does an auction or a set price and whoever buys it now owns that character. Lots of people bought them for RP stuff, but some just liked having an OC that they didn't need to design themselves and used it to get commissions later on of that design.
The issue was when they released it they had everyone automatically signed up for it, and then did a piss poor job trying to explain everything in a Twitter Spaces chat
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Why so serious?
As if he is feels insecure with indulging his fetish and tries to come up with an edgy decoy to present himself "not like other guys".
Doctor is doing a shit job here.
People were unknowingly opted in by default anyways. At least there is an option to opt out.
Kappas did a lot of adopta-nfts until maybe a year ago, it's uncommon but it's not like some long-forgotten art like you're saying. Put "rights" in quotations, as well.
Wait seriously? That's news to me.

It's far too late at this point. The only reason they're allowing it now is probably because their AI has already scraped the entire site.
You do realize what fucking website you're on, right? The sheer audacity of this place to bemoan IRL shit when half the fucking boards on this site is exactly that is staggering.

Did he now? I'm surprised no one's brought up until now, sounds like the kind of thing that everyone would be shitting on him for.
(125 KB, 533x547, ffs.png)
Welp, this fucking loser is trying to stir shit again.
Anyone who draws Anya is based
>Wait seriously? That's news to me.
Yeah, he stopped doing them and instead started focusing on sketch comms. As financially dishonest as the entire act of "adoptables" is, I get the motivation for doing it. It's easy money and exposure for exercising one of the skills that an artist has that I feel a lot of them take for granted (in both bad and good ways).
Gonna be honest, dunno who either of these people are and I'm not gonna care because neither of them are going to change the status quo. Aside from that, as much as people are allowed to partake in lolicon fantasies, it's annoying that westerners are starting to wear it on their sleeve because they see Japanese artists doing it and think that being vocal about it is a 1:1 cultural port. It's not: do what you want but keep things separate because even the Japanese do. I learned recently that one of the best Japanese traditional artists I've seen to date who I thought focused entirely on SFW stuff has a whole "kept on the down-lo but not hidden" side account where he does fat fetish lolicon art with his signature style.
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It's so obvious this dude's saying this shit solely to tear down a bigger artist for clout.

Also fucking Blendo of all people agreeing with him is fucking rich. Not only has this two-faced cunt literally drawn amputee torture porn, he also actively praised pics of Rebecca, a canon loli, from other artists. He is the LAST person in this community to be pulling this morality play bullshit.
I swear so many artists are crying about AI art. Like I haven't read the same message from 10 other fat fetish artists. Keep posting art instead of whining like a fucking whore.

Btw fuck JollyGeo, unproductive mid piece of shit.
>Wait seriously? That's news to me.
Yeah, seems so. I've only tried it on one account but it did work, and the account was only disabled the day i gallery-dl'd it.

200 USD? Jesus fucking Christ.
(98 KB, 577x689, 1665255074862810.jpg)
Is this what they do all day, circlejerking around polis and being overall a cabal of petty bitches?
What a life.
Not getting twitter, ever.
So wait, was Kappas doing NFTs or just adoptables? Because if it's just the latter that's fine, it's the former that would give him shit from the community.

More or less, yeah.
Yeah, this shit. I was at least able to grab AlphaErasure's gallery when he deactivated his account.
Adoptables are just NFTs without the hyperlinks, read the filename on >>124966.
OMEGALUL Trinity-Fate's back! Didn't take long at all, did it?
The only reason art twitter's all for it is because it's exchanged in USD/fiat but otherwise, they're virtually the same thing
That's not even remotely the same thing you retard. Overcharging for an image is a whole different story from overcharging for a LINK to the image.
More like it didn't take long for DeviantArt to cave and change their shitty policy to opt-in instead opt-out.
>NFTs charge users for an image they have "rights" to, and said rights are unenforceable
>Adoptables charge users for an image they have "rights" to, and said rights are unenforceable
They're exactly the same thing.
NFTs are often meant to be an asset that can be resold. I doubt many people are unironically paying hundreds, or thousands for a bored ape picture *just* because they like the look of that specific monkey(Well, maybe there are *some* exceptions, but flipping NFTs is kinda the point). I don't see people trying to flip their adoptables for profit, it's purely an enjoyment thing. The creatively-bankrupt pay an artist for a design that they can use for commissions and what not. I don't like adoptables, because to me designing the character yourself is half the fun of an OC, but I wouldn't compare them to NFTs
Well, his gallery is up again. Would of been nice if he let people know that he just put his gallery in storage rather than delete everything to begin with, though it's nice that he cleared it up either way.
(269 KB, 2471x1656, bWVkaWEvRmhCSVcxeGFrQUVma1Q1LnBuZw==.png) (256 KB, 1964x1335, bWVkaWEvRmhLQXMwa2FnQUFEVWhaLmpwZw==.jpeg) (222 KB, 3000x2144, bWVkaWEvRmhPOXFhYWFrQUFWYXlvLnBuZw==.png) (137 KB, 2829x2081, bWVkaWEvRmhRV1B3T2FBQUlzbmhuLnBuZw==.png)
Dook has been on a shitty art streak.
>A potentially amazing Rosalina, ruined by Dook's decision of not showing her whole body.
>A Lucy with a terrible perspective that doesn't show much of anything.
>A Korrina that's stuck with Dook's usual overly bottom heavy bullshit.
>A Bianca that's more of the same like what Korrina got.
Lucy got the worst art out of these 4, but Rosalina's pisses me off. She's the only one out of these 4 who looks like she has a great all around body, but no one gets to enjoy it. Korrina stings too because of how rare she is, but gets lumped in with Dook's lopsided bias for hips so she doesn't get to stand out.
I don't like Dook as much as the next guy, but some of these complaints are next level pettiness. Or maybe I just don't care enough about how much he sucks to justify making a complaint about "Dook draws yet another bottom heavy girl! Oh the humanity!"
(25 KB, 578x486, child mind.jpg)
>Artist tries a bunch of sketches as public practice to improve perspectives and positions, something a lot of artists don't do
Pic related, it's (You).
Agreed, plenty of actual things to not like about his current public behavior but swinging at the dude for practicing in public because he didn't deviate from the distribution he likes to draw?
Jesus, does he owe you a commission or something? Why are you so obsessed with him if you hate his art?
All nintoddlers must die, maşallah.
Perspective on the 3rd pic is weird as fuck, you're spot on.
I'll take whatever I can get with Lucy
Really don't think Dook's take on her looks that bad here to begin with
I have NEVER understood adoptables and never will
Literally what the fuck is the purpose
You’re always better off coming up with your own fucking character, and if you really like an adoptable, you can just steal the character or traits you desire from them
Literally what is the point unless you want an excuse to throw money at an artist for no real benefit
God, just look at this bitch eating crackers like he owns the place!
Not sure what you two are talking about. This is my first time bitching about him.
Loli = pedophile. If you're jerking it to sexually explicit pictures of children you're a pedophile and I wish you the worst.
funny thing is he inadvertently restored old pics he deleted ages ago
the niah lockwood sequence is back up. not everything is tehre though like the filia sequence.
anyone know how to grab a whole gallery?
any fat artist has at minimum done a character in the 'looks like a adult but is actually 14-16' anime bracket at this point

then you got the many many fat arts where the artstyle or design either makes it even harder to tell or them being fat just makes them 'not a loli/shota' in terms of look
No it isn't. Pedophilia involces real children. The two aren't even comparable. And the fact you water down the word "pedophile" to where it's lost all meaning just to fit your narrative says a lot about you as a person.
This is just me but the way Rain talks about the weights she's at and EXPECTING to reach are very worrying, she's deadass going to have a heart attack. A lot of other models are like that too

And Rain is a weird person in general too, the "grooming people into becoming gainers" thing you mentioned is really alarming and it sucks more people haven't picked up on it or don't talk about it.

Oh, and she's ugly as fuck
Yeah she’s like « I want to reach 600 pounds, I never been so much happier in my life » without realizing the health risk

At that she like « oh wow all you fat follower of mine are so beautiful, keep going » are definitely weird and wrong for me, but hey maybe that’s just me, I’m not into real BBW
(606 KB, 695x692, RealvsFiction.png)
>I wish you the worst.
Why? How does someone jerking off to fiction in the privacy of their own home negatively affect you or anyone else in anyway?
>The two aren't even comparable.
See pic related.
>And the fact you water down the word "pedophile" to where it's lost all meaning just to fit your narrative says a lot about you as a person.
All it means is someone who's sexually attracted to children. You're making the word out to be worse than it actually is.
(504 KB, 680x680, 93f.png)
Pedophilia means attraction to PREPUBECENT children specifically. You don't even mention hebephilia and ephebophilia.
Didn't feel like getting that specific, but yes you're correct. Ephebophilia is a meme though. Anyone who says they aren't attracted to sexually mature teenagers is either lying or a pedo/hebephile.
Meme, my ass.
Read the article mate:
>They reasoned that "few would want to label erotic interest in late—or even mid—adolescents as a psychopathology, so the term hebephilia may have been ignored along with ephebophilia".[1] Although Stephens and Seto argue that, in contrast to ephebophilia, "conceptually, hebephilia is a paraphilia, reflecting an atypical (statistically rare) sexual age interest in pubescent children", they also state hebephilia has not been widely accepted as a paraphilia or mental disorder and that there is significant academic debate as to whether it should be classified as either.
She's probably got diabetes already with how much sugar and shit she eats, yet she continues

have to admire her courage in the literal face of death because holy fuck i'll give it until next year that she's gone if she doesn't calm down with that shit
As expected, some people have told the artist to kill themselves, and shock of all shock; this person is surprised people would do that after they bring public attention to them and do this.

