
There originally was one a few months ago but it never really got traction because of the popularity of other threads. Hopefully this one goes somewhere.
These threads never last because everyone always posts the girls morbidly obese and blobs rather than their actual shapes
Does any Kusahanada-San exist?
>>137286 Considering the context of the third picture's dialogue, that's a pretty fucked up way to die.
>>144292 Ditshick said he was too busy with life and has been going through burnout in SESWY chapter 9, so for now, unless he comes back or someone else that isn't Seven Seas translates it, it's dead rn.
>methonium's skeb was open for literally 20 minutes and then closed before I could even finish typing a request
what the fuck
Seems like that's just how it is with big name artists, you need something ready to go in advance. I'd probably just cave and request someone cheaper instead of waiting though
>>151286 Make fries great again?
Save this thread
There's a pic of the elf San girls in a mc, Donalds on mobility scooters, can anybody find it?
brand new chapter up on LINE
Just out of curiosity, is someone gonna pick up the series and translate it?
What do you mean? It's been picked up for awhile now
>>160772 I'm saying a replacement for Ditshick, not Seven Seas.
>>162376 I just now realize there's a new chapter on MangaDex holy shit
>>162407 same guy how did he manage to pull it off with almost every girl
>Kuro fat as shit
>still has small tits

This artist is clearly an actual reader of the manga.
Kuroeda is the best girl :33333
I think one of my favourite things about this series, as a sidenote, is the author's sheer dedication to pretending like this totally isn't a blatantly obvious fetish manga.
Anyone know when chapter 12 of Shin Elf-san comes out?
Well since you mentioned it; Seven Seas has been rereleasing the original manga run. Aside from the different covers, is there anything else that was changed?
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Happen to own a couple of physical copies. It's really a cringefest to be honest, just imagine the worst the manga can offer, plus it's really doubtful that the author adors fatties. Oddly enough it's more like he is mocking them. Maybe that's a sub fetish, but definitely not for me.
Because there is fat shaming almost on every page
was it more kinky teasing them for being greedy or genuine 'fat people are disgusting and I resent having to draw them' type content
Weeeel, neither. It feels like the author ashamed of his kink
>Synecdoche abhors fatties

Look up Methonium and Synecdoche's other artwork. He even does artwork of fat artist OCs like Lewdsona. I don't have the image, but it's Lewdsona's OC with Kuroeda.
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Don't know what manga you've been reading, but it sure as hell isn't this one

Loads of BBW artists have pics of fatties being teased over being fat, them getting stuck in stuff, struggling to fit in clothes and being unhappy being fat. How many pieces on this site feature fat women bursting out of their clothes, struggling to fit in something, getting stuck on doors, being unhappy at being fat, or being teased/mocked for being fat?

What Synecdoche has done with the BBWs in his story is no different than what artists in the states have put BBWs in.

I think if they were maybe ashamed, Japan is known for being very fatphobic. If any of us wonder why there's not that many BBW in anime/manga, or fat people look cartoonish/ugly, that's why. Though they have posted pics of BBWs on their Twitter and since they've done 3D posing so maybe they aren't that ashamed of their kink.
Yeah, size difference / inconvenient hypersexuality is like half the appeal of fat fetishism. Teasing (especially) comes with the territory, but I can see how too much of it can come across as shaming.
The designs in the series and art Synecdoche shared shows an interest in plump women. Most anime/manga design fat people with ugly/cartoonish faces, and the builds to be balls on tiny thin legs with tiny thin arms. The proportions in the series are more realistic and even. The distinguishing between the girls builds shows more effort to distinguish fat women than in most anime/manga.

For the weight loss aspect of the story, well how else can one justify a story where a lot of fat women would hang around? Until the glorious day that a female sumo manga happens with scantily clad plump women wrestling happens, or it's set it in a fat future, or a fantasy world where plump women are desired. It would be hard to justify a lot of fat women in a story especially in Japan where fatness isn't that common and looked down on.
What do you mean by inconvenient hypersexuality?
>What do you mean by inconvenient hypersexuality?
Just experiencing minor inconveniences in everyday life from being so big, well-endowed, etc. Like that other anon said as an example: getting stuck in chairs and doorways because your thighs/hips/ass are too thick/wide/fat. Or when you can't tie your shoes or type well on your computer because you have difficulty seeing/reaching past your chest. When your flesh starts ripping, popping and spilling out of your clothes because, among other things, you've developed a spare tire around your belly and would rather not think about it. The (quite literally) growing realization that your daily habits are changing your body in such a way that society cannot as easily accommodate you. Does that make sense?
Oh I realized I'm talking to the same person lol sorry; need to go to bed
Got it. So would works where a woman's big boobs causing her problems count? Like big boobs block sight, they jiggle up and down. It being hard to find bras? What about a story where a conventionally attractive woman (Thin, curvy, long legs, big boobs) has her clothes torn off? Or is held up in bondage or has her boobs stuck her on something?

