
(82 KB, 1280x321, spider_gwen__jan_2022_patron_poll__by_kgr3_deyqr90-fullview.jpg) (258 KB, 2048x1881, EN8I2FPWkAEM2U_.jfif) (175 KB, 1280x1114, the_xxxxxl_gene_by_tubbytoon_d7supi0-fullview.jpg) (111 KB, 1024x547, commission_for_pureivel_by_ray_norr_d59cqh1-fullview.jpg) (126 KB, 1024x1878, _commission__mantis_by_thickerwasp_dcp7unu-fullview.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1024x1264, no_more_skinny_girls_2___ep_20___ms__marvel_by_axel_rosered_d60g9vy-fullview.png)
Anyone got some fatty Kate Bishop?
All of the ones from sunsleptos are amazing, generally all his work is super fucking good
I've been wanting to get a commission from him, but his guidelines are so strict that's it's almost intimidating.
The guidelines are strict mostly as a filter cause i've had some real nasty customers in the past. Generally if you're chill with me I'll work with you.
I can't take every comm that comes my way, but if you toss one into my comm form lemme know it's you though!
Oh, hey! Thank you for the clarification. That's totally understandable. If I do decide to bite the bullet, I'll let you know that it's me.
(104 KB, 1128x726, dfdaqsd-098134ce-5f2b-4dac-9fa3-44619074e784.png)
I love Monica Rambeau! That's why I asked a commission of her! And if anyone wanna role play and maybe play as her I got a discord account, DeepLurkers#3868 if someone interested
(315 KB, 1240x1643, d65pd14-690ca99a-162b-4ad2-993f-9db1ad712462.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1197, no_more_skinny_girls_2___ep_4___black_cat_by_axel_rosered_d5z6l85-fullview.png) (101 KB, 1024x1564, commission__shadow_cat_by_axel_rosered_d7jf9yg-fullview.jpg) (408 KB, 1024x727, no_more_skinny_girls_2___ep_20___ms__marvel_by_axel_rosered_d60g9vy-fullview.png)
Axel-Rosered was awesome making some marvel girls big. My ad is still open if you saw Monica Rambeau pic it's says about my discord account which I'll also say it here too DeepLurkers#3868
We need more fat Kate Bishop art
Especially now it's looks all basic and it doesn't go very creative before, especially he's new kink ew
I miss when Kate had bangs, she was hotter with them
It's the little things that count and especially so with the butchering that Marvel's been giving its characters.
>>129223 Stop trying to fuck my shit up. My shit is MINE. Fuck your own shit up.
We got a forehead lover
(469 KB, 1805x1068, blackcat.jpg)
anyone got this? it's by makaro-kono
can you not fucking read
bro is really blinder than Daredevil lmao
Take this vore shit to alt.
Can anyone tell me the artist for these? I cant seem to find them.

100% agree, not the best. I am learning, but it probably wasn't too wise to post something that ain't too up to snuff with stuff of higher quality.

Don't let it get you down! The world is a better place with more fat art in it!
(2.7 MB, 3391x1707, morepeni.png)
The world is a better place with more fat art, only if it's good. You wanna be helpful to the little bastard, don't lie to him; you tell him that everyone's gotta start out somewhere and if he works hard at it, his pictures will eventually become palatable, and with enough dedication, he could eventually outdraw his favorite artist.
(106 KB, 1024x914, Sketch 2.jpg)
Lol. People will do backflips to justify tearing other people down. Sharing your art is an important part of improving. It's hard to put yourself out there and it's easy as hell to insult someone you don't know.

Keep drawing and I guarantee that we'll all be glad that you did!
>Sharing your art is an important part of improving
Bull fucking shit; artists for hundreds years just locked themselves up in their house and hammered it out alone or used live models without taking any input from other people short of when they're on commission. People didn't really start sharing every little thing they created until the internet started to become regularly used; the most you got before that was something down the lines of artist communes of the 70s around the same time abstract garbage came into being. All anyone truly needs is the desire to be better and the willpower to keep moving forward; we even live in an age with a certifiable metric ton of references to use in place of models.