I bet a 1000 bucks at least some of the ones agreeing with the post/wishing the artist to kill themselves have liked posts of and are following the artists who do shota/loli and possibly even made a few questionable and a bit disturbing posts on the subject, it always seems to be the case with these clowns.
It's never not funny how people scorn the idea of a connection between lolicon and pedophilia. It's been proven a bajillion times that fiction can influence reality (Bugs Bunny, Jaws, propaganda, etc. etc.), and I'm pretty sure pedophilia applies to children IN GENERAL (including fictional), not just "real children".
Don't forget to use the argument "outh:deviantart" before the URL. It bypasses the need to download cookies manually or input login info each time, so mature submissions aren't skipped. It also downloads the image with it's original upload date as the creation date and downloads the full resolution image, even if the the download button is disabled.
Do you think I give a fuck
Sumeragi from Gundam 00?
>>125283 Definitely no. I don't think you like beauyiful women, or fat women, or boobs for that matter.
She should just kill herself now and cut out the positive attitude, I'm not here for her feel good feeling. Bitch is too friendly and there's no way she enjoys being so fat. No one does.
This is why I keep to 2D and maybe chubby models. I tried to look up how much her BMI would affect her predicted life expectancy but apparently the data doesn't go that high. But it's more than 10 years lost, and probably many more in misery, when she already admits she doesn't leave her house much. Meanwhile under her photos she gets dozens of comments encouraging her to keep going, some of them written by people I used to respect. I thought I got desensitized to everything the internet can throw at me, but this is just sickening. No coom is worth this, not even the best one of your life. Mentally healthy should do whatever they want with their bodies, but there's no way someone can reach this point and be all well up there. And she's not even close to the only one.
But no, some nobody artist drawing a loli is what everyone should be outraged about. Not someone killing herself for our pleasure. Twitter is full of just plain fucking psychopaths.
(15 KB, 500x90, toad.jpg)
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if half the people here are samefagging in some way. Only difference is that dude fucked it up.

Pic related.
Ok buddy, that's a little unneeded
Why is it that anytime bws receives any type of criticism, people immediately get defensive? His art is good for the most part but he can go overboard sometimes, not too mention he likes reusing characters over and over again.
If you're referring to the retarded bitchfest that was happening in his thread earlier, stfu about "criticism." That was nothing but bullshit whining.
"Salt draws fetishes I don't like >:(" is not criticism, it's pointless whining.
How? How does it prove your point? Please tell us, because it sounds like you just want to be able to bitch about how the art isn't catering to your personal preferences on an art posting forum without people telling you to shut the fuck up and stop clogging the threads.
(182 KB, 765x546, Chadren.png)
>Thanks for proving my IESLB
DONE. Yup? Yuppy.
>Jiren in the backround
G squad. Terminate.
The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.
what in the goddamn
>draws fetishes I don't like

He literally only draws fat, it's not like he came out with shitting dicknipples or went off the deep end suddenly like Axel did. I can't imagine anyone disliking him for that reason.
That's what makes this more ridiculous. It's blobs/immobiles. That's it. That's what the bitching in the BWS thread that got removed was all about, mad that he was drawing immobile.
Every once in a while, the world reminds me blobfags exist.
Then, every once in a while, the world reminds me regular fatfags exist.
(65 KB, 664x462, 8356CD7F-3801-434E-B053-4FAD23591A4E.jpeg)
>artist draws something that does not specifically cater to your particular interests

How dare they!? Don’t they know they’re wasting their time and my time and valuable commission slots!?
This. That guy over on the BWS thread was insane. I've never seen someone get so angry about an immobile before.

Exactly. Many people forget that blobs/immobiles is technically vanilla weight gain just taken to unrealistic human weights. Compared to many other fetishes, it's very tame and doesn't have any sort of weird shit to it on it's own.
Why did he delete the Niah sequence in the first place?
(2.5 MB, 2364x2515, trs432.png) (3.0 MB, 5469x2100, ty64sw.png)
not to defend the entitled fucktard that started the shitstorm in that thread, but blobfags aren't innocent either I've been in past BWS threads and saw the same shit from them, it's always "Man it sucks that Salt doesn't do blobs 24/7" or "not blob art bad" and whenever they point out "Salt's best art" I swear almost everytime it's these two fucking pictures[as shown]. Also I regret not taking a sceenshot from the last bitchfest of the person who claim to have MADE THE BLOB/IMMOBLIE THREAD saying "it'd be a shame to put Salt on the list of people who abandoned blob/immoblie art" as if they were that type of artist to fucking begin with.
>but blobfags aren't innocent either I've been in past BWS threads and saw the same shit from them, it's always "Man it sucks that Salt doesn't do blobs 24/7"
I know who you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure they never said that. I remember them saying they were thankful that BWS did the size at all.
>whenever they point out "Salt's best art" I swear almost everytime it's these two fucking pictures[as shown].
In that person's defense, it's a fair argument. They're both well made if we look past bias.
>Also I regret not taking a sceenshot from the last bitchfest of the person who claim to have MADE THE BLOB/IMMOBLIE THREAD saying "it'd be a shame to put Salt on the list of people who abandoned blob/immoblie art" as if they were that type of artist to fucking begin with.
They're technically not wrong. BWS doing them at all could put him on that person's list if he does quit doing them later.
>>124382 (OP)
Why the fuck is tubby toons still getting work as a fetish artist? His work looks like absolute shit, from the faces all the way to the proportions. I recently checked up on him to see if he improved but NOPE, Who the hell keeps liking his shit? He's like the complete opposite of bws.
(375 KB, 720x945, Screenshot_20221114-191007~2.png)
Saw this while going through Nitter. Why do people support A.I. when it blatantly traces and steals existing art?
Rest in peace the Resident Evil thread, for you were killed for a TubbyToons thread.... eh you'll be revived by the end of the year lmao.
The guy generating those images is the one tracing, they can give a manual input and dictate how closely the AI follows it.
Oh god, you're not joking. Of all the artists to make a thread for....
(26 KB, 524x295, FgQ090fUcAAm8Cs.jpg)
People will preach about how its gross to draw Anya and other fuckin anime characters, but at the same time they'll interact with stuff of Pokémon Trainers or Rebecca, a canon loli, and send clips of Violet Beauregarde, played by a child actor in all adaptations. That's just peak irony.
Can topic not get brought up again? Lost count of how many of these threads this topic has been argued about.

A.I. still does most of the heavy lifting. All the person using the generator has to do is some clean up. What you're trying to say is similar to the argument of "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". In both arguments, both sides are guilty.
So if the guy used Photoshop to trace, Photoshop would what takes the blame?
(2.1 MB, 512x512, interpolated(1).mp4) (5.9 MB, 875x980, Untitled-3.png)
Yeah pretty much, and similar to the gun debate, it's pretty irreverent to say the tool is responsible for the guy using it to trace. They were almost certainly emboldened by it. But I don't need to tell you that looks like shit, because the person making the images doesn't care about the end product, that's they're stealing for internet clout.
Or in other words, the people stealing art for the AI to trace, probably would trace bases of that same art in a prior time. I think this is behavior we're going to get better at calling out collectively. And I personally just think its neat, and am endlessly disappointed in the lack of actually cool shit these things can make being made. Like I'm the only guy doing stuff like pic related.
pic related is actually your argument.
bless you schizo jiren poster
He acts like it not already too late to hide from being in training datasets & training a new concept into a checkpoint file is easy, and the resources to do it are freely available. Some guy in one of the past stable diffusion threads already made a BWS model. Worst of all, DA went back on that shit in like, a day. So you nuked your gallery to avoid being in an AI that its not clear if you could have avoided at all, and weren't included in officially for just one model. This is literally asking for bad actors to train it themselves now, good job.
>the AI traces
only if you ask it to
That looks like an img2img generation with the left as the starting image
It's no different than doing an edit or caption of an existing pic to turn it into a different fetish
Are you twelve or just retarded? Either way, I'm not even dignifying this with a (you)
>Baalbuddy has degraded himself to the point that he's drawing fucking wojaks
Words can't describe how much I hate this unfunny redditor.
Shut up no guns.
I get what you mean, but your analogy sucks.
Like bruh, if someone hacked your nonexistent wife to death with a sword are you going to start advocating common sense sword control?

There are like a couple dozen artists like this.
>Trans flag
>MINORS GO AWAY (implying that they somehow don't lie about their age like I did when I was 13)
>Only talks about being fat, only thinks about being fat
>Over charges commissions
>From Pacific North West, Eastern Sea Board, or Germany
Many such cases.
Frankly, given that these artists are almost all bound to be double jabbed and double boosted, while being men pretending to be women and gaining (with a male's anatomy) that the likelihood of these dipshits getting a "totally unexpected heart attack" is almost certain. Like bruh. You got every single risk factor for a youth heart attack and think nothing of it.
I wouldn't worry about these kinds of people long term.

Oh no.
I kind of don't care.
Whatever kind of person Rain is going to groom probably doesn't have enough common sense to not look at the ugly bitch slowly eating her self to death and not even getting a good body.
Like really, Rain looks like a dude. I can't even jerk it to her because she has the fat distribution of a man.
Like how can someone be 600lbs and have no tits?

Case in point why I am not going to date a girl on a feeder site.
Thanks for reminding me. Yeah like when I was on feabie, these morons actually thought Trump was going to do a holocaust on them or something, even though Trump is a fatass himself.
How can someone equate a moderate conservative of 10 years ago, be equated to being a national socalist.
Like am I somehow going to be trying to find 8ft tall bbw girls in the forgotten lands of Hyperborea and purefy their wombs with my half aryan seed because I voted for Trump? Of course not, but that is how these dipshits think.
I am going to just have to settle for some moderate conservative girl who doesn't mind being fat but isn't into the whole feedee bullshit. As much as I want a girl who is 500lbs+ they are all insane.
(343 KB, 1206x2390, 16926.png)
Ai is a jewish golem, and it must be destroyed. Itvs not even intelligent, given the fact that it's code was written by sexually frustrated pajeets.
>There are like a couple dozen artists like this.
Based truth.
>Trans flag
Horny teens aren't that stupid to bypass the age restrictions, plus you don't even have to be on the twitter anyway to get the content.
>Only talks about being fat...
They are the clay from which the trannies are made. They confuse an object of their fetish with their own self, probably autists, may I say.
>Overcharged comissions
Firstworlders get the rope. Not a real job for you, bubs.
>From... it's over
Its literally over.
>Like how someone can be 600ln and no tits
Vile anglo genes. No sexual selection for the desirable fat distribution.

I mean, look at the muslim women. They were (and still are) cats in a bag. So they had an evolutionary pressure to be a cat in a bag that wobbles all over.
Don Zion, his shartiness, commander of the mutt golem, orange shabbo goy, and many many more.
(1.3 MB, 983x723, 1665092670989865.png)
>Like am I somehow going to be trying to find 8ft tall bbw girls in the forgotten lands of Hyperborea...
Oh, I wish.