Just thinking of scenarios like that that can happen outside FA circles and how it's done with conventionally attractive women.
>So would works where a woman's big boobs causing her problems count?
I'd say so. Hypersexuality isn't exclusive to fat fetishism, but it'd be difficult to express one's fat fetishism without it. The intensity or frequency of those minor inconveniences from the scenarios you and I described is what sets it apart I think. The same could be said about all sizeplay-related kinks such as muscle and tall girls—both of which show up in Synecdoche's work as well.
Does anyone know when chapter 12 comes out for Second Helping?
God hasn't forsaken us!!!
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>>184536 I had a feeling something was happening! Is there a trailer or anything?

>>184569 If the Twitter freaks won't accept it, there's (assuming) gonna be backlash for not supporting "body positivity" within said crowd. Calling it now.
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What fuck are you talking about?
It's more likely that whatever studio will animate it will make her generic anime girl thin and then have characters go "Woah check out the lardbelly, any bigger and we'd have to crane her out"
>>184574 What I'm saying is that the people that preach about "body positivity" and screech about "fatphobia" will only become hypocrites if they criticize the anime.

Even if the cast is at most, just chubby, except for that one chapter in Volume 3 where Satero fattens Erufuda and Naoe up.
>Reddit spacing
Listen, we're both inventing people and scenarios, but look:
>Studio plays it too safe
>our flagship series is sunk
>People are annoying on twitter, again
>>184577 The fuck is Reddit spacing I'm just typing so that it looks more comprehensible
lol they're going to make her a gonk and turn the guy into the MC and the humour comes from him rejecting the delusional ugly fat elf calling it now
It can look mid in some places but it needs to look good where it matters. The bellies. If they are given no depth and not animated well, the whole show will suck. They have to actually listen to Synecdoche and render the rolls and the chub as good as he can.
Is the anime actually confirmed though? I thought that there were just rumors...I cross fingers so it's actually true thoughof course but I don't want to have my hopes up just to be disappointed.
>>184749 There's various announcements over Twitter but I don't think Synecdoche said anything on his account
>>184783 Going off my comment on Synecdoche, I stand corrected.
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We made it buds! For real fatty anime!!!!
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Here is the image that came with the announcement
haven't watched any anime in years, I'll definitely follow the only fat fetish anime that will ever exist though
I honestly hate anime that are like this, that's just full of softcore porn. But I'm so split with this series. It has chubby anime girls, and I think it's great for it to have some. But at the same time I don't really wanna waste my time watching an anime with nothing substantial.

