
Does anyone still have the edit where both of the girl from tipping the scales where fat?
Anyone got the new one?
The pages are up to date, retard. Stop begging for content that isn't even out yet.
Personally I think we should get another Christmas Lucy, it’s been a while since salt last drew her!
lucy mfs say this every holiday
Lucy mfs say this for every chance they have to get her drawn
Lucy shouldn't be in it, but I do think we should get another one like Cozy christmas, with the variety of fats and outfits. Good stuff, dude.
can someone post all the tifa artwork for Better-With-Salt?
what was on the newsletter? also who ever tells me first can you post the sketches that were in it?
Stuffing imminent, oh boy.
These pieces wouldn't be so bad if she was drawn alone, just who the fuck commissioned them??
Nice, a little boring but nice.
>Girl stuffing face and expanding
ok bro
I think the story lacks some kind of problem or conflict rather than just being a flat sequence...
They got dressed up so she can eat mozzarella sticks, a bloomin’ onion and quesadillas.
We're now officially halfway through this comic.
The fact that it's a flat sequence is a good thing.
Far better then Losing Control which had the girl do inner monologues the whole time with no interaction with anyone else and was completely devoid of fun.

Monologue was pretty hot tho
How the fuck do I keep running into contrarians like you? Every goddamn thread I go to, there's always one comment in few words and no reasoning says the opposite of how I feel about something. Is there some invisible "kick me" sign on my back, or is it just really shitty luck?
It doesn't happen that often
How are you able to say that unless you know who I am in other threads, which should only be possible for a mod?
Hopefully the next page is the main dish followed by dessert
Gotta love her easy, casual confidence and her evident joy at being able to let go and truly eat~
It's as much about the journey as it is the destination.
It's not only possible for mods
I hope that in some future chapters, she will meet Blake.
Explain in full detail.
Dude quit crying lol you’re making yourself look like a self-centered child
I really hope the next few pages continue with stuffing.
post the new one now pls
There's no need; we're currently up-to-date, according to his Patreon. Just wait.
next time there is a new photo, just post it straight away instead of messing around withholding it.
Holy shit.

The entitlement in this thread is next level.

Jesus christ.
(2.2 MB, 2401x2062, Letting it All Out.png)
A new pic comes out in 21 minutes and now I'm probably not going to share it because of that.
its the Marin kitagawa sequence for 10k i think
that last bit is fucking beautiful proportions
>Says they won't post it, but later does anyway.
You crumbled too easily to that entitled asshole. Have some backbone next time.
(2.6 MB, 2470x1964, Melony_EX.png)
I mean I'm doing this for me because I'm the one posting the new posts when I can and others are doing it too.
How many brain cells do you have? Is it 2? I think it’s 2
Don't give him too much credit, I think it's just one
I wasn't "bitching about free shit", I was getting on >>124586's case for giving into >>124580 being an entitled little bitch.
If he didn't, someone else would've
>>124580 's still a bitch, but that doesn't mean we should discourage those who do
Who the fuck is the retarded janitor that deleted all the negative comments?

>any critisism = stupid shit

Sure, fam.

Any fair criticism gets deleted along with the actual stupid shit, so my point still stands.
We're not obligated to share images here unless the thread has been inactive for a while and is in danger of getting bumplocked. I'm not going to share brand new content if someone starts acting like an entitled prick.
We don't give a shit, retard
You will when nobody shares the art anymore lol. I swear, you retards love biting the hand that feeds you at any opportunity. You're lucky the people who share apparently have no self-respect and share despite being constantly shat on.
>>124951 Hey, I have a question for you: What the fuck did you just say?
salt just posted beach bod parts 7-8-9
>actual blob shit
Well that whole sequence has been retroactively soured now, cool
Nothing stopping you from getting off the train before it hits the last station you pissy cunt
Would that make this year 7 then?
I'd prefer they stand in front of the train to save us the baby whining.
Blob aside, the characterization feels different
She got a boyfriend. She got confidence from having one and loving her body. That's all
Characterization? It’s a simple weight gain sequence, what are you on about?
Think they're looking for reasons to complain.
What's with the blob hate? I never got it
I don't get it either, and I also don't get why BWS does them so rarely when some of them are among his most popular art. The blob Nikume pics on >>123919 and >>123922 where she's later with blob Serena are amazing.

People really be out here expecting well-written character arcs from a 9-page fetish comic.
on that example, it's somewhere borderline lucy's stuffing. Not much of a story, all about the gains.
(278 KB, 1280x1970, dough_jutsu_by_better_with_salt_df6tuod-fullview.jpg)

Because blob-fucking is a niche subfetish of an already niche fetish, which's not surprising, because they literally become shapeless, barely human fucking abominations that most people don't find sexually appealing, let alone generally pleasant to look at. You've already got dozens upon dozens of artists who do nothing but blobs and immobile, so you might as well evacuate your sorry ass instead of whining about it here.
(121 KB, 1280x750, pork_belly_with_ramen_by_better_with_salt_df039iu-fullview.jpg)
>You've already got dozens upon dozens of artists who do nothing but blobs and immobile
If you're going to claim that, then name at least 30 artists who ONLY do blobs/immobile sizes. If you can't back your claim, then you've got no right to complain about them.
All these people are complaining about blobs, when she isn’t even a fucking blob.
Right? She just barely isn't one, and like what >>125099 said, it's so rare that BWS does them anyway. I don't see the problem that some people have with BWS doing them.
(1.3 MB, 887x771, rt532.png)
Can we not with the blob vs anti-blob shit for once in this thread.
>Artist made something I like oh the humanity.
cool, sucks for you bro
>Dozens of artist that do blob.
You forget some people like to latch on to someone and never bother to look anywhere else.
literally a thread for blob/immobile art but ok
and if that don't help
Bambooale, Jeetoh, Squarewave29, SuperSpoe, Azumaonfire, Belt-Buster, FFANumber5, Plump-Knight, SolitaryScribbles, ExtraBaggageClaim, RounderSofter, MeatPedal, SunsleptOS
just a few suggestions
> Why all the blob hate?
>I don't see the problem with BWS doing blob stop complaining lol.
The problem isn't that, the problem is there has been past threads with blob niggas going "art bad, shit sequence, this isn't blob, Serena and Nikume was peak Salt."some of y'all act petty and complain when he does anything other than blob, as if he is some holy grail of blob art when that was never the fucking case to begin with.
We're here to jerk and twerk to some big women or women get big at the end of the fucking day, enjoy what ya have now.
>literally a thread for blob/immobile art but ok
I knew that already because I was the one who created that thread. I was challenging >>125172's claim because I already knew they were exaggerating and that there aren't any artists who do ONLY blobs/immobiles. Most artists you listed do that size justice, and some are half and half with how often they do them.

