
(103 KB, 1024x768, 32142E20-CD45-4E47-A077-C1AA3B164DF4.jpeg) (429 KB, 1600x2134, 841150FF-3B7A-4E6D-8147-FA57D3F53FFC.jpeg) (224 KB, 1735x1573, C62659DE-FC4A-42B6-968A-FECB542225C4.jpeg) (119 KB, 1024x1250, F0E95326-E950-4BDD-8333-5C1C878B00ED.jpeg) (910 KB, 1467x1645, 5E74A230-F978-48EA-8B7F-8C6459329163.jpeg) (3.1 MB, 1914x1726, 743E407A-EAF8-41A9-9A32-77A613B3A574.png)
I’m hoping to make a Revial Thread for the RPGs created by SquareEnix/SquareSoft.
>>120776 (OP)
Calling it now, fat Cloud will get posted at some point. I have zero faith that someone won't post him.
>>120776 (OP)
How come you guys never just name it the Squeenix thread?
Right? Dragon Quest exists too.
As well as Bravely Default.
And the idiots running the place have been attempting to reignite their old dead properties.
(67 KB, 1280x1091, 126.jpg)
Don't worry pal, that's why I'm ripping that band-aid off right now! I'll be sure to spoil it though...
I hate being right. More often then not, it brings pain and misery.
(28 KB, 800x542, a0132dc2c907881fac3334390a1f9e8288fd11ae9cf0f5a84f795846a689e12c.jpg) (65 KB, 941x659, Aya Brea.png) (443 KB, 825x848, d7dl340-7f1e4a57-6035-4fb9-9474-77184c8fd9f2.jpg)

>What is NEO TWEWY
>What is Star Ocean 5
>What is Valkyrie Elisum
>What is Nier Replicant Ver 1.224
>What is the the Front Mission remakes
>What is Live A Live

Guess """'''Old franchises""""" just means "Where is muh Chrono game and Parasite Eve game" and nothing else? ESPECIALLY with how Parasite Eve was fucked over due to copyright laws with the original creator and how said creator burned briidges after the underwhelming Parasite Eve 2.
At this point I’d gladly take a remake of Parasite Eve or better yet a port of the first and second game. Though I know there’s little to no chance that’ll happen nowadays. Anyways, that Saxxon drawing of Aya is new to me. Nice to see her as a voracious fatty.
I've gotten the saxxon drawing colored by vascaloid and just waiting for the shading.
Very nice, looking forward to that.
These imo, are very cute did you take these? (Or well do these I mean haha)
(192 KB, 2048x1151, FfE8knYVEAAn_Ev.jpg)
Those are from my friend from my fellowship. She posts her stuff on twitter at @ChubScarlet.

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