But some of the characters look pretty cute ngl. Although the elf is retarded, definitely a favorite of mine.
I agree completely. I like chubby girl part, but wish the manga had more substance. It be different if the dark elf was the main character, because always in most manga make blonde elf the protagonist. If dark was main character with her big but that be interesting. Dark Elf fails to slim down.
Will this be our Trojan Horse to bring this fetish to Japan?
I hope so, perhaps it can inspire more works with plump women doing fanservice in anime/manga. To see if the day comes of ecchi that focuses on plump women. As well as a sumo ecchi with BBWs. Maybe this show can help inspire such things in the future.
To me, this is the best case scenario. Imo PSE is really mid but if this is what causes more japanese studios to not make fat a joke everytime in anime, then I think it'll be worth it
I wonder how far the series will go, assuming it's just a 12 episode series. Would it go all the way out to the end of Elf-san Part 1? Or would it end with Erufuda's aunt?
If the show succeeding does cause anime to actually treat fat girls like people and not gags it’d just be fucking great.
Or be many creators passion patties, the thing that helps them realize that they love fat women and should create something with fat women.
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Apparently the author is female IRL and is apparently also chubby. Pic drawn by the author of her apparently IRL self.
I thought synechdoche was a guy at first, no way!, shes kinda hot ngl :)
>>185519 I believe Synecdoche is a guy. There was a signing video back before September in 2019 on the Twitter account and it was a guy signing it with doodles of the private part censor stickers.
Maybe he just drew these as a masturbatory joke then. Some artists do that. Tbh it doesn't really matter what gender the author is, the art's still great
So could synecdoche be a dude who did these pics as an genderbent idealized self? Like if I did a pic of myself as a BBW?
Mangaka rarely, if ever, represent themselves with how they actually look. Most Japanese manga and LN authors I've seen usually keep their real faces hidden and I imagine Synecdoche wouldn't be any different
Delusional. I can’t gaze up his art without knowing immediately that he is a man of impeccable taste.
Seeing that we are protected by the families. You cant kill me I cant kill you. Better pay me your taxes.
>>186652 fag think he a mafia boss
that is not at all the reality, yeah she might not be that fat but shes fatter then what you have.
I just hope the show looks better than the shitty drawing up on the website.
the important thing is that we're even getting a show. if it does well we might see an explosion of BBW or at least chubby manga girls
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We got new designs over here for the anime
looking a lot better. was kinda worried when i first saw the announcement
Looks way better than the ad they got up on the website, doesn't look cheap save for the hair.

And Dark Elf looking thick, I like how this is turning out.
>>193152 (BTW, I'm the guy who asked the same question in the Community thread) I just wonder how far the series is gonna go anime-wise. I'm assuming it'll probably either go to Erufuda's aunt as the end, the Gorgon sisters, or just the last published chapter in the regular series before publication changed it.
Yet still no mention of who the actual staff behind it is gonna be. I'm not exactly expecting sakuga or whatever I just want competent work, so far the designs do show that.
>>194278 Caveman brain go unga.
We're due for a PV soon, I've got a good feeling
(3.0 MB, 2481x3508, GJXVDmja0AAkL3T.jpg)
The show is set to premiere this July
Where's Oku god damnit


>hitome never
>ussbbw* hitome never ever
>*adjusted for inflation
Crazy how oga went from a tall girl with toned arms + a big set of tits and a beer gut to bbw chun li with Ronnie Coleman’s wingspan. wish she was more filled out with her front heavy barrel shape before her arms got huge like that.
Crazy how I barely dared to dream synecdoche would ever get this animated, it’s finally happening and I’m still bitching.
insane that this made it all the way to production, despite the manga switching publishers etc.
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Please let this anime not use the "Plus-Sized Elf" name when it gets localised. The less normies and tiktokers that find this series the better
I want the exact opposite. How else are we gonna get cosplayers?
>>194392 There's already a few Erufuda cosplays, but yeah that'd be nice. Hopefully that POS Mariah doesn't do another character.
When the character designs were first posted onto twitter, quote-retweets were getting close to six digit likes over Elfuda and Kuroeda alone. The 'normies and tiktokers' are already over it, anon.
Plus-Sized Elf sounds WAY better than Elf Can't Be On A Diet
>>194432 Also, the PC crowd already got to it when it was first budding with the Women Write About Comics article.

>>194434 What about "Elves Can't Diet," does that sound good?
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I like how the cosplayer is more or less the same size as Elfuda on the original v01 cover (also the 2018 figure, too). Shows you how much has changed with the designs since then.
>>194443 I still want to see the Erufuda figurine as an Nendoroid
>>194466 I know TeePublic has a design based on one of her many shirts with the phrase "I Love Oil" plastered under the kanji.
My problem with "Elf Can't Be On A Diet" is that it sounds like they just put the Japanese title into Google Translate. Which, honestly, is entirely possible.
I'd prefer either "Elf Can't Diet" or "Elf Can't Stay On A Diet". The first one being the preferred one.