Yes, I did. in fact, exaggerate by saying that there is a lot of artists who exclusively specialize in blob/immobile. My point was that there's no shortage of artists who draw these kinds of things pretty often and in large quantities.
ah god, fat girls showing off their giant underwear is a very specific subset of this fetish that really turns me on
(218 KB, 1280x1470, massive_malfunction_by_better_with_salt_df6tuoy-fullview.jpg)
And my point is that I don't see the issue of BWS doing them too. As much I wish he did them a little more often, I am thankful he does them at all. There are some very talented artists out there who either don't do them at all or abandoned the size, and it would suck if he was on that list.
>And my point is that yet ANOTHER artist should cater specifically to MY taste
And my point is that you should genuinely kill yourself.
You fucking morons are supposed to close this when you finish whacking off, not stay here and bitch about your free softcore porn.
(22 KB, 170x199, chudjak-poljak.gif)

>blobfags when a BBW doesn't have 100x more folds than a sharpei and can still be identified as a human female
This. Try going for a walk, lads
(79 KB, 403x334, you.jpg)
>blobroaches when they're identified

>amerishart seeing himself in the mirror
If you are on your phone all day or like on social media and shit, you are old. Old and corny. By old I mean like 43 to like 60.
Can't wait until the blob wars get erased from this thread
This thread is pure fucking cancer everyone here should kill themselves.
Welcome to Edgier DeviantArt, where window licking manchildren defend their subhuman artists whenever they feel threatened by criticism, yes that also includes lolifags.
Dude what the fuck are you talking about, that's not even what's happening. It's just people calling other people slurs because they have different taste in fat chicks.
This, but applied to the people that are sperging out and saying Salt shouldn't draw "blobs"
You niggas literally throwing a hissy fit over blobs, get over it you fucking idiots lmao
Really, bws? You couldn't have left the sequence alone? It was fine as it is, this looks decent if not bad. I don't understand blob art, characters becoming immobile shapeless masses of flesh doesn't sound appealing, and regular fat art is already frowned upon.
Can we not start this shit again? Mod got done cleaning up the last argument.
I feel like I should like this more but just don't for some reason
does anyone have couple stuff page 11?
It's not even out yet you mong.
Page 10 hasn't even come out yet? Try asking in about a week.
Holy fuck
I'm an idiot lmao. Sorry
There, there, buddy. there, there.
Really hoping for role reversal...
Someone please. Update kemono. You sexy he/hims, she/hers, and they/thems.
We've already gotten this much anon, don't get greedy (now I agree yes it would have been nice to see that I'm just focusing on how beautiful this all is)
I think it's Kemono Party farting itself YET again. Those servers are shit
(128 KB, 1920x1080, blehhh.jpg)
>>123755 (OP)
>exam tomorrow
>porn addled brain sees this
all nighter very very productive
really liking BWS' direction of his most recent comics. makes me really disappointed with kip and belt-buster.
Yea' it's unfair to compare to Belt, since he has the highest comic output and is more story and character focused compared to the others.

While Bws focuses entirely on the horny with his weekly page. Which is good in its own right, but both have unique selling points.
Bro, belt is unironically an amazing storyteller. More engaging than 90% of manga romcoms.
Look I know salts trying to keep this realistic but I'd kill to see her just go full slob mode
I know but he could have added one Entree in the previous page, or even finishing off one in the current one for a pane;
Honestly just sorta made what >>124195 said pretty true.
Looks like it’s building up to a role reversal
They're just trying to scare people. Ignore them.
I mean, I don’t think role reversal is the right wording, but I think we’re definitely building up to the shy one getting fat too.
The feeder gaining and eventually overtaking the feedee is the hottest thing ever, IMO
We sort of had that already with the fitness trainer from the other story. Makes the fat girl lose weight, but she gets fat instead. She even ends up bigger then the fat girl's starting weight. Doesn't make sense to do the overtaking thing again.

I'm not seeing it. I think the bigger woman is wanting to have sexy time later where she makes the shy girl feed the cake to her. Plus we're already halfway through the comic. It's very late to have the shy girl start gaining at this point unless there's a massive timeskip that happens to justify it. Besides it would be better if only the bigger woman gained to continue making the size difference even more significant.
You are not contemplating how hot is when the feede uses the same eating habits that made her grow on her feeder.
Plus in the past comic it wasnt exactly and interaction between the two, the trainer eated all the fat girl food and then got hooked up, here could be more of a gimmick of the feeder liking gaining weight too, tus being giving us role reversal with mutual gaining.
I don't think that's going to be what happens. Like I said before, the comic is more then halfway done, so it's really late for the shy girl to start gaining unless there's a massive timeskip to justify it. Plus it would kill the expectation that was set up from the start of how determined the bigger woman was to start gaining and to get as big as possible. Having the focus move away from her would suck.
You may be right but still,but the feede is kinda flat has a character, he could use what I said about mutual gaining to give the shy girl (feeder) a character development, also is definitive that the comic is going to be 17 pages long? He was progressing the story in the past pages but with this dinner date hes taking his time.
Anyways ill stop replying for now.
Why would you want a role reversal the girl with the blonde highlights has a better figure
Post the other part too you rumpelstiltskin hornswoggler
new page
I'm really against mutual gaining but its pretty clear that its gonna happen now :/

Which only makes it better.
Nothing to say it’s not something like “I want you to stuff me until every bit of the cake is in me”
its a pretty small piece so I assume its for the redhead, but I can still hope its just more stuffing of the blonde
>So This cake
>Panel is a shot of her "Cake"
Sensible chuckle
It's be hot if the redhead got on top of the bigger girl to feed her that cake.
It would be but its sadly likely going towards mutual gaining.
Bruh why do you keep saying this? You’re trying to stir something up and no one’s entertaining it. Drop it lmfao
People on Salt's Patreon are saying it too. They're trying to ruin this sequence.
Y'all are huffing serious copium, if you can't see that this is about to be a "flipping the script" moment you're actually retarded.
Meanwhile, I welcome the prospect of a mutual gain. That shit can be pretty damn hot.
What makes it hard to believe is that the redhead hasn't shown any signs of wanting to gain weight, and her getting a slight tummy doesn't count because accidental gaining is a common trope. Then there's also how aggressively people like you are trying to push the "it's going to be mutual gain" idea. Seriously, fuck off.