>How can someone equate a moderate conservative of 10 years ago, be equated to being a national socalist.
It means only one thing. If it doesn't make any difference for them, you might as well be who you want to be.
Fuck them and what they think.
any good salt in this thread? or is it all just loli drama. I can never keep up with these threads, they always descend into the same boring repetitive arguments instead of interesting gossip or critique of artists
Rain deserves all the hate she gets. Fucking no one wants to see a girl who's all belly. I'm sick as fuck of people with bodies no one wants to see posting them online. No one likes small tits period. Why the fuck would she think anyone would want to see a fat chick with small tits, it's pathetic.I wish she would get what she deserves and just have a heart attack already so I can stop seeing her. Can't wait!
(375 KB, 634x798, Screen Shot 2022-11-15 at 10.58.21 pm.png) (158 KB, 1242x641, IMG_3763.jpg)
>Pic Related
There is definitely some good, well deserved stuff in these threads, but they either get drowned out by weird political tyrades, or devolves into a political tyrade itself. Like, what the actual cunt is with it feeling like every single one of these comment change devolves into socialism arguments. At least the Loli arguments are tangentially related. Anyway, Males in WG are hot only when they are well drawn fat traps or shredded pretty boys. Femboys, trans girls and fat men are as the cool kids say "Cringe". Anyway, imma go fap to old chibi trinity fate OCs while pretending that they're underage lolis.
(302 KB, 720x928, Screenshot_20221110-012007.png)
Technically all computers are golemancy. Poisened sand inscribed with golden sigils that imbue the powers of thought and motion. The quaran would call that shit idolitry at best and djinn crafting at worst. Also, as much as we'd like to think horny teens will hide their age like a reasonable person, it is (((current year))) and they have been thoroughly taught that lying on the internet is bad. >>125594
Pic related
The only proper response to cakehoarder in 2022
Dude shut the fuck up, not everyone likes the same body types as you.you sound unhinged, wishing death on someone because you don’t find them attractive.
Girl is eating herself fat on purpose and I'm the unhinged one? Real girls have tits, I don't know why anyone would want otherwise. Too much belly, and she got fat too fast. She's proud of her belly hang and stretch marks which both are disgusting.
I sincerely hope someone targeted caffeinecuts on purpose, I used to like the guy but his shitty South American takes on things that really doesn't concern him got me blocking him after a while
(6.3 MB, 3840x2160, betty.png)
You don't even have to do that! It's turned *off* by default! You have to [opt in]. These actual attention whores are just farming asspats because they get off on watching people go "oh nooo! plz don't leave! :( :( :("

>Why do people support photoshop when thieves put filters over other people's work then claim it as their own?
>Why do people support right click -> save as when it's used to repost art on 3rd party accounts without crediting the original artist?
>Why do people own firearms?

Just fuck me up, fam.
>it's turned off by default
Clarification: It was originally turned on by default, that was the source of many complaints. Only after many the backlash did DA make it so that the option is off by default.
As much as I hate most of the artists, the problem s more like, they already used however many thousands of images without consent, or a thought of compensation to the people who made the shit. I heard of class action lawsuits being filed against the AI companies but I think there is a legal technicality that allows you to use other peoples work without permission if it's for research purposes. If they gave a fuck about being ethical, they would have made it to where you needed to volunteer to opt in at the very beginning when they started making the AIs.
>And I personally just think its neat, and am endlessly disappointed in the lack of actually cool shit these things can make being made. Like I'm the only guy doing stuff like pic related.
I see what you mean, but it's potential was damned early on by the people who used it for selfish purposes. Back to the gun analogy I used, I genuinely feel bad for the people who DO use them responsibly. All it takes is a few bad apples to paint many others in the same light when they don't deserve it.

>I get what you mean, but your analogy sucks.
Trust me. It's not one I wanted to use, but it was the first and unfortunately only one that came to mind.
>belly hang
Wtf are you doing here guy?
You're rooting for a person to die because you don't find them attractive. Whether she's unhinged or not, you're not stable either.
Please disconnect your router and mull over the life choices that led you to have death fantasies over some girl you don't find attractive but other people do
(89 KB, 1024x686, 1660152411225284.jpg)
I was used to put a wee bit more care into my posts, but the jannies made it taxing on my time.
More like ratcuntkek.
You know too, that's good.
It looks like a man.
But anyway, we are we discussing IRL bbw's here? Most of them don't look good, are mentally ill and are overall disgusting sacks of shit.
(2.1 MB, 2400x2018, expl.png) (541 KB, 1762x1687, golly ge-ack.png)
Because they make 'em uneasy.
So they clean it all up.
And I come here again, and they do what they think they need to do (for free!) once more.
Maybe they are simply tired up, or maybe they've thought I'm less of a nuisance to them than they thought I would be.
Thank you for not being a retard like everyone else. I say she as she used to show her pussy for food when she was new. But no one likes that fucking ugly body type and no "positive attitude" is making up for that. Girls a blob in the worst way, if they don got tits they need ass and she's lacking both.
You know you're done with these pathetic threads when you can't understand these modern "spicy" memes. See you guys at the old folks house, we will be rereading In For a Penny tonight
>belly hang and stretch marks
Sounds hot.
Got pics?
(1.1 MB, 1024x1024, 1666841379324186.png)
I am gonna save that Ackjak.
I feel very tempted to use a discord alt, get on his server, and just spam it everywhere and see how quickly I get banned.

Rain's problem is one that will fix it's self.

I know right?
you hate this artist so much for the crime of existing while being trans that you want to traumatize her by spamming her with a shitpost image of her character being fucking HANGED because you think it'd be funny? are you okay?

i hope you can find it in your heart to become a kinder person and grow out of having such a callous disregard for other people because i genuinely feel sorry for you if this is how you actually think
(2.8 MB, 423x315, 4d7.gif)
>traumatize her
>spamming her
>image of her
Trannies are some of the most vile and malicious people you will find online. They just cover it up with le wholesome chungus personas.

You say this over and over and yet I've seen any proof that all trans people are somehow secretly malicious. Meanwhile everytime I look at this thread there's someone wishing death on them just for existing.
(0.1 KB, 1668560858453341.gif.url)
> if they don got tits they need ass and she's lacking both.
I'm an assfag, but why are most assfags genuine retards? The ranking for importance is belly > shit > ass and tits.
>Hating strechmarks
Your favorite SHARTist is shitstainbooale and favorite character is bejita.

>Reddit spacing
>Joining a SHARTist pisscord
>Using pisscord in the first place.
>Western "art"
ENNY RENNY ROO! Kekaldoodle poopyle DO DO DOOO!!!
(251 KB, 595x593, Jiren....png)
>Working with troons in the first place.
>Being a wagie
Highly doubt you've ever worked with one
(306 KB, 929x1175, tuxgun.png) (7.3 MB, 848x784, ACK.mp4)

Hey hey, I can make some more.
>it'd be funny?
Sure, you cannot even comprehend how much fun it really is.
>implying grooming discords dont exist
>implying twitter tranny cabal dont exist
>implying trannies arent sexual predators who enjoy mutilating children
Enjoy your tranny toddlers, my sir.
So we're screaming about trannies again
It's a day that ends in Y on the chan, after all.

I have several friends who are trans. Some of them are open about it, some of them are not. All of them just want to live their life in peace without being harassed constantly.
>All of them just want to force their deranged ideology on everyone, especially easily influenced children

Oh I see
Yeah don't listen to people that actually interact with trans people, just continue to push your warped vision of them so you can justify hating them.
Seriously, who is going around telling everyone to get HRT? I've yet to see a single person proselytizing for everyone to be trans. My experience is the same as >>125872 - they're just doing their thing. Y'all are weird for obsessing over them to this degree.
this board taught me that tranny derangement syndrome is real

you've all been fuckin' influenced by the media into hating trannies as public enemy number one and now every single one of these threads is 50% "muh trannies are ruining muh art". i dont like trannies but every single fucking 4chan community and the media being always about them is more exhausing than anything they themselves have done. can we just fucking complain about fat artists being assholes again
>who is going around telling everyone to get HRT?

the freaks going into elementary schools telling children they should have their genitals mutilated and not say anything to their parents

> influenced by the media

Oh yeah the media that coddles, deifies and protects them calling them brave? That (((media)))?
>the freaks going into elementary schools
Oh, the same ones that are putting litter boxes in classrooms? The thing that's definitely happening?

You ever take a step back and read what you're writing? You sound completely deranged.
why am I not surprised the guy who hates trannies is also an antisemite. theyre not even original anymore and they cant think for themselves, its always some malding virgin shouting in a youtube video or facebook telling them the same shit. yawn. I thought this was a porn site.
It's all merely coincidence huh
What's up with shitter recommending so much AI art? It doesn't look right.
>Rock bottom scrub managed to crawl out of his echo chamber
>Cries that anyone outside of it has limits and calls out the mentally deranged
Oh wow and there's no downvote feature to btfo nazies
This site is the gates of hell. I refuse to elaborate.
>>125921 Okay? Is that why you refuse to be yourself?
These threads are at their worst whenever this comes up. It makes retreading the lolishit seem fresh and welcome.
>>125928 I agree. Lolis are beautiful. I am not so big on cosplay these days, and I never have been from the start to be honest, but lolis, women in uniforms, and the like are classics that could never grow old on me. That's what I told her the last time... Don't go getting old on me, sweet girl. One day I'm going to fuck that pussy. Well, we took a photo together which she kept and I never did see her again. 😢
(733 KB, 754x980, Screen Shot 2022-11-17 at 1.34.30 pm.png)
Ok, I have to ask.
As someone who is completely out of the loop with Saxxon and stopped looking at his art half a decade ago, what the actual fuck is this whole thing about him having a SSBBW harem that he makes art packs of? People have briefly touched upon in a couple threads ago, but at this point I feel out of the loop.
>>125969 LMFAO Yeah you sure sound well-adjusted yourself. Good luck to you, anon.
Love this pic so much; wish D0ncamatic did more with this beauty
>All of them just want to live their life in peace without being harassed constantly.
Well same for me.
Hell, I can't even work in the presence of one.
>be me
>read name from database
>Are you [FuckFace's Name]?
>ThAts My DeAd NaMe

For fucks sake, I don't go out of my way to bother them. But they always find a way to be bothered by something as simple as their old name or forgotten pronoun. And that alone separates them from being normal to ballistic.
I can't live the rest of my life trying to walk on egg shells with a mentally ill group where I am somehow attacking them with words that merely point to them in a conversation.

People like Keflas

I have interactions with them multiple times a week, and I try to minimize them as much as I can because they are unpredictable and quick to anger from really random things.

Hey they scream at me, so its justified.
(1.3 MB, 820x1225, 2361115213234.png) (1.9 MB, 2668x1840, 1660013030033259.png) (241 KB, 984x1222, 1660014177645873.jpg)
If you are friends with trannies, you are just as fucked into the brainy as they are. Accepting insanity as normalcy doesn't make you sane.
>deranged dude in a wig is a woman, because it's just how it is, okay?
Stop playing a fool, faggot. You know well what they do for their (((masters))).
Oy vey! Stop noticing, goyim!
Do you know what *books* did the germans burn back in the 1930s?
Yes, books on transgenderism, gender research and so on.
It is almost as if Weimar republic had an awful lot in common with the present day US.
Kvetch more.
(39 KB, 498x441, where do you think we are.jpg)
The only reason you haven't seen a groomer in person is because they don't think you're a viable target-- simple as that.
It happens a lot online and in schools. The more isolated a person is, the more susceptible. Hell, even in a conservative third-world country it's become normal.

