
(1.8 MB, 2894x4093, c096386434adf9114e90786c7b4c77574a38b4d7c5f5734832ee0f2c59305002.png) (2.4 MB, 2894x4093, 65b4306a794944d443729fda49970c97f3b73754c544ee751e4b8905cf83f0b4.png)
Girls who either have a really hard time controlling their appetites or can't help gorging themselves altogether, either due to hypnosis/brainwashing, special potions/pills, curse, possession or other magical means. Overeating due to an extremely good taste/naturally high appetite counts only if it's clear that the girl wants to stop and feels embarrased/afraid of weight gain, but can't.
(70 KB, 450x600, d7nlkcv-c710e4f9-c809-472d-8ed8-f1a6c42077cc.jpg) (73 KB, 450x600, d7nlknz-b8157674-b5bd-4b31-aa35-74e0358f4b65.jpg) (44 KB, 450x600, d7nlkud-e1569120-3d7c-4ae9-828b-c6c8b7dab14d.jpg) (49 KB, 450x600, d7nlkye-4002a4d5-cd00-4f49-8186-f750faeb2514.jpg) (57 KB, 450x600, d7nll2s-bee4e04b-1770-45ff-96dd-ecc331e09ba2.jpg) (61 KB, 450x600, d7nlldo-1f772221-446e-4527-9bbe-7a60206c5e7b.jpg)
(826 KB, 1920x2706, overtime___pg_8_by_toastygoblin_devxj2x-fullview.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1920x2720, overtime___pg_9_by_toastygoblin_devxlk2-fullview.jpg) (994 KB, 1920x2720, overtime___pg_10_by_toastygoblin_dew78lj-fullview.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1920x2707, overtime___pg_11_by_toastygoblin_dew78lz-fullview.jpg) (956 KB, 1920x2705, overtime___pg_12_by_toastygoblin_dewmya4-fullview.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1920x2706, overtime___pg_13_by_toastygoblin_dewmyae-fullview.jpg)
(3.8 MB, 2894x4093, hypnosis3.jpg) (1.4 MB, 2894x4093, hypnosis4.png)
Yep! If you check the Translation Thread, the other two should be there as well, but I'll place them here too
(183 KB, 1024x1451, claire_s_craving_page_1_by_splogy92_da9h1oh-fullview.jpg) (175 KB, 1024x1451, claire_s_craving_page_2_by_splogy92_da9h1qg-fullview.jpg) (183 KB, 1024x1450, claire_s_craving_page_3_by_splogy92_da9h1s2-fullview.jpg) (172 KB, 1024x1446, claire_s_craving_page_4_by_splogy92_daanfaw-fullview.jpg) (158 KB, 1024x1445, claire_s_craving_page_5_by_splogy92_dacacdn-fullview.jpg) (164 KB, 1024x1447, claire_s_craving_page_6_by_splogy92_dael19e-fullview.jpg)

Has to be one of the hottest scenarios imaginable, can't wait for the next pages on kemono.
>when le wholesome instragam comics for thots become your fetish material

I've noticed that some body positivity tumblr/twitter comics and pics are actually pretty hot. It's incredibly ironic, as they unwittingly provide content for the chan commers whom they despise with burning passion.
I don't think hypnotism should be in this thread because it's not the eater losing control on her own.

That first one I'm almost positive is a catboy, and if it's not, then it's still too androgynous to be on here.
>>121251is there more of this story?

The thread's description mentioned nothing about the eater losing control on her own. Hypnotism still makes the appetite uncontrollable and in some instances leaves the eater partially aware of her being unable to stop. As to the catgirl one, the picture's description said it was a cat girl and there is no rule against androgynous women on this board.