Only thing nothing but positive vibes gets you are assholes who think themselves kings, and people whose growth stunted before they could climb out of the trash bin. Can't even say the few that become successful artists who have a good amount of skill, aren't immune from eventually degenerating if they aren't lucky enough to just have their growth stalled.

TLDR: The only thing that matters is a persons dedication; the only thing praise gets you is a person who becomes more interested in being popular, and who will eventually notice they can slack on their work because their fans will love anything they do.
Sounds like this is guy has some personal hang ups about this! Keep drawing and keep sharing your art, maybe just someplace less agro than BBWchan.
(244 KB, 2048x1536, FqO_p95XoAARuVs.jpg)
Honestly, we should just rename this the Spider-Gwen thread. She's basically the mascot here already lol
could we get a source on this, brother?
>>121742 (OP)
Well, I think because She is basically the female version of the most famous Marvel character of all time, the artists have their eye on her. As for the name of the thread I agree, does anyone know how to change the name of the thread? Something like Spider Gwen and Marvel Gals
(349 KB, 2987x2303, 073a148f4059adf8cebb7374b5ce3bf04c40d1d2d46e311a9839ef9ac9eb5dc1.png)
Well, I think because She is basically the female version of the most famous Marvel character of all time, the artists have their eye on her. As for the name of the thread I agree, does anyone know how to change the name of the thread? Something like Spider Gwen and Marvel Gals.
Anyone have more of Peni Parker?
(4.3 MB, 3019x2147, peni_parker_bbw______by_murdochscrooge_dcovpsb.png)
She gets so much because people don't read Marvel comics, they just watch the movies, so the only thing people can post of different characters are reposts.

Also no, don't make another capeshit thread, just stick to simple Marvel and DC threads.
There is a severe lack of Ms. Marvel art out there. She seems perfect for belly stuffing, but I can’t even find any wg outside of these threads.
I remember before spiderverse

Black widow was the marvel bbw poster girl.
Does anyone have a realistic pencil drawing of Emma Stone as Spider-Gwen? Think I saw it on deviantart years ago.
does anyone have that jessica jones sequence that idle-minded did

saw it once or twice, then never again
Hey thank you so much
Currently trying to upload these to stufferdb, since his old Persona series is on there, figured I'd add this
(653 KB, 680x630, mummy demoness.png)
Drawing this back ground character from the new Spider-Man comics
Is there any more to this sequence or is it just those pictures?
She looks like too much of a woman to have come out of new Spiderman comics.
she's from the 17th issue of the new comics
(656 KB, 1250x1500, nn.png)
there is also this as a bonus from the sequence but not actually part of it
(713 KB, 1100x2000, she_hulk_weight_gain_drive_1___by_idle_minded_dfcn8q2.png) (827 KB, 1120x1600, she_hulk_weight_gain_drive_2___by_idle_minded_dfd0ddy.png) (782 KB, 1200x1600, she_hulk_weight_gain_drive_3___by_idle_minded_dfdafz0.png) (977 KB, 1700x1740, she_hulk_weight_gain_drive_4_4_by_idle_minded_dfeox7d.png) (199 KB, 1760x1280, a7c0483e9694b02c0e8353e7a03337abe766aef69fcc3c16c5d80403f57ab524.png)
Nevermind someone was so nice enough to do it for me in the other thread!!
Any Gamora?
Anyone got the bootleg spider man comic? Before you say anything it does have bbw
(436 KB, 1000x1545, IMG_2212.jpeg)
I found this comic on a site that sells it, it's called bootleg spider man (true name) anyone have it?
i just wanna know why he cant take his mask off tbh
Any Lady Loki art please??