Why not let people enjoy things if this is the direction the comic is going? People have different tastes when it comes to fat fetish, you're not the only one reading it.
>Pointing out that that's clearly the direction the story is going in to people who are desperate to ignore the signs
>Aggressively pushing
These are not the same thing.
>Why not let people enjoy things if this is the direction the comic is going?
Because people are assuming things before they either happen or don't happen and not keeping it to pure speculation. To throw a question back at you, why is it not okay for people to want the course of the comic to not change?

>you're not the only one reading it.
No shit, retard. We wouldn't be having this spat if I were the only one.

>States their assumptions as fact before anyone knows what's going to happen.
>Claims others are ignoring potential signs because they want their assumptions to be true.
God you're selfish.
True, the redhead hasn't shown any signs but the other girl has. Page 10 has a lot of tiny pieces of foreshadowing hinting the gf wants to fatten up the red head. It's just not so in your face about it.

If people are just assuming about its direction and you're so sure about it, then why are you so salty about the possibility of it happening? Also, selfish? If the majority of people on Patreon are rooting for the mutual weight gain, it means YOU are the selfish one for wanting it to go your way specifically, especially considering Salt has most likely already decided on the direction anyway. Just admit it, you're throwing a hissy fit because it's not your fetish that's being catered to at the moment.
Don’t end up in a pointless argument over a wank comic challenge (impossible)
The redhead is the worst part about the comic so far.
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The latest winners of BWS sketch poll seems sketchy AF, the winner was Uzaki Hana at 46 votes the nominees are Rias Gremory, Nora Valkyrie, Widowmaker, and Takanashi Kiara but if you look at the poll results Galko Chan beat out all of those characters but she didn't get to be in the poll so what gives? Her entry didn't violate the rules either " The overall winner will be sketched, and the top runner ups will be voted for on-stream to determine the other three sketches. If two of the same character are among the most voted options in the poll then only the more popular one will be be a part of the stream polls"- BWS
Wasn't there some drama about that series earlier this year?
Oh dear... That's uh... That did happen
>>126636 Mah g!

>>126633 I thought Japan had a problem of child birthrate, not this. What the hell is this!? Abortion is our only hope. Let us fart! Let us shit!
Right can't fault him for that especially given the scenario someone wanted for the image if she won
its literally called Couple Stuff.Also youre gay if you don't want them both gaining

I fucking love that second one! Is she a character of something or an OC? Any more pics of her? Thanks
This cunt is slowly becoming bumbuddies with Salt with how many comms they’re getting. Ironic how they’re friends with both Undershitwriter and TrashyWriting
Who are you talking about? That's not Lucy.
Also, save the anti-undertaker/whatever stuff for the salt.
lmaooo did jannies really remove my post shitting on this
When is the next Lucy's stuffing remake page coming out?
lol she's built like Nikocado Avocado
This is gonna be good :)
NGL this pic is amazing, one of my favorite solo pieces BWS has done
bbwcahn is up less goo
Anyone have the new couple stuffing?
New page is out anyone have it
Here you go, this shit is amazing even if I didnt want the mutual gain.
I hope she ends up as a pale, pear shaped fatty. Nat’s always been my favorite bws oc for that reason.
I’ve changed my mind, this mutual gaining idea is looking pretty good!
I have a h u g e erection rn
>dat gut in the first panel
>dominant fatty lovingly bullies smaller and shorter partner, pressing their weight onto them
Not the biggest mutual fan, but salt is making it work for me so far. My one concern is the same thing will happen as the previous comic, where there's a rather enormous jump in weight from one page to the next.
im betting the blonde is gonna unleash a whole arsenal on the redhead, heck weight gain shakes and appetite enhancers would be hot as fuck.
>My one concern is the same thing will happen as the previous comic, where there's a rather enormous jump in weight from one page to the next.
That never happened in the last comic.
I also expect there to be a big jump anyways, because how else will the mutual gain be worth it if it's starting so late in the comic? Salt is very inconsistent with squishing fat.
I wonder why he cant like just extend the comic, is not like he has some contract or deadline to follow... plus when hes going to get another hit like this.
Exactly. This is likely a one time thing, so it hurts to see him screw this up after how amazing it's been until now.
Ill subscribe to his patreon in december maybe i could get other people to comment about extending the comic.
man I wish he did this scenario with Nat and the other girl instead
There were several people in the Patreon comments who were pushing others into the mutual gaining direction, to the point where I'm almost certain they're one big group, some of which might be here. There were also a few who spoke against it, and either hinted or outright stated that they disliked how the redhead was getting pushed into it.
Yaaa the mutual gain feels a bit weird and forced and I've said from the start I don't want it but at the same time BWS makes it so damn hot.
I would like the size difference to be preserved. The worst case scenario at this point is if the brown haired woman stopped gaining completely or slowed down significantly to where the two become either the same size or very close in size.
>mutual gaining
Rather than a big group that you make it sound like a cult, its just that theres more people into mutual gaining or just fine with it in the community.
I did say "almost certain", because what you say is true. I'm not the kind of person who would disregard possibilities because something isn't going the way I hoped it would.
What the actual fuck is this comment? Yes, there were plenty of people on Salt's Patreon who were cheering for a mutual gaining scenario including myself cause I, like many other of his patrons, think it's hot as fuck and the response to the mutual gain has been overwhelmingly positive in the Patreon comments. None of those people pushed others into the mutual gaining direction though. What does that even mean? There were a bunch of people not on board with the mutual gain, however, who wouldn't stop crying and wrote entire essays why they're not down with it. I seriously don't get the bitching about the mutual gain. Courtney (the brunette) is not going to slow down just because her girlfriend is going to get fat too. You clearly don't understand how mutual gaining works.
Is this thread gonna have another spaz out like last time where the jannies had to step in?
I wanna gut the black haired girl with a chainsaw
>>127485 are you that same anon
It would be funny if in the future he draws the redhead meeting Nat and warns her about the subject.
(39 KB, 807x395, Jerk.PNG)
What a big meanie head, in BWS' own patreon comments. BBW Chan jannies wouldn't even let something like this slide.
im not even into both gaining but I'm liking this story so far. we got a woman being stuffed at a good pace. theres no need for complaints.
Can somebody get every picture of nat salt has done?
Patreon would be the place to say such things, and it's kind of refreshing to see someone speak up for themselves if they don't like where something is going.
>mutual gaining
I'm gonna say gamer words. What terrible taste.
Anyone got the colored version of these month’s sketches?
At least they’re being honest. If it happened, which I’d rather it not happen, I’d still rather have the last page be edited than have it suddenly backtrack.
>muh size difference
>muh blobs
god forbid we get something different for a change instead of the same two things they want for the 500th time
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>god forbid we get something different for a change
What are you smoking? Them gaining together wouldn't be anything different. Here's all the mutual gains Salt's done in 2022, other then the Serena/Nikume one earlier in the thread. That along with the one of the Hinata pics are the only immobiles he's done this year, and your exaggeration is bull, because he hasn't done 500 pieces of art yet.
Because apparently providing images that prove >>127712 is wrong is "crying". You stay bitter.
I’m gonna say it: not a fan. Thought BWS was gonna go big but no, instead it’s mutual. Very lame.
alright, how many of those are sequences? because to me it just looks like a bunch of standard everyday bigs. It's not "mutual gaining" if it's just a picture of two fat people eating
The name of the comic is literally "Couple Stuff". What were you expecting?
ive been wating for this
Besides Nikume/Serena that I didn't repost, only the last one, and the pink(?) haired woman wasn't always fat. They're still all images of multiple women being fat, which counts as mutual. Doesn't matter if they're part of a sequence or not.
Don’t get me wrong, the new one looks good but am I the only one that likes the original more?
I like the original more too. Only thing the redo does better is the use of color for her suit, because both her expression and pose are worse. Think this is the first redo to not use the same pose as the original.
A remake of a piece that ain’t even that old? I feel like there had to have been better options for a remake
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The original was done back in 2019, so it's not that young. Here's all the other Ochako art he's done.
Naoto should’ve won that poll tbh.
(482 KB, 820x567, Redo.png)
These were the choices
10,14, and 17 would've been my choices personally
You objectively don't understand the definition of mutual gaining.