Believe me, I'd *love* to meet a normal trans person. Tried actively looking for them, too, but they're as rare as they come.
Most tend to be terminally online even in face-to-face settings, and it shows. If you give them even the slightest bit of power, they'll try to subvert your institutions and remodel them in their image.
No one who isn't on your side already believes you're making any of these arguments in good faith. You're not trying to "find" trans people, you're easily irritated, you sound afraid to step out of your own house with all this panic. Hell, the conflation with trans and drag is already showing a fundamental misunderstanding of either topic. No one's saying you have to actively like them or include them in your personal circles, but frankly with how you're freaking out over their existence I doubt they want that sort of anxiety in their lives anyway.

You sound scared. Not brave, not like you're fighting a good fight, not outraged for the sake of others. Scared.
(313 KB, 1200x894, IMG_20221117_133748.jpg) (1.3 MB, 2795x4096, 10524.jpg)
It has no soul.
I am on his side. Many others are as well.
>good faith
And you are saying this as if those sexually deviated predators are poor little victims.
Transgenderism shall be eradicated by all the means necessary.
>Hell, the conflation with trans and drag
Itt: damage control
Not playing on your field, buddy.
>Not brave, not like you're fighting a good fight, not outraged for the sake of others. Scared.
Kek, tranny psychoanalysis and intimidation tactics.
(141 KB, 982x1236, 1660666278485051.jpg) (77 KB, 640x595, 1661833289387466.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1165x1589, ovdCgKG.png)
>inb4 tranny psychoanalysis
Since it was memed into existence by a jewish pervert, there should be no questions regarding its validity.
>calls reply intimidation tactics
>first pic is literally a guy with a gun hiding
way to prove his point
(1.5 MB, 600x300, image0.gif)
Did you know that I've replied to two people, no?
Second, the poster above my previous post have replied to >>125997.
I don't have to deal with trannies at my workplace, thankfully.
>guy with a gun
What a mouthbreathing retard gorilla nigger you are.
>"I am ze master race, you are ze degenerate!!!"
They say, posting to a degenerate image board dedicated to a degenerate fetish about massively obese anime women. You would all be hanged in your own ideal society
(623 KB, 640x640, patrick-bateman-based.mp4)
>master race
I am not sure if I'd like to rule over, care for, and direct endless swathes of brown people.
Some things are by far worse than others.
Drooling over the idealized doughy anime girls is rather harmless, unlike the he-ma'ams grooming children.
>You would all be hanged in your own ideal society
Tfw no plump 8ft hyberborean gf. It's literally over. Unfortunately, hypothetical what-is do not apply for the present day cause. Gotta work with the tools you have.
(34 KB, 492x644, kaczynski mail.jpg)
this historically-illiterate fuck's never heard of ted kaczynski
not only delusional, but paranoid with a victim complex too
Every thread becomes less and less about artist and art itself. And somehow dives into politics and people being fucking idiots. Here's my opinion no one asked for. Both the LGBT community and the other side are wrong. We live in an age where this stuff is more acceptable than it's ever been. I have seen my 14 year old cousin and her friends talk about having girlfriends. And while I don't believe it's a bad thing. It gets iffy when just because someone is trans or whatever. They suddenly become infallible. Being aa homosexual does make you special and free of consequences. It doesn't help they try to push their views on you. And some of you guys are complete assholes when it comes to them. You are justified if you don't like trans people and it's your opinion. But every single one is out to "poison our youth". A lot of it boils down to the more pitiful side of the community being louder. At this point we should just make a separate thread so people can take their bs elsewhere.
(131 KB, 1459x828, Fhkyp1JVsAAPQI_.jpeg)
Well, if there was a thread for it, THIS is it. It sucks that the threads are devolving into off topic political drivel, but I would rather it here than infecting other threads. It was a good run, but I fear that these threads peaked at 11 when we caught those catfishes and had those funny "artist visits the thread" moments. And to think that we were getting "These threads are getting old!" comments at only thread 3 or 4. Am I just not perceiving the enjoyment in calling everyone that disagree's with my opinions a ___fag. Is it wrong of me to just want to come home after a long day to browse some silly artists doing silly things instead of political statistic crap that's the kind of none-sense my cow-workers say 24/7 anyway. Please, tell me where the enjoyment in it is. Or maybe I'm the old one.
Turns out the real manbabies were the groypers we met along the way.
The fact of the matter is there's no constant drama that's happening in the fat art community. Keemstar isn't to be found in our corner of the Internet. Some of these threads have current beef and grievances but a majority is rehashing drama and complaints that have historically already been addressed and settled. The artist-specific threads already have people complaining about the latest piece. So threads like these naturally devolve into whining about the medium itself (usually Twitter), and when that gets explored it becomes a culture war time and time again.

The most observable truth is most people aren't that invested or care about this shit. They just wank and move on. It's whoever lingers that want to spew Nazi or ultra-tolerant garbage because the only people around to care are the ones that have nothing else going on in their lives. The thread has long outlived its usefulness, but boy am I glad I don't have to see this unhinged shit in /gen/ - we have enough of that with one individual calling for Zaslav's head on a pike once a day.
I do not understand the reason for this thread existing, but hey I think I'll keep it that way. I thought we were all here to jerk of and fuck off xd
I’m gonna be honest: The LGBT/Tranny/non binary stuff has become a fucking cancer on the BBW community. A lot of these people are extremely hateful individuals that will block you, call you a Nazi and make sure you never get art done or even a commission again if you dare have a right wing point of view.

They’re seriously mentally ill, and I personally blame Tumblr and no one calling out the BBW models who push this stuff
Also gender is not a social construct. I don’t care what Professor Noseberg Shelkstein tells you in college
It's a vent thread
Everyone needs catharsis every now and again
These threads are hilarious when they aren't going full nazbol or "pedo"-hunter. On one hand it's easy to dismiss these people as "obsessed with troons" which some of you absolutely are but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't frustrating to have to wade through a seemingly endless pool of gay shit just to find what I'm actually looking for because [[acceptance]].

Personally, I still haven't gotten tired of the obligatory "AI took my job then fucked my girlfriend" screaming match.
For anyone wondering about all the stuff complaing about gays or trannies on this board: It's just your typical 4chan edgy 20-something year old. They just hate whatever pol/media tells them to. They've just had their pea sized brains so infected with Tranny hatred they no longer have rational thoughts. It's the same thing with jew hate, nobody actually believes this shit, its just a bunch of Pol users who are more terminally online than the fags they complain about and will say whatever's edgiest at the current moment to garner a reaction. They don't have the brainpower to do anything else.

Anyway, controversial opinion probably but I would love it if BWS did less... blobby women. Dont get me wrong I like the massive ladies but I would love it if he did a few smaller girls. It seems most of his output outside of comics are huge girls now.
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That's how you do it. Chopping that reproductive future of your country.
>more acceptable
Oh wow, why? Because it just is, right?
Ah yes, also the (((progress))) thing.
>poison the youth
The proof of homesexualist propaganda propped up by some groups of interest is on your hands. Yet, miraculously, you remain blind to this very fact.
It is.
Hold my updoots kind sir. This explainer that you've posted certainly wasn't targeted at your fellow peabrains, I am assured.
>they just hate whatever /pol/media tells them to
Sure. Before posting, I've held brief consultations with my operations senior, Hauptsturmfürher Chud Jr.
Get your head out of the TV and think straight for once. 4Channels, as many other boards, do not have singular discussion topic, nor do they have a centralised stream of digital goyslop.
>tranny hatred
Incredibly rational.
Imagine being indifferent to such an issue. Or even encouraging it. I don't even know what is worse, so to say. There's an entire pedophilic death cult, but let it be, for it is a good thing (tm).
>jew hate
>nobody believed, believer or ever will believe
Explain why I shouldn't hate them.
They destroy cultures, they subvert nations, they show no respect towards anyone but their kin, they genocide entire civilizations and wreak havoc all across the world.
As for the second thing, nobody ever did. American generals did not, nor some tiny private ever did. They'd rather lose the war than live in a modern jewish hellscape.
>implying they don't control the government both directly and indirectly, via NGOs, government consulting, lobbying by media&financial conglomerates, foreign pressure groups etc.
>implying they don't control the military
>implying they don't control (you)
Off to the pod you go.
>For anyone wondering about all the stuff complaing about gays or trannies on this board: It's just your typical 4chan edgy 20-something year old. They just hate whatever pol/media tells them to. They've just had their pea sized brains so infected with Tranny hatred they no longer have rational thoughts. It's the same thing with jew hate, nobody actually believes this shit, its just a bunch of Pol users who are more terminally online than the fags they complain about and will say whatever's edgiest at the current moment to garner a reaction. They don't have the brainpower to do anything else.
As if the tard who wanted to decapitate TimeWarner's current owner after axing the many cancerous cartoons from HBO totally sounded like a functional adult and it was in a Axel Rosered thread. Who in their right mind wants to summon a personal army because of dumb shit IN A FETISH BOARD?
>make sure you never get art done or even a commission again if you dare have a right wing point of view
Well that's unfair of them and they should be call-
>I don’t care what Professor Noseberg Shelkstein tells you in college
Never mind, still a (you) problem.
Everything you said was wrong
learn not to respond line by line to multiple posts at once retard. jfc you even included a graph, your posts are so overstuffed they fuck up the entire thread.
You ever think we just take drawings of fat cartoon and anime women a bit too seriously?
(31 KB, 688x960, 1661435885114190.jpg)
Well, I would like to assume it's the male competitive nature that makes waifujerk so endearing.
I'd repeat once more, IRL BBWs are horrid creatures. Picrel. Just look at what happens in feabie drama threads.
Than why are you still here?
(161 KB, 586x336, Jiren resolve.png)
Reminder that this arc happening CONFIRMS that Jiren is still the strongest and Goku/Vegeta still aspire to reach his level
Morofags destroyed
Granolahdwarfs FINISHED
Bejitadrones finished
>Implying most of the shit on the board (Excluding dragon ball) look any better than this.
Your faviorte character is bejita.
>Chinksectlover amercia hating race mixers
Ultimate cap was the only good one.
(133 KB, 1280x1025, 1666950385552390.jpg)
>IRL bbws are just look at feabie drama threads
Dude, I wouldn't be a fat fetishist if I thought this.
Feabie girls suck because feabie tells them to neglect their massive bodies that require lots of additional care to keep beautiful.
The trick is to just stay away from feabie.
(320 KB, 671x603, 2e20a961f0fbdbe96ac18ecc30b289c787a3ce614347e2ca4fe0f18fd7757cd6.png)
>At least you can gallery-dl a deactivated account.
How so and how old a deactivation are we talking about here?
That's really my only issue here, been on Pixiv lately and 99% of the frontpage is low effort AI art. I mean, same lighting, same poses and same faces. A thread on 8chan was exploring just how varied your outputs can be if you vary your prompts a bit, yet these guys can't be arsed to modify jack shit.
Is there a list of notable fat deviantArtists who deactivated their shit as of late? I noticed a significant drop in fat art there.
Overall traffic there has been much lower there then I thought it would be. Have been dipping into there infrequently and there's a lot fewer Asian artists then when I had first been there years ago.