Yes, there is, but it's not related to the thread's theme and the comic itself is, sadly, unfinished.
Wait, what about the artist and the site.
Who made this? and where is it at?(i couldn't find it on the link attached below.
Okay, Thanks
Story: Feast Before Your Eyes
Belt-Buster on Deviantart
(97 KB, 600x770, out_of_routine_pag_1_by_24681012141819202224_dcu3kgw-fullview.jpg) (104 KB, 600x755, out_of_routine_pag_2_by_24681012141819202224_dcu7d54-fullview.jpg) (102 KB, 600x768, out_of_routine_pag_3_by_24681012141819202224_dcwmv85-fullview.jpg) (91 KB, 600x769, out_of_routine_pag_7_by_24681012141819202224_dd2zv2u-fullview.jpg) (101 KB, 600x754, out_of_routine_pag_8_by_24681012141819202224_dd3mh5g-fullview.jpg) (105 KB, 600x770, out_of_routine_pag_9_by_24681012141819202224_dd6ll3p-fullview.jpg)
(412 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_1_by_worthlesschub_df4iu3g-fullview.jpg) (410 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_2_by_worthlesschub_df4m9t5-fullview.jpg) (265 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_3_by_worthlesschub_df4w11z-fullview.jpg) (316 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_4_by_worthlesschub_df566co-fullview.jpg) (288 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_5_by_worthlesschub_df5luls-fullview.jpg) (408 KB, 687x1028, df5oaac-9894f9a3-9223-453c-b7f3-b17ca52fc9d0.jpg)
(448 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_7_by_worthlesschub_df6188e-fullview.jpg) (313 KB, 1280x1536, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_8_by_worthlesschub_df660ec-fullview.jpg) (365 KB, 1280x1818, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_9_by_worthlesschub_df6bf8p-fullview.jpg) (304 KB, 1280x1926, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_10_by_worthlesschub_df6gwq9-fullview.jpg) (273 KB, 1280x1811, heaven_s_lost_property_wg_part_11_by_worthlesschub_df6nnt4-fullview.jpg)
Sauce on the first three? And is there anymore?

What does the link lead to?
Sauce for the second comic? Also id there any more of it?
The infamous Lucky Star WG comic by Tetsujinex, the one with futa in it
artist for the last pic?
(1.2 MB, 1024x682, 2-photos13.png)
Calling this a "colored version" is VERY generous. "A shameless, disastrous botch job" is much more accurate.
Who made this it's really good
Lazorchef and DrBlackJack but artwork’s lazorchef
Who did the second pic?
(693 KB, 1280x4725, aunt_cass_and_object_062_by_isaacrex_dfgbc1d-fullview.jpg) (211 KB, 1280x1536, curse_of_booty_by_isaacrex_dfayogh-fullview.jpg) (726 KB, 1280x4916, vanessa__fnaf_9__by_isaacrex_dey25ku-fullview.jpg) (258 KB, 1280x1174, power_girl_vs_mother_mae_eye_by_isaacrex_dekbali-fullview.jpg) (942 KB, 1280x5999, corrupted__overfed_sexy_officer__big_wg_comic_by_isaacrex_dethk7l-fullview.jpg) (228 KB, 1280x1322, pina_tries_cooking_by_zekareichk_dfb65pn-fullview.jpg)
I don’t get why people like vore I mean personally I find quite disturbing I mean they eat people whole as they kick around in there stomach slowly being digested like I just don’t see how anyone would get turned on by that
>I don't get why people like fat women I mean personally I find quite disturbing I mean they're fat and being fat is unhealthy like I just don't see how anyone would get turned on by that

Bro, use some punctuation.
Who's the artist for the second picture?
Not all artist implys digestion in vore, but I dont like the ones that do. Sofe Vore tho im ok with that. The Struggling is hot, but nothing more than that for me
Source for the M4A1 comic?
Who's the artist of these?
(1.0 MB, 1000x1542, d7jlmwb-c5ff6c3d-493e-4002-80bf-977da062d1e0.png) (915 KB, 1000x1542, d7jpdhk-85081ac3-dc12-46c3-b6fa-87d5f71736fc.png) (996 KB, 1000x1542, d7k1jpx-e7a57de1-5d9f-4525-b0e9-b50e376a6d50.png) (568 KB, 1000x1542, d7kvkby-7aa2a62c-ff4f-4114-a12a-1489ac0abca6.png) (781 KB, 1000x1542, d7l01ty-49edb152-480d-478c-964f-54847809a23a.png) (813 KB, 1000x1542, d7l9noi-242f3ff7-00df-464c-85fc-d8411b7dce1a.png)

Here's the rest of the comic by Galago.
Where did you find them?
What’s this artist’s name?
Sweet Lord, who made this, and have they done more?
How have I missed this glorious thread until now? Weight gaining and "hurr numbers go up" is all well and good, but runaway appetites and desperate attempts to satisfy hunger have always been more my jam.
If only this guy didn't ruin every single one of his WG comics with his exercise/weight loss fetish.
(271 KB, 1024x2797, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__1_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbve1cm-fullview.jpg) (269 KB, 1024x2977, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__2_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbvlzge-fullview.jpg) (240 KB, 1024x2938, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__3_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbvpoi8-fullview.jpg) (258 KB, 1024x2943, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__4_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbvzrii-fullview.jpg) (255 KB, 1024x3127, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__5_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbwerpq-fullview.jpg) (250 KB, 1024x2948, comm__zelda_s_super_hunger__6_11__by_chubbystuck_lover_dbwhj3h-fullview.jpg)