It's a 2024 tv anime, not a 80s/90s OVA with actual budget.
(156 KB, 1920x1080, TVアニメ「エルフさんは痩せられない。」第1弾PV|2024年7月放送開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.04_[2024.04.18_10.01.57].jpg) (148 KB, 1920x1080, TVアニメ「エルフさんは痩せられない。」第1弾PV|2024年7月放送開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.05_[2024.04.18_10.03.13].jpg) (224 KB, 1920x1080, TVアニメ「エルフさんは痩せられない。」第1弾PV|2024年7月放送開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.47_[2024.04.18_10.02.54].jpg) (205 KB, 1920x1080, TVアニメ「エルフさんは痩せられない。」第1弾PV|2024年7月放送開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.40_[2024.04.18_10.02.37].jpg) (274 KB, 1920x1080, TVアニメ「エルフさんは痩せられない。」第1弾PV|2024年7月放送開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.29_[2024.04.18_10.02.21].jpg)
Most ecchi don't have the biggest budgets anyway
Besides, I'm getting everything I wanted out of this
I mean, was anyone expecting a show like this to have any God-tier animation in the first place?
I'm just thankful that the characters actually look fat.
Hey there retard. You're doing what's called cherrypicking

Someone said the animation looks stiff, I have them a reason for it. It is what it is.
I'll say as long as they can do some of the close ups and full body shots from the manga justice than this might be worth watching. Like the outfits Dark Elf wears, those in color and motion is a dream come true for me. I can forgive a few clunky shitty shots if it at least means actual fat content in an anime that isn't a one off gimmick.
typical moving manga slop. ugh, i wish an actual good studio picked this up
We pick up what you put down - washington
I miss monster Musume...
We got a fat fetish TV show in 2024 and you're complaining about how stiff it looks.
Nobody expected it to move much, but come on man even the bounce of her boobs when she's running in the Pv sucks. Fat jiggles and it should be on point. It doesn't have to happen everytime only when emphasized. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt since it's only the first Pv.
I agree to an extent, but at some point there's looking a gift horse in the mouth.
It looks fine and presentable, we should consider ourselves lucky this is even getting an anime
It looks pretty decent, those boobs jiggles were really fine, we just have to wait until we get to see the beach episode or any other scene where the fat is more noticeable and dynamic
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>>198204 From what the trailer suggests, we're at least gonna seen Satero. Also there is no blunt side.
Would have loved for this to have animation of a similar quality to Dress up Darling, Harem Labyrinth, Valkyrie Drive, Immoral Guild, Interspecies Reviewers or any other very well animated ecchi by TNK or Passione, but if average animation is the price we have to pay to get manga accurate character designs that are on model with big tits ass and bellies in all then I'm willing to accept it. (Still a little sad that this probably means the most well animated fat chick in anime is gonna remain as Big Mom or the ugly old lady from Interspecies Reviewers)
What I'm more concerned about is that this is this studio's first full anime. From what I understnad, Elias Animation is usually more of just an assistant company, so this may explain why the PV looks like it was made by just a bunch of assistants with the kind of animation you would expect from "low priority scenes."
Still, they have some team members from Hokkaido Gyaru so if that means we get some still frames anywhere close to the sexiness of some of the shots in that show then thats fine by me
Anyone recognize these names from the staff list?

Director - 所俊克
Character Design - 佐藤勝行
Series Composition - 高林ユーキ
Color design - 有尾由紀子
Art Director - 高橋忍
Director of Photography - みやがわよしかず
Edit - 柳圭介
Sound Director - 山口貴之
Music - 渡部チェル

It doesn't look like average animation, to make matters worse is a brand new studio.
I theorize is gonna be like hentai without the sex scenes to make it worth watching.
It's not going to have sex scenes be Rea. If it's funny and focuses on curves and big booty’s it might get a 2nd season
i find sad that no one is talking about the mero-san absence on these trailers
>>198261 We got Oga and Erufuda rn. I'm satisfied.
Not going to lie. Market never used to be trailer park trash like this. SEC on vacation. Why they kick the office out of manhattan LOL
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>i find sad that no one is talking about the "x"-san absence on these trailers
The manga has a ton of characters but with all the people complaining about the show before it comes out, i'm more concerned with it not getting follow up seasons so everyone's favorite doesn't get animated or voiced.

I think people forget how AMAZING it is this series got picked especially by a new studio, this is not a JJK ,a Frieren, a One Piece, etc. by all means it shouldn't even be getting an adaptation yet here we are and people are already crying about lack of "animation" by a short trailer.
>>198337 Did you make this chart?
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>>198334 If I'm being honest, the quote pops up in my mind quite a bit so it's kinda funny to me. Anyways here's a piece I found like 5 years back of everyone's favorite dumbass potato elf. I forgot the source.
>>198356 Also Kuso(/a?)hanada in the middle right, and obviously Oga.
I feel a huge responsibility to promote this anime as much as I can.
I even went "mask off" and posted it on my normie social media to try and up the views and interest.
A big thing that needs to happen to get a season 2 and better quality content is getting an English Sub onto a western streaming platform, ie. Crunchyroll,netflix.
I hope the studio can make that happen.