DeviantArt has been pushing getting new artists to be noticed, so the front page hasn't been helpful lately. It also doesn't help that November is usually a slow month for fat art anyways.
You'd think based around a holiday where you eat It would be at it's peak. Compared to Christmas or some shit.
>How so
gallery-dl it like normal lol
>How old
The one I did was a few hours, maybe a day after deactivation
Unlike something like Christmas or Halloween, Thanksgiving is not an international holiday. In fact I'm unaware if there are any countries besides Canada and the United States that hold it.
I've noticed this been happening way too much lately. People keep going on about "What about thanksgiving?!?!" Either they don't realise that other English speaking countries exist, or that barely anyone else even celebrate thanksgiving.
I feel like Christmas time used to be the only time of the year where we could consistently expect the majority of WG artists to make a piece. It seems to be a lot less prevalent now though.
Well, with the fear of the twitterpocolypse, it looks like a bunch of artists are setting up alternative sites (mostly discord groups) for their art.

I noticed a distinct name in one of them: our mega autist commissioner Gecko.

So... taking bets on how long until he gets banned.

Wait, what do you mean??? Please explain.
It's the 10th end of twitter this month.
They didn't take lightly when Elon bought their hugbox, so they're running away like cockroaches. Besides twitter was never fucking good.
Lame move because twitter is the webside with the biggest client base for the artists. I think that Elon will able to find more programmers outside of the lefty shits. Some refugees for example, foreighners, or any kind of not-whiny people.
It's going to be even harder to find new art now. At that point, they should start just posting directly here.
You have to understand: Outside of maintaining their echo chambers and orbiters, a lot of them have no idea how to market themselves
(1.1 MB, 900x1046, girls_frontline__hk_416_plus__by_maxfullbody_dfdo72a.png)
Why the fuck is derviantart's main page so godappalling? Fuck whatever algorithm they use. I started to go back to the site again this month after getting over being burnt out on this fetish. All I goo to DA for is fat anime girls, and I was always careful not to misclick a thumbnail, but the main page has been suggesting to most revolting garbage. I don't view fur, fart, diaper, blob, slob or male (including traps) but the main page has been suggesting pics that has two or more on those in it. Pics that would cause the average person to retch. The "show less like this" button does nothing and I think it somehow made it worse. With how DA is I feel like well worded, polite feedback word do nothing.

I stopped going to the main page instead logging in on followed artists' pages just to bypass the filth.
With threads like this, even if I was an artist I wouldn't post shit here out of sheer spite.

Yeah, the DA front page is irredeemable. I still occasionally go dumpster diving and have found some decent stuff, but overall it's not worth trudging through 9 times out of 10.
Use tags for stuff you don't want to see, and "show less like this" works if you actively use the site, since DA only shows stuff relevant to what I like to see right now. Too bad its not a good way to hide AI related stuff without blocking it if it isn't tagged with ai.

But other than that, my feed is good.
>I don't view fur, fart, diaper, blob, slob or male (including traps)
Well, I'd have to believe your word here.
My front page is plagued by AI abominations with comic sans coomer captions.
Anyone who actually thinks the website's shutting down is a fucking moron.
Same and I dont want to even try to search for any art. Absolutly terrible AI shit, male shit, fart/preg shit, etc. Using DA for like a 5 years only for a BBW art.
>show less like this
>DA gives me more like this
Why you would go on deviantart and look at anything other than the people you're already following is beyond me. The only explanation I can think of is not knowing about the watch button or the "popular deviations" tab if you feel like checking out normie stuff.

It's like sticking your head in a dumpster and then complaining about the smell. Was this just your segway to cry about AI for the hundredth time?
(123 KB, 1920x904, Screenshot (4489).png) (109 KB, 1920x833, Screenshot (4488).png) (25 KB, 622x265, Screenshot (4494).png)
Some things never change... >Unquestionable fanboyism?
yUpPiE yEaH yEaH wElcUm!!!111 >Conctructive criticism regarding the characters' inconsistent attractions and goals?
WEAAAAAAAH nO gET oUT!!!1111 I don't get it, does Kip's thread only allow blind fanboyism and his art or mostly art only, because if it's the latter, then why don't the mods delete almost every single written message apart from a few questions/clarifications? If it's a matter of the negative messages provoking arguments, then it's even more retarded, cause the blindly positive ones are just as capable of causing arguments.
Go outside and touch grass if a stupid fetish comic is causing you to spaz out like this.

Be honest, would you say the same thing to a Kip simp if he were to visit the website and accuse everyone of "being ungrateful" and "being too stupid and horny to appreciate Kip's genius"?
>Using BBW Chan
>Go outside and touch grass
Have you seen the stupid shit that these artists say. They are so dumb.
But whatever, many of them said they would delete their deviantart accounts, but didn't up until this AI shit started alongside everything that they have done for the past 5 years.
I don't see why Twitter would be any different unless Elon does something that would force them to leave or would be so inexcusable, like banning porn or something.

Lately it feels like it just wants to recommend me AI art, males, mutual, and scatslob even though I hate all of these. Then if it isn't any of that shit then it is some underage zoomer reuploading art to his account and I have no idea what makes people want to reupload. I can only imagine it is because these kids are so stupid they don't know how to save a fucking JPEG to their harddrive or something.
(900 KB, 1170x2032, 6F4E0B67-08C9-460A-B485-DB9230334BE5.jpeg)
Let’s talk about Nikutsuki,

Okay first off I was using Nitter due to Twitter not letting us see NSFW BBW… EVERYTIME I SEARCH THE NAME IT ALWAYS SAYS PROTECTED!!! Seriously WTF is wrong with Nikutsuki?!!!
>Have you seen the stupid shit that these artists say
I cant understand they way of thinking. As an artist (not from the west) I just glad that Musk would fire so much of these woke shits. Commissioners will not leave twitter just because it is a platform with the biggest user base. Unless commissioners leave, I will not change anything because twitter should be just a price list and it is a way less retarded place as long as you can use it as such.
If I was a Musk, I`d hire some refugees or foreighn professionals. They are good at (over)working and will never shittalk. I myself did a lot of outsource work, never had a problem with a people from US. They pay, I do shit, no complaints.
You're better off blocking those threads, their "comics" have always been boring garbage.
(285 KB, 960x800, Catura.png)
Oh shit, someone made an anime of The Fog.


>how much do you think I report
A bibles worth of text a day.

>Kawaii-Debu said he's going to quit posting on DA
He still used it?

>Trinity-fate deleted all his art from his DA but kept his account up
I'm gonna have to keep tight hold of that Arcana Heart pic.

>right wing
Nah, it's anything right of Stalin since a lot of the shit people get fucked for are things that the left was against before they were driven insane by the mainstream media.

Gundam got practically nothing before her and with her it exploded.

200 for that?! They're so fucking uncreative that gachashit can run circles around them.

A goldmine if you can do good furry art.

>it's annoying that westerners are starting to wear it on their sleeve because they see Japanese artists doing it
I thought that was just Roxas and two or three people outside of fats that wear it like a badge on Twatter.

Rebecca is a grown woman unless we're talking about the blonde from OG Yugioh.

They all look like shit but I can at least give him props for attempting other perspectives.

>You’re always better off coming up with your own fucking character
Almost everyone in the expansion community are creatively bankrupt to the point I don't think they have an imagination or can even dream, and I'm being 100% serious.

People into Western lolis are without taste.

Eh, I think it'll happen a closer to the crap remake of RE4.

A loli can be a pear; they just can't be an hourglass.

>am I somehow going to be trying to find 8ft tall bbw girls in the forgotten lands of Hyperborea and purefy their wombs with my half aryan seed because I voted for Trump
>Of course not
Not with that attitude.

If there's any left, they'll be euthanized within a year from whenever their legalized assisted suicide shit starts up.

Not with the garbage pictures that have flooded this place.

>Elon will able to find more programmers outside of the lefty shits
That's the thing, he doesn't need all that he had; all of the silicon valley corporations are bloated beyond all reason, so all the people on the payroll going nuts over it and just being their usual lazy selves are helping him cut the fat.

Feels good never having bothered with the main page and just using peoples favorites to move around.

That's not out of character for a Japanese artist.
(136 KB, 638x696, 1604382588283.jpg) (160 KB, 983x1104, 1662622892753271.jpg)
Are they really that retarded?
It's barely a fetish comic as it is.
>fetish comic
Don't make me laugh.
Also, only snow around me.
His autistic finnish ass never stops grifting and sweeping his fetishes under the rug of a terrible "fetish" comic.
I suspect he would've been an iconic bureaucrat, given how he seemingly derives pleasure from wasting shittons of paper.

