
(1.4 MB, 470x560, lucky luna.gif)
Not really expecting anyone to turn this up, but figured I might as well ask. Artist is TheFunPolice2, and while they archived most of their work there was one gif (incomplete version attached) whose final version wasn't added.

Anyone manage to save it, or is this one lost to time?
Thank you kindly! Not sure where you found it or if you just had it saved, but this made my day!

Didn't know if this would belong there or not since I knew the source, but I'll keep that in mind for next time. Much appreciated, and take care

Any background to the gif or the character? Is she stuffed or fat?
>>123074 (OP)
Can this thread be deleted now that the OP got what they wanted?
Why not just turn it into a general archive thread for the artist?
Because we already have a Lost Art Thread, which is for art from artists who either deleted their work or vanished entirely.
there was no background to the gif as far as i can remember

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