I would've thought Ochako fans would've come out for 13, that one seems popular, it used to show on the "suggestions" to the side of almost all of his new pieces.
So two or more fat chicks in the same picture apparently is considered "mutual gaining" now, according to some of the morons who won't stop complaining about the mutual gain in Couple Stuff. Are y'all completely new to this fetish? Also, Couple Stuff was always going to lead towards a mutual gain. I don't know what you were expecting. Some of the mutual gain haters on Salt's Patreon are literally brain dead and were asking in the comments why everyone was talking about mutual gaining two pages ago when the hints were already super obvious.
You both are clueless. Mutual art and Mutual Gaining art are the same damn thing. This is such a nitpicky thing to try and get me on.
Dude seriously shut the fuck up. Mutual gaining is when a couple gains together. Everyone else is dogpiling on you because you're trying to make your point by moving the goalpost. NOBODY uses the term "mutual gaining" the way you are
And my examples from before has them gaining together, therefore they're mutual gaining. >>127778 was the dipshit trying to claim they're not.
I'm just a big fan of contrast so this is quite unfortunate for me.
I dunno man 2019 ain’t that old especially when you consider the other choices that definitely haven’t held up as well. Plus if he’s made that many Ochakos already maybe give another character some love? But whatever patreon poll results are almost always vanilla
(1.8 MB, 2894x4093, 4.png) (1.4 MB, 2891x4088, Overly Insulated. Part 3.png) (5.0 MB, 2894x4093, Couple Stuff Page 7.png)
He's right and he should say it

Same, honestly. I was hoping BwS would produce more contrast work beyond Nat and Halie. Couple Stuff seemed perfect for it, and had a pretty great dynamic going on.
Then again, I'm not paying for the stuff; so I dunno if I can complain.
Incase anyone is wondering Melony from pokemon won BOTH the Christmas fanart and sequence polls
There's a lot of people in the comments who are upset that Clover from Totally Spies lost the sequence poll.
I never thought I'd see so many people on a BBW forum get legitimately upset that a girl in a weight gain comic was gaining weight.
Why have two girls gain one weight when one girl can gain two weights?
How about both girls gain a shit load of weight? Also, I don't know what to tell you guys. If the fact that this comic is titled Couple STUFF and its cover artwork didn't already make it clear to you that this was going to be a mutual gaining story, then you're dumb as fuck.
>How about both girls gain a shit load of weight?
As much as I'd love for that to happen, I have no faith that BWS would do that by his own will. The only time he did was because of a commission.
(338 KB, 1280x1811, couple_stuff_cover_by_better_with_salt_dfe127j-fullview.jpg)
>cover artwork didn't already make it clear to you that this was going to be a mutual gaining story
What about this cover artwork gave you that impression? It only reflects what happened in pages 3 and 4. If you ignore the comic name, then there's nothing here that would indicate both would gain.
Can we stop filling the thread with shit?
Whether you love it or hate it, it is a mutual gain comic now. Shut the fuck up.
People are allowed to be disappointed with an artist's flagship release, anon
Sure, but they need to stop saying things like "Oh the brunette will slow down/stop gaining" when that... has not been shown to be the case? It's bitching about something that hasn't even happened.

It happens all the time. You're not listening.
Has it happened in this comic? Is there any indication it will? The answer to these questions is no.
>Is there any indication it will?
Like >>127879 said, you're not listening. The indication is not in the comic itself, but BWS's history. The chances of the brunette slowing down or stopping so the redhead catches up is very high.
Go rant in manbaby thread then
No I'm listening, I just think that's fucking bullshit reasoning. I'll laugh so fucking hard if you losers are proven wrong.
Us being proven wrong would mean we get what we wanted so that would be acceptable, but if we're right, then it makes you look like the idiot for doubting our reasoning, which would also be acceptable. It's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.
>>127899 To me a win win would be better quality art instead of literally 100% of it being garbage, but I respect your opinion. I don't see exactly why you think you are "winning" or what it is you would be winning, but being a loser is okay too sometimes, I think, so long as you don't end up a sore loser, that is.
Better art would be the better outcome so I'd prefer to be wrong, but I don't like how that >>127888 person has been about this subject, so them being wrong instead wouldn't be too bad either.
can't wait for what's to come! Formerly skinny and now Morbidly obese lesbian couple is the hottest sht
face is better but an overall large downgrade
man i wish welrod guy was here for some reason
Nah I fucking hate that guy
>bruce timm batgirl
My dick...it hurts...
Does anyone know how to nominate characters for those sketch dumps? I’m a bit confused looking at BWS patreon info ngl
Blackmailed bws into giving him free comms.
There’s some absolute bangers in here but I already know the lamest one is gunna be the one that gets upgraded to a finished piece
>implying I'm not always head. top kek
>There’s some absolute bangers in here.