So we go:
>IRL BBWs are nasty, I'd rather have a BMW (picrel, sorta related)
>Trinity Fate, JayKuma and Pixiveo are one person
>SolitaryScribbles thread should fuck off to alt
>Implying Stalin didn't think of fags and trannies as a capitalist perversion (tranny tankies still drool over him)
>Twitturds don't know the difference between the sexually mature girl and a child
I never liked Niku's art so I didn't really care and would rather he stayed locked down.
His women are too tall.
They are so tall in fact, that it becomes almost absurd.
I do not think that Niku's art is bad. The problem is that Japan is a socially conservative country that wants slim and beautiful people. A lot of popular stuff in Japan tend to be soap operas, dramas, none of which fit the ideal Japanese male. The problem with Niku's fat characters is that they don't have layers the same way that Omeda from Bleach, Choji from Naruto, or Majin Buu from Dragonball do. They also don't own it like Kaoruko from Build Fighters Try, or Sonic Meat from Gal-ko does that it inspires horny artists to make porn of them. It's just the artist's fetish, which is odd considering that guro artist 774 went legit with Nagataro. Like Japan has a market for bondage, breast enlargement and everything and Niku can't get them to buy his art cause it doesn't stand out.
(75 KB, 784x1145, media_FZiVF0CXkAAO2UQ.jpg)
You lost me after the first period. My gripe with him is the same as the other guy; he scales their heights as he raises their weights.
(1.1 MB, 1040x872, Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 8.43.10 am.png)
>People are incapable of truly coming to terms with the fact that you play as literal children in Pokemon games
>Acts like a regular ass woman is "Tall Mommy" because, get this, she's taller...than a literal child
This is borderline a repeat of people being like "Age up the characters!!!" and then proceeding to take pervy screenshots of Gloria in Marnies Gym outfit
Them swooning over the hipless NPCs that are taller than the protag isn't them being in denial at the protags age, that's their usual brand of latching on any little thing to feed their perversions.
Gecko speedrunning getting blocked by every artist under the sun
Gecko once again proving to be the commission clown of fat art.
Anyway artist should provide a sketch for a client. If client ok with a bad sketch, it is a client`s problem.
I blame the art direction for Pokemon in the newer games. Generation I-V trainers were just blank slates that the player was supposed to project onto. It is during Generation VI when the character had friends and the conformity started to set. Coincidentally, the villains stopped being criminals and started being ordinary adults is when Pokemon started to lose it's originality.
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I see this happen a lot with Japanese artists but it never stops being annoying. I think it has to do with people wanting to lock things down when looking for work or trying to quell any unwanted attention. In Nikutsuki's case, it could very well be because of reposts.
You're allowed to use "they" and "them" you know. The words have existed well before they were adopted as an identity.
>200 for that?! They're so fucking uncreative that gachashit can run circles around them.
It's funny you posted Catura, because I remember seeing him trying to make his own Draph characters a while back and they looked like really generic DnD cowgirls. I'm like 90% certain he was trying to sell them as adoptables back then, too...
(For the uninitiated, Draph girls are shortstacks with huge tits and horns from Granblue Fantasy, pics related)
>that's their usual brand of latching on any little thing to feed their perversions.
Don't we do the same, anon? I do see some of the appeal because the model looks considerably buffer and taller than most women would, but man that face is giving me some uncanny valley vibes. The character models as a whole look kinda iffy in SV.
To be fair, some things look a bit shoddy in the image, tiny resolution and blurriness aside.
>>126639 Man... I remember he actually said no to piv before. Not sure what the hell happened honestly. But yeah, gecko is someone I hope all artists avoid.

I feel really bad that Lucky Star is associated with this person.
Yeah bro. Basically means I can't commission someone anything to do with LuckyStar without people thinking I'm Gecko in disguise
Kisame here. Don't look at me, I have said that artists like Cross Crescent and Marrazan are flat out crazy trying to make fetish art mainstream. Shocking I know, but sometimes I have to be the bigger man and go back to reality based communities.
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>It is during Generation VI when the character had friends
They always friends adventuring around except for G2 where your rival is a thief; they just weren't titanic ass kissers back then.
>the villains stopped being criminals and started being ordinary adults is when Pokemon started to lose it's originality
Them swapping from criminal organizations to gangs that don't do anything illegal isn't their point of losing originality; they started losing it when they started putting out an increasing number of humanoids, a new version of super forms with every gen, and the massively degraded design quality of both human and Pokemon that has been harder to not see signs of them apeing off popular designs.

That all being said, it ain't surprising it's had a sharp uptick since G5 was the last hurrah before all that was left of the original people was Masuda and then Masuda left before that buggy disgusting looking shit that they just put out.

>It's funny you posted Catura
I went with Catura since she's the only Draph with a tail since she's the cow zodiac. Also because the hair and horns reminded me of Grea.

>I remember seeing him trying to make his own Draph characters
I'm surprised more haven't attempt it; guess they'd have to give people the ability to make their own character before they even think about it.

>Don't we do the same, anon
We're not insufferable about it while they try to get everyone in on it and post whatever the big fad is, wherever they can.
>>126674 Wait, Gecko! Don't go!
>Gecko's a male.
Oh, okay. Nevermind.

Dude, legit contact me sometime. I trust you ain't him. I love the lucky star gals and I wanna repair the situation with folks comming them or even drawing them because of gecko.
(2.7 MB, 4000x3400, Haruhi_and_Konata-1.png)
*looks around*

Huh, I guess all these comms are appearing out of thin air.

I paid for something and didn't like the end result. I wasn't mean to pivko at all, and they were nice, but I didn't like the end result. And that's more than fair considering all the complaining about shit you get for free.

I also recommend avoiding your friend, considering they charge 120 and they both look fucked up. I admit that I might have been mistaken, however when I posted to another server the unedited image the response was "oh God they look paraplegic". And then the one word responses when I was trying to compliment them I interpreted as being passive aggressive and it started to annoy me.

Your art has issues, but people commission you because you are cheap, or because they want to help your situation

And sure I might be wrong, but I think someone shouldn't be charging over 100 dollars for a picture if they can't identify anatomical issues that average people can identify. I even sent back a picture highlighting it and he still didn't know. Haruhi is fucked up too, but not nearly as bad as kona-chan.

Weird how you didn't post the whole exchange. I didn't want to be on your/their server to begin with, I got beamed by the patreon bot.

And if that is *you*, your welcome for the several years of patreon support, dickhead.

The issue is less the complaint and more the vitriol behind it.

If you weren’t rude to the artist but went into a relatively “public” space and said something strongly worded then that isn’t a terrible amount better, it just makes people not want to interact with you.

It’s reasonable to be disappointed with a comm but i feel like most artists offer at least a free revision or two during sketching, so either you denied those despite clearly not liking what you were getting, or you weren’t offered them. Which, in the latter case, if it wasn’t specified as part of the transaction as not being a thing then I think you’d be within your rights to (respectfully) express your disatisfaction privately with the artist and seek a resolution or just write them off for future commissions and go your separate ways quietly.

Fun fact, That drawing you have there was before the artist did fix it and you blocked him entirely for no reason before he could show you, same with me when I tried to fix the situation between you to because I genuinely wanted things to be better.

The hostility you have towards artists is surreal.
Take the money you're "wasting" and spend it on some therapy instead.

You clearly have issues. Lots of them.
Weird how almost every pic you get you say is shit or needs a million corrections. Wonder what's up with that, really makes ya think
I have to say it
Stretchmarks are fucking based but almost every artist is too scared to draw it. The ones that do end up throwing them around haphazardly like glitter and don't even think about placement.
Freckles > Stretchmarks > Beauty Spots
>I went with Catura since she's the only Draph with a tail since she's the cow zodiac.
I figured it was because she was a proper cow, yeah. I couldn't help but show off the other Draphs because I personally don't like Catura much at all, though the bike is neat.
>I'm surprised more haven't attempt it; guess they'd have to give people the ability to make their own character before they even think about it.
I may have seen one or two people do their own Draphs but yeah, not many people seem to do GBF OCs. Could be a fun drawing project, though...
>*looks around*
>Huh, I guess all these comms are appearing out of thin air.
Essentially, to the rest of us, yes.
>I paid for something and didn't like the end result.
That's fine, but-
>I wasn't mean to pivko at all
Maybe not to their face, but you were extremely passive aggressive about the commission you got in a semi-public setting. It looks a bit shoddy to me, yes, but the way you went about voicing your complaints make you look extremely petty.
>And that's more than fair considering all the complaining about shit you get for free.
People don't need to pay to have an opinion on something. You have more right to complain about something you paid for, but again, the way you are handling yourself is making you look less and less like a good client to work with.
>I also recommend avoiding your friend, considering they charge 120 and they both look fucked up.
> I think someone shouldn't be charging over 100 dollars for a picture if they can't identify anatomical issues that average people can identify.
Do you not research into the people you're going to commission? If you're complaining about pricing and quality, why are you commissioning these people? Instead of jumping at the chance to commission your waifus, maybe look for artists that would be better suited for what you want, see if the prices are fair for the quality, and compare their recent work with their old work, their personal work to their commission work, etc. You might suffer from buyer's remorse less if you're more prudent about this.
(3.5 MB, 640x362, echidna-echidna-spinning.gif)
Beauty spots and freckles were cool until literally everyone started giving them to their OCs. If everyone has them, then it's really not very interesting.
Mind elaborating? Sounds kinda crazy.
I appreciate the offer, but, uhhh...No offence, but you'd be the last person I'd want a commission from. I flat out don't like your art at all...
If all else fails, I'll just do it myself. I'm already getting back into studying how different artists draw chonky anime gals and figuring out which styles I find the most appealing to determine the ways I should draw them myself. Not mention I'm getting back into writing stuff (That I hopefully won't delete off the face of the earth like last time)
After all, why should I continue being disappointed in the actions of those that came before when you can just do it yourself.
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I'm impressed by how much of a fucking loser you are, even by THIS board's standards. Like Jesus Christ, at this point you should just take up drawing instead of harassing artists for not being mind readers. Either that or you need to fuck off the internet and go to therapy for your obvious issues, I dunno.

Either way, something's gotta give, faggot.
Damn bro you coulda lied you didn't have to teleport behind him like that.
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>If all else fails, I'll just do it myself. I'm already getting back into studying how different artists draw chonky anime gals and figuring out which styles I find the most appealing to determine the ways I should draw them myself.
>After all, why should I continue being disappointed in the actions of those that came before when you can just do it yourself.
This is the way. At the end of the day, only you and you alone are suited for turning your own fantasies into illustrations in a way that you find the most appealing.
However, this attitude you're giving off doesn't really scream "aspiring content creator", as spite isn't good fuel for artistic growth.
Good luck proving me wrong though.
That is very true. I really don't want to be a hateful human being that only fuels my creativity through negativity. I suppose something more akin to positive passion is the true way to go.
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>Stretchmarks are fucking based but almost every artist is too scared to draw it.
They're a challenging element without much demand. Even an artist with a solid grasp on advanced skin shading techniques has difficulties getting stretchmarks to look just subtle enough and not like claw marks or veins. And even if you pull it off with flying colors, a lot of people simply don't like them even if they're competently illustrated. Too much work for something that is likely to just lower the overall appeal of the illustration.
Pic semi-related
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>however when I posted to another server the unedited image the response was "oh God they look paraplegic
Offering sketch previews and revisions is standard practice. So were you not provided one or did you greenlight a bad sketch?
Seriously, dude, just use your money to invest in a pen display already and start learning to draw, I wanna see what kind of content a bitter little angel like you would shit out. Do it to own the artists!
I was just super upset by the render and wrote like one sentence to express my disappointment, which to me is better than getting super angry about it. As far as "rage quitting the server" I knew it was going to be people just talking about anime shovelware and gacha games and fat shit 15 minutes in so I was just mostly shitposting and rant about cumstar (battletech, nothing to do with mochi) until I got banned or tired of it. The people in those servers are completely alien to me.