(No Sylvie, the one with black hair in the comics)
Cause his face is the one of the spider's
(8 KB, 309x163, download.jpg)
Hello, I need your help, I can't find an art of 女傑部屋 (understand 1129), where he makes the women of Avengers Endgame obese, I can't find it anywhere.
(2.6 MB, 2699x2789, elektra.png)
Anyone have it?
>>155337 (Cross-thread)
She's a touchy topic because she's technically a loli and Twitter as a whole makes artists reluctant to lewd her. Even in this thread you might get told to move it to BBW Alt
That's what I was thinking tho idk where she'd be placed. Can someone make a thread for her in bbw alt? So it's easier to find what I'm looking for.
Hello xisters! Since Gwen is officially trans now all art of her should be moved to /ee/. Happy pride month everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
I had a feeling of this cellphone and computer hacking was the work of lesbians so good to know I was right. I think they may be retarded too aswell
There's an ongoing speculation that she's trans because of Across the Spider-verse. Nothing's been confirmed, but for the sake of people's sanity let's hope she's not.
I don't mind Gwen being trans, I wouldn't like having the character in the same place as a tomo chan's dick getting sliced off, thanks
(198 KB, 1024x1225, peni_porker_by_jeetdoh.jpg)
It'll be like the Bridget shit in Guilty Gear, the actual fans will tell Daisuki (Sony and Marvel) to shove it up his ass, and continue seeing Bridget as a trap like people will continue seeing Gwen as a biological female and knowing that if Marvel does pick up on this, they'll do a costume and design change that everyone can ignore as bad fanfiction. I do doubt Marvel will be trying anything with how fucked Disney's profits are right now; then again, nobody already buys their shit anymore so the Mouse won't have any reason to not shut the company down and shift everything into reprints.
They've already done Morbius, for fuck sake. Do you think anyone will ever take them seriously after that POS of a movie? (Aside from the tranny crowd)
What does Morbius have to do with my point? It was so disconnected from Spiderman that you'd only know he's a Spiderman villain from someone telling you; so it couldn't be it hurting peoples interest in Sony's Spiderman movies.
jeetdoh fucking GOAT art again, damn

does it even really matter if shes trans or not?
I swear I hate people like this
For this board, yes it does matter. Bridget was a problem on both a Guilty Gear thread and a Fighting Game Girls thread, and it'll be the same with Gwen if they decide to make her trans.
I always saw Peni being in a "grey area" in terms of fetish art.
oh no gwen is trans whatever shall we do oh nooo the sheer horror

bro who gives a fuck it's art yall will still jerk to it anyway
her being trans or not wont change the fact that when shes 500 pounds heavier she makes my cock turn to diamond
The real outrage is Penny not being trans


My god she is not trans. Legit it was a metaphor comparing having ng a Spidey identity is similar to how trans people feel. It's not confirmed until the producers saying something but it was a metaphor. Even then it's the spiderverse I'm sure there's a trans version of people and miles out there
>Spidey identity is similar to how trans people feel
but spider-man isn't a delusional nutcase who actually believes he's a real spider and demands of you to refer to him as such. pretty weak metaphor, sloppy writing on marvel's part.
>>155655 no no about self identity. Being disowned by your parents like her dad disowned her. She was afraid to come out as Spidey because of her dad's reaction. Now us straight viewers see the actual plot but this with the trans flag color palette and metaphors were supposed to make trans people feel represented. But representation doesn't always mean the character themselves has to change and I feel like that wasn't marvels intentions to make her trans. This article can explain it way better than me
Did they teach what a metaphor was in Mudville, USA or was the school budget blown on whippets?
It doesn’t matter cuz the Gwen from the movie is not Comics Spider-Gwen, which is Earth-15, just a random TRN and not the main Spider-Gwen

Like people be against characters being a certain way but forgetting to realize its a MULTIVERSE and that doesn’t mean the Prime continutiy will change if one variant is black or gay or trans
Comics Spider-Gwen is Earth-65, so Movie Spider-Gwen seems more of a Earth-65B
(117 KB, 1280x674, DiqdNzjX0AEclGM.jpeg) (36 KB, 579x480, 20230607_003556.jpg)
I like *this, but would kill to see more art with looking "alternative" like in the animated movies.
also s tier belly aesthetics with the subtle stretch marks.
(2.7 MB, 3391x1707, morepeni.png)
Jeet can eat a dick.

Won't be nearly of a problem here, no one reads Marvel and the vast majority of people into the movies won't even register it; the real problem will be the artists.

The grey area of she's too cute not to fatten up from an inability to not dote on her.

Peni is Marvel you tools.

Jokes on you, I gave zero shit about Gwen.