Who is the artist that made this?
Am I missing something? Is there an English translation?
I think people who speak JP are probably in the minority, here.
After running through Google translate it goesike this:

Schoolgirl works during her free time in a temple on the countryside, Your Name like. They celebrate the spring event and worship the god of harvest or smith like that. Our MC is then chosen?? by the god and begins to eat the offerings. And eating she does, tabe maid style. After her nearly suffocating by the food and sake she begins to, and here begins the fucked up part, vomit and shit fresh rice and vegetables. Pressing whole pumpkins and tons of rice out of her holes, so much that the "gates of the village broke down by the amount of food". At the end she lays like a deflated balloon on top of the mountain of her "work" and to me it's unclear if she died or not.

The beginning was ok and quiet intriguing but it took a dark turn pretty fast. At one point her lips and mouth wrinkles started to bleed from her eating to much and the inside of her throat got damaged because she wasn't chewing anymore.
(41 KB, 353x500, weight_gain_curse__1_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfoyg5c-250t-2x.jpg) (37 KB, 353x500, weight_gain_curse__2_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfoyg7u-250t-2x.jpg) (92 KB, 1280x473, unlimited_mana_sequence_by_the_fame_dfd30eb-fullview.jpg) (75 KB, 495x700, weight_gain_curse__3_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfp0hfm-350t-2x.jpg) (42 KB, 700x302, plus_size_ultra__momo_yaoyorozu_by_jeetdoh_dbpwzwq-350t.jpg) (83 KB, 495x700, weight_gain_curse__4_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfp0hil-350t-2x.jpg)
Do you have a source for these?
peach_pubby (or ghostpubby/Gh0st_egg) on Twitter.

>>Is that @satanpanties666
(418 KB, 640x480, 10803233_p0.png)
>>121242 (OP)
The description to this drawing reveals that the girl eating was cursed by the girl behind her to remain hungry despite her belly being full, for which she's also being mocked.
(130 KB, 1280x695, c054db5bb90db211b4d8c3249fd1ddc1e6545481124426037da25396a056c829.jpg) (41 KB, 353x500, weight_gain_curse__1_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfoyg5c-250t-2x.jpg) (37 KB, 353x500, weight_gain_curse__2_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfoyg7u-250t-2x.jpg) (75 KB, 495x700, weight_gain_curse__3_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfp0hfm-350t-2x.jpg) (83 KB, 495x700, weight_gain_curse__4_4___colored___cupchan__by_astolfo0chan_dfp0hil-350t-2x.jpg) (113 KB, 1024x511, tumblr_m8zuf7dhxT1rdwnlro1_1280.jpg)
(152 KB, 1280x1707, 9dd57ae06f15fb2ae14a87f821f89f705d888506a0c5c49ec7c5b579194489a8.jpg) (150 KB, 1280x1707, 361772ebf3142977376a3e0f8b8af79067446d98cc1cb5b4e41f6513e17c05fc.jpg) (152 KB, 1280x1707, 3d1c0124fbcf9ebfe1c8be5c910be26e5acac4b77c2bc28c8f5e3fc03054710f.jpg) (175 KB, 1280x1707, d07afb1fd96f29aeebc87555b720579d1dedeb656f3f39eeed159f735acf52f1.jpg) (181 KB, 1280x1707, 4f2d724585ba073fc7ff30b6822471a77178550c95113b6d1ec027f6bc33998f.jpg) (201 KB, 1280x1707, 9240e93e9a69e98da6892f3c03edcba8f58fbff79572ffb0161d6fedb36a4582.jpg)
I'm so sorry to not have gotten this earlier.
I believe it's Between fetishes.
I can't find this exactly, but look on kemono.
Puddingfatty on DeviantArt.
(1.6 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___1_6_by_myfetishsituation_d9lrvii.png) (1.6 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___2_12_by_myfetishsituation_d9mbgwr.png) (1.5 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___3_12_by_myfetishsituation_d9midwd.png) (1.7 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___4_12_by_myfetishsituation_d9mscq4.png) (2.1 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___5_10_by_myfetishsituation_d9n4s3g.png)
(1.5 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___6_11_by_myfetishsituation_d9nh6h7.png) (1.6 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___7_11_by_myfetishsituation_d9nu8ho.png) (1.8 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___8_11_by_myfetishsituation_d9nyptg.png) (2.0 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___9_11_by_myfetishsituation_d9otuck.png) (1.6 MB, 1369x2217, cm___kagome_and_sango_banquet___10_12_by_myfetishsituation_d9p3qcz.png)
Anyone ever see dead bodies in lakes lmao

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