>people don't need to pay for an opinion
No and some of then have good points, but typically I only really complain about shit I have some involvement in. But my point was that people rag on stuff like kips comic forever however me being agitated is a big deal The big difference is that I don't do it anonymously.

I more or less just felt bad about bailing on pivko the last time, because we were going to do all 4 of them but I changed my mind because I didn't think it was a good idea until I had then do something simpler first. I more or less only went through the softservice commission (squigly) for similiar reasons, I felt like I unfairly and harshly misjudged their character, and going through with it and leaving them hopefully a acceptable tip would be the best option. I will also say that while I believe they did it out of spite (I know you aren't stupid and know who you contacted) they were actually extremely friendly.

I also will say I do feel like I misjudged Jay's friend too, I interpreted him as being passive aggressive so that's why I blocked him, I interpreted it as "Show me how" and I'm not fucking clippy, but even Malcolm said i likely just misjudged it.

>do you research these people

I didn't really for Jay's friend because he pinged me specifically to sell me comms, I only really looked at the sheet, so I figured why not if he wanted to do it. Plus his twitter is mostly futa content which is not something I wanted to see. I got shouted down the last time I tried to say something positive about him, but no I don't really hate the dude, I was just getting annoyed at the perceived aggression.
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>The people in those servers are completely alien to me.
You're a strange, angry person that people have a hard time relating to even here, and this place houses the angriest, most outspoken of autists. How does this not make you question some aspects of how you see yourself?
I guarantee that your issues run deeper than just having a short fuse, that's literally just a side effect of getting constantly frustrated with your inability to understand how people work.
Go to therapy, or find yourself a girl, or do some psychedelics, or fuck off, just please do something other than this.
How many times do you plan on going through this endless loop where you comm someone, proceed to sperg out, then write some half-hearted self-reflection post, only to repeat the cycle all over again in a month?
Oh no, a guy who barely produces anything amazing anymore is retiring, what a shame. Anyways
This is honestly getting depressing now, dude. When you can't even last 72 hours in a discord server without sperging out and embarrassing yourself, act so damn weird and passive aggressive around the artists you work with, and when not even the bitchiest of babies in this thread can relate with you, maybe it's time to realize that there isn't some grand conspiracy of fat artists hating the konata guy, but that you're fucked in the head and need help or some other outlet way more than you need a 300 pound blue haired loli
I completely forgot about him and his art.
I just noticed the new king of fat art aka BWS has hit $9k/month on his Patreon while Kip isn't even at $7k anymore. How do you guys feel about this? Deserved or not?
I don't think there is a king of fat art. BWS is a talented artist, but he doesn't play around with how fat or heavy he makes characters besides size comparison/difference or the occasional stuckage. Not much fat play or having weight break things. But to answer your question, I think 9k is undeserved. Somewhere between 4k to 6k would be more fitting for his art.
Deserved. His work has taken a dip. His style is unappealing. He refuses to draw pass what can be see as a bloated belly. And had the audacity to try and be "funny" about it in his comic instead of taking the criticism and improving.

As for BWS. His art work never hit me. Not that it's bad. In fact. I'd say it's great. Minus a few errors here or there. But it's just not for me.
Also Kip shouldn't be making more then 2k at most for the art they do. Only makes that much because they've been part of the community longer then most so people's loyalty carries them further then it should.
BWS deserves the 9k as an artist, and as a business it makes sense as he is constantly pushing himself and the envelope of the art quality for the entire community.
Kip gives me the vibes that they have 'hit their number' at some point and could care less if it says 7k or not, so long as it says a number greater than xk that they can live off of. Compare to BWS, SweetDreamCoffee, YummySinpie, Pixiveo who run their comics with pages ahead on Patreon. Putting out advertisements for their Patreon, let you know on each public page that there is more available right now on Patreon! And then Kip... who doesn't even care to post a simple link on their DeviantArt posts which are the same pages up to date with his patreon anyways. Some people had this weird corpo-idea of Kip but they're definitely intentionally not trying to generate more revenue. A genuine lack of care to chase it. Content is king, so they're still doing good but no ambition for more. It's very curious, but respectable.
I don't like celebrating people losing but I do think Kip is pretty overrated, they only stand out because they're a medium sized fish in a small pond, also they feel like more of a 'bloated belly' than a fat fetishist so my tastes don't align with them. BWS is pretty good, I like their recent comic output although their textures can look a bit plasticky and they draw too many blobs for my tastes.
agreed, artists focus too much on visual comparisons and not enough on the scenarios their characters are put in. a great piece of weight gain fetish art tells a story and the stories in BWS's art aren't particularly unique/memorable imo. You can never imagine characters from most fat artists existing outside of a fetish context, they're not real, they've just objects to put in stock scenarios with stock responses :/ (I still like their art though, easily in the top 5 fat artists for me)
>artists focus too much on visual comparisons and not enough on the scenarios their characters are put in.
RounderSofter is great with how he handles the scenarios he puts characters in while showing off details that shows what makes them heavy and fat.
I just find it wild that there are actually people making a living off of this. I'm just glad to see people who've "made it" and aren't hiding their income yet.
Gonna be real. I've criticised you before for being unreasonable with artists but if this is really supposed to be Konata then you do have a case to be displeased. They couldn't even get the color of her eyes correct, and the hair doesn't seem like Konata at all.

But the issue again is the manner in which you approach artists with these problems.
(294 KB, 350x836, kagami_0.png)
Fairly sure it's supposed to be Kagami. Hair and eye color match.
Yeah, that's the thing, there's no way any commission should get that far off base unless you're dealing with a real asshole of an artist, and that only happens once in a blue moon and usually ends up becoming a known problem in the community. Having repeated gaffes like this with multiple different artists means there is something seriously wrong with how he's communicating with them. You can't just hand someone a prompt and then say "Have at it!". Commissions are a multi-step iterative process with lots of review involved
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It is called the consequences of your actions.
Just because you are an oldfag with a bloated ego doesn't mean people are still blind to whatever you do.
It's impossible for him to not be a fetish artist, since his art is mediocre on its own. But now he shapes the whole situation the way he wants to quit it.
Those retards who keep cheering "I'm here for the plot" are no fucking better.
True, I'd reasoj that he should have earned 2.5k mo. Maybe even less than that, just because you're an oldfag doesn't mean you are any better. He simply doesn't make enough content, both in quality and sheer quantities.
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>outie belly button
Supercharged turbo vomit. Zero taste, zero.
I've read that in Chris-chan's voice. Maybe in the alternate reality Chris got his grubby hands on the tome of lucky star manga. I don't know if that's any worse.
I disagree. He should be comming more Konata art because it makes my peepee big.
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>I personally don't like Catura much at all
I like her mostly for the fact she doesn't pussyfoot around what she wants and that she pissed off Twatter when people found out she was 15.

>I don't know if that's any worse
Of course it's worse; instead of being tied to the furries, he'd be rampaging across all of anime.

Such is the curse of being a Japanese created character but if you're confident and have the power to back it up, you can still get all the chicks.
Happy to hear about BWS doing better, people may be divided on the sizes he tends to do but I generally enjoy his work. From what I've seen they aren't an awful enough person to bite the hands of the people giving him money and free advertising.

Unlike Kip who should be making much less on that alone, what he's making now has a lot to do with the amount of his shills spamming his work on this site and (at least long ago) other image boards and his quantity over quality approach to his godawful comics.
After all this series of threads originally came into existence because people kept complaining about complaints about the comic, and why wouldn't people complain about Kips "fetish comic"? It's barely a "fetish comic" with barely any fetish and almost no porn, featuring anime-ized generic high school bitches playing a 500 page slog of "will they or won't they" all spammed on this fetish site where the main purpose is for finding images of said fetish to wank to.
I still agree with the notion that Kips comics do not belong on this site.
SaS. I personally can't stand the voices they do for characters. They seem to be nice and decent people from what I've seen.
(90 KB, 785x1000, 1637905305029.png)
>be you
>can't draw fat girls, except for some questionable bloatlords with beer guts
>don't make any alts of your pinups
>drag out your >free comics to pure retards into subscribing to your patreon, hoping there would be something more to all of it
>boring poses
>no fucking whatsoever, plain and puritan drawings of girls with their privates covered
>larp as a good writer
>have an army of blueballed angsty cucks to whiteknight your digital slopjob
>still have more credit than countless other artists
VGH, he should try to make some comics
I'll mirror what an earlier anon said: Kip seems like he hit his goal a long time ago and therefore sees no need to continuously shill his patreon. BWS from a sheer output perspective is fine and probably the deserves the 9k/month, but the sheer number of hoops you have to jump through in order to commission him if your name isn't Lucyguy is still wildly unprofessional imo.
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【Sad News】
Talentless has-been Keij laments that nobody wants to see the gay furry drawings he's been tanking his career with over the past half-decade anymore!
I never get why some people act like there's a conspiracy against male stuff when the answer is super simple. Alot of people in this community aren't gay or bi.
maybe not even that, since ive seen male related works getting lot of attention aswell.

but Keji's art is not really that appealing for most.
everyone fucking draws maleshit these days, the real issue is Keij has always acted like a tremendous prick for years, was always a blatant mercenary artist and has ostracized himself through his attitude and wants to cry and whine about it now while blaming other artists.
He does do other comms, you just can't tell because they aren't all of the same character. But he absolutely does.
Maybe it's because you've been in the same spot in terms of quality since 2015 and many of the ogs you where friends with dropped the community, or went over young promices who got popular quickly.

Not even Robot001 is as dense as him.
That asshole was screwing shit up long before he started doing males and furry.

>Maybe it's because you've been in the same spot in terms of quality since 2015
Nah, the guy's skill level has degraded.
Why do so many of these "artists" in this fat bbw community behave in such an unartist type of way?

From their speech down to their behavioral mannerisms literally none of them resemble neither the hollywood artist stereotype or any artist I have seen in real life. Where are these bbw artist from and why are so few of them female? 🤔 I would've expected many more fem and lesbians and I guess these descrepancies sit well beside the observance of the poor quality many of these art pieces have that even by porno material standards border on the quality you might get from a parody work (which is part of fair license btw.)