...................It's like I live in a nut house!
how about you guys stop criticizing what people like and what people don't
just saying
People are allowed to not enjoy things, anon
Not everything is an attack on your faberge ego
>>12030 (Dead)

People are allowed to not enjoy things. People do not need to throw out their opinions into a thread and then cause a pointless shitshow.
Ehh...the remake is way worse. There's no wall she is leaning onto, for one thing, and the huge shadow projected by her body is gone too. Let's not talk about her face...
Genuinely fantastic job, this looks much better
(4.0 MB, 434x498, one or two.gif)
not my cup of tea but good job, its a clean edit i gotta be honest
(410 KB, 1054x1206, dddes2.png)
So, seems like someone commissioned Pewbutt a Halie...

Kino shit friends.
Fat halie. . . Huh, I'm okay with it xD
looks like bws fooled everyone.
Never trust a skinny chef.
Crisis averted. Thank God.
I'm not sure why everyone was of the mindset that just because the red head was gonna start gaining with the blonde that the blonde was just going to stop gaining herself. The contrast would still remain relatively the same.
Ok, were not considering that the redhead could turn this into a competition... which I remember reading in a interactive story a while ago.
I'll admit I chuckled out loud on the last panel
an interactive story, huh
Curious but is it perhaps one based on this story?
If the redhead says something in the lines of "I want to be bigger than you" Ill be certain Salt took some heavy inspiration from somewere
And the patreon post says "Is this a race now?".
She's still getting fat just not as fat as the main girl wouldn't be surprised if later she's fat and the main girl is huge
That would be acceptable. Best case scenario for me would be the brunette being immobile and the redhead being around 250 or 300 pounds maximum. Something where the size difference would be substantial.
I seriously don't get why everyone thought Courtney would stop gaining just because her red head girlfriend would start gaining too. 4 more pages to go and I'm convinced both end up huge by the end of the comic.
Once again redhead is the worst part of this whole comic
Is he gonna release a new Page this week?
Tfw you realize Lucyguy and Undertaker have such a monopoly on comms you have to blackmail Salt to get a comm from him
Blackmail him with what?, that sounds fuck up.
Idk, they just said welrod guy blackmailed Salt to get that drawing of a bot girl, which yeah is fucked up if true, but I can't help but laugh that a guy finally managed to get a comm from salt and used it to make a shitpost
Tfw some anon posts something with 0 evidence and a bunch of people start taking it seriously
(36 KB, 222x174, welrodglasses.png)

That story is waaaaay overblown, dunno where people got that from

What really happened is I was rock climbing in norway at the time - there's this big crag in the island at brensholmen, about an hour away from tromsø. Great place, lovely views even if you're just hiking, but slippery as all hell for several days after it rains.

So I was kinda not surprised when I found this lanky tourist trying to drag himself along the trail with a twisted ankle, looking like he was about to pass out.

Anyways, I help the dude get back to civilization, we chat a bit and I find out he's an artist, and he's like "hey man if you ever need something drawn lemme know, I owe you"

and the rest is history I guess lol
Anon, no! Users here haven't developed a sense of sarcasm, yet!!
New page is out! If anyone’s got, it would be highly appreciated
Thank you very much good fellow!
(2.2 MB, 2029x2280, 93118AC8-9484-4F1A-9767-D39898FDEEE8.png)
Just saw that this actually won the explicit poll. So fucking excited.
And how timely, considering December 2nd is Mai’s birthday.
I feel strange that folks are against that idea. I love the idea of two huge gals together. What’s not to love?

People can be weirdly specific to the point of hostility when it comes to fetishes.
so thats how you met salt?
1 woman gaining 2 weights is better then 2 women gaining 1 weight. Size difference is dope.
We get it already you don’t like the idea of mutual gaining. Just shut the fuck up and accept the fact that your opinion isn’t fact. People clearly like this idea. You continuing to say the same thing over and over to try and justify your tastes as more important than others is sickening. Pop that little bubble you live in and grow up drama Queen.

It would be hysterical if the guy whining about mutual gaining was the same fagaloon who chastised others for disliking BWS's affinity for blobs.
Who's the kitsune girl from the sketches above, the one with the twin ponytails running
So wait, did you by some chance like BBWs prior to running into Salt? Developed something after looking into it or...just nice and choose your fav characters and let him blimp them up? Such an odd story lmao
I wish this were a joke
(3.3 MB, 1600x1200, 1920s-floor-file-a.png)

A bit of both. Chubby stuff always had its appeal, getting exposed to salt's stuff expanded my horizons a bit.

Then again, you're talking with a guy who's ok with subway tile and wonder bread - variety's the spice of waifus, after all.
>variety's the spice of waifus, after all.
He says, comming only Welrod
Ah but if she's naked there's not gonna be a belt, that's the appeal of the picture for me, the tension between the belt and her g u t.
Maybe the explicit will be the aftermath of her clothes exploding.
(402 KB, 627x594, winkwonk.png)

>Implying anyone here's remotely aware of the full extent of my commissioning activities

Do you enjoy written content much?
Fair enough. Appeal of the pic for me is the fact that it is Mai, so no matter what form the explicit takes I am sure it will, ahem, *assist* me quite frequently.
nah this is also the guy who's OCs are Nikume and Serena, the blonde and brunette
speak of the devil, its the pink haired girl from some of his comms
those are some nice tittes ngl
subway tiles? you wouldn't happen to be the guy who gets off to floor tiles from that one thread on /v/ a while back would you?

Are you the guy interviews on The Dick Show podcast a while back? Who needed the host to buy him jeans?
never thought I see a fellow dickhead here.
(14 KB, 686x293, image.png)
Good news all
The sketch for Christmas Melony is also looking promising. Only bad news is that the 3 part sequence for Melony won't be completed this month due to workload, and will be seen in January.
i wish sometimes he posts WIP sketches
>Doesn't see that I said that the Melony sketch looks promising.
I didn't post it here because there have been people before who would color in an artist's sketch and try to claim it as their own before the OG artist finishes it themselves.
Based on the math of every other post being Couple Stuff and salt posting every tuesday, thursday, and saturday, it should now be finished January 3rd, unless some times are skipped or multiple pages are posted at once

Also he posted on the monthly shill that at 10k there's going to be a surprise project all the patreons can be involved in, currently he's just barely over 9k.
To be honest I want to see another page of the Lucy's stuffing comic remake. At least before the month ends
As long as it’s as good as Jeetdoh’s Melony piece, then I’m in.
Old bws proportions or new bws proportions
new screensaver right here, fucking beautiful page
And damn the redhead makes a good feedee. Since this was the same night she ate an insane amount of food already, hopefully we will see her getting fed and more of that gut of hers soon.