No doubt it'll be fan subbed and torrented for us to watch though.
I feel like everything I said was clear.
He really was quite clear, you know.
I disagree on the crunchyroll part. I do want it to be successful but it doesn't need crunchyroll for that to happen. I feel like that's another "Crunchyroll subs being too creative in their localisation" situation waiting to happen. Also the less normies finding it the better
I guess my feelings for the anime are if it can get a second season. As well if it can be many future creators passion patties. If it can inspire future mangaka to do stories with BBWs. Maybe a shonen series with multiple BBW characters who provide fanservice or more ecchi with BBW characters.
Well times are changing, Probably in a few years most of japanese slim beauty standard advocates are going to be out of commission
I hope now we will actually get to see the process of Erufuda going from slim and athletic to plump and heavy, i.e. see her with a stuffed belly while she's still skinny, how her old clothes get gradually tighter and tighter, some mild belly pudge appearing before the entire body swells. I know it's unlikely, but still...
I don’t think we see any progression. She only gets big once and they don’t show how. The series will be just about plump Elf and magical girls eating junk not weight gain. A nice though but it will not occur
I would be shocked if this doesn't get licensed. The manga already has an official english release. Crunchyroll or Hidive should pick it up, probably the latter if there's nudity.
Holy shit, is she fatter than in the manga?
Probably because to Americans she didn't register all too fat to begin with. I know that's why I didn't read the manga - she just looked kinda chubby to me and that didn't register on my radar.
This is part of why anime/manga characters make a big deal of having the beer gut and act like they're obese blobs. In america, due to the obesity epidemic and the people in these circles see women that are far fatter than in this series.

Most Japanese people don't get super fat and big, before one brings up sumo wrestlers they have to be on a special regiment to get super big and fat. Most Japanese women aren't super fat and when they bring up fat, it's more slightly curvy/pudgy versus massively obese.
i kinda prefer more chubbier, to me it looks realistic and it shows that they've changed after gaining.
>Probably because to Americans
With this, it's something a lot of us in these circles face called Hollywood fat, the characters in movie/tv show are called obese and massively overweight, when at most they're a little chubby/fat. They may have pot belly or are a little plump but the jokes make you think they're 300+ lbs. For us Americans thanks to the obesity epidemic, the idea of fat in real life we're used to thinking of is 300 lbs.+. The media does still do this, as well as magazines. We get a plus-size model, she's a little chubby, not overweight/obese. It can be true with older art. Like we bring up Paul Peter Ruebens, the man we get the term Rubenesque from and his women would likely be this for some. Or in other pieces where a woman has a little meat on her bones but isn't overweight/obese by modern standards.

Most Asian countries are like this as well. They value thinness, especially for women. They need to be super thin and tiny. Even gaining a little weight is bad and horrifying.

This could be part of why BBWs in anime/manga is so hard to come by, most Japanese men aren't into fat women, and even if they are fat, most of them aren't overweight/obese. I can also buy that most of these artists don't have references for plumper women. Since most of them aren't into plumper women, they don't have an idea for how to draw bigger girls and how to make them look attractive/sexy. With most BBW artists here we have loads of models to reference, whereas most Japanese creators may not have as many to use. Though if they do reference American models, they have more to work with.

Just another thing to consider, even if we get more BBWs in anime/manga, how fat are they? Like will we be getting girls that are thick/curvy or will we get women as a big as a sumo wrestler?
Perhaps with us in America unlike Japan, it's not just the presence of fast food and junk, I can tell Japan too as access to stuff like McDonalds and has junk food as well, but also not as many people who eat it constantly and that they work to remain active. With this, most of them don't become super obese.
The other aspect of Hollywood fat is saying that a thick/muscular guy is fat or a curvy woman is fat and has a fat ass. For the dude we're taught that to be manly, we need muscles, we need abs, we need a flat stomach, we can't have a belly or some fat. I thought this is part of the fat jokes we make towards sumo wrestlers, we can't believe someone massively fat can be strong and fit because we're taught that fatness is a symbol of laziness and gluttony and we need to lose weight go be strong, fit and happy.