Spider-Man's a legitimately good guy who tries to help everyone even though Jameson is always talking shit about him and getting New Yorkers joining in while he's forced to live a miserable life because the one above all always has it out for him. A tranny would kill Jameson for saying hello before he even has the thought to talk shit about spidertranny, and then will eventually go on a tyrannical rampage because people keep misgendering the masked "vigilante".

>Even then it's the spiderverse I'm sure there's a trans version of people
I think they made a tranny Spiderman in the sea of new spiders during Marvels attempt to further milk dry the only name anyone still cares about. It's truly hilarious how the original Spiderverse event was made to kill off the insane amount of spiders that were infesting Marvel.

Why would you use trash to try and back you up? That just makes you look full of bullshit.

>Like people be against characters being a certain way but forgetting to realize its a MULTIVERSE and that doesn’t mean the Prime continutiy will change if one variant is black or gay or trans
Anon, Marvel; Marvel, Anon.
Honestly at this point you'd do better to make up your own continuity in your head and stick to that.
I'm not using the gamer to back me up. Legit states points straight from the movie. There's other articles out there that state the same which I read. The gamer is more well known so that's why I picked them.
I'm not supporting the whole trans things. I'm just saying that everyone is assuming it's true so trans people have another thing to claim but what people don't understand is that representation doesn't always mean a charecter needs to change like that. I respect and think the metaphor was a good thing and great idea but everyone is taking it too far by saying this theory is canon and it's stupid
>There's other articles out there that state the same which I read
And I bet they all subscribe to the same bullshit that The Gamer does that leaves them reaching father than Mr Fantastic to see what they want in whatever they're watching when by all means it's highly unlikely it's nothing more than a virtue signal they popped into the background to get brownie points while having low risk of turning off audiences.
Alright tell me this did you see the movie?
Did you read the article?
Why would I need to watch it when it's not only exactly what corporations have been doing for the past half decade, but the movie in question is a popcorn flick?

They made a spider out of Firestar?
Y'all get triggered so easily lol
Lmao the fact that you haven't seen the movie means that no matter how much I explain the metaphor and representation you won't listen to reason because you havent bothered to experience it yourself so there's no point in even having this conversation with you. You already wasted enough of my time thinking you had valid opinions on the movie but you don't cause you didn't even give it a chance. Lmao I'm done here
Than why did you post Jeet's art you sack of shit?
Why are we discussing if she's trans?

She's got dat CAKE
(258 KB, 540x482, D680NOvWkAMJz4C.png)
>You have to watch thing to know a corporations intentions
>No you can't look at the proven history that the writers are only doing it for their personal fanfiction while the corporations are only doing it to make the nuts who demand it with threat of violence and the investment groups happy.

I'd rather wait til my library has it so that I can get it for free since the first movie wasn't all that interesting. Hell, I'd probably be better off finding all the stuff I didn't read back during the original spiderverse comics.

He tried to bow out like CattyN and came crawling back what felt like not even a year later, so I want to make sure that spineless ass will always have his loli art alive.
I find it so weird and funny that a thread can derail so fast because of petty arguments. This is a fetish thread. Who gives a shit at the end of the day?
A near 50-reply derail over one obvious bait post, lmao
Damn, there were a couple of good Thicc Spider Women in the backgrounds.
(119 KB, 687x441, spdr.jpg)
I liked this character... kind of scratches that "industrial Zarya" thick tuff girl itch
Anyone got some chubby to slob art of Black Widow?
One of the first major "shit on your fans and run off" artists and one of the most well known lolcows of the inflation artists but the thing that separates the two is that at least he stuck with it, unlike Jeet. The last anyone saw him, he went by Andrew Dobson and annoyed the woke so much he got permabanned from Twatter.

>Kamen Rider Spider Ma'am
Major cope dude, no one cares if a character is a tranny or not if Gwen is a tranny who the fuck cares I would still fuck, you are a weak ass motherfucker and will shrivel up and die like a rose in the winter, you will produce no offspring and your bloodline will be lost to time, bitch.
When Gwen is trans, then was Hitler Non-Binary
>no one cares if a character is a tranny or not if Gwen is a tranny who the fuck cares I would still fuck
>you will produce no offspring and your bloodline will be lost to time
Don't cope while accusing others of coping, it's bad form.
Would it kill you guys to keep your shitty opinions about trans people to yourself? Most of us just want to see the fats, not a bunch of basement dwellers getting triggered by a fun fan theory.
This twitter, troon. You can't shut down and ban every opinion you don't like here.
Could a fucking mod or janitor do their singular fucking job and take care of the chud having a mental breakdown/shit flinging tantrum over gender in a marvel bbw thread??