As of late I feel like he put a bit too much focus on belly and boobs, and while it isn't anywhere near lewdlemage or KipTeiTei levels of uneven distribution his older works had more even proportions
His bellies are still fine, but with boobs he can overdo it sometimes. At least he's not drawing more butts, that's one thing he is bad with.
Lmao what? What a dumb take.
1. I think most people would disagree with you
2. Even if you were right, him avoiding it isn't going to make him better at it and he should keep trying so he can get better.
If we keep talking shit Salt will probably make the Redhead pear shaped and the Blonde and apple shape...
>Lmao what? What a dumb take.
Which part of it? You didn't highlight anything.

>I think most people would disagree with you
Only because most seem to view BWS as some flawless god. I've seen some parts of his work that even low to mid level artists can do better then him, and butts are one of them.
You do realise that the janitors will have a field trip reading these...
It would mean someone here can't handle opinions that don't match there own, because nothing gets taken down unless it's reported first. For the record, I never report anyone for their opinions.
How the hell's this bastard render skin so well? It looks like you can sink right into it!
You’re saying a lot of words, but where’s your proof that he does certain things “at the same level as low to mid-tier artists”? Accusing people of ignoring his flaws isn’t an argument if you can’t back it up dipshit.
(200 KB, 1280x884, oversize_payload_by_better_with_salt_dfg1n6x-fullview.jpg) (232 KB, 1920x1773, pizza_chonk_by_aaronfly98_ddzm8xj-fullview.jpg) (285 KB, 1920x1920, hefty_hex_maniac_by_sugarrollart_detbtii-fullview.jpg) (95 KB, 1280x1064, girlfriend_facesitting_on_alt__comm__by_jarsman_deyq38q-fullview.jpg)
Using his recent D.va as a comparison, here's some butts that I consider better by 3 different artists who I view as either low or mid level. One thing these 3 have in common is that unlike BWS's D.va, their butts have volume to them. They also have nice hang to them unlike D.va.

You do realize that different people gain weight in different ways based on various factors and that things like visceral fat that barely sags and high estrogen exist, right? You act like fat can literally never be pliant and accumulate mostly around the belly. I understand liking even distrivution, but claiming that the opposite is impossible is just factually wrong.
I mean, would you not want to dunk your face directly into that Dva's endlessly fat ass? It's quite good enough for me, sir.
I never said that fat distrubution being focused on one area is impossible or unrealistic
>Uses 1 example
>It's at a completely different angle from the comparisons
>Still looks way better than the others especially the last one
Ok bro whatever. It's clear you have a point you want to make and will do whatever you can to sell it so there's no point in arguing with you.

Guess I just got that impression from the way you worded it, if that's not what you meant, then sorry.
>>129171 To be fair, it is generally that way, but especially so when you are wrong and literally all you can do is hold up a mirror like a mime. Good luck to you though, great Spartan from Sparta.
Dude what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Don't mind him, he's autistic. They see their opinion as fact and have an irresistible obsession with "winning" stupid internet arguments.
Would be hard to do so for how flat her ass is.

>It's at a completely different angle from the comparisons
"Completely different" is incorrect. The perspective is similar to the others, though her body is positioned differently.

>Still looks way better than the others
Care to explain why you think so? I did go out of my way to explain myself, so I expect the same of you. And remember, we are talking about butts here.
No need, it's fine. Also the janitors are going to have a field day with this
I commend the dedication of the resident autist here. He never shuts the fuck up.
So I'm just gonna prefers this here. My following statement is about your attitude. I just have to point out here that you are one of the most precocious twats I've ever seen in this thread. Congrats?
I get people have different tastes but seriously? spherical ass? shame on you pal
>"Completely different" is incorrect
My dude you must be blind. DVa is full horizontal, the girls you used as examples are standing. It's a 90 degree rotation.
>Care to explain why you think so?
The second example you sent is actually pretty alright anatomically, but the first and third are practically circle-tool-tier.
I think old Jay kuma and Tail-Blazer are unmatched when it comes to drawing fat asses, I don't really come to BWS for that. He's better at bellies, thighs, tits, and actually appealing fat faces (a rare commodity).
I think old Jay Kuma and Tail Blazer are unrivaled when it comes to drawing fat asses, I don't really think of salt as my go to for that. He's better at soft bellies, squeezable thighs, big boobs, and actually appealing fat faces. (A rare comodity)
Comments on Nat aside...how the fuck does he render skin that well?
I wonder who she’s quoting? I really want to see the entirety of this conversation instead of just the snippet being used here as framing.
I think that he's using stock images of skin textures to squeeze in more detail easily and then hiding it with shading and coloring, similar to what they do in Chowder but you're not meant to notice. It's clear to me that he does that for stuff like fabric and drywall, I don't think it's a stretch to do it for skin.
>>129441 I Reeeaaally love this one. Does anyone knows her name?
>big exposed belly lift
>fun dialogue
What do you expect out of the guy if this puts you to sleep?
I think it's probably hifumi from new game. Cute show.
I wish he'd do more Tifa, her suspenders are meant to skindent into her belly. If he made an alt of the Aerith pic with Tifa I'd die an erect man.
>it's too good, it mustn't be real!
He's done this several times on stream, you can look up the vods even. He's just cracked at shading and spends a million years on that layer
Yea but he still uses a overlay layer to give texture to the skin and overall picture.

If he doesn't do that, and does it manually, then I would argue he would save more time just using a texture overlay to get the same effect.
Nah, this doesn't look like a stock image situation to me. I draw myself and I think I recognize the particular brush he used for the texture on her pants there. For the skin it looks like a combination of standard round brushes and spray brushes, and a REALLY good understanding of color and lighting. Man is just the GOAT.
It wasn't meant to be a put-down. Putting aside the question of whether or not it's being done, I wouldn't say it's "fake" anymore than using a tablet over paper and pencil is fake. If it works, it works.
I didn't mean to disparage the technique either, I just think it's silly to have this discussion when his entire creative process is extremely well documented
any new Couple Stuff pages? It's been a while
i think ones coming tomorrow. he posts on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
does art of nikume and serena from other artists count?
No, because they're not BWS's OCs.
although i would kill for another nikume and serena drawing from salt
He probably had to remade the last few pages side hes extending the comic to 20 pages
Nats body type is weird she went from a apple to a pear to a apple again
it is strange
pear nat is superior
I'm pretty sure in the recent one she just looks apple-shaped because she's lifting her gut...
bump new couple stuff page
Christmas art will be the priority for the next two weeks.
Aw she looks so good tho. She was really enjoying herself in the last page. With how the page ends, I guess give it a page or two and she’ll be right back to enjoying her fattening frame.
Besides, maybe we will get some real intimate action soon. Especially with that comment about how nice it would be to have each other’s fat bellies smooshed on each other
>>130180 Oh yeah? How do you figure?
If she's referring to the musky underside of her fat apron, that's the kind of sick shit I want to suffocate under.
>>130182 Ok, Elon Musk. I've got a tiny pussy too. Nobody has ever been in there yet I'm like a virgin.
beautiful stuff right here, I hope the redhead gets as big as the brunette by the end
Well we didnt see the redhead going from skinny-fat to bbw, makes me wonder in what size the comic will end.
real interesting of bws to include body dysmorphia rather than the immediate "im fat and i love it wow", the real kinda plot development about loving your body that i enjoy
Let's just hope this comic doesn't turn into body positivity propaganda
This is “BBW-Chan.”
Kinda miss the contrast, but the new body type's going pretty great