For women, they can be called fat if they're curvy or their butt is somehow too big. No doubt how come their boobs and butt are big. Though again, wouldn't call her fat because her midsection lacks a paunch and she doesn't have plumper features on other parts of her body. Her midsection may at most be a little thicker than other women in the story but it doesn't have a paunch.
Tummy physics.... and actual fat asses, maybe this show won't be so bad
That's an edit from the traile rmade by Lewdmayo.
This man as been posting more and more fatter girls on his main. Those chubby Juri’s got his alt account rattling under the hood. Based.
Fat account name? Found his main from reverse search.
Maybe Frylock can teach her not to touch a single french fry again.
Dude couldn't stop Master Shake from eating the Broodwich, what hope does he have with no death on the line?
Depending on the situation, in this case it'll be probably be 30 out of 50.
Artist? I can't make out the signature

I don't remember them being that fat in manga
They know their audience well
Manju butt is my girl
So according to the anime advertising website, Kusahanada is stated to not be anywhere near coffee, so it looks like we're probably getting Ooeda and Medesa also as characters, bumping the anime up to at least Volume 5 from the manga.
Over the course of the manga and its sequel the girls get fatter, even when they lose weight they gain it back. Even looking at the manga covers she gets noticebly fatter vol 1-8
It’s called “Methonium hid his power level until the manga did well enough that he could go closer to his normal sizes”
So it looks like they’re basing the designs on the later sizes in the manga
Based Meth, knowing how to play the game
(250 KB, 784x839, Untitled.png)
The official twitter page is holding a game, tweet emoji's of junk food like fries, pizza, riceballs etc and by Sunday if there's enough of those tweets they'll post an official image of Elfuda at her fattest
The one we aready got not another, though I imagine there'll be one soon enough now.
Might seem obvious but I'm glad they know what people want and why people are going to watch the show, they wanna see big soft fatties in motion
Can't wait to see Oku in anime. Only one's I care for are Oku, Oga and maybe Satoro
>>208267 Oga, Oku, and Erufuda have always been my favorites in that order.
>They're over 2 and a half hours late and still haven't posted the pic
Did we scare them?
She gotta be my third favorite girl, while Erufuda is 1st and Kuroeda 2nd!
Maybe they're waiting for Monday
I guess we gotta wait till midnight here in America then
It's the biggest she has ever been I think.
That's the most fat I've ever seen on the munchkin. Only seen them point her cheeks out and nothing else.
This looks official, probably part of that twitter thing.
>>208637 They misunderstood the power of horniness
Question is if this will happen in their adaptation of Chapter 13. That would be awesome.
So...is the manga just dead at this point?
Didn't it get a sequel series where potato gut got knocked up and crapped out a half elf before it started?
Im assuming Synecdoche is helping with the anime, then once it starts airing he'll start releasing more chapters. What I want to believe is that the anime is letting him rewrite a few chapters that makes it appeal to us more. But thats just a theory folks.
>>208845 That was just an omake.

>>208846 I'm asking more from the translation viewpoint. MangaDex says it's been 4 momths since the last chapter.
I just love that not only is everyone even fatter now than in the manga, but we have a whole new wave of people somehow convinced that this isn't blatant shameless fetish material made by a very open fatty lover for other fatty lovers. People out there look at this and their minds twist it into either something maliciously making fun of fat girls or some kind of anti-fat propaganda that genuinely focuses on weight loss.
Yeah, this. Crunchyroll/Funimation is basically the last group we want touching this one, now that they're not content with just fucking up dubs and have been proudly ruining subs for everyone too.
Yeah, unlike Crunchy/Funi who is always getting caught rewriting anime, I've only heard of HiDive having a single case of a failed writer putting their hands where they shouldn't be.
I thought it was because Synecdoche was busy with the anime
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>A big thing that needs to happen to get a season 2 and better quality content is getting an English Sub onto a western streaming platform, ie. Crunchyroll,netflix
>I hope the studio can make that happen
You stupid mother fucker; don't you remember the con artist formerly known as Funimation, held an anime hostage, after a bunch of woke twats threw a bitchfit? You really think there's a low chance of them doing the same in the name of "body positivity"? And that's forgetting their inability to put out a good translation.