Jesus fuck, somebody get rid of this mouth breather already.
(159 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_3263.jpeg)
A double feature boys
(105 KB, 1200x1200, 20230616_210554.jpg)
Here's a Kate Bishop and If anyone wanted to color feel free. Will be posting in the color thread as well
Source? Or at least a cleaner pic?
Anyone got screwball?
she does indeed have that vague punk/alternative girl appeal.
chub/plumper art is always better
Ain't that hard to not find them yourself with how much got cranked out. Gonna be a bitch for anyone to find Silk since she's a completely shit character.

>I haven't ever seen a fat Spider Woman before
I never thought about it but they really haven't tried to make a fat Spider even though they shat out a cripple with dead legs and quite possibly every designer sexuality in the book.
Double negative, try again
(1.7 MB, 2303x2632, IMG_6179.jpeg)
@Saladtaste4622 before “Twitter is Dead”
It looks like shit
(1.2 MB, 1901x2274, peni_porker_by_jeetdoh_dcwgm9n.png)
I put it in /bbwai/ but I think they are also interested here too

I made this fat Penny in character.ai, it's the first time I've done it but I think it turned out well, I hope I get them together ;3

Here the English version:

Acá una versión en español que hice:
You could've avoided posting this shit here, she is UNDERAGE if you didn't know that
She's fictional you schizo.
Your attracted to a fictional child does that sound any less weird when you read it
finally grown up women and not underage teenagers
Can we get shit of the actual good spider themed chick in marvel,

Sony took the dumbest idea Marvel ever had with her and shat on the design even more.
(2.5 MB, 4160x3120, 20230727_152626.jpg) (7.2 MB, 4160x3120, 20230727_151931.jpg)
From one of Theamericandream's picarto streams. Sorry for the quality, if I had the tools to get better photos I would.
Aw man and I paid for the digital copy of the comic oh well
depending on the caliber, it did jack shit or completely fucker her up, so right now I'm guessing the bot registered it as a .22 pistol, you gotta get a higher caliber like 5.56
Whatever gets you going like shooting someone in a kinky sense, to each their own I guess
Could you make a Kamala Kahn one

She's Kris Anka's Spider-Woman OC which I think he hasn't given her a name yet
Sorry, my bad, can you tell me where is the proper thread for this?
The DC girls Thread Maybe
Okay, that's very good to know, thank you so much.

It's supposed to be Spider-Gwen
Anyone have Toasty54's Gwen sequence?
I can't be the only one that hates when the MCU changes the hairstyle on some of the female characters

Like I get that it's hair, but they bring personality to some of them, like they had it right for wasp in the first ant man movie but they fucked up in the second

Girls like Kate and Widow would've benefited from keeping their bangs/fringe
Pretty much; the only people who care about the comics, see the MCU as a complete bastardization.
they are bastardizations lmao the mcu fucking stinks
(1.2 MB, 260x146, 1631773380499.gif)
>TFW the shitty Daredevil colored Spider wasn't a shitty OC donut
>The weight's official too
They really sidelined the fanservice for random shit they thought of and all of Marvels most idiotic ideas in recent history; really makes me think it's gonna end up in multiversal death but with Spiderman TAS Secret Wars afterwards instead of Battleworld.