Anyway..... Artists are generally more mature than what I see and read on these twitters threads. I don't know. And the women are sexy as fuck! I briefly dated a chubby hentai artist who was okay, but basicly all female artists I have seen in real life were the most incredible women you can think of. I don't understand this community it seems incomprehensible in my mind.
>Everyone draw their lines while jerking off to bottom of barrel fetishes
It's current year, weird ass paraphilias should be accepted.
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>Why do so many of these "artists" in this fat bbw community behave in such an unartist type of way?
>why so few of them are female
Because if someone draws a woman, it's highly likely they drew what they want to fuck.
But the women want to get fucked by someone, and not the other way around.
>more of them lesbians
Come on, come on. Irl lesbians =/= "lesbians" in porn or hentai manga.
>dated an artist
Methinks based
>this community
Its hardly a community.
Circlejerk of anonymous chronic mastrubators maybe? It's nofap now btw
>I briefly dated a hentai maker.
>she was okay girlfriend at best.
>BUT practicslly all female artist in my life have been incredible people and many of them cute.

To be fair when I say dated I mean we were friends and we fucked a few times. She was chubby and I wasn't interested in her until she gained a few more pounds. Over the course of tge furst 2 years after we met her ass got huge, she was sort of cute, and she was really really really hairy. These were the things that attracted me to her, but when I found out about the hentai it excited me, but she wasn't good in bed. At all. She loved talking about her love for sucking cock and how it hurt her jaw when the dick is big. She was a slut, but she wasn't a good sex partner not even in the slightest. At least the vagina was big and hairy. She was.... a hairy girl.

No confidence. No initiative. No talking dirty during sex. It's like she would doze off into a dream. She was concious about her body. Had self esteem issues about how her butt looked. When she sent me nudes out of nowhere she would cover her butt and other areas that she fidn't like abouy herself. She would try to keep her bra on which lasted until I got pissed off one night. She wasn't even hideous looking she was just a mess. The sex could've been much better if she was fatter and not a nerd. She had photos of herself sucking her ex husbands cock on her pc as her wallpaper. With a bunch of spit everywhere hanging down but I never got her to deepthroat me because I was already disillusioned by the rest of it. In conclusion, she was odd.

I guarantee that there are much better female artists out there that are way better at sex.
This does look awful, I'd be pissed too. Why didn't he tell piv to change it?
Because he's a retarded manchild who doesn't know how to properly interact with people.
I dated a woman like that. she was thicc, huge belly and could not stop gaining. the reason why she kept gaining was depressing. all of us get stressed out. her coping mechanism was and is either food or sex. she had zero self confidence. she hated her body, her job, and her life. she barely wanted to be around me so shed txt me all the time demanding sex but I barely ever got any. she wanted sex but never wanted to let me come to her house and she hated traveling. because of that she barely left her house and she didn't get sex either. this resulted in her stuffing her face. so every time I saw her she was even bigger. she hated her body. she liked that she got bigger breasts. her behind got ridiculously large and she was proud of that. but her belly? hated it. the only thing she liked about herself was her breasts and her behind but anything else including her hair she hated. shed talk a big game all night long about how she was going to tear me apart and all sorts of things shed do but get her in the bedroom and she froze. she just did not know what to do at all. I don't have much experience but I knew that was horrible. the very few times we had sex it was with the lights off. she would not let me see her body. she wore a shirt. she would not let me see her belly. I could not touch her belly. she told me many times that she hated me for liking her belly. I liked all of her and told her that many times but she focused on the belly. it got to the point that I overthought everything in the bedroom and we know what that does. it'll kill an erection in seconds. I couldn't get erect with her at any point whatsoever. she grew to hate me. I took viagra and did everything I could to get hard for her. it never happened in the bedroom. shed grind all over me in the street, talk dirty and get me hard outside but once we got in that bedroom everything ended. meanwhile, id go home and see a video of some big bellied woman rubbing her belly and get erect in seconds. it took me years of this mess to realize it was her. years of her being mad at me for not getting erect and leaving me sitting there staring at the wall. she did the bare minimum sexually. I mean shed do oral, go down three times and quit. she wouldn't talk. no dirty talk at all. I was just supposed to see her, in this huge oversized shirt in the dark, and get erect. then when it didn't work shed txt me and guilt trip me telling me I better figure out how to get hard before she found another man. I dealt with this for years. what finally ended it was her telling me that she did not care what got me off, she wasn't doing anything I liked and then telling me what she wanted me to do. I had already decided to try to find a woman who had some confidence and that was the final straw. I stopped talking to her after that.
not really a convo for the man baby thread but I wanted to tell my story since you told yours.
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>the sheer number of hoops you have to jump through in order to commission him if your name isn't Lucyguy is still wildly unprofessional imo.
Even if BWS dropped lucyguy entirely, what kind of waiting times do you think you'd be looking at if commissioning him was easy? There's probably over a hundred people who'd be eager to comm BWS at the drop of a hat, and not all of them will ask for just a simple pinup. Even if he dropped all his other art obligations and nuked his patreon, he'd never clear the queue, he'd be getting new orders faster than he can draw.
I'm a shit tier artist, especially when compared to BWS, and even I get comms coming in too fast for me to keep up with, even though I charge pretty standard rates. There's a reason why a lot of artists aren't taking comms at all most of the time.
How would you handle comms if you were BWS?
Oh yeah, my thread contribution is that I think Takamoom is an insufferable faggot and a hypocrite for throwing Roxas under the bus while retweeting FoF who draws shota pred vore.

>she hated her body. she liked that she got bigger breasts though.
That's literally all women on Earth.

>shed talk a big game all night long about how she was going to tear me apart and all sorts of things shed do but get her in the bedroom and she froze.
That's all women.

>she just did not know what to do at all. I don't have much experience but I knew that was horrible. the very few times we had sex it was with the lights off. she would not let me see her body. she wore a shirt. she would not let me see her belly. I could not touch her belly. she told me many times that she hated me for liking her belly. I liked all of her and told her that many times but she focused on the belly. it got to the point that I overthought everything in the bedroom and we know what that does. it'll kill an erection in seconds. I couldn't get erect with her at any point whatsoever. she grew to hate me. I took viagra and did everything I could to get hard for her. it never happened in the bedroom. shed grind all over me in the street, talk dirty and get me hard outside but once we got in that bedroom everything ended. meanwhile, id go home and see a video of some big bellied woman rubbing her belly and get erect in seconds. it took me years of this mess to realize it was her. years of her being mad at me for not getting erect and leaving me sitting there staring at the wall. she did the bare minimum sexually. I mean shed do oral, go down three times and quit. she wouldn't talk. no dirty talk at all. I was just supposed to see her, in this huge oversized shirt in the dark, and get erect. then when it didn't work shed txt me and guilt trip me telling me I better figure out how to get hard before she found another man. I dealt with this for years. what finally ended it was her telling me that she did not care what got me off, she wasn't doing anything I liked and then telling me what she wanted me to do. I had already decided to try to find a woman who had some confidence and that was the final straw. I stopped talking to her after that.
That's literally all women.

It's not that they don't know what good sex is, if the see it they certainly can recognize it the thing you did not take into account is that that is what women do and that's what they are all like. I have never had a problem with them despite this in fact I expect a woman to behave this way and womanly. I guess perhaps I have low expectations for women.

Literally the only time I have ever wished I had viagra with me was during anal sex. I have never tried it before although I have heard good things and know it is cheap these days. Anal sex is a must at least when the butt is beautiful not with an ugly butt, the only thing is staying erect with a full hard on while my dick is covered in a woman's crap's smell is in the air and all over her butt and everywhere... It's not as easy as you may imagine it to be. Eitherway it's got to get done one way or the other, and when the butt is beautiful trust me bro you don't even stop to think about it you just jump right in. It's better than nothing and to be honest I prefer all natural even if I have to deal with the crap I wouldn't have it any other way, but love is hard work. If you love her then you're supposed to already know what you must do, right? I am sure anal sex is many times better with viagra but I don't want to become addicted to it. I love a beautiful woman's poop on my dick, but it is difficult for me to stay erect with all the scenery and the smells and especially thinking about it.... So like I said I just don't think. I look at the beautiful butt and when I penetrate hard I turn my focus on the girl and the sex. Once my dick is covered in poop then it's easy to stay erect after that point I can get into a rhythm and cum inside her. It's work. I don't mind the work if it's with a good looking girl though or a girl I am in some way attracted to or like. I wouldn't go fucking any random girl up the ass though, lol. I don't think I would do it even if she were to pay me to be honest. I like beautiful women's poop.
…y’know maybe dying alone isn’t so bad after all
>>126985 It certainly could be much worse.

I agree though.... poop isn't for everybody. Rather it can be, but it isn't. That might be why I hate programmers, develooers, and those types of people because of how fucking lazy most of them are. I think I hate lazyness... and those who fail to do things properly. I'm not sure.
anal was never an option bro. nothing was an option but getting hard from being aroused by darkness, getting her off and crying into my own pillow because you probably haven't gotten this yet but the last thing she cared about was getting me off. I was just an erect penis to her and I couldn't get erect.
listen, that relationship has me so furious I might need counseling. you get caught in a constant string of 'what ifs' and 'if only'. 'what if' she actually cared? 'if only' she wore something like this. and she has the nerve to be mad at me?
what do you expect from another grown ass man troon who types like a hyperactive 12 year old girl?
>>126995 Take it easy, dude. I am sure it's not as deep as you think. It's not a good look for men to be complaining. And complaining about women? Na, dude. Don't do that here unless it's like your crazy mom that you're talking about. My mom used to piss me the fuck off too until I grew up and learned how to deal with her like a man. Woman don't like little immature boys, bro. Don't you know? Not even when it's your own mom. Sooner or later you're going to have to grow a huge massive fucking penis. And believe me when I tell you, the sooner the better! It's no secret. The pussy is sweeeeeeeet!
Better story then Kip's.
>Anal sex is a must at least when the butt is beautiful not with an ugly butt, the only thing is staying erect with a full hard on while my dick is covered in a woman's crap's smell is in the air and all over her butt and everywhere...
Did you ever consider, that maybe I thought the sketch was fine, but not the final result? I wasn't even pissed, just super disappointed. I would say it doesn't look like the character at all, but I attributed that to ls not really having super standout designs.

And if I asked for changes it would turn into what the other person was complaining about by asking for "a million adjustments" when generally it's like 2 or 3, or something weird they put in without me asking for it, or in the case of the haruhi one, being way fucked up.

Not to mention the several artworks I paid in full for and haven't ever gotten, but I can't do anything about it without it turning into a "community event" at this point.

I also wanted to say that, good fucking lord Jay, I never realized how much of an asskisser you are. You don't need the approval of a bunch of anonymous whiners.
If I was a commissioner I'd stick to a few good artists who can replicate the original design without any mah style excuses
what happened to the site being inaccessible these last phew days, some kind of reboot?
You sound like a jew...

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