I'd rather this be stuck in the same position Cowboy Western is, and Metal Wolf Chaos was; where everyone's astounded as to how this never hit the nation of the obese.
For real, even Netflix is gaining a better dubbing AND subbing track record at this point.
That's a lie, but I don't feel like going into this
It's really not. Even if you don't like Netflix's handling of anime, you really about to deny that they're still better than Funi at this point?
Honestly I just wish they'd make a Kuroeda figure I could buy
>le woke boogie man

Nobody reading your manifesto pal
I love how buddy wasn't even calling Funimation "woke", just the use of it was enough for you to have a kneejerk response.

btw, the things your camp likes to dismiss as "boogiemen" and claim never happens? Kinda hard for that to be the case when it very provably fucking happens, and they're proud of it. It's not even limited to Funimation either.
If you unironically use the word woke, your opinion is instantly discarded. Learn to speak like a grown up
You do realize getting triggered the instant you hear woke is just as annoying as people overusing the word woke, right? Also, we're on a fat fetish site, please drop the superiority complex.
(596 KB, 1150x1282, Screen Shot 2024-07-04 at 4.52.55 pm.png) (236 KB, 1194x1176, Screen Shot 2024-07-04 at 4.53.38 pm.png)
>We have the chance to see the slightly skinnier but still fat as hell official illustrations
>Idiots think don't realise there literally are no more fatter illustrations and spamming the 🍟 emoji is literally doing nothing cos they didn't even list the fast food emojis as even being an option
>Some people are even deluding themselves into thinking she's gonna be fatter
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but damn people can't read.
Well, these are two of the most stupid artists ever so what the fuck did you expect?
Could just be a collective joke
It's a joke you uptight autist.
Does anyone know where I can get the rest of this?
The episode's up on kissanime!
Am I the only one who is slightly disappointed about the anime?
I never expected this to be sakuga or advance the medium in any way so I'm actually quite pleased with what we got.
(254 KB, 1916x1080, WIDE.jpg)
Jesus Christ she is WIDE
Are there more of these character sheets apart from the live one?
(411 KB, 1918x1080, KURO.jpg)
the info from those sheets is available on the website, but the images are different.
The only other one they showed was during the live event was Kuro eda, and Naeo, because they were showing the characters they play.
>>209431 Seriously, I hope that in time they publish the others
(810 KB, 987x1485, Plus-Size Elf.png)
I did my best to edit this together enjoy :)
Even though the episodes are short.
I'm so grateful this was made, I can't believe it has so much nudity and the girls are so fat... We haven't even seen the fattest girls yet.

At the end of the 2nd preview teaser, that released a few days ago. Elfuda is holding the stack of free fry vouchers. So they are definitely adapting chapter 13 from the original manga where she balloons in size from the free fries
I'm only disappointed that it's a half-length show disguised as a full-length one.
I thought it was cute, I like that there are an abundance of shots of chubby bodies, they know what people are there for. I just wish it had more of a budget, the scene with Elfuda's shirt exploding would be glorious if it had more frames and detail, hell if this series had more of a motion comic feel with jiggle effects that would be pretty nice.
Another big problem I have is how flat the art is, they don't have synecdoche's skill with line weight so they just add a bunch of gradient effects all over everything to make it pop more.

As a fat anime I give 8/10
As a regular anime it's a 5/10

Can't wait for Dark Elf to show up!
I agree with your deduction. Not much to the plot besides chubby hot isekai chicks and a little introduction into weigh loss methods.
How can you find disappointment when that's every anime short of things that can sell toys and series that have been around before the 12 episode hell; if anything, you should be angry.

I can't hate this anime as much as the others since it wasn't born from a light novel.
>>209509 Hey, I'm glad that [knock on wood] this series is finally getting some recognition so that we get more fattywank of the characters.
I think you mean more fattywank of the characters that got introduced after everyone dropped the series from boredom since there's already a sea of Elf flesh.
(2.1 MB, 1408x2064, 120072273_p2.jpg) (2.1 MB, 1408x2064, 120072273_p0.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1248x1824, 120072273_p3.jpg) (2.1 MB, 1408x2064, 120072273_p6.jpg)
Same we're so lucky this series even got greenlit, outside of gags and spoofs Japan just never allows characters to walk around like this, It shames me to see all the haters, like yeah things could be better or we could have nothing at all, if this gets enough support they can get better later or even we could see copycat investors try to jump in on the trend.