That all being said, was it just me or did the females all seem more bottom heavy than first movie?
Furry staying in their own section challenge: Impossible.
(3.6 MB, 3732x4312, wide_gwen_stacy_by_mx_fa_dfian60.png)
no no, I think Ammit counts in here, she was in Moon Knight after all. There's no point in separating her for a very specific thread in bbfurries just for female furry marvel characters.
Nobody wants to look at zoophile shit while looking at r34 even if it's from the same francise it can stay in its own thread
(112 KB, 651x469, wa.png)
it's this one but who has it unlocked?
ya know what t'would be REAL neat? Rule 63 slapstick but also obese.
(1.1 MB, 5500x3000, feed_the_fatty__mary_jane_vs_gwen_stacy_part_2_by_thestartraveler_dfxvfvy-1.png) (1.0 MB, 5200x3000, feed_the_fatty__mary_jane_vs_gwen_stacy_part_1_by_thestartraveler_dfxc7bz-1.png) (1.3 MB, 6200x3000, feed_the_fatty__mary_jane_vs_gwen_stacy_part_4_by_thestartraveler_dfyr8dr-1.png) (1.3 MB, 6000x3000, feed_the_fatty__mary_jane_vs_gwen_stacy_part_3_by_thestartraveler_dfyba3i-1.png) (1.3 MB, 6500x3000, feed_the_fatty__mary_jane_vs_gwen_stacy_final_by_thestartraveler_dfz8ghp-1.png) (1.9 MB, 5500x3000, gwen_and_mj_eating_out_by_thestartraveler_dfrbtk0-1.png)
petition to have congress pass a bill that labels robot001/startravelers pieces as non art from now on

FUCK that guys "art" its terrible
I wish Gwen would have never made it into the popular club, underaged, and overused.
Its not the movie one...
Anyone have anything decent of Gwen from spectacular?
She's not real, take you meds.
Loli is still pedo
Honestly even the comics used to forget Spider-Gwen is a 20 something. It's really silly. Her origin even mentions going full NEET after graduating.

I do agree with Gwen in general being overhyped though. I also don't care for movie versions of everybody being dominant but it can't be helped.

She doesn't have any traits in common with any loli character on any level. Are you blind?
>It's really silly
No one cares about continuity at Marvel; they all just do whatever they want. It'd honestly make sense if they decided to deage her to keep it more in line with the movies but they never had interest in using them as advertisement for the comics.

>Gwen in general being overhyped though
Same goes for Peni but I guess in her case, the only competition she has is Moongirl and that's less than nothing since she's insufferable. Weirdly enough, the comic lolis only got preg pics and almost always with Venom as the baby daddy.

>I also don't care for movie versions of everybody being dominant but it can't be helped.
Honestly, if I can't get the characters before 2010, I'd rather have the movie versions, even if the movies blow chunks.
>>175252 oh, I'm aware. I just like saying it cuz it pisses off the pedos. Kinda sorry for derailing the convo lmao
>Same goes for Peni
I can't take anything with Peni seriously because I know one of the reasons she blew up was people jumping ship during the drama when a certain group tried claiming Gwen (and everyone else in ATSV really). I don't look at loli art but it's still hilarious knowing that was a thing.

>Honestly, if I can't get the characters before 2010, I'd rather have the movie versions, even if the movies blow chunks.

Can't related, I'd still prefer the comic ones even in their most dire times. I got tired of most of the movies earlier than most people. Didn't like the Ultimate influence of the early stuff and "Marvel humor" was already on my nerves in 2014. I love the GotG so what Gunn did to them soured me super hard. I'm never going to understand how MCU fans hype him and his movies up as "the good ones" when they're the origin point of most things they hate now.
Think the response says that everyone is too busy picturing a fat loli Gwen because of the mix up, to care.

>I know one of the reasons she blew up was people jumping ship during the drama when a certain group tried claiming Gwen
I don't know if I'm thinking of the same situation as you but Peni always seemed like she was popular since she was cute upbeat ray of sunshine before the Parker luck kicked in by Across the Spiderverse, where the only boom I saw was depression and Evangelion memes. It was very surprising how few Gurren Lagann memes I saw.

I can completely agree on the actual characters personalities and the story of the movies; I'm just really focused on the designs because as dull as the Ultimate universe designs usually are, nothing's worse than the cosplay costumes coming out of the comics these days, and to make things worse, they're doing their level best to make all the females ugly inside and out.

>I love the GotG so what Gunn did to them soured me super hard
From what I heard they were like before the movies, I'd be right fucking pissed too if I was into Cosmic Marvel.