This covers growing pains a lot better than Losing Control, at least
This is a fetish comic the only reason this is here is for a bit of plot since some people care about that
It sucks how much the redhead's weight gain felt tacked on. In the span of 4 pages, she gets pressured to gaining weight, crumbles under the pressure immediately, has a big off screen stuffing, and is then shown to almost catch up to the brunette after a timeskip. While the brunette did gain during the timeskip, it's clear she'll be slowing down from here. She should've been the only one to gain throughout this comic.
Sucks that the redhead gaining felt tacked on. In the span of 4 pages, she gets pressured into gaining weight, succumbs to the pressure almost immediately, has an off screen stuffing, and is then shown to almost catch up to the brunette after a timeskip. While the brunette also gained during the timeskip, it's clear that she'll be slowing down from here on. She should've been the only one to gain during the comic.
Also the last "I got nothing to worry about" maybe hints another twist, I think the redhead will end up being the biggest and I also suspect the blonde was into feederism all along, heck read page 2 she even goes and buys the food, and makes the redhead feed her.
Has for whatever happens next I guess Salt has his own vision on how the comic will go, and the complaints from patreon will probably wont change much now...
>Also the last "I got nothing to worry about" maybe hints another twist, I think the redhead will end up being the biggest
I strongly doubt that. That would go against the brunette's enthusiasm from the beginning of the comic.
I mean the redhead was really embarrassed with telling the blonde about her fetish, the redhead was probably going to be fine with just making the blonde gain a couple pounds, but here just my theory the blonde even with how pushy her personality is was even more embarrassed of telling the redhead that she wanted them to end up like beached whales...
Also that "enthusiasm" in gaining could go into feeding the redhead...
I said specifically the beginning of the comic, when the brunette was only thinking about herself gaining.
I don't know if this is the right Place to ask but does anybody have the pewbutt's drawing of one of salt's OCs?
>the complaints from patreon probably won't change much now
Good,.the 1 or 2 people complaining about the comic because it isn't what they wanted it to be shouldn't have the power to make Salt change the comic.
>almost catch up to the brunette
The brunette is clearly still like twice her size, "catching up" my ass
I was hoping see the brunette stuffing herself and weight gain a little bit slowly:/
(1.6 MB, 3300x1386, Fast-food.png) (516 KB, 1666x1250, Adjustments.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1715x2836, Arousing Suspicion.png) (990 KB, 2677x1916, Struggling For the Meme.png) (1.4 MB, 3300x1386, Fast-food_EX.png)
I don't know if it's just me but I feel like Nicole is BWS' least cared for OC, she's not part of the "main" line of his girls and hasn't been any character outside of these . Maybe it's that most people don't care for her design or shape but I like her, just wish he'd do more with Nicole.
And unlike the redhead she doesn't have a hairstyle I don't like.
>Maybe it's that most people don't care for her design or shape but I like her, just wish he'd do more with Nicole.
It's because she's mainly hips and her hair makes her look older. Not sure what other people think of her, but she's an OC I don't care for. She could use a redesign, give her more belly so it compliments her large hips and change her hair bun to long flowing so it makes her look younger.
How the fuck does she look old? The hairstyle has gotten nothing to do with it
Her hair being fully gray and in a bun makes her look older, and those single strands of hair going behind her ears and toward her cheeks is a look more associated with older women.
It is possible for younger people to have gray/silver hair, but the women that this happens to would make their hair long and flowing to invoke that they're still young.
Nah sorry but she definitely looks older, I'm with the other guy on this. Still like her, but it's pretty undeniable
Why apologize to me when you're agreeing with me that she looks older?
maybe on first glance the silver hair is confused for gray, but like she has no other characteristic beyond that like wrinkles. I'd like to see a comic of her in the future
I'm not much a fan of her design personally, and I wouldn't be surprised if her numbers reflected that sentiment on a wider scale.
That said, Arousing Suspicion is absolutely one of the hottest scenarios he has ever crafted and I wish he'd do more with personalities like that
ight whos betting on what drawing salts gonna post on patreon? my guess is that mei art he did
Holy fuck, that is god tier. Actually the best art salt has done in a while. I came...
Best bit is that this is definitely based on recent pics of Adeline, who is this big in real life
*removes sunglasses*
So no Mai?
*chucks phone*
*smashes skateboard*
Don't get your panties in a knot. It's either her or Christmas Melony next.
When can we see bws stop using those ugly highlights on hairs? it’s can’t make form and looks as plastic
I think his style has changed a bit, perhaps is faster to do it this way or hes just burned out
Feel like he'll go the way of Metalforever, where having a higher workload will make him worse.
Actual homosexual taste. Those highlights are smooth and hot as fuck
iirc his style always had an anime influence. even though i like the painterly look i can definitely see why his hair has those kinds of highlights now, especially with the way he renders skin. he is taking on alot of work so hopefully he's not burning out.
Hah, just see good hairs like _sizemologist or good anime arts from Pinterest
I get that it's because she's stuffed, but her upper belly is too big compared to her lower belly. Other then that, this is one of his better nudes.
BWS literally never has to draw another image again. I am set for life.
Unless of course this were to someday get a sequel. That would be a different story.
Thank you lord for blessing us with this
i think all hes comments there arent serious
It isn't serious *but* he knows how contrasts emphasize size