If you guys hold your complaints to the season finale you might see a better season 2 or maybe something like Ayano getting greenlit for an anime or Mizore-chan etc.
Keep the AI to the AI board.
Keep the sand out your vagina
So here's something worth noting: Two of these straight-up don't happen in the manga, and the onsen trip is supposed to be after Kuroeda, Mero and Kusahanada are introduced. So on top of everyone being even fatter, they moved the most fanservice-heavy early chapter to the beginning and straight-up created two scenes of nudity out of fat air.

We're eating well this season.
(225 KB, 1143x644, PinPon.jpg)
Replying to myself but, I can't get the names of the bonus episodes out of my mind, Hami Meat Island and Calorie Lovers.
If anyone wants to take a better crack at translating this feel free
I'm sorry, but her arms bothered me. WTF are these proportions?
This image contains information about the Blu-ray box release of the anime "エルフさんは痩せられない" (The Elf Can't Lose Weight). Here are the key details:

- Release Date: November 27, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Price: ¥25,300 (excluding tax: ¥23,000)
- Content: 14 episodes (12 main episodes + 2 special episodes)
- Episodes Included:
- Episodes 1-12 (TV broadcast version and an additional version)
- 2 original TV broadcast episodes
- Episode 13: "ハミ肉の島"
- Episode 14: "カロリーラヴァーズ"
- Non-credit OP & ED, promotional videos, and commercials
- Specifications and Bonuses:
- Original illustration by シネクドキ for a three-sided box
- Character design by 佐藤勝行 for an anime digipak
- Special booklet with a new manga by シネクドキ
- Original soundtrack CD (music by 渡部チェル)
- Note: The specifications are subject to change.

For further details, please visit the official website of the "Elf Can't Lose Weight" series.

I did my best to translate it
did they use ai? what artist draws that many toes and doesn't see a problem, not to mention that ai suffers from adding extra digits
the fact that by some fucking miracle we manage to get a full uncensored anime filled with fat tiddies, tummies and shameless fanservice just prove that god fucking exist and somehow he doesn't hate us what a time to be alive honestly
So is the first one fake? Or did they release two pics of Elfuda being plumper than she usually is?
>Ayano anime
Gotta be honest, literal 0% chance of that happening. We would legitimately have a more likely possibility of Fusa's short mini comics to get animated and compiled into a Tawawa on Monday style "ONA with 5 minute episodes that cycle through short scenes of random disconnected characters" than anything. And even then it probably wouldn't be animated to our liking.
>pics literally posted by the official Twitter for the show
>the show that's already made her way fatter than she is in the manga
>"Hey guys, is this for real?"
>Ayano anime
Dude you must be fucking retarded lmfao there’s a less than 0% chance of that
>>209999 Did you not read the tweets? They did the weight gain drive, which got her up to like SSBBW status, and then they did a "weight loss" drive, which was just a fill in segment.
That all looks good though lmao
>The receptionist
How many slept on this? Can't blame anyone though, the brown elf stole the show.
>>210208 I'm currently wanting Oga and Oku. Like now.
Hard to put an order to them, boob head and shoulders above the rest (to me!)
Update on the two special episodes.

HiDive has listings for 14 episodes.
I believe that this includes the 12 main episodes +2 extra episodes.
I think the difference is that those extra 2 episodes will not be aired on TV.
These two bonus episodes are listed as being available on September 28th and October 5th.

Can someone confirm if the HiDive episode 1 is censored or not? Ie. Does it have the circular "face" stickers over nipples?

It is indeed uncensored. ^^
New Episode!!!
New Episode
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Is it possible for someone to post the post credit pics for so 2 and onwards?
Ok Oga fans she'll be being introduce the next episode, that said hopefully episode four is Satero's episode where Elfuda is at her largest
look at her, looking like a overweight cartoon character laughing their a** off.
>be fat fetishist
>shunned by mainstream media even after body positivity wave
>finally get an anime made with uncensored nudity that caters to your fetish
>be an autist and pick out specific frames you don't like that were probably drawn by someone who isn't even into fats and just doing it for a paycheck
Some people are never happy
The stuff he's complaining about are not screenshots from the anime.

Someone literally just posted AI images, hence why they are no longer up.

Some people have zero comprehension skills.
Came we also make some gifs?
Here's a comparison with the original drawings.
Didn't load the images correctly.

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