>I'm never going to understand how MCU fans hype him and his movies up as "the good ones" when they're the origin point of most things they hate now.
I never expected a company who created the characters to end up making inferior media compared to outsiders who had bought the rights. That all being said, I'm looking forward to seeing how they make "The Mutants" worse than the X3 and Apocalyspe movies.
Does anyone have pizza time with peni by Jeetdoh?
rather see the guy who managed to post shit out of order for a sequence cause why da fuck
(40 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg)
lmao yeah, keep roasting all those """""""pedos""""""" and hope that it will magically erase all of that CP on your hard drive and your criminal record.
Any squirrel girl?
>>176277 OK pedophile :) get the knot right on your noose
(261 KB, 1280x1280, spidergwen___hypnofeeding_by_isaacrex_dg10n5w-fullview.jpg)
If I've learnt anything from all of your "moral crusades" it's that your types who keep crying about "muh pedophilia" at every opportunity either turn out to be hardcore loli enjoyers or actual real-life sex offenders, so good luck explaining what you did to your neighbor's 8-year-old Suzy, faggot:D
>>176732 Ever heard of Pizzagate, anon?
>>176733 No :) not true. Cute that you think you did something tho
come on, it's not even Marvel...
It just seems like your just projecting if I’m being honest
>>177310 You definitely got skeletons in the closet
>>177737 no, I have clothes in my closet like a normal person 💀
(2.4 MB, 1785x1304, Xmen Rogue.png)
I also commissioned another version of 92 Rogue to be fatter
People need to commission/draw more BBW Silk wank
Maybe you'll get your wish if Sony puts her in the next Spiderverse movie and make her into an actually interesting character.
Sauce on the first one?
artist name is at the top right
Anyone have more Storm?
oooh damn , more Magik please !
Looks like she’s gonna let out a big one.
oh shit thank you, these look fantastic
also based for the she hulk inclusion, weirdly enough another one of my favorites so this is a huge plus
(736 KB, 2150x1664, sue.jpeg)
colored this old pic of sue storm from idle minded
(2.4 MB, 1242x1553, IMG_5518.jpeg)
Yo Does Anyone Still Has The English Version Of This Comic Here?
(4.2 MB, 1991x1403, IMG_7687.png)
I’ve Noticed That There’s An Empty Text Box On This, Why And Is There Any Website Where I Can Find It On Text?
Anyone have a pic of Mystique and Madelyne Pyror together? They're either pregnant or overweight, but that's all about I can remember.
Does somebody have Samuraibo/Sammobird's art of Gamora from the recent GOTG game?
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Does anyone have the full image?
Any Rogue from X-Men?
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this is something to keep an eye on
Disappointing. Proportions are so wack.
I agree, I thought it would be much better
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Weird proportions… I like it. With any luck the next part will have the suit ripped around it.
There is no next part. Pretty sure thats the end of the drive lmao.
yea i was hoping it would be a stuffing sequence tbh. It had such a good start with her belly slightly protruding in the first one.
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Adding to the Gwenpool images here, another 2017 classic from Jeetdoh
Might be my favorite out of the Marvel-themed pics he did, and that includes his other Peni and Spider Gwen stuff
BTW I tried my best to find a hi-res image of the non-text cover but this is the best I could do

>>193970 First time I've seen any fat art of Silk
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This is one of my favorite sequences by Mizz-Britt. Can anyone make a chat bot based on this sequence? Britt is currently making a continuation of this.
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Someone has overlordmetal new posts about spider gwen?
Who made the 5th/2nd to last one?
1st, 4th, and 6th were made by Goufats
CakeInspector on twitter
Anyone have the art of Gamora sudden getting really fat from some offscreen ray? I think it was either Sammobird/Samuraibo or Munbo, can't remember since they have similar styles
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Does anyone have any photos of the final part of the Gwen Stacy WG sequence by ChubbyChisaki on Patreon ?
Any big bertha art?
Most underrated and under appreciated superheroine ever!
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Does anybody have a high quality version ?
Now wondering if someone wants to upload comic pages with Big Bertha or Pink Pearl.
Someone has more wasp content?
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Hello Marvel lovers, more especially to lovers of this beauty, here I bring a drawing that I hope you like if you like to support me in my X it would help me a lot!
If you like any comm un un drawings you can ask for it in my Dm

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