Wish he'd play around with that more

God tier, the milk, the lines, the fat fucking face goddamn he does not miss
No, it’s bad as all content from those shitty artists who against AI
>>131349 Do you force yourself to believe in your tiny mind that literally everybody that dislikes AI art is a shitty artist trying to suade public opiniin from his twitter account? Do you think it's possible that the art is bad, or that people don't want lazy artists using handicap tools to produce art that is bad becoming the norm, or that the AI software itself is a joke and nothing spectacular?
I literally can barely even comprehend what these comments are trying to say so I’ll just say haters gonna hate but this Mai is peak
>>131358 Google translate to your native language, then translate it back to English. I hope that helps.
Mate, your grasp over English spelling is absolutely shite if you think that you spelt everything correctly in that previous post
>>131365 Every now and then I get some confused, I call them a thought fart, and on occasion I forget how some words are spelled.
How do i reply someone message?
Press the X button at the top right of your browser page
(40 KB, 800x500, 1624844712891.jpg)
Oh, it might be a bug.
If you have a system32 folder, there might be an error found in it. Simply right click on it and select delete, than select override the system requirements (or whatever)
press alt+f4 everytime you open bbwchan
Remove your bottom two ribs
Click on those numbers on the upper right of a message (the No.xxxxxx)
That's what Couple Stuff was doing until he decided to have the redhead gain weight too. He had the chance to do emphasize it more, but then threw it away.
Yeah, how dare he go down different routes with different characters/character dynamics
her eyes are too far apart
salts posting tonight, who's excited?
What do you mean? Looks like his stuff like usual
hey guys were gonna need an update on the Nikume and Sei timeline
For sure!
A bit of Rebecca there!
Yeah, none of them are really related.
You're a bit late there
Didn't update it when someone posted also better quality.
There's no way salt isn't a great artist, but he is boner-obliteratingly awful at faces sometimes. Like what the hell.
(4.7 MB, 2342x1924, Too Much Jelly.png)
He updated the post with a fix for the eyes.

Also, faces are hard to draw. One of the hardest things, in fact.
The problem with this face is how he shaded the area between the eyes and eyebrows. The harshness makes her look kinda like a neanderthal.
>>131873 this shit gets fucking crazier each time I see it
>>131890 I like Salt's art as much as the next guy, but she looks like the guy from that one video where he drinks a soda, then a filter is applied and his face looks fucked up. I'd post a link but this website doesn't do hyperlinks.
can you post the coloured ones from last month?
I wish people would be more descriptive when suggesting characters in the polls because Lucy and Orihime look great the other two pretty meh
>>131990 Top left's Erufuda, who's the one on the bottom?
Chiho from devil's a part timer
as in it's not finishing until late january or it's not getting updated until late january
1. That's making the assumption that wasn't what these people wanted

2. What's wrong with them? Just because they aren't showing belly like the other two they're bad?
His patrons are allowed to describe what size and weight distribution they want with their suggestions, and are included when listed as a poll option.
All true and there's nothing wrong with them I just think that heir outfits are pretty meh is all, like just a little too basic
You're right that they're allowed to, but in practice, almost no one does and salt just ends up improvising a scenario on the fly anyways. Actually read the poll options next time
I only know because of a Kemono Party post from a few months ago.
>salt just ends up improvising a scenario on the fly anyways.
No wonder some of his body shapes suck. He's bad at on the fly jobs.
Unfortunately, “put on hold until late January”.
No art today, but tomorrow
yeah bad news, salts not posting tonight... FUCK!!!
Maybe BWS isn't posting anything new because it's christmas eve and artists should take time off to be with their families? How would you like it if your work demanded you work Christmas eve night and christmas day? BWS should be with their family and take time off. Besides it's important to take a break every now and again. It can help an artist refresh themself and approach a project with fresher eyes and to prevent stress and burnout. We can wait until January for new stuff to be released, just let them take time off to relax and be with their family.
Anybody can share the whole Lucy stuffing?
You're so kind! Thank you for being so considerate. It's rare to see that type of mentality nowadays.

It depends if you speak English and are from the states and you don't live in a good area. Sorround yourself with good friends and you won't have that problem because it will be less likely to happen. I made that mistake too when I was young because I was raised to be friendly so I treat everybody the same, but I made the mistake of sorrounding myself with friends that were not good because I was trying to give them a chance and not be judgemental or "prejudice". Take it from somebody that hung out with drug dealers and gang members, never, not even once.

If you sorround yourself with friends that are not good or decent (in what is literally the worst of the developed countries of the planet) what do you suppose the outcome of that will be? It's better to not have any friends than be friends with such savages that you will regret hanging out with later on in life.

If you give them a chance they will prove that the stereotypes are true.
It's all on kemono.party. Besides, it's all public on DeviantArt.
Oh and BTW, no, still no remade page.
Merry Christmas, anons
Hope you had a good one :)
ok salt lore development here, sammy is a tease.. i think
Chloe's still stuffing her gob in the kitchen, isn't she?
Anyone has the colored version of these?
Would like to see the aftermath of that or (as unlikely as it is) Chloe and Sammy sharing a kiss under the mistletoe.
(182 KB, 820x869, Up Poll.png) (1.1 MB, 820x673, Pre Poll.png)
Update with the polls this month. Option 10 won Sketch Upgrade, and Option 8 won Prequel. Maybe we'll get a D.VA that doesn't suck this time.
I'm talking about being underneath her fat apron and essentially smothering myself under a wall of thick flesh, you buffoon.
The D.Va doesn't even suck, you people just have shit taste
What are you mad about? What stereotypes are you referring to? I am just saying to maybe let artists take time off to be with their families or relax this time of year and come back to their projects with fresh open eyes. This will let their art be newer and fresher as well as preventing exhaustion and burnout that may hurt the quality of their art/writing. Or to appease the trolls prevent the art from getting worse. What are you so mad about? Or are you just a troll looking to fight over nothing?
I love when he draws chibi's
same man, can't wait for those nikume and serena chibis soon
wait when did he make that?
IIRC from the twitter post, it was a Secret Santa gift
New page
For couple stuff? Where is it?
No Couple Stuff until late January, idiots. >>132062 said it a few days ago. Learn to read other posts.
Gigafat chuds win again but us guys that prefer his somewhat smaller stuff won in poll 2 I guess.
What are you talking about? With prequels it's a guaranteed win for people who like his smaller stuff, while sketch upgrades are the only time "gigafat" happens because he doesn't do them for anything else, not even continuations.
Does it suck that's debatable and depends on how much of an ass guy you are but it could be better
The legs are decent but the ass feels like it's getting lost in the rest of the fat. Honestly I think it could work better if you saw it from a different angle where the belly isn't taking up most of the view. Like the Aerith pic.
I agree with this. Aerith worked because she had a bottom heavy body type and was done at an angle that complimented that.
shit we gotta make a new thread

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